Road Dispute Heats up Meeting Make Contacts and to Try to Arrange Management (Blml to Conduct Meetings with New Mexico's Newly Elected Agricultural Experiments
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" ,-;; , :', .' ~',~!> )~ '.> , No:-ll2ln Our 37th Year Ruidoso, LIncoln County, New MeDcoIl8345 Monday, November 8, 1982 AIRPORT SITE A THE ONE? .1 -:58AC to keep after it• .by DAVIl) SH~PPARD The commlssiOllers commented on the the officials Is the henefit an airport would StaffWriter Academy report Tbursday, and the con be to this area's tourist economy. sensus was the evalustion heavily favored Another contact, Cok,er suggested, The Sierra BlanCll Airport Commission NMSU. , . would be former Texas Governor John (SBACl has not abandoned hope of "I take it the feeling Is that this wasn't Connally and his partners who are involv l!IItabllshlng a Llncolo County reglonal air the most objecllve job," Heckman said. ed in the TrIple Crown condominium port on Fon stanton Mesa, but the com· "Biased Is the word," member Harrold development in Ruidoso Downs. Coker mllsllion Is atymied·.over which of two sites· Mansell of Ruidoso DOwns Interjected. said Connally would be a connection to In on the mesa to pursue. But Hall putthe results intoperspective. terior Secretary James Watt. To help It reaeb a decision whelher to go No matter how SRAC feels about the con Mansell, who said he has met with the after Site B or Site A, the commission clusions, HaD said, "It's somethtng we've TrIple Crown partners, agreed to write .. decl~ Tburadny to contact political of got to live with." them. .' ...., ficials andgovernment.agencles to ask for After thecommission receives advice on Heckman asked the commission if the recommendations. its next step, It wnt be more clear which yearly fees of $500 from each member UnW now, SBAC's efforts have been location SBAC will pursue. U It decides to should continue. He noted that, If SBAC directed toward Site B, a location it abandon Site B and concenlrate on Site A, pursues Site A, the commission will have prefers for an airport but whleb is on land SBAC wUl have at ill! disposal some of the to hire an appraiser. controlledby New Mexico StateUniversity preliminary groundwork 'tor Site A. HallsaidSBAC.has $4,700 in its treasury. (NMSU). Site A, which lies to the westof B The alternative location has been Coker summed up the commission's ona ni~ of federal, stateand privateland, studied by consultants to the commmls move to reaffirm ils politlcai contacts and also has been found suitable ror an airport slon, and has been round feasible for an keep the ball rolling on the regional airport BAnLE FOR THE BALL. Eric Evans (left) of the Celtic Mountain Middle School. The United-Bandits squad but wOllld be more costly than Site B. airport. Heckman noted Thursday that en· proposal. SBAC has reached a crossroads in its ef vlronmental Impact, archeological, and UWe shouldn't lose any momentum. It's Cobras team battles for the ball with Brent King of took a 3-0 victory. See story and photo on page fort to locate an airport on the mesa cost estimate studles were done on Site A a long, long ways from somebody landing the United-Bandits team Sunday in the Ruidoso Soccer seven. because of the conclusions of a recent In 1980, and are more current than Infor· on that strip:" Association under-eight All-Star match at White study. That study, conducted by the Na matlon on Site B. tional Academy of Sciences for theDepart 13ut before SBAC changes cOll\'Se and mentofthe Interior, concluded that an air goes after Site A, the commission wants to port on Site B would be Incompatible with solicit advice. Hall said SBAe should "not researeb being conducted by NMSU. get crossways" with all the officials and The university leases over 26,000 acres agencies Involved. Tbus the decision to on the mesa from the Bureau of Land Road dispute heats up meeting make contacts and to try to arrange Management (BLMl to conduct meetings with New Mexico's newly elected agricultural experiments. Site B lies en officials. by BARBY GRANT convenient and make trafric uncon· Following a disagreement between Thunderbird submitted the high bid of the tirely within the leased land, while Sile A SBAC chairman Heckman said he will Start Writer trollable." McDaniel and Pat Huey over who actually two bids submitted but the other company lncludes only a small portion of landleased write Senator-elect Jeff Bingaman, McDaniel argued that when Forest ser owns the 200 acres or land through which dld not meet the specIDcalions, accordlng byNMSU. Governor-elect Toney Anaya and U.S. Another clash over the rights or private vice personnel issue fuelwood permits they the hase road passes, McKnight concluded to representatives rrom the Bonlto Fire The mesa Is about 15 miles north of Representative-elect Bnt Richardson. It