
Juilding Program

L > AAillsaps \,^' College Bulletin We Rolled Out the Carpet

cA ^Message . . .

From the President

Frequently I am asked "What in- terests college students?" More fre- quently I ask the question. I am writing this column for Major Notes the "morning after." I have spent two evenings in a week's time in fra- ternity houses. It is not for me to say how profitable these evenings were to the men of these two chapters. It is appro- priate to comment on ray impressions.

In the course of a three hour session in two chapter houses I talked informally with college men about a variety of subjects. They felt free, I am sure, to discuss with me any question they had.

On both occasions the talk quickly got to the matter of class room instruc- tion. These men, the most of them, are interested primarily in the content, the substance, the quality, the purpose of courses of study. One alumnus of Mill- saps College, the writer of this column, is greatly encouraged when, in an even- ing where there was literally an "open season" for a discussion of any topic, discussion majors on instruction.

My impressions constitute a tribute to both students and faculty. They con- stitute even more some unmistakable and welcomed pressures. Students are as frank to comment on weaknesses in instruction as they are to applaud the strength of an academic program.

Next year every faculty member at Millsaps College will enjoy a private office. The conversion of Murrah Au- ditorium to offices and class rooms is under way. This improvement in physi- cal facilities will, we believe, substanti- ally affect the quality of our instruction, our counseling, our study and our writing.

The High School Day agenda kept seniors on the go from early morning until late that memorable Saturday night. The sequence, from top to bottom, shows regis- tration, scholarship competition, tours and consultation with faculty members. More than 400 interested students attended as guests of the college.


Again this year spring has touched the campus with beauty. The dogwood tree by the library MAJOR blends with the loveliness of Peggy Perry, of Louin, secretary of the NOTES Junior Class and one of the beau- ties selected for the 1957 BOB- ASHELA. The photograph was made available through the cour- tesy of the Jackson STATE TIMES.


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Campus Changes Alumni Election

Alumni Fund Drive . New College President

Graduation Time Alumni Leadersihip _10

Crisis In Education Faculty Deaths _11

Support Told Alumni Day Teen-Age Drinking

Clubs Active Fees Increased . . . Alumni in Higher Education World Premiere Church Architecture .... White Featured

Associates Jleet Alford, Green .

Memorial Gifts .12 "South Pacific" .17

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Editor James J. Livesay Assistant Editor Shirley Caldwell


Volume 41 April. 19.57 Number 8

Published by Millsaps College monthly during the College year. Entered as second class matter November 21, 1917 at the Post Office in Jackson, Mississippi, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

SPRING, 1957 Page Three On April 15, a total of $817,558.70 had been paid on pledges of $1,104,- 030.56 made during the Million for Millsaps campaign. Officials have urged that all outstanding pledges be paid as soon as possible.

(Jamvus Changes Dramatize Support

Alumni returning to the campus this students will be possible only if the job was completed this spring when the summer will be reminded of the slogan auxiliary off-campus units on Pai'k Art Department moved into a new build- for the Million for the Master campaign Avenue (women) and Adelle Street ing back of Galloway Hall. Improved of the late 30's, "Millsaps Marches On". (men) remain open. facilities and added space will enable art instructor Karl Wolfe to strengthen the The campus will be filled with the A third construction project is under- program of the department during the sounds of construction, as the most con- way in Murrah Hall, where old Murrah centrated building 1957-58 session. activity in College his- Chapel is being renovated to provide tory will be in progress. office and classroom space. In the midst of this unprecedented expansion of the College physical plant, Buildings valued at more than $1,300,- Scheduled for completion before the major emphasis remains on strengthen- 000 will be in the process of erection College convenes for the fall session, ing the curriculum, building the faculty, as the result of loyal support from the project will make available private and serving the individual student. alumni, church members, and other friends within recent years. offices for every member of the faculty. Under President Finger's leadership The first two floors will be devoted to The largest of several projects under- Millsaps College continues to put first way or recently completed is the Union offices and the third floor will be used things first. Alumni can rest assured Building, which is the second of the for classroom space. All three floors that the financial aid they are giving projects made possible through the Mil- will be air conditioned. their Alma Mater in increasing amounts lion for Millsaps campaign. A smaller but significant renovating is being put to judicious use. Located in the "hollow" between Sul- livan-Harrell and Buie Gymnasium, the building will cost $550,000, including furnishings and air conditioning. It will house student offices and recrea- tional facilities, a greatly enlarged cafe- teria and grill, and will serve as the center of student activity on the campus. College officials believe the Union Build- ing will be completed in time for the opening of the 1957-58 session.

Ground will be broken early this sum- mer on two much needed dormitories which are scheduled for occupancy by September, 1958. Approval by the Fed- eral Housing Authority of a request for a $700,000 loan to finance the construc- tion was received in April and contracts will be let by June 1.

One dormitory will house 94 women and will be constructed north of Sanders Hall near North State Street. The men's dormitory will have a capacity of 100 students. It will join Galloway Hall From the left, the Union Build- to the south, completing the "H" formed ing, the Art Department, and by Burton and Galloway Halls. the new offices in Murrah Audi- The new dormitories will relieve ex- torium under construction. isting crowded conditions in on-campus housing. A small increase in boarding e=.J*4.'


cAlumni Fund Passes $16^000

Millsaps College alumni and friends have given or pledged more than $16,000 to their Alma Mater through the first annual Alumni Fund program, accord- ing to Nat Rogers, '41, chairman of the 1956-1957 campaign. The figure stood at $16,120.81 on April 22 with more than two months remaining before the July 1 deadline. To exceed the announced goal of $10,000 for the first year of the Fund, 740 alumni had mailed checks, cash, and money orders for an average gift of $21.78 per person. Last year's total participation in the annual dues program was 623 donors with a final total of $2,900 contributed.

The success of the Fund in its first year has surprised even the most opti- mistic officials. Figures reveal that more alumni are giving and that a phenomenal gain has been registered in the amount of the individual gift. Con- tributions have ranged in size from $1 to $1,000 with close to half of the total given coming from donors whose gifts Encouraging news about the first annual Alumni Fund campaign obviously pleased were $100 or more. these College officials. Cheeking over the latest results are, from the left: Jim Livesay. Alumni Association executive director; A. Boyd Campbell, College Rogers stated that one more appeal treasurer; and Craig Castle, Alumni Association president. A final figure of would be made to graduates and former $17,000 by June 30 is possible if alumni response continues. students by direct mail. It will be mailed in May to every alumnus and will in- clude a note of thanks to those who according to an announcement by Dean have given and a final reminder for James S. Ferguson. Graduation Set For June 3 alumni whose gifts have not been More than one hundred courses will received. be offered during the ten week summer One hundred and sixty-nine members session. Students may take a maximum of the Class of 1957 will receive Bachelor Encouraged by the excellent response of fourteen hours. of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees to the Alumni Fund idea, the Finance Last year summer enrollment reached on Monday, June 3. Committee of the Alumni Association has 455, an all-time high for the session. The sixty-third graduating class will recommended that the 1957-58 goal be Fifty-five colleges and universities were hear Dr. Ernest C. Colwell, vice presi- set at $17,500, an increase of $7,500 represented among the students reg- dent and dean of the faculties of Emory over the Fund's first-year objective. istered. University, deliver the Commencement Working with president Craig Castle July 15 will be the first day of the address. and Rogers in directing the Fund cam- second term. The summer session will By special request of the seniors Dr. paign in its first year have been the close August 16. H. E. Finger, Jr., will bring the bac- following members of the Finance Com- calaureate sermon on Sunday, June 2.

mittee : O. B. Triplett, Forest, chairman Graduation exercises will again be G. C. Clark, Sr., Jackson; George College Receives $405,000 held out-of-doors behind Founders Hall. Pickett, Jackson; W. B. Dribben, Green- The Commencement weekend program wood; Dan Wright, Jackson; Walter An estimated $405,000 in gifts was re- includes the following events; Sunday, Spiva, Jackson; and Dr. Bill Parker, ceived by the College during the fiscal June 2, 8 a.m.. Holy Communion; 9 a.m., Heidelberg. year ending July 1, 1956. The figure in- senior breakfast; 10:50 a.m.. Baccalaure- Because her alumni have seen the cluded gifts from the following sources: ate services, Galloway Memorial Metho- need and have been challenged to meet alumni, parents, corporations, Mississippi dist Church; 3:30 p.m.. President's recep- it through the Alumni Fund, greater Foundation of Independent Colleges, be- tion; 6 p.m., Millsaps Singers concert, days are ahead for Millsaps College and quests, church support, foundations, and campus; Monday, June 3, 9:30 a.m., Christian higher education in the state. other. Dramatic gains were made in meeting of the Board of Trustees; 10 church support, with $85,314.68 coming a.m., meeting of the senior class; 6 from the two conferences of the Meth- p.m., dinner, cafeteria; 8:15 p.m.. Com- Summer Session Scheduled odist Church in Mississippi. mencement. Contributions to the Million for Mill- The Alumni Banquet, formerly a gra- The first term of the 1957 summer saps campaign are not included in the duation weekend event, is held each year session will open on June 8 at Millsaps, figure. on Alumni Day in May.


Crucial Campaign Underway

Nationwide attention is being focused in newspapers, magazines, radio, tele- use the Council material. on the multi-million dollar Advertising' vision, public transportation, motion pic- If you're an advertiser yourself, no Council campaign now underway in sup- tures, and trade and industrial publica- more important public service could be port of higher education. Sponsored by tions. Kits containing these ads have performed than purchasing space or time the Council for Financial Aid to Educa- been mailed to media in your area. for the use of the ads. tion, the campaign will last through Peak months this year and next will be A letter of thanks from you to the 1958 and will endeavor to alert the April and October. The N. W. Ayres owner, editor, or manager of the media American public to the crisis facing the Advertising Agency in using the material on the crisis in higher nation's colleges and universities. is preparing ads for this campaign. education would be a great help, too. The Advertising Council, sponsor of A twenty-eight minute movie on high- This is a crucial campaign. The kind such successful campaigns as the CARE er education and its needs is available of citizen the nation produces in the series and "Religion in American Life," for showing before civic clubs and other future—indeed, the strength of the na- is a nonprofit organization composed of groups. Booklets pointing up the prob- tion itself—may depend upon the public's business and civic leaders who are inter- lem may be obtained by writing Higher response to it. Your help is urgently ested in promoting the general welfare. Education, Box 36, Times Square Sta- needed. Disturbed by the fact that higher edu- tion, New York 36, N. Y. The movie may cation is suffering from an economic be secured by writing Modern Talking depression in the midst of an era of Picture Service, 3 East 54th Street, New York 22, N. Y. widespread and unprecedented prosper- Student Fees Increased ity, top men and women in all fields You as an alumnus and your friends have given their approval of the can help in this vital program by ask- To help offset the pressure of rising campaign. ing your local newspaper editors and costs. College fees will be increased $25 Briefly, the plan calls for advertising radio and television station managers to per semester beginning with the fall session.

