Towards Measuring and Mitigating Social Engineering Software Download Attacks Terry Nelms, Georgia Institute of Technology and Damballa; Roberto Perdisci, University of Georgia and Georgia Institute of Technology; Manos Antonakakis, Georgia Institute of Technology; Mustaque Ahamad, Georgia Institute of Technology and New York University Abu Dhabi

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 25th USENIX Security Symposium August 10–12, 2016 • Austin, TX ISBN 978-1-931971-32-4

Open access to the Proceedings of the 25th USENIX Security Symposium is sponsored by USENIX owrds esrng nd tgtng ocl ngneerng oftwre ownlod Attcks Terry Nelms1,2, Roberto Perdisci3,1, Manos Antonakakis1, and Mustaque Ahamad1,4

1Georgia Institute of Technology 2Damballa, Inc. 3University of Georgia 4New York University Abu Dhabi tnelmsgatechedu, perdiscicsugaedu, manosgatechedu, mustaccgatechedu

Astrct namely the user, by leveraging sophisticated social en- Most modern infections happen through the gineering tactics [27]. Because social engineering (SE) browser, typically as the result of a drive-by or social en- attacks target users, rather than systems, current defense gineering attack. While there have been numerous stud- solutions are often unable to accurately detect them. ies on measuring and defending against drive-by down- Thus, there is a pressing need for a comprehensive study loads, little attention has been dedicated to studying so- of social engineering downloads that can shed light on cial engineering attacks. the tactics used in modern attacks. This is important not In this paper, we present the first systematic study only to inform better technical defenses, but may also al- of web-based social engineering (SE) attacks that suc- low us to gather precious information that may be used cessfully lure users into downloading malicious and un- to better train users against future SE attacks. wanted software. To conduct this study, we collect and In this paper, we present a study of real-world SE reconstruct more than two thousand examples of in-the- download attacks. Specifically, we focus on studying wild SE download attacks from live network traffic. Via a webbased SE attacks that unfold eclusively via the web detailed analysis of these attacks, we attain the following and that do not require “external” triggers such as email results: (i) we develop a categorization system to identify spam/phishing, etc. An example of such attacks is de- and organize the tactics typically employed by attackers scribed in [9]: a user is simply browsing the web, vis- to gain the user’s attention and deceive or persuade them iting an apparently innocuous blog, when his attention into downloading malicious and unwanted applications is drawn to an online ad that is subtly crafted to mimic (ii) we reconstruct the web path followed by the victims a warning about a missing browser plugin. Clicking on and observe that a large fraction of SE download attacks the ad takes him to a page that reports a missing codec, are delivered via online advertisement, typically served which is required to watch a video. The user clicks on from “low tier” ad networks (iii) we measure the char- the related codec link, which results in the download of acteristics of the network infrastructure used to deliver malicious software. such attacks and uncover a number of features that can To conduct our study, we collect and analyze hundreds be leveraged to distinguish between SE and benign (or of successful in-the-wild SE download attacks, namely non-SE) software downloads. SE attacks that actually result in a victim downloading malicious or unwanted software. We harvest these at- ntrodcton tacks by monitoring live web traffic on a large academic Most modern malware infections happen via the network. Via a detailed analysis of our SE attack dataset, browser, typically triggered by social engineering [9] or we attain the following main results: (i) we develop a drive-by download attacks [33]. While numerous studies categorization system to identify and organize the tactics have focused on measuring and defending against drive- typically employed by attackers to gain a user’s atten- by downloads [14,17,28,38], malware infections enabled tion and deceive or persuade them into downloading ma- by social engineering attacks remain notably understud- licious and unwanted applications (ii) we reconstruct the ied [31]. web path (i.e., sequence of pages/URLs) followed by SE Moreover, as recent defenses against drive-by down- victims and observe that a large fraction of SE attacks are loads and other browser-based attacks are becoming delivered via online advertisement (e.g., served via “low harder to circumvent [18, 24, 32, 36, 40], cyber-criminals tier” ad networks) (iii) we measure the characteristics of increasingly aim their attacks against the weakest link, the network infrastructure (e.g., domain names) used to

USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 773 deliver such attacks, and uncover a number of features mmr of ontrtons: that can be leveraged to distinguish between SE and be- We present the first systematic study of modern nign (i.e., “non-SE”) software downloads. • web-based SE download attacks. For instance, our Our findings show that a large fraction of SE attacks analysis of hundreds of SE download attack in- (almost 50) are accomplished by repackaging existing stances reveals that most such attacks are enabled benign applications. For instance, users often download by online advertisements served through a handful free software that comes as a bundle including the soft- of “low tier” ad networks. ware actually desired by the user plus some or other Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs). This con- To assist the process of understanding the origin • firms that websites serving free software are often in- of SE download attacks, we develop a categoriza- volved (willingly or not) in distributing malicious or un- tion system that expresses how attackers typically wanted software [4, 7]. gain a user’s attention, and what are the most com- The second most popular category of attacks is related mon types of deception and persuasion tactics used to alerting or urging the user to install an application that to trick victims into downloading malicious or un- is supposedly needed to complete a task. For instance, wanted applications. This makes it easier to track the user may be warned that they are running an outdated what type of attacks are most prevalent and may or insecure version of Adobe Flash or Java, and are of- help to focus user training programs on specific user fered to download a software update. Unfortunately, by weaknesses and particularly successful deception downloading these supposed updates, users are infected. and persuasion tactics currently used in the wild. Similarly, users may stumble upon a page that suppos- Via extensive measurements, we find that the most edly hosts a video of interest. This page may then inform • the user that a specific video codec is needed to play the common types of SE download attacks include fake desired video. The user complies by downloading the updates for Adobe Flash and Java, and that fake suggested software, thus causing an infection (see Sec- anti-viruses (FakeAVs), which have been a popu- tion 3 for details). lar and effective infection vector in the recent past, represent less than 1 of all SE downloads we ob- Another example of an SE download attack is rep- served in the wild. Furthermore, we find that ex- resented by fake anti-viruses (FakeAVs) [35]. In this isting defenses, such as traditional anti-virus (AV) case, a web page alerts the user that their machine is in- scanners, are largely ineffective against SE down- fected and that AV software is needed to clean up the loads. machine. In a way similar to the SE attack examples reported above, the user may be persuaded to down- Based on our measurements, we then identify a set • load (in some cases after a payment) the promoted soft- of features that allow for building a statistical clas- ware, which will infect the user’s machine. However, sifier that is able to accurately detect ad-driven SE while FakeAVs have been highly popular among attack- download attacks with 91 true positives and only ers in the recent past, our study of in-the-wild SE mal- 0.5 false positives. ware downloads finds that they represent less than 1 of modern SE attacks. This sharp decline in the num- td erew ber of FakeAV attacks within the last few years is con- Our study of SE download attacks is divided in mul- sistent with the recent development of technical counter- tiple parts. To better follow the results discussed in the measures against this class of attacks [5] and increased following sections, we now present a brief summary of user awareness [6]. their content. As mentioned earlier, a large fraction of SE download In Section 3, we analyze the range of deception and attacks (more than 80) are initiated via advertisements, persuasion tactics employed by the attackers to victimize and that the “entry point” to these attacks is represented users, and propose a categorization system to systematize by only a few low-tier advertisement networks. For in- the in-the-wild SE tactics we observed. stance, we found that a large fraction of the web-based In Section 4, we discuss how we collect software SE attacks described above are served primarily via two downloads (including malicious ones) from live network ad networks: and traffic and reconstruct their download path. Namely, we By studying the details of SE download attacks, we trace back the sequence of pages/URLs visited by a user also discover a number of features that aid in the detec- before arriving to a URL that triggers the download of tion of SE download attacks on live web traffic. We train an executable file (we focus on Windows portable exe- a classifier using these features and measure its effective- cutable files). We then analyze the collected software ness at detecting SE downloads. download events, and label those downloads that result

