6wkHealthReset WORKBOOK

-This 6 Week program-

Give your body what it needs so you can Be More You.


/thestateofme_ /thestateofmee


I’m so excited that you’re here to reset your health and re-write your health story to one where YOU have control.

I’m very proud of you for making the commitment to join this program and I am honoured to share the journey with as your messiah (I'm joking totally joking!...) I'll help you as your source of information, motivation and giver of easy simple tools that may very well help you be more you.

This is your 6wkHR Workbook. You will need it throughout the entire program, so print it out and put it in a 3-ring binder, or save it to your tablet, whichever is easiest for you. We designed this workbook to be entirely black and white so that it is printer-friendly, and also resembles Pandas-- We like Pandas.

The best thing about this workbook is that you can always return to it. It’s designed to give you a personalised look into your health and help you develop your own tools for re-writing your own health story. It's not just a snapshot of who you are right now. It will grow along with you, throughout the program and be a great tool to use beyond the program.

To reach me and the 6wkHR team with any questions, comments, or insights, make sure to leave comments in the 6wkHR program Facebook group. We're in there contributing and watching everything, from questions about hormones to how best to cook an egg (the later we may google FYI)

You can also reach us on social media. Instagram: @thestateofme_ Facebook: @thestateofmee #6wkHR #6wkHealthReset

Remember why you're doing this in the first place. We're not here to give you a workout and diet plan that will get you fit for summer. We're here to give you the stuff your body needs, and craves in order to work properly. (Just between us, it's a much easier way to look and feel your best too).

Cut through all the noise, and focus on what your body needs. Then move the hell out of it's way!

66wkkhheeaaltlhtrherseestet Why this program is different

When it comes to knowing what to do with our health, we're kind of left to our own devices...

There is almost an insurmountable amount of health programs both online and in person. There are apps, ebooks, vitamins and online coaching. You can even be tossed around from doctor to doctor. All of this is well intentioned, because after all we all we want is to make ourselves feel better.

But what if, instead of going down the traditional route, you took a different one? What if you could understand the signs your body is telling you, and know what to do about them, yourself?

What if you could rid yourself of the confusion and be your own life saver? This program shows you how to stop looking outside for the answer, and understand how to listen to your body, give it what it needs, and become more you.

I have 5 goals for this program listed below:

1.Remove inflammation from your gut and help it function.

2. You’ll develop a more energised, healthy, motivated version of yourself.

3. You will no longer see your chronic illness as normal, you'll see it as something that is within your control, and something you don't have to live with.

4. Create a world where people just like you are living their best lives because they have become more of themselves.

5. Once you finish this program you'll understand how to listen and act on the message your body is telling you.

66wkkhheeaaltlhtrherseestet Commitment

In this video, you learned my expectations for you. Now, it’s time for you to sign a contract to solidify your commitment to yourself! I recommend keeping your signed contract somewhere visible.

YOUR COMMITMENT CONTRACT I, ______, hereby commit, starting today, _____/_____/_____, to participate in this program to the absolute best of my abilities. This is an important day in my life. It’s the day that I make the commitment to do the work to improve, get better, and build the life of my dreams. I know that I’m incredibly awesome and resourceful, which is why I’m going all in on this program. I deserve the best that life has to offer and I’m ready to peel off the layers and become more of myself.

I take responsibility for my happiness and I am willing to get honest with myself and make necessary changes in my life. Even though the journey inward isn’t always easy, I will stick with this program, watch all of the videos, do every single exercise with my best effort, and be an active member of the online support group.

When I feel frustrated or feel like I’m not making progress, I will keep going. I will be completely honest in my self-assessments. I will make an effort to implement my personal action plan. If I feel stuck or I have a question, I will reach out for help by leaving a comment on the Facebook group.

I am doing this because I understand that I do not need to settle, and if I settle now, my habits will compound over time and result in poor health and illness. (If I'm not already there). I have the power to change my life and I will give this program my best effort.

______Signature of Commitment


Date 1 66wkkhheeaaltlhtrherseestet Welcome

Welcome to TSOM's 6 Week Health reset program. We're incredibly happy to have you here. Before you dive into the booklet, follow the below steps. This will ensure you're fully prepared for what's to come, and have full access to the 6 Week Health Reset community.

1. Download this PDF, have it as an electornic editable version or print it out and

bind it, you'll need it everyday of this program 2. Join the 6wkHR facebook community (search 6wkHR followed by your intake month. ie. 6wkHR-October) 3.Check out the recipes in the first section of the program and make sure you stock up on the ingredients you need to make super easy, delicious and nutritious meals. 4.Complete the Pre-program (not a necessity but if you want to understand some basics about your body, we recommend) 5.Have the 6wkHR Toolkit ready to use

2 66wkkhheeaaltlhtrherseestet My Story Week 1 | Day 1 VIDEO 10 MINS Welcome to Day 1.

