Volume 70 • Number 3 • 2016

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Volume 70 • Number 3 • 2016 THE JEWISH VETERAN Volume 70 • Number 3 • 2016 Mazel Tov to our Success in Savannah: Convention 2016 New Leaders! Jewish War Veterans years later, they founded Mickve members gathered Israel. Due to the growth of the for the fourth time in Savannah Jewish population, Savannah, Georgia, the congregation erected its first for our 121st Annual building in 1820, which made it National Convention, the first synagogue in the state. while the Ladies The synagogue building was Auxiliary met listed on the National Register simultaneously for of Historic Places in 1980, their 88th Annual and is still an active Reform National Convention. congregation today. Known for its The following day a group Southern hospitality visited another Jewish historical and charm, Savannah New National Commander COL Carl A. Singer, on right, site- the intersection of Bull and JWV entices visitors with its sworn in by Chairman of the Coordinating Committee Ogelthorpe Streets, the location National Commander architecture, history, PNC Norman Rosenshein. of the first Jewish burial plot in Carl A. Singer and culture- after all, the city- for the annual wreath it used to be called “Hostess City the third oldest synagogue in laying ceremony. In a powerful of the South!” We certainly felt the country. Five months after moment, all 25 participants said welcomed from the very start by General James Edward Oglethorpe the Mourner’s Kaddish together, everyone we met. established the colony of Georgia, to remember both those laid to rest Over 30 participants visited 34 Sephardic Jews and 8 Ashkenazi below and their fallen comrades. Congregation Mickve Israel, Jews, arrived in Savannah. Two Continued on page 6 Israeli Innovations in Combatting Veteran PTSD By Adam Lammon this is not a new phenomenon, At JWV, no issue is more para- but a tenacious problem. Thus mount than ensuring the health and far, the United States’ efforts safety of our veterans. Therefore, to alleviate these problems JWVA we are deeply troubled by findings have been unsuccessful, but National President from the Department of Veterans there is a silver lining. Israel, Linda Colón Affairs that the suicide rate among one of our closest allies, has American veterans has risen 35% institutionalized programs since 2001, with an estimated into its military, the Israeli twenty veterans succumbing to Defense Forces (IDF), that an amalgam of afflictions daily. support mental fortitude and From this issue Equally harrowing, as American may provide the U.S. with an avenue there are likely several reasons for forward, the veterans return from combat tours towards removing these dark stains this discrepancy, several of which JWV National Ladies in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. from the integrity of our nation. will be explored below to under- Auxiliary will be National Center for PTSD estimates Despite that the foundation of stand how distinct cultural cli- featured in The that approximately 11-20% are be- the modern Israeli nation-state was mates, national identities, and mili- Jewish Veteran. ing diagnosed with Post-Traumatic laid under the threat of existen- tary practices have affected mental You can read more Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, tial conflict, rates of PTSD among illness among American and Israeli on pages 22-23. the fact that 30% of Vietnam vet- Israeli veterans are comparatively veterans. erans experienced PTSD at some lower than those of their American To begin broadly, levels of mili- point in their lives illustrates that counterparts. Experts believe that Continued on page 19 Upcoming 2016 THE JEWISH JWV Teleconference Thursday, October 27 VETERAN Outlook for the Coming Year The Jewish Veteran is the Official Publication of the with National Commander COL Carl A. Singer Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America All JWV members are encouraged to join in National Commander Carl A. Singer and participate National Editor Monroe Mayer, PNC by calling this toll-free number: Associate Editors Lance Wang Richard Goldenberg 1-866-266-3378 and National Executive Director Herb Rosenbleeth entering the JWV Code Number: Managing Editor Jordana Green Laurent 202 265 6280#. Graphics/Production Editor Christy Turner Enter the full number, including the # sign. EDITORIAL OFFICE All calls start at 8:00 PM EST 1811 R Street, NW • Washington, D.C. 20009 Telephone (202) 265-6280 x504 Fax (202) 234-5662 E-mail [email protected] Call in! Your ideas Web Site www.jwv.org and opinions The Jewish Veteran is published 4 times a year: count! Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall, by the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America 1811 R Street, NW Display your Washington, DC 20009 Periodical postage paid at Washington, DC, and at JWV Membership proudly! additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send form 3579 to Jewish War Veterans, 1811 R Street, NW, Washington, DC The JWV supplies store isn’t just 20009. for pins and poppies! Subscription price in the United States is $5.00 per year, included in membership. Nonmember You can also custom order polo subscriptions:$10.00. Single copies:$2.50. shirts, Post flags, badges, caps Photos and articles submitted to The Jewish and jackets! Veteran shall be used at the discretion of the organization. The opinions expressed in signed articles and letters in this magazine are not necessarily those of JWV. Shirts, caps, Advertising information and rates available from the Editorial Office. JWV assumes no responsibility and jackets! for products and services advertised in this publication. © 2016 by the Jewish War Veterans of the USA. NPA#112285 ISSN 047-2018. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CONTENTS Post Flags and Banners! Your Letters .......................................... 3 Message From The Commander . 4 Dispatches From The Editor .......... 5 News From Capitol Hill .................... 6 Call Pat Ennis at 703-753-3733 Membership Corner .......................10 or by email:[email protected] JWV in Action ....................................14 Or click the link Notes From The Committees ...... 17 Save the Date! New Members ..................................18 NEC/Capitol HIll Action Days People And Places ...........................18 on the JWV home page February 15-19 Reunions/In Search Of ...................18 For JWV caps, call Keystone Uniform Cap Crystal City Marriott Museum News ..................................20 Corporation Phone: 215-821-3434 • Fax: 215-821-3438 Taps .......................................................22 www.keystoneuniformcap.com/Jewish-War- Details will announced soon! Veteran-Caps.html YOUR LET TERS Passover Aboard USS Yorktown, 1968 with pharmaceutical companies. I remember an event that has never left my We already observe what the privatization Dear Mr. Gervis and Jewish War Vets memory and I would like to share with your of the prison system created with increases in Members: readers. Sometime during my only Westpak prison population and recidivism rates. On behalf of the Central Arkansas cruise aboard the USS Yorktown before Passover I personally am blessed to have Medicare, Veterans Healthcare System patients and of 1968 a very interesting thing happened. secondary insurance (that does pay VA at special staff, we would like to extend our appre- Unbeknownst to any of us, the word had been rate lower than private care). However, they ciation to you for your donation of stamps passed around that wine was being given out to cannot deliver any hearing aids, prosthetics, nor and stickers. Your thoughtfulness reflects the sailors aboard numbering several thousand. dental care and ophthalmology care prosthetics. the concern that you feel for our Veterans You can imagine the line that had formed to Have Giovanni visit a VA Blind Rehab Center and for the service they provided to all of receive this offering. However, when it became and observe the weeks of dual training and us while in service to our country. known it was only grape juice and accompanied prosthetic devices delivered to legally, totally, by a haggadah (which only the Jewish sailors and permanently blind veterans. No private Without your support, we could not understood) the line had virtually disappeared sector will do that at current VA overhead. provide for the smaller niceties that make with the exception of myself and about 10 hospitalization more bearable. Your Mr. Arnold J. Welber, US ARMY thoughtfulness also reflects the concern others. However one Christian sailor (I’ll call JWV Life Member him O’Malley because he got catcalls from his and compassion that our community feels pals about his ethnicity for remaining on the line) for our Veterans. In regards to Angelo DiGiovanni’s response to remained and answered them by saying "If it was Thank you for your continued support. Col. Rosenbleeth’s editorial (Vol. 7 #2), I don’t good enough for our lord Jesus Christ it’s good believe that it would be in the best interest of Sincerely, enough for me" (apparently he knew the meaning American Veterans to privatize the VA. of the last supper being a seder). The rest of us Michael R. Dobbs, By its very nature, a private (for profit) system then invited him to our seder and he complied Voluntary Service Chief would allocate resources to those who could most happy to learn about another religion. afford the services it provides. I have never read I never forgot this and I've told this story so any evidence that a for profit systems is more or system by paying the doctors first for all medical many times to family and friends they're tired of less efficient. It certainly would be more costly. claims and then verifing the claim later. This hearing it. so I decided to share it with a larger Since many American Veterans are not able keeps the medical system working. audience and hope it shows that Passover has a to afford basic health care, privatization is not the This change in the system by paying first and deep meaning to many people as I have found optimum solution to the challenges faced by the verifying next will, in the words of the article, out over the years.
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