. .

* .

DOMETED T:NRC Iliance to CLOSEIndiaryRpiel ,

PO Box 1'" Crotorvon-Hudsen, N.Y. 10520 (914) 271-4074,or 27,1532(,. c . my:

Mr.lif t.u e. SEF!CE | Present Members: Artists for a Safe World, Brtarcliff Citizens Concemed About indlan Point, Croton Parents Concemed AboutIndian Patrjt,k,pj i Greater ouining Neighborhood Action Group, Lakeland Citizens Concemed About Indian Poent, Mt. Piessant Citizens Concerned About Indian Point, Neighborhood Action Group, Neighbors of Indian Point to Close indlan Point, North Rockland Alliance on Nuclear oanger, Peeksluti |' Residents Against Indian Point Putnam Valley Neighbors to Close indlan Point Now, Rockland Citizens for Safe Energy, Rockland Famihes to j Ciose indian Point, west Branen Conurution Apociation, Westchuter Peoples Action Coalition, Women's infomational Lugue for Puce ' and Freedom,Yorktown Parents Concemed About Indian Point. .and growingl Decenber 22, 1982

- C1 z. : rr.;a n llu'. :i o t'a .1 a c i a c Octaissicnec John Ahearne Cornis sioner icaes T sseis tinc r anrri s s i o n e r "i c to '',i l i n s k y C mmissionar Th er.a r le;e r ts ' I;ni;ed Stetn t'ucl ea r negu ir to y Ca.7:ais s i c i ;717 " I t '- s t re i.: '. h.U. 0::r." T,'m Mr t1 >,' 3 O i n ] c o 1 D.C. 2WS PROD. & UTILY Ch'd' ' " * - SsdEb SP', 9ea r Comniissi cne: s : Tre All'ence tc l'.'ese incian Poi n i; co..s is ts o" 18 gi a r s- i on ti creurs oricF have s 3runo up in the a *ea a * ound the recctors : r. .uchanan, hen Yt; k. Tour o# the gecups , Pa rents Concerned /.;'Ou t % iac Point, W E' ', C , Wes t i ra r'.h C on s e rv.c t i on As s c i a t i on , and ".ock- l ace Ci ti za"s for isfc Er.ergy, a re i r tervenors ii the ' terent A trtic Scfety ar.d Lir.enring Board t r. vt s ti ga t i rn inte the " risk t, inci- v id uls, livir.g in# the n cini ty ref the ladian Poin t si + n, i r. c l u d : r. n '. h d t resUitinc - 1CU I C # e v a C u a t 'i * n in - t.a.' asis acced, te_n tneJemarcncum.t'/ Gif#k n_.aM Crder, J a n u a ry ., .5_0..ev, afel, _ me r r,C Ee) .1 C " . "

The t-lli. ance a cknwiec 'es t ', a t the tw o a rea s c f tionificant & #iciency nutei by F,9 A in i ts U; aa te Renort dr.ted Decer,ber 'I wai.d indeed hampe r any eme rgency restonse i n cisTo f c a o c ci d en t at Indian 'oint, but we cannet acce,7t the Upc'a te Feoert as a d c f f it i t i '

The Alliance to Close Indian Point is A ry . lase t t. the :; craency ;l a n t. i n g s i t u.: t i o n ; we a l l l i ve v. i th i n 5 0 r i l es o f th e lu: 'ecr raaett e s , hos t :ithia cnt te- mile Emercency 91 c ra i co Zone. Mc%e ; e th' Ailience have s,ea:eo1 y no;n tac ect da f i c' ? r c i e: in I 'h olan dich n "c lv'en clocscd ovcr he tne r p 7. a / a l u a '.o r i . u rth e. - :; a e: c e i ,3 C . s re te a t , m !A ia ve i',)e ed 5. een ia ; t t t e v s.r c- r tr.c ible %r - ! a n . i ' r; , .. te l y ic " : .n c l o r. i c a i .cfrm:j itc ' s ," (PEPI.j r.n.. -Fq c ;;

8212230228 821222 PDR ADOCK 05000247 O fs PDR V] - . -_ __ .-- - . - - . ------__

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* . Allianca to Close Indian Point Letter to the Comrissioners Decetber 22, 1982 Page 2

