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No:-ll2ln Our 37th Year Ruidoso, LIncoln County, New MeDcoIl8345 Monday, November 8, 1982 AIRPORT SITE A THE ONE?

.1 -:58AC to keep after it• .by DAVIl) SH~PPARD The commlssiOllers commented on the the officials Is the henefit an airport would StaffWriter Academy report Tbursday, and the con­ be to this area's tourist economy. sensus was the evalustion heavily favored Another contact, Cok,er suggested, The Sierra BlanCll Airport Commission NMSU. , . would be former Texas Governor John (SBACl has not abandoned hope of "I take it the feeling Is that this wasn't Connally and his partners who are involv­ l!IItabllshlng a Llncolo County reglonal air­ the most objecllve job," Heckman said. ed in the TrIple Crown condominium port on Fon stanton Mesa, but the com· "Biased Is the word," member Harrold development in Ruidoso Downs. Coker mllsllion Is atymied·.over which of two sites· Mansell of Ruidoso DOwns Interjected. said Connally would be a connection to In­ on the mesa to pursue. But Hall putthe results intoperspective. terior Secretary James Watt. To help It reaeb a decision whelher to go No matter how SRAC feels about the con­ Mansell, who said he has met with the after Site B or Site A, the commission clusions, HaD said, "It's somethtng we've TrIple Crown partners, agreed to write .. decl~ Tburadny to contact political of­ got to live with." them. .' ...., ficials andgovernment.agencles to ask for After thecommission receives advice on Heckman asked the commission if the recommendations. its next step, It wnt be more clear which yearly fees of $500 from each member UnW now, SBAC's efforts have been location SBAC will pursue. U It decides to should continue. He noted that, If SBAC directed toward Site B, a location it abandon Site B and concenlrate on Site A, pursues Site A, the commission will have prefers for an airport but whleb is on land SBAC wUl have at ill! disposal some of the to hire an appraiser. controlledby New Mexico StateUniversity preliminary groundwork 'tor Site A. HallsaidSBAC.has $4,700 in its treasury. (NMSU). Site A, which lies to the westof B The alternative location has been Coker summed up the commission's ona ni~ of federal, stateand privateland, studied by consultants to the commmls­ move to reaffirm ils politlcai contacts and also has been found suitable ror an airport slon, and has been round feasible for an keep the ball rolling on the regional airport BAnLE FOR THE BALL. Eric Evans (left) of the Celtic­ Mountain Middle School. The United-Bandits squad but wOllld be more costly than Site B. airport. Heckman noted Thursday that en· proposal. SBAC has reached a crossroads in its ef­ vlronmental Impact, archeological, and UWe shouldn't lose any momentum. It's Cobras team battles for the ball with Brent King of took a 3-0 victory. See story and photo on page fort to locate an airport on the mesa cost estimate studles were done on Site A a long, long ways from somebody landing the United-Bandits team Sunday in the Ruidoso Soccer seven. because of the conclusions of a recent In 1980, and are more current than Infor· on that strip:" Association under-eight All-Star match at White study. That study, conducted by the Na­ matlon on Site B. tional Academy of Sciences for theDepart­ 13ut before SBAC changes cOll\'Se and mentofthe Interior, concluded that an air­ goes after Site A, the commission wants to port on Site B would be Incompatible with solicit advice. Hall said SBAe should "not researeb being conducted by NMSU. get crossways" with all the officials and The university leases over 26,000 acres agencies Involved. Tbus the decision to on the mesa from the Bureau of Land Road dispute heats up meeting make contacts and to try to arrange Management (BLMl to conduct meetings with New Mexico's newly elected agricultural experiments. Site B lies en­ officials. by BARBY GRANT convenient and make trafric uncon· Following a disagreement between Thunderbird submitted the high bid of the tirely within the leased land, while Sile A SBAC chairman Heckman said he will Start Writer trollable." McDaniel and Pat Huey over who actually two bids submitted but the other company lncludes only a small portion of landleased write Senator-elect Jeff Bingaman, McDaniel argued that when Forest ser­ owns the 200 acres or land through which dld not meet the specIDcalions, accordlng byNMSU. Governor-elect Toney Anaya and U.S. Another clash over the rights or private vice personnel issue fuelwood permits they the hase road passes, McKnight concluded to representatives rrom the Bonlto Fire The mesa Is about 15 miles north of Representative-elect Bnt Richardson. It land owners and the public washeard Fri­ give the permitholder a map which does that "If It'sa county road the only thing we Department. Ruidoso off Highway 'ST. was noted that Richardson does not repre­ day concerning maintenance of a roM not illustrate the boundaries between can do Is maintain It to the bestor ourablli­ -Accepted an offer of $100 rrom Nancy The university has said it cOllld alter Its sent this district, but Hall pointed 0111 that leadlng to National Forest land. James private and National Forest land. ty.1I Guck of the Capitan Health C1inlc for pur­ studll!ll toaccommodate an airport on Site the commission needs all the political sup- McDanlel requested that county road Makowski pointed out the Forest Ser­ McDanlel then instructed road depart­ ebase ofsome old, unused equipment rrom A. But NMSU has refused to relax its hold port possible. I A038-whieb leads through his ranchland vice's fuelwood policy Is to prOVide the per· ment personnel not to take any materials the Cnrrlzozo Health CIInlc. on the leased BLM land which contains SBAC wm also contact senator Pete and Into the Lincoln National Forest-not mitholder with a one-hair-inch map, "but from his pit to maintain the roadand not to -Advised GUy Henley to fix the airport Site B. Domenlc!, U.s. RepresentativesJoeSkeen be maintained by the county road depart· we delineate private land and give clear come on his property. road OIItslde the Carrizozo city limits after SBAC reaebed the decision to contact of­ and Manuel Lujan, and newly elected Lin· ment. Inslructions that removal from private The commissioners have dealt in the It was determined that It Is a county road. f1ctals after members of the commission coIn County commissioners Kenneth McDaniel reported that the road has not land is forbidden." It was noted that past year with two other dlspute!! over -Approved the State HIghway Depart­ \IIIllnlmOl)Sly reaffirmed their goal of Nosker and BUI ~Uiot. been maintained ror the past nine years Forest Service personnel accompany roads Passing through private ranchland ment recommendation that a 35 mile per ,. locating an aIrpot! on the mesa. . Heckman wm also wrtte totbl! BLM; the but the J'!llld department crew began to private land owners who wish to ebop Into the Natiollal Forest. Litigation is cur­ hOIlr speed limit sign be erected on Fort - "Stay "the course," suggested Lincolo 'Federa' ":lvliitlOii ~1I'ni1iili"1i'litloii; , t1ie worl( on1f ~Uy. '. ' . '. . fuelwOOd to makeslirethey do not trespass renUy pendIIlg On the openlilg or the road Stantlm'Roadtor slightly ovetthreemUl!:!I County's representative Ben Hall when state aviation division; NMSU; the state "It is passable now, and I will not deny on National Forest land. running through the Q-Bar-o Raneb, and a 4S mile per hour speed limit he aaked how the county commission stands. tourism dlvlsion; the state Farm Bureau; access to anyone," McDaniel explained. . Commissioners chairman Thomas P. which raneb owner Robert LieIzman established ror six miles or the road. Representatives from Capitan, Ruidoso cattle and wool growers; the state land But, he added, "If the road is maintained "Cotlon" McKnight took exception to this wants declared a private road. -Approved a request from Ruidoso­ and Ruidoso Downs eeboed that position. . commissioner; and the RuIdoso Downs­ It's gonna open the land to.the public." policy, indicating it is unfair to "go out A request for the estobllshment of a new Hondo Valley Hospital for reimbursement But the course the commission wnt Sunland Park Jockey Club. County Road Department superinten­ with a private land owner" to ensure he fire district in the Glencoe area was ap' of $68,799.93 from mill levy funds for pur­ follow has become fogged following the SBAC member Benny Coker or Capitan dent Guy Henley said the U.S. Forest ser­ does not get wood from forest land but not proved by commissioners Friday. Roger ebase of varlOl)S equipment. results of the study. At SBAC's October said he had talked with Anaya during the vice requested three years ago that the "go out with the public" to ensure they do Riley with the Ruidoso Downs Fire -Tabled a request from Robert M. meetlog, chairman Fred Heckman of campaign, and he quoted Anaya as saying road be improved to proVide beller access not take wood from private lands. Department reported that to people have Doughty U ror addltionalspaee10 the cour­ Ruidoso noted that the commission agreed that Ifelected governor, he wOllld inslruct for them. Henley reported that he "held "We can go with one individual to pro­ signed up as volunteers for the new fire thouse buUdlng because Doughty was not to abide by the results of the Academy the NMSU Board of Regents to work for off" doing the road work for a whlie, "but tect him from a Irespass situation," district, with Dennis Nosker serving as present at the meeting. study, If it found the evaluation to be fair. the Llncolo County airport. we were going to start doing it the other Makowski replied. It is impossible to ac· chief. -Took no action on a request .ror a Heckman also has said that If SBAC Coker also said he talked with Ruidoso day." company everyone who wishes to chop It was reported that a new fire district special zoning district certificate beeeuse wants to contest the study conclusions, the attorney Gary Mitchell, whom Coker said "We were gonna fix the eroded places in fuelwopd, however, he indicated. must be in operation for one year, have no one was presenl to explain the request. only avenue left Is to appeal the study would be a good contactwith Anaya. Coker the road and broke one of the blades," $1,000 worth of equipment, and elect of· -Granted final approval to Ranebo through administrative channels. The ap­ asked Heckman to seek Mitebell's support Henley commented. ficers before it is eligible for stote r1l'l! Ruidoso Valley Estates Subdlvislon. peals process eventually could end up in a also. "That road Is in terrible shape and why funds. Riley said he feels the new district -Met In' closed session to dlscuss pen­ federal court, and the commission has "It wouid be a political move that would it hasn't been maintained in nine years I can operate from donations for the first dlng litigation. been advised that It could last as long as help the commission," Coker said. don't know," he continued. Suboffice year. He also reported that the Hondo Fire two years. It. point Coker said he wanls retayed to Henley later mentioned "there is no way Department chief offered the use or a 1950 we could get a Cat (earth mover) in there pumper unit, whieb would give the new for fighting a forest fire the way the road is under wag district the $1,000 worth of equipment DOW." needed to receive state funds. The Ruidoso News annual ski in­ Smokey Bear District Fire Management Conslruction should begin today' on Representatives rrom the Bonito Fire sert Is being readied for distribution Officer Steve Makowski reported that "the the county courthouse suboffice just Department present at the meeting as SOOn as Sierra Blanca Ski Resort Forest Service feels the entire road is north of the Ruidoso village hall. The volunteered to help out the new district opens. ' needed for access to National Forest land construction bid was awarded to and Invited Its volunteers to attend their The deadline for advertising to be and for a fire access measure. We an­ Timberlake Construction of Carlsbad training sessions. included in the issue Is Thursday, ticlpate greateruseof the road for rire sup­ and EI Paso, Texas, at Friday's county In other business, commissioners: November 11. pression efforts." commissioners meeting. -Adopted a budget Increase ror a For information and advertising McDaniel expressed his belief that im­ TImberlake had submitted the low pickup truck to be paid ror from the Farm rates, telephone 257-4001 and ask for provementof the road would result in trees bid of the eight bids received on the pro­ and Range Fund, and to pay for the ralr Carmen Edwards or Judy Frost. being felled ror firewood and cattle being ject, at $279,900. Miguel Cheng­ booth at the State Fair. The insert wm be included with stolen from private ranchland. He said he Guajardo, representing architects Gor­ -Signeda paymentof claim for services the regular edition of The News estimates about 100 .cords of wood were don Herkenhoffand ,Associates,. for purchase of a water meter for the Car­ when it is released, with additional taken from his land last year. reported that the firm wanted permis­ rizozo courthouse addition but asked· for digtribution scheduled during the urve never denied anyone to cut wood sion 10 begin construction Monday. A further study on the plan to divert water peak .of the ski season to acquaint from my private land If it's ror his own four-month completion time is ex­ from the basement or the bulldlng. skiers with Ruidoso's atlractions use'," McDaniel noted. 1'1 don't want the pected. -Awarded the bid on a mini-pumper for and services. road closed-I won'tdeny access, but I ask the Bonito Fire Department to Tbunder­ not to have the road improved so it will be bird of Albuquerque ror $51,629.56. Buildingpermits show decrease by DAVID SHEPPARD 472 permits. But this year that figure is at The number of permlls ror single-family $2,860. . SlartWriter 419. '. dwellings Is about tbe same as last year, Country Club Heights, SF», $73,Z78. The October 1981 mark of·49 was preced­ with 305 Issued so far in 1982 COmpared to Deer Park 6, SFD, $67,500. A slump in building that began in the ed by 62 permits Issued in september 1981, 301 by last October. Palo Verde, SFD, $46,764. summer evidently Is continUing in and 41 ror August 1981. The buUdlng permit valustion on the 'ST Palmer Gateway, commercial, $50,736. Ruidoso. And It has local builders and Jordan' said the slowdown "definitely" ' permits fOr October was $t,704,972, which Airport West, commercial addition, Realtors concerned. should be attributed In)l8.ri to the devalus­ brings the year's mark thus far to $10,368. When asked if the slowdown has worried tlon of the Mexican peso. He noted that $25,552,979 on 419 permits. Last year the Middle Cedar, SFD, $25,920. the 'local conslruction industry, Lincoln with the devaluation and the restrictions figure stood at $18,4112,545 for 472 permits. Paradise Heights, SF», $34,624. , - County Homebuilders president Paul Jor­ on taking pesos out of the country, very The difference in the permit valustion is Golf Course, SFD, $43,578. dan replied, "I think they are ... a little." few Mexican nationals can afford to buy tied to the change last May In the method Cree Meadows; SFD, $32,400. . Jordan said several builders, especially property In this area. ofestimatingvalustlon to moreaccurately Middle Creek, SFD, $28,917• those who came here from out of state to . Jordan,'who is a Realtor, also points his reflect construction costs. Until then, per- ' Golf Course, SFD, $47,142. take part In the recent building boom In finger to the glut or new condominiums mit valustlons were estimated at $20 per White Mountain V, SF», $64,800. Ruidoso, have leU the area to seek work and townhouses in RuIdoso. He Said con­ square foot. . Deer Park 2, SFD, $44,550. elsewhere. dominium developments that lack Permits were Issued in October for 'E1 Cree Meadows, sm;$49,140. The evidence of a slowdown is contained amenities "just aren't seI11og." But he is single-family dwellings, four residential Agua Frio, SFD, $24,192- in recent buildlng permit figures. Slartlng optimistic that, with the slowdown on new addltions or a1teratfons, five comml!relal AIrport West, commercial, $116,700, In July, the number of permits issued in developments, sales sooo wiD increase. buUdlngs.and one commercial addition or Alto Lake, SFD, $36,720. . the village began to show a drop rrom the "We just overbuilt a litUe bit here," he alteration. Paradise Canyon, S~, $40,176. amount Issued. In the rirst half of the year. commentOO. "We've just got to hope it's The permits below are liSted by subdivi­ Alpine Villalle, SFO, $36,286. Building permit records were set in gOing to start (selling) allaln." . sion or location, type of structure, and Alto Cr~t, SF», $19,440, March and April of this year. The bulldlng permit figures seem to estimated cost of construction. Forest Heights, SFD,$39,312, . The number of permits In June was 49, substantiate the claim that more condos Sleepy Hollow, commercial, $289,256. Rivet Park, residential addition, $5, 126. RUIDOSO DOWNS MAYOR J. C. Day ~om{1letes the clean-up ~f aUthe but that mark dropped to 39 by July. In were cOnslructed than what there was de­ Alpine VlIIage, SFD (single-family WhIte Mountain I, SF», $50,949. medians olatlg Highway 70 in the v~lIage. The clean-up p~olect was August the tlltal wa.s 34, and in September mand for. dwelling), $34,776. Plnecllff, com:nlerclal, $'15,$00, ass~me the number dropped again,to 31. 'the per­ The: village has Issued no perinlts ror Del Norte 2, residential addition, $1,170. . Enchanted Forest, SF.D. (foundation), recently undertaken so the State Highway. Deportment will mits ISSUed In Octoberare up to 'ST, but it is condo developments In the past two mon­ La Junta, SFD, $44,280. $83.211. , ,. maintenance of the medians. All trees were removed from the medians only speculation whether the increase is a tItS, and the total so far for the y\lDr Is only Alto Crest 2, SFD, $35,343. .Alpine Villalle, SFl), $41,250. , as required by the State. Highway Departtnen!, but mast of the trees harbinger of a construction upturn. 21 permits ror condominium ptojects. At Airport West 2, SFD, commerlcal, White Mountain' V, resldentialadditiotr, Those ngures compare to a higher this time last year, the bulldlng depart­ $87,672.. .' $3,418. . were given to village reSidents for yan5plontmg and one of them was number of permits issued at this time last ment had issued a total of 74 permits for North Heights, SFD, $45,360. Na~rene Campground, sm, $29,700. planted in the park. . year. The total up until Oclober 1981 was condominium conslructlon. Paradise Canyon, residential addition, Middle Creek, SFD, $29,484. .'J' ' . 'J .' . ,.~..-...... _ ...... ""c:...iIi..'''!''''.; + ;""irlhd't'ii". ft. ·':diHi*Hit-tifh±'dttCrttb.hth ri". rib 56. 'i'd' t .' .-', ...... - ...... - ..... ~ -- ... ..,. .. ,....•- ' ...... , -~- ~ _ •.-' -. "",•••~ ,,- ~ -~.' " ~ • ? ~.,...... ~ ...... -~ - """'-- -.''''"''!'.,..- .. . .

Page 2 - Ruidoso (N.M.) News Monday, November 8, 1982 . .

