A Razzle Dazzle Christmas

Opening Scene: Lisa J. Mails stage.

Tami: Finally, this holiday program will be over. I am so sick of Christmas songs.

Grace: Me too. The whole holiday thing is lame.

Andy: Except for the presents. I like that part.

Alexis: Me too. But the rest of the traditions are so…

Olivia R: I like the traditions.

Kaylee: Oh, me too! Did you know that the very first Christmas presents were given in ancient Rome during the feast of Kalends? High-ranking officials gave gifts to the Roman emperor.

Parker: I don’t get it. Was Santa from ancient Rome?

Tami: Nevermind. Kaylee’s full of useless knowledge. (The others laugh. Kaylee looks sad. Olivia R pats Kaylee on the shoulder in a comforting way.)

Olivia R: You guys have all lost the spirit of the holidays.

Grace: Lost it? I never had it.

Madison: It’s almost curtain time.

Alexis: Then we better get ready. (All exit except Olivia R and Kaylee.)

Olivia R: I’m worried about my friends. They don’t understand that the holidays are a perfect time to embrace other cultures. I wish they could believe.

Kaylee: I know what you mean. Did you know that believing makes you healthier?

(Song: Believe by Olivia R and Kaylee) Children, sleeping. Snow is softly falling. Dreams are calling, Like bells in the distance. We were dreamers, Not so long ago. But one by one we all had to grow up. When it seems the magic slipped away... We find it all again on Christmas Day. Believe in what your heart is saying, Hear the melody that's playing. There's no time to waste, There so much to celebrate. Believe in what you feel inside, Give your dreams the wings to fly. You have everything you need, if you just believe. Trains move quickly, To their journey's end. Destinations...Are where we begin again. Ships go sailing, Far across the sea. Trusting starlight, To get where they need to be. When it seems that we have lost our way... We find ourselves again on Christmas Day. Believe in what your heart is saying, Hear the melody that's playing There's no time to waste, There so much to celebrate. Believe in what you feel inside, And give your dreams the wings to fly. You have everything you need, if you just Believe. If you just believe. If you just believe. If you just believe...just believe...just believe.

Director: Places, everyone! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our annual holiday program.

(Song: Around the World – Tami, Alexis, Grace, Parker, Madison, and Andy sing with bored attitudes and faces. In the middle of the song, the sound of an airplane gets louder and louder. Miss Razzle-Dazzle enters in a wild holiday costume.)

Director: Excuse me, the airport is down the road (points) that-a-way.

Miss Razzle-Dazzle: Is this Lisa J. Mails Elementary School?

Director: Yes, it is. And we are in the middle of our annual school program.

Miss Razzle-Dazzle: Then this is exactly where I need to be. I heard a song. It sounded like a plea for help, so here I am. I need the following students – Tami, Alexis, Grace, Parker, Madison, and Andy. (The kids step forward and look awkwardly at each other.) I understand you have no holiday spirit.

Grace: Never had it.

Tami: We are just really sick of all the same songs every day.

Madison: Well, we have been hearing them since Thanksgiving.

Alexis: You mean Halloween.

Parker: What good are the holidays anyway?

Andy: Well, there are the presents, after all.

Miss Razzle-Dazzle: I have a present for each of you – a free trip around the world.

Director: What about the show?

Miss Razzle-Dazzle: Don’t worry. The Fantastic Field Trip Flyer is never late. We’ll be back in a flash.

Director: But the show is now!

Miss Razzle-Dazzle: And your show will be better than ever. All aboard. (Tami, Alexis, Grace, Parker, Madison, and Andy board the plane.) Oh, Olivia and Kaylee, you come too.

Olivia R & Kaylee: Hooray! (eagerly gets on the plane. The plane takes off.)

