Select Bibliography
Select Bibliography The purpose of this bibliography is to indicate a relatively small number of books and articles in English to which the reader unfamiliar with the general orientations of the foregoing essays may refer. In the case of the very extensive writings of Freud and Marx I have indicated 'entry points' of most immediate proximity to the concerns of the essays in this book. Articles of interest published in the journals Screen and Screen Education (London) are too numer ous to list. Unless otherwise stated, the place of publication is London. ALTHUSSER, L., 'Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses: Notes towards an investigation', in Lenin and Philosophy and other essays, New Left Books, 1971. BARTHES, R., Mythologies, Paladin, 1973. BARTHES, R., Elements of Semiology, Jonathan Cape, 1976. BARTHES,R., Image-Music-Text, Fontana, 1977. BENJAMIN, w., 'A Short History of Photography', Screen, vol. 13, no 1, Spring 1972. BENJAMIN, W., 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Repro duction', in Illuminations, Fontana, 1973. BOURDIEU, P., 'The Aristocracy of Culture' and 'The Production of Belief: Contribution to an Economy of Symbolic Goods', Media, Culture and Society, vol. 2, no. 3, July 1980. BURGIN, V., 'Art, Common-Sense and Photography', Camerawork, 3,1976. BURGIN, V., 'Modernism in the work of Art', 20th Century Studies, 15-16, Canterbury, 1976. COWARD, R. and ELLIS, J., Language and Materialism, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977. 218 Select Bibliography ECO, u., A Theory of Semiotics, Indiana University Press, 1976. ERLICH, V., Russian Formalism: History, Doctrine, Mouton, The Hague, 1965. FOUCAULT, M.,'Las Meninas', in The Order of Things, Tavistock, 1970.
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