Volume 38, 2011 Pages 253–278 http://topology.auburn.edu/tp/ Inverse Hypersystems by Nikica Ugleˇsić Electronically published on October 22, 2010 Topology Proceedings Web: http://topology.auburn.edu/tp/ Mail: Topology Proceedings Department of Mathematics & Statistics Auburn University, Alabama 36849, USA E-mail:
[email protected] ISSN: 0146-4124 COPYRIGHT ⃝c by Topology Proceedings. All rights reserved. http://topology.auburn.edu/tp/ TOPOLOGY PROCEEDINGS Volume 38 (2011) Pages 253-278 E-Published on October 22, 2010 INVERSE HYPERSYSTEMS NIKICA UGLESIˇ C´ Abstract. The notion of a (generalized) inverse hypersys- tem in a category C, that generalizes the known notion of a generalized inverse system, is introduced via a functor of a cofinally small weakly cofiltered category to C. The appropri- ate morphisms are also defined such that they generalize the morphisms of generalized inverse systems. The correspond- ing category P RO-C is constructed such that pro-C and P ro- C are subcategories of it. In comparison to the relationship between pro-C and P ro-C, the essential benefit is that there exist inverse hypersystems which are not isomorphic to any generalized inverse system. The notion of a cofinite inverse hypersystem is also introduced, and it is proven that every generalized inverse hypersystem is isomorphic to a cofinite inverse hypersystem. At the end, it is shown by example how an inverse hypersystem could occur. 1. Introduction Since 1960, when Alexander Grothendieck introduced the no- tion of a pro-category and the appropriate technique (see [7]), pro- categories have had a very wide range of applications, especially in geometric and algebraic topology (see [1], [2], [6], [11], [3]).