Parent Handbook 2021 A letter from the Headmistress

Dear Abbotsleigh parents Welcome to 2021 at Abbotsleigh. It is a great privilege to lead this exciting, innovative and vibrant learning community, so that our amazing girls may be empowered to continue to do amazing things. I am really looking forward to working together with you and our staff so that our girls (your daughter/s) may begin, or continue on their exciting journeys to become ‘their very best selves’. Abbotsleigh is an energetic and lively learning environment with many activities, community groups, schedules and policies. This handbook has been compiled to help you understand how the School’s operations and communication systems work for the benefit of the whole community. It is a handy guide to refer to when needed throughout the year. In addition to this handbook, there are a number of other ways to obtain information about the School. The Shuttle is our weekly newsletter. An email is sent to all families, students in Years 3-12 and staff every Friday with a link to the pdf, which can also be found on the ‘News and events’ page of the Abbotsleigh website. The Abbotsleigh parent app is also a convenient way to stay abreast of school activities. The School’s website also contains a wealth of information about upcoming school events, Aquatic Centre news, and holiday activities. From the School website, parents are able to access several online services, including the Parent Portal. In the Parent Portal (via AbbNet, the School’s intranet) parents can view information about their daughter under password protection. The portal also links you to the events and activities of the Abbotsleigh Parents’ Association. Parents are given usernames and passwords to access the portal. If you are unsure of your login details, please contact the IT Department. Our web address is and we encourage you to visit it regularly. We believe that good communication with our community is crucial and, as such, our processes are constantly reviewed. The Development Department assists with the dissemination of information to the community and prepares our major publications. We welcome feedback on our communication systems and this can be lodged with the Development Department. Your daughters also play a part in our communication processes, as each girl has a diary that contains general and daily information. From time to time, also, teachers will use the diary to communicate with parents. With our goal of creating independent, self-reliant learners, the diary is used as one device to help the girls develop organisational and time management skills. As such, girls will need to have their diary with them at all times and learn to use it wisely. The Abbotsleigh community consists of Council members, teaching and support staff, parents – past and present, Old Girls, parent groups and our students. There are activities for everyone, and I encourage you to become involved and connected so that we may work in partnership with you for the benefit of your daughter/s. I am sure you will enjoy being part of our vibrant Abbotsleigh community in 2021.

Megan Krimmer Headmistress 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 3

Contents General information 4 School materials 42 About Abbotsleigh 5 Tuckshop procedures 42 School Staff 6 Celebrating birthdays 42 General information – Library requirements 43 Junior and Senior School 9 Use of technology 43 Abbotsleigh Parent Use of mobile phones 43 Code of Conduct 9 Junior School Houses 44 Communication with parents 11 Lost property 44 Parent support 12 Senior School information 45 The School Diary 12 Senior School map 46 Medical information guidelines 13 Senior School staff 46 Abbotsleigh Services 13 House tutor groups 49 AbbSchool 14 General information 51 Policies 16 information 53 Behaving in a way that reflects our values 17 Absence or leave 54 Dealing with bullying 19 Arrival and departure 54 School laptops 21 Health services 54 Social media policy 22 After school tutorials 55 Acceptable use policy 23 Lockers 55 Working With Children Check 26 Lost property 55 Risk warnings 26 Betty Archdale Library 55 Junior School information 28 Music 56 Junior School map 29 Sport 58 Junior School staff 29 Other co-curricular and General information 31 club activities 59 Holiday programs 35 Abbotsleigh community information 60 Positions of responsibility 35 Development Department 62 Co-curricular music programs 36 Parent groups 63 Sport 37 Abbotsleigh Old Girls’ Union 66 Junior School activities 40 Abbotsleigh Foundation 66 Health promoting school 42 School tours 67 General information 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 5

About Abbotsleigh Our School School Values Why we exist Chosen by the girls themselves. We empower amazing girls to do amazing things. The School Lesson and our Chrisitan faith How we do things underpin all that we value and do. Our teachers are role models who inspire each Integrity girl to reach her personal best. Their lessons last We do what’s right, not what’s easy a lifetime. Respect What we do We value everyone for who they are Our holistic education underpinned by the Courage Christian faith, helps our girls thrive today and We dare to take risks tomorrow. Compassion School Lesson We lift each other up Philippians 4:4-9 Perseverance We get up, we don’t give up Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is at hand. Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learnt and received and seen, do; and the God of peace will be with you. 6 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Dean of Middle School Ms A Fell BSc GradDipEd School Staff MACE The Council of Abbotsleigh Dean of Senior College Archdale Miss I Royston MEd BAppSc(HMS-Ed) GradDipMaths President AssocDegEdStudies MACE The Most Reverend Dr Glenn N Davies Dean of Senior College Mrs A Ware BEd DipTh BSc MDiv(Hons) ThM(Hons) DipA PhD DD MACE Archbishop of Sydney and Metropolitan of Head of Senior School Administration and Staff Chair Mr P Fontanot BCompt(Hons) CA GAICD JP Relations Mr R Willis BA DipEd MA MACE JP Treasurer Mr R Bowden BBus CPA Director of Human Resources Mrs S Baillie BCom(Merit) CA CFA GAICD Mrs J Lynch BSocSci (HRM) Rev Dr A Barraclough BE BD DipMin MA D(Min) Mrs J Cochrane BEc LLB(Hons) Headmistress’s support staff Ms L Ellis BEc LLB(Hons) GAICD Executive Assistant to Headmistress Dr C Janssen MB BS MBA FAICD Mrs R Formby Rev M Kellahan BA LLB BD Registrar Mrs C Fenn DipMktg Dr J Lim BSc(Med) MBBS FRACGP DCH Registrar’s Assistant Mrs Kate Hawkins Mr P Nicholson BSc BE(Hons) ME MIEAust Mr D Pontin BPE DipTeach MEd Boarding Mrs S Roberts BPsych(Hons) Director of Boarding Mrs C Fairleigh Ms M Southwick BLArch(Hons) CPPD MAIPM GAICD BA(Hons) BPhysEd(secondary) Ms M Vanzella BEc LLB(Hons) MBA MAICD Deputy Head of Boarding Administration Mrs A Heness-Pugh BArtTH AssocDegSocSc(ResCare) Senior Leadership Team CertResCare Headmistress Mrs M Krimmer BA Dip Ed MEd MACE Deputy Head of Boarding Deputy Headmistress and Head of Senior Ms D Mahrous BMathematics GradDipEd CertResCare School Mrs V Rennie BA(Hons) GradDipEd MACE MACEL Boarding Coordinators Head of Junior School Ms S Ruston Ms R Charlton CertResCare AMusA BEd GradDipEdStud DipTeach MEd MACE AssocDegSocSc(ResCare) Bursar Mr J Doran BBus DHA CPA AFAIM Mrs R Clemenger CertResCare Chaplain Rev J Stoddart BA BDiv DipEdMin Mrs S Ward CertResCare Director of Wellbeing and Counselling Health Centre Sister Mrs N Harris RNBNur Mrs E Cannon MEd BA DipEd GradDipEdAdmin MHAPICCert ImmCert AssocMAPS Reg Psychologist MACE Director of Learning Innovation Bursar’s Office Mrs D Moffatt BEd(Dist) DipTeach Director of Development and Finance and Administration Community Relations Mrs A Lightfoot Bursar Mr J Doran BBus DHA CPA AFAIM BAComms(Marketing) AdvDip MktgMgt Finance Director Ms B Rudolph BBus CA Director of Compliance and Council Secretary Financial Accountant Mrs A Roughley BBus CA Mr G Fisher BEc BEd DipBus MA JD Payroll Manager Mrs S Wong Cert IV IT, Bookkeeping Director of Technology Mr W Noble BFA GradDip FA Accounts Staff Mrs B Williams, DipEd MDes AIMM MACS MAICD Mrs L Mikulasev, Ms A An CPA Director of AbbSchool Mr R Pagano Director of Human Resources Mrs J Lynch ADipAppSci(RecServices) MMgt(LeisureMgt) BSocSci (HRM) Director of Property Mr S Jarrett AssDipArts DipMus Receptionist Mrs M Walker (Comp) Dip Ed MFM Uniform Shop Mrs L Boothby (Manager), Deputy Head of Junior School Mrs Natalie Doyle, Mrs L Powell Mrs C Gaspersic BEd (Primary) 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 7

Property Aquatic Centre Director of Property Manager Mrs J Wheatley BEd(PhysEd) DipBus Mr S Jarrett AssDipArts DipMus (Comp) Dip Ed MFM Head Swimming Coach Ms A Isaac Cert IV Gold Cleaning Supervisor Mr J Pocock Licence Swim Coach Staff Mrs A Chen, Mr P Johnson, Ms S Johnston, Head Coach Mrs R Manuel Bcomm CA Mr B Kelly, Mr Y Lim, Mr D London, Mr J Melehan, GradDip GradCertEdStud Mr A Pokhrel, Mr A Ryan, Mr V Sammut, Assistant Swimming Coach Mr J Stirling, Mr M Sutherland, Mrs G Zhang Mr J Loureiro BPhysEd MPhysEd Laundry Services Mrs L Chapman Learn to Swim Coordinator Mrs L Wells Silver Licence Swim Coach Maintenance Maintenance Supervisor Mr N McEvoy Sport Staff Mr A Amor, Mr G Casey, Mr E Dodd, Head of Sport Mrs K Howitt BBus Mr P Eden Sport Coordinators Miss R Bimson Cert III Outdoor Rec Grounds Mr M Everingham BBSportStudies Grounds Supervisor Mr M Eisermann BA Sports Mr G Nes Mgt AssocDip(Hort) Staff Mr D Benson, Mr H Field Cert III(Hort), Development Department Mr T Fitzadam Cert III(Hort), Mr R Guerrera, Director of Development and Mr B Holland, Mr B Keep, Mr M Massa, Community Relations Mr R Sara, Ms K Wicks Mrs A Lightfoot BAComms (Mktg) AdvDip MktgMgt AbbSchool Old Girls Relations Manager Mrs H Grout Director of AbbSchool Mr R Pagano Old Girls Relations Assistant Mrs R Kaan BSc(Ag) ADipAppSci(RecServices) MMgt(LeisureMgt) Media and Events Manager Mr K Egan AbbSchool Manager Ms P Griffiths Fundraising Manager Ms S Carrel BA(Hons) Cert IV Frontline Mgmt Cert IV Bus BEc(SS)Hons MURP AbbSchool Supervisor (Junior School) and Publications Manager Mrs A Norton BA CELTA Holiday Program Coordinator Ms C Chan BMgt Graphic Designers and (Sport&Ex) Level 1 Coach, Mrs J Clough IDTA Ms E Paricka BAppSc(EnvMgt&Tsm) AdvDip(GraphDes) Licentiate, IDTA Assoc, MCA Dance to Music, DipMusTh Mrs E Riquezes Dance Coordinator Mrs S Batchelor DipBus, Archivist Ms J Daly BCA BA(Hons) MA Cert IV(DT&M), Cert IV(TAE) GradDipIM(ArchivesAdmin) ASA Dramatic Arts Ms D Tindale BA(Prof&CreatvWrit), Data and Administration Manager DipArts, ATCL(Perf), FTCL(Dir) Mrs F Setianingsih BCom Music extended tuition Ms M Yamamoto BMusEd(Hons) Sport Facilities Coordinator Mr M Shanahan Head Coach Mr B Rose BA USPTR Professional/Level2 Coach 8 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Learning Innovation General information – Director of Learning Innovation Mrs D Moffatt BEd(Dist) DipTeach Junior and Senior School Head of Research, Learning and Enrichment Ms T Moore BEd MACEL MDIA 2021 term dates Director of Studies Mrs M Jordan BSc(Hons) Term 1 GradDipEd MA(Ed) Tuesday 26 January Day Head of Mathematics and Teacher Accreditation Years 7 and 12 Ms B Wrightson BSc MA MAppFin MACE boarders arrive Director of GCS Gallery Mrs M Faith MMuseumSt Wednesday 27 January T, K, Year 7 and all DipArtEd GCS Gallery Coordinator Mrs L Jones BA new students TeachCert MVArts MFA commence Digital Learning Innovators Mr J Adams BA GradCert PrimEd Years 8-11 boarders Mr J Dunk BSc(Hon) PGCE arrive Mr D Knott BA HigherDipEd Thursday 28 January Term 1 commences for Technology Department all students Wednesday 31 March Term 1 concludes Director of Technology Thursday 1 April Boarder travel day Mr W Noble BFA GradDip FA DipEd MDes AIMM MACS MAICD IT Technical Services Manager Mr P Barratt Term 2 IT Data Services Manager Mr M Etcell Monday 19 April Boarders return from IT Database Officer Mr B Sampaga BSIT 4 pm IT Systems Engineer Mr G Denmark MCP Cert IV(ITNetworking) Tuesday 20 April Term 2 commences IT Junior Systems Engineer Mr S Vidal Cert Sunday 25 April Anzac Day IV(ITNetworking) ITIL Monday 14 June Queen’s Birthday holiday IT Support Technicians Mr E Porpaczy, Boarders return from 4 pm Mr R Valencia BInfoCommTech IT Service Desk Coordinator Ms M Cameron DipIT Friday 18 June Term 2 concludes IT Service Desk Officer Mr B Luff ITIL FoundCert IT Boarder travel day ServMgt Term 3 AV Manager Mr C Barroeta Audio Eng AV Technician Mr L Franks BComms(Theatre/Media) Monday 12 July Boarders return Senior IT Applications Developer from 4 pm Mr J S Lee BSc MCTS MCPD Tuesday 13 July Term 3 commences SharePoint Developer Mr S Ware BA BEd(Hons) Thursday Term 3 concludes Print Centre 16 September Friday 17 September Boarder travel day Mrs M Kustro, Mr G Watson Term 4 Staffing changes may have occurred prior to the start of Term 1, 2021 and take place throughout the year. Monday 4 October Boarders return from 4 pm Tuesday 5 October Term 4 commences Friday 3 Speech Day, Term 4 December concludes 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 9

Please note teachers, other parents and students, both on Easter falls during the school holidays (2-5 April) and off the school grounds. Labour Day falls during the school holidays (4 October) Positive Role Modelling Public examination dates As parents, it is our responsibility to role model 10-14 May AMEB Music good citizenship and ethical conduct. For our Examinations, practical 1 community to be coherent, our effort is required to maintain goodwill. 11-21 May NAPLAN online window This includes: 1-5 November AMEB Music Being Inclusive Examinations, practical 2 • • Being open minded and adaptable Abbotsleigh Parent • Accepting cultural and religious diversity • Interacting respectfully with staff, students Code of Conduct and other parents Rationale • Assuming positive intent from all Appropriate and respectful conduct at Parents are the first role models for children. • functions (including sport and other The choices parents make, and the behaviours school-related events) we exhibit, have a significant influence on our children. The School has a clear expectation of • Appropriate and respectful conduct student conduct. Accordingly, it is appropriate while driving to document expectations around Abbotsleigh Car Park Etiquette parent conduct at school and off site (for sport These guidelines are to ensure absolute safety or other school-related events). of our daughters, in an area where they are at This Code of Conduct relates to parents, greatest risk – where there are moving vehicles grandparents, carers and other visitors to the and pedestrians in the one space. school (including volunteer roles) and attending These guidelines are relevant for all Junior off site events. School and Senior School carparks. Values • Adhere to the speed limit. Please note the When a community shares common values, speed limit is 5 km/h in the Junior School we are guided towards our common goal with lower carpark. This is walking speed to collaboration and a sense of belonging. ensure the little pedestrians (particularly our ELC children) are safe as they walk Abbotsleigh released a new Strategic Plan through the carpark. The speed limit in the in 2017 with five key values (chosen by the Senior School carpark is 10 km/h. girls themselves): At busy times the car park gets full. Please Integrity. We do what’s right, not remain mindful and patient. what’s easy. • No overtaking We value everyone for Respect.  • Please, no tooting (unless indicating danger) who they are. • Please do not park in any reserved space Courage. We dare to take risks. (including the ELC reserved spaces) unless Compassion. We lift each other up. you have specific permission to do so Perseverance. We get up, we don’t • Please do not queue in the roundabout near give up. the Junior School The Abbotsleigh Parents’ Association supports ALWAYS choose SAFETY over these values and invites the parent community CONVENIENCE. to consider them in all interactions with 10 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Use of Social Media What happens when conflict arises? Expectations around the use of social media There will be occasions when conflict may for parents aligns with the School’s clearly arise between students. It is vital that parents stated expectations for the use of social encourage their daughter to seek appropriate media for students. (Please see the School’s solutions herself, which may involve policy regarding Use of Social Media on Page discussion with her teacher or tutor. 23 of this handbook.) If attempts at discussion do not find In sum, it is expected that social media will be satisfactory resolution, it is expected that used for the purposes of building community parents will discuss their concerns with and contributing to a positive dynamic a teacher. amongst parents. Please do not directly approach another It is important to note that not all parents parent or student with grievances. choose to use social media and therefore it should not be relied upon as the main form of Communicating with Respect communication relating to events. The School Inclusivity and assuming good intent form the will always communicate with parents in foundation of respectful conversations. relation to school activities and social events. Our interactions with other parents, teachers Limitations clearly exist around the use and students should reflect this. of social media. In particular, there are Should there be an occasion where this has potentially serious ethical issues and legal not occurred, please have a discussion with liabilities that may arise from its misuse. your daughter’s teacher. If you have strong Specifically, parents can ensure lawful use of concerns, please contact the Head of the social media by noting the following: Junior School, the Deputy Headmistress or • Parents should not take or post photographs the Headmistress. of other students without the express consent Working With Children Check (WWCC) of the other child/children’s parents. for Volunteers • Parents should not post photographs of It is Abbotsleigh school policy that any students in school uniform if it has the parent or volunteer that is on site must potential to bring negative comments have completed a Working With Children towards the student(s), staff or School. Check (WWCC). Please see Page 27 of the • Parents should not set up any group with Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook for details on the word ‘Abbotsleigh’ in its title. It may how to apply for a WWCC. mislead any reader to believe the School Confidentiality moderates the page. When parents volunteer in certain roles in the • Email addresses of parents should not classroom, they may come across confidential be given to other people without their (either learning or otherwise) information express consent. regarding a student. It is important that this information remains confidential and is not discussed with other parents (and is reported to the teacher if it is not already known). 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 11

