[email protected]) No. 192 August 2018 Approved for Print Post S65001/00163 ABN 70 053 651 666 GOAN GOLD FOR OUR MIXED TEAM by Jodi Tutty West North East South 3♥ Pass 4♥ Pass Pass 4♠ 5♥ 5♠ Pass Pass Double All Pass As South, I was all set to preempt 4♠ when East opened 3♥ in front of me. With the truisms, ‘Don’t preempt over a preempt’ and David’s favourite, ‘As Ted would say, what is an 8-card suit called? Trumps’, running through my head, I chose to Pass. (At least I could argue I didn’t have an 8-card suit in the post- mortem.) I was very fortunate in how the auction went, in that I got to bid 4♠ which then described my hand pretty accurately. I thought David judged the auction very Australia’s golden Mixed Team, 3rd Asia Cup, Goa (India) well to bid 5♠, rather than double or pass. Left to right: Matthew Thomson, Cathryn Herden, David Beauchamp, Jodi Tutty His rationale was that the bidding marked me with a likely heart void and long In June, I had the good fortune to play in the 3rd Asia Cup spades (though he didn’t quite picture the 9-carder). in Goa as part of the Australian Mixed Team. Even better, we were lucky enough to win it! Initially we had a six-person team After the opening lead of the ♥A, I played the ♣Q at trick 2 to of Matthew Thomson and Cathyrn Herden, Margaret Bourke avoid a diamond loser, and 5♠ X rolled in.