arXiv:1709.06854v1 [math.CO] 20 Sep 2017 eopsto of decomposition hoe 2. Theorem shows em 1. Lemma n xetfor except hs no is union whose opeegah[,2 ] opeebpriegah[]adsm comp some hy and are [3] graphs 11]. graph the 10, bipartite [5, complete when graphs 9], obtained partite 2, been [1, have graph graphs complete some of nesses stemnmmnme fpaa ugah hs no is union whose subgraphs planar of number minimum the as h 3-girth-thickness the -it-hcns ftecmlt graph complete the of 4-girth-thickness ahsbrp sa least at is subgraph each θ contains g − (4 g ≡ hswr a upre yNS fCiaudrGatN.1140143 No. Grant under China of NNSF by supported was work This phrases. and words Key 2010 2 nti ae,w determine we paper, this In The n21,RboMnil[]dfiethe define [7] Rubio-Montiel 2017, In K , ( n (o 6). 3(mod 10 − θ ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics Abstract. xetfor except banta h -it-hcns fcmlt rpriegraph is tripartite union complete whose of four 4-girth-thickness least the at that girth obtain of subgraphs planar of opeegraph complete yRboMnil(r ahCnep1()(08 319). (2018) 14(2) Contemp Math (Ars Rubio-Montiel by (4 thickness .Let 4. = ) 2) OEO THE ON NOTE A n K , θ . (4 ( n 10 [4] K , The 3. = ) ≥ G θ lnrgahwith graph planar A 1 (4 , θ twsdfie yWTTte[]i 93 hn h thick- the Then, 1963. in [8] W.T.Tutte by defined was It . 1 )vrie.I 1] agobtained Yang [11], In vertices. 1) K h 4-girth-thickness The ( , K , 4 K 1 G 10 grhtikesof -girth-thickness 2 = ) K 2. n,n,n θ 1 fagraph a of ) , 10 (3 1 ihtrepaa ugah fgrha es or which four, least at girth of subgraphs planar three with , hcns;4grhtikes opeetiatt graph. tripartite complete 4-girth-thickness; thickness; the 1 G , strewihdsrv h conjecture the disprove which three is .Adw loso htte4grhtikeso the of 4-girth-thickness the that show also we And 2. = ) . g eoeacmlt rpriegahi hc ahpart each which in graph tripartite complete a denote ti eeaiaino h sa hcns nwhich in thickness usual the of generalization a is It . steuulthickness usual the is ) I U N A YANG YAN AND GUO XIA 4 θ grhtikesof -girth-thickness (4 1. θ K , 4 (4 Introduction GRHTIKESOF -GIRTH-THICKNESS G K , n,n,n stemnmmnme fpaa subgraphs planar of number minimum the is θ (4 n,n,n 05C10. n K G , = ) 1 n,n,n etcsadgirth and vertices K fagraph a of ) g o l ausof values all for ) n -girth-thickness l n except is 1 + 2 m θ G ( K G stemnmmnumber minimum the is K 10 .H lodtrie the determined also He ). θ n,n,n G ( θ n ecnetr that conjecture he and K nti ae,we paper, this In . (4 n,n,n θ K , g n K ( G ,G g, n,n,n n eas iea give also we and a de tmost at edges has 10 0. = ) posed 4 = ) ihtegrhof girth the with fagraph a of ) K is n,n,n l  ecb [6], percube n n eemulti- lete +1 2 +1 3  m when G 2 XIAGUOANDYANYANG

Proof. It is trivial for n = 1, θ(4,K1,1,1) = 2. When n> 1, because |E(Kn,n,n)| = 2 3n , |V (Kn,n,n)| =3n, from Lemma 1, we have 3n2 n 1 2 n +1 θ(4,K ) ≥ = + + = . n,n,n l2(3n − 2)m l 2 3 3(3n − 2)m l 2 m

In the following, we give a decomposition of K into n+1 planar subgraphs n,n,n  2  of girth at least four to complete the proof. Let the vertex partition of Kn,n,n be (U, V, W ), where U = {u1,...,un}, V = {v1,...,vn} and W = {w1,...,wn}. In this proof, all the subscripts of vertices are taken modulo 2p, except that of u2p+1, v2p+1,w2p+1. Case 1. When n =2p (p ≥ 1).

Let G1,...,Gp+1 be the graphs whose edge set is empty and vertex set is the same as V (K2p,2p,2p).

Step 1: For each Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p), arrange all the vertices u1, v3−2i,u2, v4−2i, u3, v5−2i,...,u2p, v2p−2i+2 on a circle and join uj to vj+2−2i and vj+1−2i,1 ≤ j ≤ 2p. 1 Then we get a cycle of length 4p, denote it by Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p). 1 Step 2: For each Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p), place the vertex w2i−1 inside the cycle and join it to u1,...,u2p, place the vertex w2i outside the cycle and join it to v1,...,v2p. 2 Then we get a Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p). 2 Step 3: For each Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p), place vertices w2j for 1 ≤ j ≤ p and j =6 i, inside of the quadrilateral w2i−1u2i−1v1u2i and join each of them to vertices u2i−1 and u2i. Place vertices w2j−1, for 1 ≤ j ≤ p and j =6 i, inside of the quadrilateral w2iv2i−1ukv2i, in which uk is some vertex from U. Join each of them to vertices v2i−1 and v2i. Then we get a planar graph Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p).

Step 4: For Gp+1, join w2i−1 to both v2i−1 and v2i, join w2i to both u2i−1 and u2i, for 1 ≤ i ≤ p, then we get a planar graph Gp+1.

