Sébastien BERNERY

14000 Caen (Normandy) France

Date of birth: 18/06/91 Nationnality: french Computer scientist sebastien @spirkop.com


I'm a fast learner and passionate by computer science : I started programming with Python when I was 14 and I'm a Linux user since 2006. Skills

• Programming languages : Python, C++, Haxe, Javascript, C, Rust • Web technologies : , HTML/CSS, NodeJS • Game development : HaxeFlixel, Pygame, SDL • Data storage : Redis, Mysql, SQLite • Data analysis : Pandore, Cimg, Numpy, Scikit-learn Experiences 2018-now – Spirkop Spirkop is a cooperative of computer scientists. We are making game development (released 2 games on web platforms) and freelance contracts. I worked on game development and in various freelance contracts. Examples of some contracts I worked on : * help to port a game on Nintendo Switch * worked on an innovative medical laboratory management system "as a service" * rewritten program from Python to CPP for embedded-system usage

2017-2018 – Datexim Work contract in Datexim (cf previous experience), this contract was focused on research on machine learning algorithms and development of tools for machine learning experiences. 2016-2017 – Greyc Work contract in a CNRS computer science research unit. I worked in collaboration with researchers and health workers to create tools and algorithms implementaions making interface between needs of researchers to test new algorithms to detect cancerous cells and health workers to create knowledges database and review algorithms results. 2013-2016 – Datexim Internship and work contract in a startup specialized in image analysis developing a medical platform to help doctors at cancer diagnostic with automatically medical image analysis. I worked on image analysis in C++ with Cimg and spend some time to develop a framework (in Python) which help the creation of unittests for specifics CRUD requests. I also worked on many features development on server software (in C++), backend (Python) and web interface (Javascript, Canvas). Summer 2013 – Wide.io Full time internship in a small London startup. I worked to create a prototype of communications compliance checking tool using Python and Django. I also worked on the Wide.io platform to add some features (using Python scripts and some C#) and I enhanced the backend of the (Django). 2013 – Greyc Part-time internship in a CNRS computer science research unit. I made, with my internship supervisor, a software for cells detection in a three dimensional image given by a specific microscope. It was written in C++ using Pandore as image processing library. Summer 2012 – Zero To One Technology Three months full-time internship in a startup developing an innovative software for training managers and sellers. I rewrote a web application server using .web instead of Nevow, both are Python . I made some other missions from bugfixes to feature implementation on the server side (Python and PHP) and the client side (Javascript). 2012 – Lemon Loop Part-time internship in a startup composed of two salesmens. They wanted to propose a SaaS HTTP proxy to enhance bad quality Internet connectivity. I was the only worker with a technical profile so I had to give advices, write documentation and explain some things to help them during negociations with their services providers. I developped some tools when needed like a webservice in PHP to connect an ecommerce website with a RADIUS server. 2012-2014 – Supinfo teacher In Supinfo, students can become a teacher if they successfully pass a oral exam that prove they have enough knowledge in a precise area. In four years, I taught Linux technologies for first, second and third years, algorithms and data structures for first and second years, information security for first years and operating systems fundamentals for first years. Summer 2011 – Ulteo Three months internship in a Startup co-founded by the Mandriva founder (Gaël Duval). They are developing SBC (Server Based Computing) tools. I made a module for wallpaper handling. At the connection, the client asked the server to get the last wallpaper configuration choosen by the administrator and apply it. This module was made in Python. I also worked on quality control by analysing the bandwith consumption of Ulteo and some concurrents. Summer 2010 – SmartVisite Three months internship in a Startup producing an enjoyable interface to virtualy visit house or appartement. I made web development and worked on some tools in PHP and for internal uses.

Side projects

REPSON I spare some time during my third year by doing some reverse engineering on Epson videoprojector display protocol. I wrote all my research and discoveries in a logbook published on linuxfr : https://linuxfr.org/users/sebastienb/journaux/retro-ingenierie-epson (french). I also wrote a more general documentation on network reverse engineering : http://docs.bernery.eu/RE.pdf (french).

Ludum Dare I participate to some Ludum Dare editions. It's a 48 hours game development contest. Here is my profile page : http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/author/sebbernery/ . Formation

2014 – 2015 : University of Caen : Master 2 Imalang (Image processing and text analysis). 2009 – 2014 : SUPINFO Caen, diploma of "Expert in computer science and information system" (master equivalent). 2009 : Baccalauréat S with distinction. Divers

• Technical english: good understanding. • English: intermediate level. • Speaker at the Ubuntu Party in Paris (event about Free software community) between 2009 and 2012. • Casual contributor on some french : linuxfr.org, jeuxlinux.fr, wikibooks, ...