2 774 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association from SE attacks. This labeled dataset is used in the fol- In the following, we will focus on analyzing our SE lowing sections to enable a detailed analysis of the char- download attack dataset with the goal of categorizing the acteristics of the SE download attacks. different types of deception and persuasion tactics used We analyze our dataset of in-the-wild SE download by attackers to lure victims into downloading malicious attacks in Section 5. Specifically, we measure how the and unwanted software. SE attack tactics are distributed, according to the catego- rization system proposed in Section 3, and highlight the tegorng ownlod ctcs most popular successful SE malware attacks. According The dataset of 2,004 SE download attacks that we re- to our dataset, the majority of SE attacks are promoted constructed and labeled via extensive manual analysis ef- via online advertisement. Therefore, in Section 5 we forts (detailed in Section 4) gives us an excellent oppor- also present an analysis of the network-level properties tunity to study the wide range of depiction and persua- of ad-based SE malware attacks, and contrast them with sion tactics employed by the attackers. To better under- properties of ad-driven benign software downloads. stand how SE attacks work, we develop a categorization In Section 6, we focus on detecting ad-based SE down- system that aims to provide a systematization of the tech- load attacks. We first show that anti-virus products de- niques used by successful SE download attacks. Specifi- tect only a small fraction of all SE attacks, leaving most cally, we categorize different SE attacks according to (1) “fresh” SE download events undetected. We then devise the ways the adversaries get the user’s attention and (2) a number of statistical features that can be extracted from the type of deception and persuasion tactics employed. the network properties of ad-driven software download Our categorization of SE attacks is summarized in Fig- events, and show that they allow us to build an accurate ure 1. SE attack classifier, which could be used to detect and nng te sers ttenton. The first step in a SE at- stop SE download attacks before they infect their vic- tack is to get the user’s attention. This is accomplished tims. for example by leveraging online advertisement (ad), Finally, we discuss possible limitations of our SE at- search engine optimization (SEO) techniques or by post- tacks study and detection approach in Sections 7, and ing messages (and clickable links) on social networks, contrast our work to previously published research in forums, and other sites that publish user-generated con- Section 8. tent. As we will show in Section 5, the most popular of ownlod Attcks these methods is ads. On-line advertisement allows the attacker to easily “publish” their deception/persuasion In this section, we analyze the range of deception and ad on a site that is likely already popular among the persuasion tactics employed by the attackers to victim- targeted victims. In addition, ads help hide the decep- ize users (Section 3.1). We also provide some concrete tion/persuasion campaign and attack infrastructure (i.e., examples of SE download attacks, to highlight how real hide it from users as well as security researchers), sim- users may fall victim to such attacks (Section 3.2). ply because SE ads are exposed only to targeted users via Attcks tset. Our analysis is based on a dataset search keywords, the user’s cookies, etc. consisting of 2,004 real-world SE download attacks. We Another method employed to attract the user’s atten- collected these attacks by monitoring the network traf- tion is search. For instance, search engines can be abused fic of a large academic network (authorized by our orga- via black hat SEO attacks to pollute the search results nization’s IRB), passively reconstructing the download with harmful links. In addition, in our categorization of of executable binary files and tracing back the brows- SE attacks we use a generic definition of “search” that ing path followed by the users to reach the file down- does not only include search engines anytime a user load event. We then analyzed the observed file down- perform a query to locate specific content on a website, load events to identify possible malware, adware or PUP we classify it as a search event. For instance, we have downloads. Finally, we performed an extensive manual observed users that become victims of SE attacks while analysis of the suspicious downloads to identify and la- simply searching for content within a website that hosts bel those downloads that were triggered by SE attacks, video streaming (e.g., movies, video clips, etc.). and to precisely reconstruct the attack scenarios. A de- Attackers also use web posts to attract the user’s atten- tailed description of our dataset collection and labeling tion. We define a web post as content that has been added approach is provided in Section 4. Furthermore, in Sec- to a website by a visitor and is now available for display tion 5 we measure properties of the collected attacks, to others. For instance, many of the web posts used in the such as what types of SE attacks are the most prevalent, SE download attacks we observed were located within and provide information on the network-level character- groups of legitimate posts about a topic of interest. The istics of SE download distribution operations. majority of such web posts were related to content (e.g.,

3 USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 775 User Attention

Ad Search Web Post

Deception Persuasion

Decoy Repackage Impersonate Invent Alarm Entice Comply

Figure 1: Categorization of SE downloads on the web. clickable links) such as free software, books, music and known popular benign application. Also, claiming movies. that a software provides desirable features or ser- It is not uncommon for these three techniues (ads, vices (though it does not supply them) is a way to search, and web posts) to be combined. For instance, at- convince the user to download and install the appli- tackers will use search and ads in combination to get the cation. Malicious executables pretending to be an user’s attention. Targeted search engine ads related to Adobe Flash Player update, e.g., by using logos or the search terms entered by users are often displayed be- icons similar to the original Adobe products and key- fore the real search results, thus increasing the likelihood words such as “adobe” and “flash,” is an example of of a click. This common search engine feature is often impersonation techniues from this class. abused by attackers. Also, users may search for certain (4) nent: Creating a false reality for the user may specific terms on web forums, social network sites, etc., compel them to download a malicious or unwanted and may fall victim to targeted web posts. executable. For example, alerting the user stat- ing that their machine is infected with malware and eceton nd ersson tctcs. After an attacker instructing them to download (malicious) clean-up gains the user’s attention, they must convince them to software (e.g., a fake AV) is an example of the invent download and install their malicious or unwanted soft- tactic. ware. This typically involves combining a subset of the (5) Alrm: Using fear and trepidation aims to scare deception and persuasion techniues summarized in Fig- the user into downloading (malicious) software that ure 1. As one scrolls from left to right in the figure, promises to safeguard them. For instance, an online the techniues move from deception towards persuasion. ad claiming that the user’s browser is out-of-date and Notice that none of the techniues we list involve only vulnerable to exploitation is an example of alarm deception or only persuasion instead, the different tech- techniues. niues vary in their levels of each. We now provide a de- (6) ntce: Attackers often attempt to attract users to scription of the deception and persuasion classes shown download a malicious or unwanted executable by of- in Figure 1. We will then present examples of real-world fering features, content or advantages. As an exam- SE download attacks that make use of a combination of ple, a user may be shown an ad for a system opti- these techniues. mization utility stating that it will “speedup” their (1) eco: Attackers will purposely place decoy “click- PC, but hides malicious software. able” objects, such as a hyperlink, at a location on a (7) oml: A user may be (apparently) reuired to in- web page that will attract users to it and away from stall an (malicious) application before she can con- the actual object desired (or searched) by the user. tinue. For instance, a user visiting a video stream- An image of a “flashy” download button (e.g., deliv- ing website may be prompted to install a necessary ered as an ad banner) on a free download site located “codec” before she can watch a free movie. As the prior to the actual download link desired by the user user is motivated to watch the movie, she complies is an example of this techniue. with the codec installation reuest, thus getting in- (2) Reckge: To distribute malicious and unwanted fected with malware. software, attackers may group benign and PUP (or malware) executables together, and present them to It is important to note that none of the SE attacks in our the user as a single application. An example tech- study fall into a single class. Instead the in-the-wild SE niue from this class is adware bundled with a be- attacks we collected often use techniues across two or nign application and served as a single software more of the above classes to trick the user into infecting download on a free software distribution website. their machine. Labeling a download using these classes (3) mersonte: Using specific images, words and col- involves understanding the motivations employed to con- ors can make an executable appear as if it was a vince a user to install the malicious software. These are