SONG: AROUND THE WORLD AT CHRISTMAS TIME Around the world at Christmas time, Singing songs together from your land and mine Like holly and ivy together entwined Our voices will blend at this wondrous time Though customs may differ from land to land We all know in our hearts that it’s true That there’s hope and sharing, good will and caring And love for me and you. All around the world the children are singing Songs of peace for everyone to hear. Around the world at Christmas time We celebrate a special kind Of joy we feel, and we know we’ll find Sweet laughter and happiness at this time And we will remember from year to year How much in our hearts we all grew From hope and sharing, good will and caring, And love for me and you. All around the world the children are singing Songs of peace for everyone to hear, to hear Though customs may differ from land to land We all know in our hearts that it’s true That there’s hope and sharing, good will and caring And love for me and you. There’s love for me and you. Merry Christmas to you!

(The plane exits during the song and re-enters after the applause.)

Parker: Gee, Miss Razzle-Dazzle, where are we going?

Miss Razzle Dazzle: look out the window and see for yourself.

Madison: It looks like our neighbors in Mexico.

Alexis: I see a big piñata.

Grace: And look at all those sombreros.

Kaylee: Did you know that the piñata originated in China?

Tami: We don’t really care, Kaylee.

Olivia R: I do, Kaylee, please tell us.

Kaylee: It passed to Europe in the 14 th century.

Parker: Was that like when my parents were kids?

Kaylee: In Spain, the piñatas were made out of clay. The Spanish missionaries brought the custom to North America.

Alexis: Mrs. Monroe taught us that in 4 th grade.

Grace: This is sounding way too educational.

Olivia R: Look, everyone! I think they’re going to sing!

(Enter all the children from Mexico.)

Jessica: Buenos dias, amigos!

Toby: Welcome to Mexico.

Brody: Miss Razzle Dazzle, it is so good to see you again.

Miss Razzle Dazzle: Thank you, children

Parker: Is that a piñata?

Jayla: Si, senorita, and it is filled with delicious treats.

Lucas: And we get to hit it with a stick!

Andy: Great! I’m hungry.

Grace: But first we must sing our song for you.

Maya: And, of course, we are going to dance.

SONG: CHRISTMAS FIESTA In old Mexico, each holiday, you’ll hear a familiar ring. The people dance, Mariachis play, and this is what they sing. The holidays are beginning, my favorite time of the year. Everybody is grinning, the day is almost here. I have a special requesta of each and everyone. Let’s have a special fiesta, a holiday in the sun. Christmas fiesta, winter in the sun Christmas fiesta, fun for everyone Cabo San Lucas or Alcapulco Bay Christmas fiesta, it’s the perfect holiday. If the temp’rature still is freezing Let me tell you ya oughta stop your sniffling and sneezing Join us in Las Posadas So Santa, this is my order, I’m sending it to you. A Christmas south of the border. I hope to make it all come true. Christmas fiesta, winter in the sun Christmas fiesta, fun for everyone Cabo San Lucas or Alcapulco Bay Christmas fiesta, it’s the perfect holiday. So if you’re feeling depression Celebrate Las Posadas Or if you’re feeling aggression, Take it out on our piñata. Fiesta! Fiesta! Oh, Christmas fiesta, winter in the sun Christmas fiesta, fun for everyone Cabo San Lucas or Alcapulco Bay Christmas fiesta, it’s the perfect holiday. It’s the perfect holiday. It’s the perfect holiday.

Alexis: That was wonderful.

Halle: Can you stay for our fiesta?

Malia: My mama made tacos!

Ashleen: Please stay.

Miss Razzle Dazzle: I’m afraid we must get going. We still have much to learn.

Anjali: Adios, mi amigos.

Andy: Can’t we get some of that piñata candy?

Anjalisa: Have a fantastic holiday.

Alecia: Please come back.

(The children of Mexico exit.)

Alexis: We don’t want to be late for our performances back at school.

Tami: Oh, I’m sure we’ve already missed the whole show.

Olivia R: But, Tami, Miss Razzle Dazzle promised we would be back on time.

Tami: So, you already believe in all that Christmas stuff. And now you believe in this crazy pilot, too?

Miss Razzle Dazzle: Oh, I’m not the pilot. I’m just your guide.

Parker: Who’s flying the plane?

