arXiv:1207.0703v1 [math.AC] 28 Jun 2012 if generated ia aak,Kwsk 1-51 Japan, E-mail 214-8571, Kawasaki Tama-ku, mita, C E-mail Japan, 214-8571, Kawasaki Tama-ku, B E-mail A Classification: Subject 2000 ojcuei 1] eas endan defined also He [13]. in conjecture sfiieygnrtdfrall for generated finitely is n Ext and eua oa ig then ring, local regular Question. j athresoe htif that showed Hartshorne (ii) (i) ej nttt o dacdSuyo ahmtclSine (MI Sciences Mathematical of Study Advanced for Institute Meiji eateto ahmtc,Sho fSineadTcnlg,M Technology, and Science of School , of Department n l ntl eeae modules generated finitely all and nttt fMteais 8HagQo it ao,Vietnam, Hanoi, Viet, Quoc Hoang 18 Mathematics, of Institute I 1 Date hogotti oetering the note this Throughout e od n phrases: and words Key sa da of an is I I [email protected] : [email protected]; : [email protected]; : : sapicpliel(e 1,Crlay6.3]); Corollary [13, (see ideal principal a is sapieielwt dim( with ideal prime a is is and ntl generated finitely Hom( i Supp( dim fgnrlzdlclchmlg modules cohomology local generalized of dim( Abstract R j I ( NTECFNTNS FGNRLZDLOCAL GENERALIZED OF THE ON /,K R/I, cfiiefrall for -cofinite GYNT CUONG TU NGUYEN R N N o hc rings which For /,H R/I, mdlsand -modules ) ihrsetto respect with ≤ H then 2 sfiieygnrtdfrall for generated finitely is ) 1 I R j I . t ( ( ,N M, Let ,N M, and R H R ,N M, H mdls h i fti ae st netgt the investigate to is paper this of aim The -modules. )) 31,13D45 13C15, I j )i ntl eeae.Fnly eso hti dim( if that show we Finally, generated. finitely is )) N eeaie oa cohomology, local Generalized eacmuaieNehra ring, Noetherian commutative a be ( I j ,N M, OOOOYMODULES COHOMOLOGY ≤ ( I I N N safiieygenerated finitely a is j efis rv htif that prove first We . o all for 1 n all and R nielof ideal an is ) ≥ safiieygenerated finitely a is is ) A n ideals and HR GOTO SHIRO , .R athrepoie one-xml othis to counter-example a provides Hartshorne R. 0. R/I I 1. I j cfiiei w cases: two in -cofinite cfiiefrall for -cofinite R t. < j eody let Secondly, . N Introduction R se[3 oolr 7.7]). Corollary [13, (see 1 = ) scmuaieNehra.Let Noetherian. commutative is ? − module R Then I n[2,A rtedekcnetrdthat conjectured Grothendieck A. [12], In . 1 H r h modules the are I j j ( H B ,N M, ≥ I j I N GYNVNHOANG VAN NGUYEN AND j t K ( . ,N M, n eakdtefloigquestion. following the asked he and 0 eannngtv nee uhthat such integer non-negative a be sapicplielthen ideal principal a is R lim = ) obe to I mdl,te Hom then -module, -cofiniteness. R is ) − → mdl,where -module, I nielof ideal an S,MiiUiest -- Higashi- 1-1-1 University Meiji MS), I n I iiUiest,111Higashi-mita, 1-1-1 University, eiji cfiiei Supp if -cofinite cfiiefrall for -cofinite Ext H R j I j ( ( M/I N R ) and n I is ,N M, -cofiniteness M I H R M t < j R cfiiefrall for -cofinite I j ) ( , N ( sacomplete a is of ) R ≤ /,H R/I, ,N M, N C ( K or 2 and two efinitely be M ) ) ⊆ I j V ( N ( I )) ) 2 NGUYEN TU CUONGA, SHIRO GOTOB AND NGUYEN VAN HOANGC

K. I. Kawasaki has proved that if I is a principal ideal in a commutative Noetherian j ring then HI (N) are I-cofinite for all finitely generated R-modules N and all j 0 (see [17, Theorem 1]). D. Delfino and T. Marley [11, Theorem 1] and K. I. Yoshida≥ [29, Theorem 1.1] refined result (ii) to more general situation that if N is a finitely generated module over a commutative Noetherian local ring R and I is an ideal of R such that j dim(R/I) = 1, then HI (N) are I-cofinite for all j 0. Recently, K. Bahmanpour and R. Naghipour have extended this result to the case≥ of non-local ring; more precisely, j they showed that if t is a non-negative integer such that dim Supp(HI (N)) 1 for all 0 1 t−1 t ≤ j < t then HI (N),HI (N),...,HI (N) are I-cofinite and Hom(R/I,HI(N)) is finitely generated (see [2, Theorem 2.6]). There are some generalizations of the theory of local cohomology modules. The follow- ing generalization of local cohomology theory is given by J. Herzog in [14]: Let j be a non-negative integer and M a finitely generated R-module. Then the jth generalized local cohomology module of M and N with respect to I is defined by Hj(M, N) = lim Extj (M/InM, N). I n R These modules were studied further in−→ many research papers such as: [26], [27], [3], j [15], [28], [18], [16], [10], [7], [8], . . . . It is clear that HI (R, N) is just the ordinary local j cohomology module HI (N). The purpose of this paper is to investigate a similar question as above for the theory of generalized local cohomology. Our first main result is the following theorem. j Theorem 1.1. If I is a principal ideal then HI (M, N) is I-cofinite for all finitely generated R modules M, N and all j. − As an immediate consequence of this theorem, we obtain again a theorem of K. I. Kawasaki [17, Theorem 1] (see Corollary 3.2). Moreover, Theorem 1.1 is an improve- ment of [6, Theorem 2.8], since we do not need the hypothesis that M has finite projec- tive dimension as in [6]. It should be noticed that the arguments of local cohomology that used in the proof of K. I. Kawasaki [17] can not apply to proving Theorem 1.1. j Because, for the case of local cohomology, if I is a principal ideal then HI (N) =0 for all j > 1. But this does not happen in the theory of generalized local cohomology, i.e. j HI (M, N) may not vanish for j > 1 even if I is principal ideal. Therefore, we have to use a criterion on the cofiniteness which was invented by L. Melkersson in [23]. Here we also give a more elementary proof for this criterion (see Lemma 3.1). The next theorem is our second main result in this paper. j Theorem 1.2. Let t be a non-negative integer such that dim Supp(HI (M, N)) 1 for j t ≤ all j < t. Then HI (M, N) is I-cofinite for all j < t and Hom(R/I,HI(M, N)) is finitely generated.