Communication with parents Abbotsleigh on social media The School communicates with parents and Abbotsleigh seeks to maintain efficient and the broader community on our social media effective communication with parents via platforms. Please ‘follow’ us on The Shuttle and the Parent Portal on AbbNet.  Twitter, The Abbotsleigh website also provides parents ‘like’ us on with a range of up-to-date information. The  Facebook, Parent Portal contains important family follow us on information specific to you and your daughter.  Instagram The Shuttle abbotsleigh to stay in with our news, what’s happening at the School and the The School’s newsletter, The Shuttle, contains achievements of our students. a selection of articles featuring news and information from both Junior and Senior You can keep up to date on exhibitions and School, with links to major news and event events at the Gallery items on the School’s website. A link to The by following them on Shuttle pdf is emailed to parents, staff and  Facebook students in Years 3-12 every Friday.  Twitter  Instagram Abbotsleigh parent app Parent email procedure The Abbotsleigh parent ap is the place to go to catch up on all the news from the School Email is an easy means of communication and keep up to date with important notices used extensively within the School’s and information. You can get it on Google community. Please remember that email is not Play or download it from the Apple App Store. a reliable form of communication for urgent Download the instructions here. information. When a response is required within a day, a phone call to Reception If you require assistance with downloading the is essential. The following information is app, please contact the Abbotsleigh IT Service presented to assist you in directing your email Desk on 9473 7750 or email onlinesupport@ to the most relevant staff member. Specific email addresses for all staff must be Parent Portal excursion procedure obtained from the contact page in the Parent Parents receive all excursion information Portal to ensure that the email reaches the online. Permission for any activity beyond intended recipient. Please do not assume the school grounds will be given quickly and knowledge of an address. easily through the simple click of a button. Excursion details will be sent via email, and parents should keep these on file for ongoing reference. All information will continue to be made available on the Parent Portal as well. 12 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Routine information Parent support Emailed to the reception on the Support is sought from parents in many areas relevant campus that include: tuckshop, library, class based Headmistress activities, sport, drama, parent/teacher evenings [email protected] and concerts. Contact the Community Relations Head of Junior School Manager on 02 9473 7736 for more information [email protected] or to be emailed a link to the online Offers of Junior School Administration Assistance form. Specific areas of need will also [email protected] be advertised in The Shuttle. Junior School Reception [email protected] Senior School Reception The School Diary [email protected] Each girl from Transition to Year 12 is issued Early Learning Centre with a School Diary at the start of the year. [email protected] This diary is a valuable tool for recording AbbSchool information personal information and contains important [email protected] school information and must be used to record Holiday Program information homework, assignments and important dates [email protected] such as examinations and parent/teacher Boarding information evenings. The girls are to bring their diary to [email protected] every lesson. Development Office The diary has space on each page for messages [email protected] between the School and home. The diary is not Before and After School Care a private journal and may be read by parents or [email protected] teachers at any time. Any diary which is defaced Junior School excursion or in which rude or obscene language or pictures [email protected] appear must be replaced at the girl’s cost. ICT [email protected] Junior School students from Years 1-6 write their Junior School music homework in their diaries each day and parents [email protected] are asked to sign them each night on completion Senior School music of their assigned homework. If your daughter is [email protected] unable to complete her homework please write Junior School sport a quick note to the appropriate teacher outlining [email protected] the problems encountered. In Transition and Uniform Shop [email protected] the diary is used primarily as a form Senior School sport of communication between parents and staff. [email protected] 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 13

Medical information Abbotsleigh Services guidelines Tuckshops Medical information for all students is collected There is a tuckshop on both the Junior and by the School, via the School’s medical form, Senior School campuses. The Honeypot and which is completed by parents/guardians of all Beehive promote healthy eating and good new students. Parents are sent an electronic nutrition providing fresh and healthy food for link to this on-line form annually and are students at morning tea and lunchtimes. All required to make any necessary alterations or students are able to purchase food at morning updates. Please ensure that your final step is to tea and snacks during lunchtime. Lunches are update the date so that this indicates you have ordered online and both tuckshops use the completed this document. Flexischools online system to make the ordering The original copies of the medical form are kept of lunches easier and more convenient. Orders by the Junior School for students in Transition can be placed in the morning, the night before or to Year 6, and the Nursing Sister for students in weeks in advance. Years 7-12. Junior School (The Honeypot, 02 9473 7621) Senior School (The Beehive, 02 9473 7842) Changes to medical information Any change of medical condition of a student Uniform Shop should be referred to the Receptionist in The Abbotsleigh Uniform Shop is located via the Junior School or to the Sister in the Gate 1A, Ada Avenue, Wahroonga. The shop sells Senior School. all items of uniform as well as school and sports It is the responsibility of parents to inform bags. The shop also facilitates the buying and the School of any changes to a student’s selling of second hand uniforms. Selected items medical condition. of crested goods are also sold in the shop. Summer and winter uniforms for new students Other medical information are purchased by making an appointment with collection the Uniform Shop staff. The Flexischools online As a requirement of attending the School’s ordering system can be used for additional outdoor education camps and some excursions, uniform requirements. Orders are available two medical information is requested for use days after the order has been placed. See below by teachers and instructors. Some service for collection points and days. providers of camps may have their own medical Phone 02 9473 7832 form requesting specific information as well as Opening hours any medical information. Monday 1-4 pm Tuesday 9.30 am-5 pm Wednesday 9.30 am-4 pm Thursday 9.30 am-5 pm Friday 9.30 am-4 pm 14 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

How to use Flexischools 2. What does it cost? The tuckshop menu prices are the same; Tuckshop and Uniform Shop orders placed however, there is a small fee for the online with Flexischools can be placed from home or orders to help pay for the labels and the work computers. website system. 1. Go to and click 3. What payment methods can I use? on Quicklinks at the top right. *Scroll down to the ‘Services’ menu and choose either ‘Lunch Flexischools accepts payment via Visa, orders’ or ‘Uniform Shop’. Alternatively, go to MasterCard, PayClick and bank transfer. To perform a bank transfer to your FlexiSchools account, click ‘top up account’ when logged 2. Click ‘register now!’ and enter your email. into the FlexiSchools website and select 3. You will be emailed a link to the online form. ‘bank transfer’. You will be given your unique Choose your own username and password EFT code and can make a transfer via your and enter your contact details. internet banking or branch. 4. For each child, click ‘add a student’ and follow the prompts to place an order. Abbotsleigh bus service FAQs Abbotsleigh operates a private bus service, 1. How does it work? with buses departing Avalon (Northern Beaches Follow the login process (step one above) route), Neutral Bay (Lower North Shore route), and click on ‘register now!’ in the login box. Lane Cove/Hunters Hill (Northern Suburbs Then enter your child’s name, school and route) and Dural/Castle Hill (North West route). class, and add funds (say $50) into a prepaid These buses are chartered by North Sydney account. You can log into the website at any Bus Charters and are clearly branded with time to place orders, up until 9 am on the Abbotsleigh signage. day of ordering. As purchases are made, There is a morning service delivering the girls the funds are taken from your account. to school by 8.10 am and an afternoon service The account can be topped up again in the departing Abbotsleigh at 3.40 pm. same way, or set to automatically top up via credit card when the balance reaches a preset minimum. AbbSchool Extended tuition activities include music, a. Lunch orders are sent to the appropriate dramatic arts, dance, tennis, swimming and tuckshop where a label is produced with diving, soccer skills, self defence, badminton, the student’s name, class and order details. gymnastics, fencing, code camp, Homework Club, At lunchtime, students simply pick up their stretch flex and relax, Spanish, Mandarin, sewing, order without the need for cash. drawing and painting, and ceramics. Activities b. Uniform orders are sent to the Uniform occur before and after school and occasionally at Shop, where a label is produced with the lunchtime in a safe and caring environment with student’s name, class and order details. carefully selected staff. Enrolment is based on Orders are available two days after the order a semester basis (two terms) and students are has been placed. Orders for Junior School required to complete a full semester of tuition. students are delivered on Wednesday and Whilst the purpose of AbbSchool is to encourage Friday afternoons to Junior School Reception participation, fun and friendship through a or classrooms. Orders for Senior School range of exciting activities, there are also students can be collected directly from valuable benefits. Recent studies have shown the Uniform Shop between 1 and 4 pm on that involvement in co-curricular activities Wednesdays and Friday. can promote a sense of engagement with 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 15

school, which in turn has a positive influence on academic achievement, attendance and aspiration to higher levels of education. It was also found that co-curricular activities provide students with opportunities for leadership and personal growth and teach students the value of teamwork, competition, cooperation and individual and group responsibility. These opportunities on offer at AbbSchool are not limited to girls who attend the School. Adult courses The holiday program and a selection of extended tuition courses are also available to people within Abbotsleigh’s wider community including parents, friends, siblings (including boys) and people from the local community. AbbSchool holiday program The AbbSchool holiday program takes place in each holiday break, offering a vast range of activities to keep junior and senior students busy and stimulated. Before each break, a detailed course program will be available from AbbSchool, outlining the specific courses for those holidays. Our extended hours of care from 7.30 am until 6 pm have been popular in assisting busy parents. For further information please contact AbbSchool on 02 9473 7827 or [email protected]. 16 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021 Policies 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 17

• show pride in her school by wearing Behaving in a way that the full and correct uniform in the reflects our values appropriate situation. Abbotsleigh is a community founded upon • respond to communications promptly and in respect and responsibility. The actions of all a respectful manner. members of our School community should be Consequences for safe, and students should behave in a way that reflects well upon themselves, their family and unacceptable behaviour the School and be considerate of others. Behaviour management is part of our Our School Values help guide our behaviour proactiveAcademic Care program. The value of towards ourselves and others. At Abbotsleigh, ‘responsibility’ reminds students that they are discipline is a positive process, which accountable for their own actions. While the enables students to participate as productive, School believes that a list of rules is contrary responsible members of the community. An to our endeavour to have students develop important part of education is to develop effective self-discipline, it is important to effective self-discipline so that at all times articulate our expectations. students behave in a manner that is safe, legal Junior School and considerate. The welfare of each girl in the Junior School We aim to empower students to become self- is the responsibility of her class teacher sufficient, independent learners. Our approach who supervises both academic and general to Academic Care ensures there is a network of progress. The class teacher is supported in pastoral and academic support available to girls this endeavour by the Year Coordinator, School through their teachers, tutors, Year Coordinators Counsellor, Deputy and Head of Junior School and Counsellors. Problem solving, negotiating as the circumstances dictate. Severe or ongoing and independence skills matter in life, work and misdemeanours will be managed by the Head university and this learning begins at school. of Junior School in consultation with the Behavioural expectations girl’s parents. The School places an emphasis on the Senior School encouragement and acknowledgment of positive Tutors and teachers are primarily responsible for behaviour. We expect every girl to: the Academic Care needs of each girl in the tutor group and classroom. If students are unable to • be able to learn and actively engage in a safe, caring and secure environment without meet the School’s expectations then Prefects being disturbed by others. All girls should and staff may issue girls with a yellow behaviour be familiar with our approach to dealing with slip. Detentions are held at lunchtime on Fridays bullying (see below). and students are notified via email. If an out of school hours detention is required, parents • show responsibility to her teachers and classmates by moving promptly to class, will be given at least 24 hours’ notice of such respecting the teacher’s right to teach action. Severe or ongoing misdemeanours will be without interruption and bringing the correct managed by the Year Coordinator in consultation books and equipment to class and activities. with the girl’s parents and relevant Dean. • care for her environment by leaving Serious breaches of conduct classroomsand school facilities in a tidy Any serious breach of conduct including, but and neat state andreporting damage to not limited to, infringement of the IT Acceptable the teacher. Usage Policy, smoking, drinking, illegal drug • show courtesy to other girls, teachers taking or dealing, stealing, cheating, bullying, and visitors. 18 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

truancy or endangering the health, safety and interview the Headmistress will inform those wellbeing of others will lead to an interview with present as to the nature of the allegations the Headmistress (or her delegate) and the girl’s and will hear the student’s version of events. parents. Suspension or expulsion may result and A right of reply from the student will be given. the police may be involved. After consideration of all available information, No member of the School community is the Headmistress will decide the consequences permitted to engage in any form of corporal of such actions and inform the student punishment on behalf of the School. and parents. Suspension and expulsion will only be The above procedure must take into account implemented as a last resort after all other the age of the child, the location of the incident avenues have been exhausted and when: (School, camp, excursion or overseas), the timing of the incident/s in the School calendar, and the • The duty of care to other children and/or staff is impeded and therefore outweighs urgency of other matters. All information and the rights of the offending student to remain actions will be documented and confidentiality within the School. will be maintained wherever possible. • No compromise can be reached enabling the Dress code values of the School to be upheld with the The Abbotsleigh Uniform Shop staff give clear student remaining within the School. guidelines when selling the uniform as to the • The School undertakes to initiate all possible manner in which it is to be worn. The following steps to facilitate the student’s placement is intended to support and augment the in another School environment of the instructions already given: parents’ choosing. • Correct uniform in good repair must be worn Procedural fairness at all times. When making such serious decisions about a • School dress/skirt must be worn at the knee. student continuing at the School, all efforts • Blazers must be worn to assembly and will be made to ensure a process of procedural chapel in Terms 2 and 3. fairness is used. Every endeavour will be made • Uniform is worn at all official School events to ensure the use of an unbiased decision including evening events. making process. • Makeup and nail polish are not permitted. While each case will be determined by the • Senior School girls may wear one pair of specific circumstances, the following guidelines small, gold, single stud earrings available will be implemented as appropriate: from the Abbotsleigh Uniform Shop. There is • The Headmistress (or her delegate) will to be only one stud worn in each ear lobe and discreetly and in a timely manner gather in no other part of the ear. Invisible plastic all available information to determine what studs are not permitted in the Senior School. occurred. This will most likely involve initial • No other jewellery is permitted apart from a interviews with involved students and staff. wrist watch. • The services of the School Counsellor and/ • Hair that is long enough to touch the collar or other counselling agencies will be made must be tied back with ribbons or scrunchies. available to the student and parents. Girls are to retain a natural hair colour and other hair accessories are not allowed. • The student and her parents will be informed Combs and clips must be black, or match the and invited to a meeting. natural hair colour. • The student will be interviewed by the • Junior School girls must wear white ribbons Headmistress (or her delegate) and another in summer and green ribbons in winter. senior member of staff with the parent Scrunchies and headbands that match the or trusted adult present. During such an uniform fabric may also be worn. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 19