No bus service. expected. ' . for skiers this year by BILLY ALLSTE'ITER meree. bUsines~ is ~teady for the Inn's bus ~er­ ment weather. Radziewicz said that she Slnrr Writer Lack of steady bu~iness is the main vice. He attribuled this to the fact that Iries to arrange carpools among her guests stumbling block 10 a profitable business; reservations are available at Ihe Inn's for those who. do not like to drive. There will be no b"" ~ervice picking up according to Cull. fronl de~k and that Ihe bus leaves every Morgan Clough, pl'esident cif Ihe skiers in town and taking them 10 Sierra He said he could count on a fuUbus when day from the Inn parking lot. Chamber of Commerce, indicated that the Blanca Ski resorllhi~ winter. bad wealher made tbe drive to Sierra He did nol know, however, whether the facl no bus companies ever made money The inn of Ihe Mountain God~ will run a Blanca difficult. But on clear days people service is pl'Ofitable or not. Even ifit loses showed that there was little inleresl in ii, hus from the Inn 10 Sierra Blanca bul Ihe prefer 10 drive their own cars, and Cull money, iI is WOl'th it to the Inn as a ~ervice and that it would not be missed very much bus will nol slop in lown because Ihe Inn's said he often did not have Iwo p;lssengers. to guesls, Warlick explained. al all. license prohibits slops along Ihe roule, "The only reason people don't use it is Most people con\act!,,! did not seem very No one will know until a snowy day this said Tommy Morel, direclor of sales allhe the expense," said Nancy Radziewicz, concerned that tlte service will not be winter what effect no bus service will Inn. . owner of the Wesl Winds Motel. available this year. Lodgers Radziewicz, have. Bul whatever Ihe case, tourists wlll The Ponderosa Bus Line, which ran oul and Clark Carpenter said that few of their no~ have a service offereda,!.JJU'ny other Liability insurance alone costs $3,000 a custom!!rs used Ihe buses except In incl..- ski rpsorts. ~ of Ihe Holiday Inn last year, will not run year for the bu~ service, said Cull. In addi­ Ihis year because the ownership of the tion, the buses can only make one round buses is being contested in courl. Ann Cor­ Irip a day with passengers, because of the reges, director of operations at Holiday 'Ienglh of the trip and Ihe difficulty driving Inn, said that when Reddington In­ ·againsl Ihe Iraffic in Ihe mornings and vestments bOught the Inn and look over ac­ aflernoons. . Villages'governing tive management, nbbody would take The high cosl of operating the buses responslhility for Ihe buses. drives up the cosl of Ihe tickets. Cull if Correges said that. even ownership is charged $8 a round trip in 1981-82 and Ihe decided, the buses will prohably not run Inn of Ihe Mountain Gods is charging $10 because Ihey did very liltle business last bodies to meet this year. year and it would not be worth the invesl­ When asked if the village might run an The Ruidoso Downs trustees will meet -Ordinance 82-22, flood control or­ ment. lonight al 7 p.m. althe munlcip;llbuilding. Dick Cull, wbo ran Sierra Blanca Bus inexpensive service such as is available in '." dinance. Line from 1975 through 1931, has sold his many other ski resorts, village manager -Ordinance 82-23, life safety code or­ Jim Hine said it could not be done because Business on the agenda includes: dinance. buses' and has no plans to restart the -Report from village attorney on ~esull business. the service would lake the bus oul of the of arbitration hearing concerning cod­ -Planning and Zoningitems: replatlots "Every bus service thai bas operated village's corporate limits. . strucllon of bridge after the 1978 flood. 11, 12 and 13, block 31, Ponderosa Heights" has lost money," said Ed Jungbluth, ex­ Jack Warlick, interim gen~ral manager replat of lots 20 and 21, blocks I, K and M, e'ct.ftivc director of the Cha~bC'r of Com of the Inn 01 the Mountain Gods, said thai -Discussion of water Improvement Middle Cedar Subdivision; replat of Phase study with a representative from Boyle 1-A and. loC, Eagle Creek West Con­ Engineering. dominllims;· reqllest fdF 12-foot 101 line -Discussion of plans for Veterans Day variance and vacation of easement, lot I, Extraterritorial zoning open house. HIllside Addition; and requesl for lease of p;lrking area in block 6, Airport West se­ -Resolution 82-15 relating to the agree' cond addition. mentwith Bonnell Ranch Incorporated for a modified village landflll. -Lee Huckstep, reporl on Ruidoso ordinance re'1ewcomplete Water Corporation. -Requesl to change Sierra Blanca Air­ by BARBY GRANT the ordinance after il has been typed. -Jim Hine, request for executive ses­ Staff Writer The ordinance will have to be approved port Commission meeting dates. sion to discuss personnel matters. by the Extraterritorial Zoning Authority -Appointment of Planning and ZOning The Ruidoso-Lincoln Counly Extrater­ before it can be enforced. ;Members of the Commission member. ritorial ZOning Commission met Thursday ionlng authorily are county commis­ -Discussion with Cablevlslon of pro­ to complete its review of the Roswell­ sioners Ben Hall and JohnAllen Hightower blems with utUlly lines on streets. Chaves Counly Extraterritorial ZOning Or­ and village councilman Benny Coulston. LONGING FOR A HOME, this red ond black Collie/Setter mix male is now dinance, making changes where needed An extraterritorial zoning enforcement The Ruidoso council will meet at 7:30 for application to thts area. officer wlll also be appoinled. Members p.m. Tuesdliy at village hall, with a study under the care of the Ruidoso DOwns Police. Officer Dole Patrick says he The commission was set up for the pur­ decided the enforcement officer should be session for councilmen preceding the is gentle and a good dog for children. He is approximately 18 months pose of designing an ordinance zoning pro­ someone recommended by Ihe counly and meeting at 6:30 p.m. old. For adoption Information please call 378·4001. perty surrounding the village limits in a that the position will be discussed with the one-mile radius. At the September 9 county manager soon. The following Items are included on the mee~ing, each member had been assigned council agenda: 10 p;lges of the ordinance to examine -Request from Lodgers' Tax Commit­ Three dogs wait for homes belore Thursday. tee for bndget approval. The major change made in the Roswell Three dogs are currently available for wonderful comp;lnlon for children. This lit· ordinance was the delelion of several types DownsP&Z -Paul CroWD, Cablevislon. adoption at Ruidoso Downs Police Dep;lrt­ tie fellow is three 10 five years old. of business from the lisl of permissable -Public hearing on dispenser's license ment, according to municipal officer Dale The third dog available for adoption is a uses for land zoned commercial. Mike for Southland Corporation (7-11) at Patrick. . male red and black colile-setter mix of Mulholland suggested that sheel metal Mechem and Sudderth. The first is a male black and brown medium size. He is about 18 months old. He businesses, Iravel Iraller parks, okays plans -Ordinance 82-20, itinerant merchants Doberman mix with beautllul markings. is Kentle and a good dog for children. automobile sales and service. and filling This Ill-month-old is large in size and calm stallons and commercial garages not be ordinance. For information on' adopting any of these by BARBY GRANT -Ordinance 82-21, regulating night in temperament. allowed in a general commercial zone. A second dog is a male black and brown dog... call 378-4001 and ask for Officer Staff Writer takeoffs and landings and vehicular traffic He also suggested that junk yards be mix· -3 lovahlp HUll' house dog and Patrick or Officer Yokum. permitted in an Induslrial zone only with a !In runways al Ruidoso Munlclp;ll AIrport. special use permit. Howard Shanks noted Ruidoso Downs Planning and ZOning that commercial horse breeding and Irain­ Commission (P&Z) Thursday approved ing facUlties should be added to the list of two requests for construction of commer­ permlssable uses for Industrial-zoned cial buildings and tabled a requesl to Man jailed after Saturday shootout areas. establish a smaD trailer p;lrk. Ernest McDaniel suggested that a L. N. Hambrick reported that he plans to by DAVID SHF;PPARD canisters Into the man's ap;lrlment. Lund was taken out of-the apartment and Police a&tMties paragraph be added to the ordinance construct about 450 mini storage units on StaflWrlt.or Following a brief walt. a woman came booked on the assaull cbarges. which would prohibit mobile home p;lrks slightly more than Ihree acres of pr"perly crawling out the door, Swenor said. Afler Nobody was Injured In the Incident. from being established in a flood plain behind the Hollywood Bar. The structures A Ruidoso man is being held in the the woman was oUI, a man came crawling Swenor noted this morning that It is for­ area. will be concrete and metal and there will Ruidoso Police DCp;lrtment (RPDJ jail through the same door, Swenor added. tunate no one was hurt. October 14-Georgla Griffin reported Several references 10 a flood commis­ be a resident manager at the site. this morning on $10,000 bond afteralleged­ "Neither one of them were sure If so­ "The Murphy's Law aspect took over," theft from residence of Sony 19-inch meone else was in there," he said. he said. referring to the fact two other pe0­ Trlnitron color TV, model KV I946R, serial sioner, flood and storm drainage master Commission members noted that the ly assaulting a woman and shooling at plan and flood districl were left in the or· police officers Saturday night. Swenor then instructed four officers 10 ple thai police did not know about were in number 732899, $300; Magnovox 17-lnch property is already zoned commercial. don gas masks and inspect the ap;lrtment. the ap;lrtment. Murphy's Law is an axiom color TV, model LE 4237WAI3, serial dinance although noneof these exist in Lin­ They Indicated that the plans are approved Jesse Lund, 30, was charged with ag" coln County or Ruidoso. Greg Haussler gravated assault and aggravated battery Swenor reported that one of the officers thai says: "If anything can go wrong, It number 115295 74, $SOO; Sony digital radio assuming all village fire and selback codes discovered a man hiding under a bed with will." pointed out that there is a need in this area are mel and a building permit is obtained. on a police officer foDowing the shooting clock, $125; Filter Queen vacuum, dark for such and that the references should be incidenl at apprOXimately 10:40 p.m. a .22 caliber rifle. The man later was Iden· Swenor commended his officers for per­ brown, $600. Hambrick assured P&Z that all codes tifled by the assault victim as Lund. formtng "as they were supposed to." included in the ordinance because they will be complied with and said he plans to Salurday. October 14-Jack Marsh reported theft probably will be established in the future. from residence of $217 currency. begin on the project right away. RPD ChIef Richard Swenor said officers October I4-Mannie's Toggery reported Also queslloned In the Roswell ordinance responded to a call from a woman who was a regulationstaling thatthe minimum Also approved was a request from School board meets Tuesday theft of winter coats, Western hata. claimed Lund assaulted her and threalen­ sweaters and cowboy boots; value $3,I!I7. lot size is 10 acres for land in the shallow Desertaire Oil and Gas to erect an office ed her with a gun at the Lincoln Apart­ water basin. Since the StaleEngineer's Of­ building on property 10 be putchased from The Ruidoso Board of Education will -Enrollment report for 40 days. October I5-Patricia Keffler reported ments building on Mechem Drive. Swenor meetTuesday, November 9, at7:30 p.m. at -National School Boards Convention in theft from residence of l00-cC Kawasaki fice has jurisdiction over the water basin R. E. Owen Comp;lny. P&Z chairman Jim said several officers surrounded the in this area, it was decided he should be Tidwell, representing Desertaire, noted the school administration building. San Francisco, California, April 23-26. motorcycle. $500. huilding, looked into the windows of the Agenda items include: October 16-Paul Ibarra reported asked to clarify what areas may need to be that the building will have electricity and unil where the woman said Lund was, and regulated in thts way in Lincoln County. restrooms. -Architect's cbange orders for the new criminal damage 10 property, $300. asked Lund to come out. high school. October I6-Jesse Montoya reported Walt Wilson suggested the need to in­ The RPD chief said one officer noticed a Open house set crease the maximum penally for viola­ A request to place four mobile homes on ~Itting theft of Sears 240inch girls bicycle, blue man inside with a rifle between his -Contract with Texas-New Mexico with chrome fenders, $80. tions of the extraterritorial zoning or­ 5O-feet by 125-feet lots in Mountain Homes legs. Power Comp;lny. dinance-once it is established-due to Subdivision was tabled for further con­ -Adoption of resolutions relating to the for veterans October 17-Marlha Henderson Flores higher land values in this area. sideration. The property is currentlyzoned Swenor said offi~er John Layher ap­ regular school board election and a pro­ The Village of Ruidoso Downs Is plann· reported theft from residence of 19-inch It was reporled that state statutes R-3 and would need to be changed to CTP proached a window in the back of the posed school bond election. ing an open house for veterans and their Quasar Dynacolor TV, model WT597ISW. regulate the amount of fines andlor length (commercial trailer p;lrkl if the request Is apartment and saw the man moving -Resignation of Shirley Isler as fourth families on Veterans Day, Thursday, serial number 1104-2821, $800; Quasar of imprisonment which can be levied for approved, Tidwell reported. around. After Layher knocked on the win­ grade teacher at White Mountain Elemen­ November II. The open house will be in the microwave oven, model MQ332OTW, serial violation of municip;ll or county or­ dow and identified himself as a policeman, tary School. municipal building from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 number 1480532, $400; Sony l50inch color dinances. It was decided that the malter Commission ,,!embers indicated they Swenor said, the man fired shots through -Approvalof hiring Rick Higginbotham a.m. TV, $550; oriental rug; Sony portable will be checked into, however. hesitale to grant such a variance in one the window. as fourth grade teacher. Refreshlnents will be served and a flag stereo, $200; bronze deer statue by Cindy Chairman Milt Alcorn reported that he case because they will set a precedent for Layher was not hit by the shots. ceremony is scheduled for 10 a.m. Burlson, $500; bronze horsestatuebySher- would like to have the first draft of the or­ doing so in other cases. Tidwell said he Swenor said officers then instrucled -Request for use of high school shop "This Is ourway of showing appreciation --mon T. Coleman, copyrighll!l74, $6,000. dinancecompleted by the end of this year. wants to look at the property in the neighboring residents to turn out their building by. Carpenlers' Educational Pro­ for veterans," said Ruidoso Downs mayor October 2O----Susan Crumbley reported A meeting was scheduled for this Thurs­ daylight before making a decision on the lights and stay away from windows. The gram of New Mexico. J. C.DayJr."Wehopethey'llcomebyand - theft from residence of household Items, day, November 11, at 2 p.m. for review of matter. chief said officers then lobbed two teargas -Leave of absence policy. take advantage of It." $400. . Alot of ha'rd work in

1<'.' Ruidoso Little Theater production ",)

by ~ILLY ALLSTE'ITER Cindy TownseQd has had to procurea varietyof costumes that StaffWriter are appropiate for the cast of the play-spirits and all. LUckily much nf thesetfrom the RLT'~ lastplay"Arsenic and When the curtain goes up Friday night for the opening perfor­ Old Lace" can be reused once It has been repainted. AI Radke mance of "The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock. Hoimes" in and Glen'Barrow will have to rearrange the flats to fit the stage the Wendell ChIno RoOm of the Inn of the Mountain Gods Con­ and secure them in place, vention Center, It will be theculmination of months of bardwork So that the audience can see the actors, and so the ~peclal ef­ for the cast and crew. . fects wlU seem real, Bob Proffitt Is spending plenty of lime atop The polished performances, costumes, lighting and sets were his ladder adjusting the lighta, ali ideas In a few people's minds this summer. Sunday afternoon and evening, all members of the cast and The Board of Governors of the Ruidoso Little Theatre IRLTl crewwere busy moving in to the Wendell Chino Room at thellin read and selected the play early In September. Betty Bennett, of the Mounta.1n Gods Convention center. WhIle actors were "the founding mothel''' of RLT, took over the chore of directing rehearsing, the construcllon crew was measuring the stage the play, . around them and the lighting crew was nashing Iighisin their Auditions wet'e held and a castwas ehosen. Then the members faees. . of the Cast had to be shaped into the new personalities of their Hap Hanson was in the back yelling, "Speak slowerII can't stagecharacters. By reading through the lines, walking through undersll\l1d you," and Betty Bennett was telling actors how to their actions, and listening to directions from Benneltand assis­ make their characters more believable. . tant director Sandy Knox, the casl slowly picked up the per­ Theconfusion and clutterwill aD begone, however by FrIday sonalities. night when the Ughts goonandDoctor Watson de1lvei-s his open_ . "The cbaracters must believe In themselves," said Bennett. Ing Unes. .' _ She said they muststudy the character In order for their perfor­ Ticketsfor thedinner thea.ire areIIvaUableat$eatB,llinof the mance to flU out and become three-dimensional. Mountain GodS and Don's Phal'1llllcy. TheRL'1' will take reser. As opening nlghtappl'oaches, costumes and. pro~ must be vatlons for tables of six to eight people. Tickets for dinner and .OIRE.CTIONS from assistant director Sandy Knox Holmes." Director Betty Bennett (left) listens to found..Mary Watson has had to search all around tllwn to find the show are $15, and the show alone I~ five dollars (' furniture of the late 18005, a coal scultle and swords. Where she Dinner tickets m""t be bought at least ODe day before the (right) help actors project more believable characters Knox's directions, will get the two p;lir of wax cast hands that appear In the play i~ show. The RLT will p!!rfonn theplay November 12-14 and 19-21, in the ploy "The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock a mystery. . .' For further lofonnation, call Hap Hanson at 257-4698.

~ . .L. ., ,.,...... ~-

Monday, Novl?m.ber 8, 1982 ~~__

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Page 4 - Ruido.so (N.M,) News Mondav, November 8, 1982 ."...... '••••••••,'.'.',' •••' ••;0••••••••••••••••",' ' ••••;'.'.'•••••••••'.0,.•.•••'•••".:-.oi"';o;o: ••••• '~"""" ,','•••••••~ •••••0'.;.."·.·.·.·.· '0'••••y '0' "'~"" ';;''.:.... •:-: ·.·i·.·~.:- ·.·.·0" ~ "'••.; o'l,";OO:!'" '..; 'I:""~"""" ••••'Io;O~.J . ',••'•••'.·.·.·.'.·.· •••·.·.·.·,'.1.·.'.·•••·.·,' •••0'••••••0'•••'•••'.to~.'.:.:.'.~ 0'••• ~.',. '~" ,'. .', •"••••••', :','•••••:.'.'",.,','.'. •••••••'. •••••''••'",',' ,', ",.,' :-:0: ,':',',",0,'. ,','••,./'0••••.••••••••~ , ~ .~:.:.~.:•.•.•~.:o: :•. ';':'X.:;.O:;:(·~.:O:.:O:O o:1.·""" ,•

'- , Noon lions to conductdrawing '. The Noon Lions Club will be conducting a drawing to benefit some needy families of Ruidoso during the Christmas season. The prize iii a .30-.30 rifle with scope. Tickets are $1 apiece or $10 in books of 12. December 30 Is the date of the drawing,' Tickets are available at The Pancake House and Hili Country Restaurant, and 'from Noon Lions Club members. More' ticket ouUets will be announced. Life in Germany .topicof meeting The Ruidoso. Woman's Club regutar monthly ml!\'ting is set for 1: 30 p.m. Wednesday, November 10, in the Club House. RECEIVING GOOD CITIZENSHIP AWARDS at Nob Hill Chino, Michael Alef, Abel Portillo, Elaine Reynolds, Helga Haake will be the guest speaker. Patrick Shelton, Christine Kamerbeek, Jill Bailey and She was born in Leip;l'ig, Germany, and Elementary School for October ore (back row, from she will tell of her life there and her ex· left) Aimee Reynolds, Craydan Burt, Ricky Devara, Melanie Daves, oil first graders; (front raw) Julliana perlences during the war years. Kerlth Johnson, Barbie Justice, Shane Bundy, Kimber­ Bustemante, J. W. McCay, Nancy Palmer, Danielle Ms. Haake Is a naturalized American Mitchell, Isaac Irvin, kindergarteners, and Richard citizen, haVing come to this country in ly Chaves, Gena Burghoff, Kim Floyd and Brent King, 1951. She recently made a five-week trip to all second graders; (middle row, from left) William Enriquez, first. grader, Germany, and part of her talk will be on Leslie, Louis Holcomb, Calette Williams, Frederick APERFEa RECORD of attendance for 25 yeors at the evening Lions Club home life in East Germany and West Ger· was acknowledged last Tuesday night. Dub Williams (right) gives Bones many today. Wright a pin commemorating Wright's notable achievement. Members and visitors are invited to Wednesday's meeting. Madrigal rehearsals to begin Obituaries Open House set··for Musical rehearsals for the annual to give their time and talent to make this Madrigal Dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. event the success It has been In th.e past. Tuesday, November 9, atNob IJill Elemen· golden anniversary lary SChool. The dates for the Madrigal Dinner are An open house will be given in honor of The dinner Is performed by loCal talent Tuesday, December 7, and Wednesday, Edwin Calentine the 50th wedding anniversary of Loudell as a benefit for the Ruidoso Public December 8, at the Inn of the Mountain Edwin Mozaun Calentlne or Carrizozo, and Edgar Root from 2t04:30 p.m. Satur· Library. Interested Individuals are invited Gods. Tickets will be on sale at the library. died at the family residence Thursday, day, November 13, in Hobbs. November 4. The Roots were residents of Ruidoso for Survivors Include his wife, Audrey many years. Debbie CastHlo elected Calentlne of Carrizozo; son Donald Wayne Site of the open house is the Murle Riley Calentlne of EI Paso. Texas; daughter residence, 1220 W. Copper, Hobbs. All Donna Dell Brown of SocOITO; stepmother ., friends of the couple a...., invited to attend. student senate treasurer Ellen sanders of Ruidoso; sister Barna The couple was married Novelnber 12, WUllams of Tempe, ArIzona; brother I ! 1932, in Woodward, Oklahoma. They now Debbie Castillo, a second year fashion loreign exchange student program in Cape Wayne Calentlne of Carlsbad, reside at 3006 North Acres, Hobbs, NM design student, has been electe

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, . . ,. , ...... • , MondCly, Ni:MJmberB, J98~ RllidO$O eN,M,l News...... Po ._ • Wasted hotw(lter is badnelDs, ~ullcin. \J!sWiItl~n ~t .. , by BILLY,\LLSTl!lTTl!lR J;'ower ComPlloy homeowner'. ellerllY , Goo

LET THE lOOK BUG BITE is the theme of this year's are 8:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday White Mountain Middle School book fair sponsored by and 6 p.m. to 8 p.ro. Monday through Thursday. All the IibrQJ;Y aides and librarian Ellie Keeton. Seventh books are available at a 10 percent discount and the grade teacher lorn McNeil (left), principal Texie Cole fair will offer- books for.oll reading levels and in­ and library aide'Zebo Morris last week helped unpack terests. Everyone is encouraged to stop by to pur­ books to be sold during the fair, which begins today chase books during the fair. Proceeds will be used to and continues through Friday. Hours of the book fair purchase library materials for the school.

I ! ,"

