Thank You 2018 Annual Report

1 Our mission is simple.

Protect and improve .

Everything we accomplish is made possible by the support of our members, donors, volunteers and community partners.

Our 2018 annual report highlights much that we were able to accomplish with your help during the past year. Thank you for your support.

2 A message from our Board President and Executive Director

Dear Friends,

If there is any doubt about how Rhode Islanders feel about clean water and the environ- ment, one need look no further than last November’s $47.3 million environmental bond vote. It passed by an impressive 78.9%, a new record for environmental bonds in the Ocean State. Save The Bay led the communication effort to educate the public about the merits of the bond, and was instrumental in ensuring that it included urgently needed investments in clean water, flood protection for wastewater treatment plants, public access and coastal resilience.

The environmental bond was one of several high notes in an eventful year for Save The Bay. With your help, we completed the removal of the Shady Lea Dam on the Mattatuxet River, opening up spawning habitat for migratory fish and improving water quality. The General Assembly and Governor, responding to a lawsuit brought by Save The Bay, passed important legislation to reform the Coastal Resources Management Council, ensuring that coastal communities are adequately represented on the Council. We rallied hundreds of concerned citizens to oppose the federal government’s plans to open New England’s offshore waters to oil and gas exploration. Our staff and volunteers played a leadership role in completing a major salt marsh adaptation project in Ninigret Pond. And we, alongside our partners, persuaded federal fisheries managers to implement measures protecting river herring from becoming inadvertent bycatch in commercial herring trawls.

Underpinning this progress is Save The Bay’s commitment to environmental stewardship. Inspiring rising generations to care for the Bay is the principal goal of our Explore The Bay education program, which continues to set the standard for excellence in experiential marine science education.

None of these gains would have been possible without your support. Whether you volun- teered, participated in our events and programs, responded to a “call to action,” or made a financial contribution, you had an impact. Our fundamental strength as an advocacy and education organization is derived from you, our members, donors and volunteers. Thank you for all you do on behalf of the Bay.

With appreciation,

Jonathan Stone Cheryl Nathanson Executive Director Board President

3 With your help...

HabitatsUpdates are on restored. waters & habitats

In 2018...

• We removed the Shady Lea Dam on the Mattatuxet River, restoring a free-flowing river and improving stream habitat and spawning access along one of ’s largest herring runs.

• We launched a first-of-its-kind marsh adaptation project along the Taunton River in Dighton, Massachusetts, in partnership with the Bristol County Mosquito Control Program and the Dighton Conservation Commission. The project is serving as a model for other marsh restoration projects in the Buzzards Bay and North Shore regions.

• At Sapowet Marsh in Tiverton, we partnered with the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management to convert a low-lying field into native grassland, creating suitable habitat for the adjacent salt marsh to move inland as sea level rises.

• At Potters Pond, Winnapaug Pond, Ninigret Pond and Sapowet Marsh, all degraded by sea level rise, we dug shallow creeks to drain trapped water, allowing marsh grasses to recolonize the dead zones and reducing mos- quito breeding habitat.

• In a bi-state partnership with Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, we installed several fixed-location probes in the estuary and that continuously test water conditions. We are helping the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection develop a science-based approach to reducing nutrient pollution in these waters in order to restore clean water, fish populations and public recreation to coastal waters shared by Rhode Island and Connecticut.

4 The scenic Mattatuxet River was restored after the removal of the Shady Lea Dam

575 2,898 25,970

feet water quality tests pounds completed by our of river habitat of trash removed from Waterkeepers restored our shorelines

5 With your help...

A Woonsocket High School student par- ticipating in Save The Bay’s B-WET program learns to identify and remove invasive species

2,310 12,955 30,246 K-12 students were individuals participated guests connected with introduced to Narra- in Save The Bay’s local marine life at the gansett Bay via Save BayCamps and public Exploration Center The Bay education programs and Aquarium programs

6 Future Bay stewards are engaged.

In 2018...

• A third-party evaluation found our Narragansett Bay Field Studies program to be an asset to students in three urban schools in Rhode Island. Evalua- tors said, “It promotes relationships with nature, develops contextual understanding of watersheds and ocean science, and actively involves students in learning and civic engagement opportunities in which they may not otherwise participate. The program empowers students to take personal actions that protect their local environment and encourages students to pursue studies and careers in science. The most significant change was the desire to continue studying science in the future.”

• Through our Restoration Education program, stu- dents from 15 schools helped us plant salt marsh and dune grasses at Ninigret Marsh and Easton’s Beach to protect crucial habitats of the Bay.

• As part of our Rain Garden in Classes program and public education efforts, we worked with K-12 students to plant rain gardens in Ninigret Park in Charlestown and Meadowbrook Farm in East Greenwich to reduce polluted runoff from entering local waterways.

7 With your help...

OurUpdates community on waters & habitats continues to grow.

In 2018...

• Volunteers collected 25,970 pounds of trash during 163 beach cleanups along the Rhode Island shoreline.

• 77 “citizen-scientist” volunteers assisted Save The Bay with studies and projects throughout the year, including seal monitoring, water quality testing and salt marsh planting.

• 4,394 volunteers contributed 28,686 hours of time to beach cleanups, the Exploration Center and Aquarium, administrative tasks and more.

• Save The Bay’s 42nd Annual Swim welcomed 170 first-time swimmers from 16 states, including three-time Olympian and Rhode Island native, Elizabeth Beisel.

• The Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority partnered with Save The Bay in organizing the Four Bridges Ride for the third year in a row. The 26-mile charity ride allows bicyclists to celebrate the beauty of Narragansett Bay while they pedal across the Verrazzano, Pell, Sakonnet and Mt. Hope Bridges.

• Ticket sales and fundraising efforts associated with Save The Bay events, including the Swim, Taste of The Bay, and Artists for The Bay, generated nearly $335,000 to support Save The Bay’s continued advocacy, restoration and education efforts.

8 CVS volunteers pitch in during International Coastal Cleanup Day

$692,490 170 417 swimmers from 16 states swimmers and kayakers The in-kind value of con- participated in the Save participated in the 42nd tributed volunteer time The Bay Swim for the Save The Bay Swim first time

9 With your help...

Save The Bay supporters gather at the Rhode Island State House to oppose off-shore drilling

10 Our voices are heard.

In 2018...

• After the federal government revealed a proposal to open U.S. continental shelf waters to offshore oil explo- ration and drilling, we mobilized hundreds in a march to protect coastal waters, and thousands who signed our petition.