This theorem is an extension for generalized local cohomology modules of a result of K. Bahmanpour and R. Naghipour [2, Theorem 2.6]. In [2], they had used a basic property j j of local cohomology that HI (N) ∼= HI (N/ΓI (N)) for all j > 0; then it is easy to reduce to the case of Γ (N) = 0. But, it is not true that Hj(M, N) Hj(M,N/Γ (N)) for I I ∼= I IM ON THE COFINITENESS OF GENERALIZED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 3

all j > 0 in general, where IM = annR(M/IM). Hence, we need to establish Lemma 2.2 j which says that if t and k are non-negative integers such that dim Supp(HI (M, N)) k j ≤ for all j < t then so is HI (M,N/ΓIM (N)). Moreover, in order to prove Theorem 1.2, we also need some more auxiliary lemmas such as 2.3, 2.5, 2.6 on minimax modules. j Especially, by Lemma 4.2, instead of studying the cofiniteness of HI (M, N), we need only to prove the cofiniteness of these modules with respect to IM . As a consequence j of Theorem 1.2, we prove that if dim Supp(HI (M, N)) 1 for all j (this is the case, j ≤ for example if dim(N/IM N) 1) then HI (M, N) is I-cofinite for all j (Corollary 4.3). This is an improvement of [6,≤ Theorem 2.9], because our theorem does not need the hypothesis that R is complete local, M is of finite projective dimension, and I is prime ideal with dim(R/I) = 1. An other consequence of Theorem 1.2 on the finiteness of Bass numbers is Corollary 4.4 which is a stronger result than the main result of S. Kawakami and K. I. Kawasaki in [18]. On the other hand, in the case of small dimension, the third author in [16, Lemma j 3.1] proved that if dim(N) 2 then any quotient of HI (M, N) has only finitely many associated prime ideals for all≤ finitely generated R modules M and all j 0. We can now prove a stronger result in the following theorem.− ≥

j Theorem 1.3. Assume that dim(M) 2 or dim(N) 2. Then HI (M, N) is I-cofinite for all j. ≤ ≤ As an immediate consequence of Theorem 1.3, we get a result on the cofiniteness of local cohomology modules (see Corollary 5.2). Moreover, by application of Theo- rems 1.2 and 1.3, we obtain a finiteness result on the set of associated prime ideals i j of ExtR(R/I,HI (M, N)) for all i, j 0 when (R, m) is a Noetherian local ring and dim(M) 3 or dim(N) 3 (Corollary≥ 5.3). ≤ ≤ The paper is divided into five sections. In Section 2, we prove some auxiliary lemmas which will be used in the sequel. Section 3, 4 and 5 are devoted to prove three main results and its consequences.

2. Auxiliary lemmas Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, I an ideal of R, and M, N finitely generated R-modules. We always denote by IM the annihilator of R-module M/IM, i.e. IM = annR(M/IM). We first recall the following lemma. Lemma 2.1. (cf. [9, Lemma 2.3] and [10, Lemma 2.1]) j j (i) If I ann(M) or ΓI (N)= N then HI (M, N) = ExtR(M, N) for all j 0. j ⊆ ∼ ≥ (ii) HI (M, N) is IM -torsion. We next prove some auxiliary lemmas which will be used in sequel.

j Lemma 2.2. Let t and k be non-negative integers. If dim Supp(HI (M, N)) k for all j ≤ j < t, then so is HI (M,N/ΓIM (N)). 4 NGUYEN TU CUONGA, SHIRO GOTOB AND NGUYEN VAN HOANGC

Proof. From the short exact sequence 0 ΓIM (N) N N/ΓIM (N) 0, we get the long exact sequence → → → → ... Extj (M, Γ (N)) Hj(M,N) Hj(M, N) Extj+1(M, Γ (N)) ..., → R IM → I → I → R IM →

for all j, where N = N/ΓIM (N). We assume that there exists an integer i < t and i j p Supp(HI (M, N)) such that dim(R/p) > k and p / Supp(HI (M, N)) for all j < i. Thus∈ by the long exact sequence as above we obtain the∈ following exact sequence j j j j+1 ... Ext (M, Γ (N))p H (M,N)p H (M, N)p Ext (M, Γ (N))p ... → R IM → I → I → R IM → Note that Hj(M, N) = 0 for all j i, while Hj(M, N) = 0 for all j < i, and I p ≤ I p Hi(M, N) = 0. So, by the above exact sequence, we have Extj (M, Γ (N)) = 0 for I p 6 R IM p all j i, and Exti+1(M, Γ (N)) = 0. It implies that Γ (N) = 0 and ≤ R IM p 6 IM p 6 depth(ann(M) , Γ (N) )= i +1 1. p IM p ≥