• •• , \,~.,~t , , ~'-;:: ...... "if _,.C" .., t>_i,~ '.\'v- fI. f'· '~'t' ~, ~~ ','>; " • l...,A .... _ .. '. ALTRUSA INITIATES (from left) Cindy Breedlove. Stout were accepted into the women's service club Gayle Martin, Pam Noriega, Carol Maund and Rosine Tuesday night. ~::::~::~:::::"::::~::::::~~~~:.:;:;:"-:::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::: vegatables of every kind for the winter. iike Lynn, lightning swift and sure In an Luia and her husband, the well emergency. respected, pioneer, A.N. Runnels, raised When 1 saw this dirt-mover almost on three sons, Arvel, Robert, and the late top of nie, I made the jump of my life, and The 'Dreamer Rayford; and a daughter, Bonnie Coe. am still here to tell of the miracle. BY Lula, said She wanted to thank The There Is rejoicing In the streets of DANNIE StORM Ruidoso News for the quarter-page birth· Juneau after the motion to move the day card they sent me. She said she and capital'was defeated in the recent elec­ Robert had cut it out and framed it, and lion: so the lIltle jewel of the north Pacific Happy Birthday is still the capital of the North Star State. To Lula Runnels that it now hangs on the wall of her room. I could not thiok of a more wonderful The PenascoValley Ktd On November Nine, Lula Runnels, Rides Again beloved pion_lady of the Bonito Valle_y, compliment. We congratulate Lula on the occasion of You do not know the Penasco Valll'Y wDl celebrate her birthday. Kid? He is also known as Mickey McGuire, , Lula was hom November nine, 1893, In a reaching this milestone along life's' way and we wish hermany happy returnsof the pride and joy of the Ruidoso Sehool small Texas settlement called "Cowboy," system, who was recentiy given a good "It was just a post office and a few day and all God's blessing. November is Birthday send-off in the elections." buildings," says Lula, "and I '!m not.sure I hung the name on Mickey a while back what county It Is in, but more likely eIther Month of Brother Lynn November is also the birthday month of when I learnedthat he was hom and raised Comanche or Eastland. over near Hope, on the Penasco: and has ' Iter mother was the former Nancy Lynn Walter Storm, youngest of Ilie Storm Brothers horn November twenty-eight, heard many a coyote.howl and PlInther Ernaline' Kuykendall, and her father, scream in this early days. Thomas Craddock Gober. 1914 In Juneau, Alaska. He was baplised ~one in the historic Episcopal Church of the Ho­ The good thet Mickey has in his In 1909 the family started west in a long cateeras aneducator Is WIdely known covered wagon, and arrived about three ly Eucharist, along with second to the youngest brother, Joseph Duffield Storm and deeply appreciated. miles below the post office of Angus on the And we congratulate him and his queen Bonito. Their first home' was on Bitler in 1915. Lynn, Joe Redinger and myself att~nded of a little wife, ijuth. (There is a great Creek a tributary of the Bonito. wonian behind every great man.) , LUI~ celebrated her sixteenth birthday services in this church on our July VISit of this year. The church has the traditional sporti11anship In on the way out from TSlIas, and the family l!lvery Day Life arrived later in the month. charming achilecture of the classic" Anglican chw:ch, inside and out: and the From Joe Skeen, on down, the Lincoln Lula has been a great blessing to her County office Seekers conducted neighbors over the years, and her "Bread 'congregatlon is typically ,Alaskan, open· hearted, and always teady with a sln~ere themselves as true ladles and gentleman cast upon the waters has returned many-' and good sjlOrtsmen.Ai1devel'ycalldldatll fold". She has countless friends in every welcome,· ,. , " .Ifyo\i wlll forgIve me. I wllllell¥llU one. thiltrarl waa a'goodiind worthY and WilD' dlre~titln from her home and she enjoys qualified person;'line andatl...· ' remarkably good health.· . more time about mynear·fatal Qcc,delit of ~ongratulB­ ~o\lembet nine. 1971. 1have a habit of try­ So, three hearty cheers and She says she has worked ID the large lionS for all Lincoln County candidates ­ vegetable garden which she and son Ing to Imi~te the .great lIuaUties of lilY people dUring their-birthday month; and for settingan exampleof sportsroanshlpin ijobe~t planted. and "gave about half of it everyday life. away," and still froze and canned on this day I had it In mind thai t must act· • .,. , PagC! 6 - Ruidoso (N.M.) N~ws, Monday, November 8, 1982 ' ':~:':::':':':':~':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':".,:.:.:.:.: ~;.; ;.;-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::~::::::>.:::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::;:;:::;:'~::-~ ...... " •...... •••; ,"" ~ . Around Sports: Colts,·'ruin Ruidoso finale I 58 ..6' , byG~YBROWN Ruidoso used 'a lot or' playel'$ In these­ rlIlIhingand 118. through the air. Woodul They're sn awfully good team. I'd say the with SportsWriter. , . cond half and bpth Woodul and junior went over the l,ooo-yard mark pllJl$ing for ,slate title is going to be between them and­ , ' CY\'US Simmons saw action at qparter- the season. He's believed to be \lie first Artesia. .. The Ruldpso High School varsity football back. .' Ruidoso quarterback to go over the 1;000 "I \IIougbt our offensive line did a grea\: Gary Brown '".. team foun~ out why Sliver City is ranked SUver City hada big size a!lvantage over y!lrd marksJnce Blaine MlUer c;IId Itfor the ,job passblockin"g. Ilhink BUly did a good. first in the state's MA diviSion when the the .Warrlors, averaging around 180 state M champions In 1972., ,job paSsing, especially since he had a cou- ~ Warriors lost to the host colts In the pounds In 001:):1 \lie offensive and defenSive 'Warrior head coach Dar:rel Stierwalt pie dropped." : regular season finale 5ll-6 Friday night. lines. Ruidoso'S offensive' Une averaged was disappointed allout his team's loss but NOTES: Deming finished second In tltl!l' , Silver City didn't .waste any time show­ just under 165 poundS while the defensive wasn't surprised at the way Sliver City ~lrlctrace with a 4-l record. Thll~ Ing Its strength againsHheWaniors, Une averaged around 150 pounds. loolled. Wildcats toppled TorC3ll-22 FrIday. In the-t Even though Ruidoso High School won't In the AAA division, Silver City, Por­ "They didn't do anything that surpised tales and Artesia are probably the best' After Ruidoso ,got one first down on the Sliver City gained over 300 yards tobl,l of­ other district finale, Tularosa rolled over-: be In the slate AAA division football opeitlng series of ·the game, the Warriors fense while the Warriors, picked lip 6-~, us," he said. "We just couldn't stop them. Cobre 25-7. ' playoffs this year, the competition in al.1 teams. The top schools In the northern,part had to punt snd It took the hosts just four the divisions should be very interesting. ofthe slate like SI. PiusandAztec are good plsya to travel 54 yards for a score. ' The AAAA division, composed of New but not quite on the level of the top Joe Vasquez ran for five yards to putthe Mexico's largest high schools, has a southern schools. ball on the Warrior 49. Quarterbaok Danny, number of outslanding teams thaI' could Portales is the defending slatechampion Bowman then completed sn la-yard pass play In the playoffs. District4-AAAA, com· while Sliver City has a well-balanced team , to the 31.' ' poSed of teams like Clovis, Carlsbad and and finished second last season. Fullback George Peru ran for two yards Roswell on the eastern side of the state, is Artesia is always tough and has come on to the 29. On the next play, Vasquez' by far the toughest district in New Mexico. strong this season after a slow start. The brother Joe ran through a hole on the left , Clovis won the state championship last Bulldogs have one of the best quarterbacks side of the line for 29 yards and a' season and finished second to Eldorado of in the state in Scott Runyan. touchdown. The extra point attempt was ' Albuquerque in 1980, Portales is tough and strong, just like it good and the Colts led 7-0 with 8: 01 left In However, Hobbs looks like the best bet was last season. It has the added advan· the opening period. for the stateA:AAA title. The Eaglesfinish· tage of being the defending champion and The Warriors failed to geta first down on ed second in the playoffs last season and that helps a lot when the pressure is on the their next series and pUnted, Silver City are probably stronger on defense this line. . taking over on the Ruidoso 44. year. Hobbs doesn't have an AIl·American Look for Portales to win the title again, Bowman hit Dale Maxwell with a nine­ running back like it did last season in Tim· beating out Sliver City in the title game by yard pass to the 35 and Jim Vasquez rSn my Smith but it probably has a better all· a close margin. Last season Portales top­ (or (our yards to the 31. around team. ped the Colts by a 20-16 score. I$Owman then hit Joe Vasquez with a Alamogordo rates as a darkhorse can· Next season Ruidoso could be in the AAA short pass and the talented senior ran ,didate for the title. The Tigers defeated playoffs, ' down the sidelines for the touchdown. The Sandia of Albuquerque in sudden death The Warriors will have nine defensive extra point kick was again good and the starters and five offensive stafters plus ") last week and are loaded with speed, hosts led 14-0 with 4:52 remaining In the ••• Sandia will probably make the playoffs some fine prospects from the junior varsi­ period. . as a second place team but it has perhaps ty squad and a strong White Mountain Mid· The Warriors fumbled the ensuing the state's best lineman in FJOed Madia, the die School team. kickoff at thetr own 14 and it took SilverCI' state champion in the shot put and discus. ' Ruidoso IIlso got some probable help for ty three plays to get on the scoreboard. A number of other Albuquerque schools next season when a 6-3, 240-pound athlete Peru ran for three yards to the 11 and like Manzano, Eldorado and Del Norte from Goddard High School of Roswell Joe Vasquez gained eight to the three. He could also challenge for the title. transferred to the Warrior campus last ran in for thescorewith 3:3&left in theflrs~ But the title will probably belong to a week. quarter. George Finley ran theextra poi1!r= district 4·AAAA team In the end. That's Ruidoso didn't have much size this in for two points and thl! Colts held a 22-G where the best football in the state is season but that's something a 240-pound advantage. played. lineman can cure very quIckly! Silver City scored on, its next series just before the quarter ended, driving 50 yards in four plays. Peru scored from 12 yards out and the extra point was again good for a 2lHI Colt advantage at thl!'flrst quarter Ames working dai'y with break, . j Peru scored his second touchdown on a :{ five-yard run midway through the second "n~~ period. Finley kicked the extra point and' . , . ...' >.~- 3lHI. \\;l' '-.', the Colts led . " The Warriors scored their only '. «".,.; "',,'. -.- ": ..... , , Warrior wrestlers • (:1 ; ~\ .-:~~: " t .' .' , touchdown of the game on anBB-yard drive -.J: • ,~. ~' -:;, .~ .. -t:." .' 1·- '.. " near the end of the second quarter. , '-,' Ruidoso High School head wrestling From his own 16, Warrior quarterback , " .0- " He's expecting several members of the " :-.:~~ ." coach Gerald Ames is working five days a football team to help him now that lhe Billy Woodul bll tight end Mike Douglass .' week with his team in preparation for the on the sidelines andthe 6-2 senior ranfor 21 gridiron season is over. ~. season opener at the New Mexico School "I see Deming as being really tough in yards to the Warrior LE:r IT FLY. Ruidoso High School quarterback Billy passing mark for the season with his performance for the Visually Handicapped Takedown district," he said. "They've got 11 starters Woodul hit Strobel for four yards on a Woodul (left) gets ready to pass as halfback Eric against Sliver City but the pawerful Colts still prevail­ Tournamenl November 20. returning. They only lost their curl pattern to the 41. The duo hooked up Strobel blocks for him in Friday night's game with ed by a 5B-6 scare. Ames has four starters back from last heavyweight to graduation. ,Silver City again on the next play for nine yards and a season, three of whom competed in the could also be tough. Second place could be first down at the 50. hast Sliver City. Woadul went over the I,OOO-yard state AAA division championships al Los really close between Sliver City and us." After an incomplete pass, Woodul con­ Lunas High School. New Mexico Military Institute and nected freshman fullback Mark Langston Scotl Ciraulo, Henry Rue and Gary Cobra are the other schools In the wrestl· on a short swing pass for a seven-yard gain • Burgess all competed in the slate tourna· ing district. Tularosa and Truth or Conse­ to the Sliver City 43. Langston then banged Q t ' ment while Chuck Schmidl just missed quences do not have wrestling squads. lor four yards to the,89.•'.,,, ..,.",,. • ".,- ' WoodulthqnhlU}QUglqtj/ln\1~~ ,.."".apI an. oUl, finishing fourth IIr the district tourna· Ruidoso finished third in the district ment. tor a fIVe-yard gain to the Bt,1>n-Ute iIelI:t-',. " defense tops T.ex,ico tournament last season and did well in Ames has one of his biggest turnouls most of the season weekend tournaments. play. the senior quarterback found junior ever for wrestling and he's optimistic the Mark Paz Is Ames' assistant coach. split end Curtis Palmer alone in the end Warriors can be competitive this season, zone for the touchdown. Palmer, who caught the winning pass against Truth or Consequences IT or C) last week, had beaten the one Coit as Tigers earn finals berth defender easily. Ruidoso Wrest'ing C'ub to The Warriors tried a two-l"'lnt conver· sian but senior wingback Grlldy William­ son was stopped inches shan of the goal Capitan High School used a tough, topped Capitan by a 13-0 margin on the by virture of a ~-6 victory overTatum Fri· line on a sweep and the Colts took a 36-6 unyielding defense to down host Texico 7-2 Tigers' field. day. lead into the locker room at halftime. FrIday night and advance to the state A Reserve, the two-time defending cham­ Reserve, now 7·2 on the year, rolled up have meeting November 17 Silver City held the WarrioJ'Sscoreless in division football championship game at pion, advanced to the championship game ov~r 300 yards total offense in the contest. the second half while scoring thfee Reserve High School Friday afternoon. touchdowns and a safety for itself. The Tigers, now 6-2·1 on the season A meeling for anyone inlerested in the Mark Paz at Box 171. Ruidoso DOWns, NM scored their only touchdown on au-yard Ruidoso Wrestling Club will be held at 7:30 88346. report p.m. Wednesday, November 17, at village pass from quarterback Dewey KeUer to Local fishing hall, David Beavers in the third quarter. It was Texico's first defeat of the season. Rio Ruldoso: The flsbing is slow. stocked. The meeting will be a chance for all per­ Brave girl eagers should show During the rest of the game, the Tigers Alto Lake: The fishing is slow to fair us· Bonito Lake: The fishing is slow to fair sons interesled in the club to get together used an opportunistic and rugged defense ing salmon eggs and fioating cheese. Fish using corn, salmon eggs and noatlng and discuss the club. Both girls and boys to stymie the hosts. Texico got its safety in nine to 13 inches long are being taken otf cheese. The lake has been recently stock­ can participate in the club's activities. improvement this year the final quarter. Tackle Todd Proctor, the bottom. The lake has been recently ed. Many other sports besides wrestling will guard Paul Sullivan and linebacker Jon be conducted at the club's clinics. The White Mountain Middle School girls think we've had a 100 percent improve­ Todd Aguilar again stood out for the win­ ners. l""""""""""""""''- Volleyball, soccer, basketball and possibly basketball leam is practicing daily In ment in our skills.It jI! ~ AnENTIONI .~ - ~ jI! track will be among the sports taught. preparation for Its season opener against Kerry Gladden, Marcie Mullican, Shon­ Texico almost pulled the game out on Capitan Monday, November 22. da Hopper, Verabyn Smith and Berdine '~ The first session will be saturday, The Braves have five players returning one drive. However, the Tigers stopped I WRITERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS .. I 'ZT. Smith are the returning playets from last Texico quarterback Brad Stewart at the November The sessions will last from from lasl season's team and head coach season. Gladden is the tallest player at 5-6. 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays and wlll con· Jean Wright is optimistic. Capitan one yard line after he ran 24 yards I The Ruidoso News will consider for publication articles and I The Braves have 20 players out forthe on a fourth and 25 play. tinue through most of the winter. ..Assislant coach Joette Maskew has team and will have both A and B squads. jI! photographs of local and area interest. For style and payment jI! Anyone interesled in further information worked with the players during the sum· White Mountain will host the Ruidoso High Capitan is now 6-2·1 on the season and jI! guidelines contact Barby Grant or nm Palmer at 257.4001. jI! about the club should write club direclor mer ball practice and conditioning andshe School junior varsity in a scrimmage Texico finished the year at 8-1. has done a real good job," Wright said. "I Tuesday, November 16. The victory was sweet revenge for the I The Ruidoso News accepts no responsibility for material jI! Tigers over the larger Texico team. Last jI! submitted. All material Is sublect to editing at the discretion I year Texico nipped the Tigers 7-6 in the jI! of The Ruidoso News. iiIl state semi-finals and earlier this season ...,""""""""",....,"',....,'~ Haye A Great Getaway EY.nlng At The Mon J.au Loung. ISHOP THE CLASSIFIEDS I In The Hollda, InnI MUSIC BY THE, ISHOP THE CLASSIFIEDS I DAVE RICE BAND ~~_,~!''',",''ED''ESDA YIS LADIES' NIGHT I...,_S_H...O_P_R_U-,-ID...... 0o:--s_o_1 -llrll'w. Drinkl Fr.....% Price Drinks All Evenlnl THURSDAY-DANCE CONTEST , $100 To The Winning Cou~l. . VISIT OUR NEW .IDEI"'ID1I1hrOAt. Tile Pu.llc Is W.lco...... The Contino at Cochera Restaurant HAPPY HOUR 4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. 50 cent draws • Happy haUl Drinks' I Free Salsa C:r ChiPs. I - , ~ , ,

~ ,J! _~ ~_ tI. ~ iI:..-~ ,~~_-~_ ~ L ii.:.....1t...-L1IIL..:.,-~'!"..J-"QL:.:.L L~I.o...... :.L~ ~c~tL, .." Ilir:. 1i,'., iLdL ~ ~... t... ,au JI.,,-"_ .... '"'_ ... ~ ..,~Il;. .~.'~ ...... • .•.., ..: •. ~,._ ••. '-- ...... ~, ...... "".' ~_._. _H_ 1'••_ "'- _. -i\o __ '""~' .... '_ ""-_, oL-. ,;jL _ .',_, , • ,I: • ,~ ' ...' .' "

''1'be. Rill. Hill!l' $c;lIool varsity Tularosa competed in the quarter finals si~ three years ago. ~''''''''li ....:...r.. ~ or a state of the tournament Saturday, Truth or Con- . ~"*th,1Q lllIwb.!IIe lubes when sequebces and Silver City will represent 'f'tie majority of the Warrior starte1"$ are It ...... ·.·.·to ...... ;,.,;.'.~... '. In two sets the district in the state tournament next seniors but Ruidoso has a nUDJ~ of ,... "...... eek' reserves returning next season wl\(l sIIow. 'I'II!lr!iiIa)' ~1Ii the dlalrict 3:AAA tour- w , ed improvement during the season. The , MIlMIIt ~.l.~!.!!"' Wa¢lor gym. Ruidoso fluished the season with a 5-5 'Rw'd'oso J'UDJ'or varsity al-.o •.h·o~ed. ,'m- '. ~ ,,_ ~ fifth in the round-robin record iii district and a 9-8 •• ...... ~ .lIIIU01I with a 3-7 mark overall. It was the Warriors' first 'provement during the year and a numbe.r ~...... -..... th f' t t of those players could help thevarsity next -y~j... ~lI!ll W'!JTlors .u... e IrB se winning season since joining the AAA divl· .. season. . bY~• ...,;~.Qd CJIIle back to take the, . . '. ." IIl!Ca!lcIMt,.III-IO. . . . tIie WlIi'rloriIheld euJy leads in both _but !be WIJdcaIll raIlled each time. ~ took a 4-1 lead In the first set, lIII\y to ... o.·WIJdcaIll come back and .Ii!l.b a H ~, TIle Warriors then Ieind 'fIve Iltal8bt points ..wlth Kody ....Y1Of allI'YIIlIlor a M advantage. ..\l'bit .... to bit the Waniors: high point Gtthe ,as Tularosa, play- 11II ~t team ball, lICOl'ed .10 straight poiIIta lot the VIctory, " 'In the -..lllet, RuIdoso jumped off to a 0-0 lead before tile viIIltors raIlled to tie tll..co....,'''' ' 'TIle W.lTlora took a 7-6 lead but TuJa..... thenlCored six points to RuIdaIo'I _ lor a 12-8 advantsge. TaykJr served two more points as RuIdaIo cIoIed tbe gap to 12-10. But ~ then acored three straight points lor a 15-12 let victory and the match vic­ tory,

Sports ., " -~",~., •• • actlYltles .

GET THE BALL. Peter Gable (light jersey) of the took an exciting 1-0 victory. The Celtic nipped the Rowdies and Aaron Bishop of the Cosmos get their Strikers 3-2 for the under-16 title and United edged legs crossed on each other as they go for the ball in the Celtic in a shaotaut for the under-eight champion­ this week Saturday's under- 12 youth soccer championship ship. match at White Mountain Middle School. The Rowdies Monday: Monday Nlgbt Ladles' League at HoIidIIy Bowl, Tuesday: Tuesday Morning Ladies' IaIIIe and '1'uescIay Night Mixed League Celtic win under-16 soccer crown It HolIday Bowl. wedllalljlay: WecI1Hsday Night Mixed I-equoat KoIIdily Bowl. 'I'IiuI'acIa)': 'l'bUraday Morning Ladles' The Celtic took Its sixth straight crown In the under-12 match, the Rowdies nip- for the under-12 title and the United- LMaue at HoIldIly Bowl. . when It toppled the Strikers 3-2 in the ped the Cosmos 1-0 for the championship. Bandits team blanked the Celtlc-cobru Friday: Capitan HI8b School varsity GO FOR A SCORE. Claudia Branum of the Ruidoso High School varsity Ruidoso !ioccer Association under-16 United took the under-eight crown with a team3.0 for the under-eight championship. lootbaII team at Raerve High School In volleyball team serves the ball during Thursday night's match with champlonslilp gameSaturday afternopn at shootout victory over the Celtic. • In both age group All-Star matcl1e1'. tbe , ItlteAdlYlaIoaIlDab.atlrtlngat3:30p.m. WIIlte ;Mo\llltain Middle School. Bren~ King and Dan..seay sCQred the ,fh:standfourthplac"tealJlSlNeJ:e~ 8a~: BlIItIoM,8oc'1:er 'Association visiting Tularosa in the district 3-AAA ployoffs. Tularosa took a twa-set '.r!IE YliJlfle1'll, coaclJild 'by BUlch Gfan: .-shootoui goals for Onlted while goalie Joe against the second and thlrd place squadi. UJlder.ll·AW8lat' leluII'at Alamll!lordo. victory and eliminated the Warriors from the playoffs. ... tham, took a 2-1 halftime advantage on Moore blocked three Celtic shols. . seay, who bas scored over50 goals in the • goals by Jeff Slatton and John Kirchner, United and the Cellic had battled to 0-2-2 past two seaSons, scored twice tosparlttbe The winners added another goal bySlatton tie In regulation time. Neither te;lm could early In the second period before the score in the overtime period so the match United-Bandits team to Its win over the HI. • h t h I Strikers scored their second goal with was decided by the shootout. Eric Evans ~;t~~h~b:::1 ;~u~:.; =~~ng scored" narr.or cage CO ac expee s e P seven minutes left in the contest. scored the two Cellic goals while seay and Dusty Ske1let, Cody WUJard and ;\ngela Francisco Olvera and Eddie Gardalla Casey Ward scored the two United regula­ Jones scored the goals for tile under-12 . scored the Strikers' goals. Carl Lueras did tion goals. Ie a fine job In goal for the winners. In· the under.12 match, both teams "They're basically the same team I've played fine defensive games. i~:~~:~!:~~':\:"f:-U: fro'" ex-football players this wee had for threeyears," saidGrantham about In AIl.Slar action Sunday at the middle The best players from the under-lt . his team. The Celtlc have won the title in school, the Cosmos-Tornado .team edged Celtic and Strikers will play the Alamogor­ both the spring and fall seasons each of the Rowdies-Strikers team by a 3-2 score do team In Alamogordo at 1p.m. Saturday, ~GARYBROWN those years. c them played either freshmen or Junior var­ for the junior varsity last season.

~...... '.'~ Ilferta Writer sity ball last season...... -:~ :-: :- The Warrior freshmen will practice in eo ••••••••• n 0 z. :.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.x.:.;.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:::::::-;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::':':':':"':':':':':-:-:':':':':'.':':':.:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:-:-:.:v:-•••-: 7'••• :-:.:.:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:..'.' ";;"" •..••..•...... ', , ' .•.'...... , ..... Among the non·football players, Slanley the morning while the varsity and junior ItlddaM HI8b School varsity basketball Sluder, Bill Bomar. Phil Yerrlck and varsity athletes will practice at 6 p.m. coach Ron Geyer wl11 be getting several freshman Dan Ullmann give Ruidoso some Head volleyball coach Elmer Chavez is new alhJetea It pl'acUce this week. height. Geyer's assistant while Thurman Sanchez NowtbatfootballllCUOll is over, someof Sluder, a 6-3 sophomore, has shown will coach the freshmen, I-n-s-i-d-e the Outdoors tile WarrIOr grldders wl11 be switching to great Improvement over last season. tile buketIMilI COUl1I and Geyer feels they Bomar Is a 6-2 junior transfer and Yerrick Ruidoso's girls basketball team is also wlII belp tbe ItalcIc.o cage prospects. isalso 6-2. Ullmann is 6-3 and has excellent working out daily andhas looked good. The New Mexico Game and Ash News . "About JO to 2S playersfrom the football . potential. Warriors have a veteran group of players team, incIudIDc fresbmen, should come Gilbert Rivera, a 5-7 junior. has looked returning from last season's team. out lor pracUce this week," the new War· good at guard in practice. He was a slarter Sergio Caslanon is thegirls' head coach. rlor mentor said. "We've already got ., IfI've saidItonce, I've said It a thousand been turned over to a district attorney tUl chance or accident. The shooterconscious­ about JO pya worldng out Sll we should ly pulled the trigger without knowing have aI'OlIIld 40 to 45 people working out r----- 1983. Breedings times. Be sure of your target! possible prosecution. ex­ I This statement' is repeated many I'm sure you're wondering about the actly what his target Wall. or where h1I thla week," I In order to settle an estate we have.flve horses that we own times across New Mexico at thlS tIme 01 same thing I did when I first heard the"ac­ bullet would land If he missed his tal'l(et. ADIonCtbeplaYel'llwbowl11heswitchi~g I breeding rights to. We can either sell them annually or I year by hunter training instructors. In this cident" report. In the flrst place, how did Another detail to note is that the victim lrom lootbaII to buketball are 6-3 CurtIS lifetime I way at least hunters under the age of 18, the shooter get that close to a bull elk in In this shooting was wearing a faded ~~:~m='~=,E!!f=y Master Hand Shawnee Bug who are required by law to receive hunter thick aspen? If the brush was so thick how yellow jacket and a white cap, colon I. I safety training, are exposed to the impor­ did he know It was an elk? Was the elk which blend In with thenatural colors ofan Crow. Palric Pearson and Grady WiIIlam- I PocketCoin JetView Maskeo Lad tance of this basic safety rule. really ever there? lf he saw the elk why aspen grove In the fall. A blaze orange IIOD _, a H guard, started for the I think you will agree that these are some of the finest studs didn't he see the hunter? If the elk was simm I I Unfortunately, and quite tragically, this jacket and cap may bave saved his life., junior vanity Jut sellOO and also played I In the breeding business today. I rule has already been violated by one adult moving through the brush at such close range, It must have &e<:n moving quickly The seriousness of this incident should ina lew vanity pmes, Palmer, a transfer 'ForPrices orFunher Information Call: I hunter this year. trying to get away, so did the hUnter ever come to bear on all hunters preparing lor from NortberD CaHlorII1a, could be an I Mike Wailing at New Mexico recorded its first flrearms really have a reasonable shot through the the remaining elk hunts and the upcoming exceIIeDtleapl1JlabIlltyandquickness.Heoulltalldllll plWpeCt. He has good height, LThe FonStockton InsuranceAgency _ (915) 336-8565"_ hunting fatality for 1982 on Friday, Oc­ aspen? And finally, did the hunter simply deer seasons. Hunters must rea)lze that shoot at a sound? when they make the decision to pull the call1bt !be WiDDing touchdown pass tober 8 when an elk hunter shot another a..rllllt 'truth or Consequences for elk hu,{ter in the head at a range of 3(}'35 I haven't seen the Investigation report trigger on a high power rifle theyareDiall­ .ma~sma6mmRgmmSmmmmmm for this incident so I don't know anymore ing the dectslon to release a deadly foree, allIdoao'l ilIIJy victory in football. yards in thick aspen growth 13 miles south '~Ullam.on. of Coyote. The shooter told Sta~,:, ~o~lce about the shooter's story. But, he obvious­ The conditions under which they do 10 $-14/i _ a wingback In foot­ must be entirely within the rules of lllIIe that he had seen and shot at a bull elk but ly wasn't sure of his target. And because blilI lIDd ibouId illve the Warrior cagers a Inn"tho' . II apparently missed it, Instead hitting the he didn't follow all the rules of safe hun­ gun handling. . IOIlMl extra quickness. unseen hunter beyond the bull. The inci­ ting, I can't call the incident an . There is no excuse for a firearms lIaccl­ ~, dent," Crow and Reynolds are 5-8, dent was Investigated and results have "accident." The bullet was not flred by WJ1!II .. 11-11 and Espinoza .is 5-11. All of p-~..!~ • ~, . TheCousins':Complex I Welcomes Back " . I HILL'S PANCAKE HOUSE , II THE N MONDAYthru Cousins'Restaurant LUNCHEON SPECIALS FRIDAY B a •.• anold/rlendinRuidoso " QUIN-TIKIS Ei1 , ~.' . m" • MONDAY: CHICKEN fr~~ 3.95 Jerry-Dales 51 SHOW BAND . I . , "RU~O$(j'$'largest and Appearing .WED: CHICKEN/DUMPLING 3.95 1tve.ItMtnigbtclub. II til ., Nightly II THURS: LlVER& ONIONS 3.95 CW:;.~tfJ .. & . - in the ~=~ Bottled Beer.WineC&Liquor. a m 3.95 , __ 505-258-3555 FltIDAY:. CHICKEN STRIPS = '. ..:... -:""""" ' .. JIbOne lin-Ada Lounge" -'--~~~'3.~e$"'OrthOOH'WY' SALAD-8READ·TEA-COFfEE lNCLUDED 37 ,'S DancingNi.,htly 2''5'" 5141 .' , Ruidoso's leldel' lor f:lItel1alnmelt. ,n Beginoingat.8:30 - II 6AM-h30PM 1611 SUDDEtnI ('61mb'" '& Wt'stt>rn Til.,.day Thrll S.llI1'11IY II NoCoverCharge . .... ' .' .. ..._ :257047.15. Ilock 'S"ll"l1 NundlY" Molld.y'·:·, .' . ~ Ruidoso. dOSED TUESDAY ·z ,Monday Sight .·~bllll- Specills.()tl F'"".bt . . ::« .S SlIlDla.fi1l11smsasUlEllIl!fillUtlaa