Today we are beginning the journey towards getting control of your health. Chronic illness is a result of long standing dysfunction, which is great news! It stems from ourselves and our daily decisions -- Which means we have ultimate control over it. The longer we have fallen into this pattern, the harder it can be to identify what is going wrong. That's why this week, we're starting with identifying our internal patterns, and writing down our priorities. Stories I'm telling myself Current Altered

My Priorities for this week




4. If / Then Statements IF THEN 1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

Remember to take a new side picture of your posture!

Join the 6wkHR facebook Online Community Support 3 6wkhealthreset PHYSICAL Week 1 | Day 2 VIDEO 5 MINS Physical health this looking at how your body is functioning from a movement perspective. Whether you want more mobility, more physical resilience, a mixture of both, or something entirely different, please write down your goals to set your intentions for the 6 week program.

What do you want to achieve physically by the end of the 6 Week Health Reset Program?

List 5 physical GOALS you want to achieve by the end of the program -

List 3 physical LIMITATIONS stopping you from achieving these goals -

eg. I don't have time, money resources etc

Prepare If/Then statements for your limitations listed above.

IF THEN eg. I don't have money for a gym membership Then I will exercises at home, with my body weight

4 6wkhealthreset CHEMICAL Week 1 | Day 3 VIDEO 5 MINS

Chemical health includes everything from hormones, to gut function, to how much water and alcohol you're consuming and what type of products you're using on your body. Focusing on how you feel internally, as well as what your skin and hair are doing, are important ways to assess your chemical health. Write down what you want to achieve chemically by the end of the 6 Week Health Reset Program?

List 5 chemical GOALS you want to achieve by the end of the program -

List 3 chemical LIMITATIONS stopping you from achieving these goals -

Prepare If/Then statements for your limitations listed above.


5 6wkhealthreset EMOTIONAL Week 1 | Day 4 VIDEO 5 MINS

Emotional Health refers to how mentally resilient you feel on a day to day basis. Do you feel confident in all apsects of your life? Are you happy with your will power and self- compassion? This is about identifying what emotional health attributes you want for the future.

Write do you want to achieve emotionally by the end of the 6 Week Health Reset Program?

List 5 emotional GOALS you want to achieve by the end of the program -

List 3 emotional LIMITATIONS stopping you from achieving these goals -

Prepare If/Then statements for your limitations listed above.


6 6wkhealthreset Food Diary Week 1 | Day 5 VIDEO 6 MINS Below fill out all of the foods you eat on a daily basis, over a week. I mean everything even snacks and chewing gum. After eating or drinking anything take note of how you feel. Tuning into your body is a great tool, and sometimes we need a little bit of practice. This will help you realise if you feel tired, sore, bloated, brain foggy, gasey or anything else after eating.

Food How do you feel M O N






S U N 7 6wkhealthreset Exercises Week 1 | Day 5 VIDEO 6 MINS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Posture Corrector 15 mins

I will complete this at ______Am/Pm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Happy Cat, Angry Cat

I will complete this at ______Am/Pm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Superheroes I will complete this at ______Am/Pm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dance and Sing to a song you like

I will complete this at ______Am/Pm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Scorpion I will complete this at ______Am/Pm

8 6wkhealthreset Morning Routine Week 1 | Day 6 Checklist VIDEO 12 MINS

Wake up- First 30 minutes go without checking your phone or using any electronic device

Lay on Posture corrector for 15 mins

Meditate for 10-15 mins (Bonus, you can do this while laying on the posture corrector!)

Take 1ml of liquid magnesium & Adrenal Support Stress Ease

Do the 6 week health reset programs back exercises to recharge your upper brain

Drink 1L of water &/or break a sweat before your shower

Write down your top project for the day

Note something you're grateful for (this is as easy as saying it to yourself)

Add your own

9 6wkhealthreset Evening Routine Week 1 | Day 6 Checklist VIDEO 12 MINS

When the sun sets, protect your skin and your eyes from EMFs. Use Red lenses and minimal lights

1ml of liquid magnesium at dinner

Put phone on "Do not disturb" mode & minimise use 45min before bed

Place phone on charge in another room

Revisit what you wrote down this morning. Did you accomplish your top project for the day? Jot down your feelings about the day and anything else on your mind

Add your own

Add your own

Add your own

10 6wkhealthreset Reflection & Week 1 | Day 7 Improvement VIDEO 3 MINS

Congratulations, you've completed week 1 of the 6 Week Health Reset Program -- Give yourself a High 5 Daarhhling! Now, it's time to reflect and work out where you may have improved, struggled, what you've learnt about yourself and what you want to really focus on improving next week.

