WESTERN MICHIGAN Universlly WMU to Receive Largest
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WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSllY Volume 21, Number 33 June 29, 1995 WMU to receive largest percentage increase in appropriation WMU will receive the largest percent- Pretty credited Haenicke with effec- Engler based this year's executive bud- age base appropriation increase among the tively stating WMU's case and calling the get on the classification system developed state's 15 public universities for 1995-96. University' s history of underfunding to the by the Carnegie Foundation for the Ad- After several months of work on the attention of the legislators. vancement of Teaching. It includes special budget bill, the Michigan Legislature con- "I am confident that our success is a adjustments for Michigan State Univer- cluded a marathon session June 15, pre- direct result of the strong leadership of sity, WMU and Grand Valley State Uni- serving WMU's 7.8 percent appropriation President Haenicke, who really captured versity - the universities in each of the boost that was originally proposed in Gov. the attention of legislative leaders, gov- three Carnegie classifications (Research, John Engler's executive budget. For the ernmental officials, alumni, friends, fac- Doctoral and Master's, respectively) that next fiscal year that begins Oct. I, WMU' s ulty, staff and students by very effectively had the lowest state funding per student state appropriation will be $97.6 million, pointing out that WMU is a unique institu- relative to their peers. an increase in excess of $7 million over last tion with a first-rate comprehensive aca- In addition to WMU at a 7.8 percent year. demic program at both the graduate and "I would like to put on the public record undergraduate levels," he said. (Continued on page four) my sincere and genuine gratitude to Rep. Don Gilmer, who has worked tirelessly on Board holds tuition increase to 2.6 percent; behalf of this institution," President Haenicke told the Board of Trustees at its figure is lowest among state public institutions June 23 meeting. Gilmer is chairperson of Students at all levels attending WMU commitment to accessibility by minimiz- the House Appropriations Committee and this fall will be assessed the smallest per- ing any cost increases for all of its stu- has led the legislative charge for equitable centage increase in costs at any public, dents." funding for WMU. four-year institution in the state. In recent years, WMU also has increased Haenicke also thanked Keith A. Pretty, The Board of Trustees June 23 approved funds for student financial aid by at least vice president for external affairs and gen- an across-the-board 2.6 percent increase in the same percentage that tuition has in- eral counsel, and his staff for their hard tuition and required fees for all students- creased. Last year WMU increased student work over the past several months. In addi- undergraduate and graduate, resident and aid by 6.75 percent and the year before by tion to keeping on top of issues in Lansing, non-resident. The increase is the smallest 5 percent. The increase for this coming Pretty's office coordinated a Legislative at WMU in 10 years. year is expected to be 3.8 percent. Nearly Advocacy Network of faculty, staff, stu- The board's action is part of a continued 70 percent of all WMU students received dents, alumni and friends around the state three- year effort at WMU to hold down the $80 million in financial aid last year. to contact lawmakers. cost of higher education. A year ago WMU WMU's trustees did not table the tu- "I cannot say enough about the vital role had the second lowest tuition increase in ition proposal for one month, as has been that Don Gilmer played for us," Pretty the state and the year before WMU had the the practice in the past to allow time for said. "He really knows the needs of higher lowest tuition increase of all public univer- constituency input, because they wanted to education in this state. He 'went to the sities in Michigan. be sure that WMU' s resident undergraduate wall' for us, especially in the II th hour. He This past March, the board approved a students would qualify for a state tax credit made a strong recommendation to Gov. freeze in room and board and apartment under Public Act 7 of 1995. There is a July Engler in support of our appropriation. rental rates for the first time in 25 years. I deadline for each institution to certify And he pushed our budget through the WMU is the only institution in Michigan with the state treasurer that its tuition in- whole legislative process. Our local legis- with no room and board increase. More- crease is below the cost of living increase. lati ve delegation of Reps. Ed LaForge and over, those students who stay in the resi- After the new tax credit, for which all in- Chuck Perricone and Sen. Dale Shugars dence hall system and