The Influence of Hindu, Buddhist, and Musldi Thought on Yeats' S Poetry
THE INFLUENCE OF HINDU, BUDDHIST, AND MUSLDI THOUGHT ON YEATS' S POETRY by SHAMSUL ISLAM • ~ INFLUENCE Q! HINDU, BUDDHIST, AND MUSLIM THOUGHT Q!i YEATS'S POETRY A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts by Shamsul Islam, B.A..B!ms., M.A. (Panjab) Department of English, Facul ty of Gradua te Studies and Research, lcGill University. August 1966. fn'1 \:::,./ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my thank:s to Dr. Alan Heuser, Department of English, JlcÇill University, for his constant advice and encouragement. I would a.lso like to tha.nk Dr. Joyce Hemlow, Department of English, HcGill University, for her constant guidance and help. I am a.lso tha.nkful to Kra. Blincov, Depa.rtment of English, McGill University, for her wa.rmth and affection. I am a.lso gratef'ul to the Cana.dian Commonwealth Scb.ola.rship Commi ttee for the awa.rd of a. Commonwea.l th Bcholarship, which ena.bled me to complete my woà at McGill. OONTENTS Introduction 1 Chapter I. The Maze of Eastern Thought - Early Impact 1886-1889, with some remarks on Yeats's interest in the Orient 1890- 1911 3 Chapter II. New Light from the East: Tagore 1912- 1919, wi th remarks on some poems 1920- 1924 20 Chapter III. The Wor1d of Philoaophy -- Yeatsian Synthesis 1925-1939 31 Conclusion 47 Bibliography 50 1 Introduction Yeats vss part of a late nineteentb-centur,y European literar,y mo:Rement vhiah~ dissatisfied rlth Western tradition, both scientific and religious, looked tovards the Orient for enlightemnent.
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