For exannie, the only provision for identi fying and rro- vidinn help f or people with snecial needs is a tea r-o f f nos t ca rc on tne back page of the public information brochure. Fanv handicapred Paople who rec eived the brochure did not unders tand the pos t card concepts others' dismissed. the idea of evacuation of several hundred triousand people -- or even the tens of thousands wi thin a few Ete r- 9ency Response Planning Areas (ECPAs) -- and refused to seek s pecial help. flany who sent in the post card have heerd nothing from the planners as tr what special help will oe provided. The Alliance cannot accept s planning concept that exposes the weakes t and mos t vulnerable members of society to the greates t harm in case of an accident'a t Indian Poin t.

FEMA has 'r enestedly pointed out that no IE cters of agree- ment.are on file from response agencies such as fire departments, tow truck operators , bus companies, ambalance services , and school districts which are to act as hosts for the evacuees. The fiational Red Cross has submitted a general letter agreeing to of fer help in a disa3 ter, but local Red Cross workers have pointed out that local .' es ources a re s. trained wher. one family is burned 00t of its house. If Red Cross aid must come in f rom other 6reas , this will ado un- a :ceptable time to the evacuc'. ion ef fort. The Allience denands a demons tra ted abili ty and commi tment to respond f rom the local e er- 9ency workers themselves , in the form o f lettaes o f agreement from each respons a agency wi th assigr.ed res ponsibi li ty, si gned by the worke rs , not by the boss. 7:FA has allowed the REPii to igncre the requirement of letters of agreement. This shcas up particularly in Planning Standard J, Protective Response. FEf*A s ta tes in the Und3 te Re? ort, " Procedures have been revisec to give addi tional i r 'o rEa ti on on means for clearing impediment; on evacuation routes. Ta3 Coun ti er will use' county, town or village equipment or local nei va te con:rac- i tors to provi de necess a ry res nucces. " In fact, th :re a re nc contrac ts wi th priva te tow tr 10k opera tors ; they have not been assigned to nee- designa ted loca tions s o tha t tow trucks a re s ta tioned a t regular, f reenent intervals along evacuation routes. !! r . William Eohlandcr, Westchester Countv Commi ssi one c , of Publi c Works i n. s aid , res a ro a g ":cunty' resources," that "tPers canel pa rti ci pa tir.n f ron the Di vis i on

| cf P"u d Main tai q ance have ne ve r- been gi ven adeoua ta trair.inc by tne 1 ! co.is al t an t. Their resnonse in an actual 2 vent remains questioncble. " 1 i I *t is inconceivable tha t Planning Standard F. Emergency Com- munica tions, should ba considered as having only "mi nor" de *icie ncies , ' whd6 colice chisfs , fi re chie fs , coun ty health and social s e rvi c e c *f icials , school adminis trators , and elec ted representati ves have l fe5t'iledly et;has ized the severe commrnications problems they will ' aava in case of an c:tua. enterency. By far the mor t imrortent

means of Ocmmunication to mos ' ere rpe ncy wo rk e r s 1 | 5 1 be S.h e tels- | | Ohene, and telephone company renresen ta ti ves have c or. fi rmc o un a t ;cm.1on sense would lead nne to exntct: telenbore |ines a re likeli i to be ove ricaded.

_ .. _ _ _ . . - _ _ _ . . . _. _ _ _ . .

- . Alliance b Close Indian Point Le tte r to the Ct.nmissi oners ' December 22, 1982 P3ce 3

The serious nroblems of evacue ting children in school have not been addressed in any revisions because they were not nated as significant deficiencies by FEMA and are not covered by URC/FEi!A guidelines. The plan requit es s,tudents to be evacuated by the school adminis tration while carents go in a di ffe rent direc- ti on . This contradicts our s trongest narental instinct, to br with and care for our children in dancer, and many rarents will not obey thi ; o rder.

