Volume 88, Number 5 Salem Senior High School January 2001 Beanv selected for top spot BY JUSTIN PALMER On January 8, the position the board meet­ pressed his excitement on an individual basis. He 2001, the Salem Board of ing was re- about his feels the one on one inter­ Education voted unani­ cessed so new as­ action will allow people to mously to hire Scott Beatty Mr. Beatty signment. get to know him and his as the new high school prin­ could speak He was style of administration. cipal. Mr. Beatty was is­ to the board 1 e e r y Beatty attended the board sued a three-year contract and the as­ ab o u t meeting with his wife, their that commences August 1, sembled au­ comment­ three young daughters, his 2001. Beatty is currently dience. Al­ ing on his father and stepmother, the principal at Woodridge though it plans for along with his in-laws. Fol­ Middle School, the post was a diffi­ change or lowing the meeting a small previously held by our Su­ cult deci­ his ideas reception was held in the perintendent Dr. David sion to relo­ saying board chambers in the ad­ Brobek. Upon receiving cate his family, Beatty ex- he'd prefer to discuss them ministration building. Board Minutes Shuffling BY JUSTIN PALMER On Monday, Janu­ Upon the conclu­ reinstituting of the high the deck ary 8, 2001, the Salem sion of the organizational school's Latin program. Board of Education held meeting the board held their Brobeck also announced BY JUSTIN PALMER their state mandated orga­ first regular meeting of the the system would be eli­ With the departure nizational meeting at the year. The board approved gible for state funds ear of Mr. Mcshane, Salem administration building several reorganizational marked for building im­ City Schools felt an admin­ with a sparse crowd in at­ changes inside the system provements throughout the istrative shift ripple through tendance. This year's board including changing the district several years earlier the district. The shift consists of Mr. Don Finch, Treasure's title to Director than expected. The build­ moved Mrs. Lori Thayer, Mr. Ken Kenst, Mr. Jim of Finance & Business. ing improvement process Salem's Curriculum Direc­ Newman, Dr. Paul Shivers, Upon Dr. Brobeck's recom­ will begin with a state ar­ tor, to the junior high to and Mr. Bill Thome. The mendation the board hired chitect evaluating all the serve as principal and cur­ first order of business was Mr. Steve Shurtleff as a buildings. Then he/she will riculum director. The most the selection of President, substitute teacher effective recommend what improve­ notable shift occurred in the Mr. Thome, and Vice Presi­ January '9, 2001. Mr. ments, renovations, or new higl) school as Mr. Jerry dent, Mr. Finch. Moving Cougras presented the pre­ buildings are needed. He Rabell assumed the position expeditiously they handled liminary budget for 2001- also announced the system of interim principal. Se­ the routine matters as well 2002 and the district's five­ would be posting for Dean niors may be experiencing as set the time and place for year forecast, which shows of Students for the junior de ja vu as this is not the the board meetings, which a surplus totaling over one high to assist Mrs. Thayer first time Mr. Rabell has is the third Monday of the million dollars by the fifth as well as posting for the come into their educational month at 7:00p.m. in the year. position of assistant princi­ lives mid-year. Five years boardroom of the Adminis­ During the pal of the high school. Mr. ago Rabell replaced Mr. tration Building. All regu­ Superintendent's report Dr. McDevitt will be moving to James Irvin as principal of lar meetings are open to the Brobeck outlined some the administration building the junior high. Mr. Rabell public under Ohio's Sun­ changes occurring in the next year although position is aware of this unique situ­ shine law.· next few years including the has yet to be decided. ation and considers himself cont. page 2 In the news. THE QUAKER • BY JESSICA JEWELL PRINCIPAL NAVOYOSKY •:• Southern California Edison announced it will miss a Mr. Jerry Rabell Danielle Bair large payment to its power supplier, increasing pres­ ADVISOR Justin Dennis sure on decision-makers to find a solution to the state's Mrs. Melanie Dye ENTERTAINMENT electricity crisis. ·co EDITORS-IN­ EDITOR- CHIEF SARINA MCELROY •:• President-elect George W. Bush faced his first big Justin Palmer & Pat Mary Sutter test of strength on Capitol Hill when Senate confir­ Stewart Emily Sacco mation hearings began on his choice of conservative NEWS SPORTS John Ashcroft as Attorney General EDITOR- EDITOR­ JESSICA JEWELL PATSTEWART •:• Reaching out to blacks who voted overwhelmingly Justin Palmer Nate Rasul against him, President-elect George W. Bush vowed Nicole Binegar Jeff Hamilton to improve public schools as a way to realize Martin FEATURE OPINION Luther King Jr.' s dream of racial equality. EDITOR- EDITOR EDBUTCH GLENN PEISON •:• El Salvador rushed food, drink, medicine and blan­ Denise Price Stephanie Fife kets to tens of thousands of people after an earthquake Karyna Lopez Meagan Brown buried their homes, killing more than 600 people and FOCUS leaving about 500 more missing and feared dead. EDITOR-CRYSTAL