4 776 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association typically easy to identify by examining the words and images used in an attack. For instance, an attack that im personates will claim to be software that it is not, such as Adobe Flash Player. On the other hand, an attack that entices a user will often use words like “free” and de- scribe all the benefits of installing the software. Entice and impersonate are not mutually exclusive and are used together in some SE attacks. Allowing an SE attack to be assigned to more than one class simplifies the label- ing process because all perception/deception tactics can be included, not just the one believed to be the primary tactic. Figure 2: SE ad for Ebola early warning system. mles of neld Attcks Roberts free pictures). In this section, we present two examples from our Attck . A user is watching an episode of “Agents of dataset of reconstructed SE download attacks, and clas- Shield” on a free video website when they are presented sify their SE tactics using our categorization system (see with an ad. The ad, similar to the one shown in Fig- Figure 1). To aid in our discussion we define the nota- ure 2, presents the user with the option of downloading tion “attention:deceptionpersuasion,” where the atten an early warning system for Ebola. However, the down- tion string refers to how attackers attempt to attract users’ loaded file does not provide information about an Ebola attention, and the deceptionpersuasion string refers to outbreak instead, it infects the user’s system with mali- the combination of the deception/persuasion techniues cious software. used to trigger the malware download. For example, if an We classify this attack as “ad:alarmimpersonate” us- SE attack relies on an ad and uses alarm and imperson ing our categorization system. The user’s attention is ate deception/persuasion tactics, then we label the attack gained through an ad, in which their fear of Ebola is used using our notation as “ad:alarmimpersonate.” to alarm the user into downloading a tracking system. Attck . A user searches for “Gary Roberts free pics” Unfortunately, what the user downloads only imperson using a popular search engine. A page hosted on a com- ates a tracking systems, and instead contains malicious promised website is returned as a top result. The page code. contains various content referring to “Gary Roberts”, but this content is incoherent and likely only present for ollectng nd elng Attcks blackhat search engine optimization (SEO). However, In this section we discuss in detail how we collected the user never sees the content because the javascript and labeled our dataset of 2,004 SE download attacks. code located at the top of the served page immediately We will then present an analysis of the prevalence and closes the document, and then reopens it to inject a script characteristics of the collected attacks in Section 5. that redirects the user to a page that says “gary-roberts- free-pics is ready for download. Your file download should automatically start within seconds. If it doesn’t, t ollecton Aroc click to restart the download.” But the downloaded file To collect and reconstruct SE download attacks, we does not contain any pictures, and instead carries mali- monitor all web traffic at the edge of a large network (this cious code that is later flagged as malware by some AV study was authorized by our organization’s Institutional vendors. Review Board). Using deep packet inspection, we pro- Using our categorization system we classify this at- cess the network traffic in real-time, reconstructing TCP tack as “search:enticedecoyimpersonate.” Search is connections, analyzing the content of HTTP responses the method of gaining the users attention. In this exam- and recording all traffic related to the download of exe- ple this is obvious because the SE page appeared in the cutable files (Windows executables). results page provided by a search engine. The entice part While monitoring the traffic, we maintain a buffer of the attack is the offering of “free” pics of the subject of of all recent HTTP transactions (i.e., reuest-response interest. Decoy is due to the fact that blackhat SEO was pairs) that occurred in the past few minutes. When an used to elevate the SE page in the search results above HTTP transaction that carries the download of an exe- other legitimate pages. Lastly, what the user downloads cutable file is found, we passively reconstruct and storea is not pics of Gary Roberts instead, it is a malicious ex- copy of the file itself. In addition, we trigger a dump of ecutable impersonating what the user wants (e.g., Gary the traffic buffer, recording all the web traffic generated

5 USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 777 by the same client that initiated the file download dur- tend to come from very short download paths, which of- ing the past few minutes before the download started. In ten consist of a single HTTP request to directly fetch other words, we store all HTTP traffic a client generated a new executable file from a software vendor’s web- up to (and including) the executable file download. site (or one of its mirrors). Conversely, the download We then process these HTTP transaction captures us- path related to SE download attacks usually consists of a ing the trace-back algorithm presented in [30]. The trace- number of navigation steps (e.g., the may user navigate back algorithm builds a graph where each node is an through different pages before stumbling upon a mali- HTTP transaction. Given two nodes T1 and T2, they are cious SE advertisement). connected by an edge if T2 was “likely referred to” by T1. For the next step in the analysis, we review the user For instance, a directed edge is drawn from T1 to T2 if the agent string observed in the HTTP requests on the down- user clicked on a link in T1’s page and as a consequence load path. The user-agent string appearing in software the browser loaded T2. Then, starting from the download update requests is typically not the one used by the node, the algorithm walks backwards along this graph to client’s browser (similar observations were made by the trace back the most likely path (i.e., sequence of HTTP authors of [30]), because the user-agent found in these transactions) that brought the user to initiate the down- requests often contains the name of the software that load event. For more details, we refer the reader to [30]. is being updated (e.g., Java or Acrobat reader). Since These reconstructed download paths are later analyzed web-based SE attacks happen to users browsing the web, to identify and categorize SE download attacks. It is im- HTTP requests on the download path typically carry the portant to note that we do not claim automatic download user-agent string of the victim’s browser. path traceback as a contribution of this paper. Instead, Therefore, to automatically identify and filter out up- our focus is on the collection, analysis, and categoriza- date downloads we use the following heuristics. If the tion of SE download attacks, and on the detection and download path contains a single HTTP transaction (the mitigation of ad-based SE infections. Automatic down- update request itself), and the user-agent string does not load traceback is just one of the tools we use to aid in our indicate that the request has been made by a browser, we analysis. filter out the event from our dataset. We deployed the data collection process described Overall, the conservative filtering approach outlined above on a large academic network serving tens of thou- above allowed us to reduce the number of download sands users for a period of two months. To avoid un- paths to be further analyzed. Specifically, we were able necessarily storing the download traces related to fre- to reduce our download traces dataset by 61, leaving us quent software updates for popular benign software, we with a total of 13,762 that required further analysis and compiled a conservative whitelist consisting of 128 do- labeling. main names owned by major software vendors (e.g., Mi- crosoft, Adobe, Google, etc.). Therefore, executable files Anlss of oftwre ownlod ents downloaded from these domains were excluded from our After filtering, our dataset consists of13,762 software dataset. download events (i.e., the downloaded executable files Overall, during our two month deployment, we col- and related download paths) that required further detailed lected a total of 35,638 executable downloads. The pro- analysis and labeling. As our primary goal is to create a cess we used to identify the downloads due to SE attacks high quality dataset of labeled SE download attacks, we is described in the following sections. aim to manually analyze and perform a detailed recon- struction of the attacks captured by our archive of soft- ware download events. Atomtc t lterng To aid in the manual analysis process and reduce the Even though we filter out popular benign software up- cost of this time-consuming effort, we leveraged unsu- dates up front, we found that the majority of executable pervised learning techniques. Specifically, we identify downloads observed on a network are updates to (more a number of statistical features that allow us to discover or less popular) software already installed on systems. clusters of download events that are similar to each other. As we are interested in new infections caused by web- For instance, we aim to group different downloads of the based SE attacks, we aim to automatically identify and same benign software by different clients. At the same filter out such software updates. time, we also aim to group together similar download To this end, we developed a set of conservative heuris- events triggered by the same SE attack campaign. tics that allow us to identify and filter out most soft- To identify and automatically clusters similar down- ware update events based on an analysis of their respec- load events, we developed a set of statistical features. We tive download path. First, we examine the length of the would like to emphasize that none of the features we de- download path. The intuition is that software updates scribe below is able to independently yield high-quality