Miss Razzle Dazzle: The Fantastic Field Trip Flyer knows just where to go.

Alexis: A plane without a pilot?

Madison: That’s like an elephant without a trunk.

Grace: A zebra without stripes.

Andy: School without homework!

Miss Razzle Dazzle: Our next stop is across the Atlantic Ocean.

Olivia R: Look out the window. I see London Tower.

Alexis: I see London Bridge.

Parker: Where are we? Where are we?

Kaylee: Did you know that carols were first sung in Europe thousands of years ago, but they were not Christmas Carols. They were pagan songs, sung at the Winter Solstice celebrations as people danced around stone circles. Carols used to be written and sung during all four seasons, but only the tradition of singing them at Christmas has really survived!

(Enter Donovan, Austin, and Brock dressed as palace guards.)

Donovan: Halt! Who goes there?

Miss Razzle Dazzle: Oh, you remember me. We’re here for our annual get the spirit journey. Courtney (off-stage): Who is it, palace guards?

Austin: It’s Miss Razzle Dazzle and her usual collection of non-believers, your highness.

(Queen Courtney enters with Princesses Emmy, Hannah, Jobee, and Meghan, all wearing elaborate British hats.)

Courtney: Welcome to England.

Emmy: Hulloh, Miss Razzle Dazzle. You’re just in time!

Parker: In time for what?

Emmy: Christmas caroling, of course.

Courtney: You must all join us.

Tami: Singing Christmas songs? I don’t think so.

Hannah: I promise you’ll enjoy it.

Grace: I doubt that.

Jobee: Oh please, we really do need more voices.

Meghan: The more the merrier, as they say.

SONG: DECK THE HALLS Deck the halls with boughs of holly Fa la la la la la la la la Tis the season to be jolly Fa la la la la la la la la Don we now our gay apparel Fa la la la la la la la la Troll the ancient Yuletide carol Fa la la la la la la la la See the blazing Yule before us Fa la la la la la la la la Strike the harp and join the chorus Fa la la la la la la la la Follow me in merry measure Fa la la la la la la la la While I tell of Yuletide treasure Fa la la la la la la la la Fast away the old year passes Fa la la la la la la la la Hail the new, ye lads and lasses Fa la la la la la la la la Sing we joyous altogether Fa la la la la la la la la Heedless of the wind and weather Fa la la la la la la la la

Andy: Wow! I never heard it sung like that before.

Grace: It was pretty good.

Alexis: It was great!

Madison: And fun!

Olivia: Wasn’t that fun, Tami?

Tami: Well, okay, a little bit.

Miss Razzle Dazzle: All aboard! There’s more to see.

Parker: Where are we going next, Miss Razzle Dazzle?

Miss Razzle Dazzle: Just a short jaunt away, to Israel.

Kaylee: In Israel, they celebrate Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. It lasts for eight days.

Andy: I know something about Hanukkah.

Parker: What do you know, Andy? Tell me.

Andy: I know they eat latkes, and they are yummy.

Alexis: Look, here come some children with lights.

(Enter the Israeli children.)

Mari: Welcome to Israel, Miss Razzle Dazzle.

Miss Razzle Dazzle: Thank you, Mari.

Mari: Shalom.

All the children: Shalom!

Quinlan: You are just in time for our Festival of Lights.

Abigail: The Jewish people commemorate the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem and the "Miracle of The Oil.”

Gavin: They only had one day’s worth of oil, but it lasted eight days.

Skylar: We hope you can stay for some latkes.

Andy: Oh, yum! Can we?

Miss Razzle Dazzle: Of course.

Peyton: Come sing with us.

SONG: LIGHT THE CANDLES Light the candles spin the dreidel, Celebrate our blessing tonight! For our vict’ry and our freedom Light the candles: see the light! Join your hands now, do the hora, Lift your hearts and sing out the song. Latkes baking: oil making; It’s a party, come a-long! Nesgadol Ha-yah Sham, Miracles both great and small. Nesgadol Ha-yah Sham, Let this be our call! Light the candles spin the dreidel, Celebrate our blessing tonight! For our vict’ry and our freedom Light the candles: see the light! Nesgadol Ha-yah Sham, Miracles both great and small. Nesgadol Ha-yah Sham, Let this be our call! Light the candles spin the dreidel, Celebrate our blessing tonight! For our vict’ry and our freedom Light the candles: see the light! Hey!