•:• An ex-Czech finance minister and former student r------.. leader, held in Cuba for meeting anti-Castro dissidents, Shuffling I Club 1 will be tried for "counter-revolutionary" plotting on cont from 1 I 1 behalf of the United States. honored to be able to expe- I news I rience the opportunity to I •:• North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was reported to be observe the changes from I BY NICOLE on a secret visit to China, in what would be only his eighth to twelfth grade. Mr. second known official trip abroad in 18 years. Rabell considers the transi- I BINEGAR tion smooth and credits the I · •:• A commission appointed by President Clinton to in­ faculty, office staff, and his Spanish, French, and vestigate U.S. Holocaust reparations reported that previous experience both as I German· dubs will be Washington had failed to pay victims everything they assistant principal at the I going skiing at Peek 'n were owed. high school and as princi- I Peak on February 16. pal for the transition. How- German Club will be go­ •:• Israeli and Palestinian officials concluded a fresh ever, he does admit there I ing ice skating at the round of peace talks and are expected to hold a sepa­ have been a few surprises I Wick Park ·pavilion on rate security meeting. sinc;e·he began. Mr. Rabell I Saturday, February 10 looks forward to working I and then to Frau's house •:• President-elect Bush's controversial candidate for with the staff and students for pizza and pop. Attorney General, John Ashcroft, received a defer­ and is enjoying his experi- I Student Council is still ment from military service to teach business law to ence. Upon the conclusion I in need of pictures for undergraduates at the height of the Vietnam War, the of the year Mr. Rabell will I the prom collage. Please Boston Globe reported. again be uprooted and will get them into Miss Marr be assuming the principal' s I as soon as possible. This •:• The U.S. Army said that it would not go through post at Prospect Elemen- I is a big p~rt of your with discharging a Republican lawmaker from the tary. Mr. Rabell is married prom expenence. Reserve for violating its "don't ask, don't tell" policy to wife Brenda and has four I National Art Honor by revealing he was gay. children: Alicia,22; Jer- I Society is planning a emy, 20; Bryan,15; 1tentative trip to Wash­ •:• President-elect George W. Bush gathered his extended Brittney,12. I ing.ton D.C. in the family for a last round of inaugural festivities before sprmg. taking the oath of office and setting the United States I on a "new" course. .. ______.. Page 2 The Quaker January 2001 Testing time BY JESSICA JEWELL . There are ma~y thrills to being a senior. You get . Along with everyone who thinks they're worth- to get bi~ lockers (which you can decorate at will), the while,. the!e are al~o students who disagree with the opportumty to boss around the younger kids, and, of proficiencies. Jessica Cosgrove said, "I don't see the c~urse, caps and gowns at graduation day. However, along point." The senior girls lunch table 5A thinks that ex­ with all the good, there are also some bad things that go ams are "a waste of our valuable time ... don't prove along w~th being a senior. You have to fill out all those diddly ... and in two words ... who cares?!" Courtney apphcat10ns, choose the school you will at­ Dunlap summed it up the best when tend, and finally begin to realize that in a few "You should she said, "If they don't count, then months you will leave everything you've ever why bother? A waste of time in my known. In the corning weeks, we seniors are have to pass book." That seems to be the over­ about ~o face another yucky part of whelming opinion by this year's se­ graduatmg ... senior proficiencies! them to gradu­ nior class. However, there are students who feel However, even with all the that the testing is worthwhile. Adam Zagotti ate. If you negative feelings and stress caused by stated, "You should have to pass them to being a senior, you do get some re­ graduate. If you made it to your senior year made it to your wards for doing well on these tests. If y~u should be smart enough to answer se­ mor level questions." However most stu­ senior year you you pass all five proficiencies, you re­ dents like the tests just because ofthe vouch­ ceive one voucher which entitles you ers we get if we pass the exams with honors. sho.uld be to miss one of your fmal exams. In Christina Naylor and Jen DeCarlo said addition to a voucher, the state also "They should be m ~d for vouchers-that'~ smart enough gives $500 for passing all the tests. it!" And most students seem to agree. How­ For each test you pass with honors, ever, there is the issue of receiving more to answer se­ you receive one additional voucher. money if you pass. As it goes now, you re­ If you pass all five tests with honors, ceive money if you pass all five of the tests. nior level ques­ you are exempt from all your senior Chip Cleland said "Don't pass 'em, shouldn't final exams ... talk about a reward! So graduate. Actually, I don't really care, I just tions." regardless of your feelings about these want some money." And Steve Keen said tests, pledge to do your best along with "They s h ould offer more money." , -Adam Zagotti the rest of the class of 2001 !

The best part of being a senior is graduation! Bulletin That time is right around the corner and Boa.rd the seniors at SHS re­ cently got to order an­ February nouncements. Jostens February 2- District-wide brought T-shirts, Teacher In­ memory books, serviceDay. keychains, boxer shorts and souvenir tassles. No classes Far left: seniors place February 5-9- the 12•h their orders at the grade profi­ Jostens table. Left: ciency will take Justin Huddleston place. poses with the Jostens representative. Bot­ February 16- no classes tom: Senior members February 19- Presidents' of Journalism class Day. No classes pose with the memora­ bilia they received.