Hence ann(M)p * qRp for all qRp AssRp (ΓIM (N)p). This contradicts with the fact that Ass (Γ (N) ) = Ass (N ) ∈V ((I ) ) and I ann(M).  Rp IM p Rp p ∩ M p M ⊇ In [30], H. Z¨oschinger had introduced the class of minimax modules. An R-module K is said to be a minimax module, if there is a finitely generated submodule T of K, such that K/T is Artinian. Thus the class of minimax modules includes all finitely generated and all Artinian modules. j Lemma 2.3. Let t be a non-negative integer such that HI (M, N) is I-cofinite mini- t max for all j < t. Then HomR(R/I,HI(M, N)) is finitely generated. In particular, t Ass(HI (M, N)) is a finite set. Proof. We prove by induction on t 0. If t = 0 then the result is trivial. Assume that t> 0 and the result holds true for t≥ 1. From the short exact sequence 0 Γ (N) − → I → N N 0, we get the long exact sequence → → f g h Extj (M, Γ (N)) j Hj(M, N) j Hj(M, N) j Extj+1(M, Γ (N)), R I −→ I −→ I −→ R I where N = N/ΓI (N). For each j 0 we split the above exact sequence into two the following exact sequences ≥ 0 Im f Hj(M, N) Im g 0 and → j → I → j → j 0 Im gj HI (M, N) Im hj 0. → → → → j Note that Im fj and Im hj is finitely generated for all j 0. Then, HI (M, N) is I- j ≥ cofinite if and only if Im gj is I-cofinite if and only if HI (M, N) is I-cofinite for all j 0; j j ≥ and we get by [1, Lemma 2.1] that HI (M, N) is minimax if and only if so is HI (M, N) j j for all j 0. Hence HI (M, N) is I-cofinite minimax if and only if so is HI (M, N) for all j 0.≥ Moreover, from the two exact sequences above, we get the following exact sequences≥ Hom(R/I, Im f ) Hom(R/I,Hj(M, N)) j → I Hom(R/I, Im g ) Ext1 (R/I, Im f ) and → j → R j ON THE COFINITENESS OF GENERALIZED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 5

0 Hom(R/I, Im g ) Hom(R/I,Hj(M, N)) Hom(R/I, Im h ) → j → I → j j for all j 0. Thus we obtain that Hom(R/I,HI (M, N)) is finitely generated if and ≥ j only if so is Hom(R/I,HI (M, N)) for all j 0. Therefore, in order to prove the lemma, ≥ x we may assume that ΓI (N) = 0. Thus, there exists x I such that 0 N N N/xN 0 is exact. From this, we obtain the short exact∈ sequence → −→ → → t−1 t−1 t−1 0 H (M, N)/xH (M, N) H (M, N/xN) (0 : x) t 0 → I I → I → HI (M,N) → Hence we get the following exact sequence t−1 Hom(R/I,H (M, N/xN)) Hom(R/I, (0 : x) t ) I → HI (M,N) Ext1 (R/I,Ht−1(M, N)/xHt−1(M, N)). → R I I t−1 By the inductive hypothesis, Hom(R/I,HI (M, N/xN)) is finitely generated. More- t−1 over, by the assumption, HI (M, N) is I-cofinite minimax. It implies by [23, Corol- 1 t−1 t−1 lary 4.4] that ExtR(R/I,HI (M, N)/xHI (M, N)) is finitely generated. Therefore, t Hom(R/I,H (M, N)) = Hom(R/I, (0 : x) t ) is finitely generated as required.  I ∼ HI (M,N) From Lemma 2.3, we get a short proof for the following result which was proved first by Yassemi-Khatami-Sharif in [28, Theorem 2.1].

0 1 t−1 Corollary 2.4. If HI (M, N),HI (M, N),...,HI (M, N) is finitely generated then t t Ass(HI (M, N)/T ) is a finite set for any finitely generated submodule T of HI (M, N). t t Proof. By the short exact sequence 0 T HI (M, N) HI (M, N)/T 0, we get the following exact sequence → → → → Hom(R/I,Ht(M, N)) Hom(R/I,Ht(M, N)/T ) Ext1 (R/I,T ). I → I → R t 1 Thus, since Hom(R/I,HI(M, N)) and ExtR(R/I,T ) are finitely generated by Lemma t 2.3 and by the assumption of T , we obtain that Hom(R/I,HI(M, N)/T ) is also finitely generated. Thus the result follows. 

j Lemma 2.5. Let t be a non-negative integer such that HI (M, N) is minimax for all t j j < t. Then HomR(R/I,HI(M, N)) is finitely generated and HI (M, N) are I-cofinite for all j < t.

j Proof. By Lemma 2.3, we need only to prove that HI (M, N) is I-cofinite for all j < 0 t. We proceed by induction on j. It is clear that HI (M, N) is I-cofinite. Assume that j > 0 and the result holds true for smaller values than j. Thus we obtain that 0 j−1 HI (M, N),...,HI (M, N) are I-cofinite minimax by the inductive hypothesis and by j the hypothesis. It follows by Lemma 2.3 that Hom(R/I,HI (M, N)) is finitely generated. j  So that HI (M, N) is I-cofinite by [23, Proposition 4.3] as required. j Lemma 2.6. Let t be a non-negative integer such that Supp(HI (M, N)) Max(R) for j ⊆ all j < t. Then HI (M, N) is Artinian for all j < t. 6 NGUYEN TU CUONGA, SHIRO GOTOB AND NGUYEN VAN HOANGC

Proof. We now prove the lemma by induction on t. If t = 1 then it is clear that 0 HI (M, N) is Artinian. Assume that t 2 and the lemma holds true for t 1. By ≥ j − the inductive hypothesis, the R-modules HI (M, N) is Artinian for all j < t 1. t−1 − Therefore, by Lemma 2.5, Hom(R/I,HI (M, N)) is finitely generated. Thus, since t−1 t−1 Supp(Hom(R/I,HI (M, N))) Max(R), we obtain that Hom(R/I,HI (M, N)) is ⊆ t−1 Artinian. On the other hand, as HI (M, N) is I-torsion, it follows by [24, Theorem t−1  1.3] that HI (M, N) is Artinian.

