Master of Fine Arts Thesis Habitat, Body, Story: Picturing the Shifting
! Master of Fine Arts Thesis Habitat, Body, Story: Picturing the shifting nature of home & Decreation: Thorn Collaborative Erin Ethridge Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirement for the degree of Master of Fine Arts, School of Art and Design Division of Sculpture/Dimensional Studies New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University Alfred, New York 2016 Erin Ethridge, MFA Brett Hunter, Thesis Advisor ! "! Table of Contents: Habitat, Body, Story: Picturing the shifting nature of home Prologue 3 Introduction 4 Home as Habitat 7 Home as Body 17 Home as Story 27 Conclusion 35 Decreation: Thorn Collaborative Introduction 37 She and Her ( The Fiction ) 39 Project Descriptions: Gulf Between Words 42 Tuning System No.1 & 2 48 You Have My Word(s) 52 Nympha 56 Postscript 58 Bibliography 60 ! #! Habitat, Body, Story: Picturing the shifting nature of home Prologue Upon visiting the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Annie Dillard touched a hole, painted with a fourteen-pointed star, in the cobblestone floor of a deep, dingy, poorly decorated cave. The hole marks the spot where Jesus was born. Supposedly, it used to be a stable with a manger, but the landscape has changed over time, now completely covered with monasteries “like barnacles.”1 Annie’s present day experience of Jesus’s birthplace is an odd collision. The story of Jesus in Christian religious texts, the actual body and life of Jesus, and the surrounding habitat or setting of his birth exist in different time frames. The landscape of the Earth’s surface and the structures we build on it continually recycle.
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