We can guarantee others are feeling the same as you. Post your thoughts in the Facebook Group, struggling and succeeding are both better shared, and making lasting change is always easier with support.

What have I improved on?

What have I struggled with?

What's is my new goal for Week 2?

11 6wkhealthreset My Story Week 2 | Day 1 VIDEO 5 MINS Welcome to Week 2!

Now that you've reflected on last weeks successes and challenges, we can set clear intentions for the week ahead.

First, we're going to continue to build our resilience pathways in our brain by finding two stories we're telling ourselves. You would have noticed some new ones pop up since last week, if they're the same?... We clearly have a pattern on our hands! Stories I'm telling myself Current Altered

My Priorities for this week




4. If / Then Statements IF THEN 1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

Remember to take a new side picture of your posture! 192 6wkhealthreset Food Swap Week 2 | Day 2 VIDEO 6 MINS

As you've learnt from todays video, the most common inflammatory foods seen in patients are: Wheat Dairy Eggs Corn

In order to save your time, money and energy, instead of doing an IgG test, you'll find all of the recipes in the first 4 weeks of the program don't include any of these foods. (If you would like a personalised blood test; write to us in the Facebook Community)

We understand that this may be challenging for you, however don't fear. There are hundreds of foods on the market that you can swap with what we call "The Big Four" listed above. Food Swap List

Wheat Almond Flour

Corn Flour Tapioca flour

Diet Soft Drink Sparkling Water Coconut Yoghurt, Coconut Dairy Products Milk, Almond Milk

Chocolate after dinner Peppermint Tea

Eggs Soaked Chia Seeds

If you experience trouble finding some good alternatives for your favourite meals and recipes, let us know in the Facebook Group. Chances are you're not alone!

13 6wkhealthreset Posture Triggers Week 2 | Day 3 VIDEO 8 MINS

Posture is one of the MAIN causes of activating the default fight/flight mode of our brains.

You can get tired and fatigued with your posture throughout the day, find that you're looking down at your phone, laptop or book or driving with your shoulders up near your ears. No matter your lifestyle, the modern world is not set up for our posture to flourish.

So what do you do about it? We recommend always pretending you have a balloon hooked to your sternum, and keeping your heels on the ground. This will lengthen your spine and discourage forward head posture.

Jot down some memory triggers and strategies (just like the 'balloon') you can implement into your daily life to better your posture. We've done two for you!

Memory Triggers

1. Every time you go through a doorway

2. Add my own

3. Add my own

4. Add my own


1. Adjust your review mirror in the car to be at the height you sit when sitting up straight

2. Add my own

3. Add my own

4. Add my own

Signs your body is in default mode

- Large pupils - High Blood pressure - Clammy/Sweaty hands - Anxiety - Heart Racing - Relflux/Constipation/Diarrhea - Tight/ Sore neck adn shoulders - Autoimmune disorder - Headaches worse as the day goes on - Difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep 14 6wkhealthreset Resilience & Week 2 | Day 4 Empathy VIDEO 8 MINS

Try writing "The Story i'm telling myself is..." infront of things you commonly tell yourself. I've done the first couple as examples.

Use this for any and all parts of your life.

Sit down for 10 minutes and just write whatever comes to your mind, this will help bring your subconscious into the conscious.

The story I'm telling myself is that anxiety runs in my family so I will be anxious

The story I'm telling myself is that I'm not worthy of love

The story I'm telling myself is that when I buy something I have to ask permission

The story I'm telling myself is my family doesn't value me because they never say thank you

By writing 'the story I'm telling myself...' infront of our thoughts, it helps our brain and our mind realise that they are stories, and although they may be 'the truth' for us, it may not be the objective truth. This builds our mental resilience, because we start to realise, we are not our thoughts. (WOW!)

15 6wkhealthreset Intermittent Week 2 | Day 5 Fasting VIDEO 5 MINS

In todays video, you learned about intermittent fasting and the benefits it may bring to your health. Now, you are going to action step how you can integrate intermittent fasting into your day.

Fasting for 16 hours and having an eating window of 8 hours is recommended, however if you need to work your way up to this, aim for a fasting period of 12 hours.

What time will I rest my 'gut'? eg. 8:00PM - 12:00 PM

What will be the length of my "eating window?"

If I get hungry, my strategy is to...?

Remember if you are feeling faint or need energy for your activities throughout the day, be responsible and use your judgment.