3. Proof of Theorem 1.1 We first need the following lemma which has been proved in [23, Corollary 3.4] by L. Melkersson. We give here an another proof for this result with elementary arguments.

Lemma 3.1. Let K be an R-module. Suppose x I and Supp(K) V (I). If (0 : x)K and K/xK are both I-cofinite, then K must be I-cofinite.∈ ⊂

t Proof. Let t be a non-negative integer. We need only to claim that ExtR(R/I,K) is finitely generated. By the commutative diagram 0 (0 : x) K x xK 0 → K → −→ −→ x x ↓ ց 0 xK K K/xK 0 −→ −→ → → we obtain the following commutative diagram of long exact sequences

(t) ... Extt (R/I, (0 : x)) Extt (R/I,K) x Extt (R/I,xK) ... → R K → R −−→ R → x(t) x ↓ ց f ... Extt−1(R/I, K/xK) Extt (R/I,xK) t Extt (R/I,K) ... → R → R −→ R → (t) t where x = ExtR(R/I,x). Note that K/xK is I-cofinite by the hypothesis, it im- t−1 plies that ExtR (R/I, K/xK) is finitely generated. Thus Ker(ft) is finitely generated. (t) Moreover, since the triangle is commutative, so that x (0 : x) t Ker(f ). ExtR(R/I,K) t (t)  ⊆ It follows that x (0 : x) t is finitely generated. On the other hand, (0 : x) ExtR(R/I,K) K  t is I-cofinite by the hypothesis, so we obtain that ExtR(R/I, (0 : x)K ) is finitely gener- ated. It implies that Ker(x(t)) is finitely generated. Therefore, by the following exact sequence

(t) 0 Ker(x ) (0 : x) t (0 : x) t → ∩ ExtR(R/I,K) → ExtR(R/I,K) (t) x (0 : x) t 0, −→ ExtR(R/I,K) → we obtain that (0 : x) t is finitely generated. Finally, note that x I, it yields ExtR(R/I,K) t ∈ that Ext (R/I,K) = (0 : x) t is finitely generated as required.  R ExtR(R/I,K) We now are ready to prove Theorem 1.1. ON THE COFINITENESS OF GENERALIZED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 7

Proof of Theorem 1.1. Assume that I = Rx is a principal ideal. From the short exact sequence 0 Γ (M) M M 0, → I → → → where M = M/ΓI (M), we get by [15] the following exact sequence Hi−1(Γ (M), N) Hi(M, N) Hi(M, N) Hi(Γ (M), N) I I → I → I → I I k for all i. Since ΓI (M) = (0 : I )M for some positive integer k, we get by Lemma 2.1 that i i k i HI (ΓI (M), N)= HIk ((0 : I )M , N) ∼= ExtR(ΓI (M), N) i for all i. Hence HI(ΓI (M), N) is finitely generated for all i, it follows by the above i i exact sequence that HI (M, N) is I-cofinite if and only if so is HI (M, N). Hence we may assume that ΓI (M) = 0. So that I * p for all p Ass(M). It implies that x / p for all p Ass(M). Thus we obtain an exact sequence∈ ∈ ∈ 0 M x M M/xM 0. → −→ → → From this we have the following exact sequence i−1 i−1 i 0 H (M, N)/xH (M, N) H (M/xM, N) (0 : x) i 0 → I I → I → HI (M,N) → for all i. Note that, as I = Rx, so we obtain by Lemma 2.1 that i i HI (M/xM, N) ∼= ExtR(M/xM, N) i for all i. Hence HI (M/xM, N) is finitely generated for all i. Thus by the above exact sequence we obtain that i i (0 : x) i and H (M, N)/xH (M, N) HI (M,N) I I i are finitely generated for all i. Therefore we get by Lemma 3.1 that HI (M, N) is I-cofinite for all i.  By replacing M by R in Theorem 1.1 we obtain a theorem of K. I. Kawasaki on the cofiniteness of local cohomology modules as follows. j Corollary 3.2. ([17, Theorem 1]) If I is a principal ideal, then HI (N) is I-cofinite for all finitely generated R module N and all j. − 4. Proof of Theorem 1.2 Before proving Theorem 1.2, we need to recall some known facts on the theory of secondary representation. In [19], I. G. Macdonald has developed the theory of attached prime ideals and secondary representation of a module, which is (in a certain sense) a dual to the theory of associated prime ideals and primary decompositions. A non-zero R-module K is called secondary if for each a R multiplication by a on K is either surjective or ∈ nilpotent. Then p = ann(K) is a prime ideal and K is called p-secondary. We p say that K has a secondary representation if there is a finite number of secondary submodules K1,K2,...,Kn such that K = K1 + K2 + ... + Kn. One may assume that the prime ideals p = ann(K ), i = 1, 2,...,n are all distinct, and by omitting i p i 8 NGUYEN TU CUONGA, SHIRO GOTOB AND NGUYEN VAN HOANGC redundant summands, that the representation is minimal. Then the set of prime ideals p1,..., pn does not depend on the representation, and it is called the set of attached {prime ideals} of K and denoted by Att(K). Note that if A is an Artinian R-module then A has a secondary representation. The basic properties on the set Att(A) of attached primes of A are referred in a paper by I. G. Macdonal [19]. If 0 A1 A2 A3 0 is an exact sequence of Artinian R-modules then → → → → Att(A ) Att(A ) Att(A ) Att(A ). 3 ⊆ 2 ⊆ 1 ∪ 3 Lemma 4.1. Let x be an element of R, I an ideal of R and A an Artinian R-module. Then the following statements are true. (i) If x / p for all p Att(A) Max(R), then ℓ(A/xA) < . ∈ ∈ \ ∞ (ii) If (0 : I) is finitely generated, then I * p for all p Att(A) Max(R). A ∈ \ Proof. (i) Assume that Att(A) Max(R)= p ,..., p . Let \ { 1 n} A = A1 + ... + An + B1 + ... + Bt be a minimal secondary representation of A, where Ai is pi-secondary and Bj is mi- secondary for all i =1,...,n and all j =1,...,t (with mj Max(R) for all j =1,...,t). Set B = B + ... + B , then Att(B) Max(R). Since ∈x / p for all i = 1,...,n, so 1 t ⊆ ∈ i that xAi = Ai for all i =1,...,n. It follows that xA = A1 + ... + An + xB. Note that A/xA = (A + ... + A + xB)+ B / A + ... + A + xB 1 n  1 n  = B/ B (A + ... + A + xB) . ∼ ∩ 1 n  Therefore Att(A/xA) Att B/(B (A1 + ... + An + xB)) Att(B) Max(R). From this, since A/xA⊆is Artinian, so∩ that ℓ(A/xA) < .  ⊆ ⊆ n ∞ (ii) We first claim that ann(0 :A I)= ann(0 :A I ) for all n 2. Consider n = 2, it p p2 ≥ is clear that ann(0 :A I) ann(0 :A I ). Conversely, for any a ann(0 :A I) then p ⊇ p t ∈ p 2t 2 there is an integer t > 0 such that a (0 :A I) = 0. We now prove that a (0 :A I )=0 2 2 2 (and therefore a ann(0 :A I ) ). Indeed, for any y (0 :A I ), then I y = 0. So ∈ p t t ∈ t t that Iy (0 :A I), thus a (Iy) = 0. Hence a y (0 :A I), and thus a (a y) = 0. Therefore⊆a2ty = 0. We now assume that n> 2 and∈ the claim is true for n 1. Let a n−1 t − n−1 ∈ ann(0 :A I) then by induction assumption a (0 :A I ). Thus a (0 :A I )=0 p n n−∈1 p n n−1 for some t> 0. For any y (0 :A I ), then I Iy = I y = 0. Hence Iy (0 :A I ), so that I(aty) = at(Iy) =∈ 0. It implies that aty (0 : I). On the other⊆ hand, since ∈ A a ann(0 : I), so al(0 : I) = 0 for some l > 0. Therefore at+ly = 0, it yields that ∈ p A A a (0 : In). So we get the claim. Finally for any p Att(A) Max(R) we obtain ∈ p A ∈ \ that I * p. Indeed, assume that I p for some p Att(A) Max(R). Then there exists a submodule U of A such that⊆U is p-secondary.∈ Thus there\ is an integer n such n n n n that p U = 0. Hence, as I p, so that I U = 0. Therefore U = (0 :U I ) (0 :A I ). ⊆ n ⊆ Hence since ℓ(0 :A I) < then we get by the claim that (0 :A I ) is of finite length. It implies that ℓ(U) < ,∞ so p Max(R), this is a contradiction.  ∞ ∈ Lemma 4.2. Let t be a non-negative integer. Then ON THE COFINITENESS OF GENERALIZED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 9