Page 3 The Quaker January 2001 II II Up Close and Personnel with Mrs. Esposito BY KARYNA LOPEZ The sticker on eluded studying engineer- vanced sophomore classes. dislike the amount of time Mrs. Esposito's desk that ing (following her big Mrs. Esposito is it takes to grade essays and says "Be Prepared" was brother) but she changed also the advisor for Salem senior research papers, stuck there by a student her mind after her second High' s Academic Challenge saying that they are too later convicted and sent to year. The rea- team. She men- time-consuming. Her ad­ jail. She used to coach son? Mrs. tions that they are vice to students is to "stop girls' basketball at school, Esposito found a promising complaining." When she and her cat is named Daisy, her English and group, and she'll was younger (you know after a character in The history classes miss the seniors where this is going) she Great Gatsby. What else more fascinat- when they gradu- had it much tougher. Also, didn't you know about Mrs. ing than all her ate. Mrs. Mrs. Esposito says to "be Esposito? math courses. Esposito has been thankful for the blessings Mrs. Esposito was M r s . the advisor of the in your life and don't take born on December 1 in Sa­ Esposito re- team off and on them for granted." lem. She has an older ceivedherBAinEnglishat since 1991. Upcoming In her spare time, brother, whom she greatly Kent State University and events include the County Mrs. Esposito likes to admires. While in school, later her masters. She did Bowl, which will be held in travel with her husband, Mrs. Esposito enjoyed her student teaching at West Lisbon in February, and the Mr. Esposito, who retired horses, sports (playing bas­ Branch and was a substitute Knowledge Master Open in last year. They especially ketball and watching foot­ teacher all over Columbiana the spring. enjoy travelling to Europe, ball) and reading. She was County until she received Mrs. Esposito en­ particularly Ireland. an avid reader until eighth her job at the high school. joys being an English teacher grade when her other activi­ Initially, Mrs. Esposito because she can combine lit- ties took up most of her taught freshman classes, but erature, history, sociology time. now she teaches AP senior artd psychology into one College plans in- English and regular and ad- course. She does, however, Things to A look at a new life Ponder BY ED BUTCH "Man I can't wait don't have to pay for." have to pay for the materials BY DENISE PRICE to get out of here and go to To enroll in post given to you. college!" secondary you need to see "Over twenty stu­ This month I spent count­ This is what most your guidance counselor dents at Salem are currently less hours pondering over parents hear when their and get an application and enrolled in post secondary a good topic. I finally de­ children get to high school. recommendations from two classes. The number grows cided to find something If you are one of these kids teachers to send to Kent a little each year," says Miss that relates to the students. who can not wait for college State. After you send in Carmello. So here it is: life, here is a way to get a your papers you can go to A few of the rea­ -Popular words taste of a new life. Kent State to take the sons that Miss Carmello Post secondary COMPASS test to see if gives for the low number of and phrases that enrollment is for anyone in you are eligible for enroll­ students in post secondary grades nine through twelve ment. classes are as follows: the made you say, who wants a look at the life You can take any students do not feel ready for ahead of them. Kent State course that is offered at classes, they are not ready for "Huh?" University in Salem offers Kent State during that se- the college test, and they post secondary to anyone in mester without payment, want to enjoy their high * All that and ,a bag of the surrounding area but and each course will be school years. potato chips encourage you to be a jun­ counted toward college and Post secondary en­ *My peeps ior or senior in high school. high school credit. The rollment can be a fun and * I'm all about ... Senior Justin grade that you receive will exciting experience that *Heyman Palmer says, "This is one of also affect your high school gives you the knowledge of *You're a nerd! the best experiences I have GPA. I fyou fail or drop out what college life is like and *Punk had, you get high school the grade will still affect at the same time earn credits *Tight and college credit that you your GP A, and you will for high school and college. *That's classic! Page 4 The Quaker January 2001 Please, please, can the Open and weather outside be closed ... adoption that is frightful? BY DENISE PRICE BY KARYNA LOPEZ If I were to ask once known and bonded any of you to describe your with my birth father, I have One sleep-filled find something to do. You father, several of you would spent the last ten years won­ eye opens as you squint at either go to someone's tell me about his physical dering whom I really look the clock: 5:00 A.M. The house, go shopping, go to a characteristics. But an like and tf I have family eye closes again, then both movie, sled riding, any­ enormous amount of people elsewhere shoot open. It's Monday thing, as long as you're do­ can't. On the other morning, and you forgot to ing something. You return Growing up in an hand, Mr. Esposito's story study for math, or finish home, tired, watch some adoptive family is not easy. has a different tone. your chem lab write-up, or TV, and still don't do your Adoption is a very serious Mr. Esposito' s in my case, forgot to finish homework. process. Everyone in­ parents adopted him at a journalism article. You Scenario Number volved is affected for life. birth. They went through have two options: panic or Two- You attempt to ex­ It has an impact on every the closed adoption.nrocess, pretend to be sick. But no, ecute Scenario Number value you have, every move which keeps all parties in­ you're too tired to panic, One, but your plans are you make, every word you volved protected from open and you don't think your thwarted by your parents say. Mr. Esposito, myself, contact. Mr. Esposito has coughing is convincing who stop you at "your room and others in the same situ­ always known he was enough. Oh wait, there's is a pigsty." So you stay ation can explain this to adopted and has never met one more option-snow day. home, wasting away your you. his birth parents. His love You start to pray that we time on chores and errands. I am adopted by for his adoptive parents has really did get freezing rain. The highlight of yo-µr day my stepfather only. In or­ never changed because they The TV is turned on. Yes, is that ABC is showing der for him to adopt me, my have always been his par­ I know Beaver Local's "Whose Line" on a special birth father had to consent ents. To him, "Giving birth closed, now come on, show night. You still don't do to the adoption or have his is biology-is about love and me Salem. Finally at 7:00, your homework. rights legally removed. By sacrifice." after half the state's closed Scenario Number legally terminating his So when you ask down, you hear the good Three- Snow day? What rights, my father chose to me to describe my father news-SALEM PUBLIC snow day? I was going to give up any right to visit me and I ask, "Which one?" SCHOOLS-CLOSED. skip anyway. and to help me with medi­ don't feel sorry for me. Just What to do, what Scenario Number cal treatments and educa­ understand my story and to do? Hopefully, my little Four- All I know is that tion decisions. He was out Mr. Esposito's story, and guide to five different snow once Mom told me we of the picture completely. remember that when you day experiences will aid didn't have school, I went The impact on me was tre­ become a parent. you in your selection of to sleep. Stop bothering mendous. Because I had suitable activities on your me. day off. Or, if you're feel­ Scenario Number The Quaker Proposal on ing very brave, you can Five- I got up at my usual even create your own. Most time and spent the .day Student Expression likely, the first thing you'll studying for finals. My do is go back to sleep. homework is done, plus We, the staff of The Quaker, hereby acknowl­ Scenario Number I've worked ahead in the edge our responsibility to provide informative and enter­ One- After sleeping like the book. taining reading pertaining to the sttidents, staff, and par­ dead until lunchtime, you Scenario Number ents of Salem Senior High School. suddenly develop cabin fe­ Five- Usually a mixture of To make The Quaker a credible newspaper we ver. You have to get out of Scenarios One and Two, will aim for accuracy and objectivity, with the truth being the house, no matter what. this is my category. Either our ultimate goal. It is also our duty to make prompt cor­ So ducking your parents way, the homework doesn't rections when necessary. However, we must also respect demands/requests to clean get done, except, maybe the rights of others while we gather and present news. We your room ("You live in a that journalism article. You are not permitted to invade a person's right to privacy. pigsty!"), you head off to can't talk your way out of The Quaker staff encourages input from other pick up some friends and that one. readers in the form of stories, essays, letters, etc. Page 5 The Quaker January 2001 ~ .], »'The American Music Awards BY SARINA MCELROY Where could you Male Country Artist. Faith est song "Jaded," eluded her poking fun at see a thirteen-year-old get was followed closely in Aerosmith won the Interna­ Christina Aguilera, Jessica a standing ovation, an origi­ number of awards by tional Artist Award. This Simpson and Britney nal bubble gum diva, faith Creed, winning Favorite noncompetitive award had Spears. Although I person­ being enough to win three Pop/Rock Album and Fa- previously gone to the Bee ally like most of Pink's awards, and terrible lip­ vorite Alternative Artist, Gees, Led Zeppelin and songs, I must adn)it I think syncing all in one award and by Toni Braxton, win- Michael Jackson. With an that she is a horrible singer show? The 281h Annual ning Favorite Soul/R&B introduction by Shaquille live. But hey, at least she American Music Awards Female Artist and Favorite O'Neal and a video mon­ was actually singing which had all that and more. From Soul/R&B Album. The tage of her own, Michael is more than could be said Aerosmith to Janet Jackson, Internet Artist of the Year Jackson's younger sister, for Britney Spears. Her per­ from Creed to 'N Sync, ev­ award was based on web Janet, won the Award of formance of her song eryone who is anyone in the page votes that were Merit. Other winners of the "Stronger" was talked music business was at the counted up until 8:30pm night included Kid Rock, about all over MTV, VHl awards ceremony that was during the awards show be- for Favorite Male Pop/Rock and other music websites held January 8 at the Shrine ing one of only two awards Artist, 3 Doors Down, for simply due to the fact that Auditorium in Los Angeles. in which the fans could de- Favorite New Pop/Rock she lip-synced, and notice­ The awards, which are cide the winner. Country Artist, Destiny's Child for ably at that. Unlike the other based on a poll of 20,000 group Brooks & Dunn Favorite Soul/R&B Group performances of the night, music buyers who vote on along with William and the Dixie Chicks for which didn't have elaborate nominees narrowed down Shatner, who entertained Favorite Country Group. sets and dancers, Britney by SoundScan and Radio the crowd with his thespian Two perfor­ had a huge futuristic look­ &Records chart data, were version of "Who Let the mances got a standing ova­ ingjunkyard set filled with, not dominated by a single Dogs Out," presented the tion from the audience dur­ as MTV said, "a dozen of performer this year; unlike new award to 'N Sync. ing the awards show. The scantily clad female danc­ Carlos Santana at last year's Strangely enough, that was first came after a perfor­ ers." In my opinion the set Grammy Awards. 'N Sync's only award of the mance by 13-year-old Billy had nothing to do with the The awards show night. They were knocked Gilman who belted out song, and was only used to was hosted by LL Cool J outintheirtwoothernomi- notes like no one else dur­ distract the viewers from and Britney Spears, though nations by Creed and their ing the singing of his hit seeing that their "pop-prin­ to most people's surprise boy-band rivals, the "One Voice." Billy Gilman cess" was lip-syncing. Britney's on-screen time Backstreet Boys, who took also took home the award There was definitely a con­ was very minimal com­ home the award for Favor- for Favorite New Country trast when Britney intro­ pared to LL Cool J's. ite Pop/Rock Group, de- Artist. The other standing duced Marilyn Manson Britney also walked away spite the fact that 'N Sync ovation came after who managed to get into Ed empty handed from not had the top album sales of Aerosmith's performance McMahon's face while he only the American Music 2000. The newest award, of their song "Jaded" from walked up the aisles during Awards, but also from the which was also voted for their untitled upcoming al­ his performance of "Dis­ People's Choice Awards, online, was the Favorite bum. Toni Braxton was un­ posable Teens." Other per­ which were held the night Techno Artist award. This fortunately stuck perform­ formances of the night in­ before. On the contrary, award and its winner were ing with a leg injury she had . cluded Jennifer Lopez, 3 Faith Hill won all of her not announced during the received earlier that day. Doors Down, Ricky Martin, nominations walking away awards show itself, but the After an introduction by SHeDAISY, and Outkast. with three awards for Fa­ official AMA website de- Sisq6 it was time for Pink vorite Pop/Rock Female clared that the Chemical to perform. Before her per­ Artist, Favorite Female Brothers had beaten out formance there were small Country Artist, and Favor­ Moby and Fatboy Slim for skits done onstage concern­ ite Country Album. While the award. After a video ing stuff she was about to her husband, Tim McGraw, montage oftheir history and sing in her song "Most won the award for Favorite a performance of their new- Girls." One of the skits in- Page 6 The Quaker January 2001 's back Winter entertainment BY EMILY SACCO BY MARY SUTTER The sixteen "Survivor II" contestants have been This year's annual Pops concert will take place revealed. This 'ensemble will tough it out in Australia, on February 21at 8:00 p.m. in the high school audito­ whereas the first survivors were stranded on an island in rium. It will feature all the choirs and the jazz band, the South Pacific. The new tribe members range from with new and original performances from each. The age twenty-two through fifty-one years old. They all are chamber choir's program, with a Beatles theme, is ex­ different in their own way. Even though their age, gen­ pected to be a great success. The students have several der, and occupations vary, they must all learn to live to­ song and dance numbers prepared for the show, which is gether. a medley of Beatles' songs. This Hal Leonard arrange­ These members include a middle age arts ment is called "Beatles In Revue." All of the dance steps teacher, Rodger Bingham; Amber Brkick (22), from were done by choreographer Donna Hartwick and were Pennsylvania an administrative assistant; and Harvard enjoyed by the students. Choir director Mrs. Jeckavitch Law School student, Nick Brown (25). These survivors had this to say about the show: "I hope the student body should be in shape with the personal trainer from Man­ will support the music students and attend this 'fun' con­ hattan, Alicia Calaway (32), and (26), cert." who recently won a Duathlon/lOK run and is a custom The jazz band will feature various popular hits auto designer from San Angelo, Texas. Debb Eaton (45), such as "In the Midnight Hour," "St. James Infirmary," will be missing her fiance, Robert, who is back in New and "The Preacher." Mr. Purrington and the students Hampshire. Luckily for the whole group, have been working hard for several weeks on these (40) is a chef and a restaurant owner from . tunes, which are all new to the jazz band this year. Elisabeth Pilarski (23) is from Providence, Rhode Island. Several new songs were ordered this year, so all the This footwear designer was a former captain of the BC stude:nts have something new on which to work. The softball team. Kel Gleason (32) is an Army Intelligence jazz band puts on very few concerts during the year, Officer in Fort Hood, Texas. As a former Washington, which means the Pops concert is a special event. The D.C. cop, Maralyn Hershey (51), is a champion eques­ best-loved and most enjoyable tunes are saved for this trian. Kim Kappenberg (28) freelances in television com­ show, which is more fun for both the jazz band and the mercial production in New York. (30) is audience as well. a bartender in Los Angeles. As an actress she is also known as Jerry Lynn London. Mitchell Olson (23), a struggling singer-songwriter in , has been Top 20 songs of 2000 selected to join the Survivor team as well. A software publisher and a husband with three children, Michael BY SARINA MCELROY Skupin (38), is a motivational speaker. There is another 20. "Try Again" by Alliyah computer lover among the tribes. (34) is an 19. "Be With You" by Enrique Iglesias Internet project manager in New York. Have no fear, 18. "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" by there will be medical service available. Last but not least, Backstreet Boys ( 40) is a nurse from Knoxville, Tennessee. 17. "Most Girls" by Pink This new team of Survivors varies in their oc­ 16. "It's Gonna Be Me" by 'N Sync cupations. However, everyone will play the game and 15. "Faded" by soulDecision put their skills to work. "Survivor II: The Australian 14. "Case Of The Ex" by Mya Outback" will commence after the Super Bowl Game.on 13. "Absolutely (Story Of A Girl)" by Nine Days January 28, 2001. The Survivor contestants were di­ 12. "Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizon vided up into two groups of eight people. Each team 11. "Then The Morning Comes" by Smash Mouth selected a tribe name. The first group named their tribe 10. "I Knew I Loved You" by Savage Garden Kucha and the second group named their tribe Ogakor. 9. "Thong Song" by Sisqo These names are aboriginal words for kangaroo and 8. "I Try" by Macy Gray 7. "What A Girl Wants" by Christina Aguilera crocodile. Be sure not to miss "Survivor II: The Austra­ 6. "Bent" by Matchbox twenty lian Outback." 5. "There You Go" by Pink 4. "Higher" by Creed 3. "Jumpin Jumpin" by Destiny's Child 2. "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down 1. "Bye, Bye, Bye" by 'N Sync *According to Hot 101