The announcement was made by Presi- dent H. E. Finger, Jr., following approval of the increase by the Board of Trustees of the College.

The increase will be the first since 1947. Tuition will remain at $250 for the school year. Since fees are paid by all students, including those receiving scholarship assistance, the plan will en- able the increase to be borne by the entire student body.

General College fees cover registra- tion, library, athletics, and student acti- vity fees. The boost will increase semes- ter fee costs to $76. The total costs for boarding students attending Millsaps, in- cluding tuition and fees, will be $336.

In commenting on the increase Dr. Finger said, "Students for whom the in- crease will mean an established hard- ship may be assured of receiving scholar- ship assistance."

Within recent years most privately supported colleges and universities have been forced to make substantial increases A significant moment in the history of a church and a college is shared by three who have invested their lives in both. Dr. H. E. Finger, Jr., left, president of in tuition and fees to remain in opera- Millsaps College, receives a check for $1250 from Wade Russell, Kosciusko, in tion. The increase announced by Millsaps final payment of the First Methodist Church quota on the Million for Millsaps is modest and late in comparison to campaign. The Reverend W. R. Richerson, pastor of the Kosciusko church, looks action sister institutions. on with satisfaction. Russell will enroll at Millsaps as a freshman in the fall. taken by

Page Six MAJOR NOTES Church as an organization at work for Alumni Fund Goes to Work the strengthening of the College and of Scholarship Fund Grows Christian higher education. Because Millsaps Alumni have re- The Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mars Scholar- first sponded with generosity to the ship fund has been increased $1,000 to Col- annual Alumni Fund Campaign, the bring the total of the gift to $9,000. lege has been able to purchase an organ Alumni Loyalty Praised The additional amount was given by to be used for the instruction of music Mrs. C. W. Mars and her sons, Norman, students. Recognition of the loyal and devoted Henry, and Lewis, of Philadelphia, Mis- The new Moller organ has been in- service being given the College by the sissippi, to supplement the fund. of stalled in the Music Hall at a cost Alumni Association has come from the Awarded each year to a students deserving ,f4,50() and is now being used by Board of Trustees. ministerial s t u de n t, the scholarship of Mrs. John Sigman, organ instructor. At the March 8 amounts to $250.00 per year. For the first time in Millsaps College meeting of the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association, liistory adequate organ instruction is be- President Craig ing provided for students on the cam- Castle read a letter addressed to him from Dr. J. pus, and the excellence of this instruc- N. Golding, Election Fime Again secretary of the Board of Trustees. tion has been made possible through A Forest attorney alumni gifts. Text of the letter is as follows: "The and a Jackson in- surance Wider areas of service and improved Board of Trustees of Millsaps College executive have been nominated for president of the instruction lie ahead for tlie College requested me to extend to you, and to Millsaps College Alumni Association because of the increasing loyalty of the the members of the Alumni Association, for the 19.57-58 term. Dr. Thomas G. Ross, beneficiaries of her guidance, her aluinni. its cordial and sincere thanks for the nominating com- mittee chairman, very fine contribution you are making announced that Mill- saps Alumni will to the College. Your continuing support choose Ijetween George Pickett, Jackson, and help means much to the ongoing of and O. B. Triplett, Forest, Associates Meet Millsaps. That which you have done for the top office in the Asso- ciation. and are now doing is deeply appreciated On April 0th, another milestone in the The by the Board." nominating committee named six Millsaps College march of progress at active Millsaps alumni as candidates for was reached when nearly sixty men met vice president. They were: Mrs. Ross in the Forum Room of the Liliraiy to Barnett, Jackson; Reynolds Cheney, discuss the future of the College. New Music Instructor Jackson; G. C. Clark, Jackson; The It was the first meeting of the Mill- Reverend Roy Clark, Jackson; Dr. Turner saps Associates, an organization com- Fred H. Purser, Jr., has joined the Morgan, Jackson; and Dr. Charles of the slate posed persons throughout Millsaps faculty as instructor in the Wright, Jackson. Alumni voted for three whose duty it will be to work with the nuisic department. He is teaching music of the six nominees. administration and the Board of Trustees theory and piano in strengthening the program of the and will direct the .\r I'RESS TIME College. IMillsaps band be- <). I!. Triplett was named president The Associates membership is drawn gimiing in Septem- of I the Association for the year 19.57- from alumni and other friends, who aie ber. 58. The announcement was made at interested in making certain that Mill- For t li e past the annual Alumni Dav Banquet on saps College is equal to the great chal- three years Purser .May II. lenges and responsibilities of the years has served as band Elected to serve with Triplett were which lie ahead. ilirector with the the Reverend *>1 • Roy Clark, .Mrs. Ross President H. E. Finger, Jr., preside

SPRING, 1957 Page Seven oAlumnus Named College President

A Millsaps College graduate has b^en appointed president of Wood Junior College' in Mathiston, Mississippi. He is the Reverend Felix Sutphin, pastor of Grenada Methodist Church _ and a leader in the North Mississippi Conference of the Methodist Church. The announce- ment was made by Bishop Marvin A. Franklin, of the Jackson Area, and Miss Muriel Day, executive secretary of the Bureau of Educational Institutions of the Women's Division of Christian Service. Sutphin will become president of

Wood Junior College on June 1, succeed- ing Dr. Charles Morgan who has served as president of the College since 1946. The debate team has retained its usual high rating this year. Looking over the He attended Wood Junior College before schedule are Jim Finley, Finley, Tennessee; Paul Kern, Morton; Professor Grady McWhiney, debate coach; Robert Mims, Jackson; and Don Lisle, Greenwood. entering Millsaps in 1038. Finley and Lisle were undefeated for the season. Following his graduation from Mill- saps, the Reverend Sutphin entered the model clubs of the nation's best Emory University where he received his alumni association. Alumnus Contributes Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1944. On January 17, 1957, the New York He has served the following pastorates Area Alumni met at the Williams Club To Medical Advance since returning to Mississippi: Blue in New York City to hear an address Mountain, Baldwyn, Drew, and Grenada, by President Finger and to enjoy fel- A Millsaps alumnus was a member of where he is completing his sixth year. lowship with the men and women who a team reporting a key development in leader in the Million for Millsaps A claimed Millsaps as Alma Mater. heart surgery which will prolong the campaign, the Reverend Sutphin is an Dr. Finger si^oke of the program of time the heart can beat without a blood active and loyal alumnus of Millsaps Col- the College, its aims, its plans for the supply. lege, and his appointment as president of future and of his philosophy of educa- He is Dr. Hector S. Howard, a member Wood College received enthusiastic ap- tion. Interest was high. In fact, a meet- of the class of '48 and a resident of proval from the campus community. ing which began at 7 p.m. finally ended Jackson. Upon accepting the appointment, the when the last reluctant good-byes were Dr. Howard and Dr. Watts R. Webb, Reverend Sutphin said, "Wood Junior said at 11:30 p.m. Credit for the success who worked with him, made the report College occupies a unique place in the of the evening goes to chairman Vic at the meeting of the Society of Uni- church and educational circles of Mis- Roby, 1938, who engineered the program, versity Surgeons at Ohio State Univer- sissippi and we hope, under God's guid- publicity and arrangements. sity in February. ance, to see her forth fully fill go and Despite the fact that the demands of that place." Research studies were made in which city life are great and the miles between animals were maintained on a He is married to the former Elene are even greater, graduates and former pump Mathiston, is a Wood oxygenerator while both cardiac inflow Brooks, of who students in the New Y^ork Area have graduate. have two children. and outflow wei'e cut off. They demonstrated a willingness to put Mill- Wood Junior College is supported by saps College high on their list of The doctors said blood was flushed Division of Christian Ser- the Women's loyalties. from vessels of the isolated heart and vice the of Methodist Church. Included in the group which met on lung with an electrolytic solution. January 17 were Harold Boutwell, 1941; Under these conditions the heart Charles Boyles, 1953; E. J. Ferris, Jr., ceases to beat and loses its irritability. Reunion In New York 1940; Lanier Hunt, 1924; Conan A. Millstein, 1938; Francis Hamilton, 1936- However, they reported, "resumption of The true value of events and institu- 38; John Fenton, 1951-53; Fred Holla- blood flow after periods up to 90 minutes tions can frequently best be appraised day, 1933; Alton F. Minor, 1936; Paul have been followed by an easy restora- from the vantage point of years and and Effie (Register) Ramsey, 1935 and tion of cardiac function." Such a time distance. 1937-38; Lawrence Waring, 1942; Claire period is "adequate for any surgical New York is perhaps the smallest King, 1956; Dorothy Sherman, 1939-41; Millsaps Area Club in existence, but its and Mrs. Lanier Hunt, Mrs. Vic Roby, maneuver, including cardiac transplan- enthusiasm and loyalty is on a par with and Mrs. Fred Holliday, friends. tation."