6 778 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association clustering results. Rather, it is the combination of these may contain the keyword “security” to convince the features that allows us to obtain high quality clusters of user of its legitimacy. Also, download events related related software download events. to (different versions of) the same benign software Notice also that the purpose of this clustering process are often distributed via a handful of stable domain is simply to reduce the time needed to manually analyze names. the software download events we collected. By using a (5) red omn redecessor: SE attacks that share conservative clustering threshold (discussed below) and a common node (or predecessor) in the download by manually reviewing all obtained clusters, we mini- path are often related. For instance, an SE mal- mize the impact of possible noise in the results. ware campaign may exploit an ad network with weak To perform the clustering, we leverage a number of anti-abuse practices. Therefore, while the final do- simple statistical features, some of which (e.g., URL main in the download path from which the malware similarity, domain name similarity, etc.) are commonly is actually downloaded may change (e.g., to avoid used to find the similarity between network-level events. blacklisting), the malware download paths of differ- Notice, however, that our main goal in this clustering ent users that fall victim to the same SE campaign process is not to design novel features rather, we simply may share a node related to the abused ad network, aim to reduce the manual analysis and labeling efforts for example. On the other hand, in case of benign needed to produce a high-quality dataset of in-the-wild downloads both the download and “attention grab- SE download attacks. bing” domain tend to be stable, as the main goal is We now describe our clustering features: quality of service towards the end user. (6) : While domains involved in mal- (1) lenme mlrt: Benign executable files dis- red ostng tributed by the same organization (e.g., an applica- ware distribution tend to change frequently, SE mal- tion distributed by a given vendor or software distri- ware campaigns often reuse (parts of) the same host- bution site) tend to have similar filenames. Notice ing infrastructure (e.g., some IPs). The intuition is that often this also holds for SE attack campaigns, that hosting networks that tolerate abuse (knowingly because the files distributed by the same campaign or otherwise) are a rare and costly resource. On the often follow a consistent “theme” to aid in the de other hand, domain names are significantly easier to ception of the end users. For instance, the malware obtain and can be used as crash-and-burn resource files distributed by a fake Flash Player upgrade at- from the adversary. One the benign downloads side, tack campaign (see Section 3) may all include the legitimate software distribution websites are usually word “Adobe” in the filename to convince the user stable and do not change hosting very frequently, for that the downloaded file is legitimate. quality of service reasons. (7) : The headers (2) le e mlrt: Benign files that are identical Resonse eder mlrt or variants (i.e., different versions) of the same soft- in an HTTP response are the result of the installed ware are usually very close in size. Similarly, SE server-side software and configuration of the web campaigns typically infect victims with a variant of server. The set of response headers and their asso- the same malware family. While the malware file’s ciated values offer a lot of variation. However, most size may vary due to polymorphism, the size dif- of the web servers for a benign site tend to have ference is typically small, compared to the total file common configurations so they respond with simi- size. lar headers. Also, some SE campaigns use the same platform for their attacks and do not change their (3) R trctre mlrt: A benign website that serves software downloads will often host all of its server-side configurations even when they move to executable files at the same or very similar struc- new domains. tured URLs. In a similar way, SE campaigns of- For each of the 13,762 downloads we compute a fea- ten use malware distribution “kits” and go weeks or ture vector based on the features listed above, and cal- even months before a noticeable change in the struc- culate the pairwise distance between these feature vec- ture of their URL paths is observed. This is unlike tors. We then apply an agglomerative hierarchical clus- malicious URLs, which frequently change to avoid tering algorithm to the obtained distance matrix. Finally, blacklisting. we cut the dendrogram output by the hierarchical clus- (4) omn me mlrt: While the domain names tering algorithm to obtain the final clusters of download used to distributed malware files belonging to the events. To cut the dendrogram we chose a conserva- same SE attack campaign may change, some cam- tive cut height to error on the side of not grouping re- paigns will reuse some keywords in their domains lated downloads and significantly reduce the possibility that are meant to deceive the user. For instance, of grouping unrelated ones. This process produced 1,205 the domains used in a Fake AV malware campaign clusters, thus resulting in an order of magnitude reduc-

7 USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 779 tion in the number of items that reuire manual inspec- a download event is related to a (malware or benign) up- tion. In the following section we explain how we ana- date, we examine the length of the download path and the lyzed and labeled these clusters. time between reuests. If the length of the total down- load path is < 4 or the time between reuests is < 1 sec- elng ownlod Attcks ond, we consider the download event for detailed manual After clustering similar software download events, we review. In this case, we analyze the HTTP transactions manually examine each cluster to distinguish between that precede the download by examining the content for those that are related SE download attack campaigns, artifacts, such as text and clickable buttons, that are indi- and clusters related to other types of software download cators of human interaction. If none are found we label events, including benign downloads, malware downloads the download as an update. triggered by drive-by downloads, and (benign or mali- re: Next we look for drive-by download indica- cious) software updates. This labeling process allows tors. To assist our labeling, we borrow some of the fea- us to focus our attention on studying SE download at- tures proposed in [30]. Notice that the labeling of drive- tacks, and to exclude other types of benign and malicious by downloads is not a contribution of our paper. This downloads (notice that because in this paper we are pri- is only a means to an end. The novel contributions of marily interested on SE attacks, we exclude non-SE mal- this paper are related to studying the characteristics of ware attacks from our study). SE download attacks. To perform the cluster labeling, each cluster was man- To label drive-by attacks, we look for “exploitable ually reviewed by randomly sampling 10 of the down- content,” such as pdf, flash, or java code on the path to load events grouped in the cluster, and then performing a malware download. Browser plugins and extensions a detailed manual analysis of the events in this sample that process this type of content often expose vulnera- set. For small clusters (e.g. clusters with < 50 events) bilities that are exploited by attackers. If we suspect the we sampled a minimum of 5 download events. For clus- download event under analysis is a drive-by, we reverse ters containing less than 5 download traces, we reviewed engineer the content of the HTTP transactions that pre- all of the events. As discussed earlier, our clustering pro- cede the suspected attack. This typically reuires deob- cess uses a conservative cut height. The net effect is that fuscating javascript and analyzing potentially malicious the clusters tend to be “pure,” thus greatly reducing the javascript code. For instance, if we identify code that possibility of errors during the cluster labeling process. checks for vulnerable versions of browser software and At the same time, some groups of download events that plugins (an indication of “drive-by kits”), we label the are similar to each other may be split into smaller clus- download as driveby. We identify and label 26 drive-by ters. However, this does not represent a significant prob- downloads. lem for our labeling process. The only effect of having a ocl ngneerng: If the cluster is not labeled as larger number of highly compact clusters is to create ad- update or driveby, we further examine the download ditional manual work, since a random sample of events events to determine if the they are due to SE attacks. For from each cluster is manually analyzed. this analysis, we inspect the content of all HTTP trans- In addition to manually reviewing the download paths actions on the download path. This content was saved at contained in the clusters, to assist our labeling we also the time of the download and does not reuire revisiting make use of antivirus (AV) labels for the downloaded ex- of the URLs on the download path. Because SE down- ecutable files. To increase AV detections we “aged” the loads are attacks on the user, they are initiated by a user- downloads in our dataset for a period of two months, be- browser interaction (e.g., clicking a link). Therefore, our fore scanning them with more than 40 AV engines using goal is to identify the page on the download path con- Notice that AV labels are mainly taining the link likely clicked by the user that ultimately used for confirmation purposes. The actual labeling of initiated the executable file download. By manually re- SE attacks is performed via an extensive review of each viewing the web content included in the download path, download path (i.e., seuence of pages/URLs visited to we attempt to determine if deception or uestionable per arrive to the executable file download). If we suspect a suasion tactics were used to trick the user into download- cluster is malicious (based on our manual analysis), hav- ing the executable file (see Section 3). In case of positive ing one or more AV hits offers additional confirmation, identification of such tactics, we label the cluster as so but is not reuired if we have strong evidence that the cial engineering otherwise, we label it as “likely” be- download was triggered by an SE attack. nign. dtes: Even though the heuristics we described in Notice that the analysis and labeling of SE download Section 4.2 filter out the vast majority of software up- attacks is mainly based on the identification of decep- dates, our heuristics are uite conservative and therefore tion tactics to trick a user to download an executable file. some update events may still remain. To determine if However, we also use AV scanning for confirmation pur-