Page 7 The Quaker January 2001 Preface Leaving it early BY DANIELLE BAIR Many opportunities are available in our school system that students are unaware of, which is why this As students, we now have the opportunity to month the Focus section decided to revolve around the graduate school a year early. It's relatively easy; accu­ topic ofacademics. Various scholarships, early gradu­ mulate all your credits and arrange your schedule around ation, and Academic Challenge are just a few of the two English and history courses a day. But if that all subjects we have explored this month. seems a bit overwhelming, summer courses are open to the scholar as well. I recently talked with a few of our juniors that have made this crucial decision to leave a year early. Audra Stokes decided that because she had Map for the future almost all of her credits already it would be a better de­ cision to leave this year. "I want to go on and further my BY IDSTIN DENNIS education," she remarked. Her future plans include In the years to come, college will play a big moving to Columbus and attending school there. She part of any high school stude!lt that has big dreams, and has a lot of hard work left to do though. She had to the students of Salem High School aren't any less ambi­ double up on both her junior and senior English classes tious. Here is a compiled list of the picks for the school and take junior history accompanied with history of gov­ of higher learning that these Quakers plan to attend. ernment. "My friends encourage me because they're se­ niors also," she adds. She does have a few minor com­ plaints though. "Having Sir as my English teacher is Evan Crowgey, t0th_ Edinboro-best wrestling college sometimes overwhelming because of so many papers!" Taylor Hendricks, tOlh- Georgia State because I love I also got the chance to talk with Steven Doyle, being down south and I wanna' be as far away from this another Salem student graduating as a junior this year. place! Steven says that the main reason he's leaving is because Shani Jones, t0th_ Ohio State-2 reasons: 1.) Lian's not he is older than most of his class and feels the need to going there, 2.) They have an exceptional dentistry pro­ move on with his life. His future plans include going gram. straight to work.· Unlike Audra, Steven took his junior Jeff Hamilton, 11th_ University of Miami, Florida be­ English course over the summer, but he still needs two cause of its architecture program and the beach couldn't history classes in his daily schedule to obtain all his cred­ hurt, either. its. Steven's friends all encourage him because many of Nicole Binegar, 11th_ Probably some college in Florida, them tried and couldn't do it. "Having eight classes a for marine biology. Either that, or Kent, for journalism. day gets very stressful!" he adds. But he is happy with Karyna Lopez, 11th_ Honestly, I don't know. As long his decision. "I'm glad I'm doing it because after it's all as it's far away from here! over .. .I'm done." Jared Mason, t0th_ Pittsburgh Technical Institute, so I These are just two of the nine juniors can learn how to create videogames someday. that have made the commitment to graduate this year. Danielle Bair, 11th_ I'm going to OSU to be with Geoff. It's a decision that they'll have to be faithful to in order (Although Cincinnati rules!) to graduate on time. At times it can get overwhelming, Meagan Brown, 11th_ OSU, because they have a good they both remarked, but in the end they will be able to journalism school. say with pride that all their hard work has finally paid Glenn Peison, 11th_ Probably Mount Union or Penn off. State ... Kelly Wolfard, t0th_ Probably somewhere in Florida Graduating Juniors because of nice weather and hot guys. YujinAyabe Crystal Navoyosky, 11th- I want to go to an art school somewhere, perhaps. I'm looking at CCAD in Colum­ John Biddle bus. Steven Doyle Ed Butch, 11th_ Walsh University, because it's a school Michael Hively that has a good computer-learning program. Edward Lester Pat Stewart, 12th_ Walsh University cuz' I like the cam­ Dorothy Meyers pus; it's small. Denise Price, 12th_ Concord, because it has everything I Audra Stokes need, and it's perfect for me. Jessica Taylor Mary Sutter, 12th_ Cleveland State, because it has a good Charles Toot journalism program. Page 8 The Qualr.er January 2001 II Is that your finalJl'r:' answer? . BY JUSTIN DENNIS

