AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt FROM MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt Restoring dignity A gorgeous initiative How business training Lise Watier focuses on gives women hope inner and outer beauty June 2011 EMpowEring woMEn & girls


the PoweR oF edUCAtion Jennifer Lopez acts as the driving force “Be independent, and be proud to behind The Venus Goddess Fund for Education be.” — Joannie Rochette

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1021_nationalpost_womens_ad_june29.indd 1 6/16/2011 4:20:07 PM 2 · JUNe 2011 AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt by MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt

challEngEs TIp/STepfAcT 1

onLY foUR We ReCOmmeND peRcenT Building a future of Top 500 How NAWiC is cAnADIAn protecting the rights compAnY’S of women in the ceoS ARe trades. Women pAGe 6 “While the construction industry promises signifi cant career and business opportunties...we must keep working toward a higher level of

SeLf-SUffIcIencY representation...” With business training and a $60 loan from BRAc, Sanchita, 19, bought a dairy cow. With the milk’s profits, she started a vegetable field. With those finding the will to win p. 5 profits, she supports her family and sends her Joannie Rochette speaks on a lifetime of siblings to school. athletic ambition. Photo: BReNt stIRtoN Getty ImaGes The Justicia project p. 7 Helping women fi nd the mom/work balance. For women across the globe, life brings challenges and diffi culty. However, their strength and drive continues to elevate them from situations of despair—all they need are the opportunities presented by entrepreneurship and education.

Empowerment starts with shifting attitudes ould you run with a Hyper-sexualization outside the home and also do most broken leg? Maybe, Every day, we are bombarded with of the childcare and housework—the but not very fast. images of passive, sexualized females so-called “second shift.” Since gov- And it sure would in advertising, music videos, mov- ernments and employers have failed hurt. ies and television. Every year, these to address the huge infl ux of women When half our messages are aimed at younger and into the paid workforce over the last population can’t younger girls. How about a push-up thirty years, it falls on individual creach their full potential, it holds all of bikini for a seven-year-old? Or pink women to juggle their dual respon- us back. underwear for a little girl emblazoned sibilities without adequate childcare Despite many social and economic with the slogan: “Who needs credit or family-friendly policies. gains, women and girls still face a cards?” Not surprisingly, many choose eMpOWeRiNG WOMeN surprising number of barriers includ- These images have an especially Bev Wybrow part-time work or a less demanding 1St editiON, JUNe 2011 ing high rates of sexual and physical powerful impact on girls entering Canadian Women’s Foundation career. While this off ers fl exibility, assault, endless media messages that adolescence. The more television it also means lower wages and fewer TIPS Responsible for this issue: sexualize females, and workplace they watch, the more girls believe benefi ts. Mothers who take time from publisher: Jemima Codrington empower your daughters [email protected] policies that discriminate against their value depends on their physical paid work to raise their children lose Designer: Penelope graham mothers. appearance. The result? They begin almost a third of their earning power. [email protected] ■■ contributors: elianna Lev, Pauleanna Re- to hate their own changing bodies, Help her fi nd a girls-only pro- Since women’s average lifetime id, David Shoemaker, Jane Smith, Suzanne Violence against women their confi dence plummets, and their gram where she can develop self- earnings are just 65 percent of men’s, Wintrob, Canadian Women’s Foundation, cbm Canada, girls action Foundation, Violence against women is an epi- rates of depression, anxiety, eating confi dence, become more active and women who raise children on their ashley Knapp demic that costs Canada $4.2 billion disorders and self-harm skyrocket. develop a positive body image. own or become divorced or widowed ■■ photo credit: all images are from annually in health care, criminal jus- Even their cognitive functioning is Instead of taking away her fash- often fall into poverty, taking their unless otherwise accredited. tice, social services and lost wages and impaired. ion magazines or reality TV shows, children with them. managing Director: gustav aspegren productivity. Too many women pay We fund programs that teach girls suggest that she create a project to We invest in programs that help [email protected] with their lives. how to critique these messages, get analyze their hidden (and not-so- women move out of poverty and cre- editorial manager: Jackie mcDermott [email protected] Every six days in Canada, a woman them active in sports and science, and hidden) messages. Encourage her to ate a more secure future for their Business Developer: Darshan Thomas is murdered by a current or former keep them safe online. Eighty percent paste an advertisement or screen- children. Our research shows that [email protected] partner. In just one year, over 425,000 of girls in our programs say they learn shot from the TV on a piece of paper, 84 percent of women who received women and girls were sexually critical-thinking skills and become then write down her answers to welfare when they started our Distributed within: National Post, June 2011 assaulted—since only 10 percent of more self-confi dent. Best of all, they these questions: Who made this program were able to reduce their This section was created by mediaplanet and assaults are reported, the real number feel better about being a girl! image? What is its purpose? What dependence. did not involve the National Post or its is much higher. message does it convey? What is The Canadian Women’s Founda- editorial Departments. At the Canadian Women’s Founda- The high cost of motherhood being sold? How does the image tion works for the day when women tion, we are taking action by funding Women in Canada pay too high make you feel? Invite her to come and girls are safe in their relation- more than 450 emergency shelters a price for being mothers, often up with her own questions and to ships, when they are surrounded with across the country. We also invest in sacrificing their long-term eco- involve her friends in the project! images of powerful females, and when violence prevention programs for nomic security to meet their family ■■ Encourage her to create her they can reach their full earning poten- high school students—even years responsibilities. own media—shoot a video on her tial whether or not they have children. after attending a program, ninety per- Although many women have highly cell phone, write a song about how On that day, our entire society cent of teens say they still use what successful careers, the workplace is she feels, or create a poster with can stand proudly on both feet FOLLOW US ON FaCeBOOK aND ! they learned to keep their relation- still not a level playing fi eld. Most empowering images of girls. and, together, we can build a more ships healthy and safe. mothers with young children work prosperous future.

