Festival Church in Frant (see page 9)

IN THIS ISSUE… 3 4 7 9 13 14 Letter from Church Services, Welcome back Exciting details Bells Yew Green’s What’s on in the the Rectory by features & News Deidre! Parish on the Festival Village Hall gets a Parish: events, the Reverend from the Pews postie is back on Church every lockdown facelift useful contacts Brendan Martin her round Sunday afternoon & dates ADVERTISEMENTS PARISH NEWS

From the Rectory

I have run out of description words to describe how At a time when relationships are somewhat very strange and unsettling this time is. Yet I hope limited and distanced, the Bible is clear that God to perhaps hold onto some of the positives even has a purpose for our lives, and that purpose is in tough times. When our community seems so found in the ways in which we relate to him, to each isolated, I think we realised the value of community other and to creation. even more. When people are so socially distanced, At this socially distanced time we realise how I think we realised the value of human touch even important such relationships are, we might also more. When times are distressing, I think all of us realise we mess up these relationships all too often. want to look in hope of what is to come. God is a God of relationships. He is not a distant This Autumn we are doing church in a different God but comes to us by his son in Jesus, but is way, having had services online, we are looking to always with us by his Holy Spirit. We are never safely meet together while observing all guidelines, truly alone. He is working his purposes out to re- both inside at church at Frant and Eridge, but also establish good relationships with each other and outside at our new “Festival Church” so-called him. because you may inevitably get a bit wet like at My prayer is that through this we might look to Festivals! God as our heavenly Father in hope, and to each Our big theme at church the coming weeks will be other is care and unity. “Become who you were made to be.” These strange When we are distant, we realise how important times I think can often come with some self- such closeness is. Join us in church as we try to reflection on coming back to those big questions of encourage one another in our relationships with life, who are we? is there a purpose? God, each other and the world.


News From The Pews Having been informed on June 10th that St Alban’s, Frant & Holy Trinity, Eridge the church could reopen, a thorough clean of the pews was carried out, and Rector on Wednesday 24th June the church was The Reverend Brendan Martin — 01892 752003; [email protected] opened for a few hours each Wednesday and Sunday. A number of pews, which were cleaned every week, were made available for personal prayer or for anyone who wished to just come in to sit and be quiet for a while. ‘Social distancing services’ began on 9th August with just 11 people attending. These were short spoken services of Morning Prayer with no singing and no sermon. A survey carried out showed Churchwardens Services for Churchwardens that people were still reluctant to attend Jane Emler—532233 Jonathan Lynn—864304 services in the church building, and Crawford Burden—07789 170275 September/October 2020 Stephen Barnes—861302 would favour open air services, as a result it was decided to trial outside services and on 13th September a service in a marquee is to be held. If this is successful, services will be held outside 9:30am Morning Service...... 6th September...... Morning Prayer 11:15am for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile Brendan and Ed have continued to 9:30am Morning Service ...... 13th September...... Morning Prayer 11:15am provide excellent online services each 5:00pm Festival Church...... week. Youth worker, Ed, has also been very successful at keeping our youth 9:30am Morning Service...... 20th September...... Communion Service 11:15am ministry going online. 5:00pm Festival Church...... Like all churches, our finances have suffered badly in the past months. Not 9:30am Morning Service ...... 27th September ...... Communion Service 11:15am only are we missing what goes into the 5:00pm Festival Church...... collection bag each week, plus of course wedding fees and sundry donations Thank you cup cakes made for and enjoyed by the Pascoes 9:30am Harvest Service...... 