• Senior School girls wear black ribbons passengers, restrict noise levels and relinquish or scrunchies. their seats to adults. • Jumpers may be worn outside School only when covered by a blazer. Dealing with bullying • The Abbotsleigh school backpack must be used each day to transport books and Rationale belongings. The Abbotsleigh sport bag may All students and staff at Abbotsleigh have only be used to carry sporting equipment to the right to feel safe and happy at School. and from school. Abbotsleigh seeks to provide a safe and just • Girls must wear School uniform, not PE environment where a person’s actions reflect uniform or plain clothes, to and from School well on herself, her family and the School. and in Chapel and Assembly. Abbotsleigh’s policy on bullying is based on • Full school sports tracksuit may be worn current research and from surveys of students, travelling to School before 7 am or home after staff and parents. These examine the patterns 5 pm. At all other times, full school uniform and types of bullying across the School, with must be worn when travelling to and from particular attention to aspects such as location, School with the exception of swimming and frequency and teacher and administrative athletics carnival days. response to bullying. Research shows that in • All clothing must be marked with the medium level instances of bullying, practices student’s name. that develop empathy between parties are • Chewing gum is not allowed when girls are in most effective. uniform, either inside or outside the School. Definitions • The panama hat is to be worn when travelling to and from school in Terms 1 and 4. Junior School Bullying is a deliberate repeated intimidation, girls wear the winter felt hat in Terms 2 and 3. over time, of a physical, verbal, social, psychological or emotional nature that is Travel code displayed to a less powerful person or group When travelling to and from School, girls should of persons by a more powerful person or move with purpose by the most direct route. group. Moreover, the behaviour is regarded as In Wahroonga, they are required to take the unjustified, typically repeated and perceived directbroute to the station: by the target of the aggression as oppressive, • Crossing Coonanbarra Road must only take humiliating, frightening and disempowering. place at the pedestrian crossing. This may cause distress not only at the time of the attack, but because of the threat of future • Using the path next to the railway line. harassment, it may manifest itself as ongoing Using the overpass bridge at the Pacific • fear. It may impact not only the life/lives of the Highway. recipient/s, but also those who are witness • Not walking through the shopping centre. to the situation. Additionally, such behaviour • Girls should be aware of other pedestrians negatively impacts those perpetrating the and should take care not to obstruct their bullying behaviour. pathway. This means walking in single file Specific definitions on the pathway when members of the public are approaching. Verbal bullying may take one of the following forms: teasing, using offensive names, ridiculing There should be no loitering at any station and others and their achievements, spreading the girls should catch the first train to arrive. rumours, demanding money or possessions, Once on a train, there should be no changing making physical threats, verbally attacking of carriages. Girls must be courteous to other a person about their family, race or religion, 20 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

using mobile phones, SMS, email, web sites, Policy implementation notes, cartoons, graffiti and similar means of Junior School communicating messages that impact negatively 1. Reports of bullying will be investigated by on the wellbeing of others, using sexual the classroom teacher and Year Coordinator innuendo or remarks that are an affront to to determine the nature and extent of the another person’s sense of decency or privacy. bullying. All incidences of bullying will be Social bullying may take one of the following reported to the Deputy Head of Junior School forms: deliberately excluding others from and Head of Junior School. groups, refusing to sit next to someone, glaring 2. If the bullying is a less severe first offence, and making menacing gestures at another, any the classroom teacher and Year Coordinator form of alienation or ostracism, group sexual will follow up the incident as appropriate. harassment by older students of peers from the This may involve bringing the parties together same or opposite sex. to talk through the situation to encourage Psychological and emotional bullying may take positive reconciliation. The bully will be one of the following forms: causing someone to counselled to enable her behaviour to be feel afraid through intimidation, revealing highly modified rather than be disciplined. The girl personal or confidential information about the who has been bullied will be supported and student or student’s family, making threats or assisted to develop strategies to manage and manipulating the person’s emotions. prevent a repeat situation arising.The parents Physical bullying may take one of the following of both parties will be informed. forms: hitting, punching, kicking, biting, 3. If the bullying is a serious first offence, the scratching, tripping, pushing, spitting, taking, Deputy Head of Junior School and Head hiding, damaging or destroying another of Junior School and a classroom teacher student’s possessions or food, or any physically will interview the offender and the victim, rough handling of a person against their will. and the parents will be informed. There Policy statement will be appropriate disciplinary action and the bully will be counselled to assist her The School will take prompt action to address from reoffending. any incident of alleged bullying, taking into account the circumstances under which 4. If the same student repeats a serious act it is revealed, the context and time within of bullying, the Headmistress and Head the academic calendar. All members of our of Junior School will interview the alleged community are committed to ensuring a safe bully in the presence of her parents. Direct and caring environment which promotes consequences may include suspension personal growth and positive self esteem for all. or expulsion. Abbotsleigh will always approach each case Senior School individually. The School’s first priority is to 1. If the bullying is a serious first offence, the support the victim of bullying. The School relevant Dean, together with the Head of will provide support for the alleged offender. Boarding (in the case of a boarder) and the Incidents of bullying will be dealt with promptly Year Coordinator, will interview the alleged upon receipt of information. There will be a offenders and the victim, and the parents will sense of closure brought to the process with be informed. strategies and encouragement for all parties to 2. The School Counsellors will support move on. the students. 3. There will be appropriate disciplinary action and the bully will be counselled to assist her from reoffending. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 21

4. In the event of further offences by the same • Students are responsible for the general care student, the Deputy Headmistress will of their laptops. An appropriate protective interview the alleged bully in the presence bag or sleeve must be used when moving of her parents and the relevant Dean. Direct around the campus to prevent damage from consequences may include suspension drops or falls. Students must ensure that the or expulsion. laptop is always in a presentable state. Laptops should be fully charged overnight Preventive measures • providing a full day of power. Laptop chargers We believe that the key to discouraging bullying should not be brought to school as they lies less in legal remedies or disciplinary present a trip hazard in the classroom. action than in the School creating a culture in Charging lockers (FUYL Cells) are available in which this sort of abuse does not flourish; a key locations like the Library to provide extra culture that enhances self worth and builds power if required. caring relationships. For security, backup and flexibility all To this end, our Academic Care program in the important school data must be stored in Microsoft OneDrive. All students School provides a structure through which take responsibility for their own data students learn respect for others, the value of and must ensure that it is saved and relationships and the development of positive synchronised correctly. conflict resolution skills. Examples include: Health and ‘You Can Do It!’ programs, the • Students must ensure that they respect and adhere to the copyright of content wellbeing component of the tutor program, the that they store on their laptops. Illegal Peer Support and Peer Mentoring programs, copies of content and/or media files must peer relations components in Christian Studies, not be stored on laptops or on any school PDHPE and the Boarders’ City Family programs network service. and buddy program. Sympathetic supervision of students, especially in the playground, will • Students should be active in seeking advice from the IT Service Desk for any issues, encourage good relationships and prevent concerns or guidance. incidents. Professional development of staff and education programs for parents will build Junior School understanding and skills outlined in this policy. Students are reminded that personal mobile devices, including but not limited to mobile phones, smart watches and iPads, must not be School laptops brought to school. All students in Years 7-12 are part of the bring Senior School Your Own Device (BYOD) program. Students are reminded that personal mobile Junior School students have access to a school devices (e.g. mobile phones) must only be used supplied device. in a considerate and respectful manner as The following applies to all students with either determined by the School and should not be a BYOD or school supplied laptop: used to bypass controlled services supplied by the School while onsite. Girls in Years 7-10 Students are responsible for the general • should not use their mobile phones during security of their laptop at all times. When on recess and lunch, as these times are for face- campus students should lock their laptops to-face conversation. Mobile phones may only in their lockers between lessons or at times when it is not required. Common sense be used in class with teacher’s permission or and caution must be used to make sure the for instruction. laptop is safe and secure in other situations. 22 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Social media policy share content, participate in social networking or otherwise create online communities. Rationale Policy statement Social media is a communication tool which, 5. General Provisions like all tools, can be used responsibly or irresponsibly. Responsible use of social media 5.1 Abbotsleigh supports the use of age builds community and contributes to a positive appropriate social media. educational environment which fosters in 5.2 Abbotsleigh will collaborate with parents users critical thinking and social, technical and to educate girls in the responsible use of artistic skills. social media. Irresponsible use of social media may be 5.3 Written, graphic, audio and other materials damaging to Abbotsleigh’s reputation and the created, produced, communicated, stored reputation of members of the School community. or accessed on Abbotsleigh’s site are All members of Abbotsleigh’s community have subject to monitoring by the School. Such the right to feel happy and safe at school and to materials created or distributed using have the privacy of their personal information Abbotsleigh’s devices or networks are the respected. Abbotsleigh also has rights property of the School. associated with its good reputation 6. General Student Provisions Policy objectives Students must not: This policy has been created to: 6.1 Use social media to bully, intimidate, abuse, harass or threaten others. For clarity, this a. Encourage responsible use of social media. provision forbids: b. Set standards of behaviour regarding a. Nasty, malicious or hateful comments social media use which are consistent with directed at another person. Abbotsleigh’s values including respect for a person’s rights to privacy, to feel safe and to b. Publishing private information about maintain their good reputation. another person. c. To safeguard Abbotsleigh and individuals c. Engaging in exclusive behaviours, such from unknowingly breaching criminal or as unfriending, that causes hurt to general laws relating to: negligence, privacy, another person. indecent behaviour, misuse of a means 6.2 Use social media to cause damage of communication, misleading conduct, to Abbotsleigh’s reputation, or to the copyright or defamation. reputation of a student, employee, parent or Policy scope other member of Abbotsleigh’s community. This Policy applies to social media use 6.3 Create, receive, transmit or deliberately at Abbotsleigh on School devices or access inappropriate or offensive material. personal devices. Inappropriate or offensive material includes, but is not limited to, material To the extent that Abbotsleigh’s duty of care which is threatening, sexually explicit, for students extends beyond the School offensive, defamatory or discriminatory or premises and after school hours, Abbotsleigh material that may be harmful physically or may have a legitimate interest in a student’s psychologically to a person. social media use outside school hours and on a personal device. For the purpose of this Policy, 6.4 Ask for, create, receive or distribute (send, social media includes all forms of electronic post or otherwise transmit) explicit images communication enabling users to create and of themselves or another person. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 23

6.5 Capture an image or sound recording of 7.6 For serious matters involving breaches of a person or group of people without the the law, the School will inform the police or express permission of the person or group. other regulatory bodies. 6.6 Use or distribute an image or sound recording of a person or group without the Acceptable use policy express permission of the person or group. For student access to computer facilities and 6.7 Create a social media account in another information and communication services. person’s name. Computer use for students 6.8 Access another person’s social media account including with permission. It is compulsory for all students and their parents to sign an Acceptable Use Policy 6.9 Invite members of Abbotsleigh’s staff to join (AUP), which outlines the School’s policies on their personal social networking site. computer use. Students who have not signed the 6.10 Send private messages to an Abbotsleigh AUP will be unable to use the School’s computer staff member on a social networking site. facilities. The form is available via the parent 6.11 Use a social networking or other site to portal on AbbNet. damage the good name of the School or a Introduction member of staff. The School provides students and staff with 7. Junior School Student Provisions Junior access to a range of technologies and services School students: to enhance teaching and learning, including: 7.1 May not access School social media • onsite and take home laptops/tablets accounts on Abbotsleigh devices.Are not • SMARTboards and classroom permitted to use mobile phones or personal interactive devices internet access devices at School. • video conferencing 7.2 Are not permitted to create or use a social printing and scanning media account on a commercial platform • as, in most cases, doing so will be unlawful • external data sources, mainly via the internet by breaching a contractual term with the • an Abbotsleigh email account provider. This provision includes expressly, • internal data sources and files located on AbbNet accounts registered on behalf of someone • remote home access to AbbNet, email and aged under a prescribed minimum age. If cloud services the School becomes aware of a student creating or using an account unlawfully, it Supervised and unsupervised use may choose to report to the parent or the The School provides computer services in host organisation. supervised and unsupervised areas to provide opportunities in and outside of class time. 7.3 Breach Provisions A breach of a provision of this Policy Students are expected to exercise a strong may result in: degree of responsibility based on the AUP to avoid unnecessary or inappropriate use in 7.4 Disciplinary action under student behaviour both scenarios. policies, or other Abbotsleigh’s policies including the Anti-Bullying Policy and General computer use Acceptable Use Policy. While the School makes every reasonable effort, it cannot control the nature of material 7.5 A student’s rights to use the School’s written and/or printed by students. An technology resources being restricted undertaking is required from each student that or withdrawn. 24 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

school facilities will not be used to produce or Policy details view offensive, inappropriate or illegal material. 1. A student shall not knowingly access Access to computer systems and services information inappropriate for educational is a privilege, not a right; all privileges imply purposes, which is of an illegal, obscene responsibilities. Our AUP has been framed in the or offensive nature as determined by light of relevant legislation in this area so that the School. students wishing to make use of the facilities 2. A student shall not prepare, print, record, will be aware of their responsibilities. It is hoped publish or transmit information, which is that the policy will encourage responsible use discourteous or disrespectful towards an both within and outside the School. The policy individual, school or other organisation or is prohibits plagiarism and encourages responsible of an illegal, obscene or offensive nature, as and ethical conduct. determined by the School. Electronic mail Parents should share the responsibility and internet usage details may at any time for teaching safe and ethical behaviour on be inspected by the School for the purpose computers and the internet. of checking its content. Electronic mail is Internet filtering not guaranteed to be private – do not reveal personal details. Content filtering facilities aim to prohibit access to inappropriate material based on the 3. Students must be cautious in the use presence of keywords and/or web addresses of of social media to prevent anyone’s known inappropriate sites. Abbotsleigh blocks personal details from being divulged and individual sites which have been determined it should be used responsibly to support by the School to be inappropriate. However, academic programs. Abbotsleigh does not support intensive dynamic 4. A student shall not divulge her own logon blocking primarily because these services information nor attempt to connect frequently restrict access to sites which contain to the network with a username and suitable educational material, particularly for password belonging to another student or those in middle and later years. Abbotsleigh’s staff member. filtering system supports students making 5. A student shall not attempt to access or alter ethical decisions regarding appropriateness. files belonging to other students or staff, Email scanning networks or portable storage devices unless Email scanning detects the use of inappropriate such access or alteration is authorised by the language and attachments in email person or organisation owning those files. communications. Parents and students need to 6. A student shall not use the School’s be aware that all student email can be scanned computer system or computers to download, for inappropriate language and attachments. install or distribute illegally copied software, Students must make sure that the School’s videos, music or data. communication services are used appropriately 7. Students shall not install software that at all times. specifically bypasses copyright protection or Remote access is designed to illegally share files and data. Students can connect to the School’s computer 8. Students have access to printing facilities system, onsite and cloud networks remotely. throughout the School. Students should only Students, staff and parents need to be aware print material that is for class submission that the same AUP details apply when using or research. All printing is monitored and any Abbotsleigh network service or device from abuse of this facility may be charged to the home or any other offsite location. student’s account. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 25

