OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION 2018 Project Interview Questions These interview questions are being supplied to Ohio 4-H professionals to assist in the project judging process at county fairs. • Each project has numerous questions from which judges can select the two or three they have time to ask. Judges are not expected to ask all of these questions (!), and they are free and even encouraged to use their own questions. • Where appropriate, page numbers from the project book or appropriate resource handbook are included. • Judges also are encouraged to ask about the 4-H member’s leadership and citizenship activities over the course of the current program year. They are an integral part of the 4-H experience. • Judges also are encouraged to ask questions about general 4-H knowledge. (See following page.) • For more information about interview judging, please read 4-H 963 Interviewing Tips for Judges, available online at ohio4h.org/publications. Many thanks to the following people for contributing their time and expertise: Mary Beth Albright, Lisa Bradley, Beth Bridgeman, Kim Catchpole, Erica Clark-Covert, Tina Drake, Debbie Endsley, Nadine Fogt, Amanda These interview questions will be available every program year, with plenty of ongoing opportunity to improve them. If you have questions, comments or corrections, please contact Jane Wright (614 -292 -0909,
[email protected] ) or Annie Steel (614-688- 1934,
[email protected]). ohio4h.org CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION General 4-H Interview Questions Some judges appreciate having general 4-H questions to use as warm-up questions or as tie-breakers.