• We filed a Rhode Island Superior Court complaint against the Governor’s appointments to Rhode Island’s Coastal Resources Management Council to ensure compliance with the separation of powers amendment of 2008 and to ensure that coastal communities are represented by the Council.

• We championed the 2018 Green Economy and Clean Water Bond to a 78.9% voter approval rating for invest- ments in clean water and open space.

• In an effort to tackle litter at its source, we launched the Litter Free Pledge Campaign, partnering with WPRI and the Conimicut Village Association on weekly clean- ups at Conimicut Point and post-cleanup litter surveys.

• In a collective effort to reduce fishing pressure on depleted Atlantic herring populations, Save The Bay joined with the Rhode Island Saltwater Angler’s Association and Audubon Society of Rhode Island to urge the New England Fisheries Management Council to impose new catch limits and establish an inshore buffer zone to protect the species from localized depletion by large commercial trawlers. The council adopted several measures in an important first step toward protecting this species.

11 Financial Report

From our Treasurer

Dear Friends of Save The Bay, Fiscal year 2018 saw continued progress towards the financial sustainability we strive for to secure a continued role in the protection of Rhode Island’s most valuable resource, Narragansett Bay. Despite the weather-driven cancellation of our biggest fundraiser, the Swim, our fiscal year ended June 30, 2018 with a total asset increase of $1.6 million, primarily from cash, pledges and investments, thanks to the generosity of our donors, a strong stock market and the tireless work of management and the fundraising team during the “quiet” phase of our comprehensive 50th Anniversary Campaign. Total revenue of $3.1 million included contributions that again exceeded $1.1 mil- lion, and grants of $639,000 that funded signature activities including our salt marsh restoration program. Our education programs that engage so many schoolchildren throughout Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts generated over $538,000 in revenue. Total expenses of $3.2 million were up $173,000 over 2017 due to a lower staff vacancy rate and an increase in grant and program costs. The latter is a positive detail, reflecting an increase in both activity and revenue in these areas. Of note, General and Administrative and Fundraising expenses were down by $40,000 year over year. It is only through your generosity that we are able to invest in our efforts to protect the Bay. We greatly appreciate all that you do and look forward to continuing, with your support, the work of preserving and improving this precious resource.

SteveExpenditures Geremia, Treasurer by Department Support & Revenue Other income 12%

Fundraising Advocacy Program General and 20% 25% revenue administration 15% 7% Contributions gifts and grants Communications Education 63% 7% 41% Government grants 10%

Expenditures By Department Support & Revenue

12 FY18 Statement of FY18 Statement of Financial Position Activities

Assets Support and Revenue Cash and cash equivalents $536,836 Contributions, gifts and grants $2,329,693 Receivables (pledges and grants) 1,084,417 Government contracts 379,231 Prepaid expenses and other 102,759 Program revenue 538,732 Property and equipment, net 6,404,979 Other income 430,312 Cash held for long-term purposes 1,149,726 Total Support and Revenue 3,677,968 Investments 1,737,522 Total assets 11,016,239 Expenses Advocacy 905,497 Liabilities Education 1,499,899 Accounts payable Communications 263,657 and accrued expenses 240,286 General and administration 251,704 Deferred revenue 233,191 Fundraising 743,676 Long term debt 1,253,503 Total Expenses 3,664,433 Total liabilities 1,726,980 Increase in net assets 13,535

Net Assetts Other Income Unrestricted 5,653,417 Anniversary campaign support 1,580,820 Temporarily restricted (Operations) 940,430 Investment gains 102,349 Temporarily restricted 1,683,169 (Campaign) 1,712,953 Total Increase in Net Assets 1,696,704 Permanently restricted 982,459

Total Net Assets 9,289,259

Total Liabilities and Net Assets 11,016,239

13 Planned Giving

Endowment Funds

Endowment funds are long-term investments in the future of Narragansett Bay. They support critical strategic initiatives, reduce dependency on annual giving and help us keep pace with rising costs. In our 2020 Strategic Plan, our Board identi- fied growing our endowment as an important priority to lead Save The Bay into its second half century. Our endowment funds are as follows:

Board-Designated Endowment for Operating Support Designated by the Save The Bay Board of Directors, this endowment provides general operating support and the greatest flexibility in managing organizational resources in response to changing circumstances. Donor-Designated Endowment for Operating Support Gifts to this endowment provide annual operating support to our advocacy, restoration and education efforts. Donor-Designated Endowments The Alison Walsh Fund supports a yearly community award for outstanding envi- ronmental advocacy. The Roosa Family Fund for Marine Education supports marine environmental education for schoolchildren. The John H. Chafee Memorial Fund honors the Senator’s lifelong commitment to the environment and supports Save The Bay’s education programs. It can be used to designate endowment contributions below the threshold for individual endowments. The Julia Sands Chase Fund honors the memory of Mrs. Chase and supports Save The Bay’s critical mission.

Endowment Fund Growth 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 - 1989 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018

14 Seagrass Society

Remembering Save The Bay in your will is one of the most meaningful gifts you can make. Within Narragansett Bay, seagrass beds are a primary source of food and shelter for an abundance of marine life. Just as seagrass beds are the foundation of a healthy Bay, the Seagrass Society ensures a long-term, healthy financial founda- tion for Save The Bay. We are grateful to our members who have included Save The Bay in their estate plans, ensuring the health of the Bay for generations to come.

Seagrass Society Anonymous Lawrence Delhagen* Ruth Mullen Joan C. Abrams Stan Dimock Rita Munzer* Hugh D. Auchincloss* Adrian B. Diorio Alan D. Nathan Joseph S. Beck* Maureen Fogarty Elsie Ridge* Frances Bodell Laura Freid Jane Ridgway* Ellen Borden Gail A. Ginnetty Marion Sachs Marjorie Briody Clifford & Coleen Griffith Sanford J. Sachs* Tim P. Burns John Kellam* Curt & Patrice Spalding Arthur A. Carter, Jr. Linda L. Kelly Robin Squibb Elizabeth Carter Sanne Kure-Jensen Jonathan F. Stone Robert A. Chase Christy Law Blanchard Jean T. Timmons* Raymond Dearden* Rob & Peggy Leeson *Deceased

For more information about planned giving, contact Maureen Fogarty at 401-272-3540 x109 or visit

15 Our 50th Anniversary Campaign

Be a Champion for Narragansett Bay

For nearly five decades, Save The Bay and supporters like you have led the fight against a series of evolving environ- mental challenges, each requiring different strategies and resources.