9. A student using the School’s computer Privacy legislation systems to obtain information for inclusion Abbotsleigh collects and holds personal in her work must record the source of that information. The School has in place procedures information and acknowledge its origin in the to protect the personal information it holds from bibliography, and shall not make use of that misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification information in any manner which may infringe or disclosure. copyright laws. Abbotsleigh may collect personal information 10. The School does not accept responsibility about you from time to time for the purpose for the accuracy or nature of information of documenting the history of the School obtained through connection to external and informing the Abbotsleigh community computer communication services, nor about our history, activities and events. This does it accept responsibility for information can include photographs taken at School transmitted by or printed by students. and/or Old Girl functions, sporting events, 11. Students must take responsibility for or any other Abbotsleigh function. The equipment assigned or loaned to them to primary outlet for the use of photographs and ensure it is not lost or damaged. information will be School publications and the 12. Unless instructed by a staff member, the use Abbotsleigh website. of any recording devices (video, still, or audio, Photographs and information will not be used for including mobile phones), either personally other purposes without prior consent. If you do owned or school owned, must only be used not wish your information or image to be used in with agreement by the Abbotsleigh student the manner described above, please contact or staff member being recordedand must not the School. be transmitted or published in any forum or media without prior consent. 13. Personal mobile devices (e.g. mobile phones) must only be used in a considerate and respectful manner as determined by the School and should not be used to bypass controlled services supplied by the School whilst onsite. 14. A student breaching this policy may: i. have access to these facilities restricted or withdrawn and/or ii. be subject to disciplinary action iii. be liable to legal action or prosecution if that abuse of the facilities is considered to be an act of a damaging or criminal nature. 26 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Working With Children Check Risk warnings The safety and welfare of students are of fundamental importance to Abbotsleigh. The Non-sporting activities School and its employees, contractors and Abbotsleigh organises many activities such as volunteers have legal obligations relating to debating, orchestra, choir, during the course of a the safety, protection and welfare of children. year. Some of these are organised in conjunction Abbotsleigh’s employees are required to with the Association of Heads of Independent Girls’ maintain a current Working With Children Schools NSW (AHIGS) and Independent Primary Check (WWCC) clearance as a condition of Schools Heads of Australia (IPSHA). Students employment and receive regular, comprehensive participating in these activities take part in practice child protection training. and in competitions. Parents of children enrolled at Abbotsleigh who Abbotsleigh, AHIGS and IPSHA administer volunteer at the School or who participate in and convene inter-school activities in which excursions with the students beyond the school, many students, including students of this require a Volunteer WWCC clearance and must school, participate. submit their WWCC clearance number to the Abbotsleigh, AHIGS and IPSHA also expect parents, Abbotsleigh HR Department (hr@abbotsleigh. spectators and other participants to behave in a prior to volunteering. safe and responsible manner, to comply with the A parent who, for any reason, forms a concern Codes of Conduct and to set a good example for regarding the welfare of a child should address the girls. the matter confidentially to the Head of School While Abbotsleigh, AHIGS and IPSHA take or Headmistress. measures to make the activities as safe as Acquiring a volunteer WWCC clearance reasonably possible for participants, there is a 1. Complete the application at the Office of risk that students can be injured and suffer loss Children’s Guardian website. (including financial loss) and damage as a result ( of their participation in these activities, whether at practice or in actual events. 2. Present your WWCC application number and proof of identity document to an officer at a Such injury can occur while the student is engaging Service NSW (Motor Registry) branch. in or watching a non-sporting activity, or travelling to and from the event. The injury may result from a 3. Once your application is assessed, the student’s actions, the actions of others, the state of Children’s Guardian will email you the the premises or equipment failure (e.g. a collapsed outcome and your WWCC clearance number. stage during a debating competition). 4. Email your WWCC clearance number, your On some occasions, an injury can be serious date of birth and the WWCC clearance expiry (such as torn ligaments, dislocations, back date to Abbotsleigh’s Human Resources injuries, concussion or broken bones). In very rare Department. ([email protected]) cases an injury can be life threatening or result in permanent disability. Students could also suffer loss as a result of their personal property being lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 27

Sporting activities Students could also suffer loss as a result of their personal property being lost, stolen, Abbotsleigh organises many individual and damaged or destroyed. team sporting activities during the course of a year. Some of these are organised in conjunction with IGSSA, a sub-committee of the Association of Heads of Independent Girls’ Schools NSW (AHIGS) and Independent Primary Schools Heads of Australia (IPSHA). Students participating in these sporting activities take part in practice and in competitions. Abbotsleigh, AHIGS and IPSHA expect students to take responsibility for their own safety by wearing compulsory safety equipment, by thinking carefully about the use of safety equipment that is highly recommended and by behaving in a safe and responsible manner towards team members, opponents, spectators, officials, property and grounds. Abbotsleigh, AHIGS and IPSHA also expect parents, spectators and other participants to behave in a safe and responsible manner, to comply with the Codes of Conduct and to set a good example for the girls. While Abbotsleigh, AHIGS and IPSHA take measures to make the sporting activities as safe as reasonably possible for participants, there is a risk that students can be injured and suffer loss (including financial loss) and damage as a result of their participation in these sporting activities, whether at training or in actual events. Such injury can occur while the student is engaging in or watching a sporting activity, or travelling to and from the event. The injury may result from a student’s actions, the actions of others, the state of the premises or equipment failure. On some occasions, an injury can be serious (such as torn ligaments, dislocations, back injuries, concussion or broken bones). In very rare cases an injury can be life threatening or result in permanent disability. If a student has a pre-existing injury, participating in a sporting activity could result in an exacerbation of that injury. 28 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Junior School information 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 29

Junior School map

Security For security purposes all parents and visitors are to firstly report and sign in at Junior School reception. You will then be issued with a visitor’s badge. Please return to Junior School reception when you leave so that you can sign yourself out and hand the visitor’s badge back to the Receptionist.

Junior School staff Specialists Ms N Hunt BEd(EC) MEd Classroom Teachers Head of Junior School Miss B Black BEd(Primary) Ms S Ruston MEd BEd GradDipEdStud DipTeach MACE Mrs J Blowes BSci DipEd Deputy Head of Junior School Mrs J Colman BA DipEd TC Mrs C Gaspersic BEd (Primary) Miss N Di Bernardo BEd(Primary) Mrs J Galvin BTeach BA(Primary)(Hons) Coordinators Mrs K George BEd(Primary) GradCertTESOL Transition to Year 2 Mrs P van Bussel MEd(SpecEd) GradCertInclEd MEd (maternity leave) BEd(ECE) GradDip(SpecEd) MACE Ms N Hunt BEd(EC) MEd Year 3 Mr M Keating BA DipEd MACE Mr M Keating BEd DipEd MACE Year 4 Miss B Black BEd(Primary) Mrs M Lim BA DipEd (maternity leave) Year 5 Mrs K George BEd(Primary) GradCertTESOL Miss A Love BA BEd (Primary) GradCertInclEd MEd Mrs J Maffey BEd DipTeach MEd Year 6 Coordinator Miss S Matters BA DipEd Miss S Matters BA DipEd MEd(GiftedEd) MACE MEd(GiftedEd) MACE Ms E McMahon BPsySc(Hons), MTech(Primary) Enrichment Ms C Alker BA(Psyc)h DipEd GradCertRE Head of Junior School Music Mrs H Luck Mrs R Mitchell BEd(EC) BMus(Music Education) Mrs C Oates BMus(Perf) MTeach(Primary) PDHPE Mr P Guirreri BH MSGragDipEd Grad Cert RE GradDip(EdStudInt) 30 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Miss K Pollock BPsych BEd (Primary) Science Miss D Salt BEd(Primary) Mrs S Burnett BSc MEd Mrs J Spencer BEd BTeach Mrs J McCarthy BSysAg GradDipEd Mrs R Tang BEd(Primary) Dr C Preston MEd Bsc DipEd PHD MACE Mrs A Thomson BEd(ECh Prim) Med (maternity leave) Science Integrator Mrs Melissa Tilbrook BEd Dr I Gunesekere BSc(Hons) BSc(Hons)PhD Mrs S Vincent BSc(Hons) PostGrad CertEd Visual Arts Specialists Miss L Keyter BA(Ed) GradDipArts(Ed) Christian Studies Junior School Counsellor Mrs C Galea BEd (Primary) Mrs J Olsson BPsych(Hons) DipPsych PracGradCert Mrs A Soper BEd(Lib) MA Junior School Digital Learning Innovators EAL/D Mr J Adams BA GradCert Prime Ed Mrs S Eriksen BTeach CertTESOL Mr D Knott BA HigherDipEd French Mrs K Jacobs BA(Hons) PostGrad CertEd Junior School Administration Chinese Executive Assistant to Head of Mrs M Urwin BCom DipBus BTeach DipTeach MMgt MEd Junior School Ms J Beaumont-Hunt DipVA Literacy Specialists Mrs H Oweis BEd DipTeach Administration Coordinator DipLeadMnmt Ms B Porter BEd(Primary)(Hons), MEd (maternity leave) Mrs D Sellars Mrs R Robertson BA Media and Comms MTeach Receptionist Mrs P van Bussel MEd(SpecEd) BEd(ECE) Mrs L McKenzie BA Hospitality GradDip(SpecEd) MACE Teachers’ Assistants Teacher Librarians Mrs J Buckingham-Shum DipCoT BA(Psyc)h DipEd Ms C Alker Mrs S Carrington BEd (Primary) Mrs H Futcher BEd DipTeachTC COGE Mrs A Cherry Mathematics Mrs E Della-Libera BA LLB CertIIIEdSup CertIVBusAdmin Mr J Adams BA GradCert PrimeEd BComm CA GradDip GradCertEdStud Mrs C Gaspersic BEd BTeach Mrs R Manuel MTeach PGCE (SpecEd) Ms S Southan BA(VisArt) MSpecEd MTeach(Primary) Mrs M Ryan BA(HumanMovement) Music Miss H Staniland BFineArt Head of Junior School Music Mr M Wood BEd (Primary) Mrs S Wood BEd (Primary) Mrs H Luck BMusEd Mrs L Keller BMusEd LTCL ATCL AMusA Library Technician Ms A Napier BMus MMus CertTeach Mrs A Dela Cruz BLibSc Physical Education PDHPE Coordinator Mr P Guirreri BH MS GradDipEd Mrs M Penn DipTeach Miss G Scott BEd 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 31

Before and After School Care Early Learning Supervisor ELC Director Miss P Charalambous BAdv Science Mrs S Laycock DipTch(ECE) Assistants ELC Educational Leader Mr A Abbott Mrs L Davies BEd(ECE) BTeach(ECE) DipChildServices Mrs L Beck Early Learning Educators Miss J Cunningham Miss B Cappello BTeach Dip Chns Serv and Mrs J Marscham Cert IV Train Assess Support Services Miss S Chiha Dip ECE & C Mrs W Davey Cert III Cleaning Mrs M Doull DipFineArts, DipTch Mr J Antonio Ms C Drury BECT DipChildServices Mr A Hunt Mrs P Greene BEd(Thailand) DipChildServices Cert III Mr B Kelly Ms K Jantrasri Cert III, DipChildServices Mr Y Lim Mrs I Jegadheesan Dip ECEd Mr A Ryan Mrs K Kwon AdvDipChildServ BEd ECE Mr J Stirling Miss M Lao Cert III ChildServices DipChildServices Maintenance Mrs S Lee BECTeach DipInterpret(LOTE) Mr P Eden Mrs L Mathews BEd (ECE) Mrs A McKenzie BTeach Grounds Mrs E Puscas MTeach(EC) BEC DipChildServices (Leave) Mr H Field Mrs C Surendra BTeach(EC DipComServices Tuckshop (ChildServices) Mrs M Powell Mrs J Whelan BA Cert III EC Mrs S Whiting DipTeach(Primary) Cert III EC Ed and care AbbSchool Early Learning Centre Chef AbbSchool Supervisor and Mr S Batchelor BA(SportsCoachingandAdmin) Cert III Holiday Program Coordinator Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) Ms C Chan BMgt(Sport&Ex) Level 1 Coach) Accurate at time of printing January 2021. Ms J Clough 32 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

General information Facilities 22 Woonona Avenue Each class in the Junior School is housed in an Locked Bag 1666 architecturally designed space, light filled and Wahroonga NSW 2076 airy with access to state of the art technology, Telephone 61 2 9473 7700 as well as smaller teaching spaces, which allow [email protected] for small group activities. Each classroom from Transition to Year 4 has networked computers Abbotsleigh Junior School caters for girls from and access to laptops and iPads. Each girl in Transition to Year 6 in an academically rich Years 5 and 6 has one to one access to a laptop environment. Each girl is encouraged to strive at school. Printers and SMARTboards are towards achieving her potential in many fields available in all teaching spaces. Digital cameras of endeavour. The vision and the direction of and scanners are also available. the Junior School are the responsibility of the Head of Junior School, Ms Sally Ruston. The Everett Hall and the Lower Everett Space are curriculum broadly follows that prescribed used for assemblies, meetings, music, dramatic for primary schools by the NSW Education performances and parent functions. Extended Standards Authority (NESA) and is aligned with tuition lessons such as drama and dance are the Australian Curriculum. also held in these spaces and in our dance studio. The campus also features the Palmer The welfare of each girl in the Junior School Library, science room, music rooms, individual is the responsibility of her class teacher who practice rooms and an Art Centre, as well as a supervises both academic and general progress. heated outdoor pool, oval, tennis and The class teacher is supported in this endeavour courts, and playgrounds. by the Year Coordinator, School Counsellor, Deputy and Head of Junior School as the Structure of school day circumstances dictate. Girls should arrive at school from 7.50 am as The Junior School is organised into 20 classes the school playground is supervised from this each with its own full time class teacher. In time. Girls attending activities that commence addition to this, there is a Transition class before 7.50 am should report immediately to the for 4-5 year old girls. Specialist teachers are teacher responsible. Students arriving before employed to teach Christian Studies, French, this time will be signed into Before School Care Chinese, Music, PDHPE, Science and Visual and charged accordingly. Arts. There are also Teacher Librarians, IT and Science Integrators, a Mathematics Specialist 7 am Before School care starts and Literacy Specialist Teachers. A Counsellor is 7.50 am Playground supervision starts also available should the need arise. 8 am Ideal arrival time and Library opens All classes to Year 4 are of mixed ability and 8.20 am K-6 students commence grouping occurs within the class to facilitate the 8.30 am Transition students commence best learning outcomes for the girls. Classes in 10.30 am Recess Years 5 and 6 are grouped in streamed classes 10.50 am Middle session commences according to general ability and English, with 12.45 pm Lunch girls able to move to separate classes for 1.40 pm DEAR/BAM commences Mathematics lessons where necessary. A full academic program, an extended tuition program 2 pm Afternoon session commences and many co-curricular activities are provided. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 33

Dismissal times daughter has a music lesson that day. Notes 2.30 pm Transition addressed to the classroom teacher explaining 2.50 pm Kindergarten the cause and dates of the absence must be 3 pm Years 1 and 2 brought to the class teacher on the morning 3.10 pm Years 3 and 4 the student returns to school. Girls absent for 3.20 pm Years 5 and 6 more than two days should supply a doctor’s 4 pm Library closes certificate on return. 6.30 pm After School care closes Late arrival and day leave Homework Late arrival to School is strongly discouraged as Homework is given for Monday, Tuesday, this places the girls in a compromised situation Wednesday and Thursday nights with where they have missed the important first the exception of girls in Transition and instructions for the day. Girls who arrive after Kindergarten who are expected to read at 8.20 am must come to Junior School Reception home with parents. Girls are encouraged to to notify us of their safe arrival, and have read or discuss current events in addition to their name removed from the absentee list. their set homework. Students are expected to Transition girls must be taken to their class complete the following minimum amount of teacher by the parent or carer. written homework each night: Requests for absences of a day’s duration or Year 1 10 minutes Year 2 20 minutes less must be applied for online through the Year 3 30 minutes Year 4 40 minutes Abbotsleigh parent app or the Parent Portal at Year 5 50 minutes Year 6 60 minutes least five working days prior to the appointment. It is expected that routine medical, sporting Homework is set to develop strong study habits and dental appointments will be made outside and to reinforce learning that has occurred school hours. When leave is unavoidable and during the day. While parent encouragement a student departs during school hours, it is and support is welcomed, at no time should imperative that a parent or guardian signs the parents do their daughter’s work. Should your student out at Reception. daughter experience problems, it is essential the teacher is aware of these difficulties via a note Extended and special leave in the diary. Similarly if your daughter is having The School’s curriculum is an extremely full difficulty completing the set tasks within the one which moves at a fast pace and thus above timeframe, please notify her teacher. special leave is only granted in exceptional circumstances. Any work due during the time of Absence and leave absence must be submitted prior to departure. Girls are required by law to attend school from The class teacher will not be expected to give the first day to the last day of term, including private tuition for work missed. Any tests missed Speech Day. The girls have generous holiday will not be given on a girls’ return. Extended periods throughout the year and it is expected and special leave requests of one day or more that trips are taken wholely within term breaks. must be made via the Abbotsleigh parent app at Sick leave absences least two weeks prior and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Sick leave absences should be advised to the school by 8.30 am via the Abbotsleigh parent Whom to call or email app. Select the ‘Absent’ icon on the front page of • Illness: Girls will not be excused from the app, then select ‘Absent today’. Compete the PE lessons without a note details and click ‘Notify’. Please also remember • Lateness: Reception before 9 am to notify the Music Tutor by 7 am if your • Messages: Reception (urgent matters only) 34 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

