Qeneral Aawmbly Security Council Diets

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Qeneral Aawmbly Security Council Diets UNITED AS NATIONS , Qeneral Aawmbly Security Council Diets. QENERAL A/42/ 74 * ’ s/18564 7 January 1987 ORIQINAL: ENGLISH GENERAL ASSmBLY SECURITY COUNCIL For ty-racond eeee ion For ty-recond year REVIEW OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE STRWGTHENINQ OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES BETWEEN STATFd REPORT OF THE AD HOC COMMIT’T”EE ON THE DRAFTING OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION AGAINST THE RECRUITMENT, USE, FINANCING AND TRAINING OF MERCENARIES DEVELOPMENT AND STRPNGTHENING OF GOOD-NEIGHBOURLINESS BETWEEN STATES Letter dated 6 January 198’7 fran the Permanent Reproaentative of Afghanistan to the United Nationr addressed to the Secretary-General I have the honour to enclose herewith the text of the Declaration on National Reconciliation, approved by the extraordinary rereion of the Revolutionary Council. of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan held on 3 January 1987 (ear annex). I have further the honour to rcrquest the circulation of the text of the Declaration as a document of the General Aerembly, under the item6 entitled “Review of the implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Secur i ty” , “Peaceful vettlement of disputes between Stateel’, “Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Drafting of an International Convention againet the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Merbenar iea” and “Development and strengthening of good-neighLourlineee between Statea” , and of thu Security Council. (Signed) M. Far id ZARIF Ambaaeador Permanent Representative 87-00322 20470 (E) .* . c . / 0 A/42/74 S/18564 Enqlish Paqe 2 ANNEX Declaration on National Reconciliation, approved by tha extraordinary eerieion of the Revolutionary Council of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan held on 3 January 1987 In the name cf Almighty God, the merciful and beneflclent: “In fact, believers ara brothers, bring peace among brothers” (The holy Koran), Today, in the hlatoric momenta, we appeal to the conscience and patriotic sentiments of you the valorous aone of the homeland, to you Pashtoon, Tajlk, Hazara, Uzbik, Turkmen, Baluch, Noris tenl, Pashael brothers and rlatere and to the entire trlber, nationalities and ethnic groups of Afghanietan, to all those who sincerely wish the well-b j?ag of our people and tha prosperity of our beloved country. The history of our country le imbued with the heroic struggles of the volorque eona of this homeland for a free, prosperous and peaceful life. However, the Moelem, pious and freedom-loving people of our country have seldom enjoyed the Eul- flllment oi euch wishes. rJur people are thirsty for peace. In the couree of the paet eight years our country has been flooded with tears and blood. The innocent women, elderly and children are killed and the mosques, schools, houeea, garden8 and the fields of the people are set on fire. All these acts arr contradictory to the tenets of holy Koran and the orders of Mohammadl Sharla. God, the merciful and beneflclent, orders Moslems for pelce in the holy Koran: “If two group6 are killing each other, reconcile them”. Respecting and observing the tenets of sacred religion of Islam and for: - ensuring security of the people and country-wide peace for all the tribes, nationalities and ethnic group8 of Afghanistan, - cessation of the fratrlcidal war and the plots and conepira:ies of the counter-revolution againet the revolutionary people of Afghanistan, - full cessation of bluodshed in the country, - happiaess of the peopie and the progress and prosperity of the country, the ssasion of the Revolutionary iounci; of the Democratic Republ’ c of Afghanistan approves this Declaration on”the Extra-ord?nary Supreme Commission for National Reconciliation”. The Revolutionary Councfl of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan declares in a clear voice: 1. From this very moment the concerned authoritative organs of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan are duty-bound: - beginnfng from 15th of January 1987 to halt militarv operaclons ,Lnd cease opening of fire and the u8e of any kind of weapons, / . A/42/74 S/l0 564 Enqlirh Paw 3 - to return military units to their permanent stationing points and posta and re-establish peace-time norms and regulations, - to halt rrtlllery and air-force attackrt, provided that the enemy does not pose any threat to the peace-loving rasidentu, - the armed forces si,r;uld confine their activities to safeguarding state borders, military and state establish- ments, ensuring of the security of convoys r.nd other eolely ,drfenrive and economic tasks, - provided that the other side give a positive response, the cease-fire will last for a period of six months. The duration of the ccasc-fire can be extended if observed by both aides. We expect the following in response to our peaceful measures: - cessation of ftre, by any kind of weapons, on cities, villages, economic establishments, military units and air transport. Cessation of transportation and deployment of weapons and ammunitions in the territory of Afghanistan, - ccbs6ltion of mintng the roads, - cessation of terr’)rist and subversive activities, - cessation of the lilegal entry of foreign journalists Into the territory of Afghanistan. Our proposals stem from our good-will. We are ready for mutual -understanding, negotiations, compromises and even concessions, but no one uhould regard our patience and perserverance as a sign of weakness. 