4th October...... Harvest Service 11:15am from visitors, but the loss of income 5:00pm Festival Church Harvest...... from letting the Stables is considerable, the tedious annual job of sweeping the meetings, has been isolated in the with no indication at the time of writing leaves. Pat Wright would like to hear Rectory for many months and has faced 9:30am Communion Service ...... 11th October...... Morning Prayer 11:15am as to when this can resume. However, from anyone who can give an hour for a so many more problems in this strange 5:00pm Festival Church...... the good news is that while the Stables few weeks in October/November to help year. He has done a wonderful job in building has been closed, the main room with this task. As you no doubt know, a very difficult year. Thank you Rev 9:30am Morning Service...... 18th October ...... Communion Service 11:15am has been decorated thanks to Julie If dead leaves are left on the ground the Brendan! 5:00pm Festival Church...... Pascoe. Also, the new church office is grass underneath will die. to go ahead in November, so hopefully A glimmer of light and hope at the Encounter - A BIG thank you 9:30am Morning Service ...... 25th October...... Communion Service 11:15am we can take advantage of this time to end of the tunnel came when we had All through the summer term, our 5:00pm Festival Church...... clear the old office and set up in the new a request for the bells to be rung at a youth workers, Ed and Julie, spent building. wedding planned for August 2021. Sadly quality “Zoom time” with many of Tickets for Festival Church go to The one thing that has been able every wedding planned for 2020 had to our youth from the Encounter group. (tickets required for children, adults can turn up but tickets speeds up entry for track and trace) to continue as normal is work in the be postponed, so who knows, 2021 may These sessions took place weekly in Part of services will be available each week on Facebook and YouTube. Search “Frant Church” to find us. churchyard, where our loyal team well be a bumper year for weddings. For smaller groups of up to 6 meaning that continues to keep our churchyard all the couples who must have suffered Ed and Julie spent up to 6 evenings looking neat and well cared for. The dry such a huge disappointment this year, we a week reaching out to those groups weather has helped in that the grass hope and pray that it will be. and engaging with them bringing fun, hasn’t grown so quickly and has needed It has now been a year since Rev laughter and some thought provoking less cutting. At one point during the Brendan Martin was licenced as Rector discussions into their sessions. summer something, believed to be a of St Albans, and little did he know We all know how busy it has been badger, was determinedly digging up what a year it would be! As well as the with home schooling and adjusting to WORSHIP AT BELLS YEW GREEN the churchyard. A visit from Martin somewhat daunting task of getting to a different way of life until the schools Newcombe, an authority on badgers, know the church and the community, opened again. For this reason, on behalf Sunday Services: 10.30am confirmed that the badger(s) had moved he has prepared and put together on of all of the Encounter “Hubbers” – Good Friday service at 10.30am; Bible Study & Prayer: Thursdays, 7.30pm on to pastures new. In the autumn there line services, a very time consuming job, THANK YOU Ed and Julie for all you Enquiries: Ken Davies, 01732 357791 will be a need for volunteers to help with organised zoom PCC and committee have done for us!


sense?) needs some thought for next year. Our flower display was not up to its normal standard and I’m told this was due to the dry weather conditions. We will also have to make some decisions about a final push, after about 2 years of local effort, to getting fibre broadband into the north of the Parish. All this of course should be put into perspective. The Parish has, so far, escaped the worst of the pandemic and our shops and pubs remain open for business. We are very fortunate in many ways and we shouldn’t lose sight of that fact especially in these extraordinarily challenging times. Stay safe and alert.

