The Mountain Chickadee Newsletter of the Wasatch Audubon Society Volume 39, Number 5 September/October 2020
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The Mountain Chickadee Newsletter of the Wasatch Audubon Society Volume 39, Number 5 September/October 2020 Don’t Let the “Chickadee” Disappear! WAS Meetings and by Nancy Arnett Happenings Tuesday, September 15, 2020 - 6:45PM Is it time to renew your annual news- Meet in front of the visitor center at letter subscription? 6:45. We will take a bird walk in the Nature Center as dusk approaches. If you’ve forgotten your renewal date, Bring insect repellent. simply check the last page of this Tuesday, October 20, 2020 , Evening issue of the Moun- To be announced. Check Facebook tain Chickadee. The expiration date is located above your name and mail- page (go to ing address. It’s easy to renew by clipping the renew- and click on the FACEBOOK logo). Ac- al form on the last page and mailing it with your pay- tive members will be notified by email. ment. If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Carroll Masks required and distancing will be (phone: 801-392-8216) or Nancy Arnett (phone: 801- practiced. 388-0637). Held at the Ogden Nature Center located at 966 W 12th St., Ogden PLEASE JOIN US Join us Saturday, October 10 at Wasatch Audubon’s 7th Annual “The Big Sit!” WHERE: the Robert N. Hasenyager Great Salt Lake Nature Reserve at Farmington Bay (the west end of Glover Lane in Farmington). WHEN: Any length of time between 4:00am and about 8:00pm. WHY: The Big Sit! is held all over the country, so join in the fun! It is our major fundraiser. You can get sponsors - count on seeing 40 to 45 species, so a donation of $.50 per species would equal $20 to $22.50. Or they can donate a flat amount. Donations can be made by sending a check to the PO Box on the last page of this newsletter. DETAILS: Bring a chair. Restrooms available. Mask wearing and social distancing will be observed. The Mountain Chickadee ________ Wasatch Audubon Society Wasatch Audubon Society Website: Officers SMILE! President Dan Johnston 801-645-8633 Vice President Jay Stretch 801-721-9432 Secretary Sharen Perry 801-392-9554 AND SUPPORT Teasurer Nancy Arnett 801-388-0637 Past President Dan Johnston 801-645-8633 WASATCH AUDUBON Board When you shop at, 2019/2020 Taylor Abbott 980-622-9889 Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to Wa- 2019/2020 Mike Hearell 801-529-8693 2019/2020 Daniel Brown 801-896-8002 satch Audubon Society. 2020/2021 Lynn Carroll 801-392-8216 2020/2021 Jeane Taylor 801-394-2813 Just sign in to and select Vacancy Wasatch Audubon Society as the organization you wish Committee Chairpersons to support, or go directly to Conservation Lynn Carroll 801-392-8216 ch/87-0411832. Conservation John Bellmon 801-444-3704 Education Dennis Collins 801-393-1115 Thank you for your support! Feeder Projects Laura Johnston 801-458-9558 Field Trips Vacant Wed. Bird Walks Paul Lombardi 801-678-8065 Historian Ruth Davis 801-309-0425 Hospitality Jeane Taylor 801-394-2813 Membership Lynn Carroll 801-392-8216 For a good bird story and a few Newsletter Laura Johnston 801-458-9558 Programs Susan Snyder 801-388-4201 laughs, see Robert Kirby’s col- Publicity Arnold Smith 801-829-3383 Website Patricia Allaire 801-597-1091 umn in the Salt Lake Tribune, About Us: Tuesday, July 21, The Wasatch Audubon Society is an associa- 2020. It is titled tion of people who share an interest in birds, all “Binge-watching natural things, and Utah’s varied habitats. Our birds during the coronavirus goals include: educating ourselves and others about wildlife and the natural environment; enjoy- pandemic.” ing the out-of-doors in fellowship with others who share similar values; fostering an appreciation of wildlife and understanding of ecological princi- ples; promoting opportunities for the public to see and appreciate birds and bird habitats; and influ- encing public policy toward a conservation ethic. You might also want to visit our website at Beautiful bird-themed masks for sale or available to order at all activities - $5.00 2 September/October 2020 The Mountain Chickadee ________ Wasatch Audubon Society Contributing Membership is the traditional member- Welcome New and ship that most of us have. A one-time contribution of $20.00 or more entitles the donor to membership Rejoined Members! lasting a year and four issues of the quarterly magazine. Bruce Anderson David Lundstrom At the end of the 12-month period, there is a 3-month Mary Behrens Greg MacCarthy grace period (formerly 2 months), during which you are Paul Byrd Joshua Miller still considered a member and