Fasting is not recommended when you're mensturating or pregnant... Purely because your hormones are volatile at this time.

Warning ***Always look for changes that your menstrual cycle may have changed***

16 6wkhealthreset Rest Day Week 2 | Day 6 VIDEO 2 MINS

Sometimes we are so busy being "humans doing"...use this day to be a "human being."

While today is a rest day, keep up your food and movement changes. Consistency is key!

Every day builds on each other, and the longer you continue your new habits, the more it will become part of your identity instead of just a behaviour change.

Spend the rest of today reviewing what you've learnt in the last two weeks and allow it all to sink in. Consolidating the change you have already made is key to building a platform for success for the next 4 weeks.

17 6wkhealthreset Reflection & Week 2 | Day 7 Improvement VIDEO 3 MINS Congratulations, you've completed the Reset stage of the program. Now, it's time to reflect and work out where you may have struggled, what you've learnt about yourself, and what you want to really focus on improving next week, as we begin the reveal stage.

Post on the facebook group one 'ah ha' moment that you have learnt, It may be one that you may have shared with your family or friends already!

What have I improved on?

What have I struggled with?

My new goals for week 3 are...

My 'Ah ha'

18 6wkhealthreset My Story Week 3 | Day 1 VIDEO 5 MINS Welcome to Week 3!

Now that you've reflected on last weeks successes and challenges, lets get super clear on what you want to achieve this week.

To start write down two new stories you're telling yourself.

Stories I'm telling myself Current Altered

My Priorities for this week




4. If / Then Statements IF THEN 1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

Remember to take a new side picture of your posture! 19 6wkhealthreset My Mood Week 3 | Day 2 VIDEO 7 MINS

How do you usually feel after eating? Tick the Moods that relate to you and write down below how you plan to combat this. If you have other feelings, comment on the Facebook Community page, so we can discuss.

Hangry? Bloated?

Feel Tired After Eating? Ache After Eating

Something else? Something else? Write your own Write your own

20 6wkhealthreset The Vagus Nerve Week 3 | Day 3 VIDEO 8 MINS

As we spoke about there are two modes to your body. The fight/flight survival mode, and the rest digest and relax mode. When the survival mode is more active than the relax mode, disease happens. So that's what we're doing today. Understanding how you can activate your relax mode:

Singing Superhero

Box breathing



Write down when you will do these activities and what you will use as a trigger. Planning ahead of time what the trigger for a new behaviour is, is the key to starting a new habit.

21 6wkhealthreset Mindset Growth Week 3 | Day 4 VIDEO 4 MINS Re-write these fixed mindsets into growth mindset phases

1.If I study then I can learn 1.I'm a dumb person anything 2.I'm not a runner 2.If I train I could become a runner

Re-Write these fixed mindsets FIXED GROWTH

1. " It's just how my body is " 1. 2. " It will get better on its own " 2. 3. " I'm not a good public speaker " 3. 4. " I'm not a smart person " 4. 5. " I've always been unfit " 5.


1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5.

22 6wkhealthreset Sleep Week 3 | Day 5 Questionnaire VIDEO 11 MINS

Select one of the options below each heading. After completing turn the page to uncover what your sleep is telling you about your body.

Getting to sleep 'I fall asleep as soon as my head hits to pillow'

'It takes me around 5-15minutes to get to sleep'

'It can take me hours to get to sleep'

Staying Asleep 'I usually sleep right through and rarely wake up'

'I wake up to most sounds, I either wear ear plugs or have thought about it'

'I can't get comfortable at night time and usually wake up in pain'

'I have to get up and go to the toilet multiple times a night'

Waking Up 'I wake up feeling energised and ready for the day'

'I snooze my alarm, and after my morning coffee I'm ready'

'I never feel like I have energy'

'I feel like I need to always nap'