As we approach our 50th anniversary, we recognize that many of the challenges of the past—from ill-conceived and damaging industrial projects to toxic industrial waste, raw sewage and poor government oversight—pale in comparison to the threats of today, and the challenges of the future.

16 Today’s Challenges

Three forces threaten to roll back decades of progress:

Climate Population Constrained Change Pressures Government Drowning salt Suburban sprawl, Lack of resources marshes, rising coastal develop- and political will water tempera- ment, and other tures, flooding human impacts and erosion

Save The Bay must strengthen our capacity, flexibility and financial foundation to defend the Bay against these threats and sustain our strategic commitment to future generations.

17 Our 50th Anniversary Campaign

Preparing for the Future To ensure continued progress, Save The Bay’s 50th Anniversary Campaign will consist of funds, each critical to our future efforts and success:

Capacity Sustainability Bay Public Investments Defense Access Invest in Increase Create a Complete communica- endowment rapid response a brand-new tions, education, and eliminate fund for public dock, development, unanticipated expanding mortgage and human environmental visitor resources debt threats capacity

$2 million $3.4 million $2 million $0.6 million

The Bay Champions who make a pledge to our 50th Anniversary Campaign will play a critical role in equipping Save The Bay to:

• Promote environmental progress. • Prevent the undoing of decades of achievement. • Defend against new threats. • Inspire each generation to care for the Bay.

Interested in becoming a Bay Champion? Contact Joan Abrams at [email protected] or 401-272-3540 x126.

18 Bay Champions

Thank you to the following Bay Champions who have made an early gift or pledge to Save The Bay’s 50th Anniversary Campaign:

Anonymous (2) Bud and Maureen Margaret Goddard Lucille Rossignol Joan and Richard Cummings Leeson and and Paul Abrams Stan Dimock Robert Leeson, LaViolette Jr. John J. Alves, Jr. Anne G. Earle Ed and Cindy The Alletta Sabato and Anne B. The Norman Miller Morris McBean Anne F. Sage and and Rosalie Charitable Trust Bazarsky Family Jesse D. Sgro Fain Family Eugene and Foundation Foundation George M. and Bronwyn Barbara H. Sage Kendra Beaver Fish Family McDermott Fund Jeff and Abby Foundation Kate McPherson Boal Wenley Ferguson Sharpe Family F. Paul Mooney, Jr. Foundation Laurie and Ruud and John Wolf Bosman Ruth K. Mullen (in George W. Maureen Fogarty Memory of Jim Robin Boss Shuster, Jr. and Jane Garnett and Mullen) Stephanie L. Van Mike and Laura David Booth Leslie Munson Patten Bottaro Stephen and Alan and Virginia Joseph and Cynthia J. Butler Deborah Nathan Rosalyn Sinclair Matthew Carlson Geremia Dr. Andrew Foundation Rob and Jackie Michael Gewirz and Cheryl Rosalyn Sinclair Carlson and Cleo Smart Nathanson Bennett and Lissa Kaitlyn Cedergren Gewirz Navigant Credit Singer The Champlin Gail A. Ginnetty Union Samuel Slade and Foundation Gruben Charitable Lynne and Tim Susan Coughlin Barbara and Foundation Palmer Meg and Don Duncan Jenn Harris Aidan and Kate Steiner Petrie Chapman The Hassenfeld Jonathan F. Stone Joshua and Peter and Sheri Family Jed Thorp and Kristen Foundation Phillips Cherwinski Sarah Harrigan The Hazard Family Warren and Citrin Cooperman Deborah Prell US Fish and Foundation Wildlife Service & Company, LLP Prince Charitable Emma Clydge van Beuren George L. Hodge Trusts Coleman Charitable Memorial Fund The Prospect Hill Foundation Gib and Diane Foundation Island Foundation Alisson Walsh and Conover REI Michael Jarbeau Adam Braver James M. Cox Rhode Island Deborah E. Wiley Foundation John Kaplin College Wendy Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kate and Howard Craig Richardson M. Creamer Kilguss and Sarah John Zitzmann Barbara Van Sciver Chris and Sarah Beinecke and Christine Crouchley Lee Richardson O’Brien

19 Donor Support

To our donors:

Save The Bay is deeply grateful to the thousands of individuals, businesses, foun- dations and other organizations that generously support our work to protect and improve Narrragansett Bay. In this report, we are pleased to recognize all those who gave $250 or more during calendar year 2018.

If you have been omitted or incorrectly listed, please accept our sincerest apologies and notify Jackie Carlson at 401-272-3540 x106.

Thank you.

Salt Pond Society Brenton Reef Society Chris and Sarah Lee $10,000 - $24,999 $5,000 - $9,999 Individual Charles and Lory Michael J. Blitzer Anonymous (2) McCoy Giving Jeff and Abby Boal Joan and Richard Ms. Devin McShane Societies Laurie and Ruud Abrams Ruth Mullen Mr. George T. Boyer Bosman Virginia and Alan Peter and Lucia Gill Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nathan Ninigret Society Brewer Case Jeff and Mary Jane $75,000 and up Gib and Diane Barbara and Duncan Rasmussen Ms. Elizabeth Prince Chapman Conover Mr. Douglas Ricci Bud and Maureen Ms. Wendy H. George W. Shuster, Prudence Society Cummings Crandall and Mr. Chris A. Jr. and Stephanie $50,000 - $74,999 Anne G. Earle D’Aguanno L. Van Patten Anonymous Jane Garnett and Denise M. Dennis and Fran Lynne and Tim David Booth Dangremond Slutsky Palmer Gail A. Ginnetty Stan Dimock Cary St. Onge Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Ms. Clover M. Jonathan F. Stone Salem Hassenfeld Drinkwater Rosalyn Sinclair Emma Clyde Hodge Jonathan and Ruth Memorial Fund Sachuest Society Fain $2,500 - $4,999 Sakonnet Society Kate and Howard Mark J. Formica and $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous Kilguss Linda A. Brunini- Noreen and Richard Anonymous Craig Richardson and Formica Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sarah Beinecke Mr. Jonathan K. M. Creamer Richardson Gewirz George L. Coleman Deborah E. Wiley Lucille Rossignol and Almon and Suzanne Judy and Kim Davis Paul LaViolette Hall Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Eric and Peggy Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Falk Meg and Don Steiner L. Leatherman Mrs. Alexis Hafken