Alexis: That was great!

Olivia S: That was fun!

Kristin: That was a song about a miracle.

Zachary: The miracle of the oil!

Erin: Here’s a dreidel for you, Miss Razzle Dazzle. (Erin gives Miss Razzle Dazzle a dreidel. Miss Razzle Dazzle accepts it with a big smile.)

Brennan: What a cool plane! I wish I could fly with you guys.

Maile: I hope you had a great time.

Kristin: Hope you come back soon.

Khirra: See you next year, Miss Razzle Dazzle.

Miss Razzle Dazzle: All aboard.

Grace: Do we have to leave so soon?

Alexis: I really liked those lights.

Andy: I really liked those latkes.

Madison: But we must get aboard so we won’t miss our show back home.

Tami: Do you still think we’ll be back for that? Good grief. It’s all over by now.

Olivia R: Oh, don’t give up, Tami. We must believe.

Madison: Look down. All I see is ocean.

Kaylee: The Pacific Ocean, to be precise.

Alexis: Are we landing in the middle of the ocean?

Madison: Kind of. I see some islands. I think we are landing on one.

Kaylee: The islands of Hawaii are the results of countless years of volcanic eruptions.

Alexis: Volcanoes? That does not sound fun.

(Enter Katrina, Jacob, and Ariana, carrying leis.)

Ariana: Aloha. (She puts a lei on Miss Razzle Dazzle.)

Katrina, Jacob, and Ariana: Aloha. (They give out their leis.)

Katrina: Welcome to our island.

Ariana: We hope you enjoy the beautiful sounds of our ukelele band.

Jacob: Under the direction of Mrs. Eskridge from the big island.

(Enter Mrs. Eskridge and the ukelele band.)

Madison: I have a ukulele! Can I play too?

Katrina: Sure. Come on.


Alexis: That was great!

Parker: I didn’t know you were so talented, Madison.

Madison: Thank you, Parker.

Miss Razzle Dazzle: All aboard, children. There’s more to see.

Andy: Can’t we stay long enough to catch one big wave at Waikiki?

Madison: Sorry, Andy. We can’t be late. Mrs. Mutchnick is counting on us.

Tami: You still believe we’ll be back on time? That show’s over, and our parents are probably wondering where we are right now.

Olivia R: Tami, don’t you believe in anything?

Tami: I believe I’m having a fine time in this crazy airplane.

Olivia R: Well, that’s a start.

Alexis: Hey, do you hear that music. (Enter the African dancers.)

Cryslyn: Welcome to Africa.

Brooke: It’s good to see you again, Miss Razzle Dazzle.

Miss Razzle Dazzle: Thank you, Brooke.

Bryana: We hope you enjoy your visit with us.

Trinity: We are going to dance to some music from Lex Sen, a musician from Senegal,

Kailey: Senegal is in western coast Africa.


Kassidy: That was fun.

Lauren: Can we do that again?

Brooklyn: I hope you liked our dance.

Trinity: Can’t you stay a little longer?

Miss Razzle Dazzle: Oh, I’ll be back.

Alexis: I’m getting homesick.

Tami: Me too.

Grace: I know how you feel, Tami.

Tami: I’m even missing some good old Christmas music.

Madison: Listen.

Andy: I hear it.