(i) Ht(M, N) is I cofinite if and only if Ht(M, N) is I cofinite, where I = I − I M − M annR(M/IM). t t (ii) Hom(R/I,HI(M, N)) is finitely generated if and only if so is Hom(R/IM ,HI (M, N)). t Proof. Set K = HI (M, N). Note that Supp(K) Supp(R/IM ) Supp(R/I). (i) If K is I cofinite then, since I I , we⊆ get that K is⊆ I cofinite by [11, − ⊆ M M − Proposition 1]. Assume that K is I cofinite. Thus, as √I = I + ann(M), K M M p is (I + ann(M)) cofinite by [11, Proposition− 1]. Let x ,...,x ,y ,...,y be generators − 1 t 1 s of I +ann(M) such that I =(x1,...,xt) and ann(M)=(y1,...,ys). Then Koszul coho- mology modules Hj(x,y ,...,y ; K) are finitely generated R modules for all j by [22, 1 s − Theorem 1.1] (here we set x = x1,...,xt for short). We now claim by descending induc- j tion on l (with 0 l s) that H (x,y1,...,yl; K) are finitely generated R modules ≤ ≤ j j − for all j, where we use the convention that H (x; K) = H (x,y1,...,yl; K) if l = 0. j If l = s then the claim is clear. Suppose l

0 H (x,y1,...,yl; K) ∼= (0 :K (x,y1,...,yl)R) ∼= (0 :K (x,y1,...,yl,yl+1)R) 0 ∼= H (x,y1,...,yl,yl+1; K). 0 Thus H (x,y1,...,yl; K) is a finitely generated R module. Assume that j 1. We consider the following exact sequences (cf. [25, Section− 5]) ≥

y Hj−1(x,y ,...,y ,y ; K) Hj(x,y ,...,y ; K) l+1 Hj(x,y ,...,y ; K) 1 l l+1 → 1 l −−→ 1 l j for all j 1. Since yl+1 ann(K), so that yl+1H (x,y1,...,yl; K) = 0. Hence, the above exact≥ sequence implies∈ that the following sequence Hj−1(x,y ,...,y ,y ; K) Hj(x,y ,...,y ; K) 0 1 l l+1 → 1 l → j is exact for all j 1. From this we get by induction assumption that H (x,y1,...,yl; K) are finitely generated≥ R modules for all j 1. Thus the claim is proved. In particular, Hj(x; K) are finitely generated− R modules≥ for all j. Therefore, we get by [22, Theorem 1.1] again that K is I cofinite. − (ii) We note that Hom(− R/I + ann(M),K) = Hom(R/I,K), as ann(M) ann(K). ∼ ⊆ Hence, since I + ann(M)= √I , the result follows by [11, Proposition 1].  p M We are now ready to prove Theorem 1.2.