20 Margaret Goddard Lisa Barsumian and Mr. and Mrs. Brent L. Tom and Suzanne Leeson and Robert Tom Farrell Cogswell Ferrio Leeson, Jr. Victor and Gussie Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lawrence K. Fish Mr. and Mrs. Baxt Fund Collins Mr. Richard Fogarty Raymond T. Mr. William M. Bazzy Carter M. Conway Mr. David B. Ford Mancini Cynthia Bertozzi Barbara Van Sciver Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lynn and Robert Jacob Brown Crouchley Geremia Manning Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. William Pamela Giannini Ms. Holly McAllister DeAngelus III I. Burnham Robert H. I. Goddard Mr. John S. Struck Tim and Lorrie Burns Michelle Denault and and Hope Drury and Mrs. Beatriz Mark Palmer Goddard Fund at Struck Ms. Cynthia J. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph the Rhode Island William and Christine Rod and Natalie DiBattista Foundation Wright Carr Brad and Kim Dimeo Bill and Maureen Mary and Tot Wright Johnnie Chace Sandy and Tom Goldfarb Mr. Nathan W. Chace Dimeo Mr. and Mrs. Clifford and Mrs. Mary E. Beacon Society F. Griffith Chace Joseph Dowling $1,000 - $2,499 Griffith Family Fund Wayne and Jeannie Ms. Louise Durfee Anonymous Charness Ms. Patricia Fairchild Elizabeth and Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Nicholas Ms. Suzanne and Mr. John J. Austin Grumbach Choquette Sessions Mayer and Will Baker Jenn H. Harris Mr. Stephen H. Clark Mr. William Falk* Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and Mrs. Kim N. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donna and Charles Balloch Clark R. Faulkner Hazard Mr. Joseph Barry Michael Ferranti Peter and Elaine Hess


21 Thank you

Memorial Fund at Theresa Shireman 2018 Save The Bay Swim the Rhode Island Susan and Dwight Foundation Fundraisers: $1,000+ Sipprelle Maria and Charlie Samuel Slade and Milot Susan Coughlin Thomas Allan Courtney Susan and Thadeus Jennifer Smith Rachel Balaban McCracken Mocarski David and Heidi Judy Beckman Christopher Betsy and Clarke Sommers Monoson Moody Marc Braunstein Mary C. Speare F. Paul Mooney, Jr. Rachel Busch Denise Murphy David Staples Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nathan Wally and Jo Strobel Peter Carson Terrence P. Moran Deb Nelson Ms. Mildred H. Struck Patrick Daniels Mr. Raymond F. Patrick DeLeon Jim Parham Murphy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Shivan S. Subramaniam Jim Dorsey James Porter Petra Napolitano Dr. Elizabeth M. Terry Ranney Jeff and Jessica James Farrar Sutton Nathan Larry Fish Dana Reed Anne and Michael Dr. Andrew and Szostak Deborah Foppert Matt Schulde Cheryl Nathanson Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Daniel Force Colleen Simpson Mr. Edward Nelson Torgan Mark Formica Clare Sipprelle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alison and Charles H. Pease, Jr. Joyce Gagnon David Splaine Townsend James and Abby Kathleen Gorman David Stephenson Mr. Andrew Perry Jana Hesser Jonathan Stone Wallerstein and Ms. Warren and Deborah Mary C. Sloane Thor Johnson Louisa Swain Prell Mr. Kenneth W. David Karoff William Van Rebecca Preston Washburn Charlotte Kresse Nostrand Mr. and Mrs. Norton Mr. Philip Weinstein, H. Reamer Greta Markey Scott Wakeman Esq. Ms. Kathleen M. Sheila Martin Rob Wolfgang Mr. Troy West Redgate and Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sheila A. Finnegan M. Wharton Julia and Curt Mr. and Mrs. Edward Drs. Jennifer Hosmer Camilla W. Lee Richardson J. Wing and Brad Miller Charles P. Lee Barbara and Allen P. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Imperial 718 Fund at Rubine James and Diane M. Wright the Rhode Island Lynch Ed and Cindy Sabato Foundation John Zitzmann and Mr. Stephen J. Nancy Safer Mr. Leonard Johnson Christine O’Brien MacQuarrie and George M. and The Edward W. Kane Ms. Kathryn P. Barbara H. Sage and Martha J. Martin Fund at the Rhode Hope Society Wallace Family Scott and Laura Island Foundation $500 - $999 Foundation Malkin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anonymous (6) Mr. John Kaplin Frederick R. Mattis E. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dr. Audrey Kupchan Eugene and Bronwyn Peggy and Henry S. Andreozzi and Sam Havens McDermott Sharpe Fund at John J. Alves, Jr. and Laird Norton Family the Rhode Island Anne B. Miller Fund Foundation Lisa and Dean Audet

22 Charles and Sia Brandon Christensen Diane and Larry Sara Foster Bauer Dr. Marshall W. DeMichele Brian P. Franco Ms. Kendra Beaver Carpenter and Ms. Mrs. Dorothy Denault Allison M. Gauthier and Mr. David Mary K. Grzebien Justin and Kirstin Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hanrahan Arthur H. Carr Fund DeShaw B. Gewirz Donald Bisenius Mr. Ross E. Cheit Dinusha and John David and Mary Mr. Jeffrey R. Blease and Ms. Kathleen Dietrich Gillespie Odean Ms. April Bodman John C. Eaton Dr. and Mrs. Marguerite and Bob and Judy Memorial Fund Frederick A. Walter Bopp Chusmir Dr. and Mrs. Lee E. Godley III Mr. and Mrs. Blair Donald and Nancy Edstrom Mr. Marc Greichen Cloud Boyer Mr. and Mrs. John M. John and Karleen Samuel Bradner Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Falvey Halliwell J. Coghlin Alexandra Mr. George Fazio Dr. Steven P. Bragagnolo Oliver Cope and Dr. Lloyd R. Feit and Hamburg and Ms. Hillary Johnson Mr. Alan D. Brier Dr. Linda Nici Sarah A. Barker The Csanadi Family Ms. Joan M. Cahill Mr. Bruce C. Mr. Peter J. Hendricks Anthony DaCosta Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Ms. Catherine Hibbitt Sherburne W. Ray and Sarah Mr. Hugh Ferguson Dr. Christopher S. Hill D’Aguanno Cameron Wenley Ferguson and Terence J. Karaniuk Tom and Leanne John Wolf Chris Cannon and Mr. Leslie M. Kenney Carol Hopkins Danielsen Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Eileen Kim April Carleton and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Flood Kissel Family Michael Rossi Darden Maureen and Eugene Foundation Elizabeth Delude-Dix Fogarty

