The Perfect Blouse for Your Spring Suit
Robert Wlllshlre. Jr.. 32. Arlington, and and Baby Neff, 24. 2033 Wa. are Aw. Pauline Ball. 24. *022 3rd at. n.e. Alice White. 23. 382 37th pi. s e. Cleveland Hamer, 22, and Delores Chan- Thurston Lynch. 20, 1659 O st. s.e,. and Marriage License Edward Williams, 21, 1923 17th st n.w., man, 18. both of 803 O st. s.w. Sarah Grlsso, 30, 422 10th st. n.e. and Delores Miles, 18, 2128 F st. n.w J° Murphy Holloway, jr.. 33. Atlanta. Ga.. Alan Gramkow, 22. National Airport, and Elena"3 Jotmeon,’ £?. and Margaret Evans, 3010 Gainsvllle Applications Mary Carroll. 21, Marietta, Ohio. Leland Bryant, 22. 1625 17th st. n.w., and st. s.e. Beniamin OrnSorff, 46, 226 Jefferson at. Mary Dittman, 21, 1329 Fairmont st. Charles Sacrey, 33, 1646 36th st. n.w., 1401 Under D. C. laws couples must n.w., and Thelma Reid, 42. Grottoes, va. n.w. and Dorothy Golloday. 3*. Colum- 25, Franklrn Salter. 1825 3rd st. n.e.. and bia rd. n.w. a license on Arthur Sanchez, 27, and Jandarc Silva, 30, apply for marriage both of 1402 Mass. ave. n.w. Phyllis Forbes. i4, 3800 26th id, n.e. one day, wait three full days and Abediah Walden. 26, 952 Westminster st. Nyman Kelly. 35, 3906 Morrison st. n.w., Marlon Langford, 25. 1311 and Lillian McCauley. 22, 1800 L st. ADVERTISEMENT. receive the license on the n.w., and fifth 51st st. n.e. day. Sundays and holidays are ^ Robert Banks, 27. 1510 Swann st.
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