• Classroom matters: Classroom teacher, Year is unsupervised and heavy vehicle deliveries Coordinator, Deputy Head of Junior School or are made to this location in the mornings. Head of Junior School Afternoon pick up procedure • Personal matters and major incidents: (T, K-3 and Year 5) Head of Junior School Girls in Transition, Kindergarten, Years 1, 2, 3 and 5 Travelling to and from school and any siblings in Years 4 and 6 can be picked up from the lower carpark area (see page 30). Safety in the carpark • Girls will be waiting in the apron area of the Student entry and departure from the campus is carpark with the supervising teacher. fully supervised each school day. To ensure this, • As your daughter sees you entering the it is essential that drivers maintain patience and carpark she will be directed by the teacher vigilance in using drop off areas and carparks. on duty to walk around and stand beside the Transition and Kindergarten girls may feel more corresponding bay. comfortable if parents park and walk to the Please remain in your vehicle, with your classroom with their daughter early in Term 1. • family name clearly displayed on the Morning drop off procedure windscreen. The Junior School enjoys an undercover drop • If your daughter is not immediately available off and carpark facility located adjacent to the for pick up, drive off and rejoin the line by roundabout at the end of Woonona Avenue. In going out of the carpark and around the the morning it is expected that all girls travelling roundabout or pull into a parking bay if one is by car will be dropped off in this carpark area. available. You must then either rejoin the line of traffic or walk to collect your daughter. She Proceed into the carpark, keeping left. • will not be allowed to walk to a parked car. • There are five kurbside drop off points. • You must not stop in the line of traffic. Girls may alight from the car when you are adjacent to one of these posts. Afternoon pick up procedure (Years 4-6) • Please ensure that you drop off at the Girls in Years 4 and 6 can be picked up in the farthest point around the circle to ensure Upper Carpark which is accessed via Everett that the traffic flows through as quickly Way (off Woonona Avenue, see page 30). as possible. • Girls will wait at the pick up area with the • Bags and equipment should be inside the supervising teacher. car so girls can alight quickly and traffic is not • Please drive your car as close to the exit as held up while items are retrieved from possible and have your family name clearly the boot. displayed on the windscreen. Girls should exit to the left hand side of the • • The teacher will direct your daughter to move vehicle and walk around the footpath area to the car when you are adjacent to the pick to the stairs in order to enter the playground. up area. Please remain in the vehicle. Parents are expected to remain in the car. • • If your daughter is not immediately available • If you need to visit the School, pull into a for pick up, drive off and rejoin the line by parking bay that is not reserved for ELC going out of the carpark. or staff. • Do not stop in the line or double park. • Please ensure that you drive with extreme care in this area. For the safety of all, there is a 5 km speed limit. • YOU MUST NOT OVERTAKE at any time. • Do not drop off in the top carpark as this area 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 35

If you wish to park and walk to collect your Before and After School Care daughter from the Bundarra Front Gate, please Before and After School Care operates each day observe the following: of term. The opening hours are from 7-8.15 am in • THE WOMBAT CROSSING is to be used at all the morning and 2.30-6.30 pm in the afternoon. times in Woonona Avenue. Contact Before and After School Care via email • DO NOT allow your daughter to cross the on [email protected] or by phone road at any other point. on 02 9473 7622, Monday to Friday. • DO NOT park, pick up or drop off in the ‘no Before School Care parking’ areas or bus zones on either side of Children are signed in each morning. Breakfast the crossing. is served at around 7.15 am. Unstructured play • DO NOT pull into the School entrance drive is encouraged as well as a variety of structured or Poole House drive for the purpose of activities such as art, craft, sport, drama and music. parking, turning or reversing. After School Care Students not collected by 3.40 pm will be taken Children are signed in each afternoon. A light, to After School Care. You will thus have peace nutritious snack will be served and homework of mind knowing she is in safe hands. Her time commenced. A variety of structured activities spent there will be charged to you. such as art, craft, sport, drama and music Bus service are organised daily. Unstructured play is encouraged and a second afternoon tea for Abbotsleigh operates a private bus service those staying late is provided. on four routes. Girls are expected to remain seated with their seat belt done up at all times throughout the journey. Courteous and Holiday programs respectful behaviour is always expected. Holiday programs are held throughout the year. See page 9 for more details. Details are available in the AbbSchool brochure, Route to and from the station on the School’s website or by phoning 02 9473 7827. Girls are expected to behave at all times in a quiet, orderly and courteous manner that reflects well on themselves, their family and the Positions of responsibility School. Girls are encouraged to walk in pairs Positions of responsibility give opportunity or small groups to the station and must cross for leadership and service for girls from at the wombat crossing outside the front gate. Kindergarten onwards. The list below details the The route then follows the footpath around into nature of the positions and the duration. Warwilla Avenue to the pedestrian crossing Elected each year: School Captain, School Vice adjacent to the Scout Hall. They proceed along Captain, Crusader Leader, Athletics Captain, the path near the railway line behind the shops Cross Country Captain, Gymnastics Captain, to the station. They may not walk through the Tempus Editor, Music Captain, Ski Captain, shopping centre. Prefects are on duty along Swimming Captain, Tennis Captain. this route. Girls are expected to board the first Elected each semester: House Captain, House available train and should not loiter on the Vice Captain, Library Captain, Service Committee, railway station. Once on the train, there should Stage Crew and Library Monitors. be no changing of carriages. Girls must be Elected each term: Class Captain, Class courteous to other passengers and relinquish Vice Captain and Student Representative their seats to adult passengers. Council members. 36 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Co-curricular The Years 5 and 6 Handbell Choirs are open to girls in Year 5 by invitation. Year 6 music programs continues from Year 5. Students must attend all weekly rehearsals. Music The Junior School views all students as Bands musicians. There are three avenues for The Band Program begins with the Year 3 participation and developing skills in Music: Instrumental Program, where students have the class based program, the co-curricular and weekly group lessons on a brass or woodwind extended tuition programs. instrument. In Semester 2, these girls, and other In the class based program, girls perform, beginner players learning privately, join to form compose, notate and listen to music. They learn our Beginner Band. These students perform about duration, pitch, dynamics and expressive at the end of year Year 3 Soirée. Additionally, techniques, tone colour and structure. A the following band performance opportunities combination of Dalcroze, Kdodaly and Orff are offered: based ideals are used to give students a variety Bundarra Band is an intermediate band open to of learning experiences. At the core of these all girls who take private lessons, at school or activities, the good use of voice and musical from home. The weekly band rehearsals develop literacy is paramount. ensemble and sight reading skills while also The co-curricular program extends students by being a training ground for the Concert Band. providing weekly rehearsals and performance Concert Band is open to all advanced players opportunities in a variety of string, band and who have reached a competent standard of choir groups. Students taking private lessons playing, which includes sight reading and on a musical instrument at home or at school musical interpretation. Girls in this ensemble are strongly encouraged to join an ensemble. must also take private lessons at school or Ensembles are listed below and rehearsal times from home. can be found in the timetable at the back of Girls who have demonstrated outstanding the School diary. contributions to the Concert Band are invited to Choirs join the Brass Belles, Clarinet and Saxophone Abbotsleigh Junior School has seven choirs Ensemble, Flute Ensemble, Percussion to cater for the various levels of chorister Ensemble, Trombone Ensemble or the enthusiasm and skill. The Infants Choir and Symphony Orchestra. Primary Choir are compulsory choirs, which Strings ensures that all girls from Kindergarten to Year 6 present choral items in assembly, chapel and An extensive and diverse String Program is at a variety of school services and events. offered to Junior School girls from Kindergarten onwards and includes the following ensembles: Archdale Choir is open to all Years 3 and 4 students, who are prepared to commit to Year 2 Instrumental Program Monday lunchtime rehearsals. The Year 2 Instrumental Program is an introductory string program, providing the opportunity for Everett Choir is open to all girls in Years 5 every girl to learn the violin, viola or cello and to and 6, who are prepared to commit to weekly understand the benefit of regular practice and the Wednesday morning rehearsals. joy of contributing to an ensemble. Cantare is a select choir. Invitation to this Year 3 Instrumental Program ensemble is based on progress and contribution in class and other choirs. The Year 3 Program is an extension of the Year 2 Program and is a platform for curious students 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 37 to try new instruments. While violin, viola and Sport cello continue to be offered, it is in the Year 3 Program that students can learn the double IPSHA Saturday Sport Program bass, flute, clarinet, French horn, trumpet or trombone. Students may then elect to take Junior School girls participate in the weekly inter private lessons in the Extended Tuition Program school Saturday Sport program offered by the at school or with a private tutor at home. Independent Primary School Heads of Australia Once students have private lessons, they are (IPSHA). IPSHA Saturday Sport is available to encouraged to join a string or band ensemble. all girls in Years 3-6 and runs for all four terms of the year. The emphasis in Saturday Sport The range of String ensembles listed below is on fun, skill development and healthy inter is designed to ensure that students of school competition in a supportive and safe diverse abilities and experiences can make environment and these outcomes have seen music collaboratively. numbers soar in recent years. Bambini Strings is a string ensemble for all Whilst Saturday Sport is not compulsory, students in the Year 2 Instrumental Program as we strongly encourage all girls to participate well as Year 1 and Kindergarten who take private regardless of previous experience or skill level lessons at school or externally. The minimum and offer the following options: technical requirement for this ensemble is to Term 1 Years 3-6 football (soccer); Year 4, 5 be able to play open strings rhythmically and • and 6 flippa ball and Year 5 and 6 correctly without teacher support. • Term 2 Years 3-6 netball; Years 3-5 minkey; Poole House Strings is an ensemble best suited Year 6 hockey for students in Years 3 to 6 who play between an AMEB Preliminary to Grade 2 standard. • Term 3 Years 3-6 AFL; Years 3-6 touch football Chamber Strings is an ensemble which caters Term 4 Years 3-6 ; Years 3-6 T-20 for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 and who • blast ; Years 3-6 tennis and Tennis play at an AMEB Grade 2 standard and above. Hot Shots Symphony Orchestra is a large ensemble of Training is provided once a week by specialised more than 50 musicians who have achieved an coaching staff supported by class and PDHPE AMEB Grade 3 equivalent or above. teachers. Every girl who registers to play will In addition to these large ensembles, girls who be placed in a team, irrespective of ability or contribute to any of the above ensembles are previous experience (except for water polo/ considered for a chamber ensemble. Chamber flippa ball and tennis where there is selection groups are designed to extend our most able criteria). All girls wishing to participate need to players. These smaller year group ensembles of be available for weekly training sessions and trios, quartets or quintets are established and Saturday morning matches. Weekly training for based upon student ability as demonstrated Saturday games is held on the Junior School annually through audition and exemplary campus on the following days: contribution to the larger ensemble. • Years 3 and 4: Thursday (3.20-4.30 pm) • Year 5: Wednesday (3.20-4.30 pm) • Year 6: Monday (3.20-4.30 pm) For wet weather information pertaining to IPSHA Saturday Sport fixtures, please download the IPSHA app. This app has all the information needed, including venue information and maps. It can be downloaded to any device. Information 38 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

about venue closes will also be notified via the diving and swimming teams which represent Abbotsleigh parent app where possible. Abbotsleigh at major IPSHA carnivals with the opportunity to continue progression along the Saturday Sport for Year 2 representative sport pathway. Our ‘friendly’ Saturday Sport program is offered to Year 2 girls in Semester 2 (Terms 3 The Infants girls (K-2) have their turn in Term and 4). These sessions are designed to assist 2 with girls competing in the Infants Athletics in preparing the girls for the IPSHA Saturday Carnival and again in Term 4 with the Infants Sport competition when they enter Year 3 as Swimming Carnival. well as develop overall skills and to foster a Other sporting opportunities love of sport and physical activity in a fun and Each year we host our own interschool supportive setting. swimming and diving carnival at our wonderful In term 3, Netball NSW deliver their popular Aquatic Centre facility in Term 4 with a large NetSetGO program and this is followed by touch squad of established and up and coming football sessions for our girls. The foundations swimmers selected to compete. Our athletics of football (soccer) and minkey will be delivered team also has the opportunity to compete at the by experienced coaching staff in Term 4. Barker Athletics Invitational in the lead up to the All sessions are conducted on the Junior School IPSHA Athletics Carnival. Campus from 8-9.30 am on Saturday mornings In Terms 3 and 4, girls can attend weekly throughout Semester 2. Saturday afternoon training sessions with Representative sport pathway trials our Artistic Gymnastics squad. Sessions are conducted in the Senior School gymnasium Girls who demonstrate exceptional ability of under specialised coaching staff. Girls can then a representative standard will be invited to progress to the IPSHA Gymnastics Carnival in represent the school at various sport trials and Term 4. carnivals. These occur throughout the year with progression from IPSHA to CIS (combined We also enter teams in the Interschools independent schools), NSWPSSA (NSW all Snowsports competition in the July school schools State Championship) and SSA (School holidays each year with pathway progression Sport Australia National Championship) levels. to state and national level championships. This event alternates between Thredbo and Perisher Pathway sports include AFL, basketball, cricket, resorts each year. football (soccer), golf, hockey, netball, , tennis and touch football. Girls can also represent the School at equestrian and mountain bike events throughout the year. School-based carnivals Girls in Years 3-6 can participate in the Junior Each year, friendly rivalry and competition School singles and doubles tennis competitions abounds at our annual sporting carnivals. In which take place in Term 3. Term 1, girls in Years 3-6 participate in swimming IPSHA NSW Sport Mission Statement and diving trials followed by our Primary School Swimming Carnival. The Primary Cross Country IPSHA NSW Sport provides sporting Carnival is also held in Term 1. Girls in Years opportunities and pathways for primary 3-6 will participate in Athletics Trials in Term students in all independent schools where the 2 followed by the Primary Athletics Carnival in Head of Junior School is a member of IPSHA, Term 3 which is held at the Athletic Centre at NSW Branch. IPSHA NSW Sport has as its Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush. core principles: Girls are selected from these school-based • Provision of a range of age appropriate sporting opportunities for students that carnivals to form our athletics, cross country, focus on broad and inclusive participation 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 39

• Quality learning experiences that are fun • If a player is sent off during the game, a one- and provide skill and fitness development week suspension is recommended. through enjoyable participation • Thank the opposition and officials at the end • Encouragement of teamwork, positive of a game engagement, commitment, resilience and a Spectators’ code of behaviour love of sport • Provision of a well organised program of games and carnivals where a • Children play organised sports for fun. competitive spirit is underpinned by fairness They are not playing for the entertainment and integrity of spectators only, nor are they miniature professionals. • Provision of a pathway to CIS, State and National level competitions in a wide variety • Applaud good performances and efforts of sports for students, coaches, managers from each team. Congratulate all participants and officials upon their performance regardless of the game’s outcome. Codes of behaviour for school sport (Based on IPSHA Aims and Principles of Junior • Respect the officials’ decision. School Sport and Aussie Sport) The role of the • Never ridicule or scold a child for making a host school / convenor is to be clearly defined mistake during a competition. (i.e. responsibilities re provision of umpires, • Positive comments are motivational and referees, sportsmanship, barracking, courtesy encourage continued effort. etc.) Host School (i.e. staff, children and parents) • Condemn the use of violence in any form, be should welcome visitors to the school grounds. it by spectators, coaches, officials or players. Players’ code of behaviour • Show respect for your team’s opponents. • Play by the rules. Without them there would be no game. • Encourage players to follow the rules and the Never argue with an official. • officials’ decisions. • Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials • Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by or other players, deliberately distracting or not using foul language, harassing players, provoking an opponent is not permitted in coaches or officials. any sport. • Comments should not interfere with the Work equally hard for yourself and/or for your • running of the game. team. Your team will benefit, so will you. • Focus on the efforts and performance of the Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays, • children rather than the result. whether they are by your team, opponent or the other team. Praise is encouraged at all levels. Complaints concerning the conduct of games should not • Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat be made during or after the game. They should be referred to one’s Head of Junior School and • Treat all players as you would like to be any action should be left to his/her discretion. treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take Under no circumstances should parents unfair advantage of another player. • Co- contact schools directly. All grounds must operate with your coach, teammates and be kept clean – litter must be placed in the opponents. Without them there would be no competition. bins provided. • Place in proper perspective the isolated incidents of unsporting behaviour rather than make such incidents the ‘highlight’ of the event. 40 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Junior School activities girls competes on Friday evenings in Term 3. Additionally girls in Years 5 and 6 are able to Art Club build their debating skills by attending Debating The Art Club meets once a week for an hourly Squad Training. No previous experience is session. Individual and collaborative projects are needed, just a willingness to work as part of a undertaken as students explore a variety of art team and to present clearly spoken arguments. forms. Girls in Infants and Primary may participate. Environment Club The Environment Club plans and implements Book Club initiatives that assist in the protection of the For girls who are keen to share their passion for environment. The girls also take responsibility reading with peers, the Book Club is an ideal for tending our Kitchen Garden herbs and opportunity. Meetings occur once a week at vegetables and these are regularly eaten at our lunchtime and are open to girls in Years 3-6. Harvest Celebrations. The Infant’s program, Chess Club Envirominis, meets on Thurdays, while the Chess Club meets on Friday afternoon to Primary group, Environment Club, meets on enable girls to participate in friendly games, Tuesdays. Both groups meet over lunchtimes. coaching sessions and competitions. Kids’ Lit Quiz Abbotsleigh Junior School participates in the Kids’ Lit Quiz is for girls in Years 5 and 6 NSW Interschool Competition, held Fridays after interested in preparing for an inter-school school during Terms 2, 3 and 4. literary competition which celebrates wide Crusaders – Primary reading. Tryouts are held in Term 1 for this Crusaders meets every Wednesday lunchtime. competition, which is held annually in March. Girls enjoy learning about Jesus through the Bible talks, playing games and participating Latin Club Latin Club meets on Thursday afternoons of in craft activities. All girls from Years 3 to 6 are welcome. Terms 1 and 2. The club aims to provide girls with an insight into Ancient Roman culture and da Vinci Decathlon language, through games, music and hands-on Girls in Years 5 and 6 interested in preparing for experiences. Girls from Stage 3 are welcome the Knox da Vinci Decathlon, a problem solving to attend. competition covering multiple disciplines, held near the end of Term 2, meet on Monday Maker Ed lunchtimes in Terms 1 and 2. A range of maker education activities are offered to girls from K-6 throughout the year. Debating Activities range from tinkering and constructing Girls in Year 4 may join the Year 4 friendly with K’nex and using simple tools, electronic debating group. This group gives the Year 4 girls components and craft materials through to an opportunity to start developing debating coding and robotics. skills. The group meets one afternoon each week at school in Terms 2 and 3. Maths Games Maths Games is run outdoors one lunchtime a Girls in Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to week. Older students are be involved in running join one of three debating groups. The IPSHA the games and encouraging ‘You Can Do It!’ debating competition for Year 5 girls competes behaviours in younger students. The purpose during school time on Friday afternoons during is for the students to be engaged in strategy Terms 2, 3 and 4. The ISDA competition for based games in a fun and social context. Year 6 girls competes on Friday evenings in Terms 1 and 2. The SDN competition for Year 6 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 41