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. . ., -,,' '0 ~.. • --'-' -. . ' , " . "-.. ...~ , . ,I . MondClY, Nov"'mb",r 8, 1982 Ruidoso (N.M.)N",ws - Section II I :.;;:.:;:.:.::::;:;:;:::;:::::::;.::::::::::;.;::::.:.:;:;:.:.:.:.:;:.:;:.:;:~.:::.:::::::;:::~;:::;:;:;:;:.:.:.:.:.:::;:;:;:;:.:;;;:.:.:.:;:i:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:.~:;:';';';.:.;.;.;.;:;:;;::;:;:::;;;;;:::::::::::;:;:;:::::mm:::::;;::::".;:::::-;:::;:::;:o:;:;:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;.;:.:-:~::;:::;:::;:::;:;:;;;::~:::;:t:::.:-:.;.:;:.:.:::-:....:-:.:;:;;:.:.;.;.:<;;-:«<~~:~:':'1':':':';':':':':':':':';':-:;;;:;:;:::"-:;::~;;:::::::;: OPINION:' PAGE Yours and Ours

...... :-- ~...... -~ ...... -:.;.;.:.;.:.:.:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:-:::.;.::;:;:;:::::::::::::;::·:::·::::;:::::::::::::::::9;;:::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::;:;:';::;::::-;:;:::;:::::::::::;:::::::;::.. ..' .. , ... -. Inside The Capitol Editorial THE RUIDOSO NEWS Which on", of you old boys wClnts to be pClrks Clnd by Fred McCaffrey. recreCltion director? I · USPS No. 47280 The "old boy network"-by which persons are plClc­ Published each Monday and Thursday by Ruidoso News, Inc.. J. "· Kenneth Green, President; Walter L.. Green, Vlce,President, at 1712 ed in public sector jobs by connections rather than Sudderth Drive, and entered as second class matterat the Post Office qUCllificCltions-has been known to exist. What a SANTA FE-They treated the cleails Legislature, that'those who provide the at Ruidoso, N.M. 88345. with deference, though some within the dough have a right to demand some form Ken and Mary Green " "Publishers shClme If It were to operate In this important choice, cleanly group appeared not to have gotten of accountability. Rolland Ramos Circulation Mgr. the· message. What's more, when they obs~e a Tim Palmer ,,, Editor These jlre deans from colleges and marked decline in the quality of education Carnten !:dwards , I\dverlising Mgr. It works like this: a job OJHIns up. or Is cr"",t",d by univ~u(es in the'state which train In the schools which absorb by far the Joyce Woodard Composing Mgr. stClte requirem",nt or public pressure or whClt",v",r teacherS. largest share of the revenues the state Some of them appear to have. come to disburses, they can hardly help adverting SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE reason. Such-and-such person expresses an Interest this meeting in Santa Fe to discuss to the fact that the quality of teaching may In the job. The person or persons chClrged with fill­ whether we shoUld have tests of profes­ have something to do with that. Single copy; 25c; Single Copy by Mall, SOC; 6 months out of1::ounty, sional competence for those who want to To many of us who aren't teacbers, that $20; within County, $18: 1 year out of County, $22; within County, $20; ing the Job agree, "Such-Clnd-such Is CI good· old HOlDe Delivery, $2.50 per month. be school teachers in New Mexico. seems logical enoogh. boy-let's give It to him." That III no longer the question. The Ruidoso News reserves the right to reject advertising and edit StUl, the teachers stay unhappy at the copy that It considers objectionable. Liability for any error in adver­ ,, It has been so ordered. thought. • 'l1Iis meeting of the Professional Stan­ tising shall not exceed the value of the actual spaee in which the error To many lawmakers, and some just­ occurs and shall ·be satisria

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, WOOD WELDING .. SERVICE PHON E 318-4614 SALUTE TO CHAMBER MEMBERS , . New Steel in Stock This is af8I!IJlar iI the Monday edition ofthis frJ ittrrJduce Repair and Fabrication team newspaper .Ornamentallron Work the members ofthe Ruidoso fatly ChamberofCommef11J • Portable Welding • Radiator Repa ir l.H.(P~te) Wood

T. E. Arrington ~NAnll~ NAPA Auto Parts' , -~l Warehouse ~ General Contractor .NAPAI MQME CENTERS ... I - Commercial-'Residential- .New Auto Parts Complete Line Of , I J ' I• Auto-Truck·Tractor Building Materials - Repairs - Metal Buildings- 'j' J , MachIne Shop Service For The Contractor P.O. Box 701 I' • And Huldoso, N. M. 88:145 257-2403 .Your Authorized The Oo-It- Yourselfer'" , . . Stihl Chain Saw Dealer Highway70 at the Y 318-4494 "103.~-rf' J , .""-.,,.,. -, , " . 2818 Sudderth 257.7347 .

REAMY DRILLING GUARANTY COMPANY ABSTRAa & TITLE CO. SCHRAM ROTODRILL BOX 964-PHON E 257-2091 OR 251·5054 RUIDOSO. NEW MEXICO 88345 EQUIPPED LOCATED NEXTTO CABLEVISION -LICENSED -BONDED -INSURED Owners: AI and Charlene Ward Kenneth Reamy.. driller HOUSE Of SHOES, located at 1703 Sudderth in Plaza p.m. Monday through Saturday during the winter. All.' Abstracto~: Naila Sluder Phone 505·354·2470 Center, has been a member of the Chamber since types of shoes for men, women and children are sold. Hollis Cummins . partner March 1980. It's owned by Tommy and Patti Horn· Bogs, brushes and shoe polish are among the many Phone 505·354·2219 buckle and they have two employees. Groce Gordon accessories sold. Evenings 505·354·2429 and Ann Griffith. The store is open from 10 a.m. to 5 P.O. Box 474 CAPITAN. N.M. -CLARKE·$'-...... 88316 Chapel of Roses J4 257·7303 , - . CALL DAY OR NIGH TAKE A BREAK .. .. l.. . I •.~.... By Staff Of Ruidoso Travel • ,.(1., t I.".';: for personal ized Seryice HUGHES BODY SHOP For You and Your Family Serving Ruidoso I. "Ii!' \I;ES HI' Tilt: (',\IIIIIIIK\N Th{" Islands of Ihp Caribbean otrl."r And All of Lincoln County furl'lJ!n na\'nr as w(>11 as sun, sand and J thC' Sp('('lal 1~land languor. Th("r€." are Spanr..h. "~rf·n('h. l)ul("h and fo':n"hsh ,.. Ianel.. i]!,> \\("11 as...Aml"rirun Thprl' art' "IX [)ul('h Islands In the SJ>AS 'AUNAS C'urihlll'an Ihr ABCs 'Aruba. Bonairr, kOT TtJSS ("ur,wan I ;.11111 th(':1 S's 'St Maarl(1o,51 JAcuztt BATH ACCESOA:ES fo:u1'ootaI1Us. Saba 1 Dutch IS lhf." offiCial lan~1HtJ!('. hUI Io:nglish. Spanish. and I chalt,(,t.. fr('qu('nt· v·:ti'&Uri '.I FREEESTIMATES Im'al an' h('ard mort> .~ (- J' ,."" -,., ~I"­ EXPERTGLASS ... 1714 Sudderth "/. «- af\d Other lealUl'es 251-1925 ROAD ... pictured here. The pharmacy is open from 8:56 a.m. ServiCe and Inslallation f~r("n{"h I~ a'OoiO Ih(' offiCial langua~(' of Halll FI\"(' other island CDun­ fflt's DnmJml'3, Sf Lucia. Sf Vincen!, fjrpnada. Th(, Gr('nadines- chanR;ed hands ortC'n h('tw('en EngJand and f.~ran{"(' In the parly days: all in­ We Won't The hahltant!'> ..pi?ak a Fren('h patois. alfhnuJ!h f<:n~Jish is the official Monl"ey langU3g(' un Sl VinC'('nl and Grenada RUIDOSO ••• ;\Jan~ J~lands were originaJly English Around posspssions, hut YOU'll find (he accents NEWS vary ;\'Iontserrat. for example, speaks with a hrou~ue, a result of early Irish When You sf'ttlem£'nl. Jamai('an patois is a mix­ furE' of W('lsh and Afrkan. ••• Call Classifieds 257-4001 "'(> ~p('ak th(' lang:ua.ge of travel at Huido!:'o Travpl

- Pilwtn'l' SCluurr­ AnnouncinG 25i~i:ml \- If/' J'0DAYl • ~\ 11 ' BIn ~ .. WHAT'S HAPPENI. ~-~ BARGAins••• THEY'RE ALL


RUIDOSO 'NEWS Animals wouldn't burn your home. SUBSCRIBE NOW Don't burn theirs. READ THE Home Delivery ••• $2.50 Month Mall. In County ••• '20.00 Year Oi1lyyou RUIDOSO. NEWS.... MClII. OutOfCounty ... $22.00 Year • can prevent ,.. ' TO FIND our! PHONE 257.4001 . forest fires. ' ~ A Pul,li, Sl'rVln' orThl<; NCW';)l:lJ'I.'r &. The A,J\'C'~ri!loinJl Cnum:il , \ , ~ , Monday. NpV4l1Mber $, 19S2 Ruidq$o eN,M.) New$""'; .Pag$ 3 . j . 1;". . '. ! '... "'-, ! k f':'." , ~"'.'

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HARBINGER of a cold, snowy winter? Sunshine and mild temperatures toward week's end made the Tuesday-Wednesday storm JUSf a memory. But these photos prove the snow was here, and skiers ore hoping CONGRATULATIONS more will soon be on the way.

First LAS VEGAS TIMBERLINE Baptist 2 NITES/3 DAYS Church Beginning At $147.00 Per Person Including ·; -=- Air From EI Paso BANDI ,.., Of • Afari Travel, Inc. Rex & Marie Vaughan · Ruidoso Downs 1102 Sudderth Drive ·• 257-9026 Hollywood Inn' '.

Invites ~ No Char!:e For Our Prole~.ionalServices You To Attend A Revival Led By '.· Herman Cramer November 7-12 • Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. .." Weekday Services 7 p.m. .. Music Led By Randy Ellis '<~.' ,..:, - For More Information Call 378·4611 • '. -!:,- . CHISHOLM TRAIL Businessl ,,- RESTAURANT features where you tell US GREAT LUNCH IDEAS! The Backstretch •fyou're not In the mood fora fuU meal-Just looking fora sure thet winner totakeyou round the flnal turn 'till dlnner-choose from • one of these odds-on favorites.' Your business is different, We know that. • So why should your loan repayment terms be a carbon The Skinny Comldas copy of somebody else's? . Plate. •••••••••••••• 4.50 MellIemb!o'r !'DIe


- ..... '

, ' .. , , , ;~ FIREWOOD FOR SALE - pine or ORIENTAl: STYLE llMllrl\' RUG - with 1979JEIl1PWAGONEER-Umitedmodel, SMALLMO~IIJiJ-h!lme,sUitableforone ,j juniper. Call me before you buy. derk blue beckgroUIId. New. $100, Cell, like new condition, four wheel drive; \ll'liCOllple.~7""18, K*lfc " J : ~ ~NlI2l. fl.51·tfc _~9327~__ O-~Hlp $9500. Call (915)584-75Of." J·5z.4tp COmRCJAL SPAcE ~ eveilable for : ~ LADIlllS ... Invite your fflends t~ drive JAMESTOWN SOI..lO OAK - hl~ql!BlllY WANTEO TO RIl1NTPRE:F1;iwu,v ' 'l~ soon, pOWlitilwn ,on Su~derlh ••, wllh you to see Imports and entlques dlnlnl! l'OlIm teble Wllh.8 high btlck buvlll""bedcani"" h II vi uld ~~ Drive. U50sq.'ft, i11ld 8lIQ sq. fl. DIlYS, I from all Clver Ihe world. 8erbten Pea- tapeslry upholslered chairs. Table has ,,' .... ' ka ""rs e,', II , n 25'1-4151 (nolWec!Jlel!day), R-28-Ifc , senl, 1100 Ohio" Alamogordo. Open three 22 Inch leeves, seats 12. F:xcep- fortwllwee. 257-l17ll'7. .,W·52-4lp " '" , , , after hours by appolntmenl. 8052-lIc tlonal value for $1850. Cell ImJIl1EP WAGONEIl1R - nel'{ tires, IN TOWN TO WORK? -; Need a pillce'to , 257-93ll'7. J'5l-4lp quadrll'lrllck, AMlFM cllsselte, CB, slo,ep? Call Ihe B'unk, House, I HO~fn~~~Il1(l~ide~::n~~,. .::a~ APPLIl1S _ '6/bushel. Alfalfll hllY. exlrll clelln, four door, 380 V·8, $U.50/week. :Z57-4348; 1-51-2tp aro"nd customers prefe'rred. Call • 376-4776.' A-51-2Ip Ilutomallc. Pleaee call 258-3636. J-52·2Ip ONE BIl1DRooM - fll!'llillhed aPllrlmenl, ,. FOR SALE 1974 DATSUN 260Z 257-4336 IlII bll1ll plus cllble TV PIlid; $265. One While Mou,ntaIn ServIces, NEW 2000 GALLON - hellvy glluge wllter- working person only. 257-7637. o-51-3tp 1-354-2751. M.17·tfc tank, lined Inside; $1000. phone or 338.4680. M-52-2tc JOCKlllV CLUB MEMBERSHIP _ III 1-354-ll'785. ·N·51-tfnc BLUE 914 PORCHE - $5200 or best offer. TWO BEl)1WOM -!railer~ adul~only, no Ruidoso Dow!1B for sele.. $95,ooo. Reply 30 SHEETS _ good paneling $3/sheet. Phone (505)257-5977 or f::'klt~501month plus di~5~~~:P to Box A, Ruidoso News. RUidoso, N.M. .im Plymoulh Horizon, g~ eIlr, 30 (915)~8. B-52-2tp . .' 88345. 8035-tfc, mpg.; $2800 or trade In on 4WD. Good. 1970 CHEVY PICKUP - three speed, 350 TRAILER SPACES - upto35', aU utllitl8ll FIREWOOD - best hardwood in town. saddle, $200. BliSS gultllr, $60. engine; $750. CIlU 257-423Z. e-51-2!p Including cable, TV, bathrooms, 37 . S-5 2t showers, lIlundry', lllImeroom, mini· • Any quantity and stOve cuts Ilvlllillble. 6-41\64. 1- P. 1m MERCEDlllS 456SE - white with storllge, clBllR, quiet, excellent in.town .'.- f "," • FuJI cords, 128 cu. ft. Split, deJiver'ed" HORSE FOR SALE - four year oldmaI'B, blllck leather Inter/or, wire wheelJ;, low IQC8t1on.257-4348. T-5Htp ,,';1,, \0'­ , '::.1 '''".lo.t, I , stacked. Buy from II woodcullerl gentle; $400. 1-354-2794. H-51-2tp . m!lellgB, fllI.eeIlent condition. $11,0011. SELF STORAGE UNITS __ for rent·. 10' • .. ''.(1 • 1-354-2751. M-36-tfc O·NE TON GRAIN STORAG'E BIN'-, ,w'lth 257-9555. ,L-35-ttc - c'l,' • , XI0', $35 molJthly; 10' x 20', $6Il monlhly. l ,'; i). , ~ J., ". , FORD 8N 'TRACTOR - wllh front end motor, liJ!e new condition. Phone FOR SALlll OR TRADE - 1982 Vlln 25!K131or257-921S. V-Io-tfc ~ . r' , ., ~ ;?~' loader. See Sonny III ChaPllrr1l1 68. 37l\-4264or376-4973. O·51·ztp EconollneDeluxeModel. Fu1IYloaded, NICE BUILDING _ for lease. FOl1ller • ., "'4 ,• e , $", .• • Hl53-4086. o.2lI-tfc TWO YEAR OLD _ sorrel gelding 15~ low J!.'UeIlg , like new. Cost $22,866, Fan Shop" 2917 Sudderth. Call 257-6034 • SIXPIECECENTURY-bedroomgroup, handa tall, to be sold under the law sec,rif.ce. WlJI teke late.model eIlr of or257~15. F-21-tfc ­• • solid oak, Chadwick design. Group In-· 46-3-7 at Western Highlands -!raining property in trllde for eqwty. 257-5022 Ql: • ,• cllld8ll king size headboard, two night track, November 13,' 1962 at 2:00 office 257-9002. ' T-51-tfc SHOP SPACE/WAREHOUSE - for rent, • stands, Ilrmolre dresser w/IBIlded mir- p.m. R-51-31c BLACK 1981 YAMAHA - Virago, ex-, 400 sq. ft. with utilities. Call • ror. G.E. side by side HONDA MOTORCYCLE-- 1972 CL35o, cellent conijltlon, $2300..Cllllmll, .257-5420.' M-38-tfc CALL MIKE FURROW -RUIDOSO - 257-4212 ·• refrlgerlltor/freezer, Ice maker, ai- good condilion, including helmel: $385 257-7388or336-4.750,nlghts. Ho4Mfc TRAILER - in town; three bedroom,l~ • • mond. CllII nights" Sundlly, 257-9891; orbestoffer. 257-7168. R-51.tfC· 'RENTALS bath with 20' 'x 20' den, fireplace, car- • . 0018,257-2329. S'56-3Ip port. Week, (505) 437-5636: weekend, *lots In Black FQrest And Cree Meadows; • 8' CAMPER _ fits long bed pickUp, sleeps FOR SALE - queen size couch and chair: RENTALB AVAILABLE - one room em- 2li8-3276. Ro49-41c • two. CllII 257-7739. e-51-21c down draft air cooler; nine drllwer ciencies to large homes/condos. Shorl FOUR BEDROOM _ two bath, fumished, 3 New Homes In Black Forest Nearing Co,npletion ·• , cbest; mtscellaneous. 336-4958. !II-51-Sic orlong term. Call orwrile: Lela Easler . P\lnderosll Heights; $45Q/month plus * • 28 ~sr;9~OWLER-travel traUe~!~. WINESAP APPLES ..... mosl versetlle ap- Real Eslale, Inc., Box 284, Ruidoso, N, ulillties, dIlmage depOSit r!'Quired. Call ~ 1250 to 1700 Sq. Ft. • • ,-• P, pie, good ,keepers, $41b~hel; ~ mile M.88345: phone 257-7315, !.r'!sf(tl; Jim or Carlllyn, Coulston t'i Associates, • • 31 COBRA. FIFTH WHEEL - camper souUl of Noglli and one mile up canyon. COui..sTON&ASSQCIATES-,.nowo.(t/rs :157-5184. Fo49-lfc FINANCING AVAILABLE .• 1!:l'~,~. • 'W~51'2,IP: prope~y;, • trailer, excellent condition. Full bath, Graves Acres. .' . professioll8l maDllgemerlt. UNFURNISHED _ two bedroom condo, : •. T " • cenlrlll heat, Ilir ~ondltioner, new dou· PABLO'S FRUIT STAND.- hilS plenty of YOU NEED our services.to say "Good- 11k bath, fireplace, excellent White WILL BUILD TO SUIT ~ ;. =- "; ~1;54-=' "::Ilc~.~ce, $6500,e-f:::' apples andfresh comb honey. Hiway 70, bye" to renllli hassles forever! We have Mounlain 1QC8t1on, close to school. ~ '. , ~ • - ,er:. - p 18 mUes eIlst of Ruidoso. P-5Hitp renlals by the night-week-month. Call $5OO/month. Call Linda, 257-5164, Licensed And Bond!!d •. i·~. ~.~~~~-~~~~_~~~;IlvaUllble for lease on Sudderth Drive reasooobly priced. Pick up or deliver. 257-7253.~mllt~I64~~~d~~~:''=I:~:.~~~~~~~~F:04:9-:t:fu~~======~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~;===t,C'75-tfc across from And~rson Collection. Con- Phone 1-354-2497 evenings. F-43-16tp SKYLAND MINI·STORAGE - 8; x 12', .. tact Hale McKmney (606)745-1565, '$37.50/nionth.257-7315. 8-95-lf'c P.ERTEET-PARKS dIlys; (llO61795-2938, evenings. e-50-4tp LARGE UNFURNISHED _ four REGISTERED APPALOOSAS - and bedroom, two balh,house In Brady CII- quarter horses for sale. Pleasure, rllce nyon with fenced yard and carport; HOME 0 F, THE. WEE. . K and show. Loma Grande Rllnch, '." $5OO/month plus utilities and depOSit. Caplten, NM (5051623-4034. L-103-lfc ~" Call Dan Bllrrow at Buck Meyer Real- BARGAIN - zero clBllrllnce fireplace (us- ty, 257-7m orhome 257-7544. B-46-lfc ed, but like new) with pipe. Cost over COMPLETE PROPERTY MANAGE- $500, sell for $200. CllII 257-2445 or MENT SERVICE - Renlals nightly, 257-5368. WtII deliver If you live close weekly, monthly. Call David Roche lit In. P-25-lfc CENTURY 21, 257-4065. C-46-lfc SKI BOOTS FOR SALE - San MIlrco Pro TWO BEDROOM _ furnished mobile Line, size 9 medium, only two years old. home $225/month plus gas and elec- Fully leather Ii~ed Inner hoot with flo. tricitY. Call257-9724afler5:oo. D-45-tfc Excellent condition. New cost $251>. Steal them lit only $100. Sided only in ,4-5 WORKINGMEN-Iargeunlt,prlvale, pure, while snow by quiet, sedate,lImld midtown, . eas~ access, reasonable. ,. newspaper publisher. Never skied 10 257-2236,5.lJO.9.00p.m. W-56-lfnc f fastlane (crossed Itooce at an intersec- PRIMITIVE LIVING QUARTERS - for lion), and never, never d1scoed In. Br- plooeer type, warm, comforlable; $300 • Ing cash 10 Ken Green at The Ruidoso In advance uolil April, 1963. · News. S-42-tfnc 257-5808. P-50-4tp 1976 FLEETW1NG - 18' RV, completely BUSINESS OFFICE - light commerical, self-conlained. Includes hitch, mirrors. midtown, easy aceess, reasonable. tellks, brake control, bike rack, spare, 257·2236. 5:lJO.9:oo p.m. B·50-Unc batlery for H-voll syslem. Ready to 1325 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL - space roll. 256-4498 or 257-ll07l. D-47-Uc available for lease on Sudderth Drive FOR SALE - shelled pecans, $5 for a across from Andersoo Collectioo. Coo· pouodbag.257-5389. P-49-lfc lact Hale McKioney. (~06)745-1565, SPECIAL - Lo-Rise briefs for men, three dIlys; (8001795-2938evemngs. 8-50-4tp to a package; were $5.85, now only $2.00 ALTO ALPS CONDOMINIUM - very while they last. Swllin's Shop, 1304 Sud- nicely furnished, two bedroom, two derth. CllII257-4895. S-49-lfc bath unit to lease for the season. BEAUTIFUL CHALET STYLE HOME In prestigious White OLD MONARCH CooKSTOVE _ six $1300/month, iocludlng utilities. Call 'Mountain Area. Large bedrooms and a spacious living area burners, warming oven, reservoir, AUTOMOTIVE Fosler &Foster, 257-9006. F·II-Uc complement this quality home. There Is also an office and restored; $866. 373-4778.

For All Your Insurance & Real Estate Needs, See ....

•• '. , [H MLS ,-, REALTOR :. .,'..· •· .