8 780 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association poses. By doing so, we found that the majority of the popular combination of deception and persuasion tech- clusters we label as social engineering contained one or niques is repackageentice, making up over 48 of the more of downloaded files that were labeled as malicious observations. In most of these cases, the user is offered by some AVs. This provides additional confirmation of some type of “free” software of interest (e.g., a game or our labeling of SE download attacks. utility). Unfortunately, while the free software itself may Overall, among 1,205 clusters in our dataset, we la- not be malicious, it is often bundled with malicious ap- beled 136 clusters as social engineering. In aggregate, plications such as adware or PUPs. these clusters included a total of of 2,004 SE download attacks. In Section 3 we analyzed these SE download at- Table 2: Popularity of SE techniques for tricking the user. tacks and developed a categorization system that allows us to organize these attacks based on the deception and Trick Total Percentage RepackageEntice 972 48.50 persuasion tactics used to attack the user. In the next sec- InventImpersonateAlarm 434 21.66 tion, we measure the popularity of these tactics based on InventImpersonateComply 384 19.16 RepackageDecoy 155 7.74 the data we collected. ImpersonateDecoy 46 2.30 ImpersonateEnticeDecoy 12 0.60 InventComply 4 0.20 esrng ownlod Attcks ImpersonateAlarm 1 0.05 In this section we measure the popularity of the tac- tics attackers employ to gain the user’s attention and The next two most popular combinations of deception of the deception and persuasion techniques that con- and persuasion tactics are inventimpersonatealarm vince users to (unknowingly) download malicious and and inventimpersonatecomply, comprising 22 and unwanted software. In addition, we measure properties 19 of the SE downloads we observed. An example of of ad-based SE download attacks, which can be used to inventimpersonatealarm is a Fake Java update attack, inform the development of effective defenses against SE whereby the user is shown an ad that states “WARN- attacks that leverage ad campaigns. ING Your Java Version is Outdated and has Security Risks, Please Update Now” and uses images (e.g., logos or icons) related to Java (notice that this and all other ex- olrt of ownlod Attcks amples we use throughout the paper represent real-world Table 1 shows the number and percentage of SE down- cases of successful SE attacks from our dataset). Ads load attacks for each tactic employed by the attackers to like this are typically presented to users while they are gain the user’s attention. Over 80 of the SE attacks we visiting legitimate websites. In this example, the attacker observed used ads displayed on websites visited by the is inventing the scenario that the user’s Java VM is out- user. An additional 7 employed both search and ad, of-date, alarming them with “WARNING” displayed whereby the user first queries a search engine and is then in a pop-up ad, and then impersonating a Java update presented with targeted ads based on the search terms. that must be installed to resolve the issue. Notice that The popularity of ads in SE download attacks is likely this is different from repackageentice, in that the real due to the fact that they are a very efficient way for at- Java software update is never delivered (only the mal- tackers to reach a large audience, thus maximizing the ware is). Furthermore, the attacker leverages alarming number of potential victims. Furthermore, well-crafted messages about a well-known software to more aggres- targeted ads are naturally highly effective at attracting a sively “push” the user to download and install malicious user’s attention. software. The difference between inventimpersonatealarm Table 1: Popularity of SE techniques for gaining atten- and inventimpersonatecomply is in the persuasion tion. component i.e., alarm vs. comply. Alarm leverages User’s Attention Total Percentage fear (e.g., the computer may be compromised) to compel Ad 1,616 80.64 the user to download and install malicious software. On SearchAd 146 7.29 Search 127 6.34 the other hand, comply leverages a pretend requirement Web Post 115 5.74 necessary to complete a desired user task. For instance, a user may be presented with an ad on a video stream- Gaining the user’s attention is not sufficient for an SE ing website that says “Please Install Flash Player Pro To download attack to succeed. A user must also be tricked Continue. Top Video Sites Require The Latest Adobe into actually “following the lead” and downloading the Flash Player Update.” In this example, the attacker is in malicious or unwanted software. Table 2 shows the pop- venting the need to install “Flash Player Pro” and tells ularity of the deception and persuasion techniques we ob- the user they must comply before they can continue with served in our dataset of SE download attacks. The most watching the desired video. Unfortunately, this results

9 USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 781 Ad# SearchGAd# Search# Webpost# techniques is more effective when the user’s attention is gained through search and web posts. However, notice Repackage+En;ce# that this comprises less than 1 of all SE downloads in Invent+Impersonate+Alarm# our dataset (see Table 2).

Invent+Impersonate+Comply# Adsed ownlod eler ts Repackage+Decoy# As shown in Table 1, the majority of SE attacks we ob- Impersonate+Decoy# served use online ads to attract users’ attention. To better