Page Eight MAJOR NOTES Some Things Are



By DR. GEORGE L. MADDOX Associate Professor of Sociology

The assertion that the use of beverage alcohol is everybody's business may sug- gest moral prudishness and intolerance to some. Yet the demonstrable physio- from school without at least one ex- adult behavior ("to see what it was logical effects of alcohol on the human perience with alcohol. The teen-agers like."). Drinking as rebellion against body must be faced. correctly perceive that most adults are adult authority was rarely indicated as In given quantities ingested alcohol not abstainers. Jloreover, most of the a motive among these students. acts as a depressant which affects co- students in these studies reported that Less than one in five of the high ordination, perception and judgment. their first "tasting" experiences came in school students in these studies consid- Consequently it is not just the drinker's the home with parents present. Their ered abstinence a moral imperative and business when he drives an automobile drinking tended to increase with age, there appeared to be no close correlation or operates a complex machine under approaching a peak about the time of between church membership and absti- the influence of alcohol. It is not just graduation when most of them expected nence among them. the drinker's business when over four to assume adult-like responsibilities of Significantly, the overwhelming ma- million of his fellow drinkers become marriage, a full-time job, or entrance jority of the students conceived of bever- addicts. The fact that some drinking into the armed forces. age alcohol as a social beverage rather results in inebriety and addiction makes Drinking than as an addictive drug. Few of them the use of beverage alcohol everj'body's Reasons for conceived alcoholism or inebriety as a business. What reasons did these teen-agers problem for themselves or their friends. give for their drinking? Simply, they If this is true, it should follow that reported drinking (1) to indicate to It is clear from these studies that an intelligent concern about the use of others something about themselves ("a adolescents in our society—those on the alcohol should also be everybody's busi- real man," "a regular guy," "grown- way to becoming adults—have learned ness. Intelligent concern assumes factual up") (2) to identify themselves with a great deal about the use of beverage information. Intelligent concern assumes ; the group ("to be one of the crowd," alcohol. It is less clear that they have that one is at least as interested in un- "not to be left out") or (3) to experi- an adequate perspective about possible derstanding why individuals drink as ment prematurely with widely observed consequences of drinking for themselves in the problems which result from some or others. It is clear that they appre- drinking. ciate what alcohol can do for them with- Why do two out of three adult Ameri- out being equally clear about what This is the first of a series of cans use alcoholic beverages in spite of alcohol can do to themselves and to articles written by Millsaps College undisputed problems associated with in- others. It is not clear that they are professors which we hope will become ebriety and alcoholism? Research leads aware of the patterns of behavior which a regular feature of MAJOR NOTES. one inescapably to the conclusion that are acceptable alternatives to drinking. Alumni frequently fail to appreciate individuals drink primarily because they For those who have an intelligent their instructors fully until their perceive that alcohol does something for concern for the problem aspects of drink- classroom experience has ended. These them as well as to them and that what ing in our society such as inebriety, features will allow all of us to bene- they hope alcohol will do for them is alcoholism, alcohol education or therapy fit from the years of research and sufficiently attractive to offset what for the alcoholic, there is something study represented in the lives of the alcohol may do to them. This point is that can be done, and now. Increasing- faculty at Millsaps—and at a time well documented in the findings of a ly, committees are appearing in com- when, perhaps, we can appreciate its series of studies of uses of alcoholic munities to study the uses of alcohol true value. Dr. George .Maddox, who beverages among teen-agers in high objectively and to make recommendations is the writer of the following article, schools located in selected areas of five for community action. Other committees has done extensive study in the field states. These findings may be summar- have devoted attention to the problems of alcohol education. He is a 1949 ized briefly. of getting information to and providing graduate of Millsaps. It is the rare student who graduates (Continued on Page 24)

SPRING, 1957 Page Nine J^eadership^ Teamwork Seen in Alumni Program

Teamwork is building the Alumni As- sociation into an organization of para- mount importance to the College. Volunteer workers and College admin- istration officials are the members of that most effective team. Results of their devoted work are to be seen in many fields. This year Craig Castle, association ]iresident, heads the volunteers and is furnisliing excellent leadership. A ca- llable organizer and a loyal supporter of I\Iillsaps since his graduation in lf)4T, the Jackson lawyer has directed a vigor- ous program during the 1956-57 term, and activity will continue at a fast pace through June 30 when the new adminis- tration will take over. Other officials on the volunteer team are: W. J. Caraway, Leland; Fred Ezelle, Jackson; and Martha Gerald, Jackson, vice presidents; and Mrs. T. F. Larche, Jackson, recording secretary. Working through committees the 45 Board of Directors When Mrs. Mciritt Queen (Dorothea Mitchell, l!i:)ri) vUiud the lampus recently, member has pro- she was accompanied by her children and her father. Dr. B. E. Mitchell, emeritus moted, among other projects, the fol- professor of mathematics. Here Business Manager .1. W. Wood does a bit of lowing activities : alumni-football team advanced recruiting with the Queen children as his objective. Pictured, from the chicken fry; football season ticket sales left, are Mrs. Queen; Jeffrey, aged .{; Bethany, aged 8; Dr. Mitchell; Mr. Wood; and Christopher, aged 12. The Queens live in Koslyn Heights, New York. campaign; the first Alumni Fund; reor- ganized and enlarged Board of Directors; Homecoming; Alumni Day; alumnus of Eskridge, '53 and '52-'54; Julia Allen; the year selection; location of missing Jim Burnett, and Ed Upton, '56. Other Duke Club Meets alumni; and increased alumni participa- Millsaps alumni in the area sent tion in college activities. greetings. A full scale alumni club meeting in They've done all this and more In reporting on the experience Dean Durham, North Carolina, developed last through four Board meetings, eight meet- McCracken said, "One of the most re- month when Dr. J. E. McCracken arrived ings of the executive committee, and warding things about the visit was the for the purpose of attending a profes- numerous committee meetings. fact that our alumni were so cordial and sional meeting. A salute to President Castle, his warm in their welcome and had such genial Dean of Students, always Board, and the many alumni-at-large The high opinions of the preparation they interested in Millsaps alumni, made a who are serving Millsaps College with had received here. These alumni had contact or two and soon the news made devotion. the consistent opinion that the degree the rounds. A simple "hello" had snow- from Millsaps had opened many doors balled into a good sized reunion. for them and established for them a of Duke University, '28 Durham, home better reputation in advance than they RetittioTt of Called always has its share of ex-Majors, and could have had otherwise. The genuine Bob and Alice (Ridgway) Blount, of this year's graduate school student body sincerity with which these opinions were Heidelberg, Germany, where Colonel had the usual quota. expressed constitutes a considerable com- Blount is stationed, have written their With Julia Allen, '54, and Jim Bur- pliment to the Millsaps faculty and classmates asking that they join them nett, '55, serving as organizers, a supper staff." at Millsaps in 1958 for the 30th anni- get-together was arranged in the gra- versary of their graduation. duate men's dining hall on the Duke The reunion, a special, would be heid campus. McCracken reported on events HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN on Homecoming Day in October when and plans back home and the "Millsaps SOMETHING? the regular get-togethers are scheduled. Club" members shared their experiences. A pair of black gloves and a plastic This year's Homecoming is set for It was a wonderful evening, from all raincoat were found in the Christian October 19. Regularly scheduled reunions reports. Center after Homecoming. include the classes of 1946, 1945, 1944, Among those attending were Louis and 1943, 1927, 1926, 1925, 1924, the twenty- If the persons who lost these items Helen (Davis) Hodges, '54; Sid and fifth for 1933, and the fiftieth for 1908. will contact the Public Relations de- Martha (Greenwood) Head, '54; Keith As usual, the Early Days classes will partment on the campus the office and Winnie (Hargrove) Dix, '54 and hold their annual get-together for those will be glad to return the articles. '53-'55; Jim and Marianne (McCorniack) (Continued on Page 21)

Page Ten MAJOR NOTES They Ministered to Thousands

Qood and Faithful Servants

The campus flag hung at half-mast Master's Degree from Peabody College included a Bachelor of Arts degree from twice within recent months. Death had and did additional graduate work at the Centenary College, a Master of Arts ended the earthly careers of Dr. John same institution. It was during the degree from the University of Missis- Magruder Sullivan and Mrs. Mary B. summer of 1931 that Mrs. Stone joined sippi and Vanderbilt University, and a Stone, two devoted servants of Christian the Milisaps faculty as assistant pro- Doctor of Philo.sophy degree from \'an- higher education. fessor of English. She became dean of derbilt.

Mrs. Stone had returned to her classes women soon after her affiliation witli He gave his life to ^lillsaps College, professor of English since 1931, died the College and endeared herself to and the students who "sat at his feet" suddenly on December IDth. In failing hunderds of students as a counselor and were privileged to be associated with health for several years, Mrs. Stone friend. In 1953 Mrs. Stone retired from a great and good man. His love for his continued to teach and had met her lier position as dean of women, but she fellowman and his dedication to ihe classes in the Christian Center building continued to serve the College faithfully quest for knowledge and truth directed the day before she was stricken. and well as professor of English. She his life and inspired his associates. In will be remembered fondly as one of the Active until the last. Dr. Sullivan his report to the Board of Trustees at chaperones of the Milisaps Singers tour suffered a stroke in his home on Park the midyear meeting President Finger choir, an assignmnt she accepted with Avenue while writing a letter to one wrote, "No more gallant soul ever lived. pleasure and carried out with enthu- of his children. He succumbed after a Since his retirement he has continued siasm. to bless this College community with brief hospitalization. He retired in 1 947 after 45 years of active service o)i the Her impatience with siothfulness, her his sense of rich humor, his warm spirit faculty, but his love for the college and frankness, and her insistence on ex- of friendship, his ever growing devotion his interest in all of its activities con- cellence in the classroom made their con- to the College and his alertness of mind, tinued until his final illness. tribution to the strength of Milisaps body and spirit that shamed even the College. Her many talents enabled her most vigorous of all the rest of us." Mrs. Stone had returned to her classes to serve the College and the community Those who knew and studied under in the fall after a heroic battle with a equally well. Among the activities to Mrs. Stone and Dr. Sullivan can be continuing illness. She had hoped to which she gave unselfishly of her time thankful for the truth of Tennyson's teach the last full year of her active was the class she taught in the Galloway lines in "Ulysses": "I am a part of all career before retiring in June. Memorial Methodist Church Sunday that I have met." A graduate of Randolph-Macon Col- School and the Altrusa Club of Jackson. Two faithful servants of the College lege for Women, she received her Dr. Sullivan's educational preparation have gone to their reward.