Mediaplanet’s business is to create new cus- tomers for our advertisers by providing read- ers with high-quality editorial content addressing a monthly issue that motivates them to act. Imagine your daughter stay- and wages, and overall a riskier, less ing home from school for sev- empowered life are the tragic conse- eral days every month, not be- quences—not the future any parent cause she’s sick—but because would want for their daughters. FaCTS she has her period. When Lunapads co-founders Mad- eleine Shaw and Suzanne Siemens Did you know? Tough for most of us to imagine, became aware of the issue in 2000, ■■ Eighty seven percent of Can- but it’s reality for millions of girls they knew that their products could adians think that media advertising in developing nations, for the sim- off er a sustainable solution. Under puts too much emphasis on young ple reason that sanitary pads and the name Pads4Girls, today Lunapads women being sexy and not enough tampons are either unavailable or provides low-cost versions of the com- on their abilities and intelligence. unaff ordable. Rather than risk dis- pany’s best-selling washable men- comfort or ridicule, girls stay home, strual pads and padded panties to girls ■■ Teenage girls are three times as missing three to five school days in need in a dozen countries. Learn likely as boys to suff er from depres- every month. Researchers concur how you can help at www.lunapads. sion. that educating girls should be a top com/Pads4Girls. priority as a means to solve numerous ■■ Twenty nine percent of social and economic issues facing the Aboriginal girls report that developing world. they seriously consider suicide.

Long-lasting consequences The impact goes far beyond girls’ fall- no neeD To mISS oUT ing behind academically. Earlier drop- Having access to female sanitary products out and age of marriage and child- allows girls to continue attending school. aShLeY knaPP CoUrteSY oF GirLS aCtion birth, increased incidence of maternal Photo: PaRtICIa sURIeL, CoURtesy oF maRIPosaDR Lunapads FoUnDation FoUNDatIoN mortality, reduced career choices [email protected] [email protected] AN independent SUPPLEMENT by mediaplanet TO THE NATIONAL POST AN independent SUPPLEMENT by mediaplanet TO THE NATIONAL POST June 2011 · 3 challEnges news G athering to address the issues In many parts of the world, to the New York Times which is why it interested researchers and activists. and social identifications like power, Discussions promoting tangible, women are routinely beaten, is imperative that we identify, discuss Held this year on July 3 to 7, 2011 in privilege, citizenship and national- scalable solutions toward economic raped or sold into prostitution. and challenge the many issues that Ottawa-Gatineau, the theme of this ism. prosperity will culminate in a com- affect women and girls. year’s gathering is to discuss inclu- The G(irls)20 Summit, first held muniqué blueprint on how to utilize They are denied access to medical care The Women’s World 2011, a confer- sions, exclusions and seclusions of in Toronto June 2010 and this year and engage one of the best resources and education. In sub-Saharan Africa, ence first held in 1981, was the first women in our globalizing world. in Paris October 18 to 21, will gather in the world—girls and women. only 83 girls are enrolled in school for world-wide interdisciplinary gath- The conference will address a world one delegate from each G20 coun- every 100 boys. “Girls and Women are ering focused on research regarding of women’s issues as they pertain try, plus a representative from the Davi d Shoemaker the moral issue of our time” according women’s issues and open to all to globalization, global hierarchies chair country of the African Union. [email protected]