23 Thank you

Bob Klugman Caroline and Spencer Peter and Sheri Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. Christopher F. Martin Fund of the Phillips Vincent Koller and Ms. New Hampshire David Pollack Mr. Scott H. Wakeman Charitable Colette C. Cook David Reville and Foundation Salten Weingrod Mr. Kristofer Kolstad Tina Tryforos Family Fund at Emilia McNutt Robert J. Kresse Mr. Donald K. Richer the Rhode Island Mr. Christian Miles Foundation Mr. Justin Kreter and Mrs. Karen J. Benjamin and Richer Honorable Sheldon Mr. John LaRiviere Jeannie Miller Dr. Michael Robbins Whitehouse James Lastoskie and Dr. Sandra Dr. Patrice Milos- Mr. Michael Robey Mr. Philip Carpenter Spalding and Mr. Whitehouse Randy Rockney Lee Curt Spalding Mrs. Dudley A. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brooke and Eugene Ms. Elizabeth H. Williams E. Rogers Lee Minifie Jean Wood Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ms. Meredith A. Ross Mr. Karl Ziegler Levine Moody Susan Ruf Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Joseph and Patricia H. Lichtenfels Mundy Thomas Ryan Salt Marsh Society $250 - $500 David P. Lichtenstein Mr. Douglas Mr. Peter B. Scoliard Anonymous (5) The Limbird Family Newhouse and Dr. and Ms. Sarah E. Sinclair Carleigh Abromovitz Stanley & Martha Holly Bannister Livingston Fund at Paul and Donna Mr. Colgate Searle Mr. Matthew Ackroyd the Rhode Island Nicholson and Mrs. Lalla Ms. Lynne R. Agar Searle Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mr. George E. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew O’Donnell Mr. David Sharp Alexandre, Jr. Marsh Mr. Irving C. Sheldon, Kevin and Amy Orth Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jr. and Mrs. Mr. William H. Perkins M. Allen Katherine M. Rebecca Perry Sheldon Michael and Kirstin Allio Bennett Singer and Lissa Singer Anne Archibald Tracy Sipprelle Mr. Berndt W. Anderson “It’s so important to Austin Smith Mr. and Mrs. David C. The Soutter Family protect and restore Anderson Fund at the Rhode our shorelines, Island Foundation Dr. Lucy Arnold beaches and the Bay. Rebecca Stockdill Ms. Emily Arts Participating in the Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. Henri Arts Taft IV Mr. Zach Arts Swim is a perfect and Mr. and Mrs. Asheton Sarah Atkins C. Toland seamless way for me to Avalon Fund at the Robin and Perry Rhode Island get involved.” Traquina Foundation Natalie and James S. Jessica Bailey - Elizabeth Beisel, Venetos Drs. W. Lloyd Save The Bay Swim, 2018 Mr. James Verinis Barnard, Jr. and Mr. Robert Vierra Lucinda B. Barnard

24 Dr. Daniel I. Becker and Ms. Samantha Coit Becker Maddy Beckwith Ms. Nancy W. Bennett Dory and Dan Benson Ms. Barbara J. Bird Ms. Jean E. Black Mr. Matthew S. Blank Andrew Blazar Mr. Danny Bliss Mr. Gary Bolla and Mrs. Dawn Bolla Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Bontecou Robin Boss Dr. and Mrs. William Braden Mr. Allen H. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. Helena Sam J. Bradner Christina Costa M. Drew, Jr. Buonanno G. Foulkes and Mr. Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Ms. Claire Cournoyer Mr. Tom Driscoll Braun William Foulkes Dr. Andrew Craig Mr. Robert K. Duby Dr. Jeffrey M. Brody Marc Frechette Mr. Thomas Craig Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Kate Brody Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Katherine Cunkelman Fronczek Captain Nicholas Linda M. Dunn Bill Cushman Ms. Sarah Frost Brown Mr. Kaan Duru Paul Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Louis and Mary Fuchs Dana James Dworkin Mr. Thomas Bryson Tom Fulton Mr. Murray Danforth Susan Dye Joyce Gagnon Christine Bush and Mrs. Judith Melanie and David Rondi Butler Danforth Dyer Rob Gallagher Mr. Ron Caniglia Denise DaPonte Mr. Kenneth Easley Ms. Mary O’Brien E. Garrett Mary Caplin Frank and Hope Kimberly Eckert Mr. James F. Gendron Ms. Patrice A. Carroll Darigan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dr. David Gifford Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Jean L. DeLeon Edie Casey The Delmonico Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dr. Stephen E. Glinick Family Fund at Eil and Dr. Elizabeth Linda Casey A. Welch the Rhode Island Joseph Eilertsen and Peter and Patricia Foundation Sandra Krupp Mr. Michael Glover Cerilli Thomas and Alix Emily Engle Mr. Robert Godfrey, Joshua and Kristen Devine Jr. Cherwinski Ms. Ann M. Falsey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mr. and Mrs. Art Gold Lyn and Margaret D. Ms. Maia Farish C. Donilon Amy L. Goldfarb Comfort Mr. William T. Farrell Sherry and Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sara and Dan Connor Mr. Edward T. Fish Douville Goodale Michael Connors Mrs. Sarah Fogarty