^^i 1/'

SPRING, 1957 Page Eleven oAlumni Day Growing In Importance

Alumni Day, the annual spring in- gathering of Millsaps men and women, is on the record book as another memor- able success. For the second consecutive year the program emphasized the continuing edu- cation theme, with afternoon seminars conducted by Millsaps professors again proving to be of great interest to alumni and their friends. The May 11th day-long agenda was climaxed by the annual Alumni Day banquet and alumnus Turner Cassity's gi'ipping two act play in its premiere showing by the Millsaps Players. Dr. H. E. Finger, Jr., spoke following the dinner to a large audience on the state of the College. Included in the group attending the banquet were mem- bers of the class of 1957, who were wel- comed into the Alumni Association by President Craig Castle. Larry Tynes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gycelle Tynes, 1933 and 1936, responded as president of the senior class. One of the high points of the year's alumni program came during the after- noon seminars. Three separate, intense- ly interested groups of alumni, students, and friends from the city of Jackson

heard the following lectures: "What's Although change is inevitable, some things seem to remain constant. Millsaps Wrong with Modern Poetry," by Dr. M. coeds, through the years, have represented beauty in its finest sense. The students C. White; "The Middle East and the pictured were contestants in the Maid of Cotton contest held annually in Memphis. They are, from the left, Ruth Land, Jackson; Kegina Harlan, Jackson; Susan Future," by Dr. J. S. Ferguson; and Young, Greenwood; Laurene Walker, Greenwood; Yvonne Moss, Tchula; and "The Birth of an Adult," by Dr. J. E. Frances Bryan, West Point. McCracken. Early arrivals enjoyed coffee in the contributing to an on-going worth- Christian Center lounge and were joined and Received while cause. later in the morning by fellow alumni Memorial Gifts The money received from Mrs. Cabell for a tour of points of interest on the Two gifts to the 1956-1957 Alumni and the Taylors will be used to strength- rapidly changing campus. Others re- Fund have been received as memorials en the College in areas of greatest need. laxed in the Christian Center auditorium to members of the Millsaps College com- and watched the color-sound movie, munity who died during the current "Campus Close-up." session. Report On Music Those who spent the day on the com- Contributions in memory of Mrs. J. E. Inauguration year for the re-estab- pus enjoyed a lunch "student-style" in J. Ferguson, mother of Dean James S. lished music department has been a the cafeteria. Ferguson, and James William Gulledge, busy one. While their fellow alumni relaxed, Millsaps senior, were recorded by the Under the direction of Holmes members of the Board of Directors met Fund in recent weeks. The Ferguson Ambrose, chairman of the department, in committees and prepared reports for memorial was given by Mrs. Frank musical activities have reached a new the Alumni Day meeting of the Board. Cabell, 1935, and the Gulledge memorial high. Again this spring, alumni who hadn't by Mr. and Mrs. Zach Taylor, Jr., 1944 One of the highlights of the year, of taken part in a College function for and 1945. course, was "South Pacific," which was years joined the ever-growing number of Mrs. Ferguson, wife of the Reverend presented by the music and drama de- regulars who are demonstrating their J. E. J. Ferguson, retired Methodist partments. Mr. Ambrose, who served as loyalty by attending as often as possible. minister, died on January 8th after a musical director, received special praise. Spirit was excellent, interest was high. lengthy illness. A car accident claimed According to one reviewer, "The control It was another great day for Millsaps the life of Gulledge and a companion exercised over the orchestra by Holmes and her alumni. in March. Ambrose was magnificent. Not once did If you missed this one you'll have an- The memorial gift is an appropriate the musicians cover a vocalist. The or- other chance October 19th. Mark your and increasingly popular method of giv- chestra was beautifully muted yet re- calendar now. That's Homecoming—and ing which provides the donor with the tained a richness and fullness which gave its planned for you! opportunity to honor the deceased by (Continued on Page 21)

Page Twelve MAJOR NOTES :

cAlumni In Higher Education Serving The Nation Well

One of the most pressing needs in the ern Michij^an College; David Donald, '41, Mississippi; Marjorie Miller, '41, South- nation today is for teachers in the field Co'umbia; Harold J. Douglas, '42, Tran- eastern Louisiana College; Frank Mit- of hig;her education. The college popula- sylvania; K. P. Faust, '40, Perkinston chell, '19, Duke University (retired) ; tion is growing' much more rapidly than ,'iinior College; James S. Ferguson, '37, Elise Moore, '18, Mississippi State Col- the supply of qualified men and women Millsaps; Homer E. Finger, Jr., '37, lege for Women.

who must provide the instruction. Millsaps; Arden O. French, '27, Lou- Sanford Newell, '50, Converse College; IVIillsaps alumni are striving to meet isiana State University; Henry Marvin Carl Ray Newsoni, '38, Union College; '10, that need. A recently conducted survey Frizell, Jones County Junior College; Clarence Norton, '19, Wofford College; reveals that eighty alumni are employed Charles B. Galloway, '33, Millsaps; Shirley Parker, '53, Millsaps; Avery '18, by colleges and universities. The list is William B. Gates, Texas Tech; Philp, '42, Mt. Union College; J. B. by no means complete; there are doubt- Marvin Gieger, '08, Mississippi State; Price, '26, Millsaps; Robert Paul Ramsey, less many more. Floyd Gillis, '42, Massachusetts Institute '35, Princeton; William Ross, '42, Lou- No attempt was made to name the of Technology; Willis Glover, '34-'35, isiana State University; Sidney Sebren, students who are serving as graduate Mercer University; Mrs. Marguerite '49, Mississippi State; Bayliss Shanks, '17-'18, assistants in graduate schools. Many of Watkins Goodman, Millsaps. '38, Vanderbilt; John C. Simms, '27, these will enter the field of teaching- Isaac Alanson Goss, '49, Millsaps; North Georgia College; Otis Singletary, after their schooling. Kora Graves, '36, Perkinston Junior '47, University of Texas; Warren Smith, The list of Millsaps men and women College; John K. Hampton, '47, '44, Mississippi State College for Women; in higher education, as compiled by the Tulane; Paul Hardin, '36, Millsaps; Cruee Stark, '34, Kilgore Junior College; alumni office with the help of the faculty Robert Harmon, '15, George Washington Bethany Swearingen, '25, Millsaps; Mack and especially Dr. and Jilrs. Ross Moore, University; Joseph Robert Harris, '26, Svvearingen, '22, Elmira College; Yewell is as follows Hinds Junior College; Robert A. Hassell, Reynolds Thompson, '48, University of Robert E. Anding, '48, Millsaps; John '31, Southern Methodist University; John Alabama; Janice Trimble, '43, Univer- Bettersworth, '29, Mississippi State; R. Hillman, '23, Texas A & M; Dale sity of Chicago; B. A. Tucker, '25, Marvin M. Black, '21, University of Mis- Lavonne Hudson, '50, Jones County Southeastern Louisiana College; Ormond sissippi; O. D. Bonner, '39, University Junior College; Mitchell Carter Huntley, Van Hook, '18, Mississippi Southern; of South Carolina; Robert Whitefield '20, Alabama Polytechnic Institute; John S. Warren, '25, Hendrix College; Bullen, '47, Mississippi State; M. L. Tlieodore Johnston, '47, University of Vernon Wharton, '28, Southwestern Lou- Burks, '25, North West Junior College; Buffalo; Mrs. Ayrlene McGahey Jones, isiana Institute; Robert Lewis Williams, Philip Burton, '43, Vanderbilt; Elmer '35, University of Alabama; Gwin Kolb, '25, University of Michigan; Edwin Dean Calloway, '48, Birmingham South- '41, University of Chicago; James H. Craft Wilson, '43, Pennsylvania Military ern; L. '48, '32-'35, Bowman Clarke, University Lemly, University of Georgia; College; J. W. Wood, '56, Millsaps; J. of Mississippi; Hugh Clegg, '20, Uni- James J. Livesay, '41, Millsaps; Henry D. Wroten, '41, Millsaps; and Donald S. versity of Mississippi; Mrs. Magnolia Lutrick, '48, Delta State; Frank H. Youngblood, '47, Southern Methodist Simpson Coullet, '24, Millsaps; Herbert Lyell, '27-'29, University of Texas; Wil- University. Rush Craig, '43, San Jose State College; liam Forest McCormick, '25, Mississippi The Millsaps faculty is constantly en- Wiley Hyram Critz, '41, Princeton; State College for Women; John Miller deavoring to encourage current students Frank Cross, '24, East Central Junior Maclaehlan, '30, University of Florida; College; Haver Cecil Currie, '30, Houston George L. Maddox, Jr., '49, Millsaps; to consider seriously the field of educa- Univei-sity; Charles L. Darby, '49, West- Freddie Ray Marshall, '49, University of tion as a career.

It was very early in the morning and the lights burned late in Whitworth Hall. The reason? Exams began the next day. j