land owners and the public washeard Fri give the permitholder a map which does that "If It'sa county road the only thing we Department. Ruidoso off Highway 'ST. was noted that Richardson does not repre day concerning maintenance of a roM not illustrate the boundaries between can do Is maintain It to the bestor ourablli -Accepted an offer of $100 rrom Nancy The university has said it cOllld alter Its sent this district, but Hall pointed 0111 that leadlng to National Forest land. James private and National Forest land. ty.1I Guck of the Capitan Health C1inlc for pur studll!ll toaccommodate an airport on Site the commission needs all the political sup- McDanlel requested that county road Makowski pointed out the Forest Ser McDanlel then instructed road depart ebase ofsome old, unused equipment rrom A. But NMSU has refused to relax its hold port possible. I A038-whieb leads through his ranchland vice's fuelwood policy Is to prOVide the per· ment personnel not to take any materials the Cnrrlzozo Health CIInlc. on the leased BLM land which contains SBAC wm also contact senator Pete and Into the Lincoln National Forest-not mitholder with a one-hair-inch map, "but from his pit to maintain the roadand not to -Advised GUy Henley to fix the airport Site B. Domenlc!, U.s. RepresentativesJoeSkeen be maintained by the county road depart· we delineate private land and give clear come on his property. road OIItslde the Carrizozo city limits after SBAC reaebed the decision to contact of and Manuel Lujan, and newly elected Lin· ment. Inslructions that removal from private The commissioners have dealt in the It was determined that It Is a county road. f1ctals after members of the commission coIn County commissioners Kenneth McDaniel reported that the road has not land is forbidden." It was noted that past year with two other dlspute!! over -Approved the State HIghway Depart \IIIllnlmOl)Sly reaffirmed their goal of Nosker and BUI ~Uiot. been maintained ror the past nine years Forest Service personnel accompany roads Passing through private ranchland ment recommendation that a 35 mile per ,. locating an aIrpot! on the mesa. Heckman wm also wrtte totbl! BLM; the but the J'!llld department crew began to private land owners who wish to ebop Into the Natiollal Forest. Litigation is cur hOIlr speed limit sign be erected on Fort - "Stay "the course," suggested Lincolo 'Federa' ":lvliitlOii ~1I'ni1iili"1i'litloii; , t1ie worl( on1f ~Uy. '. ' . '. fuelwOOd to makeslirethey do not trespass renUy pendIIlg On the openlilg or the road Stantlm'Roadtor slightly ovetthreemUl!:!I County's representative Ben Hall when state aviation division; NMSU; the state "It is passable now, and I will not deny on National Forest land. running through the Q-Bar-o Raneb, and a 4S mile per hour speed limit he aaked how the county commission stands. tourism dlvlsion; the state Farm Bureau; access to anyone," McDaniel explained. Commissioners chairman Thomas P. which raneb owner Robert LieIzman established ror six miles or the road. Representatives from Capitan, Ruidoso cattle and wool growers; the state land But, he added, "If the road is maintained "Cotlon" McKnight took exception to this wants declared a private road. -Approved a request from Ruidoso and Ruidoso Downs eeboed that position. commissioner; and the RuIdoso Downs It's gonna open the land to.the public." policy, indicating it is unfair to "go out A request for the estobllshment of a new Hondo Valley Hospital for reimbursement But the course the commission wnt Sunland Park Jockey Club. County Road Department superinten with a private land owner" to ensure he fire district in the Glencoe area was ap' of $68,799.93 from mill levy funds for pur follow has become fogged following the SBAC member Benny Coker or Capitan dent Guy Henley said the U.S. Forest ser does not get wood from forest land but not proved by commissioners Friday. Roger ebase of varlOl)S equipment. results of the study. At SBAC's October said he had talked with Anaya during the vice requested three years ago that the "go out with the public" to ensure they do Riley with the Ruidoso Downs Fire -Tabled a request from Robert M. meetlog, chairman Fred Heckman of campaign, and he quoted Anaya as saying road be improved to proVide beller access not take wood from private lands. Department reported that to people have Doughty U ror addltionalspaee10 the cour Ruidoso noted that the commission agreed that Ifelected governor, he wOllld inslruct for them. Henley reported that he "held "We can go with one individual to pro signed up as volunteers for the new fire thouse buUdlng because Doughty was not to abide by the results of the Academy the NMSU Board of Regents to work for off" doing the road work for a whlie, "but tect him from a Irespass situation," district, with Dennis Nosker serving as present at the meeting.