 Women  Deliver  supports Canada’s commitment Our MissiOn to maternal To facilitate the success health, of women in the Canadian construction industry by improving uniting our voices, knowledge the and resources through the lives passion of our members of girls and the women we inspire. and A Girls Inc. girl belongs to a women Let CAWIC help you community that empowers her to reach your goals. pursue the biggest dreams she can worldwide. dream. he is uplied by the For more information: strength o a naonal organiaon that is commied to inspiring the leaders o tomorrow. This is how Tel: 416.759.1991 Girls Inc. celebrates all girlhood. email: [email protected] Join us. To learn more or to find a web: Girls Inc. visit:

Leadership Mentorship Photo: Lynsey Addario MeMbership Invest in women - it pays! partnership

When money is scarce, only We all have boys get to the power to go to school. effect change At Firelight Foundation we Are you called to advocate for human rights and know that when girls stay in social justice? Join a national sisterhood of over school they are more con dent, 95,000 Catholic women who respond to the healthier and achieve more. needs of the marginalized and vulnerable at home and abroad through advocacy, empowerment and Your donation can help a girl prayerful service. Enrich your life by sharing your stay in school. Make a gift today. gifts and being a voice for the voiceless. www.

Women AgAinst Poverty

To learn more about League activities and explore the blessings of membership, please visit The Catholic Women’s League of Canada C-702 Scotland Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3M 1X5 4 · JUNe 2011 AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt by MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt

inspiration fAcT Question: How does superstar Jennifer Lopez aim to empower women and girls? 2

men Answer: By embracing her new role as global oUTnUmBeR Women 4 To 1 AmonG ambassador for The Venus Goddess Fund for Education. cAnADA’S eLecTeD Re- helping girls fi nd pReSenTATIVeS their inner goddess LeaDeR TO LeaDeR she explains. Lopez also credits the sim- ple things in life with letting her God- PROFILe Jennifer Lopez is no stranger to dess shine, allowing her to feel her most being an empowered woman. empowered when she’s at home with her family. “Being able to relax. Not having to As well as fi nding time to juggle her own be in makeup and hair and all dressed up. successful career and young family, Lopez Being at home, cooking a meal and then is now embracing a new role as the fi rst- getting to eat it! Not worrying about what ever global ambassador for the Venus God- I’m eating. Hanging out with my girl- dess brand. This includes being spokes- friends. Talking about how silly men can be person for the newly-formed Venus God- and how they like to make us think we’re the crazy ones.” dess Fund for Education—a philanthropic initiative that endeavours to empower women and children through education. A new era for women and girls Lopez classifi es giving birth to her Today’s modern goddess twins as her most empowering moment, This new fund partners with major organ- which in turn led to the creation of The A HeALTHY RoLe moDeL izations such as Step Up Women’s Net- Maribel Foundation. Along with her sister Journalist Lynda Lopez; Actress work, CARE International, and the Maribel Jennifer Lopez; Step Up Women’s Lynda, Jennifer founded the organization Jennifer network’s Angie Grabskii; cARe Foundation to invest in girls through edu- to empower women and girls through Lopez International’s Katie Hill. cation, building bright and confi dent lead- Photo: KeVIN maZUR FOR WIReImageReImage increased quality and availability of ■■ Age: 41 ers for the future. By providing scholar- healthcare. Since its inception the Maribel ■■ position: Sing- ships to after-school programs and better er, actress & healthcare opportunities, the Venus God- Foundation has made drastic strides in funds benefi t CARE’s Power Within pro- participation in education. dess Fund for Education aims to empower telemedicine, a groundbreaking health- “american Idol” gram; in Canada funds benefi t CARE’s To fi nd out how you can help by sharing women and girls everywhere to unleash care initiative that utilizes telecommuni- judge. Page program. The PAGE (Partnership in your Goddess moment, visit http://www. their inner “goddess”. It’s a term that’s cations to allow children all over the world ■■ Goddess mo- Addressing Gender in Education) project, and the Venus Fund being re-appropriated to describe the feel- access to healthcare ranging from diagno- ments: “all of in Malawi promotes girls education by for Education will donate $1 to a brighter ing of power, a feeling Lopez admits “has to ses to treatment. those times when supporting communities to overcome future for women and girls. do with a lot of diff erent things.” In addition to Lopez’s own foundation, I am connected to obstacles that prevent girls from fully “My Goddess shows when I’m with my CARE International is one of a number of who I really am— participating in education. Specifi cally, family. Seeing my children smile. Look- benefi ciaries of the Venus Goddess Fund comfortable with the project raises awareness about child ing into their eyes. Spending every spare for Education, a charitable eff ort dedicated myself and confi - rights, teachers’ responsibilities, govern- second with them. I feel really, really to empowering women around the world dent in who I am.” ment responsibilities as well as respon- jane Smith powerful because of the love we share” through education. In Western Europe, sibilities of the children in relation to their [email protected]