23 6wkhealthreset Sleep Week 3 | Day 5 Questionnaire VIDEO 11 MINS

Compare the options you selected on the last page with what they mean for your health. By this stage of the program, your sleep should be improving, if it's not, it could be because of something these questions hold the answer to. Getting to sleep 'I fall asleep as soon as my head hits to pillow' Your adrenal glands are working in over-drive, you need to decrease the amount of work you are putting on your mind and body-- The 6wkHRToolkit will help with this. 'It takes me around 5-15minutes to get to sleep' This is the perfect amount of time it takes to get to sleep. It means your stress glands are working well and your mind can be calmed 'It can take me hours to get to sleep' Your mind is running wild with all that happened throughout the day, and what there is to do next. You may also be someone who uses screens close to bedtime Staying Asleep 'I usually sleep right through and rarely wake up' This is what your night time sleeping is meant to represent. 'I wake up to most sounds, I either wear ear plugs or have thought about it' This is a sign that the fight/flight part of your brain is overactive. This will stop you from getting into a deep sleep, hindering your restful sleep and healing processes. 'I can't get comfortable at night time and usually wake up in pain' You shouldn't be waking up in the middle of the night in pain. If this is a new thing speak to your doctor about it. If it has been going on for years or you have a new injury find a therapist that can help you... Or you may need a new mattress 'I have to get up and go to the toilet multiple times a night' Stop drinking water before bed, or if you've had multiple kids get ontop of those pelvic floor exercises. If this is a new thing, it may be time to get your blood sugars tested and visit a doctor. Waking Up 'I wake up feeling energised and ready for the day' Amazing, everyone else will probably want to kill you with their envy but this is exactly how we're meant to feel 'I snooze my alarm, and after my morning coffee I'm ready' Sounds like your adrenal glands are tired. You probably didn't get a resful sleep or you may be burning the candle at both ends. Try and avoid coffee before 9am to make sure you're not burning out your adrenal glands. 'I never feel like I have energy' Hello Thyroid. Not having energy for the whole day can be a sign that your thyroid is under functioning. Doing the work of this program will help, but it's always good to see a professional too. If this is new, go see a doctor. 'I feel like I need to always nap' This could be from anything we have mentioned above. If you're someone who crashes after eating food though, this can be a sign of pre-diabetes (insulin resistance) 24 6wkhealthreset Rest Day Week 3 | Day 6 VIDEO 2 MINS

'The level of thinking that has gotten you to where you are, won't be the thinking that gets you to where you want to go.'

Keep up with the amazing changes you have already been making, and use this time to catch up and consolidate on this last week.

25 6wkhealthreset Reflection & Week 3 | Day 7 Improvement VIDEO 3 MINS

What's something I have improved on?

What's something I have struggled with?

What's something I have discovered about myself or my current state of physical, chemical and emotional health?

What's my new goal for Week 4?

26 6wkhealthreset My Story Week 4 | Day 1 VIDEO 2 MINS Welcome to Week 4!

Encouraging positive habits is one of the corner stones of this program. So as always let's kick off this week with identifying the crappy first stories we're telling ourselves so we can; find the truth amongst our perceptions, highlighting our priorities and establish the next action we take when we hit a road block.

Stories I'm telling myself Current Altered

My Priorities for this week




4. If / Then Statements IF THEN 1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

Remember to take a new side picture of your posture! 27 6wkhealthreset What your Week 4 | Day 2 hormones are VIDEO 8 MINS telling you

Tick the moods that relate to you and write down below how you plan to combat them. Doing this before we feel that feeling, can help us get control of our emotions.

Overwhelmed? Angry?

Overly Sensitive? Depressed/Anxious?

Something else? Something else? Write your own Write your own

28 6wkhealthreset What your Week 4 | Day 2 hormones are VIDEO 8 MINS telling you

Tracking your emotions, physical feelings and energy levels is important to do throughout the month. Especially for women, because our hormones change on a monthly cycle, unlike males. Even if you aren't menstruating take note, it will help you indentify the role your hormones are playing. Day 1-7 of your cycle Day 23-30 of your cycle

Oestrogen and Oestrogen and Progesterone Progesterone peak and at their lowest then rapidly drop off

If you're on hormonal contraception and not getting a real period, it can still be interesting to track your moods over the month.

Day 15-22 of your cycle Day 8-14 of your cycle

Oestrogen and Progesterone building Oestrogen Builds up to their highest point Low Progesterone 29 6wkhealthreset Detoxify your Week 4 | Day 3 life VIDEO 6 MINS

Detoxifying our lives seems like a big feat, but it doesn't have to be... DW you can keep the $200 face cream (phew!) It's all about cutting down on the amount of chemicals we expose ourselves too. Everything in moderation is always the best mantra to keep in mind when we think about detoxifying our lives.

Have this list handy when you're looking at discontinuing a product or when you're looking at buying a new one.

Throw out Keep

Overwhelmed by the You CAN understand what number of ingredients the ingredients mean

There are numbers found Found in a glass or non in the ingredients BPA container

Found in a plastic If it can go off, or has a container with BPA used by date

'Added Fragrance' this It cost you over $200 (or typically means Phthalates you had to save up for it) and you're almost done

Contains Xeno-Oestrogens

Cotton seed oil was used (think deep fried foods)

30 6wkhealthreset Mindful Week 4 | Day 4 Consumption VIDEO 5 MINS

Knowing how food interacts with your body is crucial for understanding what diets are doing to your body. Typcailly a diet excludes or minimises a food group. As you know by now in the 6wkHR we're more focused on the inflammation caused by food and the nutrients we get from food and not the amount of calories.

