Western Liberal, 11-08-1895 Lordsburg Print Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-8-1895 Western Liberal, 11-08-1895 Lordsburg Print Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lwl_news Recommended Citation Lordsburg Print Company. "Western Liberal, 11-08-1895." (1895). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lwl_news/322 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "N ... f yw Sq barrí VOL. VIII, NO 52. LORDSBUKtf, NEW MEXICO, NOVUM Mill . 1835. O ..t. A u- .....-rn-M- Awarded WESTEHN LliiEHAL. LEJT'JK'j Otf 'i.?.AMr A brier :i:i;i!i r,n h:.r;l'y (I jus KJghcst Honors World's Pair. tice In ititf ;ui!.'.: .cernen! -- I'rof. Joiiu J. Mi Col; (if Tr!:;Itj !h! Hiere! 1'- - & LealiV roiMftUiirg - Now Mexirni vhicii the Vim: (' .;:i!::ni!"i makes The Roberts cotU'j'c, in .t rt'ccfi; in No 'or coiiii:.-- .' year. only will Haven on the. Aspect the rot. (it I t hi i Ktoiy of tho Tnimp I'roblotrt," suys tlio I'hil tome he i;m lie;;;, PUr'.UsTIKn I'RID.WS. i ' i , vrl'.et.a roii ril.tr.' rr, Hit h de i i íi Fres-- pitve Ihc fnlinwin ft !( of i h.' Ki'i-i : i -t M facts u'uout Uic knights t nai.y eminent n ri.s! s ,'..',h',i ; i.;" i id. No Ply HON: H. P.KIV.IK. Un? m;ul: ami ills ,: c;i!j; "New Jersey wns tho first state to fewer than thn.".' Ul.lliICI mm Si. are , among th;'!;i being the p;tss a linv pnnishlnn the professional announcci Subscription Prices. sect o I a iy of t; ricu'i t ui i', v ho ches.' fi i irairp, uní at, tho same timo to define y l 1 subject the ccitbra-i- (XISTC O Jareo Months what lie was. This was in 1S7(. Tin: "Ai ,r J3JP OPvÁTED Six Months 1 ''r l ion of originated; Secretary was Cotr.ieeii-cti- t which 3 00 next Rhode Island and Ono Tear Herbert writ e i on "What the l'resi- - came third. A rt-- v tit. "!'. or rtubseriptlon Alwaj-- Payable in Advance. dent of tin" I iiited States Pues," and thpi''.( arj Mioiit. bO.noo tramps in Secretary loku Smith on ' Indi thi? United States. This number Is a tr ans." ÍVrillÍiai trido laxtfe, al tin ni;i'a it is s ite to say GENERAL MERCHANDISE. In a faeinat-ini- t'roupot art i''les tin-do- r MOST PERFECT MADE. OFFICIAL DIltECTOIlY. that there are over 4U,0t!0. 'j'h: is I in- - head of "Mow I Served My A pure Gtape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free FEDERAL. larger than the army of Wellington at. from Ammonia, i ires-hip,"- Alum or any other adulterant. T. B. Dolcimto to ("outn ess A 'pí en ' Frank R. Stockton Cnf'on Waterloo. We look on tramps as hu- O YEARS W. T. Thornton (iovt rnor h uv (ion. THE STANDARD. i t tells he hcama an author, Lorlon M Irr fit iTi-- ii man wrecks and driftwood, and yet 'J'hos. S. Smith Chief Justice "Imih A. Mi ghvs reminiscences W ni, L. Leo. the majority of them are in tho prime 11. It. Miunilton, f Associates of his army days, and Andrew Carne- Sliver tlio I'eople's Money. N. H LHiDdilln, of life and better than the average i gie, recalls his earliest struggles in get- It looks now ns t!iou;;h yon . H. D. H.mU 1 health. Only Sj per cent of the iniftht Charlen K. Knsley Rurvcyor-ncmlra- l ting a business footing. well try to reverso tho course of the C M. Shannon... ...United States Cel.ector tramps from whom my statistics were rivers as J. B. Hemingway..- U. 8. District Attorney The publishers of the Youth's Com- to net the masses to have any- gleaned claimed in the dead of winter, le:--s Kdnanl L. Hall U. 8. Mundial panion rn'ike th; fr Hun frig liberal of- thing than free coinage of silver nt W. H.Loomin Deputy I . 8. Mundial when the grip was rasing, that they a ratio not loss than 10 to J, ns was LORPSBUUG J. W. Fleming U. S. Coal Vine Inspector fer: New suhsci ihers who will at it II. Wulker, Santa Fo, Land OHico were in b id health. They are before was demonetized by tho bond- Jume robust. once it Pedro Dallado. Santa Po. Heo. Land OJlico send their names and addressand holders and money speculators in 1S73, D. Bryan, Las Unices Hep. Land Ollice and will fill you with envy, malice and J. $1.73 will receive free a handsome four nays J. P. Ascarato, Las Cruces. lice. Land OHico all other jealous feelings when you li. Frank Koith of