Olsen - Media Planet:Layout 1 11-06-21 2:55 PM Page 1



Olsen Europe presents Double Happiness 2011

To find a store nearest you visit Through cbm, you can help women with Stay Connected: disabilities live, earn, thrive with dignity. ¢ EUROPE ¢ ¢ fashion. worldwide. 1.800.567.2264 Charitable Registration No. 10601 8329 RR0001 AN independent SUPPLEMENT by mediaplanet TO THE NATIONAL POST AN independent SUPPLEMENT by mediaplanet TO THE NATIONAL POST June 2011 · 5 inspiration At the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, Joannie Rochette won bronze just days after losing her mother. Here, Rochette reveals how her love of empowered her to win against all odds. Helping girls find Finding the will to win their inner goddess ■■ Q : What inspired you to start In skating there’s a whole team with figure skating? you, but at the same time you’re by I actually started skating when I yourself. You have to be willing to was 22-months-old. My father was spend a lot of hours with yourself, it a hockey coach, and he put me on can get pretty lonely at times, but you skates really early. We live on an become to be your own best friend island, called Ile Dupas, in the middle and you get to know yourself a way of the St Laurence River. In the winter you wouldn’t if you didn’t go through when they go ice fishing, my father that. would shovel the ice and I would skate. It was really more of a family ■■ Q: Aside from the technical thing, and then my mother put me aspects of skating, what have in the club when I was four years you learned through sport? What old because she wanted me to make are some of the life skills com- friends before kindergarten, because petitive skating has taught you? I was an only child. At first it was To set goals for yourself, and not to nothing intensive, it was just to make Photo:Getty Images procrastinate. You learn to push your- friends and to be more integrated into self to do things when you don’t want society. what happened in Vancouver. It to—hell, some days you can’t even became even more meaningful. I had climb up the stairs because your legs ■■ Q: You refer to yourself as a the fortune to tour with her in the hurt so badly from the previous day. “nerd” in high school! How did U.S, so it was great to skate and share But you kick yourself in the butt and skating help you feel empow- with her. you keep going! I think I learned that ered? ■■ Q: Speaking of Vancouver, you kind of discipline, that kind of will It was great because it’s a group of were inspirational. How did skat- to achieve your goal, even if it means girls together and you feel like you ing help you through the darkest suffering one day. It helps to keep that belong to that group. You set goals for time of your life? big goal and the big picture of it. yourself every week and you achieve I think sport really gives you a com- them, which is great for your self- petitive edge, the will to win not ■■ Q: What’s your advice to esteem. It can be quite expensive, but necessarily over the others, but to win young girls following their goals, my parents always told me to invest for yourself. Well for me, I like to win whether it’s figure skating or money in your future, not for you over others too; I’m very competitive not? to necessarily become great or any- and have been since I was very young. I was never really a clique person thing, but just to be active. First of all, Maybe that comes from being an only who would hang out with a lot of being active is great for your health, child—and it definitely came from people, I was always very independ- and while you’re doing that you’re my mother who always wanted me ent, a bit of a loner I guess. I would say not in the street thinking of doing to be the best - but I think that’s what be independent, and be proud to be. bad things. Basically it kept me out of saved me. When I heard the news and Have goals, and keep on track. I was trouble! got to the ice six hours later, and I saw a bit obsessive compulsive when I the other girls— I saw a japanese girl was younger, I would play those mind ■■ Q: Which powerful women in do a perfect triple lutz next to me— games; I was so busy trying to be the sport inspire you? and I just thought: “I can do this”. I best I could, the drama of high-school, Ekaterina Gordeeva. Her husband just wanted to bring the best out of it never really crossed my mind. Just died in 1995 when she was skating myself—my competitive side really set goals for yourself, it keeps you with him—he was her partner and helped. from trouble and that intimidation at died of a heart problem on the ice school. A heroic performance ■■ Q: So it helped to spend that Joannie hit the ice just six hours while they were skating. She con- after receiving the devastating tinued skating—it was really inspir- time alone jane smith news of her mother’s death. ing to me, especially considering on the ice? [email protected] Photo:Getty Imagesmage