Frant Garden Club When members of the Garden Club gathered at “The George” back in February for our annual lunch we could never have imagined how 2020 would unfold. By March we had decided to cancel our planned meetings and outings in the hope that life would be back to normal by September when we were set to meet again after our summer break. As we all know normality is still not with us so the Committee have taken the sad, but we think prudent, decision to cancel all planned events until 2021. Our hope, therefore, is that we shall be back at “The George” in February keen to get going again - by the way, thanks Greg and Dom for the way you look after us! As one member put in her email to Welcome back Deidre! We continue to meet under ‘Zoom’ me after hearing this news “I think if it A local resident sent in this great picture conditions so the business of the day gets wasn’t from my small patch (of garden) of Deidre, our much loved postlady, who done but not always conducive for a full I would have gone mad. Always needs has now returned to work. Deidre is a and wide ranging debate. something doing,” so let’s be grateful for shining example to us all with her ever Planning takes up a lot of the time and the joy that gardens and our beautiful cheerful demeanour and permanent of course we will, no doubt, be subjected outdoor spaces give us and look forward smile. She has helped so many people in to the new Government guidelines. to better times. our community and is appreciated by all. The retirement village up by the golf —Dianna Tennant Thank you Deidre! course squeezed through planning and it does seem that Tunbridge Wells Heirloom comes home Parish Council News increasingly looks ‘with envious eyes’ at Some residents will remember Ivy Some good news to report you will all its East border as far as building Delves, widely known as Mrs D, who be pleased to hear. Our ‘Vicar of Dibley’ developments are concerned. used to live in the High Street. Her item has finally been resolved after The next few meetings, after the grandson, Allan, has generously nearly 2 years! August recess, promise to be thought offered to give his great-grandfather’s A light shines in Rushlye Close BYG. provoking and interesting. They range ceremonial truncheon to the village. What’s more it’s not just any new light it from deciding what type of bin to put on Mr Delves was for many years the is a solar powered one. Rumour has it we Frant Green-not as simple as you may parish policeman and the truncheon are one of the first Parish Councils to go think-they have to be user friendly to was presumably presented to him on solar on street lighting and let’s hope it the bin collectors but also fox and crow retirement. It is beautifully decorated passes the test of time and winter! A lot proof. Eridge should be close to having and thanks to Greg Elliot, the landlord, it cheaper to install and run than a mains its own Green to worry about and Frant’s will soon be on permanent display in the electric light and of course much better of course still has to be resolved. Even George for all to admire - a memory of a for the environment. Bells Yew Greens Green (does that make very different age of policing.


Festival Church to groups of 6 people who sit together will be constantly reviewing what we can From 4.30pm (for 5pm start) on Sunday and stay together throughout. do. Plans are afoot to provide cover and afternoons the new Festival Church All those attending bring their own heat when the weather gets cooler so that gatherings will be taking place in the seats, flasks of tea/coffee etc (if required!) we are not fair weather dependent. Rectory paddock. This can be accessed and there are logs to sit on for those We are looking for more volunteers to through the small gate at the back of the feeling a bit more rustic! help at Festival Church. Get in touch if Stables’ car park in the corner. Obviously, the current situation has you would like to serve! You will need to There have been a few silver linings to forced us to think of new safe ways to get tickets in advance for youth and kids these challenging times brought about engage with people, so we are just trying as limited spaces, adults can just turn by the pandemic and this is one of them. this new venture and we would really up, but quicker to sign up (for track and Rev Brendan Martin (pictured on the appreciate your ideas and feedback too. trace) in advance - see our website for front cover) was already processing his Of course, things can change, and we more details and tickets: ideas to introduce some outdoor worship into our community, given the space and beautiful surroundings we are fortunate enough to live in. With this in mind, our Youth Leader, Ed Pascoe, has trained and qualified as a forest school instructor to maximise the “outdoor opportunity” for the youth and kids groups. Adults can relax and enjoy a talk, discussions, testimonies and music whilst the children go with their groups to enjoy woodland activities, bible stories, campfires and fun! The first of these services took place on Sunday 13th September to see how it would work. It was a real success and will be a work in progress to grow the event pending the ever-changing rules and Covid restrictions. At this point, we are limited