The "assump tion that s u f ficien t funds will be aviaiable to cure the cited deficiencies ," is no more than an assumption. The Interim Findings of July 30, 1922, a re full of sta tements such as, "i + pEdecte d f und i ng i s provi de d;",' "a ddi ti onal funding w3s needed;' " based on the availabili ty of addi ti onal funds ;" " funding is not available at thi s tine;" " will require funds not currently availaole;" "pending additional funding;" "when funds became available;" " funds are being sought;" " depend on a vailabili ty of funds;" "assurairg funding is available " "contiagent on future funding *-

'There is no mention of funding in the Upda te Report. 1xcept a b rie f remark about Rockland Cnun ty. The ques tica of money is rv no maans resclved. A "crkab le emergency resoonse plan would cos t eillions o f dolla rs . It is obscene to spend mana-dclic es in purs ui + of this elusive means to insure the health arc c fety of th2 neople o f .Ne w Yo rk , when che al te rna ti s e , sh utting down the reactors , .s

available. .

. . Of ocrticular cor cern to r.he Alliance.in the matter of funding, are silver-zeolite fi l te rs , dos i mo ters , notas s i .2n i cdi de , s uf ficient ectn anent for monitoring teaus , dispos ai of liquid radio- actise vastes, and nrctective clothing and cemrennation f or the emur- gincy workers. Tne Alliance does not believe that the " revisions in de- c o r. ta di n a ti ot; nrecedurcs" will be e f fective to con tr ol rasiological expos u re JDong ericrge ncy wo rkers . Dor' met 2rs huve not been r eavided "or eser'! t/cFitr Who in called on to play a role in the pla n. N!e a ?e Vefy mind *JI of thO 4 Pci thGt PCrSonal 9:posur? COnnet be in ferrJd or e2crah510tsd froa tne dotimete r of ar.ott er verker. Prescat orc- c 'e ' dei tii' foF pSN onnc and ehicle cecon timinatic, a t a cen tral l '. c d ti ; 7 j e ,- t 30tside t h e E f' . This is maPinj a inncerous, anuar- rin f.t d a s s ud.p ti on O b o u t tP6 p153bb111ty o' .oad3 durin g er ev3cetti;a, rr ' rte e sre r tence o f pencle w , ' t. live in tan Alis ace i t h e a r c ,' ,19 9 c c to believe th a t reca vi'i c e j ,ur.e c and cri ci. ut tii be irces m', e3necially i f a r, accicert tt !n d' ? n "oin t occuit turine rain or snow.

; The p resen t plan al cs3 cisnesai of licoc r c d i o a : ti ,o | .faste by d ubin i il g it cn the 1r ound.



, - - ~ , , - - , - - , - - , em -,--,--m--,,------m------, - , - .,m-- v -- - ..

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- . . . Alliance to Closn indian Point Le tte r. to the Conmi ss i one rs December 22, 1982 Page 4 .

, on

Medical and Public He?l th Surnort, Planning S tandard L, is d gnificantly oeficient. If ea rly dea th due to ra di a tion expos ure is to be kept to a minimum, each erson who has been exposed mus t re cei ve dec on tani na ti on , blood counts , nasal smears , and other diag- n 3s tic and surrortive treatment. Each person has a 4 inh t co the bes t ' ann ropria te ca re fer his or he r expos ure. The facili ties a round I r. d i a n Foint will be cva rsheined i f even 100 reonle need i nmedi a te , ene rcency ; t rea tmen t foe radiation exnosure.

Finally, and probablv most impo rta n t, there is no jus ti fica- tion for the ontimis tic assumntions about a smooth, e fficient, co- opera tive human response in case of a major acciden t at Indian Poin t. Certainly until the residents and workers are better in formed about the plan, and have rehe a rs ed i t ' thorough lv , and have anreed to the need for subjecting themselves to s uch a nigh tna ri .h concept, a more ealis tic asseantion about human response would envision panic, con f usi on , f rus tra ti on , delay, mishe i, and hos tility. Ir fact, ' a.3 n y emergency unrkers , paren ts , and teachers are aircady on record as re f us i n n to co-one ra te with the roles which have.been assior.ed taen under tne nian. "any surervisors have exnressed doubts about | whe th e- the unct ers will ca rrv out their res nons ibi li ties under the nian, or sill etev the fi rs t law of s urvival and hueca feeline by ca ri n g f or thei r own dependen t families. The Alliance :o-Close I viian rein t urces you to conside r the se rema rk s , as sie ll as th e l'nda te P.ep o rt , in makino your oecision on t h e -r e- t a r t of Indian Point Unit 2 1:e hope vou will conform to your oein regula ti cas and ?rchibi t these plants from opera ting ce 2ese a wo rk a';1e , a ccer tab ie ete rncncy nian is not in place.