SPRING, 1957 Page Thirteen Art Excellent Record World Premiere

One indication of the quality of the academic pi-ogram of a college is found The world premiere of "The Inverted in the number of graduates who con- Year," by Turner Cassity, '51, was the tinue their studies and in the number year's final presentation for the Players. who receive scholarships. It was the second premiere in Players Eight students have already received history and the first by an alumnus. the 1957-58 year. substantial grants for Cassity's play is an adaptation of Jean Others are expected to receive notifica- Stafford's novella, A Winter's Tale. The end of the tion of awards before the title of the play is taken from a line in year. William Cowper's poem, "The Task": Sandra Miller, Greenwood senior, has "O Winter, ruler of the inverted year." granted a Fullbright scholarship. been "The Inverted Year" concerns an She will study at the University of American girl at the University of Clermont-Ferrand and has selected Heidelberg in 1936 and a Nazi flyer. modern French drama as her main field. Nazi activities, such as the burning of The amount of the grant is approxi- the books, the war against the Jews, and mately $1800. the civil war in Spain, are related. A Woodrow Wilson Fellowship to the Twentieth Century Fox talent scout Ben A freshman and two of the stais of Eastman School of Music of the Univer- ISard listens to a reading by Claudette Hall, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, in one the fall presentation of "Othello" played sity of Rochester has been awarded to of several interviews he held on the the leads in "The Invei'ted Year." The Sam Jones, Jackson senior and student Millsaps campus. Millsaps was one of role of Fanny Harahan, the Boston girl body president. Awarded on invitation 30 colleges in the West, Midwest, and about whom the play is centered, fea- only and only upon nomination by mem- South visited by Bard in a nationwide talent search. (Photo by Frank Hains) tured Laura Smith, Vicksburg freshman. bers of the academic profession, the Lt. Max Rossler, the Nazi flyer, and fellowship covers tuition and fees for Persis Gait were played by Dick Blount, one year and has an additional sizeable Jackson, and Mary Russell Ragsdale, subsistence provision. Millsaps Is Scene Memphis, Tennessee. In "Othello" they senior Barbara Swann is the Jackson played the roles of Othello and Em.ilia. recipient of a scholarship to George The authenticity of details of the play Peabody College for Teachers in Nash- Talent Search Of was certain from the beginning. Peter ville, Tennessee. She will complete the Stocks, Bottrop, Ger- work for her Master of Arts degree at a freshman from Millsaps College is of thirty served in George Peabody and plans to enter the one many, who the German Navy schools in the Midwest, and South during II, on to field of clinical psychology. West, World War was hand selected by 20th Century Fox studios as give helpful information. In addition, The Rockefeller Brothers Theological a potential source of new talent for '..he Dick Blount lived in Germany last year Fellowship Program has awarded a $1200 moving picture industry. while attending a branch of the Univer- fellowship for one year of study in Ben Bard, director of talent for sity of Maryland at Munchen. His seminary to Graham Hales. A Jack- new parents. Colonel and Mrs. R. E. Blount sonian, Hales was one of 45 students in Fox, spent two days on the campus getting acquainted with (Alice Ridgway), '28 and '29, are sta- the nation to win one of the scholar- meeting and "possible stars tomorrow." tioned in Heidelberg. ships. He will study at Southern Baptist of Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. The selection of Millsaps as talent Cassity is presently serving as libra- "hunting ground" is high tribute to Jackson Municipal Library. Lawrence Shepherd, of Columbia, and a rian of the the stature and reputation of the Players Noted chiefly as a poet, he has had Harry Bowling, Jackson, received chem- and director Lance Goss. many poems published in leading poeti-y istry scholarships. Shepherd's grant, According to insiders, Bard expressed magazines. He is at work at present on from the University of Illinois, was definite interest in several students, who a series of sketches on the Caribbean. $1700 plus tuition and fees. Bowling, will follow up their initial interview by In a Purple and White interview who will attend Louisiana State Univer- sending pictures and data to Hollywood. Cassity said that he feels that writing sity, was awarded an $1800 scholarship. If the students make a favorable im- talent is innate and that Millsaps, be- cause "it is thorough in the best old- The Atomic Energy Commission pression on a committee of four, which includes Bard, they will be invited to fashioned sense in its curriculum, i.e. awarded fellowships to Billy Ray Davis, Hollywood for a three-month expense- not watered down," is a good institution Foster, Jackson. Natchez, and Billy Evon paid course at the Fox studios. At the in which to begin a literary career. They will study radiological physics. The end of that time, if they show sufficient While at Millsaps Cassity was editor with promise, they will be screen-tested. basic amount of the grant is $2500, of the Bobashela, a member of Omicron tuition, fees, and travel expenses paid An actor himself. Bard has played in Delta Kappa, Kit Kat, Eta Sigma Phi, many films, including the part of Cap- by the commission. Kappa Alpha fraternity, and was named tain Brissac in the first Academy Award to Who's Who. He received his M.S. in winning film, "Seventh Pleaven." somewhere—"Americans library science from Stanford University Stolen from He opened a private school for actors, have more time-saving devices and less developing such stars as Alan Ladd, and an MA in English from Columbia time than any people on earth." (Continued on Page 24) University.

Page Fourteen MAJOR NOTES Qraduate Pioneers In

Educational Television






A Millsaps alumna is teaching the She taught mathematics at Central High have television sets attuned to the Uni- nation's first statewide educational School in Jackson for several years be- versity telecasts for instruction in class- course in mathematics by television. fore accepting a position with the Divi- rooms when Master's degree instruction Mrs. Ayrlene McGahey Jones, '35, in- sion of Defense Research for the U. S. is not available. structor of mathematics at the Univer- Navy at the University of Texas. The University presents live in-school sity of Alabama, is pioneering in edu- During World War II she taught math programs for elementary or high school cation by television. Already her work under the V-12 program at Millsaps. classes in ceramics, music, sciences, home is being paralleled in many other states She also taught at Mississippi Southern economics, and French. Programs for on a smaller scale. before going to the University of adults include college-credit courses in The Alabama Education Television Alabama. Spanish, trigonometry, and American Network opens avenues for college edu- At Alabama her television duties take and cultural programs in music, biology, cation to thousands of citizens of Ala- precedence. The present program was interpretation of great ideas, literature, bama. The mathematics course begun by begun less than a year ago. It has proven home nursing, and Alabama history. Mrs. Jones last June was the predecessor so popular that the University now of- Mrs. Jones uses chai'ts and drawings of the present program. fers twenty-two live half-hour programs to illustrate her points in her teaching, Following her graduation from Mill- and twenty-seven half-hour films each the television cameras following every saps, Mrs. Jones received her Master's week. line on the blackboard and picking up degree from the University of Texas. At least twentv-six Alabama schools all verbal as well as visual instructions.

SPRING, 1957 Page Fifteen McComh Area Club Teaching, Graduate Study Is Boosting Millsaps Attract 1957 Seniors

When Tommy Parker, 1954, was elect- By SHIRLEY CALDWELL ed president of the McComb Area Mill- Millsaps College is bearing its share saps Club, he announced that, with the of the load of supplying teachers and help of his fellow alumni, he would do graduate school material. One hundred everything in his power to make the seventy-four seniors will receive degrees organization an active, effective force from Millsaps College on June 2. An for the College during his term of office. amazingly large number of these will Parker's term expired in April, and enter graduate school, and another large the record shows he was a man of group will become teachers. his word. The office of the Dean of Students With the help of his officers and made a survey to determine what the interested club members the McCorab seniors would do upon graduation. One area has served the College in an out- hundred twenty-four students had re- standing' manner in the area of student turned the questionnaire at press time. recruitment. Of this number, almost half, 61, planned to do further study. Fifty were planning On April 9, the Club, which inehules Pike and Amite County alumni and to teach. Others were entering the armed services, the field of religious friends, held its annual spring recruit- education, were planning ment picnic at Percy Quinn State Park. to become Lined with stately oaks, the walk from homemakers, or had not made decisions. More than 30 promising high school Miirrah Hall past the library to the Of those seniors were guests of honor at the late bus stop siTves the current student who were planning to enter graduate school, afternoon outing. It was the second generation. It guards well the memories 18 intended to study of the past, too. recruitment party staged by the club medicine; 16, theology; 6, law; 3, psy- chology; English; in two years, and for the second time 2, 2, biology; 2, chemistry; 2, geology. Other fields it was an outstanding success. which were listed were pharmacy, edu- cation, economics, sociology, religion, oc- The Reverend Raymond Wesson, of Early Graduates cupational therapy, math, and music. McComb, has been named president Two graduates will do advanced language of the McComb Area Millsaps Club. study. One selected German, the other Wesson was elected at the spring Taken By Death French. meeting of the group on April 9. Secondary education was the choice Dr. J. B. Cain, of Magnolia, was Within recent months the years have of the larger number of those who elected vice president and Mrs. Perry taken their toll among the members of planned to teach. Thirty-five chose to Bunche, McComb, w a s re-elected the Early Days Club. teach in high schools, while only 15 secretary-treasurer. The Reverend Luke Alford, one of named elementary education. three surviving members of the class of It is significant and encouraging that '57 Public Relations Director Jim Livesay 1897, passed away on January 14, after the majority of the Class of are talked with the seniors about their plans a long illness. He was among the very planning to enter graduate school and for the future; and Nancy Boyd, Betty first to sign the register when the Col- the field of teaching. Advanced educa- Oldham, and Marler Stone, Jackson lege opened for its first session in 1892. tion is needed in this day of specializa- freshmen, entertained the guests with a On April 19, Wharton Green, who tion, and the need for teachers is critical. musical program. received his Bachelor of Arts degree in The decisions of these 111 students speak Alumni present proved to be most 1898, died suddenly at his home in for the influence of Millsaps teachers efficient salesmen for the College, tak- Murray Hill, New Jersey. He was one and the quality of the students. Major ing the opportunity to follow up on of five living members of the class of Notes applauds both. contacts made earlier with promising 1898. students. Alford, who was 83, was a retir«:d plea for support of the Million for Mill- Working with Parker during his term Methodist minister. He served for many saps campaign before a joint session of were H. A. Nowell, Woodville, vice presi- years as a member of the Board of the state's two Methodist conferences in dent; Mrs. Perry Bunche, McComb, secre- Trustees of Millsaps College. He was 1954 was one of the most memorable tary-treasurer; and a number of others the oldest member of the Mississippi events in the history of the College. who accepted assignments ranging from Conference of the Methodist Church and Green had distinguished himself as a publicity to "chef duties" at recruitment had been presiding elder of the Vicks- professional engineer in the East, mov- functions. burg and Meridian districts. ing to New York soon after his gradua- Club is currently The McComb Area A native of McComb, he had lived with tion from Millsaps College. Among his setting the pace among the nine Millsaps his son. Dr. John Alford, in Starkville for notable contributions to the field of en- Clubs established since 1954. the past three years. gineering are several large buildings in New York City, the United States Em- John D. Stringer led his section Historic Appeal bassy in Tokyo, the Triborough Bridge scholastically for the first three quarters Deeply devoted to Millsaps College in New York and the Lincoln Tunnel. at the University of Tennessee College and active in its behalf as long as health He served as liaison engineer for the of Dentistry. would permit, Brother Alford's dramatic (Continued on Page 25)

Page Sixteen MAJOR NOTES ^^ ^^South Pacific Breaks All Records


There hasn't been so much excitement forming before seven o'clock. heads of the respective departments, on the hill in ages. We're talking about One reason for the popularity of the have opened a new field for Millsaps. the College production of "South Paci- Rodgers and Hammerstein musical is The play is the source of such per- fic," naturally. Not only was it an the play itself. The Broadway produc- rennial favorites as "Some Enchanted outstanding presentation, but it also tion won twelve awards, among them Evening," "Younger Than Springtime," attracted the largest crowds ever to the Pulitzer Prize, and ran 1925 con- "I'm In Love With A Wonderful Guy," assemble on the campus for a dramatic secutive performances, topped only by "This Nearly Was Mine," "Bali Ha'i," or musical offering. "Oklahoma!" among musicals and by and "There Is Nothing Like a Dame," Millsaps productions, while consistent- only three dramatic successes. which received full justice in the hands directed, and well of Peggy Sanford, as Nellie Forbush; ly well acted, well Press Enthusiastic staged, have attracted small crowds in Henry Clements, as Emile de Becque; Another reason was the superb job Stone, as the past. Critics have expressed regret Marler Lt. Joseph Cable; done by the Players. There was no part that so few people take advantage of the Carolyn Allen, as Bloody Mary; and a which did not rate special notice by the opportunity offered by the Players to chorus of forty. David Franks added critics— the staging, (25 scenes, with 6 see some of the world's greatest plays the comic touch in the role of Luther sets, handled beautifully), the directing, produced in a near professional manner. Billis. the acting, the singing, the lighting, "South Pacific" has joined "Death "South Pacific" was presented March the musical direction, the dancing. Takes A Holiday" and "Death of a 7, 8, and 9. The first night almost every "South Pacific" was the first musical Salesman" in the Millsaps hall of memo- seat, including those in the balcony, in Millsaps' history. The drama depart- ries. It is hoped that the size of the were filled. Friday night persons were ment and the music department collab- crowd is an indication of things to turned away at the door. Saturday night orated in what proved to be a happy come: better audiences and more appre- lines for tickets for the 8:15 show began \inion. Lance Goss and Holmes Ambrose, ciation for Millsaps productions.