Maths and Science Club SRC The Maths and Science Club is held once The Student Representative Council is a student a week and is run by the Mathematics and run body that allows girls in the Junior School Science Specialist Teachers. Girls in Years 3-6 to be involved in the decisions directly affecting are invited to submit an investigation idea at them. The SRC meets once a fortnight on Friday, the beginning of the year. Selected students with the alternate week set aside for class then work on their investigations at school and meetings where issues are raised for discussion. at home for two terms. Tempus Mini CRU – Infants Tempus is the student online newspaper with Mini CRU meets on Tuesday lunchtimes. contributions from girls in both the Junior and Led by staff and Year 6 students, girls Senior Schools. Girls meet one lunchtime each learn more about the love of God and Jesus week to write their submissions. through activities, craft and songs. All girls in Kindergarten to Year 2 are welcome. Philosophy Club Philosophy Club meets on Monday afternoons of Terms 3 and 4 for girls in Years 5 and 6. Girls think, speak, listen and absorb, while talking about philosophical topics and discussing opinions, facts, conflicts, philosophical differences and possible solutions. Photography Club Photography Club is for girls in Years 3-6 who are interested in taking photos and then editing them in different ways. The groups meets one lunchtime each week in Term 3. Production A production will be performed in June and is open for audition for all girls in Year 3 to 6. Rehearsals will commence in Semester 1 and will be held on Friday afternoons from 3.30-5.30 pm and Saturday afternoons from 2-4.30 pm. Service Group The Service Group meets on a regular basis to ensure service projects are enacted and supported throughout the Junior School. Activities include collecting and announcing the funds raised each week to support the eight World Vision sponsored children and conducting activities to support the School’s identified service focus. 42 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Health promoting school School materials In order to ensure your daughter’s best All textbooks, exercise books and stationery interests are being met, we adhere to the items are pre-ordered by parents in the following policies: October of the preceding year through • Sun hats No hat, no play. Campion Education, and delivered to the girls at school on the first day of the new year. Any • Sunscreen Due to allergic skin conditions, it is the responsibility of parents to supply additional requirements needed throughout sunscreen. the year are the responsibility of parents. All stationery needs for Transition are provided. Health services Any girl who comes to • Only the Abbotsleigh bag or the black cloth Health Services has her name and treatment excursion bag is permitted on excursions. Girls recorded. We do not expect girls to arrive at will also need the hard folder that comes with school unwell. Parents will be phoned and asked to collect girls immediately if this is the excursion bag. the case. If a girl becomes ill during the day, parents may be asked to collect her. Tuckshop procedures Medication The tuckshop provides nutritious food approved by the NSW Health Promoting School Canteen These guidelines must be followed if your Association. Orders must be placed online. In daughter is receiving any medication: AbbNet, click on the apple icon, or go to 1. Any medication must be accompanied by Students can still detailed instructions, from the student’s purchase recess and lunchtime treats over medical practitioner. the counter. If your daughter has come to 2. All medication should be given directly to the school without her lunch, she will be given Junior School Receptionist. Your daughter is an ‘emergency lunch pack’ with the amount responsible for arriving at Health Services at borrowed entered into her diary. Parents the designated time for her medication. are asked to sign the diary and return the 3. Ongoing medication should be sent in weekly amount owing to the tuckshop the following doses only. Ensure that directions and your school day. Parents should not bring forgotten child’s name and class are clearly written on lunches to school. the medication. 4. Girls requiring puffer sprays may keep these Celebrating birthdays with them provided that it will not cause harm We recognise each girl’s birthday in Assembly on if accidentally taken by other students. The the week closest to the date. Additionally, some need for these sprays must be recorded on girls enjoy sharing their birthday by providing a the medical form. treat to class peers. Should parents wish for this 5. Girls requiring an Epipen for anaphylaxis to occur, please assist by ensuring that there are must carry and Epipen at all times. sufficient treats for all girls in the class and that treats do not include lollies, sweets, ice creams Emotional wellbeing is also a component of or nuts. Wherever possible, please portion items Health Promoting Schools, so please notify the for easy distribution. Head of Junior School if your daughter needs extra care. The School Counsellor and Chaplain are available to the whole school community. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 43

Library requirements Parents in the library All classes have a regular library lesson each We value assistance with book covering each week during which information and literacy week on Tuesday mornings. Book covering skills are developed and the girls may borrow working bees are held regularly. resources. The library is also open from 8 am, Please direct any enquiries to each lunchtime and until 4 pm each day. Patrice Marchbank, Teacher Librarian. One of the aims of the library is to encourage Junior School girls’ use regular borrowing and you are asked to assist your daughter with this so she may develop of the Betty Archdale good reading habits. Girls require a library bag (Senior School) Library (available from the uniform shop) to protect the Girls in Year 5 and 6 may access and use the resources and may borrow items for two weeks. facilities in the Abbotsleigh Research Centre Resources may be borrowed over the term and Betty Archdale Library on the Senior breaks, but not over Christmas. School campus during term time until 6 pm on weekdays. Girls not collected by 6 pm will be Items able to be borrowed transferred to Junior School After School Care • Transition: one fiction or non-fiction and charges will apply. Please note that the • Kindergarten: One fiction and one non-fiction Betty Archdale Library is for research, studying • Year 1: two fiction and one non-fiction and borrowing. It is NOT a child minding facility. • Year 2: two fiction, one non-fiction and one audiobook Use of technology • Year 3: two fiction, two non-fiction, one All Kindergarten to Year 12 girls and parents are magazine and one audiobook expected to sign and return the Acceptable Use • Year 4: two fiction, two non-fiction, one Policy before girls will be allowed to access the magazine and one audiobook technology. A copy of this policy can be found • Year 5: two fiction, two non-fiction, one on page 23 of this handbook or in the Student magazine and one audiobook Diary. It is each student’s responsibility to use • Year 6: two fiction, two non-fiction, two Abbotsleigh’s online resources in an appropriate, magazines and two audiobooks, plus two ethical manner. books for buddy reading Overdue or lost items Use of mobile phones When a book is overdue, a letter will be sent home To ensure the girls’ physical and emotional to parents. If the book remains lost, a second safety, the policy in the Junior School involves reminder will be sent, which includes a payment the girls not using mobile phones at school. request for the missing item. The replacement When girls find themselves in circumstances cost will need to be made should the item not be placing them outside their usual routine, their returned. Parents are welcome to borrow items best source of help is a responsible adult. When from both the parent and general collections. at school this is the classroom teacher. When travelling by train this is the guard or station attendant. When walking in public, a shop assistant is a suitable person to approach. If concerns arise after school then we have the resources of our After School Care staff. When a child is in distress a responsible adult needs to be physically present. An unanswered mobile 44 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

phone or a parent at some distance is unable to provide this safety or reassurance. A ringing mobile phone during lesson time or in an assessment task is disruptive to the teaching and learning for all girls. Also, when the girls are upset their first reaction is to make contact with parents. As parents are at a distance, we want to encourage each girl to look initially to herself to solve a problem. If this is not possible then of course she must speak with her class teacher to help her find a resolution or pathway forward. Text messaging and taking photos with a mobile phone are also most intrusive and the latter can cause legal difficulties in relation to the Privacy Act. A further cause for concern is that we do not have secure or lockable spaces in the Junior School for the girls to keep safe such valuable equipment. Loss or theft brings with it heartache for all concerned. In addition to the above, students are asked not to bring smart watches, iPads or any other internet connected devices to school.

Junior School Houses The Junior School retains the three original Houses named after early explorers. Lawson was added in 1989 and Blaxland was introduced in 1999. The houses are: Blaxland (blue) Sturt (yellow) Lawson (green) Wentworth (purple) Macquarie (red)

Lost property Please label all items of clothing and bags clearly. Any property handed in is gathered in a lost property box in the library. Unnamed property is sent to the second hand clothing pool for resale or to charity. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 45

Senior School information 46 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Senior School map

Security For security purposes all parents and visitors should firstly report and sign in at Senior School reception. You will then be issued with a visitor’s badge. Please return to Senior School reception when you leave so that you can sign yourself out and hand the visitor’s badge back to the Receptionist.

Senior School staff Executive Assistant to Deans Mrs E Bennett Senior School Administration Officers Deputy Headmistress and Head of Senior School Ms A Brownlee, Ms C Darley, Ms C Hindmarsh Mrs V Rennie BA (Hons) GradDipEd MACE MACEL Dean of Middle School Ms A Fell BSc DipEd MACE Indigenous Support Officer Mrs H Hilton Cert III EC Dean of Senior College Archdale Miss I Royston Christian Studies MEd BAppSc(HMS-Ed) GradDipMaths AssocDegEdStudies MACE Head of Dept Rev S Hobba BSciMTeach Bth/DipMin Head of Boarding Mrs Fairleigh BA(Hons) Mrs P Butterworth (Assistant Chaplain) BDiv BAGradDipEd Dean of Senior College Mrs L Andrawes BEd MA Mrs A Ware BEd DipTh MACE Mr B Hunt BTh MTeach Head of Senior School Administration and Staff Mrs A Lim BADipEd MA(ApplLing) Relations Mr R Willis BA DipEd MA MACE JP DipBible/Miss GradCertLearnDiffSuppTeach Administration Mrs M Selby BA DipEd CAANSW Executive Assistant to the Deputy Headmistress Rev J Stoddart BA BDiv DipEdMinistry and Head of Senior School Mrs R Gentle Mrs A Ware BEd DipTh MACE Executive Assistant to the Head of Director of Mr R Willis BA DipEd MA JP Wellbeing and Counselling and Director of Learning Innovation Mrs E Mannix 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 47

Drama Languages Head of Dept Ms C Roche BA DipEd Head of Dept Mrs C Helbert BA(Hons) DipEd Mr D Owens BATheatreArts DipEd MAPerfArts (sick leave) Mrs B Beilharz Dipl Biol (Germany) MSc GradDipEd Ms B Palmer BA Ed Mrs V Bell BA MTeach Mr X Bernard BA BEd English Mrs J Hammerton BA DipEd Head of Dept Mrs K Hinkley BA DipEd Dr M McVeigh BA(Hons) MA DipEd PhD Assistant HOD Mrs G Black BTeach(Sec) BCA Ms M Muehlenbernd PGCE(UK) MEd Mrs J Carlisle BA DipEd Cert IVMinistry Ms H Simic DipEd Dr K Carter BA(Hons) GradDipEd GradCert(ScrWrt) PhD Mrs M Sorrell BEd Mr D Chalwell BA BEd Mrs M Urwin BCom DipBus BTeach Mr B Colnan BInt & GlobalStudies MTeach Mrs A Dunnett BA GradDipEd GradDipHum Library Ms N Junor BA BEd (Maternity leave) Head of Dept Ms T Moore BEd MACEL MDIA Mr B Kriedemann BA(Hons) DipEd Mrs C Ferguson DipLib Ms J Meenahan BA(Hons) DipEd Ms C Oliver BSocSc(Psych) BTeach(Sec) Dr M Nosworthy BA MEd PhDCreatArts Mrs A Sparks BEd MEd (Teacher Librarianship) Mrs M Rowe BA MEd Mrs E Tang BA DipEd MEd(Teacher Librarianship) Miss I Trayner BEd BA Mrs L Wilkinson Cert III LibinfoServices Miss K Weathersten BA MTeach Mathematics HSIE Head of Dept Ms B Wrightson BSc MA MAppFin MACE Head of Dept Mr S Kelleher BA DipEd Assistant HOD Mrs T Kennedy BEng(Hons) BEd Assistant Head of Dept Mr M Goodyer BA DipEd Mrs K Allan BSc DipEd ITC(Hons) PrelimTheologyCert(Hons) History Mrs C Burke BEd Cert IV DigitalMedia MEd Mr T Bruce MA(Hons) Mr D Dubosarsky BA MTeach Ms C Butler BA LLB DipEd MEd Mr P Garside MSc BSc(Hons) DipEd Miss S Donaldson BA DipEd Ms G Humphries BBusAnalytics BEd Mrs J Kerr BA(Hons) PGCE Mrs S Israel BSc GradDipEd GradDipSc Miss R Liang BA BEd Mrs M Jordan BSc(Hons) GradDipEd MA(Ed) Mr R Willis BA DipEd MA MACE JP Mr J Klimes BSc DipEd MEd(ICT) Miss A Zervos BA DipEd Mrs D Liang BA BAcc MTeach(Hons) CA Social Sciences Miss I Royston MEd BAppSc(HMS-Ed) GradDipMaths AssocDegEdStudies MACE Head of Dept Mr S Kelleher BA DipEd Mr I Smith BEng DipEd Mrs R Black BA DipEd GradCertCouns Mrs J Soutar BEd (PhysEd and Maths) Ms E Clyne BEc GradDipEd (Sec) Mrs N Terry BSC GradDip Ed Mr D Brindley BEc(Hons) GradDipEd MEc(Research) Mrs A Thomas BEng DipEd Miss J Cane BA BEd Mr B Thomas BSci DipEd Mrs J Collins BA BTeach PostGradDipBusMgt Mr J Garrett BA Bed Music Mr M Goodyer BA DipEd Head of Music Mrs L Clarke BMusEd(Hons) Miss S Laing-Peach BA DipEd (Maternity leave) Music Administrator Ms M Yamamoto BMusEd(Hons) Mrs J Mathews BA DipEd Ms L Keller BMusEd LTCL ATCL AMusA Miss S MacLeod BEc(SocSc) GradDipEd Mrs I Little DipMusEd AMusA LTCL ATCL Mrs D Webster MTeach(Science) BLiberalStud Ms S Lucas BMus MTeach Student Education Services Careers Mrs S Pinter BMus(Hons) MTeach(Sec) Mrs M Selby BA DipEd CAANSW Mr H Sdraulig BMus(Hons I) ADipMusA 48 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Composer in Residence Creative Arts, Design and Innovation Mr H Sdraulig BMus(Hons I) ADipMusA Head of Dept Mrs M Faith MMuseumSt DipArtEd PDHPE Assistant Head of Dept (TAS) Ms C Stubbs BEd (Secondary) BDesignTech Head of Dept Mr S Bultitude BHealthScience in HM GradDipEd Assistant Head of Dept (VA) Ms A Armstrong BAVisualArt Mrs S Evans BA(Hons) PGCEGradCertBehavSc GradCertCareersEd MSpecEd TAS Mrs J Everingham BEd(HumanMvt) BCompSc DipEd Mrs C Haymen BA(Human Mvt) GradDipEd(PDHPE) Mr A Antonio Ms J Hurll BHealthScience GradDipEd Mr D Dunstan MEd DipTeach Ms J Kelly BEd(Hons) DipEd Mr S Hewes BEd Mrs B Robertson BEd(PhysEd) Mrs A Squance BEd Mrs J Taylor BAppSci GradCertPHE BTeach ( Mrs V Staas BEd maternity leave) Ms J Wheelahan BDesign BEd Ms R Whitting BA(HumanMvt) and Health Ed TAS Assistant Mrs Cait Sharpe Mr R Winslow BEd(Secondary HMHE) Visual Arts Science Miss V Dominello MVisArt BEd(Art) GradDip(VisArt) Head of Dept Mr T Cameron BSc DipEd Assistant HOD Mrs A Neville B LArch Dip Arts:BTeach Dr E Russell BSc(Hons) CertEd PhD Mr S Smith BA(Hons) PostGradCertEd, MFA Mrs S Beard BScAgr(Hons) GradDipEd Ms A Welyczko BFineArts MTeach (Secondary) Mrs B Beilharz Dipl Biol (Germany) MSc GradDipEd Visual Arts Assistant Ms S Heymans BFA(Hons) Mr X Boucher BSc BEd MFA(Research) Ms L Davidson BMedSc DipEd Ms A Fell BSc GradDipEd MACE Dr M Fuchs DipBiloge GradDipEd PhD Dr J Hart BSc(Hons) GradDipEd(SecSc) PhD Dr S Mehta BTech(Hons) GradDipEd MTech PhD Dr B Oppenheim BA(Hons) CertEd PhD Miss J Parker BSc(Hons) PGCE Dr S Nair GradDipEd PHD(Phil) MHumNut Mr L Taylor BSc BTeach(SecEd) Mrs M Taylor BSc DipEd MSpEd (LSL) Ms R Thomson BSc(Hons) DipEd Laboratory Manager Mr I Berzins Laboratory Technicians Mrs H Atkins BSc DipEd DipBusAdmin, Mrs Z Chacty DipAppSc, Mrs S Narenthiran BTech MSc Learning Support Mrs S Evans BA(Hons) PGCEGradCertBehavScGradCert CareersEd MSpecEd Mrs J Hammerton BA DipEd Mrs A Lim BA DipEd MA(AppLing) DipBible/Miss GradCertLearnDiffSuppTeach Mrs J Murray BSc(Hons) Mrs M Selby BA DipEd CAANSW 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 49

