Staunton Begins 90Th Commencement Exercises June 4Th at Trinity Church
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Best Wishes Happy Vacation To All To All The Graduates ram The Corps Vol. 33. Staunton Military Academy, Kable Station, Staunton, Virginia, Friday, May 26, 1950. No. 11. Final Ball Will Thanks Corps Medals to Be Given Commencement Speaker Staunton Begins Feature Claude To Cadets at Finals 90th Commencement Thornhill's Band For Outstanding Work Exercises June 4th Decorations, Color Scheme, Academic and Military Honor Graduating Class Departments Make Awards At Trinity Church With the outstanding music of Claude Medals for outstanding work in cer- One Hundred Thirty-Three Thornhill and his orchestra, and the tain fields will be presented to deserving Cadets Are Candidates colorful decorations, the Final Ball on cadets at commencement by the academic For Graduation Monday night, June Sth, again promises and military departments as in previous to be the most outstanding dance of the years. year and a fitting climax to the social Academic awards are given to those General Haislip Will activities on "he Hill" for 1949-50. cadets who make the highest grades in For the Seniors it is undoubtedly the Address Graduates the following subjects: mathematics (ele- most outstanding and spectacular dance mentary and advanced), physics, chem- of the year—with his best girl from istry, biology, history (elementary and The ninetieth commencement exercises home, his proud parents, and the excite- advanced), English (elementary and ad- of the Staunton Military Academy will ment of the graduation festivities—be- vanced), Latin, German, French, and begin Sunday, June 4, and end at the cause they always make the Final Ball Spanish. presentation of diplomas on Tuesday to one to live long in his memory. Lovely 133 graduates. corsages will be a fitting tribute to the General Persons In addition, there are such awards as On June third the final informal dance beauty and attractiveness of the young first honor in the senior school, first General Haislip will be held. On Sunday the Baccalau- ladies attending the dance. honor in the graduating class, and first Superintendent Extends reate Sermon at the Trinity Episcopal In the receiving line will be the guest honor in the junior school, while there Church by the Reverend W. Carroll of honor, General and Mrs. Wade Best Wishes to the Corps are military medals for basic military Summer Session Will Brooke will be given. There is also to be Hampton Haislip, Major General and science, advanced military science, best a Dress Parade that afternoon in honor Mrs. Wilton B. Persons, and the board To the Cadets of the Staunton drilled cadet, best drilled recruit, best Offer Varied Program of Sponsors selected by Cadet Captains. of directors: Judge and Mrs. J. Harrison Military Academy : drilled cadet in the junior school, cap- May, Dr. an Mrs. Lawler M. White- As the session draws to a close, tain honor company, and deportment. Academics, Sports, Trips, A review in honor of Alumni of the Academy, followed by individual com- head, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Miller, I wish to offer my fullest thanks to The Kable Legion of Honor, repre- Provided; Tennis Courts and petitive drill and drill by the Howie Mr. and Mrs. J. Larnard Ferguson, every cadet here for his valuable senting the highest award a cadet can Pool Open All Season Rifles will be staged on Monday. There Captain and Mrs. W. G. Kable II, Mr. help in making this one of the most receive from the Academy, is given to will also be a reception in honor of the and Mrs. George H. Tullidge, and Col- successful years of this Academy's the graduating cadet whose record is The first Summer Session at Staun- onel and Mrs. Homer W. Jones, and history. You deserve much gratitude most conspicuous for good conduct, Graduating Class, Patrons, and Alumni, ton will offer a splendid program of the graduation parade, and the Final Colonel an Mrs. Glen T. Strock. for your loyal efforts to uphold academic excellence, integrity of char- academics, all summer sports using the and sustain the ancient and fine acter, gentlemanlv hearing, leadership, Ball. Decorations this year will feature an excellent facilities of the Academy, and traditions of the school, for your unselfishness, and continuous loyalty to Tuesday morning, June 6, at the final overhead canopy of billowing waves of trips at least twice a week to points of unswerving allegiance to its spirit, the highest standards of duty and ex- exercises, medals and diplomas will be sky blue paper streamers, covering the recreation and educational interest. For and for the evidence of progress emplary cadet life. awarded and the graduation address will