Jones, Coimtiss Families Mark Millsaps' Maturity

A college measures its maturity by n^any things— the growth of its student vUTu^i ALO^^N' body, the effectiveness of its curriculum, the strengthening of its financial and physical resources. Perhaps the most ^^yl« k\ satisfying yardstick, however, is the one Francoise .-Mlard of Paris, France, to to be found in the Countiss and Jones We welcome the following into the James Ogden, '43. Living in Saudi-Ara- families. Future Alumni Club of the Millsaps Col- bia. lege Alumni Association: When William Burwell Jones, II, and to Reverend Norma Jean Ashley the John R. Countiss, III, walked across the Lisa Ann Burch, born November 11 in '54. in Berry Whitehurst, Living Nash- platform to receive their diplomas that Denver, Colorado, to Dr. and Mrs. ville, Tennessee. warm June night in 1950, they became Howard B. Burch. Mrs. Burch is the '55, to Ann Elaine Booth, James J. the first third generation graduates in former Clarice Black, '55. Chepey. Living in Wilmington, Delaware. the history of the College. Vernon .Alan Burnham, born on Sep- Clara Parks Booth, '56, to John Mur- Their grandfathers before them had tember 28, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. J. V. ray Pinkston, Jr., '56. Living in Vicks- established the tradition. First came Burnham (Patti Laura Latham, '46). burg, Mississippi. William B. Jones, Sr., in 1897 and John He is their fifth son. Mary Ruth Brasher, '53-'54, to Thomas R. Countiss, Sr., in 1902. Then followed Judy Ann Campbell, born December E. Parker, '54. Living in McComb, Mis- George Jones in 1925 and John R. 17 to the Reverend and Mrs. Jim Camp- sissippi. Countiss, Jr., in 1926. bell, of Jackson. The Reverend Campbell Greta Bo Childress to Cecil Earl B. Jones, III, is is a 1951 graduate. Brown, Jr., '56. Living in Memphis, Today William a Tennessee. Methodist minister. He and his wife, Lee Ann Chapman, born August 22 Geraldine Marie Cipolla to Francis the former Carol Dean, are serving in to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brooks Chapman missionaries. Mitchell Beaird, Jr., '51. Living in Baton Chile as They accepted the (Dixie Lee Winborn, '55). The Chapmans Rouge, Louisiana. assignment shortly after Bill's gradua- live in Carmichael, California. Carolyn Marie Clogston to Wilbur tion from Candler School of Theology Sarah Eunice Davis, born July 12 to 1953. Irvin Luke, '53. Living in Jackson, Mis- at Emory University in Carrying Mr. and Mrs. Cecil B. Davis. Mrs. Davis, sissippi. on for the family at Millsaps today is the former Lois Rogers, graduated in Mary lona Connolly, '49-'51, to Louis Sarah Jones, a junior, the eighth member 1955. The couple have two other William Harvey. Living in Biloxi, Miss. of her family to attend. daughters. Harriet Crisler, '50-'52, to J. Richard John R. Countiss, III, is engaged in the Richard Corwine Dorman, born Janu- (Continued on Page 22) (Continued on Page 24) (Continued on Page 24)

SPRING, 1957 Poge Seventeen 93 REW Theme-— ^^Beyond Peace of Mind in Religion

Religious Emphasis Week was one of the high points of the year. Seldom has the campus been so stirred, the students so stimulated to think through to a mature faith, so compelled to examine their spiritual life. Dr. Peter A. Bertocci, professor of philosophy at Boston University, was the featured speaker. He attracted some of the largest crowds ever to attend a REW program, and students kept him long hours in the discussion groups. The theme of the program was "Be- yond Peace of Mind in Religion." The noted author and lecturer pointed out that the aim of religion is not peace of mind, but the unrest which leads to the attempt to "do something" about, not only the world's problems, but individual problems such as one's attitude toward his fellow man. The author of the textbook used by Millsaps in philosophy of religion courses, Intorduction lo the Philosophy of Reli- gion, he has also written Human Venture in Sex, Love and Marriage and The A visit to the campus made by Dr. Peter A. Bertocci, center, professor of philosophy Empirical Argument For God in Late at Boston University, recalled memories of graduate school days to three Millsaps British Thought. faculty members who attended Boston University. Dr. Bertocci was the Religious Dr. Bertocci received his MA degree Emphasis Week speaker. Appearing in the picture are John Stone, Jackson junior, president of the Christian Council; Dr. N. Bond Fleming, head of the philosophy his from Boston from Havard and PhD department; Dr. Bertocci; Professor Robert E. Bergmark, religion and philosophy University. He received a Fulbright teacher; and Dr. George L. Maddox, chairman of the sociology department, Fellowship in 1950 and studied in Italy. At present he is Borden Parker Bowne Professor of Philosophy at Boston. Religious Emphasis Week is sponsored by the Christian Council under the auspices of the J. Lloyd Decell Lectui'e- 3n iMFUtcriam ship Fund.

Graduate Awarded This column is dedicated to the memory of graduates and former students who have passed away in recent months. Every effort has been made to compile

an accurate list, but there will be unintentional omissions. Your help is Rotary Fellowship solicited in order that we may make the column as complete as possible. Those whose memory we honor are as follows:

Mrs. J. Wendell Dayton (Gayle Doggett) died March 31 in Corinth, Mississippi Shirley Stanton, 1956 graduate of She was a member of the class of '41. Millsaps and a native of Greenville, has been awarded a Rotary Foundation Fel- Francis Marion Featherstone, '94-'02, died April 2, 1956. He had lived ir

. Indianola, Mississippi. „ — . . lowship for ad- vanced study a- Joseph E. Johnson, '13, died August 31. He had practiced law in Batesville broad during the prior to his death. 1957 - 58 academic William D. Jones, '33-'35, died March 26 in Jackson. He was the brother oi year. Gladys Jones Maw, '29. One of 123 grad- uate students from Luther Manship, of Jackson, Mississippi, died November 15. He was a 190S 30 countries to re- graduate.

ceive a Rotary Fel- The Reverend J. L. Nabors died January 24 at the age of 77 in Water Valley lowship, Miss He attended Millsaps from 1901-02. Stanton will study Henry Payson Pate, '33-'34, died January 10 in New Orleans following a Spanish language lengthy illness. His wife is' the former Glenn Phifer, '40. and literature at the University of Uruguay in Montivideo, Robert H. Wells died December 17 in Jackson. He attended Millsaps during (Continued on Page 21) the 1929-30 session.

Page Eighteen MAJOR NOTES CHURCH ARCHITECTURE This article will give the reader an architect's appraisal of current trends Creative or Imitative? in church architecture. It will, we feel, stimulate serious thought on the subject in a day when millions of dollars and thousands of hours of time and effort arc being spent to By WILLIAM GILL, Architect meet the needs of an America which R. W. Naef Architect-Engineers is showing renewed interest in re- ligion. Mr. Gill was one of several on the R. W. Naef staff whose skill and know-how contributed to the de- sign and completion of the Millsaps- What are buildings other than ideas scripture concerns the search for truth. Wilson Library in 1955. expressed in stone, steel and other ma- Therefore the expression of Christianity terials? The church building can be should be, to the limit of our ability, nothing other than the expression of the one of honesty and truth. The major

idea of God. Man's idea of God is Christian addition to the body of scrip-

received from the scripture; therefore ture is the concept of faith and the idea Christianity is more than a religion. we cannot consider the church building of Enmianuel — "God with us" — now. It is a way of life. It is inconceivable apart from tlie scripture. Tlie violation of these two basic concepts that the twentieth century man can live at a rate Scripture does not give specific in- by the building of false fronted imita- better than the speed of sound, then return on Sunday to an obviously structions for the building of the church, tions from the past has fostered the be- false expression of the past for the re- but it does give a basic philosophy by lief that tiie church is a dead institution newal of his faith. which we are to live. The whole of living wholly in the past. Since the beginning of time, man's greatest offering to God has been the building of the Temple. Is the colonial church, with its pagan symbolism, or the Gothic imitation adequate offering for the atomic age? N rfK Scripture tells us that the tithe is to be the "first fruits." This includes the first fruits of the mind and hand. The first fruits of the mind of an age is its creative art (i.e. applied knowledge). The fruit of the hand is the technical skill of an age. The creative mind builds on the past— the closed mind steals from the past and contributes nothing to the stature of the age. One of the great tragedies of our time is that our great machines, truly the gift of God, have been used to imitate hand work for the building of the church.

There is now, more than ever, a need for the church to express its own time. Truth is timeless, but the first appeal to man must be made within his prison of his own time.