25 Thank you

Mr. Raymond Mr. Dean Jennings Deborah Lyon Mrs. Donna Gorman Ms. Mary M. Jennings and Apolonia Neuendorf Panagopoulos Mr. Richard F. Graefe Mr. and Mrs. Keith N. Mr. and Mrs. William and Mrs. Susan W. Johnson Mr. Steve S. Nicholson, Jr. Graefe MacAusland Gregory Jones and Melanie Niemiec W. Cabell Grayson Patricia Richmond- Tracy L. Maeter Mr. Dennis W. Nixon Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones Suzanne and Ira Carrie O’Brien J. Greco Mr. and Mrs. Magaziner Paul and Denise Mr. Dan Gregory Lawrence I. Kahn Solvejg T. Makaretz O’Brien and Mrs. Mary M. Gregory Eric Kawaoka Alexandria Maloy Dorothea B. O’Byrne Mr. Jack Guarnaccia Ms. Mary Lou Mr. Kenneth J. Jennifer H. O’Connell Kennedy Mancini Mr. and Mrs. David J. Andrea Doyle Gumbley Cheryl A. King Mr. and Mrs. Douglas O’Connor and Bernard G. Mancosh Susan Guralnik Mr. William Paul Zimmermann Dr. and Mrs. A. Louis O’Neill Keri Hague Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Mariorenzi Joe and Molly Hampson Charitable Kirk Carolyn Mark and Bill Orchardo Fund Ms. Andra Kirsteins Stone Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mr. George Marr P. Palmer B. Hampton Mr. James Knowles Brian Knox Kristin Martin Jonathan and Bettie Mr. Randy Hannold Pardee Rachael Hantman Mr. Steven Kohm Mrs. Theresa E. Mathiesen Mr. John R. Pariseault Janie H. Harris Andrew Kresse Anthony McAuliffe Ms. Jamie Pascale Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bradford Labine Haley McCrystal Mr. Eric Patrick T. Harvey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Captain and Mrs. Mr. Michael A. Eric M. Hastings A. Lanphear Bernard L. McGourty Michael Hatch Ms. Sally E. Lapides Patterson III Mr. Ian McHugh Ingo & Tracy Mr. Jonathan Lathrop Ms. Deborah K. Penn Mark McHugh Hentschel Mr. Jonathan Leary Mary Beth Persons Kate McPherson Julie Herrick Pamela Lenehan and Dana Pickard Ms. Tara Higgins Lawrence F. Geuss Kelley McShane Harris Pitnof Shaun Hogan Andrew Levinson Mr. Edgar Mercado Dr. and Mrs. Michael Mr. Thomas Hogan Ruth H. Liguori Mrs. Carlene Poshkus Messinger Mr. and Mrs. John N. Jane C. Lippincott Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Hooper, Sr. Jean Miller T. Pozez Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kim and Paul Hooper B. Lister Webb Moore Bridget and David Prescott P. Gardner Howe Jeff LoGioco Susan and Tony Morettini Abby Preston Amanda Howland Dr. Andrew Lohmeier Mr. and Mrs. John H. and Prof. Naoko Ms. Terry H. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Prichett Hubbard Shibusawa Morgenthaler and Mr. Patrick J. Kerins Dr. and Mrs. John J. Mr. Howard Huntoon, Ms. Mary F. Lovejoy Przygoda Jr. and Mr. John Carol and Richard Mr. and Mrs. John Whistler Moser Dr. Jodi Pukl Isaac The Ludwig-Leone Ted Mundy Mr. Mark B. Rafferty David Jaye Family Frederick Murphy Mrs. Rose Randall

26 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mr. B. Clarkson Henry Spencer and Suglia Family Fund at Raskin Schoettle Nicky Cass the Rhode Island Mr. John P. Reeder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foundation Mr. Stephen Resnick Seifert Spies Dr. Phyllis A. Syres Barbara and Dean Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Mr. John Stanley Christine Tananone Robinson Shaw David and Holly Mr. Carl Tauber Miss Diane M. Mr. and Mrs. William Stephenson Joan and John Taylor A. Shawcross, Jr. Robitaille Mr. and Mrs. Douglas William S. Ten Eyck Mr. Kevin Shea R. Stevenson Ms. Thelma Rocha Jennifer and Marc Bill Roe Dr. Douglas Shemin F. David and Barbara Theroux Stonestreet Chris F. Roemlein Oley Sheremeta Pamela and Mr. David Stott Ms. Tanya M. Roy William B. Shipp Christopher Ms. Ruth M. Strach Thomas Mr. John D. Ruscito Mrs. Frances Shippee Hardwick Simmons Mrs. Cornelia B. Dr. and Mrs. John F. Douglas and Sturgis Thompson Elizabeth Rynda Samuel Smart Andrew Sucov and Honorable O. Amy Smith Anuj Sampat Heather Chapman Rogeriee Ms. Susan Space Douglas Sayles Chris and Jen Thompson Suellentrop Ms. Susan E. Tietze

27 Thank you

Mr. Bob Tomassone $10,000 - $24,999 The John Ben Snow Foundations, Memorial Trust Mr. and Mrs. John B. Government 11th Hour Racing Torgan Cruise Industry Herbert E. and Daisy Grants A. Stride Memorial & Gifts Charitable Ms. Christine Foundation Foundation Townsend The Max & Textron Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. $75,000+ Victoria Dreyfus Trust Trafton EJMP Fund for Foundation, Inc. Philanthropy The Hassenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Tim C. $2,500 - $4,999 The Norman and Foundation American Chemistry Tuff Rosalie Fain Family The Hazard Family Council Archbold D. van Foundation Foundation Bonnell Cove Beuren and Helene Gruben Charitable Emma Clyde Hodge Foundation van Beuren Foundation Memorial Fund Coastline Trust Co. Forrest C. and Amy Verreault Horne Family - Mary Dexter Frances H. Lattner Foundation Alejandra Vida- Foundation Chafee Fund June Rockwell Levy Roman John Clarke Trust NOAA Foundation Dime Bank John Vitha Prince Charitable The Aletta Morris Trusts Foundation, Inc. Ms. Sharon B. Wallace McBean Charitable The Prospect Hill Trust The Doff Foundation Alisson Walsh and Foundation National Wildlife Grimshaw-Gudewicz Adam Braver Rhode Island Federation Charitable Foundation Mr. John Walsh III Foundation The Providence State of Rhode Island Journal Charitable Ocean State Charities Mr. Michael Walsh Trust The Salem Legacy Fund Mr. Colin Walsh Foundation Sharpe Family Restore America’s Estuaries Wendy and Tim van Beuren Foundation Walters Charitable The Timken Matthews Silver Tie Fund Foundation, Inc. Family Foundation US Fish and Wildlife Mrs. Leslie H. Service Weeden Verizon Foundation $50,000 - $74,999 The Whitehead VWR Foundation John Welch Joseph and Rosalyn Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sinclair Foundation $1,000 - $2,499 Wheelock U.S. Environmental $5,000 - $9,999 Ida Ballou Littlefield David W. White Protection Agency, Billy Andrade- Brad Memorial Trust Region 1 Mr. Austin Whitman Faxon Charities For C.R. Bard Foundation Children Cardinal Health Ms. CK Raynes Wilder $25,000 - $49,999 The Dorr Foundation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Rian M. John and Daria Barry Roy A. Hunt Ira S. and Anna Wilkinson Foundation Foundation Galkin Charitable Mr. and Mrs. David Citizens Community MacLean Vaz Marine Trust Foundation Witbeck Education Fund Haffenreffer Family Island Foundation Meehan Foundation Fund Mr. Thomas F. Newport Fed The Alexis Berman Woodhouse Charitable Hafken Family Mr. Edward E. Zuker Foundation Foundation