House tutor groups Senior College Archdale Dean Isobel Royston Middle School Dean Alison Fell Year 9 Year Coordinator Ms C Butler Year 7 Chisholm Black Mrs R Varcoe Year Coordinator Mr D Chalwell Chisholm Gold Mr T Bruce Chisholm Black Ms G Humphries Franklin Black Mr S Bultitude Chisholm Gold Mr L Taylor Franklin Gold Dr I Savvides Franklin Black Mrs V Staas Gilmore Black Ms H Simic Franklin Gold Rev P Butterworth Gilmore Gold Mr R Winslow Gilmore Black Miss I Trayner Melba Black Dr S Nair Gilmore Gold Mrs C Battikha Melba Gold Ms B Palmer Melba Black Mrs A Neville Prichard Black Mr B Kriedemann Melba Gold Mrs B Robertson Prichard Gold Mrs J Everingham Prichard Black Mr B Colnan Richardson Black Mrs G Black Prichard Gold Mrs M Jordan Richardson Gold Mr J Klimes Richardson Black Miss K Weathersten Tennant Black Dr M Nosworthy Richardson Gold Mrs M Rowe Tennant Gold Dr J Hart Tennant Black Miss J Parker Wright Black Miss S Macleod Tennant Gold Mr B Thomas Wright Gold Mr X Bernard Wright Black Ms V Dominello Wright Gold Mrs N Terry Year 10 Year Coordinator Year 8 Miss I Royston/Miss S Laing-Peach Year Coordinator Mrs C Haymen Chisholm Black Mrs I Little Chisholm Black Ms J Hurll Chisholm Gold Ms B Wrightson Chisholm Gold Ms T Moore Franklin Black Mr M Goodyer Franklin Black Mrs K Allan Franklin Gold Miss J Cane Franklin Gold Ms N Wang Gilmore Black Mrs J Collins Gilmore Black Mrs J Wheatley Gilmore Gold Mrs S Pinter Gilmore Gold Mr B Hunter Melba Black Mr J Dunk Melba Black Ms J Kelly Melba Gold Mrs D Liang Melba Gold Mr A Antonio Prichard Black Mrs L Clarke Prichard Black Mr J Garrett Prichard Gold Mr X Boucher Prichard Gold Ms A Welyczko Richardson Black Mr S Kelleher Richardson Black Mrs A Dunnett Richardson Gold Miss S Donaldson Richardson Gold Mr I Smith Tennant Black Mrs J Mathews Tennant Black Mrs R Black Tennant Gold Mrs V Rennie Tennant Gold Mrs A Sparks Wright Black Mrs B Beilharz Wright Black Ms A Armstrong Wright Gold Mr T Cameron Wright Gold Ms R Thomson 50 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Senior College Dean Annette Ware

Year 11 Year Coordinator Mrs J Kerr Chisholm Mrs J Hammerton Franklin Ms M Muehlenbernd Gilmore Miss A Zervos Melba Rev S Hobba Prichard Mrs A Squance Richardson Mrs J Carlisle Tennant Dr S Mehta Wright Mr S Hewes

Year 12 Year Coordinator Mrs A Ware Chisholm Mr R Willis Franklin Mrs T Kennedy Gilmore Mrs S Israel Melba Dr M Fuchs Prichard Ms C Oliver Richardson Dr B Oppenheim Tennant Mrs S Evans Wright Dr E Russell Accurate at the time of printing, January 2021. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 51

General information Contacting the Senior School The Deans of Middle School Archdale and Please direct requests and concerns to the Year Senior College oversee the academic care of Coordinator, or appropriate Dean if the issue is the girls. They are assisted by Year Coordinators of a general nature. For specific subject issues, and House Tutors. The Director of Studies please contact the relevant Head of Department oversees the academic progress of the girls and or Head of Curriculum. Direct contact should not is assisted by the Heads of Department and be made with teaching staff except via email. teaching staff. The Deputy Headmistress/Head Messages to be conveyed to Senior School girls of Senior School oversees the running of the should be done through SAO on 02 9473 7797. Senior School structure, staffing and program. Senior School girls bringing mobile phones The Chaplain oversees the spiritual life of the to school should keep their mobile phones School. The girls attend Chapel once a week and switched off during lesson times. Senior School special services are held at Easter, Christmas students may use their mobile phones in the and other occasions. Boarding concerns school grounds before and after school hours as should be directed to the appropriate Boarding safety dictates. Coordinator and/or the Head of Boarding. The It is not acceptable to disturb or interrupt a boarding facilites and program are overseen by teacher or a class either in person or by texting the Head of Boarding. or phoning your daughter. Academic matters Senior School: email the subject teacher and Head of Department Pastoral matters Senior School: email the Tutor and Year Coordinator or appropriate Dean 52 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 53

Boarding School information Hosts must sign the boarder in and out and pick up girls from houses and deliver them back to Abbotsleigh has about 170 boarders who the staff member on duty for all weekend leave. welcome being invited out for a day or a weekend, or to get a lift to sport. The safety of Read – Years 7 and 8 our girls is paramount and so we have a strict Staff on duty 9473 7887 Mobile 0400 035 865 procedure for girls who wish to take leave. The Students 9473 7891 below information may help if you would like to McCredie – Years 9 and 10 take a boarder out on leave. Staff on duty 9473 7884 Mobile 0400 035 849 Parents must give permission for all weekend Students 9473 7898/7897 leave their daughters take from the Boarding Wheeldon – Year 11 School. Please contact the boarder’s parents Staff on duty 9473 7886 Mobile 0400 035 861 regarding weekend leave. Students 9473 7894/7895 Boarders must submit their requests for leave Wheeldon – Year 12 to their Boarding Coordinator by 5.30 pm on the Staff on duty 9473 7889 Mobile 0400 409 772 Wednesday prior to the weekend for which leave Students 9473 7892/7893 is requested. Host leave forms must be filled in before taking the boarder out and these can be accessed online on the boarder leave button on the front page of the website. Leave permission is completed by 8 pm on Thursday. It is of the utmost importance that these deadlines are met or leave may not be granted.

The structure of the Senior School day Monday and Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Period 1 8.20-9.35 Period 1 8.20-9.35 Period 1 8.20-9.35 Period 1 8.20-9.35 Period 2 9.40-11.00 Period 2 9.40-10.55 Period 2 9.40-11 Tutor 7-8 Recess 11.00-11.20 Recess 10.55-11.15 Recess 11-11.20 Chapel 9-10 9.40-10.10 Period 3 11.20-12.35 Period 3 11.15-12.30 Period 3 11.20-12.35 Recess 11-12 Tutor 12.40-1.10 Assembly 12.35-1.15 Tutor 9-12 Recess 7-8 12.40-1.10 Lunch 1.10-2.05 Lunch 1.15-2.05 Chapel 7-8 Recess 9-10 10.10-10.40 Period 4 2.05-3.25 Period 4 2.05-3.25 Lunch 1.10-2.05 Chapel 11-12 Period 5 3.25 Period 5 3.25 Period 4 2.05-3.25 Period 2 10.40-11.55 Period 5 3.25 Period 3 Noon-1.15 Lunch 1.15-2.05 Period 4 2.05-3.25 Period 5 3.25 54 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Absence or leave Arrival and departure The School curriculum is an extremely full one In travelling to and from the School, girls should which moves at a fast pace and thus leave is move with purpose by the most direct route. In only granted in exceptional circumstances. It is Wahroonga, they are required to take the direct a legal requirement that students attend school route to the station: on all gazetted school days, including Speech • Crossing Coonanbarra Road must only take Day. Please note that a medical certificate place at the pedestrian crossing. will be requested should a student be absent • Using the path next to the railway line. from Speech Day without leave having been • Using the overpass bridge at the Pacific granted. Term dates are published on the Highway. School website well in advance. It is expected • Not walking through the shopping centre. that routine appointments be taken outside the • Girls should be aware of other pedestrians regular school day. Additionally, as the girls have and should take care not to obstruct their pathway. This means walking in single file on generous holiday periods throughout the year, the pathway when members of the public are it is expected that trips are taken wholly within approaching. term breaks. Submissions for Day Leave must be made five days in advance, while submissions There should be no loitering at any station and for Extended Leave must be made 14 days in the girls should catch the first train to arrive. advance. Please note that not all leave requests Once on a train, there should be no changing will be approved. of carriages. Girls must be courteous to other passengers, restrict noise levels and relinquish Student ansences and leave their seats to adults. All notifications of student absence (including sickness on the day) and requests for leave must be made through the Abbotsleigh parent app. Health services Late arrival to school is strongly discouraged The Health Centre is situated adjacent to Gate and must be accompanied by a note from the 16 on Lucinda Avenue. parent, an email or a phone call to SAO as above. The School Sister is trained in child and On arrival, students must report to SAO before adolescent health. She is available to provide: proceeding to class. • Health care to boarding students including Requests for day or part day absence due to referrals to allied medical and health medical or dental appointments must be made professionals. Emergency first aid treatment to day girls at least one day before the appointment via the • and staff. Abbotsleigh parent app. If leaving before the end of the school day to attend an appointment, The School Sister also works in a team with students must report to SAO prior to departure. other members of the School pastoral care team consisting of School Counsellors, Year Coordinators, Heads of Schools and the Head of Boarding. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 55

If a student becomes ill during the day she and should not be used to bypass controlled should report to SAO. An assessment of services supplied by the School. During the her condition will be made and if necessary, school day, mobile phones must be switched off her parents will be contacted regarding her in class unless otherwise directed by teacher. It condition and arrangements made for transport is expected that any expensive equipment, either home. If the student is a boarder, she will privately or school owned, will be locked in the be transfered to the Health Care Centre for student’s locker when not in use. treatment. If emergency first aid is required the School Sister will be notified. Lost property Health Promoting Schools Please label all items of clothing and bags Abbotsleigh is proud to be a member of the clearly. Contact SAO in the first instance. Girls Health Promoting Schools Association (HPSA). may also contact their Tutor regarding lost Assemblies and seminars are held and articles property. published in The Shuttle that promote good health among students and staff. A committee meets regularly to address relevant issues. Betty Archdale Library In particular, girls and staff are asked to wear The senior library is located in the ARC hats and sunscreen while outside in the sun. (Abbotsleigh Research Centre), which is also home to AbbSearch, the research arm of Abbotsleigh, the Thurles Thomas Archives and After school tutorials Visual Arts Centre. After school tutorials are available in many subjects including English, Mathematics, Borrowing Science and Social Science. Details may be • Books can usually be borrowed for two obtained from Year Coordinators. The library and weeks and may be renewed online using multimedia rooms are open: ‘My Details’. Monday to Thursday 7.30 am-8.30 pm • There is generally no limit on the number of items borrowed. Periodicals and DVDs can be Friday 7.30 am-6.30 pm borrowed for one week. • Interlibrary loans are available for staff and Lockers senior students. Everything possible must be kept locked in Opening hours lockers during the day. Girls should not disclose Monday to Thursday 7.30 am-8.30 pm their secret locker number to anyone. Musical Friday 7.30 am-6.30 pm instruments can be kept secure in the music school. A locked locker where only the student Contact phone numbers knows her PIN is the only safe place to store valuables. Valuables may also be given to SAO or If parents need to contact the library after hours, Year Coordinators to mind during the day. please phone 02 9473 7775. According to the IT Acceptable Use and Social If there are any issues relating to the library, Media Policies signed by students, personal please contact Ms Terri Moore on 02 9473 7774 mobile devices (e.g. mobile phones, laptops) or [email protected]. must only be used in a considerate and respectful manner as determined by the School 56 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Library volunteers • Chamber Choir Parents and students provide a valuable • Vocal Ensemble service by assisting in the library and new • Vox 12 helpers are welcome. Contact Ms Terri Moore on • Clarinet and Saxophone Ensemble [email protected] or • Brass ensemble (advanced and intermediate) 02 9473 7774. • Percussion Ensemble Library Aides are usually from Year 7. They ‘work’ Guitar ensemble in the library once a week at lunchtime. In Term 1 • each year, these girls undergo a training course, • Flute Ensemble which culminates in them being awarded a • Recorder Consort badge and house points. • Various Chamber Ensembles Other groups that assist the library are girls Students are encouraged to discuss with the doing their Initiative Pennant and those in the Music staff their individual interest, appropriate Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. Library ensemble and requirements. Placements in staff are extremely grateful for the enormous auditioned ensembles typically occur at the start assistance that is provided by our volunteers. of each Semester. However, students are welcome to self-nominate and contact the ensemble Music director at any time throughout the year. The Abbotsleigh School music philosophy views Music extended tuition all students as musicians. Our aim is to provide Extended tuition (or instrumental lessons) exciting and excellent opportunities for every is taught throughout the school day for the student to explore and engage with music. following instruments: bassoon, cello, clarinet, There are three avenues for the study of Music organ, euphonium, flute, French horn, guitar, including the curriculum (classroom) program, double bass, oboe, percussion, piano, singing, the co-curricular (ensemble) and the extended saxophone, trombone, trumpet, tuba, tuition program (instrumental lessons). violin and viola. Co-curricular activities The co-curricular program offers a multitude of ensembles and performance opportunities to our musicians. All students taking private lessons on a musical instrument (externally or through the Abbotsleigh) are encouraged to participate in an ensemble. The following ensembles are on offer at the Senior School: • Symphony Orchestra • Camerata (advanced) • Sinfonietta (intermediate) • String Ensemble (intermediate) • Symphonic Winds (advanced) • Concert Band (intermediate) • Jazz Band • School Choir 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 57