"This Nazi official escaped capture im­ team. They all listen intently with chiseled, determined mediately following World War II, but was apprehended faces, awaiting the few key words that will trigger the in Argentina years later by Israeli agents. Name this man answer in their minds and shoot their finger off to the whom was >BEEEEEEEP!<" buzzer. "Eichmann?" The head of the Academic Challenge Club at "Adolph Eichmann, yes." Salem High School is none other than the English wing's own Mrs. Esposito. When questioned about the team this The tension is almost tangible, and it lingers year and her hopes and aspirations for it she replied, " ... heavily in the humid, still air of the seemingly cramped the team is very promising this year. .. the seniors have room. It chokes and brings one to wonder how difficult been with the team for three years now; it will be sad to the pressure to search one's mind for the correct answer see them go ... but, the juniors look promising too." And to some of the off-the-wall and down-right rough ques­ what about when the juniors head off to college? "I would tions like this really is. Contestants of this (albeit prac­ like to find some underclassmen ..." The Academic Chal­ tice, but still tense nonetheless) game of knowledge ex­ lenge Squad competes in several different competitions change glances between the game's host and the other all around Ohio, and one allows them to battle it out with eight contestants surrounding them. The silence is so schools across the nation. One of the most important of unnerving, however, in this situation, the tinny, mechani­ these meets is the County Bowl, which will take place cal sound of the buzzer on the game host's desk slices on February 5 and 7. The County Bowl will pit our vet­ through the air with a certain harsh precision on the ears. eran crew of trivia virtuosos against all comers in the This is the weekly rigor of the mind of the in­ county that support the Academic Challenge program. tellectually-adept individuals in Salem High School's Another local tournament is the Mount Union Competi­ Academic Challenge Squad. Y'know, those people that tion in which Salem dukes it out with schools surround­ always whoop yer' butt at Trivial Pursuit? They've come ing Allliance (Marlington, West Branch, etc.) The final together into one tightly-knit and potent team that trav­ of the most important contests the team participatesin is els to, from, and all around Ohio, competing with other the Knowledge Master Open, which is a contest that oc­ area schools to determine who has the better band of curs twice a year. Academic Challenge Clubs from all brainiacs. But these students aren't your typical rogue around the nation compete and check statuses via com­ gallery of trivia maestros; this seasoned team ofbuzzer­ puter disks that are mailed to the heads of the Academic mashers (although they do act as a synchronized unit) is Challenge Club periodically. a diverse group of gifted individuals, each with his/her Academic? You bet. Challenging? Definitely... own individual strengths (history, pop culture, geogra­ Now, all that's left is for the people to live up to the phy, American literature, poetry, mathematics, etc.) Each name. This is definitely a group containing the best of team member waits for the one, the question that they the best, the studious of the studious, scholastic of the know the answer to, that will score the point for their scholastic, and those that have a firm grip on their fu­ tures. With honors BY CRYSTAL NAV OYOSKY

For the average yearly membership of twenty-five students, National Honor Society is a chance to engage in many service activities such as sponsoring families for the h9lidays, blood drives, and tutoring. After obtaining a minimum 3.5 GPA and submitting a teacher evaluation, an essay by the specified student, and an evaluation by the NHS advisor (Mrs. Kress) the student can then be considered admittance into National Honor Society. Also incorpo­ rated in the application is a list that is to include all the activities the student has been involved in, including commu­ nity services, jobs, recognitions or honors, and any other awards he or she has received in the past. There is no limit to the amount of members allowed in National Honor Society, and among those that have been in it for the past year are: President - Zach Stevenson; Vice-President - Steven Keen; Treasurer - Juanita Trimm; Secretary - Alexa Bostwick. Near the middle of this February, applications will be sent out to the qualified students.