Impersonate+En;ce+Decoy# understand these attacks, we examine the characteristics of their ad delivery path. We begin by reconstructing the Impersonate+Alarm# web path (i.e., the sequence of URLs) followed by the 0%# 10%# 20%# 30%# 40%# 50%# 60%# 70%# 80%# 90%# 100%# victims to arrive to the download URL (see Section 4). Then, we identify the first ad-related node on the web Figure 3: How attackers gain the user’s attention per de- path using a set of regular expressions derived from the ception/persuasion technique. Adblock Plus rules [1]. We define the set of nodes (i.e., HTTP transactions) on the web path beginning at the first in the user downloading malicious software that simply ad node and ending at the download node as the ad de impersonates a popular benign application and offers no livery path. actual utility to the user. Table 4: Top five ad entry point domains. Table 3: Popularity of different “scam” tactics in the Ad:InventImpersonate subclasses. Comply Alarm Entice 26 16 20 10 7 16 Alarm Comply 10 7 12 Fake Flash 68 20 7 6 11 Fake Java 30 0 3 4 8 Fake AV 1 0 Fake Browser 1 0 Fake Player 0 80 Table 4 shows the top 5 “entry point” domain names on the ad delivery paths (i.e., the first domain on Table 3 shows the popularity of different “scam” tac- the ad paths) for the comply, alarm and entice attack tics in the inventimpersonate subclasses alarm and classes. Almost 50 of the ad entry points for the comply. Fake Flash and Java updates are the two most comply class begin with one of the following domains: popular in the alarm class. In this same class we also ob-, or serve Fake Browser updates and Fake AV alerts, but they By investigating these domains, we found that they have are much less common, each comprising only about 1 also been abused by adware in the past. Specifically, of our observations. Fake Flash updates are also common these domains are the source of pop-up ads injected into in the comply class however, the most popular scam tac- the user’s browsing experience by several well known ad- tic is telling the user they must update or install a new ware programs and ad-injecting extensions [43]. video player before they can continue. In these Fake Table 4 also shows that the top two ad entry points for Player attacks, images that resemble Adobe Flash Player the alarm class are the same as the comply class, though are often used, but the terms “Adobe” or “Flash” are not in reverse ranking. The third domain is msncom, which directly mentioned. Therefore in Table 3 we distinguish has a good reputation. However, this domain is appearing between explicit Fake Flash and Fake Player. at the top of the ranking probably because it sometimes Figure 3 shows how attackers gain the user’s attention redirects (via syndication) to less reputable ad networks, for each of the observed deception and persuasion tech- which in turn direct the user to an SE download. Notice niques. For instance, ads are the most common way used also that the top entry domains in the entice class all have to attract users’ attention for repackageentice, compris- very good reputations ( is owned ing 75 of our observations. Search and web posts by Google). This is likely due to the fact that the majority contribute the remaining 25. All observations for in- of downloads in this class are for legitimate software that ventimpersonatealarm, inventimpersonatecomply, is simply bundled with “less aggressive” PUPs. impersonatealarm and impersonatedecoy rely exclu- Besides performing an analysis of the “entry point” to sively on ads to gain the user’s attention. At the the ad delivery path, we also analyze the last node on other extreme, none of our observations for imperson- the path, namely the HTTP transaction that delivers the ateenticedecoy use ads. This is likely due to the download. Table 5 shows the most popular SE download fact that this combination of deception and persuasion domains for the comply, alarm and entice classes. We

10 782 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association Table 5: Top five ad-driven SE download domains. load labeling process is described in Section 4.4). If an AdBlock rule matches the download path, we label Comply Alarm Entice 17 7 41 that benign software download as addriven. We find 5 4 17 that around 7 of all benign software downloads are ad- 5 4 11 4 3 5 driven. Even though the percentage is low compared to 3 3 3 SE downloads, in absolute terms this number is signif- found that the domains listed for the comply and entice icant because the vast majority of software downloads classes serve mostly adware and PUPs. observed in a network are benign. In fact, by consid- ering the overall number of confirmed malware and be- To better understand the network-level properties of nign software downloads and how many of these down- SE downloads, we also measure the “age” of these loads are ad-driven, we find that if a software download domains by leveraging a large passive DNS database is reached by clicking on an ad there is a 40 chance (pDNS-DB) that stores historic domain name resolu- that that software is benign. tions. Specifically, we define the domain age asthe difference in days from the time the domain was first Table 6: Ad-based benign download popularity. queried (i.e., first recorded in the pDNS-DB) to the day of the download. All the domains in Table 5 that are part Category Percentage of the comply and alarm classes are less than 200 days Games 32 Utilities 30 old, with the majority being less than 90 days. On the Music 15 other hand, the domains in Table 5 for the entice class are Business 11 Video 8 all at least several years old. This is because most of the Graphics 2 downloads in this class are for legitimate software that Social 2 is simply bundled with adware or PUPs. For instance, we find a large variety of “free” software ads that direct To further understand what type of benign software users to the domain for download. This downloads are ad-driven, we investigate through manual is the reason that over 40 of the downloads in the entice analysis 100 randomly selected samples of benign soft- class are from that domain. ware download events. Table 6 shows the type of soft- The “middle of path” domains, namely the ones be- ware that is represented in our sample and their relative tween the ad entry point and the download domain itself, popularity. Games and utilities are the most popular cat- tend to be a mix of recent and old domains. In fact, the egories, comprising 62 of all downloads. For example, most popular comply and alarm class “middle of path” the game “Trion Worlds” is the most popular with 17 domains are a 50/50 split of recent and old. However, downloads, followed by “Spotify” with 10 downloads. this is not the case for the entice class, for which most domains are several years old. At the same time, the ma- etectng ownlod Attcks jority of ad delivery paths for all three classes include at In this section, we measure the antivirus (AV) detec- least one middle domain name with an age that is less tion rate for SE downloads and group them into broad than 200 days. malware classes using AV labels. Also, we show that it is possible to accurately detect SE download attacks by Adren engn ownlods constructing a statistical classifier that uses features de- rived from the SE attack measurements we presented in As mentioned earlier, more than 80 of the SE down- Section 5. load attacks we observed use ads to gain the user’s atten- tion (see Table 1). Based on common experience, it may seems unlikely that many benign software downloads Antrs etecton would result from clicking on an ad. As a result, one To assess how AV products cope with SE downloads, may think that if software is downloaded after clicking we scan each SE download sample in our dataset with on an ad, that software is unlikely to be benign. Some- more than 40 AV engines (using We what surprisingly, we found that this may not necessarily scanned each of the samples on the day we collected be the case, as we explain below. them. Then, we also “aged” the samples for a period First, to automatically identify ad-driven benign soft- of one month, and rescanned them with the same set of ware downloads, we first derive a set of ad detection reg- AV engines. If at least one of the top five AV vendors ular expressions from the rules used by the popular Ad- (w.r.t. market share) and a minimum of two others detect Block Plus browser extension [1]. We match these reg- it, we label the executable as malicious. ular expressions against the nodes on the reconstructed We first group malicious downloads into three broad download path for each benign download (the down- classes, namely malware, adware and PUP. These

11 USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 783 samples. The remaining 25 30 is therefore labeled PUP# Adware# Malware# Undetected# − as undetected in Figure 4. Table 7 shows the AV detection rate on the day of Invent+Impersonate+Comply# download for malware, adware and PUPs. Namely, we consider all SE download samples that were detected by AVs after aging and rescanning (i.e., after one month),

Invent+Impersonate+Alarm# and show the percentage of these samples that were also detected on the day we first observed them being down- loaded. As can be seen, the detection rate in this case is quite small, thus confirming the reactive nature ofAV Repackage+En7ce# detection.

0%# 10%# 20%# 30%# 40%# 50%# 60%# 70%# 80%# 90%# 100%# Table 7: Zero day AV detections.