28 Kissel Family Patagonia Foundation Taunton River “Save The Bay has made Providence Rotary Stewardship Charities Council such a big difference in Foundation everyone’s lives. You don’t Ramlose Foundation $2,500 - $4,999 The Daniel Rosenblatt Amica Mutual even realize that the Bay Foundation Insurance doesn’t smell like it used The Sand Family Company Fund Ashaway Line to in the 70s, 60s or 50s. Edwin S. Soforenko and Twine Foundation Manufacturing In the future, I’d like to be West Bay View Avalon Trust able to swim in the Bay, Foundation Botanical Center Conservancy at closer to Providence, like $500 - $999 Roger Williams Park my mother-in-law did The Naomi and Walter Chucnin Bottaro Law Firm LLC when she was a child. Foundation Bradford Soap Works The Severus Green River Silver It would be great to see Foundation Company HTJB, Inc. what was possible 100 Macy’s years ago happen again Businesses & Rexel Energy today.” Organizations Solutions Rhode Island College – Elinor C. Thompson, $25,000 - $49,999 Sharon Cameron Artist, Artists for The Bay CVS Caremark Lawn Interiors Charity Classic, Inc. United Natural Foods, Show and Sale, 2018 Inc. $10,000 - $24,999 Citizens Bank $1,000 - $2,499 Greenleaf $500 -$999 BayCoast Bank Compassionate B & T Associates National Grid Care Center Schneider Electric Brown Medicine, Eastern Outdoor Brown Physicians, Locke, Lorde, LLP Reps Association Waterkeeper Alliance Inc. MetLife Auto & Home Farrar Associates Coast to Coast Newport Harbor The Green Cross $5,000 - $9,999 Promotional Corporation Hilb Group New Products BankNewport Rhode Island England Denali Brewing Society Blue Cross & Blue Maloney Properties Shield of Rhode Falvey Insurance SCS Design Mott & Chace Island Group, Ltd. Starkweather & Sotheby’s Citrin Cooperman & F.L. Putnam Shepley International Realty Company, LLP Investment Swarovski North Narragansett Bay Management Corvias Solutions America, LTD Commission Company CVS Health Regency Plaza

29 Thank you

Strategic Retirement Kaiser Tree RI Department of Partners Preservation Partners Environmental Company Management Tiffany & Co. Save The Bay Tillotson Corporation Neptune Benson acknowledges Town of Barrington The United Theatre Novaya Ventures the following Town of Charlestown partners: Westerly Community Palumbo Design Town of Tiverton Credit Union Perform Better Town of Westerly Ximedica Regency Plaza University of Rhode $250 - $499 Chestnut Hill City of East Island Providence AIPSO Sullivan & Graber U.S. Fish and Wildlife City of Newport Service The Arden Taylor Box Company Corporation Two Brothers Quality Facebook Warren Land Painting The Nature Conservation Trust, Aries Support Inc. Services The United Theatre Conservancy Newport Polo Weekapaug Arrow Fuel Walmart Foundation for NOAA AssetWorks LLC W. B. Hill, Inc. Conservation Restore America’s d’Olivera & Weekapaug Yacht Wild and Scenic Estuaries Associates Club Stewardship RI CRMC - Coastal DonorSearch WF Engineering Council Resources Dupuis Oil Company Associates Management Council

30 Coast to Coast Imports from KNEAD Donuts In-Kind Promotional Marrakesh Kountry Kitchen Products Gifts Iron Works Tavern La Creperie Conanicut Marine Island Outfitters LaSalle Bakery Crystal Spring Water Our More Than 3,000 Jamestown Fire & Laid Back Fitness Volunteers Company Rescue - On the Lang’s Bowlarama 1661 Inn Dave & Buster’s Water L.L. Bean 4imprint Dave’s Coffee jetBlue lululemon athletica Academy Bus Lines Dave’s Marketplace Jody King LUXE Burger Bar Alert Ambulance Del Sol Johnny Rockets Matunuck Oyster Bar Alessandra Dolnier Del’s Lemonade Julian’s McGrath Clambakes, Original Fine Designs by Katrina KEEL Vodka Inc. Jewelry Devil’s Purse Brewing Kelley’s Deli Au Bon Pain Mike Riccio Sports, Dover Saddlery Kent Stetson LLC Aunt Carrie’s Durk’s Bar-B-Q Ayesha Studio Earth Care Farm Jewelry Eastern Mountain B. Good Sports “We’re proud to Battleship Cove Easy Entertaining Bayberry Beer Hall support Save The Bay Edible Arrangements Belmont Market and their efforts to Elinor Thompson Ben and Jerry’s Elizabeth Lind keep our shorelines Big Blue Bug Eli’s Kitchen Solutions healthy. Fire Works Catering Billy’s Restaurant Flipp Salon Blackstone Bicycle Through the Apothecary Block Island Ferry Foolproof Brewing International Bob Tomassone Company Coastal Cleanup, Boris Bally Forza Cavallo Gallery our colleagues joined Bradford Soap Works Francesca Dolneier Brahmin Photography forces to make a big Bristol Oyster Bar Freddie Bing impact in our home Button Hole Hot Dogs/BEI Enterprises state of Rhode Island Capriccio GG’s Pretzels Castle Hill Inn & by collecting hundreds Resort Gina Marie Art Studio of pounds of trash.” CCRI Massage Gooseneck Vineyards Program Granny Squibb’s Iced – Eileen Howard Tea Celestial Cafe Boone, SVP, Corporate The Chanler at Cliff Grey Sails Brewing Walk Harley Bartlett Social Responsibility Chelo’s Hometown Hopey’s Heart & Philanthropy, CVS Bar & Grille Foundation Health Chophouse Grille Hotel Viking

31 Thank you

Gifts In Memoriam

The Save The Bay Endowment Fund was established in 1989 by Peter Lisle in memory of Elizabeth S. Lisle as a lasting tribute to the work of Save The Bay. In 2018, gifts were received in loving memory of:

Edward Agin Brad deWolf, Jr. Thomas Hazlehurst E. Louise Pryor Ronald Baer Pauline Dugas Robert Karwoski Trevor Ramella Kim Benjamin Joyce Fairchild Ivars Kirsteins Carlos Rodriguez James Butler Stanley Fairhurst Jeffrey Knowles Mark Rotondo Constance Byrnes David Flynn John Liston Sanford Tanner Anthony Cardello Larry Fredrickson Dan Magnanimi Warren L. Trafton, Jr. Timothy Clark Dave Frost Merton William Joannes Van Eli Cohen Collette Gershkoff McAvoy, Jr. Orsouw Bobbi Croce Will Gorton Kevin McGourty Bob Vick John Cullinan Jean Haley Adeline Poulin John D. Work