Page 9 The Quaker January 2001 chooooooooooooooooo! As you walk down the halls of Salem High this sound is being heard more and more A often. That's a pretty good sign that flu season is fast approaching. Every year this troublesome and annoying virus affects millions of people around the globe. The flu, or influenza, is an infection on the respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus. Influenza differs from ordinary colds in that it often causes a more serious illness. Believe it or not but the flu has been linked to over 20,000 deaths a year in the USA alone! Most of these deaths can be found amongst the elderly, usually 65 or older. Symptoms such as a high fever, soar throat, stuffed nose, or congestion are easily recognized. There are three types of influenza A, B and C, however, only A and B strains cause more serious complications. These two strains are especially active in the winter season. They are spread with great ease. This is why you will see people, especially in a closed environment such as our school, coming down with it left and right. Here at Salem High there seems to be an if you will, "SHS bug" reeking havoc among students and staff members. I have just experienced this myself. It comes upon you very fast, you are fine the night before, and when you wake up the next morning you feel like you are on your deathbed. Fortunately it did not last long. It ran its course over about a four-day period. I decided to go out into the halls to get some real life opinions of unfortunate souls like myself who have had to deal with this little bug. One student described the cold saying, "I couldn't breath and had a major headache and sore throat and I felt miserable with no energy." Symptoms seem to be a stuffed or running nose and a sore throat. This is probably not a type A or B influenza virus, but more likely a type C or just a common cold. Bugs like these often come and go, and I'm sure as soon as this epidemic is over another will soon start This as well as many other minor strains can usually be taken care of with a simple prescription of antibiotics. There are a variety of other ways to keep yourself infection free. A flu vaccination seems to be on the more popular methods that many people elect to receive yearly. Also taking vitamins and just living a regular healthy lifestyle with a good diet and good hygiene will help in stopping a virus before it can reach a mor-e serious stage or prevent it all together. Candyland BY STEPHANIE FIFE Earlier this month the building. Many were more than previous. It has ture about this because it's at SHS we had a dispute smashed and pieces were to be a working effort on the for the sake of our school. about student candy sales. found everywhere." Our part of the staff as well as Ifwe have any future prob­ The student body was sell­ next question was important the students to keep club lems in fund raising, Mr. ing suckers for AFS (Ameri­ to our school spirit. sales and other fundraisers Rabell's door is always can Field Service). Every­ Couldn't we find a way open. I hope this incident one thought nothing of it, in control. Ifwe will alleviate other conflicts except for the faculty and "If I had been told, I want to have in future sales here at SHS. interim principal Mr. Rabell. privileges, we He announced no more could have set up guide have to follow candy sales would be made the rules. during classes. Many stu­ lines to be followed, but Mr . dents and AFS members Rabell made a Opinion of were upset yet bewildered I didn't know anything compromise with the sudden decision. shortly after our the Month Fellow classmates about it."-Mr. Rabell interview. That BY MEAGAN BROWN and I went straight to the around the problem for the same day an AFS student source, Mr. Rabell. We con­ good of the school? He an­ approached him and they ducted an interview to an­ swered, "Ifl had been told, worked out a time conve­ Most of the time what swer the questions on I could have set up nient for students and fac­ you accuse others of everyone's mind. During guidlines to be followed, ulty. On January 17, stu­ the interview we asked, but I didn't know anything dents were permitted to sell being is actually what what were your reasons for about it. "That answers the suckers during lunch, pro­ you arc. not allowing AFS members question of why were we al­ viding the suckers weren't to sell suckers during lowed to do it in previous consumed outside of the classes? In return, he re­ years? I guess it just got cafeteria. We need to be ma- plied, "Suckers were all over too out of hand this year, Page 10 The Quaker January 2001 Opinion

Top 10 New Take a stand Years BY MEAGAN BROWN Resolutions On Wednesday, Take a Stand Against Dis­ Here you can read all about January 10 MTV aired a TV crimination." After the hate crimes and what you BY GLENNPEISON movie called, "Anatomy of movie was premiered, MTV can do to help. There is 10. I will drink fruit juices a Hate Crime" that featured then aired eighteen hours of also a featured section on and colas only the tragic life story of Mat­ thousands of reported hate this website where you can 9. I will rush to the thew Shepard. For those of crimes that were read by send your thoughts and stores, beat up poor de­ you who don't know who celebrities. These hours opinions to the president­ fensive mobs of shop­ Matthew Shepard is, he was were commercial-free, mak­ elect and congress. The pers to get my hands on a twenty-one year old col­ ing television history that following information is fea­ a playstation 2 for my lege student who was cost MTV literally millions tured at the above website spoiled 9 year old son. beaten to death simply be­ of dollars. This whole cam­ address: "Current federal 8. I will not be voted off cause he was gay. The paign was started to help law allows federal prosecu­ the island this time movie displayed up to six stop hate crimes and feel­ tion ofhate crimes based on 7. I promise only to cry months before his death ings of hatred towards oth­ the victim's race, color, reli­ for a week when Mr. and how he lived his life. It ers. My motivation to bring gion or national origin, and Clinton leaves. also showed how Matthew about this topic was very does NOT cover crimes 6. I will not get upset was beaten and how the alarming. During a bus ride based on the victim's gen­ when I am up and dressed criminals who committed to school, the radio station der, sexual orientation or for school and heading this crime were convicted. was talking about the MTV disability. In a recent na­ out the door and it is fi­ It was an excellent, touch­ campaign. A fellow student tional poll, MTV found that nally announced closed ing movie that surely will be of mine made some crude 82% of young adults be­ 5 I'll do the speed limit played for several weeks to remark on the terms ofMat­ lieve that the law should going up F.E. Cope Drive follow in re-runs. If you thew Shepard's murder be­ cover ALL people who are 4. I will stop smuggling haven't seen this movie yet, ing a good thing. I hope this targeted simply because of all of those delicious lol­ I strongly recommend that person gets to see this who they are." lipops you do. You'll never feel the movie because hopefully it Ifyou would like to 3. I will become a same way again concerning will change their perspec­ take a stand yourself, visit Pokemon master these issues. tive. FightForYourRights.MIV.com 2. I will not cry and throw The premier of this movie MTV is currently and read some of the given a fit to have 500 recounts launched the year-long running the hate crimes information. It would be until things fall my way campaign that MTV calls online at well worth your time. I. I'll remove all my Y2K "Fight For Your Rights: FightForYornRights.MIV.com survival guides under my bed and start eating all of the canned food in the basement unxsutawney Phil: fact or fiction? BY STEPHANIE FIFE Groundhog Day is was seen on Candlemas come not again. " With all this attention, is Phil a holiday no~ like any other. Day, (the clergy would With his .growing picking favorites or is he It's not as commercialized as bless candles and give them fame, Phil has appeared on being truthful? It's kind of many holidays are. It sets to people) it meant that we TV shows and movies. In funny that our weather is the mood for the rest of the would have a "Second Win- 1993, Columbia Pictures determined by a groundhog. year. It _all rests in ter." Supposedly Roman gave Phil a cameo in To date Punxsutawney has Punxsutawney Phil's hands. legions handed this tradi- Groundhog Day starring recorded that he's predicted If you don't already know tion to the Germans, and we Bill Murray. When the au­ six more weeks of snow he is the famous ground­ have been using it ever dience saw him, he was sur­ ninety times (saw h is hog . that determines since. An old English song rounded by many people shadow), told us spring whether spring will be right said, "If Candlemas be fair awaiting his move. Phil was was around the comer four­ around the comer or snow and bright, Come, Winter, on stage at the Oprah teen times (didn't see his for six more weeks. If he have another flight; If Winfrey show in 1995.He shadow), and he was con­ sees his shadow, look out Candlemas brings clouds was even important enough fused nine times. So, do you for bad weather. If the sun and rain, Go Winter, and to meet President Reagan. think Phil is fact or fiction? Page 11 The Quaker January 2001 Childhood Toys BYMEAGANBROWN