Malware Adware PUP Figure 4: AV detections one month after download. InventImpersonateComply 0 0 6.9 InventImpersonateAlarm 5.9 11.6 26.9 classes are meant to roughly indicate the potential “ag- RepackageEntice NA 28.7 34.4 gressiveness” of the malicious software. We assign these class labels based on a conservative set of heuristics that consist of matching keywords on the labels provided by 6.2 SE etection lassifier the AVs. For instance, to identify adware we look for the string “adware” as well as the names of several popular Guided by our measurements around SE attacks that adware applications (e.g., “amonetize,” etc.). Similarly, we presented in Section 5, we devise a set of statistical for the PUP class we look for the strings such as “PUP”, features that can be used to accurately detect ad-driven “PUA” and popular PUP application names. If both PUP SE downloads. We focus on ad-driven attacks because and adware match, we label the sample based on a ma- they are responsible for more than 80 of all SE down- jority voting rule (across the different AV vendor labels). loads we observed (see Table 1). In the case of a tie, we conservatively label the sample Prolem efinition. Given an executable file down- as PUP. The remaining samples are labeled as malware, load event observed on the network, we first automati- and manually reviewed for verification purposes. cally reconstruct its download path, i.e., the sequence of pages/URLs the user visited to arrive to the HTTP trans- Figure 4 shows the percentage of attacks that action carrying the file, as explained in Section 4. Then, result in the download of malware, adware, and given a set of labeled ad-driven SE download events PUP, respectively. We show a breakdown for (Section 4.4) and also ad-driven benign software down- the top three deception/persuasion categories, which loads (Section 5.3), we first translate the download path in aggregate represent more than 95 of all ad- of each event into a vector of statistical features. Finally, driven SE attacks. The majority of malicious we use the obtained labeled dataset of feature vectors to downloads in the inventimpersonatecomply and in- train a statistical classifier using the Random Forest [10] ventimpersonatealarm deception/persuasion tactics algorithm that can detect future ad-driven SE download belong to the adware class. A smaller percentage of attacks and distinguish them from benign ad-driven soft- downloads in these categories, 3.2 and 2.4 respec- ware downloads. tivley, are labeled as malware. For repackageentice the majority of downloads are labeled as PUP no malware Statistical eatures. We now present the set of detec- is found in this deception/persuasion category. tion features we derived and the intuitions behind their utility. In the following, we assume to be given as input Notice that the relatively small percentage of malware the download path related to a software download event is likely due to the fact that our heuristics for grouping observed on the network, which we translate into a fea- malicious downloads into broad classes is very conserva- ture vector. Notice that no single feature by itself enables tive, because it requires only a single AV label to contain accurate detection it’s their combination that allows us an “adware” or “PUP” string to label the sample as be- to reach high accuracy. longing to the adware or PUP classes (see Section 4.4). In addition, adware is simply much more prevalent than d-riven (binary feature). We check whether the • malware, making the malware set size look relatively download path contains an ad-related URL. This small compared to the rest of the dataset. Lastly, notice feature is computed by matching AdBlock [1] rules that only 70 75 of all malicious executables were against the sequence of URLs on the download path. − labeled by the AVs, even after “aging” and rescanning the Intuition: while the majority of SE downloads are

12 784 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association promoted via advertisement (Section 5), only 7 and alarm are less than one year in age, whereas for of benign downloads result from clicking on an ad benign download this only holds in 5 of the cases. (Section 5.3). ownload omain lexa ank. We measure the • Minimum d omain ge. We measure the age Alexa rank of the domain that served the software • of each domain on the ad path, namely the sub- download. We compute this features using the ef- sequence of the download path consisting of ad- fective second level domain for the download URL related domains, and use the minimum age across and the Alexa top 1 million list. Intuition: malicious these domains. Intuition: ad-serving domains that executables are more likely to be hosted on unpopu- consistently direct users to malicious ads are of- lar domains because of their need of avoiding black- ten blacklisted, so they move to new domains. In listing. Conversely, benign software downloads are essence, this feature is a way of (approximately) often hosted on popular domains. For instance, measuring the reputation of the ad path. Our mea- measurements on our data show that over 60 of surements show that the majority of ad paths for the the benign downloads are from domains with an comply, alarm and entice attack classes all have do- Alexa rank in the top 100,000. On the other hand, mains less than one year in age. For benign down- the more “aggressive” SE downloads, such as those load paths, this is true in only less than 5 of the from the alarm class, are primarily delivered from cases. very unpopular domains (very few are in the top 1 million). At the same time, the domains involved Maximum d omain Popularity. Using our in SE attacks that trigger the download of PUP fall • dataset (Section 4), we fist consider all ad-related somewhere between, in terms of domain popularity. domains involved in the download paths observed in the past (i.e., in the training set). Then, for each 6.3 Evaluating the SE etection lassifier domain, we count the number of distinct download In this section, we present the results of the evalua- paths on which the domain appeared, for both ad- tion of our SE detection classifier. We start by describing driven SE attacks and the benign download paths. the composition of the training and test dataset, and then If the domain is found in more than 1 of the be- present an analysis of the false and true positives. nign download paths, it is discarded. Otherwise, we . To measure the effectiveness of the SE classi- compute the number of distinct SE attack paths in atasets fier, we use two separate datasets. The first dataset, D , which the domain appeared. Finally, given all ad- 1 which we use to train the classifier, consists of the soft- related domains in the download path we are cur- ware downloads described and measured in Sections 4 rently considering, we take maximum number of and 5. Specifically, this dataset includes 1,556 SE down- times a domain along this path appeared in an SE at- load paths (we consider all ad-driven SE attacks from tack path. Intuition: some ad networks, and the do- the dataset described in Section 4), and 11,655 benign mains from which they serve ads, are more abused download paths. than others, e.g., due to scarce policing of ad-related The second dataset, D , consists of new executable fraud and abuse in lower-tier ad networks. There- 2 downloads (and their reconstructed download paths) that fore, they tend to appear more frequently in the we collected from the same deployment network in the download path of SE downloads. For instance, Ta- three months following the completion of the measure- ble 4 in Section 5.2 shows the popularity of ad entry ments we presented in Section 5. Notice also that, D points for SE downloads. 2 was collected after the feature engineering phase and af- ownload omain ge. We measure the number ter building our detection classifier. Namely, both the • of days between the download event and the first feature engineering and the training of the classifier were time we observed a DNS query to the effective sec- completed with no access to the data in D2. Overall, D2 ond level domain for the download URL (final node contains 1,338 ad-driven SE downloads, and 9,760 be- of the web path) using a large historic passive DNS nign downloads paths. We label D2 following the steps database. Intuition: the vast majority of benign outlined in Section 4.4. downloads are delivered from domains that have lassification esults. After training our SE detection been active for a long time because it takes time for classifier using dataset D1 and the Random Forest learn- a website to establish itself and attract visitors. On ing algorithm, we test the classifier on dataset D2. the other hand, SE domains are often “young” as Table 8 reports the confusion matrix for the classifica- they change frequently to avoid blacklisting. Our tion results. The classifier correctly identified over 91 data shows that the download domain of over 80 of the ad-driven SE downloads. Furthermore, it has a of the inventimpersonate SE subcategories comply very low false positive rate of 0.5.