j Proof of Theorem 1.2. By Lemma 4.2, we need only to claim that HI (M, N) is t IM cofinite for all j < t and Hom(R/IM ,HI (M, N)) is finitely generated, provided − j dim Supp(HI (M, N)) 1 for all j < t (where t is a given integer). We prove the claim≤ by induction on t 0. The case of t = 0 is trivial. If t = 1 0 ≥ then it is clear that HI (M, N) is IM -cofinite; moreover we get by Lemma 2.5 that 1 Hom(R/IM ,HI (M, N)) is finitely generated. Assume that t > 1 and the result holds 10 NGUYEN TU CUONGA, SHIRO GOTOB AND NGUYEN VAN HOANGC

true for the case t 1. From the short exact sequence 0 ΓIM (N) N N 0, we get the long exact− sequence → → → → f g h Extj (M, Γ (N)) j Hj(M, N) j Hj(M, N) j Extj+1(M, Γ (N)), R IM −→ I −→ I −→ R IM where N = N/ΓIM (N). For each j 0 we split the above exact sequence into two the following exact sequences ≥ 0 Im f Hj(M, N) Im g 0 and → j → I → j → 0 Im g Hj(M, N) Im h 0. → j → I → j → Note that Im fj and Im hj is finitely generated for all j 0. Then, for each j < t, we j ≥j obtain that HI (M, N) is IM -cofinite if and only if so is HI (M, N). On the other hand, we get by Lemma 2.2 that dim Supp(Hj(M, N)) 1 for all j < t. Therefore, in order I ≤ to prove the theorem for the case of t > 1, we may assume that ΓIM (N) = 0. Hence IM * p. Set Sp∈AssR(N) t−1 X = Supp(Hj(M, N)) and S = p X dim(R/p)=1 . [ I { ∈ | } j=0 t−1 j j Thus S j=0 Ass(HI (M, N)). Note that HI (M, N) is IM -cofinite for all j < t 1 and ⊆ S t−1 − Hom(R/IM ,HI (M, N)) is finitely generated by the inductive hypothesis. It implies t−1 j that j=0 Ass(HI (M, N)) is a finite set, and so S is a finite set. Assume that S = p , pS,..., p . Then it is clear that { 1 2 n} j SuppRp (HIR (Mpk , Npk )) Max(Rpk ) k pk ⊆ j for all j < t and all k =1,...,n. From this, we get by Lemma 2.6 that H (Mpk , Npk ) IRpk is Artinian for all j < t and all k = 1,...,n. Note that V (IM ) V (I). Hence, it ⊆ j implies by Lemma 2.5 and [11, Proposition 1] that Hom(Rpk /(IM )Rpk ,H (Mpk , Npk )) IRpk is finitely generated for all j < t and all k = 1,...,n. Therefore it yields by Lemma 4.1(ii) that j V ((IM )Rpk ) AttRp (HIR (Mpk , Npk )) Max(Rpk ) ∩ k pk ⊆ for all j < t and all k =1,...,n. Let t−1 n j T = q Spec R qRpk AttRp (HIR (Mpk , Npk )) . [ [{ ∈ | ∈ k pk } j=0 k=1 Then we have T V (I ) S. We now choose an element x I such that ∩ M ⊆ ∈ M x / p p . ∈  [  ∪  [  p∈T \V (IM ) p∈AssR(N) Thus, we have the short exact sequence 0 N x N N/xN 0. It implies the following exact sequence → −→ → → Hj(M, N) x Hj(M, N) Hj(M, N/xN) Hj+1(M, N) I −→ I → I → I ON THE COFINITENESS OF GENERALIZED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 11 for all j 0. Thus, we have an exact sequence ≥ j j αj j βj (1) 0 HI (M, N)/xHI (M, N) HI (M, N/xN) (0 : x) j+1 0 → −→ −→ HI (M,N) → j for all j 0. Note that dim Supp(HI (M, N/xN)) 1 for all j < t 1 by the above exact≥ sequence and by the hypothesis. So that,≤ we get by the− induction 0 1 t−2 assumption that HI (M, N/xN),HI (M, N/xN),...,HI (M, N/xN) are IM -cofinite t−1 and Hom(R/IM ,HI (M, N/xN)) is finitely generated. Moreover, also by the in- 0 1 t−2 duction assumption, we have HI (M, N),HI (M, N),...,HI (M, N) are IM -cofinite t−1 and Hom(R/IM ,HI (M, N)) is finitely generated. For each j < t, we set Lj = j j HI (M, N)/xHI (M, N). By the choice of x and by Lemma 4.1, we obtain that (Lj)pk has finite length for all j < t and all k =1,...,n. From this by the Noetherianness of

(Lj)pk , there exists a finitely generated submodule Ljk of Lj such that (Lj)pk =(Ljk)pk ′ ′ for any j < t and any k =1,...,n. Let Lj = Lj1 + Lj2 + ... + Ljn . Then Lj is a finitely generated submodule of Lj satisfying the following inclusion Supp(L /L′ ) X p , p ,..., p Max(R) j j ⊆ \{ 1 2 n} ⊆ j ′ ′ ′ for all j < t. For each j < t, we set Nj = HI (M, N/xN) and Nj = αj(Lj). Then Nj is a finitely generated submodule of Nj and the following sequence α∗ β∗ ′ j ′ j (2) 0 Lj/Lj Nj/Nj (0 : x)Hj+1(M,N) 0 → −→ −→ I → is exact. We now prove that Lj is minimax for all j < t. Look at the exact sequence Hom(R/I , N ) Hom(R/I , N /N ′) Ext1 (R/I , N ′). M j → M j j → R M j ′ For any j < t, since Nj is finitely generated and Hom(R/IM , Nj) is finitely generated, so ′ that Hom(R/IM , Nj/Nj) is finitely generated. Hence we obtain by the sequence (2) that ′ ′ Hom(R/IM , Lj/Lj) is finitely generated for all j < t. While Supp(Lj/Lj) Max(R) ′ ′ ⊆ and Lj/Lj is IM -torsion, so that Lj/Lj is Artinian by [24, Theorem 1.3] for all j < t. Thus Lj is minimax for all j < t. Consider again the exact sequence (1), that is the following sequence

