(215) 844-1157 Services
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UNITARIAN NON-DENOMINATIONAL Unitarian Society of Germantown *Epic Church 6511 Lincoln Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19119 3720 Main St., Philadelphia, PA 19127 (Manayunk) (215) 844-1157 www.usguu.org 6498 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19128 (Roxborough) Services: Sunday 9:00am& 11:15am (215) 525-9193 www.epicwired.net Services: Sunday 9:00am & 10:15 (Manayunk) 10:15 (Roxbor) RELIGIOUS SOCIETY of FRIENDS [QUAKER] Germantown Friends Meeting PRESBYTERIAN 47 W. Coulter St., Philadelphia, PA 19129 *Pilgrim Church (PCA) (215) 951-2235 [email protected] 3815 Terrace St., Philadelphia PA 19128 Services: Sunday 10:30am, Join Green St Friends in Aug (215) 483-8878 www.pilgrimphilly.org Services: Sunday 11:00am, Christian Ed. 9:45am For a ride, contact Melissa at [email protected] Green Street Friends Meeting 45 W. School House Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144 *Metro Presbyterian Church (PCA) (215) 844-4924 [email protected] 4200 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA www.greenstreetfriendsmeeting.org (267) 536-9453 www.metropres.org Services: Sunday 10:30am Services: 11:00am For a ride, contact [email protected]. ROMAN CATHOLIC Leverington Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) *St. Bridget’s Roman Catholic Church 480 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146 3667 Midvale Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19129 (215) 482-0293 www.levpres.org [email protected] (215) 844-4126 [email protected] Services Sunday 10:45am, Young Adult Study biweekly www.stbridgeteastfalls.org Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00pm The First Presbyterian Church in Germantown (PCUSA) Sunday Mass: 9:00am & 11:00am 35 W. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144 Contact Nicole Vital about walking over together. (215) 843-8811 www.fpcgermantown.org [email protected] Services: Sunday 10:00am Temple University Newman Center East Falls First Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) 2129 N. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA19122 3800 Vaux St., Philadelphia, PA 19129 www.templenewmancenter.org (215) 848-6232 www.fallspres.com For more info: Fr. Mahoney [email protected] Services: Sunday 10:30a. (10:00am during summer) Services: Sun 11am & 7pm, Daily 12:10pm Night prayer: 9:15pm weeknights & Sundays SOVEREIGN GRACE Grace City Church 6035 Walker Street, Philadelphia, PA 19135 (215) 677-2088 www.gbcphilly.com Services: SundayPhilaU 10:30am Christian Fellowship: Cornerstone * Indicates ridesRevive are available: Large Group Fellowship Life Groups: Small Group Bible Studies Events, Retreats, Prayer, etc. Contact: [email protected] www.facebook.com/philaucornerstone ASSEMBLIES OF GOD EPISCOPAL LUTHERAN Lighthouse Family of God Church Memorial Church of the Good Shepherd Bethany Lutheran Church 3405 N. Front Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 3820 Oak Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19129 401 Martin Street (@ Pechin), Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 809-1112 www.lighthousefamilycenter.org (215) 844-0580 www.goodshepherd-eastfalls.org (215) 483-6968 Services: Sunday 10:30am, Monday 7:00pm Services: Sunday 10:30am www.bethany-lutheran-church-philadelphia.com Services: Sunday 10:00am Church of St. Alban BAPTIST 500 Fairthorne St., Philadelphia, PA 19128 Trinity Lutheran Church MENNONITE *Community Bible Fellowship of Roxborough (215) 482-2627 www.churchofstalban.com 19 W. Queen Lane (@ Germantown Ave.) Germantown Mennonite Church Philadelphia, PA 19144 6035 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Services: Sunday 8:00am (no music), 10:00 am (hymns) 21 W. Washington Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144 (215) 482-1489 http://www.cbfroxborough.com/ (215) 848-8150 www.lutheransonline.com/tlc5300 Sunday services: 10:45AM, Young Adult group @ 6pm Services: Sunday 10:00am (215) 843-5599 For a ride contact Craig Houser [email protected] HINDU [email protected] Bharatiya Temple www.germantownmennonite.org Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church (East) 1612 Countyline Rd., Chalfont, PA 18936 MENNONITE 2800 W. Cheltenham Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 997-1181 www.b-temple.org/ Germantown Mennonite Church Pastor Amy