.. "- PERTEET, PARKS ,• , & ASSOCIATES, INC ,. DRAWER: Y RUIDOSO, HE ...... MEXICO 86345 ,I (505)25'7-40'73

,·, (505) 257~73'73 , '. . '. --,

, , ~. i· " PagE! 6 - Ruidoso (N.M.) News Monday, November 8, 1982 ONE YEAR LEASE - two 2 bedroom fur­ ONE BEDROOM - Curnlshed apartment. 14'x70' THREE BEDROOM - $350, first TWO BEDRooM - unfut'nlahed apart· LARGE FURNISHED - house, two FIVE YEAR LEASE - Frontier Motor nisbed apartments, singles or couples Includes all Utlllties, cable, dlsbes. and last montb. deposit, water pail!, siX ment wltll appliances and Clreplace. No bedrooms, two baths, centralloe:allon, Garage and Service Station building ouly. NQ pets or small children. First Single or couple, No pets. months lease, no pets. 257-5000, I-SI-tCe: pets, 'Oall257-9578, e-52-4te $47S/month plus utilities. Call 257-9555 and storage lot. See us at Frontier and last mont!! rent In advance plus 336-4958. . N-5I-tCc EFFICIENCY CABINS - $195/mOllth. In­ '()I" 257-5035. O~9-tCc Motors or ':al1671-4784. S49-tCc flOQ deposit. See us at Frontier Moto!'S HOUSE FOR RENT - or sale, neWly cluding utllltles and. e:able, $100; TIfflEE BEDROOM - close to town; TWO BEDROOM - one bath apartment, \lr call67H784. 8-49-tCc remooeled one bedl'oom; $100 deposit, deposit. No pets. Call Lela Easter Real RENTALS $42S/month pills utilities, damage $2SO/month plus gas, damage deposit TWO BEDROOM - furnished apart­ $175/m\lnth plus bills. House Is on the Estate, 257-7315. o-350-tCc eCondominiums eTownhomes deposit required. Call Jim Or Car\llyn, required. can Jim or Carolyn, Coulston ments, one wltb fireplace, market. Call now 378-4271. H-st.3tp NOW I.tASING - new oCCIce spaces, The eCeibins eHomes Coulston &. Associates, 25HI84. C~9-1Cc &Associates, 257-S184. ~9-trc .257-2276. B-34-tCc TWO BEDROOM - Curnlsbed apartment. Rainbow Center, next door to COusins' OFFICE OR RETAIL SPACE -' all bills plus cable ~ bookup paid; Restaurant on Hlway :n. Call 258-3118 Illns~rook Village, Alto Village, available, now under construction, 613 $2OO/month. One worklag person only. orafter6:0025ll-42l/6. .' F~7-tCc Qther Lo<:ations. Sudderth. Call 257-9171, 8:00-5:00; even­ . 257-'7837. T.Sl-3tp .TRAILER SPACES _ $DO/month plus Daily, Weeklv,Monthly, BED & BREAKFAST Ings 336-4413, . F-34-tCc . LISTINGS TRAILER SPACES Cor rent.. Green utilities, Flight's End RV Park, Hlway Season Rates, Acres Trailer Park, Hiway 70' East, 70, 2S7-5OOO. I~9-tCc Call 257-9888 P PERTYMAN . 378-4346. T-Sl-llp For Information For your condos. homes or . NEW DUPLEX - in Capitan, Solar heat, Doug Bass & ·Assodates cabins, We rent nightly. weekly 12'x65' TWO BEDROOM - $250, first and close to schools. $350/month plus 505-25/-7386 la$t month, deposit, water paid. six utilities; deposit required. Ru Idoso, New Mexi<:o 88345 or by the month. Problem Iree months lease, no jllils. 257-5000, . I-S1-t(c 1·354-2699. .. N'S2-2tp property management. GIVE US A CALLI FOUR SEASONS REAL ESTATE nUidoso Real Estate Company People are talking about us Box 1387 Ruidoso, NM. 88345 . behind our backs., ~...... •...... 505-257.4065 .., * NEWLY REMODELED i( AMERICA'S NUMBER 1 " . ' . * OFFICES i( Find out why on N'ovember 15 ~ Available now or January 1. : TOP SELLER. ,.. Reasonable rent with nice quiet -tl CENTURY 21 ~ atmosphere. 160 to 1.600 sq: It. -tl ,.. Carpet, private to lI~e phone: ,.. key system Installed, Yqu pay -tl ~ monthly and long distance only. : THIS 1,800 SQ. FT. hou.e In PlnecllH I.a JUST $44,900 wlll buy you thl' ru.tlc * Receptionist and janitorial pro· -tc real buy at $89.500. Two large fireplace•• cabin In Upper ~nvon. Large lot In ,.. vlded. Perfect lor most onyon"", : carport and fanta.tlc view. preferred location. All furnl.hed and ~ For more deloils call 257-4639 or -tl • ready to move Into• ,.. 1·653·4041, evenings. -tl NEW 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath home In ea.y ac­ ********************* ce.. elrea. Priced at Ie•• than $50 per .q. BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED CABIN adlolnlng J-~:<''''''''__. Cree Meadow. Golf Cour.e. Double car. . -'-~""" ft. Thl. owner want. to .ell• '.-""- . Wer'e Gettin port. 2 bedroom. and lot. of d.ck _ only Rid of this $85.000. ~hrouqh QUIET SECLUSION acro.S from National ') load Fore.t. Three bedroom. 1% bath hou.e. VERY DESIRABLE COMMERCIAL property In

" THE Ea.y acce••• Good a ••umable loan. A real Upper Canyon area. Great Investment op· • buy at $74,500. CLASSIFIEDS portunlty. r,UIDOSO OVER 1 Y. ACRES In LIttle Creek Hili. TERRIFIC VACATION CABIN on 2 heavily beautiful building site.for .olar home. wooded lot•• Need. a little fixing up bot Priced right. NEWS .' I. a real buy at $37.000• 257­ William H. Se.lbach. Jr•• Broker 4001 Stormy Edwards-Re••: 378.8253 Gay Chrl.man-R....: 257,'329 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Neva Roch.-Re••: 257.7103 Pat AdcoCk-R•••: 257.2467 : GIGANTK REDUCTION SALEI : Jack Jordan-Re••: 336-4224 DIane Dov.rl.-Re••: 257.9328 MLS George Martin-Res.: 257·4155 [H David Roche-Rental Mgr./SOI...-R....: 257.7103 REALTOR"' • .~~ • ·• .• •• DUPLEX - ..xcellent Investment potential In thl. CABIN LOT - large pine covered lot In city limit. for • brand new duplex In Capitan. Located on large lot only $10.000 and owner ffnanced with 53.000 down. • clo.e to .chool•• 2 bedroom, 1 bath each .Ide••olar • • heating with electric back-up. LIve In one .Ide & rent • • the other or lu.t collect the rent. AIRPORT WEST MOBILE - beautiful mobile hom. on • OWNER TRANSFERRED - MUST SELL THIS LOVELY HOME IN • • ALTO VILLAGE. 5125.000 and h.. will throw In tour wheel.. attach..d • gorgeous pIne covered lot. Three bedroom•• 2 bath., $25.000 - 2 bedroom. 1 bath mobile .Ituated on a • to a 1976 Scout. Thr..e bedroome. 2 bathe. cozy liVing room with • fully furnished.....y acc.... paved .tr...t. 549.500 • rook 'Ireplace. g8me room downstairs. double garage. full Dolt • beautiful pine covered lot. fully furnl.hed. Small but total. owner will finance with 520.000 down. • member.hlp, large .seumable loan. • really nIce. Owner ffnanclng. WHITE MOUNTAIN ESTATES LOT - gorg.ou.·/.o acrelot • NEW AND READY FOR YOU - 3 bedrooms. 2 baths on a quiet pav- • In .uper area for 525,500 with 53.000 down and • .d .tr••t In Brady Canyon. S65.000. . • CABIN LOTS - two pine covered lot. In the city limits for $8,500 each. One level and one .Ioplng with great balanc.. at 12% for 5 year•• Ea.y acc.... and all • WINGFIELD - Larg. t.nc.d corn.r lot. 3!>...r~jII.II~~r.t.!~jll>~ •" vl.w of town. City water and electric. propan.. and utllltl.... .::... " '.'" "'"'"' • garag... Cia.... to town and th.. owner will fll11lntm'. "05:000. . -, • gravel .treet. lil EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL - large lev..1comm.rclal lot • SIlIl,OOO WILL BUY thle 2 bedroom, 2 bath oabln In Upp..r Canyon. • • and Iota at pine.. go with It. • on Sudd.rth. good location. 1.200 square foot hou.., A·FRAME - all cedar modlfl..d A-from.. In beautiful back. to the rlv.r. Priced at only 5135.000 with own.r • JUST LISTED thle 80 aore ranchette In b..autllul Nogal Canyon lust • Country Club Estates, all city utilities, ta.tefully fur­ financing available. • minutes from Ruidoso. Adobe house, natural spring, 3 wells, 30' x • nl.hed Including pool table, all c..dar Interior. • eo' barn. adjoins National Forest 'or your hunting pleasure. • ffreplace. 2 deck•• $125.000 with S51.000 a ••umable BEAUTIFUL WOODWORK - accent. this lov.ly n.w • 5230.000 with owner financing. • 12% loan. home on Hull Road, 3 bedroom•• 2 baths, ffr.plac. In • 10 ACRES surrounded by tho racetrack. Three bedroom house, • living area and In d.n. 2 car gal'Gge. 3 decks. level • bam, 'Ish pond. orchard. and Ideal for a horee operation. • 10 ACRE ESTATE - lovely 4 bedroom home .Ituated on pine covered lot, ea.y acce.., all utllltle., undoubt.d. • S400.000, • 10% acre. of toll pina., fireplace In ma.ter .ulte and ly the prettle.t cabinets and ffnl.h work you will eV.r living area, over 1.300 .quare feet of brick patio. .ee. A truly quality home moderat..ly priced at PALO VERDE SLOPES - 4 level lot... Modulars allowed. S6.600 • • huge barn of heavy timber•• Conveniently located In 5139,500. • .aoh. • the Alto area. Plea.e call for a private .howlng. SHAUNA DOWNS ESTATES - 2 miles north at Alto Village. Three • to five acre tracts In a lovely valley. HoraDD allowed. Owner 'Inane- • SKI CABIN - great IIttl.. cabin In the pine. with 2 • Ing. • 12 ACRES IN CAPITAN - buy all at $3.000I per acre or bedroom•• 1 bath. ffreplace. beamed ceiling. fuiiy fur. 3 acre. for $4.000 per acre. Level, city water, .outh nl.h..d, on paving and lu.t newly remOdeled. Prlc.d at • m • • Ide toward. Ruldo.o. Owner term•• 556.800• • _EALro.La • MIS • [H • sort World MlS n":\1 run • Real Estate, lac. • WHITLOCK-LYLE. INC. 257~4228 : --t.O. BOX 3606 Ann G.org•.~;:Zr:?7!.!.~ : Phone • Ruido.o. N.M. 88345 Patricia Parnell. Auoclatet 257.7523 • WA YNE WHITLOCK-Res.: 257-4562 JOHN WHITLOCK-R....: 336-4704 The Har'on Building GaryGeorge Auoclote: 258-3067 • DON LYLE-Re••: 257-2763 • ANITA BEDINGFIELD-Re••: 258.3249 360 Sudderth Drive Ann Jane•• Sales·Assoclate: 257-9755 JACKIE COVINGTON-Re••: 258-3408 OLLIE TURNER"-:Res.: 257-5239


PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE. • • • PERSONAL SERVICE WO,""KING WITH YOU AND FOR YOU. MIS m. In \1 1"I: NEW ON THE MARKET Is thll cabin with loti of rUltlc NEW HOME IN GOOD LOCATION off.,. thr.e tHE PERFECT MOUNtAIN CABINI thll charmlngllttl. appeal and CI location near 'he RuIdoso River. Ita bedroom.. one bath, garage. flr.place. All city cabin ha. b_n newly painted and ca.....ted. and of­ two bedroom., bath••olarlum. and fireplace male. utllltle. available. Excell.nt owner financing. fen on. bedroom•.On. bath. flr.place. larg. deck. It the perfect mountain retreatl Excellent terms. $56.900. Good own.r "nanclng. Ju.t 133.000. ' .•1.5110. s BEAUtiFUL VIEWS OF SIERRA BLANCA AND ALtO c LAKE 10 .... are dlftlcult I.t from. thl. delightful mountain chal.t In Alto Vlllag•• Th...., bedroom_. NEWLY REMODELEO HOME In Carrl.a Canyan hal JUST '3'.000 WILL BUY this c,ay cabin with two 1.11. bathl. fireplace. large decks. cov.r.d porch. th,.. bedroom., two baths, nice deck; "r.place. bedrooms, bath. flr.place. Recot-tlV remadel.d and Owner financing. Furnlsh.d. '125.000. Nice location on t~o 10". '7S.000. In good shape, It'. a Brita. flnt home or vacation p.o. box 1442 - (50S) 257-5111 cabin. Low down payment. '35.000. 307 mechem drive ELEGANT MOUNTAIN HOME. e~mmandl an 1m. p.....lv. ylew of Sierra Blanca from ItI lofty location HANDSOME HOME ON 9% ACRES In prestlgloulloea­ In Mountain View E.lat••• A spaclou. floor plan pro­ HANDSOME HOME WItH StUNNING DOMI DESIGN ruidoso. new mexico 88345 tlon II In comple'. har~ony with Its tranqull sur· vide. thr•• bedroom., family room, dining room. .1.. In CI secluded locatio.., aHen two bedroonll. roundlngl. Th. "main houM" oH.,. an abundance of two baths. garage. Can b. purchased wlfh Jockey loft, th.... bath•• The warm mountainalnuapherell mountain charm and a well-conceived floor plan .nhanced by tVlt'0 flreplaeat and an attractlv.deck. John V. Hall, Qualifying Broker. 336-4587 Club membenhlp for $249,500. 0; without for with two bedrooms and one and lh ba'h•• Flr.plac8, Partially fUml_hecl. 2.500 aquar••_1....95.000. Gary Lynch. General Manager, 336.4252 '149.500. J. Grog MastorS, As.oclate. 336-4030 of cou..... Th. au••• hou.. provld.1 an additional - Joeelnfor. Asloclate. 336.4775 bedroom anci bath.Oth.r 'ea'ur•• lnclud. a double garag•• a .eparategaragefor recreational vehlclel. Gaf'( MCSwan•• Auaclate, 257;5623. WHitE MOUNtAIN EStAtES. UNit 4. II tha b...utlful NAtURAL LOG CABIN lIb .... a pretty. pl.....tudd.d Jean Baughman. Assoclat•• 257·6038 IOlar h_tlng with electrical back-up. und.rground ..ttlng 'or thl. exceptiOnal lot with a view from Mary Myera. A.lOelale 257..705. power and cabler, and all 'h. amenities you could com.r lot. Th.... bedrooml, '81. ltatlul. fireplace. front and rear. A more .pectaeular hom••I•• would garag•• rildwood d.cIr:. Newly constructed and limp­ Jerrold D. Florea, Allolcate, 257.5897 ask lorl Some t.rml available. $250,000. be dlHlcult to flndl '35.000. t.rml paulb••• Val,olJ.Han, Anoclat., 354-2271 ly d.llghtfull '116.500. aetty 'Dodd. Auoclate. 257.9S45 WUilam '.'Nlde" Patt.rlon. Auoclate,,336.4671 sierra development company, inc. . ,

- ( \. = -",-- -' - . ~ .. ~. .. ,- - .-c', ,.., ..-• ..,_ ",...-' ..,. ~ •• ",_,' "", ": .~.. ".. -~~-~~~.~~.~---~~~~~-~~~~~.~~_.~~~~ ~ '~ '. .

, TAX.'SHl!ll.:rI!lR OPji',OR'.I'UNI'l'Y - an· MOBILE' HOME - 14' x 76', three clent silver mine,' in high potential bedroo'm, two full baths. Oall RIVERFROl'j'l.'LOT ....:' ideal for reerea- ' area, eight miles from Ruld~lI. One 376-4126. B.52;tfc tional vehicles; well, septic, pad, owner. W. H. Mineral Explllrlltion Co. behind ,Kll1gs••,'$25,000., Jackalope , IllC. BOl( 427, Rui~o, NM 88345, ' MOBILE HOMl!l-14' x7Q'; fourbedrllQm, SqulIreltllllll!lstate, 257-9123. J'24-tfc two bath, excellent condition. YI\U 257·5808. T-50-4tp move. 'Mal«! an lifter.'253'3160, V-52-Uc FOR sA"'1!l BYOWNER ..... 16l!O sq. ft. new FOil; SALE 'BY OWNER -tn·level irdg~l(!d hO\lse, White Mountain 4. mlldified A-frame, ,1800' sq. ft., four WILL TRADE - 160 aCres in· 257-5300. / P-36-tfc ~(lOm~1 Lamb County, Texas, 10 miles east ot , • 2'h baths, fireplace, <\oubl!>, fo~ Ruid~,'(806l garage. Pnone (SOSl257"sm. F.s2,2tp Muleshoe, ahome In . FIVI!l Bi'ljAUTIFUL LOTS - in Alto 272-4515. W-5(H6tp Vlllagll, Deer Park HI. Take your pick, $30,000 each. 257.2300 or FORSALE BY OWNER 12'x52' Winston I/Ioblle home; two bedroom, one batl\, , 336-4St2. " D-38-tfc With refrigerator and stove. Days, HOME INSPECTIONS 257-5054; nights 378-4517. F-51-3tp Why buy blindly? Protect yourself against costly repairs. fOR5~LEBY ,OWNER Have an Inspection before pur­ Comme!dal front prOptrty, -tlP\lfOll' ROUNDUP REALTY, INC. chasing. Detailed inspedlon by lmatel, 10'x 150' lot wltll A·.,... ,"CO!lleTo TheWindmillOn Sudderth ' Rupe's Service Company. cer· Allumable IotJn at 12% lnterat. For All Your Real Estate Needs" tlfled Inspector for the 257-9590 ~. ,. 633 Sudderth Drive- Ruidoso. New Mexico 88345 Organl%atlon of Real Estate In­ spedors.lne. LOT ....: in Mountain View Subdivision, 505-257-5093 ' 257·4867 unobstructed view. Jackalope Squsre RR- A JEWEL IN THE ROUGHl Needs some work Real Estate. 257-9723. J-5Q.tfc but 3 bedrooms for ollly $5,000 down and owner financing at 12% for 15 years io almost as scarce as hens' teeth. Only $49,900 and furnished tool What more could you ask. Maybe to see it, huh? Call us now! ' REAL ESTATE RR- BRAND NEW and priced to sell! 1,536 sq. ft. of P.O. Box 966 -R..ldosa Downs, N.M. 88346 . 1 Mile East ofThe Chaparral an Highway 70 brand new 6" wide log cabin. Features 3 bedrooms, 1If~ PALMER GATEWAY - Two bedrooms, 1% baths, fireplace, car­ FANTASTIC. VIIEW - Buy thle view and the owner will throw In a baths for only $89.500. This one is a beauty. Let.us sh(lw port·with patio, 2 Jots, paved street, pit'city utilities and ~/. % ';600 + sq. ft. home. completely furnl.heel, with 3beclrooms, it to you today. ,"~ .' Interest, $218.00 per month assumable loa". Don't think you 1'1c baths, 2 "bOIlus" rooms. fireplace and locatod on a corner can beat ItI . . lot with lots of t...... llestbuy In White Mountain. Unit 2, at RR- OH GiVE. ME LAND! Lots of land. Five acres of $125.000. land to be eX;lcland priced at only $30.000. Good long 229 ACRES WITH VIEW - Lots of trees, on the paveme~t and completely fenced. Excellent subdivision potential and owner MOBILE HOME PARK - 26 hook-up on city sewor and eloctrlclty. term financing by owner at only 12% interest and the financing at 10'Y.. . Located 011 7 acros In Carrizozo. N.M. Good Income prolect with owner financing. best part is no down payment. Call f(lr details now! HIGHWAY 70 FRONTAGE - Approxllll1ltely 2.85 acres with 670 RR- TERRIFIC FiXER UPPER BUY! Is this two ft. of froiltage. Prime commerCIal possibilities. LOTS. LotS. LOTS. - Black F_tat '12,000. Alpine Village at '8.000. 3 lots In Agua Frio at '31,000. Woodland Hills at bedroom cabin on Gavilan Canyon Road near Highway INCOME PROPERTY - Five mobile homes located on 2 acres of $8,000. ' 37. Would be a great ski cabin because it is just seconds land. Priced at $75,000 with $45,000 down and ownel' financing away from ski run road. It comes completely furnished On the balance. Let the rentals payoff the balance. MOBILE' HOME ONLY - Owner, has 1"'x65' mobil.. priced at $16.000. Will sell or trade In on home. and has a small rental mobile in rear of cabin. A real TOWN & COUNTRY - Three bedroom, 2 bath, 2 story home with steal al$25.000. Check this one out now,. fireplace and large deck. Owner financing In the 70's. PINECLIFF A-FRAME - TaU tr_s, goad vlows, small but nice. COMMERCIAL BUILDING - Located on Highway 70 East. Rented Brand ~..w at '''7,500. RR- PRICE REDUCED 1977 Excell travel trailer in qt present time. Good buy at $65,000. almost new condition. Asking $6,900 but no reasonable T CLOSE TO "DOWNTOWN" RUIDOSO - This largo 3 bedroom offer refused, parked next door to Roundup Realty so MOBILE HOME ON EXTRA LARGE LOT -A 14'x 74' Lancer mobile ho..... Is only V. block off Main Street and located on 2 lots. Owner will finance at 10%. ~ come by and have a look. with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. A free standing fireplace In living H room. Completely fenced with 6 ft. chain link. Place to keep RANCHES. TWO 50,000 ACRE DEEDED NEW MEXICO RANCHES. RR- OWNER WANTS AN OFFER! 14'x70' two pets or horses. The carport Is 22'x42'. Room and hook.up for These kind of ranch.. are hard to find. Lots of water, hunting bedroom furnished mobile on nice wooded lot and owner another mobile or travel troller. Nicely furnished. ' and r_sOllably priced. will finance with $10.000 down. Has automatic washer PINECLIFF HOME WITH VIEW- This new home has l,4B5 square E NEW HOME IN WHITE MOUNTAIN - This beautiful 2.350 square and is plumbed for dryer. Home is in A-I condition so if feet of comfortable living space with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths and a 3rd room that Is optional bedroom or oHlce. Owner Is open to foot, 3 bedroom, 3Y. bath homo Is naw open for your InspectIon. you're looking for economical housing don't overlook negotiations on financing. .. The quality constructlOll and ezceptlonally goad floor plan this great bUy. IIl1Ikes this"A MUST" on your consideration list for year around G BEAUTIFUL HONDO VALLEY - The Owner of this 4 acre tract living. A....nltl.. Include a dauble garage, rock fireplace, tall Homes • Cabins • Acreage. Condos. Farms would like to move to town. Will take a trado or soli outright. trees, all city utllltl.. and _Sy acce... The builder recently Ranches • Commercial Properties Older 3 bedroom home with "lots" of fruit treos, out-buildings reducod the price by $20,000. making this fine home a buyer's U and water rights. Plonty of room to keop your favorlto horso. special. , Susan Ludwick. ASQoc. Mel Glenn. Broker J.L. Schooler. Assoc. Res.: 257-5449 Res.: 257-5097 Res.: 3711-8342 . BILL PIPPIN, Broker/Roallar \ Bob'Johnson. Assoc. Bonnie Glenn. Assoc. Y RAYMOND REEVES,. Sales Assoc. 81LL STIRMAN, Salos Assoc. Res.: 257-2198 Res.: 257·5097 Res.: 378-4811 Res.: 257-2779 Res.: 378·4391 ;1 WI TH THE BUY Ii I , "". I C"· "")

, "

I, , •I I, ; \ I ·! · i :!• :i ·!, • • • I• ·, •• • • : ·•I •I, ·'. I, ·, ·. i ·, • •