Katie Sutton - Memorial Bench their door in the morning and then next time you come by. Each person To commemorate the life of Katie Sutton legging it up the field to escape them must find this point of equilibrium for who contributed so much to the local as they do their morning limber-up by themself”. community. rushing across the field with their wings This makes me think how lucky I am A bench is to be installed in Bells Yew outstretched. really with life as although I have my Green village hall play area, the funds for Petula the Chicken is getting on moments, I am very blessed and have which Katie was instrumental in raising. particularly well in the flock, but has my wonderful Dolly as she is such an If you would like to make a contribution, not been looking quite so bountiful uncomplicated and special person to please phone me on 01892-890101 or when it rains with her copious bouffant me and I am looking forward to long leave a donation at Frant Village Stores. feathers appearing rather drowned and walks with her again soon and clearing Thank you, as though they weigh a considerable out heads and souls of any cobwebs, as —Trish Gray, Secretary , Bells Yew Green Village amount, as she totters around clearly we run through woods and fields with Hall Committee side-stepping any possible mud aspect happy abandon leaving The Owners with her particularly feathery low yakking away walking behind us… Woof Meanderings bloomers. Interestingly, Petula has Here I am again… where is the time shown herself to be a star ‘mouser’ and Eridge Parish News distribution flying to as it is now the end of August if there is any sign of a mouse across the For several years, we have been very and I have to be honest, I am so looking garden, she rushes off in hot pursuit grateful that Gay Park has kindly forward to The Child returning to and then skitters around clutching said organised the “delivery rounds” for School next week as it is starting to mouse with the rest of her troops coming Parish News in Eridge. This has involved rather irritate me. It keeps coming up up to try and get in on the treat also. collecting a box of 200 magazines from trying to play with me thinking that I I was mightily relieved as I was finally the Church, every two months, and will find it really amusing to have my taken to the delightful professional distributing the rounds to those who put ears played with, wiggle with my tail dog-groomer lady, so I avoided having them through household doors across in circles and then dance with me. My to endure The Owner brandishing the Eridge. There are 11 drop offs in total. patience is wearing thin now and also dreaded clippers on my lustrous coat Due to many other commitments, excitingly, it will mean that The Owner again. Normally, I am rather reticent to Gay is hoping that someone else may will be going on longer stomping walks get out of the car on arrival at her house, be able to take over this role from her. again as The Child huffs and puffs if it is but I leapt out with such joy as I knew I If you have a couple of hours free every too tired and fed up currently. Then The would be avoiding the ghastly jamming two months to help out, it would be Owner responds saying how lucky it is to of the clippers as The Owner kept hugely appreciated. Please email carmel. have all this space and not be cooped up getting the wrong angles with my coat [email protected] somewhere with no outside area and it caught in them, but more importantly, I huffs and puffs even more. am now looking my best again for Dolly. Frant School News Although I must admit, The Child’s As ever, I am over-hearing the never We have been blessed with lovely pool has been rather a bonus on the ending chat of The Owner who has been weather as we welcomed the children hotter days as I mastered climbing up pontificating about the seemingly early back to school on 7th September. It the steps to the temporary pool, then ripening of blackberries this year so we has been absolutely wonderful to see leapt off the top and had a lovely few have been on lots of ‘blackberry picking all the children back in school, playing dips in the water, but was met with fury ponders’ which mainly consists of The with their friends and learning. School from The Owner as it was generally Child picking the odd one and scoffing is slightly different with the new after I had had a lovely lie in my dusty most on it’s travels and The Owner arrangements for drop off, pick up and hole which I have been digging deeper trying avidly to get some into the bowl moving around during the day but the and deeper with the assistance of the and then often dropping them as