Below are a couple of quick checklists for creating a mindful eating practice. Allowing the enzymes and chemicals in our gut to be secreted at the right time so we can get the most nourishment from our food.

Travelling/Out At home

Chew your food at least 10 Are you sitting down? times each bite

Are you hungry or are you Think about the texture of bored? your food

Are you hungry or thirsty? Try and describe the (drink a glass of water and different tastes wait 10 mins)

Think about the different Focus on each chew ingredients in the meal

31 6wkhealthreset Get Sweaty Week 4 | Day 5 VIDEO 5 MINS

We can all tell ourselves different stories when it comes to exercise... 'It energises me and I love it' 'I do it to stay fit'. 'I do it to stay skinny' 'It makes me feel strong and empowered' 'I'm too embarrased to exercise' ''Im too overweight and it hurts' 'I don't have time'

Whatever your story, there is no doubting the postive effects exercise has on our bodies. Whether you already have a workout routine you love or you're using the new workouts in this 6wkHR, it's important to have a clear positive and empowering story about exercise. Doing this helps us remain active for our entire lives.

Stories I'm telling my self about exercise

Current Altered

When do I think this?

32 6wkhealthreset Mindfulness Week 4 | Day 6 Everyday VIDEO 5 MINS

Mindfulness. You may be thinking 'yeh yeh yeh, blah blah blah' or you may be thinking 'Yeh I already do this, what's next'. Today we're going to figure out ways you can actually input this into your life. You don't have to run away to India and become a monk (although you may rock the new haircut), you just have to come up with some ways to remind that smart brain of yours to get mindful!

Write down the times throughout the day How you can be mindful you can be mindful Put your headphones in and focus on the silence between the music Think about how your feet feel on the ground Take a breath in, focus on filling from the bottom of your lungs to the top, and empty from the top to bottom Brush your teeth with your opposite hand Think about how you would describe a tree to a blind person

Write your own

Why is being Mindful important to you? Put your headphones in and focus on the silence between the music Think about how your feet feel on the ground Take breathes in, focus on filling from the bottom of your lungs to the top, and empty from the top to bottom Brush your teeth with the opposite hand Think about how you would descrube a tree to a blind person

33 6wkhealthreset Reflection & Week 4 | Day 7 Improvement VIDEO 3 MINS

Congratulations, this marks the end of the reveal section of the program. Over the last 2 weeks we focussed on re-enforcing strong habits, new knowledge and debunking how our body actually works, and what we can do so you can be more you. You know the drill, fill in this weeks wrap up and set your intentions for the final leg of the program.

What's something I have improved on?

What's something I have struggled with?

What's something I have discovered about myself or my current state of physical, chemical and emotional health?

What's my new goal for Week 5?

34 6wkhealthreset My Story Week 5 | Day 1 VIDEO 3 MINS Welcome to Week 5!

We're officially in the final stage of the program. This is where we solidify everything we have created, learn how to continue this health adventure and ingrain the tools and knowledge you need, to be more you.

Stories I'm telling myself

Current Altered

My Priorities for this week




4. If / Then Statements IF THEN 1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

Remember to take a new side picture of your posture! 35 6wkhealthreset Food Diary Week 5 | Day 2 VIDEO 3 MINS You can see below is a new food diary. Over the next 2 weeks, as part of the Re-write section of the program, the recipes you'll find have a single food that may cause inflammation in your body. This means you may have a meal with egg or legumes or corn in it. Be sure to record how you feel after each meal, this will help you know if your gut is healed or not, and what foods you still need to avoid. It's like a mini test for you gut. Food How do you feel M O N






S U N 346 6wkhealthreset Social Media Week 5 | Day 3 Detox VIDEO 5 MINS

You can use this checklist to do a social media cull now (You go girl!) Or... You can keep this checklist handy in your mind to use at anytime when you're scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, or better still-- keep it in the favourites folder on your phone. It's highly effective in increasing your mental resilience as well as your ongoing success outside of this program.

Cull Keep

Makes you feel less than Makes you laugh

All about weight loss and You feel a sense of body image community

Unrealistic expectation of You feel like you're hustle and no rest learning something

You feel energised after You feel de-motivated consuming it

You spend money you don't have on their products

37 6wkhealthreset Mental Detox Week 5 | Day 4 VIDEO 5 MINS

Ok so we can learn all of these mindfulness, gratitude, meditation and breathing techniques until we run out of breath, but what happens if we have a stress trigger that we can't get away from? Say for instance a sibling, partner or in-law. What about at work? What can we do to protect our mental health and minimise the physical knock on effects of our triggered stress?

