Appendix 3 Byelaws in Respect of Pleasure Grounds
Appendix 3 Byelaws in respect of Pleasure Grounds CITY OF SHEFFIELD BYELAWS made by the Lord Mayor, Alderman and Citizens of the City of Sheffield, acting by the Council, with respect to PLEASURE GROUNDS SYDNEY HILTON Town Clerk City of Sheffield At a QUARTERLY MEETING of the COUNCIL of the CITY of SHEFFIELD, held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER in the TOWN HALL in SHEFFIELD aforesaid, on the Second day of February at two o'clock in the afternoon, pursuant to Notice duly given and Summonses duly served: - WE, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Sheffield, being now duly met and assembled together, do hereby, under and by virtue and in pursuance of the powers to us for that purpose given by the Public Health Act, 1875, and the Open Spaces Act, 1906, make, order and ordain the following byelaws: - 1. Throughout these byelaws the expression “the Council” means the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Sheffield, the expression “the pleasure ground” means, except where inconsistent with the context, each of the pleasure grounds known as Abbeyfield Park, Arbourthorne Playing Fields, Attercliffe Recreation Ground, Beauchief Abbey Grounds, Beauchief Dam, Beauchief Drive Playground, Beaver Hill Recreation Ground, Beckett Avenue Children's Playground (Greenhill), Beighton Road Open Space (Hackenthorpe), Bingham Park, Blacka Moor, Blackbrook Wood, Bocking Lane Open Space, Bole Hill Recreation Ground, Botanical Gardens, Bowden Housteads Wood, Bradway Recreation Ground, Bright Street Playground, Brightside Recreation Ground, Brincliffe
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