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insight fAcT 3

TWo THIRDS of mInImUm WAGe WoRKeRS ARe Women

neWfoUnD Hope foure with her children Zeinabou, seven and mockar, five. Photo: GReG LoW, CoPyRIGht CBm aUstRaLIa

Foure has suff ered a life of unimaginable abuse and disadvantage. Crippled as a child from Polio, she has been ostracized by her community, and has faced violence at the hands of men. Through business training provided by CBM, she is now taking control—and breaking the cycle of dispair for her own daugher. ReStoRing dignitY And hoPe

The threats continued. “One man “After I started my business, people become a teacher.” because they’re women and they’re hirty-year-old Foure in the village said that if he found me in the village showed me more respect Foure appreciates education, and isolated because of their disability. The crawls around her vil- alone, he’d rape me. I was so afraid, I because I was more independent,” she was more than happy when CBM sad truth is, they’re two to three times lage in Niger on her stayed in the house and hid. These says. off ered her business training. She also more likely to be abused than other hands and knees. She men were very bad people, not hon- That respect is evidenced in her hopes to use her business knowledge women.” hasn’t been able to est. They treated me like that because appointment as vice president of the to help others. “I was very happy to “Thanks to the generosity of Can- walk upright since I had a disability and so couldn’t fi ght Joy group, a support network set up by get training because now I can teach adian donors, CBM is restoring dignity contracting polio as them off . I couldn’t run away. They CBM for people with disabilities who others to run a business. This can and giving independence to women at child. Everyone else towers above said I was cursed. ” have been given business loans. The empower them.” with disabilities,” says Ed Epp, execu- her, even her two children Zeinabou, During this time, Foure has held on group gathers regularly to encourage CBM Canada (formerly known as tive director of CBM Canada. “Equally seven, and Mockar, fi ve. For years the to her faith. “I stayed strong because I and keep each other accountable as Christian Blind Mission), a leading important is that they are no longer stigma of her disability meant Foure put my trust in God,” she says. they develop their businesses. international Christian develop- regarded as a helpless person with was rejected by the community. Foure’s family is important to her. ment organization, has a laser sharp a disability. These women are con- “Some people in my village would Taking control She wants to provide the best for her focus on helping children and adults sidered valuable members of their scare others away, telling them it Tired of the abuse and of relying on children, and believes a good educa- trapped in the cycle of poverty and communities, capable and respon- wouldn’t be good to be seen with me others to support her, Foure found tion is the right foundation. Now disability in the poorest communities sible for their own well-being as well because of my disability. They said I hope in a business loan provided that she’s earning an income, she’s of the world. They provide vocational as their families.” was a reject. A disgrace,” she says. through CBM Canada. She’s been run- determined to send all her children to training to over 23,000 women with To learn more about CBM’s life That was just the beginning of ning a business selling fi sh, oil and school. disabilities to teach them marketable transforming work, visit www.cbm- Foure’s abuse. Eight years ago, Foure rice with her mother for fi ve years, job skills, and help over 15,000 women or call 1-800-567-2264. was drugged by a man who then took ever since the birth of her son. “The Breaking the cycle fi nd suitable employment. advantage of her. When he found out only way to be independent is through “If there’s one thing I could teach my “Women like Foure have a triple she was pregnant, he laughed at her a good business. Before the business I children it’s to do well in school. Then disadvantage in their communities,” and left town. Foure was abused again was always waiting for people to help they can earn a good living and be a says Beth Jost-Reimer, director of a couple of years later. This time, the me. Now I can help myself, I can buy respected part of the community. communications and marketing at man responsible threatened Foure to food. I’m independent. I can feed my “I hope my daughter has an easier CBM Canada. “They live in dire pov- CoUrteSY oF CBm CanaDa keep quiet. children. life than mine. I would like her to erty. They’re discriminated against [email protected]

