tfie PROMETHEAN Vol. 29 The Student Voice of Siena College October 15,2015 Issue 2 Since 1938
[email protected] Siena College Inaugurates 11th President By Anthony Bjelke, Politics Editor permanent President of Siena College In Novem ber of 2014. On Friday, October 2nd, the Siena College The Inauguration Ceremony began with Community came together to Inaugurate Brother F. a procession, lead by the Chair of the Faculty, Dr. Edward Coughlin as the 11th President of Siena Col Bruce Eelman, Professor of History, carrying the lege. A number of prestigious dignitaries as well as Presidential Mace. The mace is a 45 pound ceremo hundreds of students, staff, faculty and administra nial device emblazoned with the logo of Siena Col tors attended the event. The event was held in the t lege and a number of different Franciscan symbols Alumni Recreation Complex on campus, and was fol and it is only allowed to be present at Siena College lowed by a picnic held in the MAC. ceremonies in which the President and Board of Brother Ed came to Siena from St. Bonaven- Trustees are in attendance. The Siena College Fri ture University, where he served as Vice President for ars, and then Officers of the Student Government the Franciscan Mission, and served as the Director of Association and the Class Councils followed Dr. the University's world renowned Franciscan Insti Eelman. They were followed by various staff mem tute. Br. Ed started his education at St. Bonaventure, bers, administrators and the faculty and students where he became very interested in the philosophy from the School of Liberal Arts, School of Business, and history of the Franciscan Order.