Paraplegia 30 (1992) 520-526 © 1992 International Medical Society of Paraplegia

The older adult with a spinal cord

E J Roth MD, L Lovell, A W Heinemann PhD, M Y Lee MD, G M Yarkony MD Midwest Regional Care System, Northwestern University Medical School, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA.

Sixty-two consecutive acute spinal cord injury (SCI) patients who were aged 55 years or older were studied and compared to 296 SCI patients of age less than 55 years. Compared to younger patients, the older group had significantly more females (29%), preexisting medical conditions (87%), associated (55%), incomplete quadriplegic patients (63%), and persons whose injuries resulted from falls (53%). There were no differences between groups in frequency of ventilator use, occurrence of medical complications, or acute length of stay, but older patients tended to have fewer surgical spinal fusions (40%), shorter rehabilitation stays (66.5 days), more indwelling urethral cathteters (31%), and more nursing home discharges (19%). With other factors being controlled, advancing age was predictive only of nursing home discharge, and not of acute or rehabilitation lengths of stay. Among older SCI patients, those with complete injuries were nearly 3 times as likely to have been discharged to nursing homes in our series compared to older patients with incomplete lesions. Although many aspects of the presentation, course, and care of older SCI individuals are similar to those of younger patients, there are several unique features of older adults with a SCI.

Key words: spinal cord injury; paraplegia; quadriplegia; rehabilitation; older adults; .

Introduction is equal to or greater than that of any other Geriatric trauma is a major public health age group. 11 problem in the United States. Approxi­ Only a limited number of reports exist on mately 29 million persons in the US, or 11 % the subject of SCI in the elderly; most of of the population, are 65 years of age or these suggest that there are significant dif­ older. 1 Unintentional injuries of persons in ferences between older and younger pati­ this age group account for about 24,500 ents. It has been reported that the group of deaths2 and about 816,000 hospitalizations older adults with SCI includes proportion­ each year in the US. 3 Compared to younger ately more females than does the younger trauma victims, older individuals have a group.13.14 Among older patients, falls have greater fatality rate, longer length of hospit­ been reported to be the usual cause, and alization, greater frequency of complica­ incomplete quadriplegia the most common tions, and greater costs of care.4-1O Despite presentation. 13-15 Older adults also have these figures, most trauma research has been found to have a significantly greater focused on injury in the young. 9 incidence of complications, unfavorable dis­ One of the most serious of all trauma charge placements,14.16.17 and death after types, spinal cord injury (SCI), has tradi­ SCI. 12,14.16.18-24 Two studies have suggested tionally been identified as a condition of that prognosis for functional independence youth. However, as many as 20% of .all is age related,17.25 while a recent study of spinal cord injuries occurs in persons of age 708 SCI patients reported age to have little 65 years or older. 11.12 With an estimated influence on functional outcome. 15 incidence rate of 11 per 100,000 older adults Because older adults represent a signifi­ per year, the frequency of SCI in this group cant segment of the group of patients with The older adult with spinal cord injury 521

SCI, and their care needs are unique,26 the loskeletal problem), and urinary bladder present study was undertaken to describe management; and outcome variables­ more comprehensively some characteristics acute length of stay, rehabilitation length of of this special population. The purposes of stay, and discharge location. the present investigation were (1) to study the demographic, injury, and outcome characteristics of older adults who sustain a Data analysis SCI; (2) to compare those characteristics Patients were divided into 2 groups on the with those of younger SCI patients; and (3) basis of age; the 'younger' group consisted for the older patients, to determine associ­ of the 296 patients who were under 55 years ations between demographic and injury old and the 'older' group of the 62 patients characteristics and their outcomes. who were 55 years old or over. Differences in categorical data between older and younger SCI patients were determined using Methods X2 analysis. Differences in continuous data (acute and rehabilitation length of stay) Patients between older and younger SCI patients The study sample consisted of all consecut­ were determined using Student's t-test. Pre­ ive patients with acute traumatic SCI ad­ dictors of each outcome variable were deter­ mitted to the Rehabilitation Institute of mined using multivariate analysis of var­ Chicago for initial comprehensive inpatient iance, with preinjury and injury data as interdisciplinary rehabilitation between 1 independent variables, and age as a covari­ January 1986 and 31 December 1988. All ate. patients who were disabled by the injury and Separate analyses were conducted using who had the cognitive ability to participate data from the older age group alone. Means in the rehabilitation program were included; for acute length of stay and rehabilitation only patients in whom dementia was so length of stay were compared between severe that they could not participate in the groups classified on the basis of preinjury rehabilitation program were excluded. and injury variables using Student's t-test. There was a total of 358 SCI patients, In addition, discharge location distribution including 62 (17%) who were aged 55 years was compared between groups classified on or older and 39 (11%) who were aged 65 the basis of preinjury and injury variables years or older. Although geriatric patients using X2 analysis. are generally considered to be of age 65 years or older, those who were 55 years or older were referred to as 'older adults' for Results the purposes of this study. Sample characteristics The mean (± SD) age of the study sample Procedures was 35.0 ± 17.5 years. There were 296 The complete medical records of each pati­ (83%) patients who were under 55 years old ent were reviewed and the following inform­ and 62 (17%) patients who were 55 years ation was documented: preinjury varia­ old or older. The sample consisted of 292 bles-age', gender, and preexisting condi­ (82%) males. Slightly more than one half tion (defined as any medical problem occur­ (180) of the patients had one or more of the ring prior to SCI); injury variables-neuro­ preexisting medical conditions listed in logical class (level and completeness of Table I. The mean (± SD) number of SCI), etiology of SCI, associated injury, preexisting conditions was 0.9 ± 1.1. surgical spinal fusion (performed for acute Sixty-two patients (17%) had complete spinal instability), ventilator use following quadriplegia, 143 (40%) sustained incom­ SCI, medical complication (defined as any plete quadriplegia, 80 (22%) had complete condition occurring after the SCI which paraplegia, and 73 (21%) incomplete para­ required medical intervention, such as infec­ plegia. Injuries resulted from road traffic tion, cardiopulmonary disorder, or muscu- accidents in 128 (36%) patients, from falls in 522 Roth et al