entire ceiling of the North Barracks the firs time in many years the tennis and growth which you have dis- o be delivered by General Wade Hampton gymnasium. Along the blue draped walls courts will be in use during the entire played and which I have observed Haislip, vice chief of staff of the United will be the names of all seniors on in- Examination Schedule summer under the direction of Coach on every hand. States Army. dividual placards spelling the class For Fourth Quarter Frank Lander, who will give lessons and numerals and other items about seniors. To those who will graduate this generally supervise the courts. The General Haislip At the south end of the gym will be a session go my best wishes, my sin- Native of Woodstock, General Haislip Wednesday, May 31 swimming pool will operate in the same large replica of the coveted "sheep- cerest hopes that life may hold in manner under Coach Ed Dodge. These spent much of his early life in Staunton. 8:15 to 10 :30-^Science. spin." The balcony will be decorated in store for each of you its richest popular faculty members will undoubt- He was graduated from United States 10 :45 to 1:00—Latin, General Business, the school colors balancing the other blessings, and that your success in edly draw a large following of boys and Military Academy and commissioned a decorations. Behind the platform for the the future will bestow high honor Latin American History. girls from Staunton and during the second lieutenant in the infantry June 12, orchestra in big letters will be "Claude and unalloyed happiness. As grad- 1 :00—Lunch. Summer Session which begins June 30 1912. During World War I he partici- 2:15 to 4 :30—History. Thornhill." uates of the Staunton Military and continues until August 11. Boys at pated in operations in the Vosges, St. Canteen operations will be outside the Academy, you will always be, in Thursday, June 1 the Summer Session will have the ad- Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne. Following gym, and the arrangements will be with great measure, a sort of symbol of the Armistice he served as machine gun 8:15 to 10:30—English. vantage of personal work under these tables and chairs in a night club fash- this Academy. It is therefore also officer of the Third Division in the Army 10 :45 to 1:00—Liberal English, English coaches. Riding will be available to a ion. Overhead will be colored lights and my hope, that your future successes limited number who are particularly in- of Occupation. strings of small gaily colored pennants. will reflect glory and honor upon IV, (fiirst half) 1 :10—Lunch terested. Following the war, General Haislip Cadets are urged to bring their par- this Academy, which has borne you 2:15 to 4:30—Modern Languages, Academics, which will be conducted served in various capacities until 1943 ents to the Senior Ball. Dress is formal through an important phase of your Book Keeping. for two hours each morning from 9 to when he was given command of the XV or informal. Both the balcony and main lives. 11, will enable boys to make up deficien- Corps in February of that year. The unit Friday, June 2 floor will be open to patrons. To you who have not yet grad- cies, one half year for each hour class sailed for European theatre the follow- uated and who will return in Sep- 8:15 to 10 :30—Trigonometry, Aegebra. and to take up new work either for ing December and under the Third Army Junior School Graduates tember, it is my hope that the sum- 10 :45 to 1 :00—Plane and Solid Geo- credit or preview for the coming school the corps exploited the break-through at Twenty-Six Cadets mer will bring you its full share metry. year. In all cases validating exams will Avranches leading the Third Army in of rest and pleasure, that you and 1 :10—Lunch. be given at the end of the Session to its attack to the East capturing Laval, your conduct will reflect credit upon Saturday, June 3 Twenty-six cadets will be graduated establish credit. Mayenne, and Lemans. Changing direc- 2 :00 P. M.—Re-examinations. from the Junior School of the Staunton (Continued on Page Two) Remedial reading classes will be con- tion to the north, the corps advanced to Military Academy on June 1. Following ducted for those having a reaing defi- capture Alencon and reached Argentan. the graduation exercises there will be Program of 90th Annual Commencement ciency. This work will be under the The corps continued its advance to the lunch held in honor of the eighth grad- supervision of the University of Virginia east and north, capturing Mantes-Gassi- ers and their parents, and then the Jun- Sunday, June Fourth Reading Clinic. The most advanced cor- court, and on Aug. 19, 1944, established ior School will be officially dismissed. rective equipment will be used.