Long Island, As Long Island
F 127 .L8 fl7 Copy 1 W^mmmMM A NEW AND COMPLETE VOLUME OF INFORMATION With Original Pen and Ink Sketches by EUGENE L. ARMBRUSTER €adle Cibrary M^o. 182 SiP A VIEW OF THE HAIRDRESSING ESTABLISHMENT OF MRS. TYLER-MILLER AT 80-82 FLEET STREET, BROOKLYN. MRS. TYLER-MILLER'S HAIRDRESSING ESTABLISHMENT Mrs. Tyler-Miller conducts at 80 Fleet ury and privacy of their own boudoirs. Mrs. Street, one of the oldest and best known hair- Tyler-Miller has a large force of helpers, who dressing establishments in Brooklyn, having are experts in their respective lines, such as given satisfaction to her many patrons at that the making of hair goods, shampooing, scalp address for over twenty years. Last sea- treatment, hairdressing, facial massage, and son, on account of the large increase in her manicuring, but Mrs. Tyler-Miller gives her patronage, she added the building at 82 Fleet personal supervision and advice to each pat- Street, thus doubling her space. Mrs. Tyler- ron and her personal attention to every detail Miller's establishment is fitted up in the most of the business, and, as she is an expert in her elegant manner and is equipped with every line, the business is conducted on a first-class modem convenience needed in her business. basis. .Her prices are moderate and she of- Her patrons include many of the leading so- fers special inducements to ladies living on ciety women of Brooklyn and Long Island, as Long Island. She is very glad to show visit- they find in the private rooms, which are a ors her establishment and they will find much I feature of the establishment, the lux- to interest them there.
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