Si ncereiv, / s ,. : | \ , e . ~ s- us~.Mr/ ' | / 1 - 4 } n .*. ! (_ $ 'i O f % E M i..ier. to Clo,- Indic- 'cint



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' . _ . _ .. ~. - .- - '" % ' NEW y0Rk pUbbC MEREST RESEARCh QROUp, WC. - i s'Murray St. e Nec York, N.Y.10007 (212) 349 4460 cm : %. w am e ~ ,4 - c - c r. = ea. ~ a c;qr 7g -DNYPIRG_ . . . News Release $2 = 2> e2:23 E S , i * Si.at!;w r i ' For Immediate Release: For Informa lo coa th: E Tuesday, December 21, 1982 Joan Holt (NYPIRG) (212)349-6460 Ellyn Weiss (UCS) (202)833-9070



The Public Interest Restarch Group, Inc. (NYPIRG) and the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) today requested the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to order the i= mediate suspension of the operating licenses of the Indian Point nuclear power plants located in Buchanan, New York. The Commission meets today

and tomorrow to decide whether to permit the Indian Point plants to re-start. Both Indian Point _ reactors are presently shut down for repairs and refuelling. X - Con Edison's Unit 2 is ready to re-start this week, while PASNY's Unit 3 will

not be ready to return to service for some months. ," It is incredible," said Joan Holt of NYPIRC, "that the NRC has permitted the Indian Point plants to operate for 21 months without required emergency plans.

The second 120-day clock has run out and FEMA says the plans still have significant

! deficiencies. If the Commission, at this point, decides to allow the plants to go

back on line, the public must conclude that its safety is of little concern to

the NRC."

Indian Point is the nation's most densely populated reactor site, and as

such has been singled out by the NRC for a special Atomic Safety and Licensing


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., . page 2 . 1 _

| - Board investigation to determine whether the plants should be permitted to | operate in *he future. That investigation, the subject of numerous delays and

interruptions, is scheduled to begin again with hearings in Westchester County j . | on January 10, 1983. It is not expected to be concluded until the summer. | | ~ On Friday,~ December 17, 1982, the Federal' Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reported to the Commission that off-site emergency plans to protect the

public in the event of an accident at Indian Point are still significantly

deficient in two major picnning areas: Protective Response and Responsibility

for the Planning Effort. In the event of an evacuation, bus transportation for

Westchester residents cannot be assured. Furthermore, Rockland County has rejected the emergency plan submitted for that county by New York State, and

has not yet completed a plan of its own for submission.

FEMA Regional Director, Frank P. Petrone, stated Friday that until

corrective actions are- taken in these planning areas, the Indinn Point ' emergency

plans are not " feasible." Further, Mr. Petrone said that FEMA will be able to

make no determination about the adequacy of actual preparedness until af ter

another exercise of the emergency plans has been conducted in March, 1983. The FEMA " Update Report" is an evaulation of corrections made in the State and Local emergency plans by the New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness Group and the Indian Point utilities (Con Edison and PASNY) during the 120-day grace period provided by the NRC for that purpose. The "120-day clock," which expired

on Deedsber 2nd, is the second granted to the State and utilities fcr correcting

defects in their emergency plans, which according to NRC regulations were

supposed to have been in place on April 1st, 1981. "No more delays can be tolerated," said Ellyn Weiss, General Counsel for

UCS. "It is long past time for the NRC to enforce its rule requiring workable ; emergency plans as a condition for operation."