NeWS IN BRIeF Building future for women in trades

Increasing numbers of women “While the ness opportunities for women in a ically male-dominated fields isn’t are getting involved in fields construction industry variety of trade, technical and profes- exclusive to women—girls as young such as engineering and con- sional fi elds, we still have a long way to as fi fth grade are taking an interested struction, but these women promises signifi cant go and we must keep working toward in what’s being referred to as STEM: are not always fairly career opportunities... a higher level of representation in our Science, Technology, Engineering and represented. we still have a long way workforce and improved support of Math. Organizations such as Girls to go.” women in construction”, says CAWIC Inc. have fostered girls’ enthusiasm It’s a fact that sparked the creation of President Tammy Evans. The mandate for STEM careers, with a hands-on NAWIC, the National Association of of CAWIC is to do just that —promote approach and after school programs. Women in Construction, in the United Tammy evans the long-term success of women in President, CaWIC States. Over the past fi ve years, Canada construction, and members range has taken its own steps to empower from tradeswomen to constructors jane Smith women in engineering with the Canadian Association of Women In “While the construction industry and architects. [email protected] development of a sister chapter, the Construction. promises signifi cant career and busi- The interest in moving into typ- AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt by MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt by MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt JUNe 2011 · 7 insight nEws


a gorgeous initiative Lise Watier knows the power of lipstick. For over 40 years, the Canadian cos- metics queen has helped women feel good by looking good. To legions of women, the name “Lise Watier” is associated with confi dence, grace and feeling good. And it all comes with the twist of a lipstick. What started with a beauty school Watier founded in 1968, eventually lead to a cosmetic line, fragrances and skin care products that are now available in Canada, France, the United States, Saudi Ara- bia and the United Arab Emirates But for the past three years, the -based Watier has been taking the power of lipstick even further. tipping the scale for A bright future All proceeds from the sale of the “Rose Tendress” lipstick go to the Lise Watier Foundation, which aims to help marginalized women and the mom/work balance children reach their full potential. Translated from French, “tendress” ■■ Question: Why should women hopes to reduce the drop-off rate. means “tenderness,” which is have to choose between a success- “While it’s not easy “Women want the transpar- exactly what Watier hopes to pass ful law career and being a mom? to have it all you ency and the knowledge that there on to the women and children the ■■ Answer: With the help of the is actually a process that they can foundation supports. Justicia Project, women can fi nd can—with some approach the managing partners “My objective since I started the fl exibility they need to maintain compromise...” and say, ‘I’m having diffi culty. I need the company was to help women, their jobs—and have a family. a temporary work arrangement empower women,” says Watier. because my child has been diagnosed “Sometimes we don’t have the Shortly after Deborah Glat- with something,’” explains Josée guts, but it is an easy thing to take a ter got married, the Toronto Deborah Glatter director, professional development programs Bouchard, the Law Society’s equity chance, have the guts, and to create lawyer realized it would be a Cassels brock advisor. “Just the knowledge that the challenges within our own self.” struggle to have children while request will be handled in a certain Founded in 2009, the founda- working as a high-powered liti- gram promoting the retention and benefi t because they, too, can take way is very helpful.” tion works towards two separate gator. She was regularly away advancement of women in the legal advantage of formalized policies to Michelle Gage, national director eff orts. The fi rst endeavour is the from home for lengthy trials profession. achieve greater work-life balance. of legal talent at Norton Rose OR LLP, Lise Watier Pavilion, a social hous- and her husband’s job was al- “While it’s not easy to have it all, agrees. Since signing onto the Justicia ing complex that boards 25 women so time-consuming. If they flexibility is key you can—with some compromise— Project, the fi rm has revised its par- who have come from homelessness, wanted to start a family, some- Called the Justicia Project, the Law have a satisfying and long legal career ental leave policy to include adoptive abusive relationships or addiction. thing had to change. Society of Upper Canada’s three-year while having a life,” says Glatter. “If and same-sex parents. A New Parents There, they are provided with a safe pilot program has received over- we weren’t fl exible, we would lose Toolkit helps employees transition and secure environment and pro- Rather than give up on being a mother, whelming response from medium very bright legal minds. By allowing to and from their time off . Says Gage: fessional support to help rebuild Glatter had a son and gave up her and large law fi rms across the prov- them to take a break from work and go “Just looking at the statistics in our