she children have adapted very well. chickens, so I would leave a wonderful reaches up high and gets caught up in Our new reception children are trail of dust, small granules of soil and brambles and thorns. I fear that there starting on their school journey today, grass from my coat which then made will be little going into the freezer this Monday 14th September. Last week the water filthy and blocked up the filter. year, but this is of no interest to me as they visited school spending time in the Frankly, I did not see much of a problem am clearly not a blackberry fan like the classroom getting to know how Frant as it is only an oversized puddle after all. pony, but I do quite like a blackberry school works. We are very excited to Talking of the chickens, Vera & picking meander as it gives me time welcome them properly today and to Lynn have been laying well and rather to have a potter around the brambles welcome new families to our school strangely Vera has now gone broody and for any excitements hidden around community. is sitting on a collection of eggs which them. I did hear The Owner reading a Our curriculum is full of exciting is somewhat late in the year, but we rather interesting ditty though which I topics and events over the coming terms. shall see what happens. Sadly, nothing shall share with you in these somewhat Please do take a look at our website to hatched from the goose eggs of which strange times that we are all in… find out more. Mrs Goose so patiently, sat and sat and “So it is with blackberries. If you pull I look forward to sharing our news in sat on. The Child was secretly thrilled too hard, you may get the berry but you the next edition of the Parish News. With I think as she is not keen on the geese will lose the sweetness of it. On the other very best wishes. and makes much drama of opening hand, if you leave it, it may be gone the —Mrs Joanna Challis, Head of School


Parish Past internet, but just as a postscript my Following on from place names last own married name puts me at the very issue, I thought it might be interesting bottom of the pecking order - a Wright to look at the origin of some surnames was someone who worked with their which, rather surprisingly only became hands but without any particular skill, widespread because of the taxman. unlike a Cartwright or Wheelwright In the early Middle Ages first names (Wheeler)! were quite limited, and if you wanted —Pat Wright to collect tax or tithes from John there were probably a dozen or more nearby From Friends of Bells Yew ~ so John the Baker, John by the Green, Green John the Barber, Smith etc made In these strange times that are upon us, identification and records possible. it has been so lovely to see how everyone Basically, early surnames fall into a few in our community pulls together to broad categories, although of course help and support one another. So many many do not. people have been looking out for their 1. Occupation Carpenter, Miller, neighbours, helping with shopping, Fletcher (arrow-maker) Pierce (poacher, trips to doctors’ appointments, either in ie someone who pierces or wriggles person, or via the parish’s Dial-to-Ride illegally through a barrier/hedge), service, simply checking up to make sure Smedley (a forge or ironworker), Burgess all is well, and so on. It has created an the date of the next litter-pick or online with LEDs, the floor levelled, and the - they know who they are, and so do we! (townsman), Clayton (worker in clay environment for new friendships to be at Thank you. vinyl replaced. Frankly, it’s barely Thank you. for bricks), Packman (early commercial forged. Every cloud… We have volunteers to refurbish the recognisable, or, as one visitor said, “it On the subject of thanks due, our traveller), Turner ( skilled worker with What a delight to see The Brecknock village telephone box and are still eager looks far too good to be in a village hall!” bookings manager, Chris Bacon resigned foot operated lathe). Arms going from strength-to-strength to hear ideas for its new use. Please We would like to thank Wealden DC from the committee after ten years of 2. Personal characteristics/nickname under the management of Bells contact us at: [email protected] for supporting our small but vibrant dedicated service. As well as managing Arts Society Brown (ruddy complexion), Black Yew Green’s very own Niall and Zoe with your ideas. community’s growth with their generous the hall’s calendar, Chris was always Arts Society Ashdown Forest is (swarthy), Bassett (French nickname for McGregor-Gould and team. It has been Congratulations to Bells Yew Green provision of the Community Grant. happy to roll up his shirt sleeves, to paint delighted that after consulting with our short), Strong, White (Old English for astonishing to watch them weaving their Village Hall Committee for their They have done this in a number of ways, or repair where needed or find someone membership we will be returning to the pale or