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' , . . page 3 .

o UCS and NYPIRG expreased their appreciation for the many communicatloas of concern over the possible re-start of the Indian Point plants sent to the NRC Commissioners by elected representatives from all levels of government:

U.S. Senator Daniel P. Moynihan Members of Congress: Hamilton Fish, Jr. Jonathan B. Bingham Matthew F. McHugh Benjamin A. Gilman Toby Moffett James H. Scheuer Thomas J. Downey 'lobert Garcia Peter W. Rodino, Jr. I Charles E. Schumer William R. Rate'iford Claudine Schneider j a Charles B. Rangel ' Joseph P. Addabbo Stewart B. McKinney Benjamin S. Rosenthal Edward J. Marley Geraldine A. Ferraro Pecer A. Peyser . Morris K. Udall Westchester County Executive Alfred DelBello Office of New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams Speaker of the New York State Assembly Stanley Fink J &nbers of the New York State Assembly (16 meWrs) Members of the New York State Senate (number of sige. ors not known at this time)

Members of the Council (18 members) Members of the Westchester Board of Legislators (4 members) Rockland Board of Legislators (a resolution to the Commission)

, In addition to the above, NYPIRG and UCS note that num.erous local boards,

councils, and committees in Westchester, Rockland and New York City have pr.ssed resolutions rejecting the Indian Point emergency plans as unworkable and calling

on the NRC to close the plants.

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NEw yonk pobhC SNHREST RESEARC|t QROUp,INC. MYPIRG 9 Murray St. e New York N.Y.10007 cccmg'- (212) 3494460 a& one ee ,. % - u ~ c .e.o ~ u

'82 CEC 21 P2:23 THE NRC AND EMERGENCY PLANNING FOR INDIAN POINT & . ' ..a a n A Chronicle of Regulatory Laxness for the NEtion'ad & St.*/lCE Most Densely Populated Reactor Site " 'D

* August 19, 1980 - the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) publishes its Emergency Planning Rule setting April 1,1981 as deadline for 6; l amtm tation of off-site emergency plans for all U.S. nuclear power plants. * April 1,1981 - Indian Point does not meet implementation deadline. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reviews draf t emergency plans for Indian Point and finds numerous " deficiencies." * April 24, 1981 - NRC starts a "120-day clock" giving the Indian Point operators, Con Edison and PASNY, four months to correct their emergency plans. * August 17, 1981 - revised emergency plans are submitted to FEMA. Without actually reviewing the new plans, FEMA notifies NRC that " planning" is " adequate" at Indian Point. On August 24, 1981 NRC declares that deficiencies have been " resolved satisfactorily." * October 9, 1981 - the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) and the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), with the support of Westchester County Executive Alfred DelBello and the Rockland County Legislature, appeals the NRC decision to the U.S. Circuit Court, Second District. NYPIRG and UCS argue that the Indian Point emergency plans are neither adequate r.or implemented. NRC argues that its decision is not a final cne (and thus not appealable) and that its Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) will investigate emergency plar.ning and other safety matters at Indian Point. The courr dismisses the NYPIRG/UCS appeal. * September 18, 1981 - NRC appoints an ASLB to conduct the Indian Point Special Investigation. On June 6, 1982 testimony of almost 200 witnesses on emergency planning problems is prefiled by intervenor groups and by Rockland and Westchester Counties. Evidentiary. hearings begin June 22, 1982. Testimony of j local officials is highly critical of emergency planning. NRC Commissioners, i ! in a 3 to 2 decision, interrupt the hearings and instruct the ASLB to narrow the scope of its investigation, impose restrictions on intervenors, and postpone taking further testimony on emergency planning. Presiding Judge, Louis Carter, resigns in protest. Congressman convenes hearings of the House Subcommittee on Energy, Conservation and Power to investigate the Commission action. A new ASLB order po'stpones further emergency planning hearings until spring,1983.


The New York Putic heerest Researcn Grote, Inc. (NYPIRG) is a no64or pront, renpar11ean resseren and actvocacy orgeruanon estabitehed,

, directed and s.eponed try New York State conege and unW students. NYP1AG'e staN of lawyere, researchere, noennets and orparuers works | with students and other crttrons, doweioping calzenehsp skas and shaping pteac poucy. Consumer protecnon, twgher *m, energy, fiscal ' responstelay, powncal reform and sooef jusace are NYP1AG*e pnnoped areas of concem

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~ * March 3,1982 - an " exercise" .(drill) of the Indian Point emergency plans is conducted. Many warning sirens fail to sound. Citizen and media obscrvors

. point out that the drill does little more than test communications among utility, state, and local officials; response measures that would fuvolve the public in an actual emergency are not tested. * May 27, 1982 - FEMA releases its " Post-Exercise Assessment" and on July 30,

1982 - four and a half months afte'r the drill - its " Interim Findings" on , amargeccy planning at Indian Point. FEMA identifies deficiencies in all but ' one of 15 off-site emergency planning areas; five of these areas are deemed "significantly deficient."