~.. • ,f' , ·~ , ,• . • '.. . ,rJ.., I

. Page 8- Ruidoso (N.M.) New~ Monday, November 8, 1982 NEW 198314'X77' - mobile home, double ~,., windows, double insulation, 1:l50 SQ. HOME - on view lot Is ror IWILL PAY CASH - for equities (hoUses mlcrow~ve,AMIFM sale: Only $59,500 and terms are lots, acreage, mobilesl In or .found IJ.track bullt.ln; . Ruid~so. GROUND LEASE three ~m, two bath, furnished, available, Call Alex Adams, Jim Woosley, H~. 258-3330. ".51·Uc 25704378. W4Uc Build To Suit - 37 $22,900. Jim Woosely, 25704378. W-47·Uc . (505)257·2'510 NOTICE TO ,ADVERTISERS Jlrd WOOLDRIDGE will sell the following Items from the Village of RuidOso at· Holiday Hom.Sail. If you wl.h to see a PUBLIC AUCTION at 10:00 a.m. Saturday the 13th of November, 1982, at the . 1107 Mechem proof on an ad 'chedul. VlIIage Pollee Department (old city halll parking area. Watch for the signs, 258~3330 ed to appear In the Other consignments welcome. Call 257·5296•. CLASSIFIED OR REAL ~ Iypewrlters Couch $2000 DOWN - bUYI lelf S_ddlng machines Baby Furnllure contained travtl trailer. ESTATE SECTION, copy l'lgarelle machine PIU plumbln~,,,rack ' MoveproecI lor • mUlt be turned Into our t:leclroluxJVacuum !'leaner 1911 Chevy Bluer USED MOBILE - 14'170', 3 office before. lleik lamp 1918 Ply 4dr, ornce Furnilurr mall 1111 Ply 4dr. bedroom, 2 bath, fully fur· \ Foldln~ I_ble 1111 Olevy suburban SMIN ('W'N) OtOPlnl- Ze8Dd. 3:00P,M. TUESDAY t:lrclrlc lIealrr 1112 Chevy IIj \On Van , nllhed i Including walh. Ornee l'halfll 1950 lion Dual Wheel er/dryer, '3,000 down. FOR THURSDAY (ieneralor 1951 Chevy lion plu lIydraalle lIoor jark ItlK Ply 4dr, lIallrry ehar~er I95K Olevy pia . Tlrtfi 4 ~ Shorll!ed f./a rack TWO BEDROOM, TWO B~TH ~ generators " ",.. .:,:, Ipllt level new mobile home. ,3:00 P.M, THURSDAY (iaH HloVe r' . t:lerlrle Ilelrlgeralor Only $19,500. ('oach . Now will be agood time to get rid 01 unwanted Itemslill ,••: ' FOR MONDAY 'I This merchandise lIIiII be Bold with no mlnlmumsand no reserva, 'r Iledlner chalrl tlons to the hlghCllt bidder. All merchandise may be Inspected on "f'(' , :1 Twin bfflR ~ 14'172' CAMEO - Two Ml5cellanrouH Tools Friday the 12th of November al the police Deparlmenl parking ", , ~. bedroom. 2 bath with l.adder 101 Conslgnmenlll welcome, Call 257·5296. I,. The regular 5:00 p,m. ('haln laliH fireplace. $24,750. Weight selH ' deadline applies unless ... ~'·.",.~_~P.rooX33Z you need to proof your 14'.72' TOWN &COUNTRY ­ ~- _ ,Ruidoso, NM 88345 2bedroom, 2bath with com. ad. '~ ,..., [505] Z5705291 or polltloll roof and hard board ~d ~ Thank you for your JIJ 1'J [505] 378-83Zt . siding, $26,500, r 1IffV vvW'ffIlT AUCTIONEER cooperation. J , TERN,S: CASH ON DAY OF SALE. Cishien checkslteepled. per$Onll Dr company chicks i WE NEED YOUR LISTINGS, We honored onlv with I currentleller ot credilirom bink, All purchases must be paid on day of $al~, V) , While descrtplions are believed correct, the Auctioneers or Owners make no warranties or '0 ar.an authorized sales ADVERTISING guaranlees as 10 genuineness, authenllcilr 01, or detect In any 101 and will not be held rcspOllslble . r.prelfntatlve for. thll area, . lor adverliling discrepanCies or InaccuraCIes All sales are IInal. when awarded 10 the successful bidder Buyer accepls tull responSibility tor all purchaies made and holds the Aucflon Company Call Holiday Homes for afree DEPARTMENT anu Owners free of any lIabillty In the evenl of theft or disappearance of anv.ltems purcheSfld. AI( mobile home appraisal, purchaseSJ.9usl be checked oul by an aulhorlled Auction Company representeflve before leaving THE RUIDOSO premls~, . NEWS m.:!'.?Z] ~.. ~.... ~

." . .-f" MLS ~> r················· ... I . .1 -- FOUR SEASONS I I REAL ESTATE 257-9171" I I '. I 613 Suddert~ Drive \ realtH 1 \:= \ Box 2982, Ruidoso I Mechem Drlve,]ust North ·of Cousins' I., .1 P,O. Drawer2020-Ruldoso' I , 'J Rucelle Ruslell Phone 505-258-4040 257·5877 Great midtown location - neat 2 bedroom, complotoly furnllh.d - allumabl.loan, low Interest, $55,000. I -- 1

, j Golf Courst Eltates - Furnllh.d 3 bedroom, 2bath with \\tlJ, ,i garage and back deck that overlooks golf course, $150,000. White Mountain Eltatel Unit 2So\.~"c.d from $180,000 to $145,000. 1 White Mountain Estates Unit 4- reduced from S160,000 to $145,000. I Sonia Hartronft 378·4312 I Upper Canyon - 2bedrooms and loft with 2baths, upper large deck, first clan canltructlon with room for oxpan· I lion, Only $59,500 for this 2bedroom, 2bath condo, only one I year old. Fully furnished. Auumable mortgage,

Only 2left, reduced In price, Three b.droom, 2bath hom'I, woll constructed, largo I decks and a lot of extras In the $75.$85.000 range. I Larry Tillman 258·4089 I Alto Village Lot - 2% acres In Deer Park Woodl for only $27,500, I 3.2 Acres with year around creek, $4,000 an acre. electric I along south Iide. I Acreagellocated between Bonito and Nogal, 12~, down, 14'/, Interelt, 10 years. I REMEMBER, I'M INTERESTED IN WHAT INTERESTS YOU. f~1·. b~ Marge Woodul I t,. 257.7681 Hull Road elegance, Over 3,100 sq, ft. finest construction, I fantaltlc kitchen, lacuzzl, extraordinary rock work. Reduc· edll Areal home entertainer's delightII I INNSBROOK VILLA' ~ Seller left southwest, will sell luper White Mountain TENNISI..9C/ If., ,\.·./4:~ir.~· Estates lot under market, Bring offerl. I THEVIU,·, ..", "::. ,i· SELECT PROp::;·w;·~ ..' ;,.:~~:: Helpl Who needs 2hOUle payments? Owner sayisolliarge houle In Plnecllff, needl I INNSB' ',. ~ , ,,:~~. .~ . an offer qulckl ..ltv"''' ~ "\' ,~' . ,'. . ': • lI' l:..~;; . #"J ",~'I" ~' , Sunny/kitchen, flat lot, nice trees, Cameo mobile set up, 538,500, 1 SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE: 4 bedroom. 4 -'" ,.... f,j/j.~;'I;:~;: !;~:.< nlshed In the grandest manner. $250,000. Including Six beautiful acres In Eagle Creek. Horses allowed, Sierra Blanca view, posllble linens, dishes, everything.:.1·, terms, only $58,000. The belt price In subdivision. I NEAT THREe BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome. Com· pletely furnished. overlooking .5 falrwsy. Only Remember, I'm Interested In making a living. . $129,500 with assumable loan.·.1 : 1CHEERFUL CONDO WITH LOTS OF PIZAAZ. One bedroom, two full baths, sleeper sofa, fireplace, air 1 Margaret Gaddy conditioning, washer and dryer. Very complete. I $75,000 with aesumable loan. 336·4413 1 .-". .1 I l COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES LOTI Large, treed and buildable I· , I1 with exc.n.nl8cc....ndvlow. Only 528,000 with loan. .

Nice lot In Del Norte zoned for r'\O\,O" double wide, Only $'8,000, I Darling White Mountain 2 cabin, 'view of airport and Sierra Blanca, Furnished, aSlumable loan. Owner will help finance, Three bedroom, 2bath, game room, deck, Best priced houle In White Moul1taln 2, I 1 P.ggy Jord.n, Brok"-Re~: 2D7~B49 ··1 Under construction _ lovely home In Camelot with panoramic view of· valley and Paul Jordan, Assoclate-Re•.:257·4949 I Sierra Blanca, 3bedrooms, 2bathl, $145,000. View must been I&en to appreciate . MarYWoodard,Allocl,t...R••,:1.354.2824 m,::'.~. .' .. house ready fo~ your Inspedlon. II I Wayne TO'Nnallld, Anoalltl-RlI,: 378082B8 1.13 ,...... MLS ~"4""',,**,tF44 z;;y;;;tiif4f",.;II'iW-~~!lff'CIii",ijf+""''4i;,*,:,~'~,~~'i~''''~~~'''~~''1~~~'"f'~'''·f~'~,~~.~ ;"',"l'~'~ ~ ~'.,.v," ~~",~",~ '.~ '1""~"."l ~ , ' ,.,.".,."",.. 1" ' ,',' .' ". .."1"l', .... ''''l,'''''. '::T'r'! -'.:'1' I ;.C; .. t'~' ,~ , ,j I • • •'f J ',t

Pa~e 8- Ruidoso (N.M.) New~ Monday, November 8, 1982 NEW 1lM13 14'X71' - mobile home, double \:150 SQ.•,.. HOME,... on view lot Is (or IWILL PAY CASH- rorequities (houses, windows, double Insulation, sal~.. Only $59,500 and terms are lots, acreage, mobiles) In or around , microwave,AM/FM 8-track bullt·in; , avaIlable. Call Alex, Adams, Ruidoso.' Jim Woosley, GROUND LEASE three bedroom, two baUl, furnished, 258-3330. H·&l·Uc i7-4378, W.Uc Build To Suit - H~. 37 , $22,900, Jim Wl!OSely, 25704378. W-47·Uc ,. (505)257~2 10 NOTICE TO'

ADVERTISERS . l , \, Holiday Home 5alll JIM WOOLDRIDG~ will sell tbe fQllowbig Ilemsfrom the VII,lage (If ~uld~o at . If you wllh to lee a PUBLIC AUCTION at 10:00 a.!lI. Saturday the 13th of November, 198~ at the 1107 Mechem proof on an ad schedul. Village Police Department (old city hall) parking area. Watch for the signs. 258-3330 ed to appear In the Other consignments welcome. Call 257·5296•. $2000 DOWN - buys I8lf CLAS$IF1ED OR REAL , Couch ZIypewrltel'll Baby Furnllul'f contained traveltraUer. ESTATE SECTION, copy 5adding machlaea PIU plumbln«rack rlgarelte machine ."" ,.•....' mUlt be turned Into our Movie proJector .:Ieclrolux Vacuum ('leaner 1971 Chevy Piner USED MOBILE - 14'170',3 office before. Desk limp 1118 Ply 4dr, ' , 11'/1 P~ 4dr, btdroo"" 2 bath, fully fur. , ,Olllee Furniture mals 1111 C1levy suburban Folding lable I~ ~ nlshed Including walh. 3:00 P.M. TUESDAY .:Ieclrle lIealfr 1112 Chevy \olI Vln SMIN tW'N) OIOPlna - aBDd OIlier ('hairs . 19511 ton, Dual \¥beel er/dryer. $3,000 down. FORTHURSDAY , .(lenrrator 1951 Chevy I ton plu lIydraulie lloor Jark 111H Ply 4dr. Ilallfry eharRrr \9511 C1Ievy plu TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH Shorl bed l'u rack Tlrt'll ~ split level new mobllo ~ome. 4"rneralor! , .",,, "...... ;;I 3:00 P.M. THURSDAY Ilas slovr ~ .. OnIV "9,500. •:Ieclrlc KelrlRrralor ~rldofUnWanledilemSIIlI ('OIIrh Nowwillbeagoodtlmeto ,.,}, , FOR MONDAY lIecliner chairs , This merchandise will be so ( IIh no minimums and no rese"a· :'. :1 Twin beds lions to Ihe hlghesl bidder All rchandlsemay be Inspecledon ,'I' 14'172' CAMEO Tw.o Friday the 12th of November at t Police Departmenl parking ;"" , MlscellaneouK Tools ~ bedroom, 2 bath with l.adder , 101. Consignments 'welcome, Call 257-5296. ', . Tho regular 5:00 p.m, ('haln KaWK fireplace. $24,750. Wel~ht Kel~ deadline applies unless ~ ··,,~prBIlUI you need to proof your 14'172' TOWN &COUNTRY ­ '~'- '-RuldOlO, NM 88M5 2bedroom, 2bath with com· ad. '~ po_ltIon roof and hard board ,- [505) %5'1. or . • [505) 378083Z4 siding. $26,500. Thank you for your ~ cooperation. . J1II1V . AUCTIONEER NEE~ TERWo$: CASH ON OAY OF 5ALE. Cashiers checks .ccepled, perscn.l cr company ch~ks ' WE YOUR LISTINGS. We honored only. with acurrenl leiter 01 credlllrcm bank, All purchms musl be paid on day 01 sale. I are an authorized lalel While descrjptions are believed correct. the Auctioneers Dr Owners make no warranties or V) .ADVERTISING goarantees as to genuineness, authenticity cf, cr defect In any 101 and will not be held responsible '0, representative for thll area. lor advrrlisIR9 dlscrepan~iesor Inaccuracies All sales are IInal, when awarded to the luccenlul ·1 purcna~ , J Call HolidaV Homll for afree DEPARTMENT bidder. Buyer accepts lull responsibility lor all made and holds the Auction Company , } and OWners Iree 01 any lIabllltv In the event 01 thell or dlsappearancecl any lIemspurchesed. All" mobile hl)m8 appraisal. , purchases must be checked oul by an authorized Aucllon Company representative before leaving THE RUIDOSO premiSes, NEWS MlS Ir·················.. I J j ~. ." J J FOUR SEASONS j I ~ j REAL ESTATE 257·9171 I ') I 1 I ~ j 613 Sudderth Drive 4ealt I A &1, ~. Box 2982, Ruidoso Mechem Drive, Just North 01 Co ...... :J J I l"\ :1 ~ 1, \, II :_.J, .~_ \ ~ P.O. Drawer2020-Ruldo ~ RuceUe RUIlell I ''''-.:-1 . .; ~ Phone 505-258-4040 ", , 257·5877 I ~ -'~'"-- --: j iJ~....._. J Great midtown location - neat 2 bedroom, completely -~ .... " ''ro-., -_. j - ./ furnished - alsumable loan, low Interelt. $55,000. I I ~/

" Golf Course Estatel - Furnlsh.d 3 bedroom, 2bath with , .0 :; garage and back deck that overlooklgolf course, $150.000. I I "1 '\\tlJ' ,ii White Mountain Estatel Unit 2~o\.o...ced from 5180,000 to 5145,000. I I White Mountain Estatel Unit 4- reduced from $160,000 to 5145,000. I I i Sonia Hartronft 378·4312 I II Upper Canyon - 2bedrooms and loft with 2baths, upper large deck, first class conltructlon with room for oxpan· lion. I r Only $59.500 for thll 2bedroom, 2bath condo. only one I ·1 year old. Fully furnllhed. Auumable mortgage. Only 2lsft, reduced In price. Three bedroom, 2bath hamel, well constructed, largo I I decks and a lot of extralln the $75.585.~ range. I I Larry Tillman 258·4089 I I Alto Village Lot - 2% acres In Deer Park Woods for only COMPLETE $27,500. I I 3.2 Acres with year around creek, 54.000 an acre. electric along louth side. I 1\ Alto Village - 1acre In Deer Park Valley 526.000. Nice. I r TV Acreagellocated between BonIto and Nogal, 12% down. 14~. Interelt, 10 years. LISTINGS REMEMBER, I'M INTERESTED IN WHAT INTERESTS YOU. I I Marge Woodul I Ii FOR THE 257·7681 Hull Road elegance. Over 3,100 Iq. ft, finest conltructlon, I 1/ fantaltlc kitchen, lacunl, extraordinary rock work. Reduc· AREA edll Areal home entertalner'l delightII ' I INNSBROOK VILLAGE: THE PLACE TO ENJOY I· Seller left southwelt, will sell super White Mountain TENNIS...GOLF...SWIM".FISH - [.J Estates lot under market. Bring ofterl. I I ," THE VILLAGER OFFERS ~I Helpl Who needl2 houle paymtlnts? Owner sayiselliarge house In Plnecllft, needs . SELECT PROPERTIES IN BEAUTIFUL II an ofter quickI I I INNSBROOK VILLAGE I· !~ Sunny kitchen, flat lot, nIce treel. Cameo mobile set up, 538,500. SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE: 4 bedroom, 4 bath. Fur· ~ nlshed In the grandest manner. $250,000, Including , '€ Six beautiful acres In Eagle Creek. Horsol al~owed, Sierra Blanca view, possible linens, dishes, everything, ~:I'~ .1.1 terml, only 558,000. The belt price In lubdlvilion. I' NEAT THREE BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome. Com· ~I pletely furnished, overlooking .5 fairway, Only -(I Remember, I'm Interelted In makIng a living., 5129,600 with aS8umabie loan. .'IJ , I CHEERFUL CONDO WITH LOTS OF PIZAAZ, One . bedroom, two full baths, sleeper sofa, fireplace, air '. Margaret Gaddy conditioning, washer and dryer. Very complete. I 336.4413 I 575,000 with assumable loan. Ten Loti with sewer, water, electrIcity and natural gal. All for $66,000 plul c10llng COlt or S8,500 each. I l Owner tranlferred out of Southw1olt-mult sell thll beautiful 1.07 acr.ln Deer Park, Alto. View Lot with full I l membership•••Make oHer• COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES LOTI Large, treed and buildable " . 1/':, I .' ... '..•. $38,000 I With o,cenont ace....nd view: Only $28,000 with lo.n" ,I • I Four beautiful wooded lots with view In Mountain View, Price reducedlJl

Nice lot In Del Norte loned for r~o\.O" double wide. Only $18,000• •'0' I'TH}·llll Aj [~ I Darling White Mountain 2 cabin, view of airport and Sierra Blanca. Furnllhed, assumable loan. Owner will help finance. Three bedroom, 2bath, game room, deck. ~~ ~ ~I,. Best priced house In White Mountain 2. . rea/til _I Under construction - lovely home In Camelot with panoramic view of valley and I Peggy Jordan,Broker-Re8.: 2&7·4949 ' ,.'," 257.4949 . , ., Sierra Blanca, 3bedrooms, 2'bathl. $145,000. View mUlt boen leen to appreciate I . Paul Jordan, AssocIate-Res.: ';1' MsryWoodard,AlIoclltl-RII,:1.354.2824 m;'. ,' . ., house ready for,voutlrisp~ctlon. I 'I.~ ':~ •••';;;:O:;';:'••• , .', ,~"I.,;rIc:·.T_,""'.h' /' - . ••...,...h~· MORNING • 5eIa_ Str..t . II III NeW. 5.00. •.ESI'N,SportaCent... • Body Buddin • c;NN Heacllintl ~I . I!8Weman','alie • JlmmV SWaggart 9:30 • In. Search of.... III './Mornlng lilt Another ut. II Movie I!ID VarJed Program. , ", I , j"J .. ' I' , III $uperStation Funtlme III Dlvarce Court· '" I' I, I,! ! "i 11. j r '. , 5.15 ONewa .10:00 D VClrled Progrcmt. 5.30 a .11m Bakk.. • II family Nud , The Doc'.... ,','i" "'lll" ',\f\l o Early lodaV D Q III lIuUwlnkle o New. at Noon 11I1 ~m of .I_nnle lID lilt Young and the R..,Ie.. ' ~', ~ ,• r} r G cas Momlng Newl • Big Volley 6:00 U .. ABC Newi/Morn . III Mr, Rog.,.' "'lghbcwhood D DlW,ent Strole.. DMovIe ' , , I:"• OTaciay m M\!le Dougla. 'eople New lID as Early Morning Newl lID Coble Stare caBozo Show m Romance Theater .MVT...... SOn. 10:30 • lID RVOn'. Hope • as Morning Newl D 0 Seatch ..... Tomtnow • International Byline .~Componv ... Inltant New. l!ID Varied Program. .' 6,30 D Early Todav • Tom Cottle Up CIoR .... Varied Program. 11:00 • lID All MV Chllclren • BN_. o Do.,. ef Our Live. ."MoYkt O. Mo.,1e • That GIrl DNow. i' 6,45 .,Geed Morning g New Me..ico Today 7,00 II Varied Program. m You Asked Far II .ID Geed Mernlng America II Varied Program. o TaciaV . . ... A, the Worfd Turn• ..S,"",ht Ta. til Muriel $te.,en. Show • as Morning New. lit 'erry Menon III Movie 11:30 IlJ Dara of Our Llv.. • Fran ea.hen lID A. the World Turn. gINN New• , • New Zoo Revue • . 7,15 • Weather 1m ()Y., EatV , , - l!lD SUlOn Noon Show 7,30 ""lewlt~hed AFTEitNOON • "." Itegen' Nelahborhood 12,00 II • One ute to Uve • Janet Sloane a Another Worfd Dkk Van Dylce • 8,00 •III!SPNScoebv Dao m , Spert.c.nt.,. lit MacNeil...",.. Report I, • Remper Room III My Little Morgle ; ) a DIff...nt S.trolte. , . lID Now• .... Movie l!lD Varied Program• Dot Door ..III '''0700 Club @II Movie - f 2:30 IlJ Anolher World ,, lID New $25,000 I'yramld lID Copltol tID V.m.d "'oyoom. m Andy GriHilh til Rintat_ at D Varied Program. ':30 a Wheel of Fortune 1:00 II lID General Hospital • - CD Ullo., Yoga and You a Fanta.y 11:I Child'. ~V o Bonanza THIS WEEK ON HBO ~ NOW 24 Ho'URS A DAY-- .- , -- 8 p.m. - STRANGER IN Mon., 6 p.m. - GHOST STORY r THE HOUSE with Melvyn Douglas! , 9:30 p.m. TRUE CONFESSIONS Tues., B p.m. - SO FINE , r with Robert DeNiro with Ryan O'Neal ~~ \ 8 p.m.- PRINCE OF Wed., 6:30 p.m. -THE INCREDIBLE ,• THE CITY SHRINKING WOMAN t '..\ , 11 p.m. - FOOLlN' AROUND Thurs., 9 p.m. F I ...• - THE FORMULA , with Gary Busey with George C. Scot , 9:30 p.m. - THE HOWLING Fri., 7 p.m. - L1VEI BOXING r " ~ with Dee Wolloce Pryor V5. Arguello 9:55 p,m. - ,~ PRINCE OF Sot., 8 p.m. - GHOST STORY , I THE ClTV with John Housemo , 9 p.m.- ALL NIGHT Sun., 7:30 p.m. -PATERNITY I -A.P. NEWS ON THE HOUR RADIO with Burt Reynolds \I - -A NICE VARIETY OF MUSIC \ J 257·5121 '--'-," . " '. -. .'TIL SUNSET EVERY DAY • ••