As we discussed in todays video, identifiying what the triggers are before a triggering event and developing new anchor thoughts and behaviours BEFORE they arise is the key to reprogramming your brain.

Trigger Current tactic/ Behviour or anchor thought

Eg. Phone call from a relative you're fighting with Eg. Agree with them through gritted teeth, then yell afterwards

Eg. Relative or collegue says something demeaning Eg. self doubt creeps in, and it keeps replaying over and over

Trigger New tactic/ Behviour or anchor thought

Eg. Put myself in their situation. 'everyone is doing the best they can, with the tools and knowledge they have' Eg. Phone call from a relative you're fighting with

Eg. Relative or collegue says something demeaning Eg.Use a forcefield anytime this happens

38 6wkhealthreset Triggers That Week 5 | Day 5 Can't be Avoided VIDEO 5 MINS What on earth do we do with triggers for anxiety, stress, sadness, jealousy and overwhelm if we can't see them or can't get away from them?

After yesterday's exercise you most likely uncovered some triggers that seem like you can't do anything about them. Today I want you to get specific about one of the tools you can use to navigate the triggers you can't avoid. Describe your forcefield

Shape How do you get it there?

Colour When is it there?

How does it behave when a trigger comes?

What does it smell like in there?

Sound it makes when a trigger is reflected?

How does it feel?

Sharing is caring! Tell us about the moments you've used the forcefield technique, and some personal gems you may have picked up along the way. You never know how much it might help someonelse. 39 6wkhealthreset Brain Dump Week 5 | Day 6 VIDEO 4 MINS

What do you do when you can't shut up your mind? You may be a To Do list queen, or you may resort to a glass or two of wine. Understanding productive ways to calm down the brain is key to improving your mental resilience, quality of relationships and joy -- Not to mention sleep! Do this exercise at the beginning and end of the day.

Write down literally everything that is racing around in your mind. Avoid putting them in order or listing them off like a to-do list, this is literally a brain dump, like you're emptying everything out on the page to sort out later. You can draw and doodle, swear or spell incorrectly. Just get it down.

I recommend you place a notepad and pen next to your bed and do this every morning and night. There is no order and no rules. Literally write whatever is rolling around in your brain.

40 6wkhealthreset Reflection & Week 5 | Day 7 Improvement VIDEO 3 MINS

You know the drill. Consistency is key, and when it comes to reshaping and forming new habits and behaviours in our body it typically takes 6 weeks. So stick to the fundamentals, that's were the platform for improvement lays.

What's something I have improved on?

What's something I have struggled with?

What's something I have discovered about myselff or my current state of physical, chemical and emotional health?

What's my new goal for Week 6?

41 6wkhealthreset My Story Week 6 | Day 1 VIDEO 4 MINS Welcome to Week 6 -- The final week!

Creating strong habits is a key value of this program. That's why we're kicking off this week the same as we have for the previous weeks. I want you to keep this thought process in mind for anything that you encounter throughout the rest of your life. Using this as a framework for decision making will help you maintain and build upon your mental resilience. I use these tips in the middle of a conversation, at the start of the morning, in the shower or driving the car, no place is off limits! Stories I'm telling myself Current Altered

My Priorities for this week




4. If / Then Statements IF THEN 1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

Remember to take a new side picture of your posture! 42 6wkhealthreset Chemical Week 6 | Day 2 Rewrite VIDEO 5 MINS

Throughout the last 6 weeks you have learnt the information and tools you need to peel off all of your barriers and be more you.

Today I want you to create a summary of your chemical health. This includes everything from the food and drink you consume, to the minerals and vitamins you need to help your mind work and feel good as well as your relationship to them.

The story I'm telling myself (As it relates to the consumption of products like food, drink, medications, vitamins and beauty products etc...)

My goals as they relate to my chemical health

43 6wkhealthreset Physical Week 6 | Day 3 Rewrite VIDEO 4 MINS As you know by now your physical health is more than just how you look. Your physical activities or lack there of, can be the very thing that create havoc with the rest of your body. Below create a summary of your physical health goals, keeping in mind your new physical health story. You will also find general guidelines for your physical health to abide by. These are for ultimate brain balance and function.

The story I'm telling myself (As it relates to your physical health) ie. Excerise to feel energise and fit, make my mind stronger and boost my control over my body.