Wilmington, Mohaid Yoiinir, HoKwell Hen. Land (tilica page calendar for tS'jsi (7x10 ins) litho- N. C. m ni W. H.C'osjfrovo, Hinwcll Heo. Land OHiee hear them snoring midnight. n at MAT 1 Dili W. W. Itovlo, Folsom Land Oflleo graphed in Mine colors, the retail price When yon leave tho towns and oitios, lie. "Eihty-on- c pet óentoí tho tramps H. C. Fíenle Kec. Land Ollice of which is fifty cents, the Companion it ia ns raro to find a gold mouometallist ML declare they took to the road because Bill flu TERRITORIAL. free every week until January 1, 18iiti, as it is to find abhnetallist president of i.n Solicltor-iJenera- l of a only J. P. Victory they were out job, and one , a national bank. The scarcity of money Fo Dint. Attorney the Thank-giving- Christmf.s and New J. H. Crist, Sania man because machinery tookhis place. and tho continual shriukago of H. Ji. Younp J.itsCrucca Year's double number free, and farms w. u. w biiuian, Altumiieniuo " Over (10 per cent of the English tramps the unrt farm products, as well as every- fcl, rAaO, TlSXAS A. If. HarH'iO, Silver City Youth's Companion fifty-tw- o weeks, a I thing eli'o sinea silver was M. W. Mill" Sirlnrcr are given as taking to lie road because demonetized J.. C. Las Vestas " full year lo January 1, 1S!I7. Address, except debts, havo thoroughly nrousod Forty " of Vj,:r.int habits. The majority of HeorifO Jlaker, Hoswcll Tun Youth's Companion, tho producer and caused him to buliovo If. piQo Librarian our tramps are of American birth, C3 33100,OCO s.'2E,CCC íl. H. Clniey Clerk Supremo Court 103 Columbus Aveuue, lioston. there i.i certainly something wrong in Capital, SurpruD, Ü. per of 1.3-1:- H. l irluniuiit Snpt. Penitentiary cent being of American our financial system, and of Oeo. w Knaebot Adjutant (lencral a majority parentage, and 272 Irish, who came Tucson Cili.i u: Developments : K. J. )leu Treasurer thofo in tho cities interested in him are órneme . V, mMo P.rcz Auditor next. Over 1,000 out of 1,73S tramps made in the Santa Rita coal fields are beginning SATNOLDS, Pretjilont. Jf. W. FI.OT-'tW.- Bupt. lnnruction to boliovo with him, as thoy Vice Amad" Ch'Avo Public 8. M. 8. Mart Coal Oil Inspector could read and write, and they all of a most encouraging character, not find when ho is prosperous ull other U. 8TKV J. F. WILLIAM!?, Asst. Co. COTFRT OF PRIVATE LAND CLAIMS. spend money on the daily newspapers. only for coal but also for oil. Two classes tiro prosperous, and 'whon ho is depressed Jiwrih U. Keed of Iowa, Chief Justice. Out of 1,889 only seventy are married, shafts are being sunk about a mile tho balance of mankind is or CORnKFl'ONDKNTS: Justices Wilbur K. Slono, of soon bo. Ahsooiatk fifty-seve- eighty-fou- r part. one coal is will ColoVario; Tlioinaí C. Fuller, ol North Caroli- are widowers and In the formation ' na, W M. Murray, Teiinesi-oe.- ; Henry Uold is tho money of about 4,000,000 Chemical National Bank.... .' .... ..New York tlllaui of have children. Thirty-eigh- t pol- strong and in the other the Indications .... le hiss, of Kansas. of our people, while silver is the monoy Heynolds, Missouri, L. S. First National Bank l.attliow (J. of ecat say that they work for their food, are in favor of oil. This is the opin of 05,000,000. Yet tho wouey of tho Chirl Attorney. 21 per cent beg it and 58 per ion of Prof, lilake, who made an ex n Bank, Limited San Francisco C0Ü1ITY. centsteal 65,000,000 must bo destroyed to appease Over 400 sleep cheap lodging aminaUon of material Monday tho greed of tho 4,000,000. 8. S. Brnnnan ) it. at the Thos. Fontor V... .County Coinmlfslonejs houses anil nearly 300 in police head- At last accounts the deepest shaft A. J. Clark i History at the ltatlo. K. V. Nowahara Probiito JinJno quarters. About 100 sleep In boxes." was down but twenty feet. Before K. M. Yountr Probate ;ClerU depth Tho number of grains of coined silvor Bora'ds Asw-sso- twice that has been reached Treasurers of the Local T. N. Childars Danger From Catarrh. equal to cue grain of coiuod gold is Baylor Bhanuou Shentl The most important feature about important revelations may be looked H T Link School Superintendent called tho ratio.