their lives. The pavilion works in legal practice to teach law. The hours ince. Fifty seven of 70 eligible fi rms attend to those more pressing needs, profession, it is now at the entry-level partnership with the Old Brewery were predictable but the work wasn’t have signed on, all fi ercely commit- we’ve retained excellent lawyers.” majority female so it’s important for Mission, an organization Watier nearly as challenging or remunera- ted to tracking gender demograph- law fi rms to make sure our working and her husband have donated to tive. As she recalls, “It was the right ics, designing fl exible work arrange- preventing attrition environments are conducive to those for the past 20 years. place for me to be at that time in my ments, networking on new initiatives, According to the Law Society, career people staying.” family life.” When her son was older, and providing mentoring and leader- demands are so intense that female Inner and outer beauty Glatter high-tailed it back to the offi ce. ship skills development for women. lawyers are three times more likely Although Watier started her com- Today, Glatter is director of pro- The idea is to help women feel com- than their male counterparts to pack pany with the intention of making fessional development and student fortable in the profession and, ultim- it in within fi ve to 10 years. With more women feel beautiful on the inside programs at Cassels Brock and fi rm ately, move up through the ranks than 50 percent of law school gradu- SUZanne WintroB by feeling beautiful on the outside, representative on Canada’s fi rst pro- towards coveted partnerships. Males ates being women, the Justicia Project [email protected] she admits that the pavilion’s pur- pose is much deeper than that. “It has nothing to do with looking good,” she says. “It’s about feeling addressing the politics of women’s rights good, feeling secure. The purpose is to have (the women) believe in from unequal salaries to a you get to the ballot box, it’s about themselves again, believe in the poor national childcare policy, making an informed choice. You have community again, believe in others there isn’t alot being done for to become educated. Only 40 percent again.” women in canada, and many of the population voted in the current The second component of the organizations that served government and this just isn’t accept- Lise Watier Foundation will be fully women have been demol- able,” affi rms Mannion. developed by the end of the year. It ished. perhaps it’s time for a aims to provide scholarships and new political reform. Getting involved funding to children who have great A neW VoIce She goes on to mention that there potential, but lack support. At the esther matharu (left), and Shannon In January 2011, Shannon Lee Man- Lee mannion. are many ways to become politically moment, Watier is in talks to align nion and Esther Matharu formed Photo: PRIVate active and being proactive in local the foundation with an already the Women’s Alliance Party of Can- communities are important step- established Toronto organization. ada (WAP). Although the WAP was public engagement and changing a party that deals with such issues ping stones towards inducing change. “I will go on helping (women ically male-dominated fields isn’t founded by women, for women, Man- traditional government policies that strategically, driven not by popular While at Carlton, the founding mem- and young people) believe in them- exclusive to women—girls as youngnion, spokesperson and founder, clari- neglect women and other minority endorsement but by the principle that bers were overwhelmed by the posi- selves,” she says. “If I can make a as fi fth grade are taking an interestedfi es that the party’s political involve- groups. “all citizens matter.” tive response from the audience diff erence while I’m here on earth, in what’s being referred to as STEM: ment is not exclusive to women. She which resulted in everyone signing I’d like to make a diff erence this Science, Technology, Engineering and explains that men are welcome to Dealing with the issues Knowledge is power their government declaration form way.” Math. Organizations such as Girls participate however; the WAP’s main The Women’s Alliance Party under- Mannion and Matharu place high bringing them that much closer to Inc. have fostered girls’ enthusiasmfocus remains the lack of concern stands what’s important to Canadians value on educating not only women, their 250 signature goal. By building for STEM careers, with a hands-on for women’s issues. “Someone needs and strives towards showcasing but young people and non-voters awareness and redefi ning the future approach and after school programs. to stand up and say you know what, awareness on various concerns such alike. While speaking at various insti- of our nation, the Women’s Alliance there’s a problem here,” says Man- as: child care rights, election reforms, tutions, as demonstrated on their Party is not only standing up for nion, whose proactive voice sheds regional government and planning, recent trip to Carlton University; WAP women, but all of Canada. light onto key issues that have been national security and youth and strives to motivate young adults to eLianna Lev over looked. WAP is dedicated to development. Still appealing mostly to exercise their democratic rights and PaULeanna reiD [email protected] rebuilding our nation by encouraging women, the WAP prides itself on being duties. “It’s not about guessing when [email protected]