For G1 ∪···∪ Gp+1 = Kn,n,n, and the girth of Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p + 1) is at least four, we obtain a 4-girth planar decomposition of K2p,2p,2p with p + 1 planar subgraphs. Figure 1 shows a 4-girth planar decomposition of K4,4,4 with three planar subgraphs.

w1 w3

w4 w2

u1 v1 u2 v2 u3 v3 u4 v4 u1 v3 u2 v4 u3 v1 u4 v2

w3 w1

w2 w4

(a) The graph G1 (b) The graph G2 A NOTE ON THE 4-GIRTH-THICKNESS OF Kn,n,n 3

v1 v3 u1 u3

w1 w3 w2 w4

v2 v4 u2 u4

(c) The graph G3

Figure 1. A 4-girth planar decomposition of K4,4,4

Case 2. When n =2p +1(p> 1).

Base on the 4-girth planar decomposition {G1, ··· , Gp+1} of K2p,2p,2p, by adding vertices and edges to each Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p + 1) and some other modifi- cations on it, we will get a 4-girth planar decomposition of K2p+1,2p+1,2p+1 with p + 1 subgraphs.

Step 1: (Add u2p+1 to Gi, 1 ≤ i ≤ p) For each Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p), we notice that the order of the p − 1 interior vertices w2j, 1 ≤ j ≤ p, and j =6 i in the quadrilateral w2i−1u2i−1v1u2i of Gi has no effect on the planarity of Gi. We adjust the order of them, such that w2i−1u2i−1w2p−2i+2u2i is a face of a plane embedding of Gi. Place the vertex u2p+1 in this face and join it to both w2i−1 and w2p−2i+2. We denote the planar graph we obtain by Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p). b Step 2: (Add v2p+1 and w2p+1 to G1) Delete the edge v1u2 in G1, put both v2p+1 and w2p+1 in the face wku1v1wtv2ub2 in which wk is some vertexb from {w2j | 1 < j ≤ p} and wt is some vertex from {w2j−1 | 1 < j ≤ p}. Join v2p+1 to w2p+1, join v2p+1 to u1,u2, and join w2p+1 to v1, v2, we get a planar graph G1. e Step 3: (Add v2p+1 and w2p+1 to Gi, 2 ≤ i ≤ p) For each Gi (2 ≤ i ≤ p), place the vertex v2p+1 in the face wku2i−1bv1u2i in which wk is someb vertex from {w2j | 1 ≤ j ≤ p and j =6 i}, and join it to u2i−1 and u2i. Place the vertex w2p+1 in the face wkv2i−1utv2i in which wk is some vertex from {w2j−1 | 1 ≤ j ≤ p and j =6 i} and ut is some vertex from U. Join w2p+1 to both v2i−1 and v2i, we get a planar graph Gi (2 ≤ i ≤ p).

Step 4:e (Add u2p+1, v2p+1 and w2p+1 to Gp+1) We add u2p+1, v2p+1 and w2p+1 to Gp+1. For 1 ≤ i ≤ 2p, join u2p+1 to each vi, join v2p+1 to each wi, join w2p+1 to each ui, join u2p+1 to both v2p+1 and w2p+1, and join v1 to u2, then we get a planar graph Gp+1. Figure 2 shows a plane embedding of Gp+1. e e For G1 ∪···∪ Gp+1 = Kn,n,n, and the girth of Gi (1 ≤ i ≤ p + 1) is at least four, wee obtain a 4-girthe planar decomposition of K2ep+1,2p+1,2p+1 with p+1 planar subgraphs. Figure 3 shows a 4-girth planar decomposition of K5,5,5 with three planar subgraphs.

Case 3. When n = 3, Figure 4 shows a 4-girth planar decomposition of K3,3,3 with two planar subgraphs. Summarizing the above, the theorem is obtained.  4 XIAGUOANDYANYANG


u w w v 2p−1 2p u2p u1 w2 u2 v1 w1 v2 2p−1 2p v2p−1

w2p+1 u2p+1

Figure 2. The graph Gp+1 e

w1 w3 u u5 5 w2 w4 v v5 5 u1 v1 u2 v2 u3 v3 u4 v4 u1 v3 u2 v4 u3 v1 u4 v2

w5 w5

w3 w1

w2 w4

(a) The graph G1 (b) The graph G2 e e


u3 w4 u4 u1 w2 u2 v1 w1 v2 v3 w3 v4

w5 u5

(c) The graph G3 e Figure 3. A 4-girth planar decomposition of K5,5,5

In [7], the author posed the question whether θ(4,K10) = 3 or 4, and conjec- tured that it is four. We disprove his conjecture by showing θ(4,K10) = 3.

Remark 3. The 4-girth-thickness of K10 is three.

Proof. From [7], we have θ(4,K10) ≥ 3. We draw a 4-girth planar decomposition of K10 with three planar subgraphs in Figure 5, which shows θ(4,K10) ≤ 3. The remark follows.  A NOTE ON THE 4-GIRTH-THICKNESS OF Kn,n,n 5


v3 u3


u1 v1 u2 v2 u1 w2 u2 v1 w1 v2

w3 w3 u3


Figure 4. A 4-girth planar decomposition of K3,3,3

1 5 2 9 10

1 2 4 3 4 1 3 2 8 3 7

5 6 8 7 8 5 7 6 4 10

10 9 9 6

Figure 5. A 4-girth planar decomposition of K10

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School of Mathematics, Tianjin University, 300072, Tianjin, China E-mail address: [email protected]

School of Mathematics, Tianjin University, 300072, Tianjin, China E-mail address: [email protected] (Corresponding author: Yan YANG)