, * August 3,1982 - NRC starts a second 120-day clocli, giving Con Edison and ' PASNY yet another four month grace period for correcting off-site planning deficiencies.

* September-November, 1982 - NRC Commissioners hold monthly meetings with - FEMA and are briefed on Indian Point emergency planning progress. The Commissioners inform FEMA that af ter the 120-day clock ends on. December 3rd,

they want an evaluation not only of the . adequacy' of " planning" (what's .Su , paper), but also of " preparedness" (the actual state of readiness .and ability to implement the plans in the event of an accident).

FEMA states that it will'only be able to assess the plans; it till not be able to assess actual preparedness until some time after another exercise is conducted. The Commissioners ask for a drill before the end of the 120-day period or immediately thereafter. FEMA tells NRC that a drill cannot be conducted until March 8, 1983. This presents a problem for the Commission, which must decide whether or not to pe,rmit Indian Point 2 (currently shut down for refuelling and repairs) to re-start on or around . December 22, 1982. (Indian Point 3, out of service since March 1982 and undergoing extensive steam generator repairs, will not be ready to re-start until the spring of 1983.) * December 3,1982 - the 120-day clock expires. FEMA.is expected to issue its evaluation o' corrections to the Indian Point emergency plans some time between December 10th and 17th. The Commission is. expected to announce its decision about the re-start of Unit 2 on or around December 21st. * Meanwhile, Westchester and Rockland County officials remain dissatisfied with the emergency plans, which they say are still not implementable. Funding, personnel, and equipment are still insufficient, training in emergency procedures has just begun, and many of the thorniest problems, such as inadequate road systems and lack of buses and drivers, remain unresolved. Rockland County, having called for the permanent closing of Indian Point and having formally withdrawn from participation in the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) currently under review by FEMA, has begun an attempt to develop its own plan. Nobody is claiming that " preparedness" is adequate at this time.

| | page 2

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* A survey of candidates and officeholders in the New York metropolitan area, conducted by NY?IRG and released prior to the 1982 elections, yields the following results:

--Do you favor an interim closing of the Indian Point nuclear power station pending the outcome of the Nelear Regulatory Commission investigation, which is currently taking place?

Yes 64% Undecided 7% No 24% No Response 5%

' -Do you believe that the New York metropolitan region is adequately protected from an accident at Indian Point, at this time?

Yes 8% Undecided 6% No 79% No Respcase 7%

November, 1982




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The LegisIaturfhhlandoQ* ~upty couhtioke-BMing

NewcID'eppq- DEC 21 P2:21

HERBERT REISMAN , . (91 4 415-5122 Town of Ramapo December 20{{1982(g p g tgC 354-7606 VICE CHAIMAN gfgAggy U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 H. Street, N.W. '

Washington, D.C ,

. ~ Attention: , DOW EM PROD. & UTIL Ft.u....:.<. .xvr 2 > - Nunaio J. Palladino, Chairman John Ahearne, Commissioner M- bg

Victor Gilinsky, Commissioner , Thomas M. Roberts, Commissioner James K. Asselstine, Commissioner Chilk, Secretary Samuel J. ,

Gentlemen: On behalf of the Legislature of Rockland County, I would like to reaffirm our position regarding emergency planning for Indian ' Point. As you are aware, we have set up an advisory committee'whose responsibility it is to review all emergency plans before they are i sent on to the Rockland County Legislature for approval. It is ! clear at this point that we will not have a plan by December 31, 1982. Any plans and procedures or drafts thereof can not be con- sidered Rockland's plans unless they have undergone the review .and/or revision process by the advisory committee and passage by the full Legislature. Our letter to you from John Grant, Chairman of the Legislature, dated November 18, 1982, included a listing of

the committee membership. All potential responders to an emergency i are represented on the committee, and we consider it in the best interests of the population of Rockland County that these individuals be the ones to contribute to any plan's development and review. We also consider it in the best interests of Rockland's residents if Indian Point Units 2 and 3 remain closed until a workable plan is developed, as our latest resolution of December 7 affirms. (copy enclosed) ,

,, - , ,-- . .

