Nations Unite to Stop War Threats
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XET PKESS RUX Av e r a g e d a il y circulation OF THE EVEXING HERALD for i 3 uioiitb of October, 1927 5,042 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Claaeifled Advertising on page 8 MANCHESTER, .CONN., SATOttbAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1927. VOL. XLIL, NO. 48. DAUGHTER OF REMUS SELECTMEN TO NATIONS UNITE TAKE THE STAND ADVISE BIRCH Boston, Mass., Nov. 26— Three sailed lor Liverpool a week after •«> S T .^ E N I N G TO STOP WAR THREATS months' ago the name of Governor the governor went away. This led Alvan T. Fuller and his photograph to State House reports that the Bootleg King to Try to Conn-1 CARDINAL BONZANO were on front pages of newspapers governor’s health had been shat- . throughout the world. _ He was re tered by his long work on the Sac- ; Take Steps to Avert Hostilities Between Poland and Lith- Vote to Proceed With Formal viewing-the famous iCase of Nicola cc-'V’anzetti case. ! His secretary, 1 teract Effect of Other! g DEAD IN ROME Sacco and Bartolomeb 'Yanzetti, Herman A. MacDonald, and Mrs. | Hearing and Recommend Today he was “ somewhere in the Fuller Issued denials but refused j uania— Warsaw Resents Russia’ s Meddling In Land world,” unrecognized, bn’ “ a vaca to clear up the “ mystery of the j i n Ii a i l r i o t Daughter's Testimony _ — tion” and for three weeks hiiB missing governor.” ■ To Town That Joh Be whereabouts have remained a se Lieutenant Governor Frahk G. Dispute— Many Reported Killed In Counter Revolts In Against Him. Was Well Known In Dnited cret. Newspapermen in this coun Allen was In Pittsburgh today for Done— Some Opposition. try and the capitals of Europe have, his wedding to Miss Eleanor Wal Ukraine and Crimea— Unrest In Rumania. tried to find him but without suc lace. a classmate of his daughter Three Dying, 2 4 Injured As States; Represented Pope at Wellesley. In the absence of Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 26.— j cess. Dr. C. P. S.7lve3,ter, the personal both Secretary of State Frederick George Remus, branded a cold} Result ^ At^m pt to Es 'With the “ peace meetings” ently have wrecked this artificia'. At Eucharistic Congress. The Board of Selectmen last | physician of the chief executive, W.' Cpok ‘ was acting governor. situation. Russia perpetrated its blooded slayer of bis Tvife, Imogene, ■ night voted to proceed with the ; -------------^ ^ --------------------------- of the League of Nations pre cape ^ of Prison. paratory disarmament confer wrecking by arranging to send an by her pretty, dark-eyed daughter,! widening of Birch street from i a m jf v ni|inf/VirTiiaT T%\r ence and the League of Na unusually large and important dele Ruth, will call upon his own daugh- j Rome, Nov. 26.— Cardinal Bon- feet to 40 feet. The action followed . j H f CHORAL PROGRAM tions council less than a week gation, thus stamping the meeting’s ter, Ramola Remus, to take the an informal hearing on the question away, storm clouds of domes Importance. zano, former apostolic delegate at Folsom State Prison, Calif., Nov. Germany’s contribution- to the witness stand next week to counter which was attended by 16 persons | tic political strife and interna Washington, died at 8:10 a. m., to 26.— With the toll of dead remain tional unrest are darkening upset was a letter by Count von act the effect Ruth’s testimony may day in the nursing home at Quis- representing 11 of the 27 proper-] IS M L C H O P ing at eleven, nine convicts and two Europe’s horizon today. Bernstorff, pointing out the necessi' FUMES OF HEATER ty of hastening the technical meas-< have had on the jury. ana, where he had been confined ties on Birch street. The vote of the j guards, three other convicts near Claiming that Poland is Selectmen calls for a formal hear- i death from wounds, and 24 others, ures toward disarmament. This announcement was made to since he underwent a serious opera planning war against Lithu day by Charles B. Elston, counsel ing of the property owners when j including prisoners, guai’da and ania, the Soviet government lor defense. She will be one of tion. they will'see the exact layout pro-I Numbers^or Monday's Con prison officials seriously but not has sent a sharp warning to. IN RU.MAXIA. ninety or more witnesses who will Cardinal Bonzano rallied imme posed, will be given, accurate prop- j Custer FamOy Escape Death dangerously wounded, prison au -the Polish government that So Bucharest, Nov. 26.