This year's toys are so high tech that you have to wonder iflittle kids even understand them! Remember those simple toys that we had when we were younger? I had Pound Puppies and Care Bears while today's kids have Pokemon and digital robots. The question I asked students was, "What was your favorite childhood toy?" Jessica Jewell-12- My New Kids on the Block dolls!! I've loved boy bands even from a young age! Denise Price-12- My Jem doll. I used to complain that my Barbie shoes never fit on her feet! Stacie Kleinman-11- My big white teddy bear my pappy gave me. Todd Horning-11- My Ghostbusters toys Casey Fenske-11- Teddy Ruxpin and my dog stuffed animal. Stephen Gagnon-11- My Tonka trucks. Jamie J ewell-10- My Heart-to-Heart Bear, you squeeze it and it thumps! Courtney Morrison-9- My Glow Worm, you squeeze it and it glows! Steve Doyle.:.11- My Lincoln Logs Sean Loutzenhiser-11- X-Men were all the rage, but I will say I enjoyed mutilating the Barbies in our house limb by limb. (I only did it because Bridgette cut the hairoff of my "My Buddy" doll ....Uh, I mean, action figure.) Bridgette Loutzenhiser-12- My favorite childhood toys were my Barbies; although, Sean, I don't remember you mutilating them, but I do remember you playing with them. Actually, more than me. Derek Mayhew-11- Matchbox cars Jessica Gorcheff-10- My Teddy Bear Andrew Rhodes-11- My Ninja Turtles Heather Ingold-11- My Bunny Rabbit and my E.T. doll. Amanda Price-11- Barbie Dolls .. .I have over 100 different ones. Mandi McCartney-11- My stuffed puppy (I was lost without it.) Jessica Yeager-10- My favorite childhood toy was my talking Mickey Mouse doll! Jessica Mclntosh-11- My Michael Jackson Barbie (Thriller) Amy Bitalan-11- My cardboard box and an old John Deer tractor toy. Lisa Skiba-12- My Sesame Street V-Tech computer and my humungo dollhouse. Rebecca Davis-12- My Barbies Hannah Taylor-12-My brother's G.I. Joe's and Batman dolls .. .I mean "action figures." Bill Mansour-9- I played with a toy. Chesney Nyktas-12- My Glow Worm and my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!Turtle Power! Cafeteria Chatter BY DENISE PRICE

What would you have changed in the year 2000 to make your 2001 better?

Jen Decarlo- I would Todd Horning- I would Lisa Lewis- 2000 was a Andy Place- I would go to study harder so I could have changed the way my great year, but I would be Rogers more to bid on have a better class rank. grades turned out because nicer to my peers to make cows. I need to start thinking 2001 better. about college.

Page 12 The Quaker January 2001 Buckeyes get Tressel BY PAT STEWART

Jim Tressel has good disciplinarian and a that was terminated by a director. His major prob­ the support and confidence player's coach. Sometimes loss to Georgia Southern in lem, however, is the lack of of Buckeye's fans. At least coaches become too abu­ the national title game. experience at a big time col­ until Thursday's press con­ sive or over aggressive with Another perk for Tressel is lege. Some say that ference that is. After that, their players, Tressel is the his academic record. Of all Minnesota's Glen Mason the former YSU coach will opposite. Most of his the freshmen that entered would've been the safer have to start proving him­ former players swear by during the 1993-94 year, more logical choice for the self to the Scarlet and Gray. him. "He just 56% gradu­ position. Mason is more Tressel comes into the pro­ motivates ated. That's experienced as well as more gram having some pre-ex­ you," Young­ 8% better accomplished than Tressel isting knowledge of it. stown junior than the av­ in Division I-A. Coach However, that was fifteen quarterback erage for the Mason was the leading can­ years ago. He was an as­ Jeff Ryan told entire Divi­ didate for the job going into sistant coach under Earl SportsLine.com. sion I-AA at Wednesday. As Mason Bruce from 1983-86 before "He knows 48%. In came on campus Wednes­ he went to coach the Pen­ how to get a Cooper's day for his second inter­ guins. At YSU, Tressel team to win. last year, his view, word leaked out that proved himself repeatedly He's not there Buckeye's the choice ofTressel taking by compiling an overall to yell or any­ were ranked over had aheady been record of 135-57-2 and thing. You last in the made. According to OSU's winning four national titles. know when .:..! Big Ten athletic director Andy Gei­ All those wins however he's mad but he won't say with only a dismal twenty­ ger, Mason was devastated. came in Division I-AA. anything but he will get to eight percent graduating. The only real· devastation, The Big Ten will prove you." Tressel's only major off­ however, would be if more of a challenge for Compared to his field problem was a two­ Tressel turns out to be noth­ coach Tressel. previous seasons and his year investigation of a YSU ing more than another Coo­ He has been de­ high expectations, the 2000 player accepting money per but without the annoy­ scribed as a coach that Penguins were somewhat from a member of the ing twang·. "I don't think knows the game, a good X underachievers finishing board. Tressel reported the anyone knows for sure," and 0 guy. He has also fur­ with a 9-3 record after the violation himselfbecause at Tressel said when asked ther been described as a previous years 12-3 mark the time he was the athletic about his future at Ohio State. What's your fantasy? BY NATE RASUL