Table I Preexisting medical conditions Table II Associated injuries

Condition Younger Older Injury Younger Older N=296 N = 62 N =296 N =62

Ethanol abuse 89 (30% ) 19 (31% ) Loss of consciousness 124 (42% ) 22 (35%) Drug abuse 48 (16% ) 4 (6% ) Long 80 (27%) 15 (24% ) Hypertension 12 (4% ) 29 (47% ) / 66 (22%) 9(15%) Psychiatric disorder 11 (4% ) 2 (3% ) Heart disease 5 (2% ) 18 (29% ) Brachial plexus injury 5 (2% ) 0 Diabetes mellitus 5 (2% ) 10 (16% ) Lumbar spinal stenosis 5 (2% ) 7 (11 %) Ankylosing spondylitis/ 4 (1% ) 4 (6% ) rheumatoid arthritis Table III Medical complications Cervical spondylosis 3 (1% ) 5 (8% ) Older Chronic obstructive 3 (1% ) 7 (11 %) Condition Younger =62 pulmonary disease N=296 N Osteoarthri tis 2 (1% ) 11 (17% ) Urinary tract 259 (88% ) 59 (95% ) Kidney calculus 1 (1%) 1 (2% ) infection Pressure sore 121 (41% ) 30 (48% ) Severe spasticity 79 (27% ) 9 (15%) Unexplained chills/ 47 (16% ) 7 (11 %) 98 (27%), from gunshot wounds in 57 fever (16%), from sports or diving incidents in 39 Atelectasis 42 (14% ) 12 (19% ) (11%), and from other causes in 36 (10%). Pneumonia 39 (13% ) 10 (16% ) Associated injuries occurred at the time Deep venous 33 (11% ) 7 (11%) thrombosis of the SCI in 202 (56%) patients. Patients Ventilatory failure 33 (11% ) 9 (15% ) had a mean of 0.9 ± 1.0 associated injuries Autonomic dysreflexia 28 (9% ) 2 (3% ) each. Specific types of associated injuries Aspiration 14 (5% ) 2 (3% ) are listed in Table II. A total of 197 patients Cardiopulmonary 12 (4% ) 8 (13% ) (55%) underwent surgical spinal fusion. arrest Artificial mechanical ventilation was re­ Pulmonary 9 (3% ) 3 (5% ) quired following injury in 71 (20%) patients. Gastrointestinal 7 (2% ) 1 (2% ) The mean acute length of stay was hemorrhage 30.8 ± 25.5 days, and the mean rehabilita­ Epididymitis 6 (2% ) 0 tion length of stay was 73.7 ± 32.4. Nearly Severe 5 (2%) 0 Heterotopic 4 (1% ) 1 (2% ) all of the patients (337 or 94%) had at least ossification one medical complication during the acute Operative wound 3 (1% ) 1 (2% ) or rehabilitation hospitalization, with an infection average of 2.5 ± 1.6 complications per pati­ Motor power loss 2 (1% ) 0 ent. Specific complications are listed in Acquired scoliosis 1 (1 %) 0 Table III. At discharge, 75 (21%) patients Kidney calculus 1 (1%) 0 had normal continent spontaneous blad­ ders, while 194 (54%) patients were using intermittent catheterization, 21 (6%) ex­ ternal catheters, and 68 (19%) indwelling Compared to the younger patients, the urethral catheters. older SCI patient group had a significantly The number of patients discharged home greater proportion of females, preexisting was 324 (91%), to nursing homes 24 (6%), medical conditions (and average numbers of and to other locations 10 (3%). preexisting conditions), incomplete quad­ riplegic patients, persons whose injuries resulted from falls, and associated injuries Comparison of older and younger patients (but not mean number of associated in­ Differences between the older and younger juries). Older patients were less likely to patient groups are shown in Table IV. undergo surgical spinal fusion than were The older adult with spinal cord injury 523