— While sil try to save Remus, the man who diately after the operation, which erty line descriptions and some clos thorities today prepared to fix the viet Russia will forcibly oppose ent throngs passed today before the gave up a successful practice in was for cancer of the stomach, but er idea of the financial gain or loss From Carbon Monoxide; cert Selected to Please responsibility for the bloody. any attempt to impose Polish bier of the late premier, Jan Bra Chicago to run up millions as the recently he took a turn for the in connection with the plan. Thanksgiving day prison riot here. domination upon Lithuania. tiano, powerful political chieftains ■’Bootleg King” of America, from worse. Despite the opinions that may be Six convicts, a “ lifer” and a kill Many are reported to have behind the scenes were quietly, er, three robbers, a burglar and a the electric chair. Late last night attending physi- expressed at this next informal | Babe Long E Local Audience. been killed in a counter revolt making their plans for a renewal of I cians admitted that they held little | hearing it was the plan of the Se- j \ forger— six men who are designated in Ukraine and Crimea against the struggle for power after the Older Than Ruth , as “ hard” even by the other prison Ramola is 24, four years older ! hope for his recovery I lectmen, to carry the question to a ; the Russian Soviet govern funeral. j town meeting in any event. Thi.s j tvio 1 inmates— have been singled out as Bucharest and the kingdom re than Ruth, as attractive but of a j 'Phe end came peacefully, The concert to be given by the ^ ^.i^giea^ers of the attempted prison ment. ! planyiau wasncia decided upon..k__- after............ it....... wasi '^^0 persous had a narrow escape England, France and Ger main calm beneath thetacit truce of different type. Ruth, dark skinned, | All To Charity Men’s Choral Club at High school' break. They were facing" ' the gal’ with brown eyes and black hair, re- • Under the will which Cardinal agreed that the widening proposi- from death here yesterday morning many are keeping a watchful the hostile factions. A t ___ ........ ..nnlifvr o +#\vxrr» TlTwlor- - _ ‘ . lows today for their part in the tion was in reality a town under when they were, overcome by gas. hall on Monday evening promises a eye upon developments in east The two chief pawns in the polit- .solubles her dead mother. Ramola, Bonzano made last Thursday, his rioting. daughter of Remus by his first wite, entire estate goes to charity. taking and one that did not iater- program even exceeding those of ern Europe and the Balkans. cal strife, which seems inevitable, est Birch street property owners Three other persons were also af Alleged Leader. are little six-year-old King Michael who divorced him when he fell in Cardinal Bonzano was among the former concerts in the element of Intense Indignation has been alone. Six of the property owners fected but not nearly as seriously. Tony Brown, gangster, is thought aroused throughout Jugosla whose throne is the prize, and' love with the woman he shot and most prominent members of the interest. Only su'dh items as have to have been the leader in the re College of Cardinals and was re at last night’s heai-ing opposed the The near-tragedy occurred at the via by the Italian-Albanian Michael’s father, former Crow.r killed, is light skinned. Titian-hair widening, but their opposition was volt. It was Brown, according to ed and has large blue eyes shaded garded highly by the 'Vatican. Be home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. proved of most marked popularity treaty of alliance signed at Prince Carol, who is awaiting aa based upon the belief that the job prison officials, who wielded the re opportunity to return from his vol by heavy lashes. cause of his long experience at in former concerts, have been used Tirana this week. France re would be too costly. Only two of the Custer at 64 Ridge street. Mrs. volver and who moved among the untary exile in France j She is as loyal to her father as 'Washington as apostolic delegate, Custer’s mother, Mrs. Jane Tyler, cently signed a treaty of property owners were opposed to for this occasion, with many new other convicts, urging and threat friendship with Jugo-Slavia Soldiers v^re on guard about : Ruth is to the memory of her moth he was chosen by the Pope as his widening unjder any conditions. aged 56, a guest from New York numbers of equal charm. ening when some of the more timid er. Neither of the step-sisters have holiness’ specjal representative to that virtually gives Prance the the national Athanaeum, where M. 'Those Pi’esent City, Mrs. 'Theresa Wilson, 35, and The club has attempted to profit wished to capitulate.