αj βj (1’) 0 Lj Nj (0 : x)Hj+1(M,N) 0. → −→ −→ I → As Hom(R/IM , Nj) is finitely generated for all j < t, then so is Hom(R/IM , Lj) for all j < t. From this, we obtain by [23, Proposition 4.3] that Lj is IM -cofinite for all j < t. Keep in mind that N is I -cofinite for all j < t 1. Thus, from the sequence (1’), j M − we have that (0 : x) j is IM -cofinite for all j < t. In particular, (0 : x) t−1 HI (M,N) HI (M,N) t−1 t−1 t−1 and HI (M, N)/xHI (M, N) = Lt−1 are IM -cofinite. It implies that HI (M, N) is j IM -cofinite by Lemma 3.1. Thus HI (M, N) is IM -cofinite for all j < t. On the other hand, by the sequence (1’) when j = t 1, we have the following exact sequence − 1 Hom(R/IM , Nt−1) Hom(R/IM , (0 : x) t ) Ext (R/IM , Lt−1). → HI (M,N) → R Thus, since Hom(R/IM , Nt−1) is finitely generated and Lt−1 is IM -cofinite, so it yields t that Hom(R/I ,H (M, N)) = Hom(R/I , (0 : x) t ) is finitely generated. Hence M I M HI (M,N) the claim is proved, and the proof of Theorem 1.2 is complete.  12 NGUYEN TU CUONGA, SHIRO GOTOB AND NGUYEN VAN HOANGC

In [6, Theorem 2.9], Divaani Aazar and Sazeedeh showed that if p is a prime ideal j in a complete local ring (R, m) with dim(R/p) = 1, then Hp (M, N) is p-cofinite for all j 0 whenever M has finite projective dimension. Here, even if without the hypothesis completeness≥ of the ring and the finiteness of projective dimension of M, we still obtain the following result. j Corollary 4.3. If dim Supp(HI (M, N)) 1 for all j (this is the case, for example if j ≤ dim(N/I N) 1), then H (M, N) is I-cofinite for all j 0. M ≤ I ≥ We now recall the notion of Bass number: let K be an R-module, i an integer and p a prime ideal, then the i-th Bass number µi(p,K) of K with respect to p was defined i i by µ (p,K) = dimk(p)(ExtR(R/p,K)p). In [18], S. Kawakami and K. I. Kawasaki proved i j that if M has finite projective dimension and dim(R/I) = 1 then µ (p,HI (M, N)) is finite for all i, j 0 and all p Spec(R). The next corollary is a generalization of this result. ≥ ∈ j Corollary 4.4. Assume that dim Supp(HI (M, N)) 1 for all j (this is the case, for i j ≤ example if dim(N/IM N) 1). Then µ (p,HI (M, N)) is finite for all i, j 0 and all p Spec(R). ≤ ≥ ∈ i j Proof. If I * p then µ (p,HI (M, N)) = 0. If I p then Supp(R/p) Supp(R/I), i j ⊆ ⊆ so that ExtR(R/p,HI (M, N)) is finitely generated for all i, j by Corollary 4.3 and [11, i j  Proposition 1]. Therefore µ (p,HI (M, N)) is finite for all i, j, as required.

5. Proof of Theorem 1.3 Proof of Theorem 1.3. We first consider the case of dim(M) 2. By the short exact ≤ sequence 0 ΓI(M) M M 0 where M = M/ΓI (M), we get the following exact sequence→ → → → f g h Hj−1(Γ (M), N) j Hj(M, N) j Hj(M, N) j Hj(Γ (M), N) I I −→ I −→ I −→ I I (following [15]). It implies the following exact sequences 0 Im f Hj(M, N) Im g 0 and → j → I → j → 0 Im g Hj(M, N) Im h 0. → j → I → j → k Since ΓI (M) = (0 : I )M for some integer k, so that j j k j HI (ΓI (M), N)= HIk ((0 : I )M , N) = ExtR(ΓI (M), N) for all j by Lemma 2.1. Thus Im fj and Im hj are finitely generated for all j. So by j the above exact sequences we obtain that HI (M, N) is I-cofinite if and only if so is j HI (M, N). Therefore we may assume that ΓI (M) = 0. Then there exists x I such x∈ that x is an M-regular element. From the short exact sequence 0 M M M/xM 0 we get the following exact sequence → −→ → → j HI (M/xM, N) (0 : x) j 0. −→ HI (M,N) −→ ON THE COFINITENESS OF GENERALIZED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 13

j Since dim(M/xM) 1, so that dim Supp (0 : x) j ) 1. Note that HI (M, N) ≤ HI (M,N)  ≤ is I-torsion and x I. Thus ∈ j dim Supp(HI (M, N)) = dim Supp (0 : x) j ) 1 HI (M,N)  ≤ j for all j. From this we obtain by Corollary 4.3 that HI (M, N) is I-cofinite for all j. For the rest of this proof, we consider the case of dim(N) 2. By the short exact ≤ sequence 0 ΓI (N) N N 0 where N = N/ΓI (N), we get the following exact sequence → → → → u v w Extj (M, Γ (N)) j Hj(M, N) j Hj(M, N) j Extj+1(M, Γ (N)). R I −→ I −→ I −→ R I It implies the following exact sequences 0 Im u Hj(M, N) Im v 0 and → j → I → j → 0 Im v Hj(M, N) Im w 0. → j → I → j → Thus Im uj and Im wj are finitely generated for all j. So by the above exact sequences j j we obtain that HI (M, N) is I-cofinite if and only if so is HI (M, N). Hence we may assume that ΓI (N) = 0. So we can take y I such that y is an N-regular element. y ∈ From the exact sequence 0 N N N/yN 0 we have an exact sequence as follow → −→ → → j HI (M,N/yN) (0 : y) j+1 0 −→ HI (M,N) −→ j for all j. So that dim Supp(H (M, N)) = dim Supp (0 : y) j 1 for I HI (M,N) 0  ≤ all j 1. Note that HI (M, N) = Hom(M, ΓI (N)) = Hom(M, 0) = 0. Thus ≥ j j dim Supp(HI (M, N)) 1 for all j. From this we get by Corollary 4.3 that HI (M, N) is I-cofinite for all j, and≤ this finishes the proof of Theorem 1.3 .  As immediate consequences of Theorem 1.3 we obtain the following results.