How would you like to be the owner of your own professional basketball team? It can be done. Just go to cnnsi.com and go to fantasy basketball. You can begin by creating a team of twelve guys and register yourself into a league. When that is complete then just wait and see how your guys perform. After every one of their real games you receive fantasy points. The team with the highest points at the end of the season receives some cool prizes. The first place winner with the most fantasy points gets a 27" television, camcorder, and a DVD/CD player. The second place winner gets a digital camcorder. The third place winner receives a DVD/CD player. :There's just a slight problem in that you have to be at least eighteen to play. As for rules, there are several rules and regulations you have to follow to participate. They also having trading you can do. There is a limit on trades and on how much you spend on each athlete. All of the athletes are real and their performances are real. There are many interesting things that you can do while playing such as getting free agents and making decisions. The final day of play will be on June 20, 2001. Playing any fantasy sport online is very interesting and rewarding. Since it's free there is nothing to lose. Fantasy sports online are international, and they are becoming very popular to a lot of people around the world.

Page 13 The Quaker January 2001 Winter action BY NATE RASUL

Boys' basketball While on break the boys played Struthers and Dover. The boys didn't fair too well against Struthers and took their first MAC defeat. The next game they played was against Div. 1 Dover. The boys had a good performance, yet they were still defeated. They bounced back after that game to defeat Howland 53-35 and took their first win in the MAC. Mike Bailey poured in 18 points that game and lead the Quakers to victory. The following day the boys were in action at home against Springfield. Stefan Nemenz had 19 points against Springfield, but that wasn't enough to get a victory. The Quaker's lost that game 72-54. The junior varsity team did not have any luck during any of these games and are still looking for their first victory. Friday January 12'h we played Niles up at their place and it was a tough MAC lose for us. The final score of the Niles game was 87-58.

Girls' basketball The girls were just as busy as the boys. The first game that the girls played while on break was against Canton Glen Oak. The Quakers came through and won that game 34-30. West Branch came in town over break, and they were successful in beating the girls 31-35. Courtney Dunlap pumped in 12 points that game. The next game for the girls was a barn burner with Hubbard. The girls lost to Hubbard by the score of 45-42 in overtime. Then the girls traveled to Howland to play a MAC game. The girls were defeated 49-41 that game but two up and corning all-stars helped out that game. Allyson Cotter, a freshman, came in and put up 15 points, and Abby Markovich, also a fresh­ man, came in and put in 10 points. The girls' junior varsity team did have some success over the break by beating Hubbard.

Wrestling The wrestling team was not in action over break. They returned back to action January 10 and wrestled Liberty. The Quakers lost 24 to 48. Bill Borrelli won by pin. Gary Colian won by decision. Brandon Bowers won by pin. Evan Crowgey won by decision. Lucas Conrad won by pin. The team is now 1-6, and they defeated Girard. We have a young wrestling team and they have potential in the future. Their senior leader, Tom Miller, is leading them with a 4-2 individual record. Bowl Championship Series BY JEFF HAMILTON

After defeating rankings, schedule strength ings. Bowl with a final score of Florida State 13-2 in the and number of losses. All 41-20. Kansas State(9) FedEx Orange Bowl, Okla­ four components are added barely beat Tennessee(21) homa was voted number together for a total ranking. Complete Bowl Game in the Cotton Bowl with a one in both the ESPN/USA The team with the lowest Scores final score of 35-21. The Today Coaches and Asso­ point total shall rank first in Oklahoma( 1) beat Outback Bowl had ciated Press Polls. Miami the Bowl Championship Florida State(3) in the Or­ unranked South Carolina closed out the year number Series. This system was ange Bowl 13-2. Miami(2) over Ohio State(18) with a two, and Washington fin­ utilized only to select the was able to out maneuver score of24-7. Nebraska(8) ished third in both polls fol­ teams that will participate in Florida(?) in the Sugar Bowl was victorious over North­ lowing its Rose Bowl win. the championship game of 37-20. In the Fiesta Bowl westem(l 9) in the Alamo Florida State finished out of the BCS. It also determined Oregon State( 6) blew by Bowl with a score of66-17. the Associated Press Top any independent or team Notre Dame(lO) 41-9. In a very close Holiday Four for the first time since from a conference without Washington ( 4) squeezed Bowl, Oregon( 11) was able the 1986 season. an automatic selection past Purdue(14) 34-24 in the to come out with a "w" The Bowl Cham­ which shall qualify for a Rose Bowl. The final score over Texas(12) 35-30. pionship Series statistical guaranteed selection in one in the Florida Citrus Bowl Unranked LSU beat Geor­ rating system consists of of the games of the Bowl had Michigan(15) over Au­ gia Tech(l 7) in the Peach four major components: Championship Series as the burn(20) 31-28. Virginia Bowl with a score of28-14. subjective polls of the writ­ resultofbeingrankedin the Tech (5) cruised by ers and coaches, computer top six in the BCS stand- Clemson(13) in the Gator Page 14 The Quaker January 2001 1. How long have you been playing? 1. How long have you been playing? 10 years 12 years. Z. Most memorable moment in the sport that you 2. Most memorable moment in the sport that you play? play? Beating Canfield last year in the District Semis after Winning the MAC-TAC Championship in eighth losing to them in regular season. grade. 3. Who do you admire most and why? 3. Why do you play this sport/what attracts you to Kelly Paxson because she is an awesome basketball it? player and she's still a great friend and doesn't let It's fun to play and very exciting. her success got to her head. 4. Who do you admire most and why? 4. How does it feel to be a senior leader? My dad because he worked with me on practicing It feels good to be a senior and know that the rest of basketball. the team is looking to the 5 of us for guidance. It is 5. How does it feel to be a senior leader? also sad though because this is our last year and I It's cool because some people look up to you and know I'll miss it. it's a good feeling.

1. How long have you been playing? 1. How long have you been playing? Since seventh grade. Since fifth grade. 2. Most memorable moment in the sport that you 2. Most memorable moment in the sport that you play? · play? The shamrocks, the sweater argument, the parade in­ At Niles my sophomore year shooting at the wrong London, and Lian's close call with the door. hoop and making it. 3. Why do yoti play this sport/what attracts you to 3. Why do you play this sport/what attracts you to it? .· it? Ever since I was a little girl I've wanted to be a The fun and excitement. cheerleader. I took dance for 12 years and that's 4. Who do you admire most and why? what really got me involved. Scoot Walker for his tolerance and Trey Hendricks 4. Who do you admire most and why? for his stamina. My back-row buddies. You know who you are. 5. How does it feel to be a senior leader? 5. How does it feel to be a senior leader? It's nice and sensual. It's easy to be a leader when you're the only one, but my squad has been really close this year. Thanks for all the memories girls!

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