Table IV Comparisons between younger and older spinal cord injury patients

Patient details Younger Older Significance N=296 N = 62

Gender male 83% 71% female 17% 29% P < 0.05 Preexisting conditions 43% 87% p < 0.0001 mean 0.6 1.9 P < 0.0001 Neurological class complete quadriplegia 19% 8% incomplete quadriplegia 35% 63% complete paraplegia 24% 13% incomplete paraplegia 21% 16% P < 0.001 Etiology road-traffic 41% 34% falls 22% 53% 20% a sports/diving 13% 2% other 4% 11% P < 0.0001 Associated injury 41% 55% p = 0.05 mean 0.9 0.7 P = NS Surgical fusion 58% 40% P < 0.05 Ventilator use 19% 22% P = NS Mean acute stay, days 26.1 22.7 p = NS Mean rehab stay, days 75.2 66.5 p < 0.05 Medical complications 93% 98% p = NS mean 2.5 2.6 P = NS Bladder management normal 19% 29% intermittent 58% 35% external 6% 5% indwelling 17% 31% p < 0.01 Disposition home 93% 78% nursing home 4% 19% other 3% 3% p < 0.0001 younger patients. There were no differences older patients were significantly more likely between groups in ventilator use or medical to have been discharged to nursing homes complications. than were younger patients. Although there was no difference be­ tween age groups in mean acute length of stay, there was a difference in rehabilitation Factors associated with outcome for the length of stay; younger persons stayed an entire sample average of 9 days longer for rehabilitation A multivariate analysis of variance was than did older patients. Older adults were performed to determine those factors which more likely to be discharged with indwelling were associated with acute length of stay. urethral catheters than were younger adults. Only female gender (p < 0.01), associated There was also a difference between age injury (p < 0.01), and mechanical ventilator groups with respect to discharge location; use (p < 0.0001) were associated with 524 Roth et al longer acute lengths of stay; age, preexisting patient group. Among the 62 older SCI condition, substance abuse history, neuro­ patients, only female gender (41 days vs 29 logical class, etiology, surgical spinal fusion, days; p < 0.05) and ventilator use (45 days and occurrence of medical complications vs 28 days; p < 0.05) were associated with were unrelated to acute length of stay. acute length of stay. None of the demo­ A separate multivariate analysis of var­ graphic or injury characteristics was associ­ iance was performed to determine those ated with rehabilitation length of stay. factors which were associated with rehabili­ The only demographic or injury factor tation length of stay. Factors which were associated with discharge location was associated with longer rehabilitation periods neurological class; patients with complete included the presence of a preexisting condi­ paraplegia or quadriplegia were discharged tion (p < 0.01), neurological class (p < more frequently to nursing homes (38% vs 0.0001), occurrence of associated injury 14%; P < 0.05) than with incomplete para­ (p < 0.05), surgical fusion (p < 0.001), me­ plegia or quadriplegia. No other statistical chanical ventilator use (p < 0.01), and oc­ relationships were noted between preinjury currence of medical complication during or injury variables, including substance hospitalization (p < 0.0001). Age, gender, abuse history and surgical fusion history, substance abuse history, and injury etiology and discharge destination. were unrelated to rehabilitation length of Among the older patients, those who stay. were using intermittent catheterization at Factors associated with discharge location discharge were significantly more likely to included only age, preexisting medical con­ be discharged home than were those who dition, neurological class, and etiology. were using indwelling catheters (42% vs Compared to patients who were discharged 20%; p < 0.01). to nursing homes from rehabilitation, pati­ The older adults who were discharged to ents who were discharged home were signi­ nursing homes stayed significantly longer in ficantly younger (p < 0.01), and were signi­ acute care than did those who went home ficantly more likely to have preexisting (47.6 vs 27.7 days, p < 0.01). However, medical conditions (p < 0.01), incomplete there were no differences in rehabilitation paraplegia (p < 0.01), and a road traffic stay between those who were discharged accident etiology (p < 0.01). Gender, sub­ home and those who were not. stance abuse history, occurrence of associ­ ated injury, surgical spinal fusion, ventilator use, and occurrence of a medical complica­ Discussion tion were unrelated to discharge location. Although many aspects of the presentation, Patients who were using intermittent course, and care of older spinal cord injury catheterization were significantly more (SCI) individuals are similar to those of likely to be discharged home (p < 0.001). younger patients, there are several unique Finally, patients who were discharged features of the older group. The findings of home had a significantly shorter acute this study confirm those of prior reports that length of stay than did those who were older patients are more likely to be female, discharged to nursing homes or elsewhere to have injuries resulting from falls, and to (29.2 days vs 47.5 days; p < 0.05). There have incomplete quadriplegia.13-15 In the was no statistical relationship between reha­ present study, there were no major differ­ bilitation length of stay and discharge loca­ ences between age groups with respect to tion. incidence of complications or requirement for mechanical ventilation, but there were Factors associated with outcomes in older notable differences in the frequency, pat­ SCI patients tern, and types of preexisting medical condi­ Separate analyses were performed of data tions of each group. This finding under­ on the older SCI patients to determine scores the multiplicity of medical issues that which of the demographic and injury vari­ face the older SCI patient. The similarity in ables were related to outcome in that the frequency of complications is in contrast The older adult with spinal cord injury 525 to the observation by Stover and associ­ probably results from the lack of available ates14 that older adults were more likely to social supports, the complexity of their experience medical illnesses such as pneu­ dependency needs, and their concomitant monia, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, pul­ medical problems. Stover and associates, 17 monary embolus, and renal stones. for example, reported that the incidence of The analysis of variance, using data from discharge to nursing homes after initial the entire sample of 358 patients, failed to hospitalization of older SCI patients was show an independent relationship between 22.7 times the incidence in younger adults. age and length of stay. This finding sug­ When other factors were controlled for, gested that the influence of age on acute and advancing age was a predictive factor only rehabilitation length of stay was minimal, for nursing home discharge and not for and that other factors had a more important length of acute and rehabilitation stay. influence on the duration of hospitalization. Acute length of stay was significantly re­ Only level and completeness of injury ap­ lated only to occurrence of associated injury peared to have a significant impact on the and ventilator dependency; management of course and outcome of these patients, ac­ these problems probably outweighed age in cording to the analysis. While older adults importance. Longer rehabilitation stays oc­ had a slightly shorter rehabilitation stay, this curred for those with preexisting conditions, probably occurred because there were more associated injury, mechanical ventilator use, patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries and medical complications. Each of these in that group, requiring less prolonged factors has an impact on medical stability, therapy programs. The shorter stays of the exercise tolerance, and ability to participate older group did not appear to have resulted in a rehabilitation training program. Reha­ from an expectation of reduced levels of bilitation length of stay was also related to function; there was no relationship between neurological class; patients with complete substance abuse history and discharge desti­ injuries and those with quadriplegia stayed nation, nor between rehabilitation length of longer in rehabilitation. Once again, age stay and discharge destination. alone was not an independent mediating There were significant differences be­ factor in the determination of length of stay. tween older and younger patients with Among older patients, patients with com­ respect to urinary bladder management plete injuries were the most likely to have outcomes. Older patients were nearly twice been discharged to nursing homes, ap­ as likely to have been discharged with proaching 3 times as many nursing home indwelling urethral catheters as were the discharges as in the patients with incomplete younger patients. Similar findings have been injuries. This is clearly a reflection of the reported in a previous study.27 The implica­ severity of their disability and the lack of tions of these observations are important, as available assistance in the home. is reflected by the finding that patients with In general, older adults who sustain a indwelling catheters were significantly more spinal cord injury have particular medical, likely to have been discharged to nursing functional, and social issues that require homes than were those on intermittent specialized management. Despite a greater catheterization. frequency, severity, and complexity of ac­ One of the most important considerations companying problems, and a greater likeli­ during the care of the older SCI patient is hood of discharge to nursing homes, older placement after discharge from the hospital. adults are able to achieve favorable out­ It is generally recognized that more than comes from comprehensive acute SCI care 90% of SCI patients return home after SCI and rehabilitation. rehabilitation.21•23 However, the likelihood of home discharge is significantly smaller in older adults (78% in the present study). Acknowledgements This percentage is comparable to that This work was supported in part by Grant quoted by Watson,13 Stover and associ­ G008535129 (The Midwest Regional Spinal ates,14 and Subbarao and associates,17 and Cord Injury Care System) and H133B80007 526 Roth et al

(The Medical Rehabilitation Research and bilitation Research, US Department of Educa­ Training Center in Prevention and Treatment tion, Washington, DC, USA, and by the Reha­ of Secondary Complications in Spinal Cord In­ bilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, jury), National Institute of Disability and Reha- USA.


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