SECTION 1 – SITE LOCATION MAP Museum of Garden History, St Mary’s Church, 5 Lambeth Site address Palace Road, London, SE1 7LB Ward Bishops Restoration, internal and external alterations (including partial Proposal demolition and provision of additional mezzanine display floorspace) to the existing church abuilding, construction of single storey extensions within rear garden to provide a café and educational facilities, alterations to the rear churchyard including landscaping and relocation of tombs, removal and reconstruction of existing boundary treatment. Application type Full Planning Application Listed Building Consent 14/01448/FUL Application ref(s) 14/01450/LB 27 March 2014 (14/01448/FUL) Validation date 27 March 2014 (14/01450/LB) Name: Nicholas Linford Case officer details Tel: 020 7926 4069 Email:
[email protected] Mr. Christopher Woodward Applicant Agent Ms Anna Cullum Kennington Cross Neighbourhood Association Considerations/constraints South Bank Employers Group Conservation Area Environment Agency Flood Zone Listed Building Sites of Borough Nature Conservation Importance London Plan Thames Policy Area Tree Preservation Order Historic Parks and Gardens on English Heritage Register Protected Vistas Ex010; Ex050; Ex100; Ex110; Ex120; Ex130; Ex200; Ex210; Approved plans Ex220; Ex230; Ex301; Ex302; Ex303; Ex305; Ex306; Ex309; Dm100; Dm301; Dm302; Dm303; Dm305; Dm306; Dm309; PA/001; PA/010; PA/100; PA/101; PA/102; PA/110; PA/120; PA/130; PA/200; PA/210; PA/300; PA/301; PA/302; PA/303; PA/304; PA/305; PA/306; PA/307; PA/308;