blond), Crane (my son-in-law’s magic by creating such a welcoming successful refurbishment of our village including: that the work has allowed us who could get the jobs done. Thank Community Centre for our name and all these hundreds of years community heart, with something for hall’s kitchen. Thank you to everyone to create a much more hygienic kitchen you, Chris. The committee will miss 2020-2021 season. later he is still notably long-legged like a everyone in our parish and beyond. Don’t involved. facility which is far easier to clean, his cheerful company but is delighted Our first lecture is on 8th October crane bird.) look away! Not even for one moment! Thank you also to Frant Parish Council and to a higher standard - something to announce that Holly Thomson has when Mark Hill (pictured) will be 3. Origin or location French, Fleming, They have worked their socks off to for the installation of a much-needed which is crucial in the current situation kindly agreed to take on the role and we speaking on ‘Undressing Antiques: Scott, Holland (Lincolnshire rather than create a safe meeting place offering a street lamp in Rushlye Close. we find ourselves. The upgraded welcome her aboard. Please see www. A persuasive introduction to buying the country), Beckham (Norfolk), Martin very delicious and reasonably priced Any ideas? Any questions? Please kitchen contributes to the hall’s ability for Holly’s contact antiques and integrating and using them (a French import and particularly lunch, afternoon tea or dinner - wait! contact me, Sue, at friendsofbyg@gmail. to generate a much more attractive details. in today’s homes.’ Mark will be familiar numerous in early Sussex, where the What’s that? And now breakfast, too?! com or by phone (see below). Take care, community environment - even within At the time of writing we are preparing to many people from his apperances on conquerors often travelled through the There are bike racks, a disabled ramp, —Sue and the Team, Friends of Bells Yew Green, the confines of social distancing. the hall for reopening, in compliance The Antique Roadshow and we are very county to their homeland of Normandy), a marquee in the garden, a games room, 07944 712000 The project has completed the entire with the government guidance, and are grateful to him for being willing to be our Atherstone (Warwickshire), Corby a completely redecorated traditional replacement of the outdated lighting in looking forward to restarting its crucial guinea pig for our first socially distanced (Northants) Freestone (most likely a village pub interior and a spotless Bells Yew Green Village Hall the building with its energy-saving and role in our community.” meeting. man from a free or non serf holding), kitchen, and the fruit and vegetable “They say that every cloud has a silver environmental benefits. —Sue Wallis, Trustee, Bells Yew Green Village Hall Currently only a limited number of Osmon/Osman (early Norse probably a barn. Combine all of that with all the lining, and this has proved to be true During the project we also discovered members wearing face coverings can man from the following of the warrior friendly help - wonderful! How lucky as far as the village hall is concerned. how many kind, generous and ­­The “Parish News” is published by the Church be present in the Covid secure hall, so Os), Boorman (speculative but probably we are to have the hub of our village in Lockdown shut down all our classes community-minded people there are and distributed free by volunteers. The publisher unfortunately guests will be unable to someone who lived by a stream, ‘bourne’ the safe hands of people who know Bells and activities, of course - dancing, wood living right on our doorstep! We asked acknowledges the support of the Parish Council. attend. eg Eastbourne still in use for a certain Yew Green like the back of their hand. working, yogalates, kung fu, art and if anyone could help us source good Any views expressed in this magazine are not We plan to livestream the lectures to type of stream They should do, they’ve lived here long children’s parties - to name just a few. value tiles and they were offered to us, necessarily shared by the Publisher. The “Parish members who are unable to attend for 4. Family all the Scottish ‘Mac’ clan enough! Congratulations! However, on the bright side, Wealden DC free of charge, by Burslem. Not only News” reserves the right to edit submissions as it whatever reason, but you must already names, Simmonds (Simon’s son), Friends of Bells Yew Green has taken had, in February, just awarded a Grant that, but they paid for the tiles to be sees fit. Publisher: Brendan Martin. Editor: Carmel Kinley. Design: Jonathan Christie. Advertising: have paid your membership fee to receive Patterson (Peter’s son), Harrison, Gill advantage of the somewhat quieter roads to the village hall committee to update installed as well as for the fitting of the Susan Piccioni. the login. (unlikely, but just possibly may have to recommence litter-picking. We are the very tired kitchen, and when better wonderful new flooring that was donated Attendance in person or virtually must come from the pet name for a woman grateful to members of our community to carry out the works than when the hall by Sunniva. We are thrilled with the Printed locally by LR be booked by email to AFDFASnews@ Gilly of Gilgifu. Several of this name did who quietly get on with cleaning up was unexpectedly closed? Five months generosity of these lovely local folk and Online Print Services or by phone to Pat Arnold on descend from her around Staplehurst their patch. If you would like to join later the work has been completed and thank them again, very much indeed. 