U.S. Nuclcar R;gulatory Commiccion , ; Pego 2 t Dcm',mber 20, 1982 ,

If there is any question as to our status regarding emergency planning, I hope that your will contact us directly.

Sincerely, ; i / s N. H bert Reisman, Vice Chairman Rockland County Legislature


cc: All Legislators' ;

Eric Thorsen, County Attorney , Judith Kessler Media '


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* .* [? 11 D ! s ! New Business Referral No. , Introduced by: Decembergbl982 i Hon. S. Gdanski "F ! Hon. E. Gorman | Hon. H. Reisman | Hon. I. Ingemto '82 CEC 21 P2:21 i ,


. { Mr. Gdanski offered the following resolution which was seconded by Mr. Ingenito: ; WHEREAS, by Resolutions No. 320' of 1982, No. 430 of 1982, 'and No. 473 of ! 1982, the Legislature of Rockland County has expressed its concern for the threats to j the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Rockland County which are posed by i the nuclear electrical generating facilities at Indian Point, Buchanan, New York, and ! I WHEREAS, there have been and remain substantial inherent risks in the operation i of nuclear electrical generating facilities and numerous violations of the safety Grequirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission at the Ind!nn Point power facilities, and - ! i WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency caused a 120-day clock ! to begin running, during which time the Indian Point nuclear electrical generating i , facilities were to remedy deficiences in planning, education and training dealing with ! - the protection of residents, and ! ! WHEREAS, at the expiration of the 120-day clock, the substantial majority of ! deficiencies as found by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, will not have | been remedied, and { i WHEREAS, at the expiration of the 120-day clock, the concerns of the Legislature ! of Rockland County for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Rockland | County will not have been satisfied in that sirens have proven ineffective, trairJng is ' far behind standards, equipment needs have not been met, sufficient education of the public has -not taken place, and Rockland County still lacks an effective and apprc

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. ;. . ,.l' ; ,., " 11 D Referral No. December 7,1982 RESOLVED, that the Legislature of Rockland County hereby authorizes the Rockland County Attorney to commence legal proceedings against the Nuclear Regulatory Cominission, Con Edison and the Power Authority of the State of New York, in i conjunction with any legal action undertaken by the County of Westchester to enjoin, restrain, and prevent the resumption of operation of the nuclear electrical generating faciliths at Indian Point, Buchanan, New York, at the expiration of the 120 day clock, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk to the Legislature of Rockland Comty be and she hereby is directed to send a copy of this resolution to Senators Alphonse D'Amato and ; Congressman Gilman; the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives; Hon. Hugh L. Carey, Governor of the State of New York; Hon. Linda Winikow and Hon. Richard Schermerhorn, New York State Senators; Hon. Thomas Morahan and Hon. Eugene Levy, New York State Assemblymen; the Majority and Minority Leaders of the New York State Se.*. ate and the New York State Assembly; the chief executive officers of the Counties of Westchester, Orange and Putnam; the officiais of PASNY, FEMA, NRC and Con Edison; Mr. Nunzio Pa!!adino, Chairman, NRC, and to each of the followiag Commissioners of the NRC: James T. Ahearm, Thomas Roberts, James Asselsteine, Victor Gilinsky, and r. to such other persons as the Clerk, in her discretion, may feel proper in order to effectuate the purpose of this resolution.