Marty Rc,bb,"s nri!1HO) W"~I ·Oa..d Frtnofl and ancD~jn ,, . t.;,t;Qity ".fO&t V"-Jl r ham" w,lI headline the syndl' , cated "Christmas Legends 01 - , Nashville." which has complet· r . '....' • ed taping at Nashville's Per­ . l' The • MOVIE, 'Shanger In the Hou..• A .. Father Murphy lilt Anoth.. UIo Wonderful World 01 Opor,,"a: ·T....tori..... psychopathic colleao llud.nt terrorius a so' • Govllan C) IDMun.t... The Peopl. 01 Maaador' and •...rtvlew. lpoul' rarity house with thr.otenlng phone calis. Kelr CD MacNoll-lahr., R.pcift lID Guiding Ught Dull.o, Olivia HUlsey. Morgol Kidder. 1976. G 700 Club tv toqu)': (4 hrl.) . I!IJ Morv Griffin Rot.d R. G MOVIE: ·Scarl.t Pimpornili' Sir Percy fit HawaII Flvo-O 1!Io~tt' 2,30 0 U Movl. 7:30 lID Newhart o MOVIE: 'Coptaln Turbulent Blak.ny Is the Scarlet Pimpeme). a h.,ooc Ii· Brady Bunch drama of woalthy land agent', quarrel ""r. who r.scue. French Qrlstocrats from the e ID Businou Report with lID Prlco I. RitJht .. Private kniclmln t.,ant larmors. Stowort Grangor. Kath....n blade of the guillotine. Antho"Y Andrews• ~n. m Scooby DoD 1:00 Ge«ge lIv,n. and Other Symbols Robert Oonot. 1947 Jane Seymour. Ian McKellen. 1982. Bull'. Ey. 0 se. IIlJ George Bums II joined by John Schneider. II!!I NisJhtboat .. T"'Franc. U.S.A. Taday's prOgram, m Leavo It to a.­ Undo Evans and llornadott. Pot.,•. (6O min.) lID 700 Oub are 'TeleFronce OM·Club, Mystery of th" m Hour Maga&lrio S MOVIE, 'Watodront' Nazi Ip," In the r"llow Room,' 'Fram the World 01 Fiction, Paul Ryan Show • MOVI", 'Shan.., In the Hou..• A 1m plychopathlc colleg. student t.rrariUl a so' U.S. th·reat." G-rman lamillol who h_ relo· Emllo lola and the Dreylus "'ffair' -ond 'In 3.00 OlllisJan'. laland II rarity houle with IhreOtenillfl phOM calli. Kelr tiv.1 abroad. J. Carrol Naish. John Carro· Po,formanc•• The Wonderful World a. Oper. e CHiPs Dullea. Olivia HulSey. Morgot Kldd4r. 1976. III Pink PQnth.. Show Roted R. at Chain Reaction dIM((~~~9~.~~~;;;;), 7,30 i'=~~::~shw~ m ....ally IIvnch • J4nnle o~ III Lefetta Lynn In BIg Applo Country lor· '. 0" .. ",_. 0> •. • R.port lID EIght I. Enovgh eu"..... otto'1 "U•.,. wJll be OtbbJe Allen, PlIt.r A/Jen ______~~~------8:00 '.III Thr..•• Company flI!) Nostalglo and Judd HlrlCh. (60 min.) EVENtNG .. Gavllan m Woody Weoodpockor • Cagney & Lacey • MOVIE: 's. Fino' " colillge professor 3:30 0 Tom & J.rry IlJ Now• 6:00 I'J NCAA Football: lMv.t"" at T".ol become. a IIIccll"ful fashion dnlgnor In this . lID N.w $25.000 Pyramid • Groat Performanc.. D ... NoWI com.dy. Ryan O·!'loal. Jack Worden, Richard mMuppot Show lit Mo"osoH D lyewltn... News Kle•. R010d R. A young flgure • IIJ Dick Cavo" Shaw • MOVIE, ·Rach.I, Rach.l· A lonely I!J MOW. 'k celebration leatur... CD Bob N.whart Show -- tn" ftaro who begon thei, Coree,. 01 thi. 10­ ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME YOU TOOK A SERIOUS 1001 AT m U"10 Hou.. on tho Pralr" mou. New Yor~ club. m Good Tim.. B Hawaii F1vo-O 5:00 MOAosoH 0 o TonisJht Show U Law..n. & Shltloy .. Co. 1m MOAosoH USoop S-OLAR HEAT? m CharI..•• Ang.b a lID News Ill) Anoth.. Ufo HAVE YOU NOTICED, YOUR NEIGHBORS AREI I em lla'fnoy Mil... 9,45 IS MOVIE: ·Th. Strange Lov. 01 Martha 3-2·1. Contod , CD Iv...' A woman, wI10 01 a child murdered 'r '. \) ,I t, '. G Varlod Provram. he' aunt, I> conlronted with the rewrn 01 a U mas News childhood lriend wI10 witne'sed the crime. fat lID Vou A.bd It Barbaro Slonwyck. Kirk Douglo•• Van Heflin. S:30 I!I ESPN SporhCont.r 19.46. 65 % of your systems can be covered by state D II) ABC News 10:008 ESPN I" ....nt. Satu,day.NIght at tho U NIC New. and, Federal Programs. fight. ~~=.,:: U knny HIN Sm.w OmeNowl (WHILE THAT WTS ) o Entonalnm.nt TonisJht e Eyewitnesl N...... IrJ MOA·soH IIi) T:'apper John M.D. I!IJ.H_n. G) Dkk Cav.tt Show Utility costs are rising drastically Ii» Alfrod Hitchcock CJ Burn. & Allon (WHERE WILL THEY BE IN 5 YEARS?) mNow. @D Charlie'. Angol, fD, In Search of•••• 10,300 Mo",oS'H t , U Tonight Show Our systems are designed for your needs only­ ,'r/{\;"\l-':~~:li ;1(. U Vou A.k.d For It (PREoPACDGED SYSTEMS liE ALWAYS EXCESSIVELY COST· .~ ,- a Lat. Ni9M with David Lettorman m MOVIE, 'Th. Pictur. of Dorian Gray' lY) A man's wi.h to be eternally young comes • We use many major manufacturers, (Revere, EVENING lrue. but at. 0 terrifying price. Shone Briant. Nigel Davenport, Char'" Aidman. 1973 Lennox, Sunduster, Langley and more) 6:00 0 NCAA Foolball! No". Dam. at m Alfr.d Hitchcock Pittlburah CJ Jack Bonny Show (YOU 'BENEfIT IN SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS) OG)NrN' m Pooplo'l Court U Eyowitn... N.wl 1m Nlghlline e MOVIE: 'Ohost Story' An unlorgiving 11:00 0 Nightlin. Install heat and hot water while the tax benefits exist. gho.t rewrn. 50 years after her death to e MOVIE: 'Ohent Story' A" unforgiving (WHY DO HALF THE JOB?) punish those responsible. Fred Astoire. Mel· ghost relums 50 yeors alter her dtloth to vyn Dougl",. John H"useman. punish thos

, l j "*9 ,- .... _ •.::C". Cd! . ..---,...... -' ..

' .. Page 4 - Ruidoso (N.M.) News • ~r~ ;~,,- t. '·\~It ,,". '.' '. J 'I~"'; ~., ,', " .- '. .. , ~ . '~.h ~,'• , ,....

·M~t...,1 .< ' .. • ,. • 9: 1.5 .. All In the FGmlly • Wild World of Animo" lID I Spy . .My utile Margie • MOVIE, ·Th. Formula' Thl, film followa 9:30 III MOVIE: ·Tru. Confe..lon.· '" bru1al . .. MOVIE. 'Happily Ev., Aft... An alplr­ the oct(all during an In'ematlOllal .ynth.llc mu,d., 'eah th. conllicting loyalli", of two .. MOVIE, 'na. Thr.. MIlIk.t....• The Thr.. Mulk_...... ICing Loul. XIII, with .lng linger I' tam btrtwftn a chanee al fame fuel c~.n.JpirCICY' George C. Scali. Morfon brathera. Robert De Nira. Robert Duvall. th~ holp of tholr new frlond. rile damlng In tCII Vega. or tlte pe..llten' courtship of a Brando. Martho kelle•. 1980. Rol.d R. Chari.. Durning. 1981. Rated R. mountain man. Su_ Some... Bruce Box­ III GJN.w. Itaclng o "'rtognan. Ollvor R.od. Michael Vork. a Cha,lton HOltan, Richard Chamberlain lta- "liner. John Rublno"'ln. 1918. atOdyney o Tonight Show queI W.lch. '197.: . • e MOVIE, 'Magnlflcent Sinn'" A ml.'ro.. - .. TIS Ev.nlng N.w. lID MOAoSOH til Tic Tac Dough to the Ituilian Czqr b«ome. Involv.d In 9,30 Dla~g m Charlie'. Ang.Ia flID American Baby court in'rigue. Romy Schneld.r. Curt Jurgen, I!J Tonight Show o Ano,h.. Uf. f!D Alice Plorre lltonchar. 1960, '. • lID M"A"S·H 9'''5 tD MOVIE: ·Th. Trap' "'"emp'ing 'a II.. 6.30 0 Happy Dop Again .,MOVIE: ·Inold. Dal.y dqYer' The .'ory 119 Cha"Ie·. Angol, the country, the notorious hoad of a crime P.M. Ma.altln. 01 ° young girl'. r.11O '0. Ilordom ond the ,lID Anoth" Uf. o A~fO Iyndicale lOOlale. a .mall 'awn In lOu'horn I1J MOVIE, 'Incredible ShrinkIng Woman' compUcatlon. orillng from ·h.r follur. ,a ad­ 10,00 II Itaclnll '82: NASCAI Worn.. California. Richard Wldma'*. Tina Laui.., Le. jUlf '0 Hollywood 1OC1oty. NotaU. Wood. HodgdOn 200 Covorallo of the. NASCAR J, Cobb, 1959. A houlOwif.. ",bject.d 'a the ch.mical. In oe,olOl .prays. lind. he.....lf mrinklng fo.,. ChrMoph.r Plumm.,. 1966. Warnet Hodgdon 200 ·frolll Rlversld•• CA. 10.00 fJ NCAA foo,ball: LSU a' Alabama Uly Tomlin. Chari.. Grodin. Ned 1lea1ty. '1,"5 .,. MOVIE: 'I MOVIE. 'McMillan & WIf.: Th. Fin. .:00 D Facta at ut. • MOVIE: 'Shadow of Sill Lenn.llc· A G­ G People', Ceurt CID Nlghtlin. Ar, of S'aylng Alive' Solly i. kidnapped, e MOWr 'Prince of ,he City' A c1auble. Man poHr1 en Q crook '0 "ap a nlght.c1ub and he, abduClOro demOlld a Rembrandl ogenI expoMI' corruptIOn in hi. departmont gOAOl"'. ton Chaney•. Jr.. Jack Mulhall. 11,008 Nlgh'/lno po.inting as ranlOm. Rode HudlOn Susan 1935 l ond baeo..... th. number-o"" 'a,get of tho • MOW: 'Feelln' AtOllnd' An Oklahoma Saon' Jamo•. COlQre Danova. 1973 mob. T.eat William•. ,QIlCh hand en.oll.· In co'I.\IO. but learn. m PBS ....,. Nigh, Ni". On New J....., \. more about lifo ouilide th. clour"",,". Gory II • j I' "' .....' ,~" .. , f ",,"-~1 em I Marri.d Joan lIt QuIncy \' ~. -' " "---, ~, l\\.,'" e ~ " -.- em ....., Word , o P'ychle Phenomena eN.WI EVENING - @i) Good Ear,h Journal lit In ...... manc. a' ,h. Whl'. Hou.. - Ill) MOVIE: 'McCloud, Th. Dlapolal Man' m 84rnny Hili Show VIOlin virtuo.a Ilzhok Perlman pre'lenh a lpe­ 6,00 .. NFL S'ory. Un. 8y Un. II the NFL Play.- McCloud bau1llned fa p'oted a woolthy 11, I 5 0 MOVIE: 'Cutl... Way' A bl"or Vl6lnom clol performarw:e from the Eal! Room ot th. • .. IInke contlnv••• th" program will be pre· corporotion head from a hired ~iIIor. Dennl. Yotoron dro.... hi. wlfo and hI> only friend Whit. Hou... (60 min.) .mpt,d and 'NFl Film.' will be alr.d. Woaver, Palrlck O·Neal. Nina Talbo,. 1971. 1n10 an obuuiYtl' million to uncO"'Of' a mur. IIJ AlJ.co ••N.w.· ..I'IS lat. Night dorer. John Heard. Joll Ilrldg.... UIO Eichorn. fa MOVIE, 'The Deer Hun'er' TIIree ,mall. D fyewltn... New. III Motrlltd Joan '981. Ralod R. lit Qulnq 'own mill wo'*... o,e lent ,A fight a war a NHl. Hodc.yr New Yoric Ra""... a' 11,30 0 Lo.t Word from which they con ...... ' ,-'urn """ ...... PhlIodelphla lID Latt Word fiJ Ceupl.. Robert o.Ni,o, Meryl S'roep. 1978. Qhme • Quart..h..... Sh.w o NBC NeWi Ov..nlghl 1,15 G laS Evenln. Newt II ~nu"" 1'.1, • lenny Hill Show • My Utile Ma,Ie ••30 U hmlly n.. • MOW: 'Thli Matnifken, s.....n· 1t ,30 • Nfl Sterr. Un. By Una II the NFL Ploy. G MOW: 'Under 'h...... A • Meet the Moyer. A_rlcan gvnllghten or. hl,.d '0 protect a e" .100 conti"""., thl. progrom will be pr.. .word,,"- facet Rich.l;'" and chollenga the l1l'i011 Mexlcan Iown from Ou1IC>\Oln. Yul Bryn_ e"'plOd and 'NFl Films' will be aired. "5'. Time .t.atW..... Cardinal'. righ' to o,der """ death penalty • Filthy tic" nero Ell WoIIoch. 1960. lor HUlJ4lenol>. Raymond Malley. Cantad .,00 .!SI'H Sp.,I. Cen'er • WlW WIIIf4 at Anlmala ee-II'" Void!. AnnabaUo 1937. ••Dynaty .'Spy • HtC Newt Overn'-'-' .. MOVIE: 'He DltoJNndo .. Unulo' eOu~ • NCAA '-tIooI. W.., VIr,lniG ., • My Uttle ....'" Dana "'ndrawl. • M.~lIme·. Me.ce • MOVJI: '"-".I.en· The itory of the S» MOVIE: 'Da~ at Win. tone! ...... A ••New. .TlcJlKo-."'...... gr.at hl,torlcol Ijgv,. II told in a SIIrlos 01 public r.lotio". man perauade. hi. wil. • TrllY...... W..w f1enhboc.... Orson Welles, Morlo Sch.lI '0 85... 19~ . becalM a 'lOCiar drinkor and both become • Alb • O••1Ilp "'ern ,he Forftt The 1101)' t­ alcollollI'I afl., h.r death to B ....,. Nish. with Oovid Lett..man and h.r abduchln demand 0 Remb,and, 8M-A"SOH JlVftIsh "'os. f'OSpanIible, Fred AI'oire. Mel. • IN Fnrnatlin She-w SUIOn ~ • Boch•• ,.,.,., ~ painting a. raniam Rock MudlCn. ell a-Ge'. An.t" Daugloo. Joh" Housernon. Sain' Jame•. C.....ro Daneva 1973. .AoetlHwUf. • "",.ttwted 0wiIy • MOVIE: 'McCloud, The DiJpeaal Man' , 12,300 leS..N Sport. Cent.r gEntertelnmen, T...lght McCloud b cn,igned to protect 0 _o/thy .. hmtiy "lId CNN H...dlln. N.w. Feu~ corporalian head from hired killer. Denn;• r o 9:45 .. MOVIE. ·S...• An Engllm_ Itt Po"" ...... family ° N.w. Nigh'walCh Woaver. Palrlck O'Neal. Nina Tolbat. 1971. r e as h gNwo 0 rll and a mop of a IoU CIty. U,. Itn••• lilt Ufo of RI,.y • Sher,. 1':30" £SI'H Sport, Cent.. , tulo And John Richa,d"",. Pele, Cushing. • Sea, , 1.00 D NBC Now. Ov.,nlgh, 1965. 7:00 ... Seanle k··... Cho

,Ruidoso (N~M.)News - Page 5 '.-':""'" ..'".. :"" a . r, . r:-J'...... " . , . .. " ."'( "\ . . "'..\ ~ ~ ~;.) '.' .,,' ". I,;.} · .. ! ;J .. ""'1'0-1-.,. ',. :' ... ' 0) . '. •....• i"'" .•.. '." ',1 .. r] , ' [P'," .. n .:. ' "\: 'f, 1'''',y' ,~"". r;") t':':L"","·! t;~ ','.'" ~I 1'- ~ C:) g t.'. -·f" fi."!. f"'..... (!;' i /;, R,):'~\ 1 '".~ .,,~",:) ; ",I . A _,' Ill'" III" ,1, .. "f; L' " ,. >-" F1 n,': ,j ·t· .. ·'·"···,··'~ .' - • > ,- 'J "-.' j' I I ,- I , ., . ....', !,... ;.'" ' I,' .J~ .. 11 ;Tun'!o r./;1 tju .. V·n:, .... ~r'" t.l~ ~":":' ['rt~ " "', ·'(.T (",,,,:1 i.,.! .• J "'""t '- ,,>. "'J /',.•• , t.... 'oA \' I f in·I:·,)~.--... '}\/'I,,1,.~ if ,).•...•. Ie ((/F' r""'j'l r , :, ., . J ... ';.-!" ". .. 1.•·.. _ .. .0 :. I:~ ",j,' ,:-~j-:, iF''' '.'" IJ ' ,:,:1 "j '''..'.1'' j .. ' ,,. ... ,".. ~. "1 .•• f-.. ,-'. ,_ .. ,'/ _. . 'j \ I")' "'" l- I I', " /.,., '. Ii .).• ', i .. , .. ' ..• " ". • I·, J. ,->-. , I '0,,"" ',,,',, .. .. -'. • ...i' '" .. .. .' . ~. "'.~ II ; ,'.'i r::' '.';,' ';.: ~: '/~:i I'·~ " ~ •...J L, ".•' ...... , ' .~ "",.",,,,./,.' ".,':I,,:::.!:,.. l','i'. (J'<"I!\.1. \..,.,.,. 1;'1",' li'!.",'" ...,,1'1,,'.,1"'1";: 1(.·.·7.. C.-" j, t' I.::,,; \',., r,'j I, i"; " IJ 0'1.,,/-:1. ,; ~ ~' ,~/ .~,~j-" I,,-:,~ ,,-~~I r~'J \..;:..-,..... ::JJ...;.tI .. ~'I -"~;"1 ;; t.' \;'...;~,l!! ''1 ~,-" ·;13 /.. ) \..; \, F,.-.~jI.'J,:;J r _.. '- ' .. J..." '....- ., • -'oJ --..... '~"" "-. .. -"'...,;,;.r .J

.'td'." ~) ~'" '~"''''7'-:-~''''';-; -~-~ LILLIE'S RESTAURANT. HOLIDAV INN LI··Y'S1iI_. DAWG. HO'USE ~-,:.."'•..,...l--i_...._...... ,:- -'- - ...... _~._~...... _,-0', ~~..:+.-:l~"'.Ii.J1".... UEverytblng Is Cooked ~ r~ CHISHOLM TRAIL 8ervIDI VJeJi'" Beef" j V"","1 /\ '1 rU'e"" "\1" InUlIJe's Kitchen" Si , RESTAURANT UlSiidderila ,0(> '0 y, l V/1J oj MJd.town Ruidoso AND MON JEAU LOUNGE . P_aem... l .4.,..:,. <1- fr."..,' " .' I Phone257·9455 j Enjoy a touch of old Mexico In m.Idtown Highway10aHhe "y" _. dogs of aU kinds alld features the Me'" , j ,Ruidosol Ullle'a Restaurant will give ..fo~ Phone 378-4051 n,.,. Chill Do and F'- AI j The Chisholm TraiJRestaurant in the ""'IS, g ...e Dog along with aU . rj the real BOuth of the border feeling from the standard favorites. .' f j the Spanish decor to the delicious Holiday Inn features a complete menu for Open from Ua'JJl' tilG p.m., they Invite 'I' ~ 4 .homemade Mexican food. '. breakfast, lunch or dinner and they are you to call a,head Tor tak...... orde.... . J Open year around from It a.m. IUltil 10 open daily at 7 a.m. ' "",,"or ... II .1 J p.m., LiUie's specializes in Buperb servicel s~::lisf:~~~u~~~J~~~:~s:z::~~ ~RK~S I ·and a menu that features Guadalaja~ ST DONUT SHOP" ··'1 • " J favorites tool Selections from the wine list' . 2930 Sudderth Drive '.~ -j J green chill con queso, enchiladas and tacoa Phon~,257-8937 · 1 ·al0l!8 with sandwiches and steaks.' · complement your dinner'or choose one oC 1 , the special after dinner drinkll. The Mon Stark's Donut Shop Is open 7 days a week I :1 j Jeau Lounge features live entertainment from'? a.m. until. p.m. BJld again from 4 ..I j SIERRA BAKE SHOPPE for your dancing and listening pleasure. ,p.m. until 7 p.m. to ensuredonut'lovers are J .) j 1 1308 Sudderth Complete facilities for banquets . never -wIthout tIleir favorite goodies. Old j .., j ar~ , 251-7811 meetings, wedding receptions, etc. fashion handcut donuts are prepared fresh l' j Ray and Robbie Beardsley invite you to also ayailable at the Holiday Inn and ar- daily and they even offer a delivery ser- \ ' . join. them Tuesday through Saturday for a rangements may be made by cOllta~ting vice! Special orders are inVited. 10 cent cup of the best colfee in town a the sales director. "goodie" and some conversation in Ute. • coffee shop. sandwiches are also served COUSINS' RESTAURAN1 from Ua.m.. 5 p.m., Tuesday thru satur­ A day. MARTHA'S VINEYARD A Sierra Bake Shoppe, located on Sud­ JERRY DALE'S j derth, across from Jaekalope Square is 3 Mites North on'Hlghway 37 j Ruidoso's only full line bakery, Ceaturing Pbone 258-3555 4 Cresh baked pies and cakes, rolls, donuts, An evening at Cousins' is a unique ex· cookies and delicious breads. Hours 7 8.m. perience offering a wide range of enter­ - 5:30 p.m., 'l'uesday through Saturday. tainment. Open Sunday, 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dining in the restaurant is a pleasure .. with courtesy and service just a part of Lee Horsley Is a Texas play· 1 THE INNCREDIBLE theiroutstandingoCter. Menu selections in- boy who sidelines as a detec­ A "Ruidoso's Best Kept Setlret" _ elude great steaks, seafood and all your tive In Southern California on Phone 336-4312 favorites along with specially items. the new CTV actlon'adventure Reserv.Uonl Sugges~ Jerry Dale's, "Ruidoso's largest and series "Matt Houston," airing '\ ~ ~j '~' ,~, .,. '•. ; i' " Nestled in the pines high above Ruidoso liveliest night club," is open every night 1': in beautiful Alto VUlage, the Inncredlble from 7:30 p.m. unUl2:00 a.m. and features CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TItAE has fast become a favorite dining & live country western music Tuesday thru' , . cocktail choice. Along with a casual, in. saturday. Sundays an(l.Mondays are rock @'11M2 Computog timate atmosphere, away from the crowds 'n' roll nights. ' and loud music, they offer ¢Wices from Martha's Vineyard, located on the west the area's largest menu. Prime Rib, side or the Cousins' complex, stocks aU steats, veal specialties, seafood and your f!lvorite beer, wine and liquor and • chicken Sill featured, along with deliciOWl, features every day Jow prices. " meal-:towJ.ns desse'rt8. . . Bar opens at 11:30, dlnlng at 5:30. Now COCHERA setvin,g InncredibJe lunches from 11: 30 to Mnk:llil,V....CaDuaa • l:30.·~Just • llttle out of the ordinary - a 'I. MIlePa.. little ways away." • e.u..' 251-31'11 • DeWest restaurant and night . . . • Ruldo1o'JI ~ '~-<7 ",A~ ~"'r ":'\';'~"- ..l~ clubreeently ~~ _ .~Ulo"-W'''y 70, II. 1 y", .. --& J/' IT -.. ,,-- r·, ...- Jo-...... r <,- .'--, w r.t~ AttheY .}f" 318-4747 ~ » lI\r.h.. INN OF THE MOUNTAIN GODS K-Bob's, in addition to serving the finest * "New Mexico's Only steaks in the Southwest, features the . !~ Complete Luxury Resort Facility" largest salad bar in Ruidoso - over 15 feet * AT Owned and Operated by of Baladl There is also fish and shrimp, if ):} .~ that may be your choice. the Mescalero Apache Tribe The Tack Room at K-Bob's can ac- 3.5 miles South of Ruidoso 2:} LOCAL PROG ING t'l/. on the Homeland of comodate up to as people for parties, sales ):). meetings, rehearsals, etc. . . ~ The Mesentero Apache Tribe Jim Clements is your host and X-Bob's is ):}- ON , Pbone 251-5141 open 7 days a week. ):} The Inn of the Mountain Gods provides guests every amenity. of luxury !iving, CABLEVISION CHANNEL TINNIE'S SILVER DOLLAR r} 11 surrounded by 460,000 acres of unspoiled THURSDAYS, 6:30 P.M. - Weekly "Local Wrap-Up" forest. Spacious accommodations offer a . "Where Time Turned » fantastic' view ~ the lake and Sierra Back The Clock" *' SATURDAYS, 9:00 A.M. - Replays of Ruidoso High Blanca. Superb wining and dining wiD 1;innle, N.M. School football gomes I U.S. 70/380 between Roswell &Ruidoso1 J:} delight the choosiest of gourmets with a WEDNESDAYS. 6:30 P.M. - Village Council Meetings wide selection of wines and mixed drinks, Phone 1-653-4425 ",'" .fine steaks and seafood. In addition, it's Tinnie Mercantile Company takes you rt the perfect place to be for your dancing back to elegant, tum of the century diningJ * Be Watching!! and listening pleasure. Guests will enjoy Leave ~he hectic world behind as you enjoy )} swimming, boating, fishing, golf, tennis, sizzling steaks, succulent lobster, tender vl [)roadcastlng By: Cablevlsion Lincoln County horseback riding and everything else you lamb chops or trout. All your favorl~ """- spirits, including many new and exciting ",I 257-51 21 would expect from a complete resort. ~rinks, There are 52 RV spaces with water and are served in opulent, authen- :r Production By: Video Taplhg Productions, Ruidoso electricity available. Also, enjoy skeetand tically appointed salons or yesteryear. ~r 257 trap shooting ranges for the avid sport­ Tinnie's Sliver Dollar is open from 5:00 t;}. ·9763 sman.. p.m. til·io::ro p.m.