Ming’s Asian Street Pastaio Rhode Island Tapped Apple Food People’s Power & Philharmonic Winery Mulligan’s Island Golf Light Orchestra Tatutina & Entertainment Rhode Island Red Peter de Savary The Bodhi Spa Food Tours Narragansett Brewing The Green Door Company Peter Sebring Rhode Island The Kayak Centre Narrow River Kayaks PF Trading Shellfishermen’s The Traveler Beer NAVSTA Naval PGH La Palmeraie Association, Inc. Company Station Newport Polo Club Rhode Island Theatre by The Sea New England Tent Pranzi Catering Turnpike and Bridge Authority Tom Deininger Newport Businesses Providence Coal Tom’s BaoBao Newport Grand Fired Pizza RI Department of Environmental Trinity Repertory Casino Providence Management Company Newport Hospital Performing Arts Tuscany – Mohegan - Beach Medical Center Rock Spot Climbing Sun Services Saltzman Watches Puesto Viejo Estancia Newport Playhouse Two Girls Digging & Polo Club Sarcastic Sweets TwoTen Oyster Bar Newport Storm Seastreak Martha’s Brewery Ragged Island & Grill Brewing Co. Vineyard Newport Vineyards & U.S. Coast Guard Shades Winery REI Station Castle Hill Shady Lane Foods NSC Restrooms Renaissance Wakefield Running Sons Of Liberty Okemo Mountain Providence Company Resort Downtown Hotel Spirits Co. Wanumetonomy Golf Onne van der Wal Rhode Island Swarovski & Country Club Photography Brewing Society Sydney Providence Whalers Brewing Co.

32 Wilcox Tavern Columbia HP Progressive Insurance XO Cafe Threadneedle IBM Prudential Investments Yelp Imtra Corporation Foundation CVS Yoleni’s Intel Foundation Raytheon Dell Investment Rhode Island Deutsche Bank Technology Group Foundation Matching Donate Well Jacobs Associates The Rockefeller Foundation Gifts Fannie Mae John Hancock Fidelity Johnson & Johnson Schneider Electric FirstData JPMorganChase AIG State Street FM Global Kaman Corporation Apple Symetra GE Foundation KKR Amica Insurance Teradata Genesee & Wyoming, McKinsey & American Express Inc. Company Texas Instruments Amerigives, Inc. Genentech Microsoft Textron Ameriprise The Thomas and Morgan Stanley TripAdvisor William Gilbane Bank of America National Grid Truist Foundation Bank of New York Network for Good UBS Give with Liberty Mellon Optum United Health Goldman Sachs Charities Aid Oracle United Technologies Foundation of Google PepsiCo Foundation Verizon America Grainger Pew Charitable Trust Waters Corporation Charles Schwab Guggenheim Wells Fargo Foundation Partners Pitney Bowes Yelp Citizens Bank Hasbro, Inc. Pfizer Foundation YourCause

33 Save The Bay Leadership & Staff

Committee Members Ben Singer Steve Clark Board of Alden Anderson Mark Tracy Jemma Craig Directors Joelle Bowen Edward Wing Denise Dangremond lends stra- Heidi Buonanno Alyssa Wood Elizabeth M. Delude- tegic vision Rhondi Butler Chip Young Dix and fiduciary governance. Wayne Charness John Zitzmann Joseph DiBattista Steve Clark Bradford S. Dimeo Joe DiBattista Patrick Driscoll Board Officers Chris DuPaul Board of Anne G. Earle Cheryl Nathanson Anne Earle Trustees Jonathan D. Fain President Tom Ferrio are trusted Mark J. Formica Gilbert Conover Suzanne Ferrio advisors with Leslie Gardner Vice President Richard Fogarty long-time Thomas P. I. Goddard Justin DeShaw commitment. Tom Goddard Bob and Robin Hall Vice President Allen Hance Peter Hallock Gail Ginnetty John Heinenman Vice President Joan Abrams Steven Hamburg Anne Holloway Eugene McDermott, Trudy Coxe Alan G. Hassenfeld Ryan Kelly Esq. Kate Kilguss C. Michael Hazard Secretary Chris Kincaid Sarah Beinecke David and Susan Steve Geremia Geoffrey Kirkman Richardson Hibbitt Treasurer Howard Kilguss Dr. Vincent Rose Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott Lisle H. Curtis Spalding Higginbotham Board Members Lynn Malone Ellicott Wright Jennifer Hosmer Michael Blitzer Neil Marcaccio Kate & Howard Robin Boss Rick Massie Kilguss George Coleman Patricia Meleragno Brooke Lee Joseph “Bud” Brooke Merriam President’s Raymond T. Mancini Cummings F. Paul Mooney Leadership Brad Miller Stephen Gerencser Tony Morettini Council F. Paul Mooney Jenn Harris Dick Pastore lends Raymond F. Murphy, Chris Lee expertise, Linda Pearson Jr. Lynn Manning perspective, Deb Penn contacts and Tim Palmer Anne Miller Peter Phillips resources. Aiden & Kate Petrie Ruth Mullen Warren Prell Warren Prell Alan Nathan Deb Ramm Elizabeth Prince George Shuster Alden Anderson, Jr. Nick Roach Jeffrey Rasmussen Samuel Slade Ruud Bosman Alisha Real Michael Rauh Robert Vierra Nick and Wendy Tom Rogers Sarah Beinecke Alisson Walsh Bowen Stuart Ross Richardson Timothy Burns Tatiana Rynearson Marty Roberts Duncan and Barbara Richard Sherman Chapman Nancy Safer Stephanie Shuster Paul Salem

34 George Shuster and Gráinne Conley Jennifer Kelly Stephanie Van Staff Leanne Danielsen Meghan Kelly Patten Nicole Delos Mary Klimasewiski Jeffrey Siegal Executive Director Stan Dimock Adam Kovarsky Eric R. C. Smith Jonathan Stone Chris Dodge July Lewis Hon. O. Rogeriee Kathryn Dorchies Jeannine Louro Thompson Staff Katharine Estes Kate McPherson Philip Torgan Joan Abrams Lauren Farnsworth Leslie Munson Geoff Tuff Kendra Beaver Wenley Ferguson Eric Pfirrmann William Vareika Jess Bornstein Maureen Fogarty Bridget Kubis Kenneth W. Tammy Camillo Topher Hamblett Prescott Washburn Jackie Carlson Letty Hanson David Prescott Ellicott Wright Kaitlyn Cedergren Stephany Hessler Cindy Sabato Joshua Cherwinski Mike Jarbeau Jed Thorp

35 Be a Champion for Narragansett Bay


Support Save The Bay’s efforts to prepare for the next 50 years and beyond.