01892 752277 01892 611414. apparently). us, we would be very grateful and can the committee is the first to complete We also thank our equally community- [email protected] To join the Society or renew, contact This is just a very superficial overview, offer hi-vis jackets, litter-pickers, sacks its project return to Wealden. The minded friends who have freely given Printed on paper from Membership Secretary Donald and a huge number of names fitting and a wheely trolley. Wealden DC are kitchen walls have been plastered, their time and effort in all the hard managed forests & Speedie on 01892 663388 or email none of these categories has been added happy to organise collection of bags by tiled and decorated, pipework has been work needed to plan and execute the controlled sources. [email protected] over the centuries. Much more on the arrangement. Please check at our pub for boxed in, the lighting has been updated refurbishment and clean up afterwards Please recycle after use


Parish Diary Useful contacts Council contacts September/October 2020 Frant Chairman We are all unsure as to how and when Frant CofE Primary School William Rutherford: 752254 the current restrictions are going to be Joanna Challis: 750243 [email protected] lifted so we have not set out any events Frant Sunday Club Frant Ward in this section for this edition. If you Ed Pascoe: [email protected] Anne Frances: have an event that can go ahead in the Frant Bowls Club [email protected] next 2 months, do drop me a line at: David Oliver: 611994 Johanna Howell: 750141 [email protected] and I Frant Cricket Club [email protected] will pass it on to the Parish Website David Pearson: 750789 Debbie Park: 319906 and relevant Parish Wards for email Frant Garden Club [email protected] distribution. Dianna Tennant: 752029 William Rutherford: 752254 Frant Panto & Drama Society BYG Ward Alan Richardson: 01892 825378 Stuart Crookshank: 518631 St Alban’s Bell-Ringers [email protected] Mary Freestone: 750269 Andy Macdonald-Brown: 891273 Frant Stables andrew.macdonald-brown@ frant-pc Julie Pascoe: 07850 091428; [email protected] Sue Wallis: 750635 Frant Parish Friendship Group [email protected] Brian Gill: 750266 Eridge Ward Frant Film Andrew Best: 5279319 Colin Steadman: Clerk to the Council [email protected] Rosie Karim: 01892 653357 Frant and Eridge Church Office [email protected] 01892 752261; or [email protected] Councillor Frant Open Spaces Group Keith Obbard: 07941 578 427 Jan Steadman: [email protected] [email protected] County Councillor Frant Memorial Hall Bob Standley: 783579 Brian Gill: 750266 District Councillor Clerk, Frant Parish Council Johanna Howell: 750141 Rosie Karim: Parish Council meetings; 01892 653357 Full PC meetings are held at 7.30pm every 3rd Wednesday of the month. Eridge Planning meetings are held on the first Eridge Garden Club Monday of the month. Jean Howells: 864310 Eridge Cricket Club MP for Wealden Luke Forbes: 670073 Nus Ghani MP: Eridge Village Hall Hire [email protected] Regular Meetings Eridge Choir Police Contact Details: Little Fishes: Baby & Toddler Group Michael Stevens: 852739 To report a crime or incident dial 101 Every Tuesday 10—11.30am in The For other police enquiries contact the Stables, Frant. A warm welcome to all. Bells Yew Green Wealden unit on 01273 404938 or Ignite (School Years 3–6) Bells Yew Green Chapel meets each Thursday (term time only). Ken Davies: 01732 357791 Encounter (School Years 7–13) BYG Cricket Club Contact Ed Pascoe for more information: Andy Brooks: 07876 011782 Parish News can be downloaded [email protected] Short Mat Bowls Club from: Coffee Morning at The Stables, Frant Pam Mepham: 891426 or Every Wednesday, 10:30am—12noon. BYG Village Hall Hire Advertising enquiries: 750285 or Come for a hot drink, a cake and a chat. Chris Bacon: [email protected] [email protected] Sunday Club Open to anyone aged 0-14, Friends of Bells Yew Green Contributions for our next issue and meets during the 9:30am Sunday 07944 712000 should be sent to the Editor: service at Frant (except for the 1st [email protected] Sunday of each month when the children or 01892 750217 join in with our family service). Next deadline: 10th October 2020

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