3 Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4 Matters Arising
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Secretary: Bob McKinney, Lakhipara, South Cookney, Stonehaven, AB39 3RX, Tel: 01569 730706; e- mail: [email protected]; website – www.nkrcc.org.uk Minutes of the meeting held in Corbie Hall on 15 April, 2013 at 7.30pm SUBJECT TO APPROVAL Present Representing Robin Baxter (Chairman) Banchory-Devenick Robert Keeler (Vice-chairman) Cookney/Netherley Hazel Witte (Treasurer) Maryculter Rob Winmill Cookney/Netherley Avril Tulloch Maryculter Susan Astell Maryculter Cllr. Carl Nelson Aberdeenshire Council Cllr. Ian Mollison Aberdeenshire Council Cllr. Alison Evison Aberdeenshire Council Three members of the public were present. 1 Apologies Bob McKinney (Secretary), S Fettig, Graeme Eglintine and Steve Taylor. 2 Police Report and Presentation(s) Constables Steven McKenzie and Jill Anderson, Stonehaven Police Office attended the meeting. Constable Anderson advised that the incidents of house breaking and car thefts in the Portlethen area had continued mainly due to houses being left unlocked or keys within easy reach and that Operation Ruby had been continued. Rob Winmill queried the success of Operation Ruby and was advised that a number of people had been reported. She also advised that there had been increased foot patrols in towns in the Shire over the Easter holidays to combat anti-social behaviour by youngsters. Patrick Keogh, Development Manager with Blue Energy then gave a presentation on the Hill of Auquhiries Wind Farm whereby Blue Energy intended to submit a planning application to increase the number of turbines at that location from three to six. A public presentation had taken place in Stonehaven in February 2013. It was expected that the application would be submitted in late May 2013 with an expected decision in the autumn. It was also expected that the construction would take place in mid-2014 with generation starting in January 2015. Mr Keogh confirmed that Blue Energy had purchased the project from its original developers, Polar Energy, and had considerable interests around the country. He also confirmed that the estimated life of the project was 25 years with Blue Energy setting up a bond at the start to finance decommissioning of the project. He then answered a number of questions from members of the public and NKRCC. 3 Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Rob Winmill and seconded by Avril Tulloch as an accurate record of that meeting. 4 Matters Arising Rural Schools and SDUF’s: Robert Keeler advised that Bob McKinney had received a response from Aberdeenshire Council acknowledging his letter about school transport. Website: Robert Keeler advised that the website was up to date and that Steve Taylor hoped to have made advances on the website by May. Roads (incl AWPR): Robin Baxter advised that a meeting had been set for 1.00pm on Friday 26 April at Corbie Hall for him, Councillor Evison and Stuart Mcfarlane to view the South Deeside Road. George Masson stated that he would try to be there. Robin Baxter asked for queries to be e-mailed to him for taking up with Mr Mcfarlane. Robert Keeler advised that he had been at a recent meeting with Mr Mcfarkane and Donna Mann regarding the C12K at Burnhead and that Mr Macfarlane had agreed to supply the stones and pipes needed for the work there, but had apparently then gone back on his word. There was then a short discussion about this. The work was still underway there at the landowners cost. Robert Keeler reported a recent meeting between Stuart McFarlane, Roads Manager and Mrs Donna Mann regarding oily puddles on the C12K Netherley to Bridge of Muchalls road at Burnhead Lodge, which leached into their fields. Mrs Mann had funded an independent survey which confirmed a high level of pollutants. The outcome of this meeting was that the Council will supply materials to connect the road drains to the field drains of local field owners, and the latter will engage the contractor install them. Corbie Hall: Kees Witte advised that the football pitch had been flooded again a few days earlier and that there was still some work to be done on the west side of the bridge, tarring the road surface and installing hand rails. Oldman Woods: David Brainwood advised that 691 people in the Maryculter area would receive ballots in the near future and the valuation of the woods would take place in a couple of weeks. It was then clarified that the vote would be a postal vote and there was then some discussion on how this might be managed. David also advised that Maryculter Woodland Trust would be holding their AGM at 7.00pm on Tuesday 7 May at Maryculter Church Hall. 5 Planning Planning applications received since the last meeting: APP/2013/0799; Pineview House, Haremoss, Portlethen, Aberdeen, AB12 4RT - Extension to Decked Area, APP/2013/0760; Tigh Shine, Banchory Devenick, Aberdeen, AB12 5YD - Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse, APP/2013/0926; Alma, Maryculter, Aberdeen, AB12 5GS - Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse, APP/2013/0927; Scatterburn Farm, Ardoe, Aberdeen, AB12 5XX - Erection of Dwellinghouse and Garage and Change of Use of Agricultural Land to Domestic Garden Ground, APP/2013/0829; Fir Acre, Netherley, Stonehaven, AB39 3RX - Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse, Erection of Domestic Double Garage and 1.8m High Boundary Fence and Formation of Patio Area, APP/2013/0746; Boswell Facility, Badentoy Crescent, Badentoy Industrial Estate, Portlethen, AB12 4YD - Erection of Warehouse, APP/2013/1083; The Bothy at West Cookney, Netherley, Stonehaven, AB39 3SA - Use of Ancillary Residential Unit as Separate Dwellinghouse with separate curtilage. Other Planning Matters: Rob advised that work had started on the 4 houses on the land owned by Storybook Glen. He also suggested consulting residents on the new Local Development Plan to get peoples’ thoughts and gave a brief resume of the new LDP’s most relevant points which generated some discussion. Meikle Carewe Wind Farm Robert Keeler advised that Cookney Hall had received £2000 from RES which was confirmed by Kees Witte. Rob Winmill queried whether Cookney and Corbie Halls could have copies of the MC Community Fund criteria for applications. This will be followed up. 6 Finance Hazel Witte advised that she had received a letter of thanks from Ed Thorogood on behalf of the Maryculter Woodland Trust for the recent donation from NKRCC of £350. There had been no other requests for funding received. Hazel then reported that NKRCC had the sum of £1,888 in the bank account. 300 Club: The following draws were made for April 2013; £25 - #270, £15 - #413, £10 - #92, £5 - #94. 7 Correspondence and Licensing Applications Robert Keeler advised that there were no Licensing applications to consider and that the only correspondence received had been the letter from Aberdeenshire Council regarding school transport (already mentioned in Item 4). 8 AOCB Ward 17 Joint Community Councils meeting: Councillor Nelson advised that the joint meeting of the Ward 17 Community Councils had been set for 7.30pm on Thursday 16 May 2013 at the Support Centre at Portlethen Academy with PDCC hosting. SDV and Plant Sale: Hazel advised that her co-editor, Pam, was expected to move abroad in the near future due to her husband’s work situation and Hazel was hoping for someone to help her prepare the SDV in future. She also advised that the SDV Plant Sale would take place at 10.00am on Saturday 18 May 2013 at Corbie Hall. 9 Next Meeting The date of the next meeting will be Monday 20 May 2013 at Maryculter Community Hall at 7.30pm. This meeting then closed at 9.00pm. .