Online at May 24 - 30, 2019 Downtown • Uptown • Turtle Creek • Oak Lawn • Arts, Design and Medical Districts • Park Cities • Preston Hollow CriMe WATCH Candys dirt Movie trailer Take page 2 page 6 page 8 one! Vol. 6, No. 15: SECTION ONE | Neighborhood News | Community Calendar and Food Guide | Local Arts | Opinions COMMUNITY NEWS Crow awarded prestigious medal Trammell S. Crow has been awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor for KATY TRAIL his efforts founding EarthX, the largest Earth Day cele- bration in the world held in Fair Park. Crow accepted the award at a special reception on Ellis Island. Past medal- WEEKLY ists have included seven U.S. THE DALLAS INSTITUTE presidents, three world lead- ers, several Nobel Prize win- ‘The Open City’ connects people with ideas, books ners, and various leaders of industry, education, the arts, By Rachel Savant sports and government. –
[email protected] Lindsey Lyons EARTHX The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture Charity golf event swings and The Dallas Morning News announce the Fifth Annual Dallas Festival of Books and Ideas in part- nership with the Dallas Museum of Art, the Dallas Public Library and Friends of the Dallas Public Library. Speakers ranging from poets and novelists to sci- entists and architects will come together, over multi- ple days, to discuss a variety of topics connected to the DALLAS CASA theme of this year’s festival: “The Open City.” The Dallas AT&T, Goldman Sachs and Pioneer Natural Resources Festival of Books and Ideas joined forces April 29 to host the Dallas CASA (Court will be held Tuesday, May THE DALLAS INSTITUTE Appointed Special Advocates) Classic, a charity golf tour- 28 through Saturday, June The Dallas Festival of Books and Ideas will be held Tuesday, May 28 through Saturday, nament that raised $1.8 million for abused and neglected 1.