12 Supplement to the London Gazette, 1 January, 1915
12 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 1 JANUARY, 1915. 7335 Lance-Corporal Colgrav-e, J., 5th Lancers. 994 Serjeant Harris, T., 5th Field Company,. 8394 Serjeant Cox, BL, 1st Battalion, Dorset- Royal Engineers. shire Regiment. S/17867 Staff Quartermaster-Serjeant Harri- 28089 Corporal Cremetti, M. A. E., 4th Signal son, G., Army Service Corps. Troop, Royal Engineers. 7785 Serjeant (Acting Company Quarter- 37910 Bombardier Crompton, W. J., 71st master-Serjeant) Harvey, A., 2nd Battalion,. Battery, Royal Field Artillery. West Riding Regiment. 20623 Lance-Corporal Curtis, W. J., 5th Field 8900 Lance-Corporal Hill, F. C. G., 1st Royal Company, Royal Engineers. Berkshire Regiment. 7820 Serjeant Curzon, H., 2nd Battalion, 28066 Corporal Hodder, H. G., No. Reserve King's Royal Rifie Corps. Signal Company, Royal Engineers. 10129 Corporal Cyster, P. G., 1st Battalion, 16430 Second Corporal Hodgson, 'T., 26th. Bedfordshire Regiment. Field Company, Royal Engineers. 62389 Gunner Davidson, J. C., 71st Battery. 10974 Serjeant Holness, H. H. J., 2nd liat- Royal Field Artillery. talion, Grenadier Guards. 5018 Acting Corporal Day, H., 1st Battalion, 11347 Private Holroyd, F. J., Royal Army- Royal Berkshire Regiment. Medical Corps. 2853 Lance-Corporal Delaney, W., 1st Batta- 4811 Bandsman Hodson, A. R., 3rd Hussars.. lion, Irish Guards. 32981 Corporal Honnes, H., 48th Battery, 7995 Corporal Dickinson, E., 1st Royal Dra- Royal Field Artillery. goons. 1984 Regimental Corporal-Major Howard, F... 9007 Sapper Duckett, A., 5th Field Company, 2nd Life Guards. Royal Engineers. 9376 Acting Serjeant Hubbard, T., 1st Bat- 5754 Acting Company Serjeant-Major Dur- talion, Lincolnshire Regiment. rans, W. B., 1st Battalion, Lincolnshire 985 Private John, G.
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