j Corollary 5.1. If dim(R) 2 the HI (M, N) is I-cofinite for all j, and all finitely generated R-modules M, N. ≤ Corollary 5.2. If dim(N) 2 the Hj(N) is I-cofinite for all j. ≤ I We next consider furthermore a consequence of Theorem 1.2 and 1.3 on the finiteness of associated primes of generalized local cohomology modules. We first recall that an R-module K is called weakly Laskerian if any quotient module of K has finitely many associated primes (cf. [11]). Note that, all Artinian modules, all finitely generated modules, and all modules with finite support are weakly Laskerian. Moreover, if 0 K K K 0 is an exact sequence, then K is weakly Laskerian if and only→ 1 → 2 → 3 → 2 if K1 and K3 are both weakly Laskerian. Note that if R is a Notherian local ring and dim(N) 3 then the third author proved in [16, Theorem 1.1] that the modules j ≤ HI (M, N) has only finitely many associated prime ideals for all j. In the following, we obtain a stronger result . 14 NGUYEN TU CUONGA, SHIRO GOTOB AND NGUYEN VAN HOANGC

Corollary 5.3. Assume that (R, m) is a Noetherian local ring. If dim(M) 3 or i j ≤ dim(N) 3 then ExtR(R/I,HI (M, N)) is weakly Laskerian for all i, j 0. In partic- ≤ j ≥ ular, Ass (H (M, N)) is a finite set for all j 0. R I ≥ Proof. Assume that dim(M) 3. By similar arguments as in the proof of Theorem 1.3, we obtain the following exact≤ sequences 0 Im f Hj(M, N) Im g 0 and → j → I → j → 0 Im g Hj(M, N) Im h 0, → j → I → j → where M = M/ΓI (M). Thus we get the following exact sequences ... Exti (R/I, Im f ) Exti (R/I,Hj(M, N)) Exti (R/I, Im g ) ... and → R j → R I → R j → ... Exti (R/I, Im g ) Exti (R/I,Hj(M, N)) Exti (R/I, Im h ) ... → R j → R I → R j → Moreover, note that Im fj and Im hj are finitely generated for all j. It follows i j that ExtR(R/I,HI (M, N)) is weakly Laskerian if and only if so is the module i j ExtR(R/I,HI (M, N)). Therefore we may assume that ΓI(M) = 0. Thus we get an exact sequence 0 M x M M/xM 0 where x I is a regular element of M. j→ −→ → → ∈ It implies that HI (M/xM, N) (0 : x) j 0 is an exact sequence. Hence, as → HI (M,N) → dim(M/xM) 2, so we obtain that ≤ dim Supp(Hj(M, N)) 2 for all j 0. I ≤ ≥ For the case dim(N) 3, by similar arguments as above we may reduce to the hypoth- ≤ esis that ΓI (N) = 0. Then by the following exact sequence j HI (M,N/yN) (0 : y) j+1 0 → HI (M,N) → j with y I is an N regular element, we get that dim Supp(HI (M, N)) 2 for all j 0. Therefore,∈ for the− rest of this proof, we need only to claim the weakly≤ Laskerianness≥ of Extu (R/I,Hv(M, N)) for all u, v 0 provided that R I ≥ dim Supp(Hj(M, N)) 2 for all j 0. I ≤ ≥ Note that Hj(M, N) R = Hj(M, N). Therefore, in view of [20, Lemma 2.1], I ⊗R ∼ Ib we can assume that R is completeb withc bm-adic topology. We now claim the weakly u v Laskerianness of ExtR(R/I,HI (M, N)) by way of contradiction. For any integers u v u, v, we set K = ExtR(R/I,HI (M, N)). Assume that there exists a submodule T of K such that Ass(K/T ) is an infinite set. Then there is a countably infinite sub- set pl l∈ of Ass(K/T ) such that pl = m for all l N. Let S = R pl. { } N 6 ∈ \ Sl∈N Then S is a multiplicative closed of R. Since pl l∈N Ass(K/T ), so that −1 −1 −1 −1 { }−1 ⊆ S p Ass −1 (S K/S T ). Thus Ass −1 (S K/S T ) is an infinite set. On { l}l∈N ⊆ S R S R the other hand, as m * pl for all l N, we get by [21, Lemma 3.2] that m * l∈N pl; ∈ j −1 −1 S and so that m S = . It implies that dim Supp(HS−1I(S M,S N)) 1 for all j 0. From this, we∩ obtain6 ∅ by Corollary 4.3 that ≤ ≥ −1 u −1 −1 v −1 −1 S K = ExtS−1R(S R/S I,HS−1I (S M,S N)) ON THE COFINITENESS OF GENERALIZED LOCAL COHOMOLOGY MODULES 15 is finitely generated. It implies that S−1K/S−1T is finitely generated. Hence −1 −1 AssS−1R(S K/S T ) is a finite set. On the other hand, by the hypothesis of T , the −1 −1 set AssS−1R(S K/S T ) is infinite. Hence we obtain a contradiction, and the claim follows. The last conclusion is clear.  References

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