The Combined Cardiac Effect of the Anabolic Steroid, Nandrolone And
ù1. v -¿. rlc) 77.- *n*hi.rnool oowol,ù*o ffi"/fu -lo *rn*(o fii'o fio¿o¿¿, /v&"ùún lonno **al cooaiæe';¿vfl"- oã. Benjamin D. Phillis, B.Sc. (Hons) Phatmacology Depattment of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology Ftome Rd. , Medical School Noth Adelaide Univetsity ADEIAIDE SA 5OOO û.)r.'-*hr/7enveltîù Foremost, I would like to thank my two supervisors for the direction that they have given this ptojecr. To Rod, for his unfailing troubleshooting abiJity and to Jenny fot her advice and ability to add scientific rigour' Many thanks to Michael Adams for his technical assistance and especially fot performing the surgery for the ischaemia-reperfusion projects and for his willingness to work late nights and public holidays. Lastly I would like to thank my v¡ife for her extreme patience during the tumult of the last 5 years. Her love, suppoït, patience and undetstanding have been invaluable in this endeavout. Beniamin D. Phillis Octobet,2005 ADE,I-AIDE ii T*(¿t of Ao,t",tù DECI.ARATION I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS il TABLE OF CONTENTS UI ABBREVIATIONS x ABSTRACT )ilr CÉIAPTER t-l Inttoduction 1-1 1.1 Background 1,-1, 1.2What ate anabolic stetoids? 7-1 1,3 General pharmacology of Anabolic steroids t-2 '1,-2 1.3.1 Genomic effects of anabolic steroids 1.3.2 Non-genomic effects of anabolic steroids 1-3 1.4 Clinical use of AS 1.-4 1.5 Patterns of AS abuse 1.-4 1.5.1 Steroid abuse by athletes 1.-+ 1.5.2 Stetoid abuse by sedentary teenagers r-6 1.5.3 Prevalence of abuse 1-6 1.5.4 Abuse ptevalence in Australia 1.-9 1.6 Cardiotoxicity of anabolic steroids r-9 1.6.1 Reduced cotonary flow 1.-1.1, 1,.6.2 Dtect myocatdial eff ects 1-1 5 1.6.3 Hypertension 1-21 1.7 Difficulties associated with anabolic steroid research 1.-24 1-25 1.8 The polydrug abuse Phenomenon 1.9 The pharmacology of cocaine 1-26 1.10 Pteparations 1-28 1-29 1.11 Metabolism lll 1-30 1.
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