
Plop’s Diary Model Text- Super Challenge

Monday 18th January Dear Diary, What a day it was! Today, I finally told my parents that I’m AFRAID of the DARK. I said the dark is NASTY! My parents explained me that to be a real owl, I must stay up all night to hunt. This is called being nocturnal. After that, they told me to go and explore the dark. So, I nervously set off with a flip, flop, flap to see a young, sweet boy who was watching fireworks. He told me that dark was EXCITING because you can’t see fireworks unless it is dark. That night, I watched the fireworks with my mum, dad and the young boy. The dark IS exciting but I still don’t like it AT ALL! At midnight, my dad went hunting and I went to bed. I hope I’ll be a REAL barn owl soon.

Plop the owl xx

Tuesday 19th January Dear Diary, What a lovely night I’ve had but I still feel frustrated that I don’t like the dark! Today, my mum told me to go and explore the dark again so I set off with a flip, flop, flap and landed beside a friendly, little boy. He was sitting by a campfire looking lonely. I asked him if he liked the dark and he said it was FUN because you can make hot cocoa and sit around the campfire songs. So, I stayed with him and his friends all night, singing songs by the camp fire. Oh diary, it was such a lovely night, I love campfires BUT I still don’t like the dark AT ALL! Will I ever be a real barn owl?

Plop the owl xx

Wednesday 20th January Dear Diary, I feel SO useless as an owl because I’m STILL afraid of the dark. My mum saw a little girl today and she told me to go explore the dark again. So I set off with a flip, flop, flap and landed beside a cheerful, chatty girl who was waiting for Father Christmas. I asked her if she liked the dark and she told me it was NECESSARY. She also told me that Father Christmas would not come if it was not for the dark! The little girl took off her own sock and gave it to me to use as a stocking on Christmas Eve. I am SO excited for Christmas! As I write this, I’m thinking that dark IS necessary but I still don’t like it AT ALL! I REALLY want to be a real night owl! I hope I’ll like it soon.

Plop the owl xx

Thursday 21st January Dear Diary, I will never forget tonight! A few hours ago, I met a big, black cat who told me dark was BEAUTIFUL. I didn’t really agree with him so he asked me to come exploring with him. I told him I was afraid of the dark and I refused to go with him. He told me to look around, so I did. The moon had risen, and everything was bathed in its white light. How lovely it was! Oh diary, it was magical! So the big, black cat asked me again to come with him and I said YES! Then I realised the dark IS EXCITING, FUN, NECCESSARRY and BEAUTIFUL. I immediately flew home to tell my parents I’m not afraid of the dark. I’ve changed my mind. I think dark is SUPER! You won’t believe what happened later, I went hunting with my parents, just like a REAL night owl.

Plop the real barn owl xx