you might receive anoth- Chris & Ashley Cross Lisa M. Mullin er magazine issue. To renew, you must “donate” again Don Eardley William Murray during the last 6 months before your expiration date Darby Frederick Deborah Nicoll or during the grace period. The best way is online Michael Harper Robin Reed ( Your expiration date will be a year Jo-Ann Hidrogo Pauline Simon from the former one. You cannot renew for multiple Kay Hoogland Lincoln Stone years at once. When the grace period is over and no Connor Johnson Sarah Tibbitts payment has been received, you are dropped from the William Kirshner Joanne Waters membership roll until you “rejoin.” Sustainer Membership You agree to make monthly payments of $5 or more. It lasts, and you get Audubon magazine sent to you, as long as the payments contin- Membership News ue. An expiration date used to be assigned, but this By Lynn Carroll was confusing, so Sustainers now have no expiration date. This membership ends when either the donor National Audubon has struggled with membership contacts Audubon to cancel or 3 months have elapsed problems—a system that handles chapter rosters as since the last payment was received. If at least $20 has well as the magazine is bound to be complicated—and been paid at this point, the Sustainer membership is recently hired an IT specialist to better communicate converted to a Contributing membership extending one with the vendor that handles the system. He got off to year from the date of the last payment. a rocky start last year, but a big improvement in 2020 has been better communication with chapters. Gift Membership This has the same benefits as a Con- tributing membership, but it can only be arranged by When members pay to renew, their expiration date phoning Customer Service with the information about should be exactly one year later than it had been; but the recipient and paying at least $20. If the Gift mem- for several years, when payment was received late but ber makes a donation during the year, they become a within the grace period, the year has been added to the Contributing member, and their expiration date will be date the payment was received. Members didn’t com- a year from that donation. plain, but I’m sure it cut into Audubon’s revenue. At the end of 2019, expiration dates were recalculated Grinell Membership is a lifetime membership given to based on records since 2015. Without explanation, people who name National Audubon Society as a bene- about a quarter of our members got new expiration ficiary in their estate plan. It can be inherited by a sur- dates, most earlier, some later. A few members viving spouse. The expiration date on the roster is 100 dropped off our roster because the new date had years in the future. passed. I didn’t know why. Since then, the whole system was reviewed, revised Complimentary Membership is designated by National and shared with chapters. I’ll share what I’ve learned Audubon, typically for VIPs, volunteers, and members about the five types of membership. of the Great Egret Society (donors of $500 or more an- nually). Renewal rules do not apply. 3 September/October 2020 The Mountain Chickadee ________ Wasatch Audubon Society I first heard of Wasatch Audubon Society in high school. I knew Keith Evans and about his involvement in Audubon, since I was high school friends with his daughter, Susan. He invited me to join the field trips. My first Wasatch Audubon experience was Eagle Day. I met John Bellmon, who was so welcoming, and the group was so enthusiastic and passion- ate about bird watching. I saw my first bald eagle and re- member thinking how beautiful and majestic our national symbol is and what a wonderful opportunity to be involved with such an amazing group of people. I currently work at a bank. Even though I don’t have the right degree to have a profession in the natural sciences, I always have Wasatch Audubon. BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT NANCY ARNETT President’s Pipeline by Dan Johnston I was born and raised in Ogden, UT. I graduated from Og- den High School and enrolled at Weber State College the With only two more newsletters to do this year, I am not go- same year. I have always enjoyed the outdoors and includ- ing to be able to finish my reports on all the Corvids. So, I am ed a natural science class in my schedule each quarter. I picking a couple of unusual species that appeal to me. transferred to the University of Utah for my sophomore Our August field trip to City of Rocks in Idaho takes us in pur- year and graduated with a B.S. degree in Geography. suit of the sole Idaho endemic species, the Cassia Crossbill.