Students^ Professors Make Millsaps News

• Death has claimed two members of • The Millsaps band, under the direc- ing to Dr. J. B. Price, head of the the Millsaps College community this tion of senior Sam Jones, has given two chemistry department. year. Wayne Renfro, Jackson, and Billy concerts this year. And, to borrow a Ten of the pre-medical and pre-dental Gulledge, Crystal Springs, both seniors, phrase from a local critic, they deserve a students will attend the University of have left places on the campus which hearty pat on the back. Mississippi. Eight students have been will be difficult to fill. accepted by Tulane. Others will attend A review of the spring concert said, Washington University, the Renfro died suddenly in November. "Jones gives you the comfortable feeling University of Tennessee, the University of Gulledge was killed in a car-truck col- that he has despotic control over his Utah, Vanderbilt, and the University lision while returning from the Mardi musicians. They were trained to a fine of Arkansas. Gras celebration in New Orleans. edge and showed their polish in sharp, clean attack throughout the entire pro- gram." • A Millsaps freshman served as queen • Feeling a special desire to help the The band is composed of 45 members. of the Natchez pilgrimage for 1957. Hungarian refugees because the fight Jones has served as director for the past Dean Jones, brown-eyed brunette, tra- for freedom was led by college students, three years. Fred Purser, Jr., instructor veled ninety miles a day practically Millsaps students and faculty held a of music, will become director at the every day during March in order to week-long campaign to raise funds and beginning of the 1957-58 year. rule over the event and to keep a later drive to collect clothing. up her studies. Dr. George L. Maddox, head of the sociology department, served as chair- • A big event annually on the campus man of the committee. Each member is the Millsaps Invitational Debate Tour- • As usual, the departure of the of the college community was contacted Singers nament. This year more than 160 stu- on their annual tour left a big void in the effort to raise funds. dents from 21 colleges and universities on the campus. took part, with 10 states represented. This year's tour covered towns located mainly in North Mississippi. Debaters from Southern Illinois Uni- The sixty- students are sup- 9 Twenty-two Millsaps five voice choir departed 29 versity, Southwest Missouri College, and March and their pre-ministerial plementing formal returned April 7. the University of Alabama won top training by serving as supply speakers honors in the two-day tournament. and preachers for Mississippi's Methodist churches. Directed this year by Dr. E. S. Wal- • Approximately four hundred high service is purely a voluntary move lace, head of the department of eco- The school seniors and their sponsors visited on the part of the future ministers who nomics and business administration, the the campus on March 9 to take part in to weekend Millsaps tournament is one of the largest have expressed a desire do the College's annual High School Day. teaching occasionally of its kind in the South. preaching and and Officials named the 1957 event one of serve as speakers during the week before the most successful in its history. church organizations. Craig Castle, Jackson attorney and The Reverend Robert Anding is direc- • The fall issue of Stylus, literary mag- president of the Alumni Association, was tor of the Town and Country program azine, featured an original cover design the featured speaker. Other activities at Millsaps. by Jimmy Jordan, freshman from Laurel. of the day included scholarship compe- Done entirely in royal blue and white, tition, guided campus tours, tours of ex- it depicts an arm, representing the arm hibits, consultation periods, an afternoon O Members of Chi Omega sorority cap- of God, placing the Christmas star in variety program, a reception, and "South tured the coveted bucket at the annual the heavens. Pacific." Stunt Night with a skit entitled "Brew The 32-page magazine, edited by John for Two." Judges ranked Phi Mu mem- Stone, of Jackson, contained short stories, bers second for their interpretation of essays, and poems by twenty-two stu- • The marriage of Student Executive "Who Killed Cock Robin," and the dents. Board Secretary Nancy Peacock to SEB Vikings repeated their 1956 perform- President Sam Jones was another event The spring issue of the publication was ance by taking third place honors with of campus-wide interest. released late in April. "Robbin' Some Trousseau." The wedding took place in Kosciusko

Stunt Night is an annual event spon- on January 29. sored by the Majorette Club, women's Sam and Nancy will graduate in June. athletic group. The ten social groups • Twenty-three Millsaps students have Both are outstanding students and have on the campus entered original skits received acceptance from medical and made many contributions to campus in the competition. dental schools across the nation, accord- life.

Page Twenty MAJOR NOTES REPORT ON MUSIC — (Continued from Page 12) it easily the best sound I've heard out of a local accompanying orchestra to date." A new feature has been added to the regular concert choir. The Madrigal Singers, a select chorus of fourteen voices, has become a popular group. They present both sacred and secular music. This year's Tour Choir visited North Mississippi churches, schools, and col- leges. The 65-voice choir departed on the tour on March 29 and returned to the campus April 7. For the first time in the history of the College, there is an organ on the campus on which music students may practice. The Moller organ was pur- cli.ased with funds contributed by alumni to the College. On April 28 Open House was held in the newly decorated Music Hall. Former-

ly known as Elsinore Hall, it features paneled walls, asphalt tile floors, acous- tical tile ceilings, and sound-proofing between the practice rooms. It contains three studios, two large classrooms, eight practice rooms, a recital hall, and a storage room. Members of the music department staff are Fred Purser, piano instructor; Charles J. Watson, piano instructor; Mrs. Leland Byler, music education in- structor; and Mrs. John Sigmund, organ instructor. ROTARY FELLOW — (Continued from Page 18) Uruguay, in preparation for a career as a teacher. At present she is a student and a Spanish graduate assistant teacher at Louisiana State University. She expects to receive her Master of Arts degree in 1958. She is a member of Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish recognition society, and Phi Sigma Iota, romance honor society. While at Millsaps Miss Stanton served as news editor and managing editor of the Purple and White and feature editor of the Bobashela. She was elected presi- dent of Chi Delta, creative writing honorary, and was a member of Sigma Lambda, women's leadership honorary, the Majorette Club, and Chi Omega sorority. REUNION — (Continued from Page 10) who graduated or attended fifty years ago or more. Each year more and more specials It was all for a worthy cause and a miracle happened. The faculty defeated the students in vollcv ball before a wildly cheering Mart-h of Dimes benefit crowd in join the regulars on the reunion schedule. Buie Gymnasium"! Observe the ballet form of the faculty team and the sadistic Why not take the initiative and call expressions of the faculty bench-warmers as victory nears. Finally, notice the your classmates together for a memor- joyous antics of the fossils and, to the right, the dazed, bewildered look of able on the campus in October? defeat on the students' faces. Such conduct! day

SPRING, 1957 Page Twenty-One FROM THIS DAY — (Continued from Page 17) Mayer. Living in New Orleans, Louisi- ana. Patricia Crow to Giles A. Rawls, '51. Living in Port Arthur, Texas. Rose Cunningham, '57, to O. Gerald fall issue of Major Notes this In the Trigg, '56. Living in Hopkinsville, Ken- opening paragraph mentioned column's tucky. Miller Williams, professor of biology of increasing alumni sup- the evidence Myra Ann Drew, '55-'56, to Joel Webb at Millsaps, has received the Katherine College. port for the Cooper. Living in Albany, Georgia. Bellamann award presented annually for signs are on the horizon. New Vera Bernice Edgar, '54, to Paul G. the poem selected as the best published Alumni Fund (see story in this The Green. Living in Natchez, Mississippi. during the year in the poetry magazine gone well beyond .$6,000 above issue) has Charlotte Elliott, '56, to James L. Lyric. "Andantino" was the award win- goal in its first year. Even its minimum Boyd. Living in Sacramento, California. ing poem. the optimistic officials are sur- most Amaryllis Faye Griffin, '56, to Tommie prised delighted. The Bellamann award was established —and Eugene Price, '56. Living in Atlanta, election more by Mrs. Bellamann in honor of her In the alumni officers Georgia. and former students late husband, Henry Bellamann, author than 1,100 graduates Patricia Hudspeth, '55-'56, to Gene returned their ballots. This bids of King's Row. have Bennett Hubbard. Living in Jackson, well to be the most participation by Mississippi. The first free verse ever published by alumni in a College event since Millsaps Gladys Keeton, '52-'53, to James E. Lyric, "Andantino" also won first place opened its door in 1892. Alford. Living in Atlanta, Georgia. in the free verse division of the Missis- One unmistakable sign that great Carolyn Lamon, '55, to Hughston Tho- sippi Poetry Society contest in 1956. is the fact that progress has been made mas. Living in Dallas, Texas. is receiving an increas- the Alumni office Betty Louise Landfair, '57, to Jack Quicksilver, a quarterly poetry mag- of cards and letters from published portion of the poem ing number M. McDonald, Jr., curently enrolled. azine, a students announc- seven striking graduates and former Living in Jackson, Mississippi. as being one of the most ing plans to change addresses, marriage lines of poetry published in American Mary Carolyn Moore to the Reverend plans, and telling of additions to the magazines during the preceding three Ira Meredith Robinson, '52. Living in deatlis, job changes. months. family, and Crowder, Louisiana. Greater days for the College and the (Continued on Page 24) Williams is the author of three vol- Association lie ahead. umes of poetry: Et Cetera, Six New Son- nets, and Letters to the Editor. Still in debate in Congress is the long- male classmates approached family re- suffering Tax Credit bill which provides sponsil)ilities more cautiously. The men for tax relief for pa)cnts of college, graduating in 1931 averaged 1.5 children students. In general the bill would make per graduate, exceeding only four other a large portion of tuition payments to colleges co-operating in the survey. Co- Holmes Ambrose, head of Millsaps' colleges and universities deductible. eds of the class of 1931 averaged 2.2 music department, served as chairman Write your senators and congressmen children per graduate, topping women in of Mississippi auditions for the National for information—and express your con- 58 other colleges. Council of the Metropolitan Opera in victions. None of the few men graduating in March. 1946 who replied to the survey reported The auditions were held by the Na- children, but the women led their con- Published reports to the contrary not- tional Council in cooperation with the temporaries in 53 other colleges with an withstanding, Millsaps College officials Metropolitan Opera Auditions of the average of 1.9 children per graduate. are not i)lanning to abandon intercol- Air. Local winners appeared again in Good news comes out of the nationwide legiate athletic competition. In fact, the New Orleans to be judged on a regional survey of America's college-trained men athletic committee has been engaged basis. Winners in New Orleans will be and women. The couples most qualified this spring in an intensive study of the sent to New York tO' audition again for to become parents, those prepared in program for the purpose of strengthen- appearance on the National Auditions mind and spirit for intelligent citizen- ing weak points. The intramural pro- of the Air. ship, are having larger families. gram will continue to receive its proper share of the emphasis on athletics. According to Wilson Compton, presi- If anyone asks, the Majors will be dent of the Council for Financial Aid to competing in intercollegiate athletics on Education, during the next ten years Dr. Alfred P. Hamilton, head of the a non-subsidized basis. They'll be doing colleges and universities will need an department of classical languages, is their best to win them all, too. average of more than $500 million addi- the author of a history of Galloway tional voluntary support each year if Memorial Methodist Church which was Statistics just released by the Popu- they are to meet rock-bottom require- published last year. lation Reference Bureau concerning the ments. Much of this support, Compton The book, Galloway Memorial Metho- fertility of college graduates in the says, must come from alumni, business dist Church—1836-1956, was published United States reveal some interesting- concerns, the professions, foundations, by the Parthenon Press of Nashville, data. related church bodies, labor unions and Tennessee. According to their figures tabulated the general public. Dr. Hamilton asked the Board on the classes of 1931 and 1946, Millsaps Mr. Compton puts the alternative was by women favored large families while their (Continued on Page 25) (Continued on Page 24)