My goals as they relate to my physical health

Guidelines to remember: Look up! Keep your phone or laptop at eye height Boxing and running are for moderation (You're not under threat and your brain needs to know that) Avoid chest, hamstring and calf exercises Back exercises trump everything Your body is capable of amazing things, change takes time, push yourself... but you should never have pain. 44 6wkhealthreset Emotional Week 6 | Day 4 Rewrite VIDEO 4 MINS

This page is the summary of how you can re-write any emotional processes and thoughts in the future. Our past can have a large control over our life, whether we're conscious of it or not. This page is dedicated to giving you the method of re-writing your emotions, now and in the future, when, inevitably you face adversity.

Identify your common triggers for both good and bad emotional feelings. Remember to do step 2. Often this step is actually the first thing we feel, only then can we consciously identify the trigger Step 1: Trigger Step 2: Body response Step 3: Feeling

Note: you can use this process in reverse: ie. What is the emotion you want to feel? Think about how your body will feel. Create a trigger, do this over and over to create a pattern... You're so smart daarhhling!

Step 1: Feeling Step 2: Body response Step 3: Trigger

45 6wkhealthreset Get your support Week 6 | Day 5 network VIDEO 4 MINS

Every successful person has a support network, and selecting one that will support your new values and beliefs will also help you achive not only your health goals but also your life goals.

After this program you're not alone. Here are some ways you can maintiain your support network.

6wkHR Facebook Group Our facebook community is full of people just like you. They've gone through the same process as you and it is a source rich in people that can offer a helpful ear, or a kick in the butt when you need it. Reach out to us in the group with your small wins, big wins, losses and everything in between. Sometimes we can feel alone in this world, but know you aren't when you're in this group. Like an old friend, we can go months without speaking, but we know they always have our back.

SD Protcol Practitioner For some of us, we may come up against difficult and confusing health conditions and confusion when it comes to our healthcare. For a practitioner that addresses your bodies connections and gives you the clinical knowledge with a balanced natural approach, you can find an SD Protocol Practitioner (If you don't already have one). They can assist you with things like referrals, ruling out anything potentially life threatening and also improving the balance of your brains automatic fight/flight and rest/digest/reproduce modes. You can find the link to them in our facebook group.

Facebook or Instagram me I love seeing and hearing about your journey, it drives me to help people like you, be more of themselves. So if you need me, I'm always watching on Facebook and Instagram. Instagram: @thestateofme_ #6wkHR #6wkHealthReset Facebook: @thestateofmee

Anything/Anyone specific to you? Write down anyone else or anything else that you will go to for support...

46 6wkhealthreset Golden Week 6 | Day 6 Guidelines VIDEO 3 MINS

Here are a couple of things to always remember when it comes to your mental health. Add your own lessons you have learnt in the space provided below.

Golden Guidelines for Mental Resilience

1.You can't treat others with compassion, until you have self-compassion.

2.Your thoughts are just stories you're telling yourself, remember that.

3.Breath is one of the only constants we have. It's always with us. Use it to teleport from

the past or the future into the present moment.

4.We have the power to change our Brain and our Cells. Remember that.

5. Nothing lasts forever. Hope will give us light, action will get us out.





10. Actionable rules

Mind preparing for the worst? This is your mind trying to protect you. Catapault yourself out of the protective part of your brain into the thinking and joyous part by thinking of something you're grateful for. Do it immediately and do it often. Frustrated at yourself or others? You need some more self-compassion and compassion for others... Repeat this simple sentence. ' They/I did the best they/I could with the situation and tools they/I had.' Struggling through a difficult time? Just like the good times, nothing lasts forever. Think about a time you were on a rollercoaster, you knew it wasn't going to last forever. So just like a rollercoaster, the ups and downs don't last forever. 47 6wkhealthreset My Story Now Week 6 | Day 7 VIDEO 4 MINS

This is the culmination of everything you have learnt throughout this program. A place for you to summarise the thoughts, values, beliefs and story you're telling yourself. Be intentional. My hope for you is that you have ultimately realised that your health is within your control, you have the power to change it, so use the following as guide posts.

My Health Story:

My Health Beliefs:


48 6wkhealthreset Congratulations

I am so proud of you for making the initial decision to join this program and on top of that, finishing it! With all of the information we have access to on a daily basis it can be hard to stick to things we start, and you purely finishing this is proof that you are strong enough to get control of your health, and now with this new found knowledge and tools you can really become more of yourself.

Take in this moment and remember this;

You have the power to create the health you desire. Listen to your body, if you don't like what it's saying, change what you're doing. There is no specialist, no magic pill and no magical power that is coming to save you. You are your own life saver.

I can't wait to continue to see and hear how you have changed your life.

With all my love,

Dr. Anthea

49 6wkhealthreset