13 USENIX Association 25th USENIX Security Symposium 785 Table 8: Confusion matrix for the SE detection classifier. deep packet inspection. One might think that the in- ability to analyze HTTPS traffic represents a significant Predicted Class Benign Ad-Based SE limitation. However, it is important to take into ac- Benign 99.5 0.5 count the following considerations. When a user browses . . Ad-Based SE 8 8 91 2 from an HTTPS to an HTTP site, they are often redi- rected through an unsecured intermediate URL, so that Table 9: SE Subclass Performance. the Referer field can be populated with the domain True Positives and other information related to the origin site [3]. Alter- RepackageEntice 65 natively, the origin site can set its referrer policies [2] InventImpersonateAlarm 98 InventImpersonateComply 90 to achieve the same result without need of intermedi- ate redirections. As an example, even though many Figure 9 shows a breakdown of the classifi- of the searches performed using search engines such cation results for the subclasses of ad-based SE as Google, Yahoo and Bing occurred over HTTPS, we downloads. The inventimpersonatealarm and in- were able to identify the search engines as the origin of ventimpersonatecomply categories have 98 and web paths because the related domain names appeared 90 true positive rates, respectfully. The lower perfor- in the Referer field of the subseuent HTTP trans- mance for repackageentice is due to downloads of legit- actions. Furthermore, modern enterprise networks com- imate software bundled with PUPs from well established monly employ SSL man-in-the-middle (MITM) proxies domains. Because these domains are “mixed use,” and that decrypt traffic for inspection. Therefore, our SEat- have high popularity or Alexa ranking, they make the de- tack detection system could be deployed alongside SSL tection task more difficult. MITM proxies. etre mortnce. We estimate feature importance Throughout the study, we use the term malicious to by performing forward feature selection [20]. The sin- describe the software downloaded as the result of an SE gle feature that provides the largest information gain is attack. However, there exist many shades of malicious- download domain age. Using only that feature we have ness and some malicious software (e.g., , a 69 true positive rate and a 6 false positive rate. By botnets, etc.) are more “aggressive” than others (e.g., adding maimum ad domain popularity, we obtain a true adware and PUPs). Therefore, in several parts of the positive rate above 80 with less than 3 false positives. analysis we broke down our results by distinguishing be- As we add other features (using the forward search), both tween malware, adware and PUPs. As shown in Sec- the true positives and false positives continue to improve. tion 6.1, only a relatively small percentage of the SE Thus, all the features help achieve high accuracy. downloads collected for our measurements were catego- rized by our AV-label-based heuristics as malware. The scsson majority were labeled as adware or PUP. However, we In this paper, we focus exclusively on successful web- should notice that AV labels are known to be noisy and based SE download attacks (we consider the attacks we that our labeling heuristics are very conservative (see collected and study successful because they actually trig- Section 4.4). Furthermore, over 25 of the malicious ger the delivery of malicious software to the victim’s downloads remained unlabeled due to lack of AV detec- machine). Social engineering attacks carried over dif- tion (Section 6.1). Therefore, it is possible that the num- ferent channels (e.g., email) and that have different ob- ber of malware is somewhat higher than reflected in Sec- jectives (e.g., phishing attacks to steal personal informa- tion 6.1. However, the categorization system, network- tion, rather than malware infections) are not part of our level properties and detection results for SE attacks that measurements, and are therefore also not reflected in the deliver adware apply to attacks that result in malware categories of SE tactics we described in Section 3. How- downloads as well. ever, we believe ours is an important contribution. In While the software downloads and traffic we collected fact, as defenses for drive-by downloads continue to im- for our study were collected from a single academic prove (e.g., through the hardening of browser software network, we should consider that the deployment net- and operating system defenses) we expect the attackers work was very large, serving tens of thousands diverse to increasingly make use of web-based SE attacks for users, consisting of users from different ages, cultures malware propagation. Therefore, the reconstruction and and backgrounds. analysis of SE download attacks is important because Because our SE detection classifier is designed to de- in-the-wild SE attack samples could be used to better tect ad-based SE download attacks, an attacker could train users and mitigate the impact of future attacks thus, evade the system by using tactics other than online ads complementing automatic attack detection solutions. to attract the user’s attention (e.g., search or web post, as Our study relies on visibility over HTTP traffic and discussed in Section 3). However, advertisements are the

14 786 25th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association predominant tactic used by attackers because they allow generic malware download detection systems that offer them to “publish” their SE attacks on sites that already no understanding of what caused a malware download popular with the targeted victims. In addition, ads are in the first place. In other words, they cannot identify only shown to the users that “match” their delivery crite- the origin of the attack, but only its side effects (i.e., only ria, thus reducing exposure to others (including security the malware download even itself), and therefore offer no researchers) that could result in the discovery and miti- clue on whether an infection was caused by a SE attack. gation of these attack vectors. Other works focus on the properties of malware drop- Another way an attacker may try to evade detection, pers [11, 22], whereby already infected machines down- is to specifically attempt to evade our statistical features load malware updates or new malware strains. In con- (see Section 6.2). For instance, to evade the download trast, we study how users fall victim to web-based SE domain age and domain Alea rank features, the attacker download attacks, and design a detection system that can could host the malicious files on a free file sharing site. accurately detect ad-driven SE downloads. This could result in a download domain with an age > 1 Researchers have also separately examined specific year and a high Alexa ranking. However, the addriven, types of SE malware attacks, such FakeAVs [15, 16, 19, minimum ad domain age and maimum ad domain pop 25,37]. Our work is different because we propose a gen- ularity features, which are harder for the attacker to con- eral approach to studying, measuring and classifying SE trol, could still allow to identify most attacks. For exam- download attacks on the web. We do not limit ourselves ple, simply knowing that a software download resulted to specific attack types such as Fake AVs. Therefore, our from an online ad puts its probability of being malicious work has broader applications, and also provides mit- at more than 50, according to the real-world data we igation against generic ad-based SE download attacks, collected (see Section 5.3). Furthermore, if hosting ma- which represent a large percentage of all SE download licious downloads on free hosting sites became popu- attacks we observed in the wild. lar, then a ree ile Hosting feature could be added to Other works have focused on traffic redirection chains our feature set, as it is unlikely that many ad-driven be- to understand and detect malicious websites and at- nign software downloads are served from free file hosting tack delivery [23, 26, 38]. Among these systems, Mad- sites. Tracer [23] studies malicious advertisement, including ad chains that deliver malware downloads. This is done Relted ork by crawling popular websites, and using a supervised Social engineering is primarily an attack on users, not classifier trained on data labeled by leveraging domain systems. The fundamental concepts that are employed to name blacklists (e.g., Google SafeBrowsing). While part exploit the user are rooted in modern psychology, specif- of our work, namely our ad-driven SE download detec- ically in the study of persuasion [13] and deception [41]. tion system, also leverages some properties of advertise- SE attacks have been studied in [21, 27]. While these ment chains to detect ad-driven malicious downloads, it works study SE tactics in general, they do not focus on is important to notice that we focus specifically on in SE download attacks. To the best of our knowledge, the thewild SE download attacks and are able to identify a only systematic study on SE malware is [8], which dis- large variety of SE download attacks. For instance, [23] cusses the psychological and technical ploys adopted by only reports fake anti-viruses (AVs) as malware deliv- SE attacks and some trends in SE malware. However, [8] ered via ad-based scams. Instead, in our study we find focuses on malware that spreads via e-mail and on SE many other types of SE-driven downloads that leverage tactics used by malware to lure the user to activate (i.e., a variety of deception and persuasion tactics. In fact, run) the malicious code. In addition, the data analyzed our measurements show that fake AVs represent only a in [8] is limited to malware attack case studies and statis- small fraction ( less than 1) of all SE attacks. In addi- tics published by others in the VirusBulletin journal un- tion, rather than actively looking (or crawling) for possi- til 2010. In contrast, we focus on web-based SE down- ble malware downloads on popular websites, we collect loads, and on reconstructing and analyzing how users are live SE attacks by directly witnessing successful attacks tricked into downloading malicious software in the first against users in a large academic network. This allows place. Also, our analysis is based on recent real-world us to collect successful SE attacks, rather than possible instances of successful SE attacks collected from a live attacks as done in [23]. network. In our work, we use a combination of web traffic re- Malware downloads have been studied in a number construction and analysis to trace back the origin of the of works [11, 22, 34, 39]. For instance, [34, 39] use a attacks, namely the SE tactic that tricked the user into content-agnostic detection approach that relies on com- downloading malicious software. Researchers have stud- puting a reputation score for the domains/IPs from which ied web traffic reconstruction in [12, 29, 30, 42]. Among malware downloads are served. However, [34, 39] are these, the closest to our work is WebWitness [30], a re-

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