BALANCE SHEET AS at March 31,2019
-------------------------------DEFENCE SERVICES OFFICERS INSTITUTE BALANCE SHEET AS AT March 31,2019 PARTICUlARS Schedule No. SOURCES OF FUNDS Corpus Fund II Reserves and Surplus 1 III Membership Money 2 IV LOAN FUNDS Secured Loans Unsecured Loans APPLICATION OF FUNDS V FIXED ASSETS 3 Opening WDVand Additions Less: Depreciation for the year VI INVESTMENTS 4 VII CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS and APVANCES Inventories 5 Cash and Bank Balances 6 Sundry Debtors 7 Loans and Advances 8 Other Current Assets 9 VIII CURRENT LIABILITIES and PROVISIONS Current Liabilities 10 Provisions 11 NET CURRENT ASSETS IX SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES and NOTES TO THE 20 ACCOUNTS This is the Balance Sheet referred to in our report of even date FOR KARAN SAHNI AND ASSOCIATES FOR MIS DEFENCE SERVICES OFFICERS INSTITUTE Chartered Accountants CA. KARAN SAHNI Lt. Col. fti Grewal (Retd.) ~. Pararnjit Singh (Reid.) Proprietor Vice -Chairman Secretary Membership No. 508991 Place: Chandigarh Dace: February 13, 2020 UDIN: <0508991AAAAAL1135 • ----------- DEFENCE SERVICES OFFICERS INSTITUTE PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT FORTHE YEAR ENDED ON MARCH 31,2019 For the Year ended on PARTICULARS Schedule No. ~ March 31, 2019 INCOME ~ Revenues 12 '{ 2,93,60,871.82 Other Income 13 r,'t: , ,;",,88,98,861.57 Ii,' i , '{ 3,82,59,733.39 '{ ,,3,82,59,733.39 II EXPENDITURE Trade and Other Purchases '{ 60,85,246.70 Decrease in Stock of Goods 14 '{ 7,16,251.00 '{ Staff Costs 15 f! , ?6,16,403.83 Administrative Expenses 16 ~ i .\,,,,;56,57,341.94 Selling and Marketing Expenses 17 '{ , . '. N 2,44,054.00 e, Freight and Cartage Expenses 18 '{ 13,070.00 Interest and Financial Charges 19 '{ 19,693.89 Depreciation and Amortization 3 '{ 49,09,312.00 ,f I'{ ~,.!I.
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