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2/2 – 7/4 2013 PERTH INTERNATIONAL ARTS FESTIVAL & FREMANTLE ARTS CENTRE PRESENT INSIDE RUNNING The Sport of Art Erin Coates Simon Horsburgh Richard Lewer Gabriella Mangano & Silvana Mangano Todd McMillan Sarah Jane Pell Patrick Pound Nick Selenitsch A PROJECT BY RICHARD LEWER & RIC SPENCER INSIDE RUNNING The Confessions of a Sport 2 . & Art Addict Ric Spencer THE CONFESSIONS OF A SPORT & ART ADDICT INSIDE RUNNING Ok I admit it I’m a jock at heart, I Likewise hanging off a ledge, “Shooting hoops is a meditative training legendary skills by repeatedly hitting a golf love sport. As a kid I was always throwing judging the next hold or optimising the exercise for playing basketball. Art is a ball with a stump up against the water- a ball and catching it – up and down, path of a bouldering run, through her meditative training exercise for real life”. tank near his house. And who can forget throwing the tennis ball against the wall, climbing Erin Coates also responds to Within sport, and particularly Cliff Young, the Potato farmer who ran kicking the footy up onto the roof and these types of stress levels on the body and here team based pursuits, the idea of (shuffled) in gumboots for over five days catching it as it came bouncing back down. the need to internalise knowing. Her work team becomes the focus… and the teams to win the first Sydney to Melbourne ultra- The ball changed depending on what for Inside Running has been developed exploits become synonymous with the marathon or Shane Gould’s five Olympic season it was but the premise didn’t, over through seven years of climbing, learning individual. Over the 34 seasons, Selenitsch medals in the pool as a fifteen year old and over, the relationship between ball and techniques and building confidence in has scored more then 10,000 points, In Australia sport has a definitive hand becoming subconscious, body and her body’s capabilites. Coates’ work in the process pushing his life into the link with mythology, it often conjures ball becoming one. As a kid sport seemed reflects the technicalities of climbing and realm of the team, and the legend of their images, in a sense it is the stuff of legends less a word to me and more a state of being the precision and planning required for a accomplishments. and those legends become collected – of simply being in a state of activity; of successful climb, but also the challenge and Team sports are battles; for a team and engrained in our cultural psyche. running, climbing, riding, swimming. The the fun of interacting with the landscape to go into battle, training and the constant Mythology has a social function, it builds idea that sport was something that was (whether it has been formed over millennia rigorous pursuit of skills needed for ethics and through this a sense of cultural separate to other parts of life didn’t cross or built in the last twenty years) and the survival are required, constantly refining identity. Through perceived personal my mind. Equally neither did the notion spontaneity required to get the best out of both defensive and attacking moves. relationships with those that play out that drawing was separate to jumping these interactions. Incorporating elements However today, particularly in the media, these myths (icons) we develop a sense or making something out of cardboard of climbing and bouldering, “buildering” the sporting hero’s endless training is of self worth and from that a broader different to learning headstands. Maybe or urban climbing brings to the fore usually forgotten. Today the sportsperson nationalism. As it’s played out in Patrick life growing up in the hills of Perth was knowing the limits of the body and where seemingly appears on the big stage ready Pound’s work, folklore and mythology built different to elsewhere (I’m sure it was) it is situated and what it can achieve - in for battle and if they win then they are around sport become fundamental to the but for me learning to swing and learning essence the phenomenology of being ordained incomparably gifted. (Unlike tenant of understanding the self within a to draw a straight line seemed to be two conscious of the self as it moves through ninja films) we are rarely privy to the broader and socially identifiable narrative. inseparable things. its environment. endless hours of training that prepares Pound himself emerges to fight the good Inside Running is not a treatise Gabriella and Silvana Mangano’s these athletes for their moment in the fight - always there when the action is on the equality of art and sport nor work also involves itself in this type of sun. And we are definitely not privy to the taking place. Through his engagement with a theoretical dissertation on the (in) nuanced dialogue, incorporating a series burnout and faded dreams of the many walking around Princes Park (home of the comparable position of sport and art in of choreographed movements which relate which help paints this moment for the Carlton Football Club) Pound is conscious life. Neither is it specifically related to the back to their penchant for trying sports one. The cultural climate of sport and art of the importance of the encounter, the history of the two (a long one) but rather that involve fluidity through space. These in this sense are not so different and what moment that changes a game, a career, a it brings together the work of nine artists include attempting a variety of sports the world tends to miss when the media life… but also of collecting these moments for whom the idea of activity (particularly which have led them to recent excursions speaks of the creativity of particular artists and how memorabilia is used to develop as it relates to a sport) is central to the into somatic practices that involve a is that they too spend many, many hours myths. To be remembered in history we way they view their art practice. Like me holistic body-centred approach, like Kung in training and that within the arts burnout need to achieve but history of course is they’re addicted to sport and art and the Fu, Tai chi and Qigon. Rendered in video, and failures can also be a part of the reliant on embellishment to survive. nexus of the two - which culminates in their movements capture the flowing landscape. Todd McMillan delves into the Central to the premise of Inside 3 . different approaches to coaching, learning, gracefulness and energy that exudes from murky waters of judgement, critique and Running is getting inside sport and the adaptation and translation. For all of them bodies conscious - through training - of the fear of not being good enough – but rationale behind playing, but to also though the skills they have developed their breath and vitality: “We enjoy training for me his videos of swimming and rowing recognise that such things as sport and as artists is testimony to hours spent in as a group, the dynamic energy in a room. are not so much about failure but the idea art are built on mythology and the desire the studio and also equates with lessons The rhythm of training; sounds, silence, of pushing yourself into the unknown to to literally, through skills development, of discipline and training learnt through vibrations, movement, silence, breathing… see what lies there. In this sense his work build a narrative around yourself through much time in the practice and playing our bodies belonging to this.” is brave and the idea of “not succeeding” engagement and participation. of sport. Understanding the dynamic becomes secondary to the idea of just Sport, like art, offers us moments I spent many hours learning and relationship between body, space and beginning – and of filling the void of time of such sublime novelty that it persuades honing sports skills - both in my own time others is also pivotal in the confines of the that lies in front of each of us. us that the world is not predictable and that and through training sessions – developing boxing ring. Richard Lewer’s large scale Simon Horsburgh’s sport of choice we are better, much better, then the sum of what is now termed “muscle memory”; that drawing installation for Inside Running is also water based and also incorporates this ourselves. Both art and sport can offer us is through the repetition of an act acquire responds not only to the ring but also sensation of taking off into the unknown. that, the possibility of possibility, in striving the strength and consolidation of a specific the training gym and the tactility of the Each wave is an individual element of for a newer, better benchmark we come motor task into the very fibre of your being. equipment used in boxing. A nostalgia nature and deserves the complete attention across such unfathomable occurances So much so that when your body is under for the atmosphere of the gym eeks out of and acknowledgement these gifts bring. and outcomes that we can only nod with stress and your mind hasn’t the time or Lewer’s work; as the body responds to all For Horsburgh surfing is not something disengenuosness at why we bother with oxygen to think, your body can take over the senses; touch, smell and taste as they undertaken on the weekends but rather plans. Creativity needs discipline, skill and and perform in its own right. Sarah Jane become apparent though his drawings. His a lifestyle or more-so the possibility of training to emerge but it also needs gaps Pell’s work takes the idea of training as a work combines the subject matter of learnt momentary transcendence.