- - ~, - 'll'.-- . j)'~ . a -~. ~~~"~'~~'r""u!4* ""'. '~-~"'.'ll""-"'",,'''¥7Y"'r;>'''''''1''_'''=-;HV' t'" '~",.;~rL~.-·-·~-no,,,,,-:~ , - L e6DcI - sMeN (owoN) osoPlnH . . . fO •

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".' help. him run his hone ranch. Charles Bron­ f!D MOVIE: 'Ea.t of Eden' Th. ,tory of fru'lrot"c;I low .xll1/ng between a fa1h.r and II D Galy Coleman Show Fred MacMurray, Lee J. Cobb. Frank Sino· 'on. Jill Ireland. Vincent Van Patten, 1973. In.~. tra. 194B. hi, two IOn,. Jam", Dean, Julie Harris. Ray. .. the NFL Len DawIon and Nick m Wild World of Animal. e. tID Special C/i) Super Book mond Maney,. Ilur' 'V",. 1955 Iluoniconti anol)'ze this week's NFL action 12,00 II sav N.tw..... • and look ah.ad to next W....'I gamel. 1\30 II • USA VI. tho' WIlO'Id In A","teur ID MOVIE: 'Ad"enture. of Neeka' Neeka, Dr, Wlto Bollln8 or NCAA Footbalh Teaml To Bo on Alo,kon Indian boy. spends an eery night o Joe franklin Show o III NBC Ngui... H'tben lmn. seeking refvge Irom fho city finds terror at a o 0 Flintlton. funnies light lor wrvivial with rebel rribel 01 tho de­ Greta Gynt, Mal Zetterling. 1950 a light thM mode legendary hI,tory of Colifornoo retreat, Dee Wolloce. Patrick Mac· a Chrlsropher CIoM-Up urt, ..MOVIEs 'High Country' desert warfare. P.tar Strau... TII1Q Aumont. nee. Denno, Dugan. 1981. Rated R. IIi) GJ Speed BugllY II) loverno' .. Shirley & Co. 1971. o Hawaii FI".-O m U.s. Farm R.por' 5.00 D AII-Sta, Sport.ChaUenll. o Tonighl Show lilt Contact o U.S. Fatm Report Ii) Foeu, an SocIety DGGH.. How II!> MOAosoH CD Romper Room USoln' IE} Charli.', Ang.l, lID Super Frienda o MOVIE, 'The Great J..... JlImol o Lawrence W.I.. m Ano'her Life m In.tant New. Raid' The /lnol yean In' the lif" 01 J.... & be­ m BU91 Sunny/Por"y Pig Problem' Million Control ,truggl.. to bring m NaA Basldlan Mounry lnliltratoo ~ .mojor crlma • Dr, loIMwt Schuler crIppled girl. Peter Brecle. P"ggy MCCay. ph)t to kidnap. Paul N.wm..... Edward O. smdlcm. In Toronto. Jamlll$ Francl«us. S,e­ Nat\an~roll RoblnSQl1. Elko Som"",r. 1963 • Face tho O'CoMar. 1962 fanioPower., JacqUOl Godin. 1976. III Kid 3,00 Amaziltg Anima" D W«dt PiIn.)! a- eThaN . hOO MO"'E, 'ste.p My A woman. • Matln.. at the 8llou .•,~'~a Smith Cind Jon.. .T.leFronco U.S.A. TodOy'1 programl a Lov.· being driven inlCHlO by he, hulband, mool, III Newaight '82 • Mel,. of lott.. are 'Cordon B10u Caaldng. Soupo do po. and fa". In foYIl witIJ a rnan'r$ho IOYOS her ~. G Inquiry • Mary Tyler Ma«o lreoull 01 pommo. torr.' and 'TeleFranc. III•• alludolt. Colbert, Don "moeho, Robert ~... ~cloll lID Johnn)! CeinQIfl Show " 'au' Ryc,," Show Th. Rosenberg•.' (3 hn.) Cummings. 1948... lit Hawaii Flv..o • LQncor 3:30 • TeIocuhure • MOVIE,' '13 fr\ahton.d Girl A lon· 1,30 a.SIlver Spoons· 10,30 & All-Stor SpcwflCholleng. • HajJpy Days Again , don diplomat's t...... g. dollghter up her .. Duncan'. Dkory •.M-.vlew~1c III ...., SIdney . . o~ brand 01 International spylrig. Murray .' 8,00 • ..III NFL '82 IlDWIIcI Klngdam ".&o-Ioot Hamll'on. Joyce 11))'1or. Hugh Marlowe. 1963 Glmmlll a IlrIIIaIc ... NFL Today 4,00 II lID Solid Gold. a III From thlll Edl.or'. D~ I!J Ion. Ranger II Bottleatar Galoctlca • MOVlE:'Ghos, St....,- An unlorllivlnll • C'lIt9n Along gholt rolurn. ~ year.' Qft.r h.r death III Athlet.. In Adlon 0 Wild Klngdam '0 f!ID MOYlE, '&Hd of tho W.... Bewltchod Iroland. A '.lev\alon History punlm fIIo50 responSible. fr.d A.laire• .Mel. lID III '!r!' I)j)ugioo. John HOU50mQn. em Fint Nightor III T,avolor's World I!.J Devlin Co"lIICtlen . 11.00 O· CFL Football: £a.tern DiY\aIon • P.,pl GeoI ,he Country . '~ (~~~!D.@~~~W) Semifinal em MOVIE: 'Od.ntata· lID MOVIe. Which Way 8ut Loose' ...This Woo" with David &In"ley .. Th... Amozlng Animoll A tough barroom brawler hal an arangu'OIl Sports SpocIoI 4:30 Wokomo Back Kotter lor a pet. a mo'orcycle liang on hll 'Qil and MORNING a B Q glrllrlend .,ho'd rather be a .Ingor than a • I!J MOVIE, 'Pa'ernlty' A bacholar gaol an D MOVIe. 'The Groot Adve..turo· A boy 5:00 D Dr, Cho a campaign to find tho right surrogate and hil dog atrugg'" 10 survive ,n the rugged wile. Clin' Eastwood. Sondra loc..... Ruth Gordon. 1978. D(hedN.," mothctr fa provide him with pn beir. Surt Rey' A'Olkon wllderno... fred Romor, Jack Pa'· naldl. BeYerly O'Angelo. Louren Hulton. once. JOan Collins. Raled PG. 51 MOVIE, '110 Gtando' Tho u.s. CaYalry IB .krrnoa R""n O1tomptl ,A l'Op Apache roldl during the •.lntOtnQiion'lll Byline '98'. 0 NBC: Nows 5,30 VIlIgllIJQbIe Soup lH1 Indion-Mellican bord.r wart. John Wt>yM, D • MOVIE. 'Tho NoIced and tho Dead' fa Utile Hau.. tho Prairie Mour..... O'Hara. 1950. • Growing Vewa Tho Itary of men In war, their f""lings, hatel, III'American Troll 8:30 ...... Sidney II!I o.nv Faua. S"-w doaIrlII and courage. who learned to be .. NIco ' ...... N41wa gDttaftt- quick and lough. or dead. A'do Ray. Cliff • JcrcJi An n Confidon'nf II!I RobortlOfl. Raymond Mossoy. Joey Bimop. 5:00 £5I'N SparhConter .. Vk:t4ll)' at Sea .'t h Wrltt.n 0 ·81 Worid of 'ont_t 1958 .. GI AISC Now. • DeIIcn c.wboya W..kly 6:00 • $portaCon.... 9,00 , ESPN o NFL FootbaH: Clnclnnall at Houston/ 8 Chico and tho Man • ESI'N Spom C.n'er ...., Cfo4N Headllno N41_ or A1ternato ProgrammIng If 'he NFL ploy· U Madam.'. 'lac• .. .. Devlin Cennoctlen D Inch High Prlwato Eye e,,' strike continues. ahernate programming 0 Voyag....1 .'"uIH..,n .. N41wI • ,"watlc loolrty will be mown. lID 60 Mlnut.. III Coptaln Kangaroo • D NFL Football: Toams ta be III Slie Groat Idoos • W..,Jd at Wor Announcocl/or Alt...nat. Programming If Flying Hou.. ..IlKk Church lit 3-Salro lilt 1lI ...... n 'he NFl ployort' .'rik. continue.. altemato Ii 8ftt of World Cnamplo'lihip .. NIA IIode.tb«dl, Atlan,a 0' Gelden S'at. • Codoon c:a;nlvol programming will be mown. Wr..tling 8D GfKpoI Musk Jomber.. III MOVIE: 'Dark Alibi' Charlie Chan IOIYIll1 ICJ as N41w. 9,30 II leKlng • Inatant News another bollling mystery. Sidney Taler. Ben· IlD Fight BocIc • o Sa,urdoy Nigh, Uv. 6:1$ 0 Sacred H-r . IOn Fang. 1946 5:;10 0 mill Nows .. N41wa . II!I Whora Nu? III Dr, Jama. K.nnedy lollglon 8 Eyewlln... N.w. CIt LQugh TralC 6:30 8 Ivl/wlnlele tEa MOVIE: "oyton·l'Ioce· The .tark. vividly If) In Search of.... 9:45 II MOVIE: 'Prlnc. of 'hili City' A double. ., MOVIe. 'The Gtoat Adv.ntur.' A boy comple. revelatiam al the _rot Iile 01 a III Swha family RobIn..n agont ""poses corruption in Itil deparfmen' and hb ck>o 1f1lJg11" ,a lUrvl~ In the rugged amoll New England community. Lana Tumor. • "-'1 llchcrtd and becol'lllll the number-ono target 01 Ihe Alaskan wilderne... Fred Romor, Joel. Pal­ lloyd Nolon, Hope lange. 1957. ~:45 ..~ T~h~ mob. Treat William•. onee. Joan Com"•. Rat"d PG. tlIi ....ppY.1'Ioce EVENING - 10:00 & Speedway Me'orcycle lacing fr.... a 0 Day of DiKovery • MOVIE: 'The FQmIIy N41body Wanted' _.-----.....:~:.:::;~------(M,a MeJo, CA tit J.a-t Schullot A minister ond hb wile 'oee many complica- 6,00 IIINIA lIosJcetboll: "ton ot Mllwaufc.o ••eNewa D Heritage SInge.. tions when they adopt 12 raclolly mixed o • RipIey'a hliev. It Or Notl a Eyewltn... N41ws 1m World Torn«rIIIW child...... Shirley JOrtOI. J_ OI~. Woad· aVeyagonl II) 5ecIoI 5111CUI'Ity row Parfroy. 1975. o MOY\£: 'So Fin.' A coll<-9" pro'eSlOr IiChampienahlp Wrolllin" fIJ 8lbIo Answ.... 11:30" "'_nt. bocomes a .ucc"",luf fashion ....»gne' III thl> lID hotbaH c.wboy Style 7.00 0 NCAA ""tbolt, 'onn Stat. 0' Natr. g NCIme of the Go.... h Golf cOllllldy. Ryan O'Neal. Jock Warden. R,chard Domo Klel. Rolod R. IIJ 5<1-.onwrl'... AFTEINOON, III SIng eut Amerka a Unles = • Stroight Taile , III '~ullyan Shew o Jimmy SwaggOf1 12:00 CJ CNH Hoodli... NotWI III MOW: 'lIIue Lagoon' A shipwrecked lID V~a$ a 0 Oral Roberts g UIllan Hellman: Prof... boy and girl come 01 age on ., t,opical i,. 10.30 II MOVIE. 'Mu,dor on the Orient .. Sunday Morning III Food f. IhIII Hlinll'l' land. 8per. Riro Hayworth. Von He/lin. 19'9. • ZoIa Lovitt Uvo S M&V1E! 'Am.lia forhatI· A drama of IlD Mom«ift WI,h LQwrence Wolle G MOVIE! 'EtornaHy Yount A magician Ell Spaco Kidett.. the lamed 1930's flier and champion 01 6,30 III Jodc An~ Ccinfidontlol cau,"", hi. wile to diSGPP mJamesRobi9rionco fIi.I MOVIe. '8iUy the kid: T,apped' .Billy is II stronded without food alter a greet blizzard. i" the 'ightest .pot of his life. Susler Crabbe. B Day of Diacav4ll)' Bill Williams. Tom Brown, Ann Ruthe.ford. 1942, U Maleo peQCO With Naturo 1950. Rex Humbafci '2:15 m MOVIE: • 'The Twa :Mr.. Conolls· A a IB MOVIE: 'Rotu,n to Poytcln' Place' The . man's Ii.., wife dies lUlpiciously ond whon ho lID Old Time Goapol lives 01 nine people are dramatically affec'ed . remorrie., his second wife begins to foar for mRawhide when a yaung author write< a sensational her salety. Humphory llogart. Barba'a S'on' CD Six-Gun Her_ novel about their community. Carol Lynley, G Jimmy Swaggart wyd" Alexis Smit/;. 1947. !:!o' Chandler. Eleanor Porker. 1961. S('rumplicrus Blucher y. 12:30 II ESPN Sporfl Cent.. • Oral Roberta - To Be Announc.d en'um, GJa .....d .. MOVIE: 'Friday the 13th' A camp • Hardy /loyal Nancy Drew 9:30 .. Jo6 Morrit.on Shaw 2:30 II MO"'E, 'Lot'l Uvo a Uttle' A lemale', & MUl'h Mun' haunted by a deotlt CUrti! finds itself again p.ychlotrist and a young advertising e.ecutive: 257-5535 under O1tack by a killer. lletiy Palmer, Ad· SOutJo.lc became InvolYlld with each ather. Robert i rienne King. 1979. • 10. Humbanl Cummings, HedY lamarr. Anna Stem. 19"8. ;, We Close At Noon Jimmy SWOlIgCll'f • MOVIE: 'laophaIo' MOlter criminals a .. • MoYIE: 'tailing in Lo... Again' A dis-': I Closed Tuesdays I pion tho the lID Face tho Nation perfect hoilt at world's most im­ contonted middle-aged man .rios ta recaptu,e: . Sudderth Across From pregnable bank. Albert Finney, Martin Sheen, .Klchworid his Ioat youfll. ·Elliott Gould. Su_nalI York.!. . Susannah York. 1981. Rated PO. 10:00. Sportac.nter fltua D loy, Leonard RapOsl SMoot the Pre.. ~:r~t;-:'oted PO. V.... ,~"._: ~ !.:~:~h~~~C~: . , 04'~~""~'''''~' ";_" "'l ~ •.• ~ " _ .• ,.-- •• ", ;,. '. •

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...... - .. ~ .. ~""m.y +i";.~1ll . ) .. . .. II SWCl9lart. . .• ,l··...... - . ~agic .. q DoUII Henninl'. on lIroadwavl " ,~~- .Doug', guCt$fi, cue Tony Rondoll. erik Estrada 1 • • Dnd .Ann Roinkino. (60 min.) I 119 N.ws.. . I

·r.t ., ID All Creoturn Great and' Sma" ' ~ "\ oJ' \ ";~~. " 'l- m TIS W..k.nd New.· "I

.' .'<' .. , •• , -:.-I .. , . fJI S.W.A.T. . - • I"-~ ..... ,:t< oil - ..... ,.,;. .. " 8:30" 0 ESPN Sport,Cent.' . " .. -, , ,~ ~. t. Jo-,n Ank.rberg . , .. ~ m 9:00 • Doug Henning'. "MaSk on Broadway Dou~" QuoIn oro Tony Randall. Erik Estrada :.. CS .. Clnd Ann Reinking. (60 min.)~.,I .. . ,I> . f.J<. I ':., ...... II All Night Radio An olJ-nfght radio $to. 'ion is humorou,1y 'profilod. ..,',':j:-, -" IJ f.D Barry Farbe,

,,' j." B lID N.wI

1 . , II Saturday Night OJ Malt.,p*. Thearr• e The King I. Comins m Jerry Falw..H 9:30 •. NCAA FootbaU: PithbuJUh a' Arm)' II MQVlE: 'Tru. C.nf••,ionl' A brutal I murder 'tesll the conftiaing toyaltici of two I FREE brothers. Robert Do Nira, Robert Duvall, ~I Chartes Duming. 1981. Rated R. "... 111 Entertalnm.nt Thit W••ac. *' lID MOVIE: 'Allport' Dangerous wco1hor. a demanted bomber and persona) fridion" GIFTS creato tense drama on the ground and in the air. Burt lanca$'ar. Dean Martin, Jean So· berg. 1910. Your Business Bank IJD Contoct 10:00 0 Eyewit'n.'1 News U MOVIE: 'P.J.' A down·and-out private and the following eye gets invo'ved in a killing whon he accepts an anignment to IOrvo CIS bodyguard 'or the miltr~n of 0 bU$irnn\ tycoon. Georg~ Pep­ Businesses want to p(Jrd, Rdymond Burr, Brock Peters, Suson 50jnt Jamcn. 1968. If} MOVIE: 'Friendly 'enua5ion' Southern be a part of your Indiana Quakers rHiit to (Jtm$ duro ing the Clvi' War. Gary Cooper. Dorothy McGuire, Anthony Perkln,,_ 1956. Thanksgiving. Ii) New England Begin. D Lorry Jones MInistry Ii Open Up IlD C8S .N.wl fl!) Medi'.rranean Echoes m V_ga$ All gifts will be 10: 15 1m N.w. 10:30 0 Q) News o Star Trek given awa by a o Emergency CD MOVIE: 'The P,•••' Six Nobc1 Prize w.o· nen in Stockholm include a disHlulioned random rawin American writer who be(om", involved in a plot to kidnap. Paul Newman. Edward G. during the week 0 Robinson. Elke Sommor. 1963 lEt Special IE) Rockford File. November 14-20. To 11:00 0 MOVIE: 'Airport' Oongerou. weather, a demenfed bomber and perional fric:tionl create tenle drama on 'he- ground and in tho be eligible you must air. Burt Lancalter. Dean Martin. Joan So­ berg.· 1970. m MOVIE: 'Cry, the Beloved Country' fill out tIle entr~ Black. and whit" fothers in South Africa find friendship through the trogic deothl of their sanl.. Sidney Poitier. Canada Lee. 1952. blank below. LimIt em ABC Newl fa MOVIE: 'On. MUUon B.C.' Prehi,tor;( wQr between ~avoge Rock trtbe and ge;ntle of one free gift per Shell people. Vidor Mature, Lon Chaney, Carole londis. 1940 11:15 0 MOVIE: -Father Figur.' A widowed person. father struggles to rees'obfilh a relationship. with.his two sons 'rom whom he has been so- paroted 'ot fiYe yeorj. Hoi LindC!n. Timothy Hutton. Cassie YatM. Ii) Bill Yung Show Barnett Carpets Inc. Turkey 11:300 MOVIE: 'for ladies Only' An aspiring Bennett's Stiur:s8v Supermarket Three Hams young actor finds success os on exotic dancer CirCle K. Food Store $10 Gas or $10 Groceries in New York. Gregory HaniSon. lee Grant, Craz;r Horse Hair Shop Free Hair Style, Shampoo, set or Blow Dry Louise lasser. 1981 Dale s Furniture DeGrazia Lamp ONaws Deckhouse Restaurant Dinner for Two CD Barnaby Jon•• Five Squaw Bread Coupons 11 :45 m MOVIE: 'The Missil.. of October' The Don Victor's Mexican Food Restaurant TwoDinners Cuban missile crisis during 1962 is presented. God-Spel Book Store Two Record Albums WilHam Devone. Mortin Sheen. Howord 00 Gregson's Dinner for Two Silvo. 197-4. Hair Affair $25 Gift Certificate 12:00 0 P.y(hie Phenomena Johnston's Jewelry 25% Discount on Any Purchase f1!) MOVIE: 'Calculated Ri,k· A gang ~ets McDonald's Restaurant Be Our Guest Dinner Coupons off 0 bomb while breaking into a bank vault. Me & Tex Two FreeDinners William Lucas. John Rvtland. Delys Wotling. Nosker's Packing Co. Two SmokedTurkeys 1962. alma's Style Shop $25 Gift Certifieste 12:30 0 ESPN SportsCenter Hoffler's Family Hair Center If.J Off any OneService lID CBS News Nightwatch Rudy's Body Shop Dinner for Two at Don Victor's em Barnaby Jones Ruidoso Cleaners Four $5.00 Cleaning Coupons 12:45 II HBO Theatre: Fronlc langefla In Ruidoso Wholesale Lumber $50 GiftCertif1cate Sherlodc Holmes The world femous detedive Safeway Turkey and Ham unravels 'The Strange Case of Alice Faulk­ Security Bank Two nfJdlt stay at ner.' Susan Clark. Sfephen Collins. the Hilton in Al6uquerque 1:00 0 MOVIE: 'Hornet', Nest' A U.S. Army Schlotzsky's 2 Dinners for Two captoin parachufes behind Nazi Jines in Itafy ViJlage Jewelers $25 Gift Certificate to blow up a strategically vital dam. Rock Wohlgemuth Hair Styling Free Hair Style and Bottleof Shampoo Hudson, Sylva Koscina. 1970 .. MOVIE~ 'The Great Manhunt' An American dodor. in possession of a deadly _, 7 "';' .\ secret about the leader of a middle-European . ', ..r country, fries to get out with the information• .', " Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Gfynis Johns, Jack , -- ~.' .. Hawkins. 1950 m At the Movies ID MOVIE: 'Next to No 1i~.' 'A shy foc­ tory employee tries. to put his, plan of auto· r------, motion into practice. Kenneth More, Betsy Name , I I Dralee, Roland Culver. 1958. I Street I f)lMOV'E:,' 'The Family Nobody Wdntedr (;it)f I A minister and his wife face many complica. I Phone . I tions when fhey adopt 12 racially mixed children. Shirley Jones. James Olson, Wood­ ------._------~------.._-- row Porfrey. ] 975.