The resolution was adopted by the following vote:

AYES: 303 NAYS: 59 (Legislators Beijean, McDougall, and Wagner) Abstention: 19 (Legislator Murphy, based on the fact that he does business with State Regulatory Agencies.) Absent: , 25 (Chairman Grant)

e EOT/bem M-33



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...... - ,.~~.;^ M- N' . -- - _ . p.3 d ;% { - a- v _- i .,- . ,, - -* New Business p :x .f Introduced byt Hon. S. Cdanski Hon. H. Reisman o 8! t: I ' .t Referrat-Nc6 j i Decemb'eIU78982 , ,, RESOLUTION NO. 796 OF 1982 '82 N D CALLING FOR THE CLOSING OF THE INDIAN POLMT'

I NUCLEAR POWER PLAN'11 FOR FAILURE.TO-, ; REMEDY DEFICIENCIES . '120 DAY CLOqEMig.h.j{$ f , . i ' g- a ,1982, the Legislature of Rockland CountWHEREAS,, o. by 473 Resolutions of No.un 320 of 1982, No. 430 of 1982 and N } ^^. the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Rockland Cy has expressed , its concern for the threats to . * * . ' the nuclear electrical generating faellities at Indian Point ounty which are posed by a , Buchanan, New York, and k of nuclear WHEREAS. there have been and rt:tains insubstantf the eperation al inherent risk

. and . requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission at, the Indian Point power felenfical generating facilities and numerous violations of the safety ae!Utles, 1 < | . 1 i to begin rur.ning, during which time thee a 120-dayIndian clock Point nuclearWHEREAS,Y& the Federal Emergency Management Agency caus d , $/g facilities were to remedy defielences in planning, education and trainielectrical generating the protaction of residents, and ng dealing with #Ap { *, t ;-

. WHEREAS, at the expiration of the 120-day elock , - beendeficiencies remedied, and as found by the Federal Emergency Management Agthe substantial majority of ency, will got have Wie ' Nidd'h WHEREAS, at the expiration of the 120-day, clock the conc y; of Rockland County for the health, safety anderns ofwelfare the Legislature of the citizens of R County will not have been satisfied in that sirens have provenockland ineff -fM f ar behir'd standards, equipment needs have not been metective, training is R j. . @ ~' public has not taken place, and Rockland County still lacks an effecti, sufficient. education of the radiolegical emergency response plan, now, therefore, be itve and approved .

. -} closure of the nuclear electrical generatingor the complete facilities at Indian PointRESOLVED, that the Legislature of Rockland County hereby calls f , , Buchanan, New . York, cperated by Consolidated Ecison of New York and the Pow , State of New York, and be it further er Authority of the ! I Point nuclear electrical generating facilitiesa the Indian be kept clesed u tilRISCLVED, that the Legislature of Rockland County demands th t ( Legislature of Rockland County !s assured that then health i' such time as the _Mtizens of Rockland County is adequately protected, and be it further, safety and welfare of the og RESOLVED, that the Clerk . hereby is directed to send a copy of this res lto the Legislature of Rockland County be Darnel Patrick Moynihan; Congressman Gilman; thoend utionshe to Senators Alphonse D'Amato and the and House of Repr esentatives: Hon. Hugh L. Carey,' Governore Majority and Minority Leaders of , York State Senators; Hon. Thomason. Richard Schermerhorn, Morahan New and Hof the State of New York; Hon. Linda Winikow and H Assemblymen;the New the Majority and Minorityon. Lead Eugene Levy, New York State

. Westchester, Crange and Putnam; the officialYork State Assembly; the chief executive offleers ofers of the New York State Senate and '. the Counties of Mr.the NRC: Nunzio Psilacino, Chairman,, NRC and tos of PASNY, FEMA, NRC a..d Con Edison; each cf the following Commissioners of to such other persons as the Clerk, inne, her Victor diJames Gilinsky, and T. Ahearne, Thomas Roberts, James Asselstei effectuate the purpose of this resolution. scretion, may feel proper in crder to

EOT h Passed Oecember 7,1982, with the following amendment: M-33 RE30tVIO, that the t.egislature of Rockland County hereby authorizes the Rockland County Attorney to commence legal proceedings against of the State of New York,the Nuclear Regulatory Ccmission, con Edison, and the Power Authority

, taken by the County of 'destchester, to enjoin. restrainin conjunction with any tegal action under- , and prevent the resumption of operation of the nuclear electrical generating fa- , cilities at !ndian Point. Suchanan. New York, 4 120 day clock. at the expiration of the


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