The Travel Advice As an Inhibiting Factor of Tourist Movement
ORIGINALNI ČLANAK UDC 338.48:316 2016. Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad, TIMS Acta 10, 13-26 DOI: 10.5937/timsact10-9902 THE TRAVEL ADVICE AS AN INHIBITING FACTOR OF TOURIST MOVEMENT Dimitrios Mylonopoulos, Technological Education Institute of Piraeus, Athens Polyxeni Moira, Technological Education Institute of Piraeus, Athens Aikaterina Kikilia, Technological Education Institute of Piraeus, Athens Abstract Tourism is significantly affected by unpredictable and uncertain factors such as the occurrence of a terrorist attack, an epidemic outbreak or a natural disaster, etc. The impact of these phenomena on the tourist movement of the country or the place where the event occurred is aggravated by the way it is presented by the media both locally and internationally. The adverse climate gets worse by the issuance of travel advice that usually accompanies such phenomena and has the effect of limiting or even halting tourist flows. In order to identify and study the different types of travel advice that have been issued during international tourism crisis incidents, an internet search was carried out using keywords. Moreover, a study on the travel advice issued by major tourists’ origin states, as the USA, Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, etc. was carried out. Incidents (terrorist attacks, epidemics, natural disasters) which had a great impact on tourism were then selected. In addition, the issuance of travel advice, their different issuing authorities, the classification level and the impact on the tourism of the country or the place in question were examined. An analysis of the reaction and the instructions of major international organizations (World Health Organization, World Tourism Organization) concerning the management of such crises, directly or indirectly affecting tourism, were also analyzed.
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