Yoder McGloughlin 21 W. Washington Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144 (215) 276-7200 www.enontab.org Weekday Services: 9:00 am-12:00 pm, 5pm-9pm Service: Sundays 10:00am [email protected] Weekends: 9am-9pm (215) 843-5599 www.germantownmennonite.org Services: Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 10:00am [email protected] Iskon of Philadelphia Sunday Service: 10:00am (Sunday School), 11:00 worship MUSLIM Canaan Baptist Church Mt. Airy Radha Krishna Temple Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Mosque 5430 Pulaski Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144 41 W Allens Lane, Philadelphia PA 19119 (215) 848-6311 www.canaanbaptistchurch.org (215) 247-4825 www.iskconphiladelphia.com MUSLIM 5820 Overbrook Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19131 Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Mosque Sunday Service: 9:15am [email protected] (215) 879-6300 5820 Overbrook Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19131 Samarpan Hindu Temple (215) 879-6300 www.bmf.org http://www.bmf.org/mosque/index.html BUDDHIST 6515 Bustleton Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149 [email protected] [email protected] Philadelphia Buddhist Association (215) 537-9537 www.samarpantemple.org 2150 Butler Pike (Plymouth Meeting Friends) [email protected] Masjid As-Sunnatun-Nabawiyyah Plymouth Meeting, PA www.philabuddhist.org Shiv Puja: Mondays 6:30pm 4944 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144 Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah (215) 848-2615 [email protected] Meditation: Sundays & Wednesdays 7:30pm 4944 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144 Shambhala Meditation Center JEWISH Masjid Muhammad (215) 848-2614/2615 2030 Sansom St., Philadelphia, PA 19103 Germantown Jewish Centre 414 E Penn St Philadelphia, PA 19144 [email protected] (215) 568-6070 www.philadelphia.shambhala.org (Conservative, Masorti & Reconstructionist Minyans) (215) 849-9112 Meditation: Tues, Wed, Thurs. 6:00-7:00pm 400 W. Ellet St., Philadelphia, PA 19119 Sunday 9am-12:00 noon (215) 844-1507 www.germantownjewishcentre.org METHODIST METHODIST [email protected] Green Lane United Methodist Church Soka Gakkai International-USA Services: Friday 6:00pm, Saturday 10:00am Green Lane United Methodist Church 2000 Hamilton St., Suite 210, Philadelphia, PA 19130 470 Green Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19128 470 Green Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 569-2144 www.sgi-philly.com Hillel Multi-Campus (215) 483-0999 http://greenlaneumc.com/ (215) 483-0999 [email protected] [email protected] Steinhardt Hall Services: Sunday 10:00am, 10:45 am Pastor Steven Michael Pittman 215 South 39th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 Won Buddhism Temple of Philadelphia (215) 898-7391 pennhillel.org First United Methodist Church Sunday 10:45 am (9:30am until the end Aug.) of Germantown 423 Abington Ave., Glenside, PA 19038 [email protected] [email protected] (215) 884-8443 http://phila.wonbuddhism.info/ 6023 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144 Meditation/Dharma: Tuesday 7:15pm-9:00pm Congregation Mishkan Shalom (Reconstructionist) (215) 438-3677 www.fumcog.org First United Methodist Church Saturday 10:15am-12:00pm 4101 Freeland Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19128 Services: Sunday 10am of Germantown Morning Meditation: 6:00am–7:00am (215) 508-0226 www.mishkan.org 6023 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144 [email protected] Storehouse Church (Free Methodist Church) Services: Fridays 7:30pm, Saturdays 10:00am 1090 Germantown Pike, Plymouth Meeting, Pa 19462 215-438-3677 www.fumcog.org (484) 200-7720 www.storehousechurch.com CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE [C&MA] Lorelei Toombs, *Citylight Church Congregation Rodeph Shalom (Reform) Sunday Services: 8:30am, 10am & 11:30am 4101 Freeland Ave , Philadelphia, PA 19128 615 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19123 Services: Sunday 10am citylightphilly.org Services: Sundays 9:30am, 11:15am (215) 627-6747 www.rodephshalom.org For a ride leaving from the Ram Statue at 11am, [email protected] Storehouse Church Contact Pastor Tim at [email protected] Services: Fridays 6:00pm, Saturdays 10:45am (Free Methodist Church) Colonial Middle School Auditorium 716 Belvoir Rd., Plymouth Meeting PA 19401 .