A guide for parents d. Lessons are taught during the school day. There are often questions that arise as music They are timetabled on a rotational basis lessons begin each year. We hope that the so that students will not miss the same following overview may be of help in dealing school class more than twice per term. Fixed with these. For more detailed information lessons are available for students in Years please refer to the AbbSchool Music Booklet 11 and 12 or those that are at an advanced or contact the Music Administrator at level. Fixed lessons require the Director of [email protected]. Music’s approval and are subject to teacher In order to achieve the utmost from availability. instrumental/vocal tuition, a girl should enjoy e. In the Junior School, we only offer 30 minute her choice of instrument, be motivated to lessons. Senior School students may enrol in practise, participate in a range of school 30, 45 or 60 minute lessons. ensembles and have a close working relationship Music students are expected to: with her teacher.Student responsibilities • bring their instrument, music and Gold Book • Practise on a regular basis. to each lesson • Years 6 to 12: Check the music noticeboard • check their lesson time against their school for lesson times each week. commitments (excursions, assessments etc) • Ensure that the Gold Book is taken to • contact their Instrumental Teacher if there every lesson. are any issues with their weekly lesson time • Notify the teacher the day before if unable to Instrument hire is available for most instruments attend the lesson either due to sickness or a taught at Abbotsleigh. Please contact the school interruption. Music Administrator at musicadministrator@ Parent responsibilities for more information. • Encourage your daughter to practise Please note that personal student instruments regularly. must be individually insured. • Discuss with your daughter’s tutor or the Absences Music Administrator any concerns you may Non-attendance at a scheduled lesson due to: have regarding your daughter’s progress, • illness attendance etc. • a school event Program overview • assessment a. Learning an instrument is a long term goal. It will be offered a make-up lesson if 24 hours’ is expected that students will commit for the notice is given to the teacher concerned. length of the calendar year. Notification must be via phone call or text/sms. b. Students will have a total of 32 LESSONS per Make up lessons are not provided for any other year with the opportunity for extra lessons if absence or if notice was given within 24 hours. requested. Musicianship c. Lessons are organised in packages of a. Musicianship lessons are offered to students EIGHT PER TERM to allow for teacher in the Senior School and are recommended to flexibility to schedule lessons around a those that are playing an instrument Grade 5 student’s timetable, which will sometimes or higher. include assessment blocks, school camps, excursions, etc. This means that students will b. Group lessons are offered to students in not always have a lesson every week of the Grades 1-4. school term. Private lessons are available to students Grades 1-6 and are recommended for students that wish to accelerate through a Musicianship grade or 58 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

for those who have difficulty in attending the set squad training for swimming is available time of the group lesson. through the Aquatic Centre. c. Musicianship courses are offered in packages Sport options of 16 lessons, two lots of eight per term blocks. • Term 1: AFL, badminton, cross country, Semester 1: Musicianship will take place in diving, softball, swimming, tennis, triathlon Term 1, Week 3-11 and Term 2, Weeks 1-8. • Term 2: athletics, basketball, cross country, Semester 2: lessons will be subject to enrolment. football (soccer), equestrian, snow sports, d. Students will sit the examination online. Please sport aerobics note that examination fees will incur a separate • Term 3: athletics, gymnastics, hockey, netball, charge as per the AMEB guidelines/fees. snow sports, Rugby 7s, sport aerobics • Term 4: cricket, golf, gymnastics, touch football, triathlon, water polo Sport Team selection and training Sport in the Senior School provides students with opportunities to develop their skills to a Trials for Saturday sports are held in the term high level of competence in a broad range of prior to competition, in order for staff to select sports and promotes positive attitudes towards girls into most appropriate teams, and to select team and competitive sport, while stressing the the right grade for each team. For individual/ importance of good sportsmanship. Inter-house carnival sports, squad training is held each competitions in swimming and diving, athletics week. We encourage girls to attend at least and cross country are also held throughout the one training session per week with their peers, year and all girls are encouraged to participate. even if they may train outside the School with a private coach. Team sports train twice per week. Abbotsleigh is a member of the Independent Girls’ Schools Sports Association (IGSSA) and Access to sport information much of the Senior School sport is based around Parents can access up to date information the IGSSA calendar. IGSSA has 28 member about sport on the parent app or on the Parent schools, including country schools such as PLC Portal on AbbNet. Whether you need to know Armidale, NEGS and Frensham. IGSSA offers where your daughter is playing each week, who two Saturday sports per term as well as one-off else is in her team, or what to do in case of wet carnivals for athletics, cross country, diving, weather, the sport section on the Parent Portal gymnastics, swimming and tennis (Tildesley has it all in one easy location. The sport home Shield). Saturday sports are: basketball, football page contains links to wet weather information (soccer), hockey, netball, softball, tennis, touch and all current sports in the Senior School. On football and water polo. each sport’s page, general information for the Abbotsleigh is also involved in several other season can be found, including match times competitions that are held mid-week or on and length, uniform requirements, wet weather, weekends. These sports include: badminton, contact information and venue locations. cricket, equestrian, golf, snow sports and Team information sheets for most sports can sport aerobics. also be downloaded, which provide a handy Lunchtime, morning and afternoon fitness summary for the season. classes are also run throughout the year. These classes are free and are open to all IGSSA Code of Conduct for Parents and students of all fitness levels. Other sports, Spectators: including dance and fencing, are offered 1. Encourage girls to give their best effort and through the AbbSchool program. Year round applaud good play regardless of which team produces it. 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 59

2. Behave respectfully and courteously towards players, coaches, match officials and Other co-curricular and other spectators. club activities 3. Never discourage or disparage any player. Further details of these activities can be found 4. Never criticize a match official. If any in the School Diary. In addition to music and participant wishes to bring a complaint sport, there is a wide range of co-curricular or express a concern about any aspect activities such as: of a game, they may do so by contacting the AHIGS Sports Office by 5 pm on the AbbDiplomats Club following Monday. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award NOTE: This document has been developed Abbreviate through a consultative process involving (short film festival) Embrace Global the Abbotsleigh Parents’ Association and Agriculture Club Fairtrade Club the senior Leadership Team at Abbotsleigh, including the Headmistress, Deputy AHIGS Festival of Interact Club Headmistress, Head of Junior School, Speech International Deputy Head of Junior School and the Amnesty Club Masterchef Director of Wellbeing. Ancient Greek Left to Write Contact numbers Board Games Mana Allawah Using the IGSSA mobile site, go to m.ahigs.nsw. and click on VENUE CLOSURES. Scroll Chess Club Music down to your sport and your venue. If a venue is Coding@ Oaktree Club open, your game is on. If a venue is closed, your Abbotsleigh Public Speaking game is off. The venue will remain closed for the Cryptic Crosswords morning. Tempus TV Club For more information, contact the CRU The Weaver Club Head of Sport, Mrs Kate Howitt at da Vinci Decathlon Wool for Warmth [email protected]. Debating World Vision Club Drama Z Club 60 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Abbotsleigh community information 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 61

Abbotsleigh community information 62 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Abbotsleigh Christian Fellowship The Abbotsleigh Christian Fellowship is an interdenominational group of parents, grandparents and teachers. The aims of the prayer group are to bring the diverse needs of the girls and the School before God, to pray for the Headmistress, staff and all the Abbotsleigh family and to be a positive, supportive and encouraging influence in the School. Meeting dates, times and venues are advertised in The Shuttle. The Abbotsleigh Christian Fellowship also seeks to support families, students and staff through acts of service: supplying meals for families in crisis, assisting with public Christian lectures hosted by the School and supporting student initiatives such as the Christmas Carol Festival.

Chaplain The Abbotsleigh School Chaplain provides pastoral support for the school community. If you would like more information about weddings, baptisms, marriage preparation, funerals or pastoral visits, please contact: During term time During school holiday periods: Mrs Rose Formby Abbotsleigh Senior School Reception [email protected] [email protected] 02 9473 7729 02 9473 7777

Development Department The Development Department is responsible for all school publications, community events, the coordination of parent groups and activities, parent associations, the administration and support of the Abbostsleigh Foundation, fundraising, Old Girls relations, social media, media, public relations, major events and school archives. Director of Development and Community Relations Alex Lightfoot Publications Manager 02 9473 7737 Alex Norton Community Relations Manager 02 9473 7746 TBA Media and Events Manager 02 9473 7736 Kris Egan Fundraising Manager 02 9473 7872 Sasha Carrel Old Girls Relations Manager 02 9473 7738 Heidi Grout Data and Administration Manager 02 9473 7740 Fenny Setianingsih Old Girls Relations Assistant 02 9473 7791 Rhonda Kaan 02 9473 7740 Archivist Julie Daly 02 9473 7735 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 63

Parent groups Abbotsleigh Parents’ Association (APA) The Abbotsleigh Parents’ Association extends a warm welcome to those joining and returning to Abbotsleigh in 2021. The purpose of the APA is to promote friendship within the Abbotsleigh community through year group and whole school functions. The APA provides opportunities for parents and staff to get together and meet others who take a similar interest in the School’s and their daughter’s welfare. The APA, aided by the Year Representatives in each year, organises lunches, morning teas and other events for the parents of that year. These events are a great way for parents to meet on a casual basis and build friendships. Some of these events generate valuable funds that are directed back to the School for projects to benefit students, parents and teachers. We invite you to share any ideas about future events. All parents are automatically members of the APA on commencement of your daughter’s enrolment. APA Executive Committee President Ambereen Qureshi [email protected] 0425 313 451 Vice President Deepa Pillay [email protected] 0431 371 302 Secretary TBC [email protected] Treasurer Qian Zhuang [email protected] 0423 051 988 Assistant Treasurer Greg Fox [email protected] 0411 208 432 ABPA Coordinator Sue Meldrum [email protected] +85 297 694 701 APR Coordinator TBC [email protected] Committee members Peter Allott [email protected] 0414 330 110 Shining Chen [email protected] 0487 968 888 Allison Hansen [email protected] 0439 529 691 Caroline Hu [email protected] 0410 612 802 Nelly Maroon-Yacoub [email protected] 0409 977 973 Christine McDonell [email protected] 0414 925 776 Jenny Nathan [email protected] 0414 930 379 Jade Pham [email protected] 0400 454 647 Parent Representative sub committee APR Coordinator TBC [email protected] APR Secretary TBC

Note – Year 12 Parent Representatives please contact the Community Relations Manager 64 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Liaison roles All communication with the liaison roles should go through the APA President at [email protected] APA Social Coordinator Nelly Maroon-Yacoub Barbecues Coordinator Peter Allott Book Club Coordinator Deepa Pillay Careers Night Liaison Michelle Tjeuw Cinema Under the Stars Coordinator VACANT Coffee Van Liaison Jenny Callagher Drama Events Liaison VACANT Entertainment Book Liaison Jenny Callagher Environmental Liaison Greg Fox Literary Festival Coordinator Kathy Campbell Morrisby Evening Liaison VACANT Music Events Liaison Nina Elias Michael Lin Michele Tjeuw Parent Seminars Liaison Jenny Nathan Philanthropic Liaisons Christine McDonnell Allison Hansen Storage and Catering Coordinator Gaby Fontanot Sign Up Genius Admin Managers President Vice President APR Coordinator Community Relations Manager Music Administrator 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 65

Abbotsleigh Boarder Parents’ Association The Abbotsleigh Boarder Parents’ Association represents an important link between boarders, their parents and the School. We have appointed area coordinators who will contact you prior to Term 1 to assist and welcome you to Abbotsleigh. Year coordinators have also been appointed. They represent your boarding year and are a valuable contact for any issues that may arise. Please do not hesitate to contact any of us if you have questions. We look forward to meeting you. ABPA Executive 2020/2021 President Christine Weston [email protected] 0411 208 240 Vice President Katrina Cogan [email protected] 0427 433 679 Treasurer Alex Ramsay [email protected] 0429 938 928 Secretary Karen Clift [email protected] 0427 445 832 Year Reps Year 7 Sophia Binnie [email protected] 0414 741 637 Kristina Ranken [email protected] 0409 221 682 Year 8 Mandy Corderoy [email protected] 0448 892 428 Kylie Wood [email protected] 0427 453 274 Year 9 Wendy Dennison [email protected] 0473 037 287 Mary Frampton [email protected] 0427 485 190 Year 10 Iona Lilburne [email protected] 0428 580 260 Kate Robinson [email protected] 0427 524 679 Year 11 Sarah Greer [email protected] 0428 533 226 Kate Phillip [email protected] +65 9231 8675 Year 12 Sandra Duff [email protected] 0427 235 616 Samantha Flanery [email protected] 0427 200 544 Daisy Club Executive President James Clark [email protected] 0427 545 212 Daisy Club Treasurer/Secretary Brett Slack-Smith [email protected] 0447 621 444 APA Representative Sue Meldrum [email protected] +85 297 694 701 AOG Representative Lucy Shilling [email protected] 0457 990 082 66 | Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook 2021

Abbotsleigh Old Girls’ Union Bronwyn Matthews (1982) Michelle Vanzella (1987) Founder Miss Marian Clarke The AOGU has full time representation in the Patron Mrs Megan Krimmer Old Girls Office on the Senior School campus. Committee for 2020/21 Phone: 02 9473 7740 Email: [email protected] Executive President Belinda Burton (Tjeuw, 1991) Vice President Rebecca Baillie (1989) Abbotsleigh Foundation Secretary Sarah Franks (1991) The Foundation is managed by a Board in Treasurer Margaret Jordan (Thiel, 1986) accordance with its constitution. The members are: General Committee Members Rob Adams (Chair) Kim Boniface (Anderson, 1985) Ross Bowden Carly Bull (Mansfield, 1991) Natalie Craig (Treasurer) Bronwyn Cooper (Ross-Jones, 1980) Paul Fontanot (Council Chair) Karina Conn (Lorschy, 1986) Amna Khan Susan Evennett (Taylor, 1984) Megan Krimmer (Headmistress) Fiona Hobill-Cole (Armstrong, 1981) Camilla Love Lara Lizzio (Dawson, 1996) Bronwyn Matthews (Old Girls’ Union Karen Love (1987) Representative) Kate Nicholls (Hall, 1985) Anthony Serhan Caroline Rigby (Miller, 1984) Established in 1976, the Abbotsleigh Foundation Ziqing (Alex) Zhao (2015) is a registered charity that provides financial War Records Coordinator support for the School. The Foundation is a Anne Mitchell (Macfarlane, 1964) company limited by guarantee and is governed by a board of directors. Its work is carried out Abbotsleigh Foundation Representative by staff in Abbotsleigh’s Development Office. Bronwyn Matthews (1982) We inspire the Abbotsleigh community to Boarder Parents’ Representatives give generously to support excellence and Lucy Shilling (Lyle, 1987) opportunity in girls’ education and we show appreciation for that generosity in everything Honorary Life Members we do. Sarah Hofman (Dowsett, 1986) Jacqueline Rees (Selosse, 1969) Since its inception, the Foundation has provided Margaret Sachs (Coburn, 1965) continuous financial support for scholarships, Melissa Slattery (Walsh, 1977) buildings, libraries and education programs at Abbotsleigh. Details about membership of Emeritus Life Members the Foundation, its policies and its board of Robin Archer (Horwitz, 1959) directors can be found at www.abbotsleigh. Sue Cross (Jacobs,1949) Jenny Davies (Holman, 1963) Parents are warmly invited to become members Robin Kench (Hobart, 1951) of the Foundation, joining our community in its Kathleen McCredie AM (1945) commitment to investing in girls’ education. Representatives on School Council All families are asked to consider joining Sonia Baillie (Laudams, 1995) our voluntary donation program to support Linda Ellis (Morris, 1990) the Foundation’s work by making small, tax 2021 Abbotsleigh Parent Handbook | 67

deductible monthly gifts towards scholarships, building or libraries. Parents are also asked to consider making an annual tax deductible gift towards a program or scholarship during our Annual Appeal. Please contact the Director of Development and Community Relations, Alex Lightfoot on 02 9473 7737 if you have enquiries about the Foundation or about making a gift to support opportunities for girls at Abbotsleigh.

School tours in 2021 Due to current COVID-19 restrictions we are limiting onsite visitors and are therefore not offering our usual group tours. However, individual tours are being conducted. Should you wish to tour either campus, please register your details online and we will contact you to arrange for your visit. Junior School Senior School & Administration 22 Woonona Avenue 1666 Pacific Highway (Cnr Ada Avenue) Wahroonga NSW 2076 Wahroonga NSW 2076 T 02 9473 7700 T 02 9473 7777 F 02 9473 7690 F 02 9473 7680