freshmen entering state undergraduate WMU students will be also was very supportive of our institu- this fall will have no room and board in- eligible, those students will pay less to tional appropriation. creases for two years. attend WMU in 1995-96 than in 1994-95. "I must also salute the special efforts of President Haenicke commended the Haenicke noted that three other public many alumni, employees and friends of the trustees for accepting his tuition recom- universities have taken similar action, but University who contacted their local legis- mendation, and he added, "When coupled they did not stay under the 2.6 percent lators around the state on our behalf," he with our zero percent increase in room and ceiling for non-resident undergraduates or continued. "They were remarkable in their board rates for the next two years, WMU for graduate students; those students are steadfast support for WMU." has clearly demonstrated its institutional not eligible for the state tax credit. Two June 29,1995 WesternNews Five chosen to receive year-end Staff Service Excellence Awards Five employees have been chosen by the Staff Service Excellence Awards selection committee from campus wide nominations to re- ceive the first year- end awards of $1,000. They are, along Baxter Cumming Dedow Flickinger Sutton with the employee groups they represent: Terry L. Baxter, and development. Under her leadership, also was recognized for her outstanding Sindecuse Health Center, professional/ staff members have taken on such projects dedication to students. Dedow has set up technical/administrative; Alberta M. as helping to sponsor an exhibit of the controlled drinking experiments to dem- Cumming, history, clerical/technical; Carol NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt, onstrate the effects of alcohol. "... most of R. Dedow, public safety, Police Officers which set records for participation, and the all, she listens to problems, offers support Association; and Thomas H. Flickinger staff/pharmacy program for employee pre- and helps find solutions, at a personal level, and Bryan K. Sutton, physical plant-build- scription drugs, which has resulted in sub- because she cares," wrote one nominator. ing custodial and support services, who are stantial savings to the University. In addi- Flickinger and Sutton worked as a team sharing the award for the American Fed- tion, Baxter was nominated for her com- to greatly improve the appearance, cleanli- eration of State, County and Municipal mitment to the community, including or- ness and general condition of Lawson Ice Employees. The selection committee is ganizing two bone marrow donor drives Arena, which receives extremely heavy made up of representatives from each of and helping to create a new Eating Disor- seasonal usage. The custodians were com- WMU's staff employee groups. ders Recovery Program. Her work training mended for their enthusiasm and friendly The awards are intended for those staff staff in WMU' s Division of Environmental demeanor that make a positive work envi- members who reach far beyond their as- Health and Safety in OSHA guidelines and ronment, and for their hard work that signed responsibilities to give generously her training lectures to students in the De- "turned around the former conditions at and creatively of their time and talents to partment of Physician Assistant also were Lawson" and resulted in numerous com- make a difference. A total of 31 persons recognized. pliments on the excellent condition of the were nominated. In addition to the cash Cumming, an employee for almost 16 facility. Flickinger became a permanent awards, the winners received a framed years, was chosen because of her work as employee in 1993 after working as a tem- certificate, were honored at a luncheon and an administrative secretary to coordinate porary employee for two years. Sutton is a will have their photographs placed in a the myriad activities of a busy academic five-year employee, who also began as a permanent display. department with diverse responsibilities to temporary worker. Baxter, who came to WMU eight years students, faculty and administrators. "By These awards conclude the first full ago, was recognized first and foremost for her personal, unselfish dedication of time year of the Staff Service Excellence Awards her personal dedication to students as their and effort, in the face of staff cut-backs, Program, which was established by the physician. As director of the health center, she enabled us to inaugurate a new doctoral University at the joint request of the Ad- she also was cited for bringing total quality program which increased our instructional ministrative Professional Association, management concepts to Sindecuse to cre- staff by 50 percent and resulted in hugely Clerical/Technical Organization, AFS- ate an environment fostering staff growth increased demands on her secretarial re- CME and POA.