2. Under the condition of truce, the main organs of reconcllia- tion are c7rrposed of the Extra-ordinary Commissions for National Reconciliation which will be set us at the levels of villages, subdistricts, districts, provinces and throughout the country. Achieving reconciliation and accord constitute the tasks and objectives of these commiesions. The Supreme Organ of Reconciliation Is the Extra-ordinary Supreme Commission for National hGconciliation. The State will confer all necessary authorities to the Extra-ordinary commission, When necessary, the commissions will Invite peace jirgahe (assemblies) at different levels for the solution of great principled probleine. Through a special decree of the Revolutionary Council, the formation of the Extra-ordinary Supreme / . A/42/74 s/l8 564 Enqliah Paqe 4 Commission for National Reconciliation comprised of the Heads of Councils bf the National Fatherland Front (NFF), the elders, influential personalities, imams, a.ld in some case heads of the opponent armed groups have been approved. The following special authorities wi,ll be conferred to the commiesions: - upon the request of the commissions, medical groups, medicament, agricultural and irrigation experts, chemical fertilizer and improved seeds along with primary goods, including the gratis aid of the Soviet Union, will be dispatched to the localities free of c!large, in order to assist the peasants and landowners, - the commissiona will be authorized to ,olve in their areas the land issues and organizs land and water reforms, - the commissions can put forward proposals for amnesty to some categories of prisoners provided that guarantee is given on the non-recurrence of their anti-popular deeds, - the commissions are authorized to choose popular NW-, - the commissions are authorized to dispatch volunteers to serve in the arm-J forces, Instead of complllsory recruitment, - the commissions are authorized to declare the conscription (with salary) and deconscription of the volunteers of the military service for a period of two years to defend and shield the frontiers with Pakistan and Iran and in each of the 52 districts and sub-~listricts borderltig Pakistan and Iran, - the commissions are authorized to stop till tht! end of the Afghan year 1965 the collectfcn of land taxes and their fines as well as the fines levied 6n the credits of the agricultural promotion bank, - the cotimisoions are authorized to eolve Lesues emanating among different individuals over debt, the tribal, looc’l and group disputes, and to demand the help of the State and ether concerned organs, - upon the proposal of commissions the State 1~ bound to pay monthly salary to the imams and vlll;~~c? chiefs, / . A/42/74 W8564 Bnq 1 irh we 5 - the State ir duty bound to lirten through authoritative organ8 to the complaint8 rrired by thr commirrionr over the violation of accord8 by atate official8 and to takr into account nacrrrrry punirhmrnt for the violatorr. 3. In caa8 national rrconciliation ir achiavrd in the villag88, rub-district8 and di8triCt8, th8 R8volutionary Council and thr GOV8rnment of thr Democratic Republic of Afghanirtan will grant thr following concrrta rtatr ptlvile~e~ to the rOridrnt8 of therm saner: - the right to artrbli8h local orgrnr of St&to Power and Adminirtrrtion in a dwnocrrtic mrnner and to appoint tha he8dr of rub-di8triCt8 and dirtrictr on the bari of the will of the reridanto, - the decl8ration of 8pe,Cia1 day8 to Vi8it thr reridentr of the villager and citier and to invtte the head8 of opponent armed group8 for negotiation while guaranteeing their recurity and rafr return, - the conclurion of agrrement with there opponent armed group8 who are ready for reconciliation to rnrurr thr security of project8 and rpecific e8tabli8hment8 by them and the formation of regional unit8 by them including that of having the right of tranrportatlon and rrlling of primary good8 in the localitier rituated OUtrid the rtate control, the residents of the villager, rub-dirtrictr and dirtricts, who caaaed active rtruggle agoinrt the popular power, can freely move throughout the territory of the Democratic: Republic of Afghonirtan to virit their relotiver, prrform religioue ceremonierr or to find fact8 about the talk8 and objectives of the April Revolution. There who wirh so can refer to the Central Committee of the PDPA, Revolutionary Council and Council of Ministers of the Democratic Republic of Afghanirtan and to the entire Party, State and social organ8 and they will ba welcomed everywhere, - for all thoee who refer, centerr for the dirtribution of primnry goods, health centeru, and centere for medical consultation will be eetablirhed in the centere of the entire provinces.
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