SONG: JAMMIN’ IN OUR JAMMIES One fine winter morning when I opened up my eyes Gathered in my living room was a big surprise All my friends were gathered there at the crack of dawn So we had a party with our pajamas on! Jammin’ in our jammies, having us a holiday! Jammin’ in our jammies, everybody shout hoorray! (hooray) Mama in her nightgown, daddy in his flannel pants. Santa is the DJ, spinnin’ in his PJ’s now! Let’s dance! Let’s dance! Let’s dance! Let’s dance! Jammin’ in our jammies makes a holiday complete. (sweet) Jammin’ in our jammies, fuzzy wuzzies on our feet (sweet) Mama in her nightgown, daddy in his flannel pants. Santa is the DJ, spinnin’ in his PJ’s now! Let’s dance! Let’s dance! Let’s dance! Let’s dance! (Dance Break) Do the Candy Cane! Do the Jingle Bell Twist! Do the Christmas Tree! Do the Mistletoe! (eew!) Santa is the DJ, spinnin’ in his PJ’s now! Let’s dance! Let’s dance! Let’s dance! Let’s dance!

Tami: We must be home. Where else do the kids wear pajamas to school?

Director: And now, ladies and gentlemen, on with the show!

Madison: We made it! We’re back in time for our show.

Tami: I don’t believe it.

Grace: Neither do I.

Olivia R: You don’t?

Tami: Actually, I do.

Grace: Me too.

Alexis: We all believe.

Director: And now, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Lisa J. Mails Elementary School’s annual Christmas program!

SONG: BIG RED FELLA IN THE CHIMNEY There’s a big red fella in the chimney, somebody’s gotta call the cops! Gotta get him outta there (‘cause it’s gettin’ hotter there) before that chimney pops! It’s crazy, silly situation. I’m calling “nine-one-one,” ‘cause a big, red fella in the chimney’s really not a lotta fun! What does he think he’s doing? That’s not what a chimney’s for! There’s no use boo-hoo-hoo-ing, but why can’t he use the door? What does he think he’s trying? He’s way too big for that! We’ll have to keep on prying, this fella’s way too fat! There’s a big red fella in the chimney, somebody’s gotta call the cops! Gotta get him outta there (‘cause it’s gettin’ hotter there) before that chimney pops! It’s crazy, silly situation. I’m calling “nine-one-one,” ‘cause a big, red fella in the chimney’s really not a lotta fun! Somebody bring me a crow bar! Somebody get some wax! How ‘bout a plunger? A ladder? A diet! Somebody get me an ax! What does he think he’s trying? He’s way too big for that! We’ll have to keep on prying, this fella’s way too fat! There’s a big red fella in the chimney, somebody’s gotta call the cops! Gotta get him outta there (‘cause it’s gettin’ hotter there) before that chimney pops! It’s crazy, silly situation. I’m calling “nine-one-one,” ‘cause a big, red fella in the chimney’s really not a lotta , It’s getting’ hotta, not a lotta fun! He’s gonna blow!!!

Tami: Miss Razzle Dazzle, thank you for the best gift I ever had.

Parker: Do you mean the plane ride?

Tami: No, the real present was getting my holiday spirit back.

Grace: And the joy of being a part of this amazing world.

Olivia R: Thank you, Miss Razzle Dazzle.

Miss Razzle Dazzle: Thank you, children. Now I’m off to help some others who have lost their way. Goodbye for now.

Children: Goodbye. Merry Christmas.

Director: And now for our final performance of the evening, Around the World at Christmas Time.

SONG: AROUND THE WORLD AT CHRISTMAS TIME Around the world at Christmas time, Singing songs together from your land and mine Like holly and ivy together entwined Our voices will blend at this wondrous time Though customs may differ from land to land We all know in our hearts that it’s true That there’s hope and sharing, good will and caring And love for me and you. All around the world the children are singing Songs of peace for everyone to hear. Around the world at Christmas time We celebrate a special kind Of joy we feel, and we know we’ll find Sweet laughter and happiness at this time And we will remember from year to year How much in our hearts we all grew From hope and sharing, good will and caring, And love for me and you All around the world the children are singing Songs of peace for everyone to hear, to hear Though customs may differ from land to land We all know in our hearts that it’s true That there’s hope and sharing, good will and caring And love for me and you. There’s love for me and you. Merry Christmas to you!

Director: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

Cast: Merry Christmas!