Page Twenty-Two MAJOR NOTES Tennis To Tennyson

Many Interests Keep Prof Busy

the campus, one of those teachers whom The books are Lord's Beacon Lights of alumni return to see. Students feel they History. have missed a valuable part of campus A graduate of Birmingham Southern life if they don't take at least one of College, Dr. White received his Master's his courses. Current events are often Degree from Harvard University and his discussed in his classes, and students Ph.D. degree from the University of learn almost as much philosophy and Wisconsin. He is a member of Kappa religion there as they do in the courses. Alpha, social fraternity; Phi Beta A native of Alabama, he was born in Kappa, national scholarship honorary; Uniontown and lived, until he entered Omicron Delta Kappa, leadership honor- college, in Newbern. His childhood there ary; and Alpha Psi Omega, dramatics has furnished many of the stories which honorary. he tells so well. Dr. White joined the Millsaps faculty "I was interested in all sports," he in 1920. He had previously taught in recalls, "When I was about eight I had high schools, served as head of the some trouble with my eyes. Glasses were English department at Alabama Pres- prescribed for me, and for a period of byterian College, and taught at Austin about eight years I had two pairs—one College in Sherman, Texas. By SHIRLEY CALDWELL which I wore and the other which was He has added dramatics to his list in the shop being repaired. I was ex- of achievements. In 1925 he organized tremely rough on them because I would the Millsaps Players. Only one attempt forget them when I was playing." had been made prior to that, and it had Dr. M. C. White likes to tell of the An accident which injured his back failed because some people thought that man who remarked to him, "You're the made it impossible for him. to participate a church-supported college had no busi- only man I've ever seen could who run in sports for a year or two, and it v;as ness producing plays, not even Shape- better than he could walk." then that he developed his love for speare's "As You Like It," which was The remark was made as the man reading. He recalls that he spent $50 the first effort. A change in adminis- watched the 67-year-old professor, who which he had earned doing odd jobs to tration made Dr. White's organization walks with a slight limp because he has buy a set of books, which he still has. (Continued on Page 25) arthritis, as he played tennis. Dr. White plays around three times a week, "and," he smiles, "until two or three years ago my partner, Reid Lipscomb, and I could beat any Millsaps doubles team. We still beat them sometimes, but more often we don't."

Dr. White is head of the English department at Millsaps. He squeezes his tennis playing into a regular sched- ule of lecturing, writing book reviews, coaching the tennis team, reading, grad- ing papers, making talks to civic clubs, hearing book reports, and listening to the problems of the students. He usually plays five sets of tennis in an afternoon. In 1925 and 1929 he won the state singles championship and was a member of the championship doubles team. He has coached the Mill- saps team to victories in the Mississippi Intercollegiate Tennis Tournament for two of the past three years. In his 36 years at Millsaps Dr. White has established himself as a favorite on

SPRING, 1957 Page Twenty-Three FROM THIS DAY — JONES, COUNTISS — (Continued from Page 22) (Continued from Page 17) Ann Hobbs Munger, '40-'42, '46-'48, to practice of law in Jackson. He received Kenneth Irvin Franks. Living in Jack- his training for his profession at Mill- son, Mississippi. saps and the University of Mississippi Francis Boykin Pittman, '48, to James and is a frequent visitor to the Millsaps H. Delmas. Living in Meridian, Missis- Campus. He is single. sippi. Sylvia Sanford, '54, to John Land There are, no doubt, other third gen- McDavid. Living in New Orleans, Louis- eration graduates of Millsaps College. iana. Write the Editor, Major Notes, if you Mary Margaret Schmitt to Benjamin know one. Meanwhile, it now appears Franklin McMath, '48-'52. Living in that W. B. Jones, II, will send the first Jackson, Mississippi. of the fourth generation to Millsaps Mary Sue Smith, '52, to David Barrett College. The Joneses are the parents of Haller Best. Living in Indianapolis, two daughters, Rebecca Lynn, 2, and Indiana. Deborah Dawn, four months. Carolyn Taylor to Richard Fulton Barksdale, '55. Living in Atlanta, Geor- gia. Nancy Jane Throckmorton, '52-'53, to Alvye Lee Smith. Living in Jackson, SOME THINGS — Mississippi. (Continued from Page 9) Patricia Ann Tripp to James Edwin for the alcoholic. Others have been con- Allen,, '53. Living in New York. cerned with exploring the potentialities Betty Lou Tune to Thomas W. Guion, Johnny Turner, '56, has completed an of objective education in the public '47-'49. Living in Greenville, Texas. 18-week course of study at the U. S. Navy's Officer Candidate School at New- schools and in church schools. Frances Walton to Harry E. Gulledge. port, Rhode Island. He is one of several '54. Living in Jackson, Mississippi. members of the Class of "56 who have For those Millsaps alumni and their Helen Doris Wilkerson, '52-'54, to attended the Newport School. friends who are concerned to make drink- Thomas Stanley Sims. Living in Jack- ing their business in an intelligent way, son, Mississippi. a real opportunity for study and explora- Rosemary Williams, '55, to William D. tion of this problem area is available on Cloughley. Living in Pensacola, Florida. the campus this summer. The Summer Gloria Ann Woods, '51-'52, to Melville School of Alcohol Studies at Millsaps Mitchell. Living in Starkville, Missis- FACULTY FACTS — will provide a four day program of sippi. lectures, forums, field trips and work- (Continued from Page 22) Margaret Airey Woods, '56, to Ben- shops for public and church school jamin Hal Brown, '56. Living in Mem- of Education and the Board of Stewards teachers, community leaders and the gen- eral public. phis, Tennessee. to write the history. He found the The dates are Monday, July 29, through Friday, August 2. The cost assignment more difficult than he had is low, only seventeen dollars, and, for — imagined. "The lack of materials (at FUTURE ALUMNI many qualified persons, scholarships are (Continued from Page 17) the beginning) could not have been more available on application to Mrs. Vashti Richard Dorman. ary 1 to Mr. and Mrs. complete if there had been a deliberate Cain, Narcotic Education, Woolfolk Mr. Dorman is a member of the class Building, Jackson, Mississippi. and systematic conspiracy to destroy all of 1941. evidence of its past," he reported. His If alcohol is everybody's business, it Debra Anne Dunton, born January 24 diligence, however, produced an amaz- is everybody's business to be informed. to Mr. and Mrs. Ross K. Dunton, of Make being informed about alcohol your California. Mrs. Dunton, the ing wealth of facts. Four years were Pacoima, business. former Bessie Mae Haney, attended Mill- required for their compilation. saps from 1951 through 1953 and served Dr. Hamilton has also written a his- as the campus nurse during that period. Linda Sue Elgert, born October 30 in tory of the Jackson Rotary Club. He Baltimore, Maryland. She is the daught- has considered writing a history of Mill- TALENT SEARCH — er of the Reverend and Mrs. Roger saps, although no definite plans have (Continued from Page 14) sister of Janet Faye Elgert and the been made. Elgert, 2. Mrs. Elgert is the former Jack Carson, Turban Bey, Gig Young, Laura Mae Godbold, '47. Shirley Temple, Jane Withers, Gower Harry Charles Frye, III, born Novem- Champion, Mamie Van Doren, and hun- B. Clark, a niece of Major ber 12 to Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Frye, Jr. Mrs. Mary dreds of others. Dr. Frye, '47, and Millsaps and former assistant librarian, (Helen McGehee). Twentieth Century Fox has signed him Mrs. Frye, '41-'43, live in Magnolia, Mis- daughter, Mrs. is now living with her to an exclusive seven-year contract, and sissippi, and have two daughters, Nancy Richard Jones, in Huntsville, Texas. the present talent search is one of his and Betsy. Mrs. Clark turned her home on the cam- projects. Michael Ewin Gaby, born January 2 pus over to the College on leaving for to Mr. and Mrs. Ewin Dilleno Gaby, Jr. Perhaps a Millsaps student will be the (Continued on Page 25) Texas. next name on his list of stars.

Page Twenty-Four MAJOR NOTES —

EARLY GRADUATES — and able men and women are attracted MANY INTERESTS — to the profession. (Continued from Page 16) (Continued from Page 23) New York World Fair in 1939 and a Have you heard of the Alumni Fund possible, and the first production bore consultant on Idlewild, Queens and New- performance of Wofford College, the the fascinating title of "Fascinating ark Airports. South Carolina Methodist institution with Fanny." Established Grants an enrollment smaller than Millsaps'? "Our most successful presentation was From 12% participation by alumni in A staunch supporter of his alma Truth.' the the 1955 fund, and a total contributed 'Nothing But The After run mater, Green established the Wharton at Millsaps gave it 15 of considerably less than the Millsaps we times more Green 1898 Scholarship on the 50th an- over the state. figure this year, Wofford skyrocketed niversary of his graduation to aid worthy to 74.4 9'(i participation and $63,000 in Millsaps students. He also created a "One of the plays had a scene which 1956. similar scholarship in honor of his wife, took place in an English pub. Some of the former Clara Barton, which is known How was it done? Roger Milliken, a the boys collected liquor bottles along as the Clara Barton Green Scholarship. farsighted local industrialist who was the Gold Coast, and we filled them with With the Reverend Alford's passing, an alumnus of another institution, heard tea to use in the scene. After the play the two surviving members of the class of the great need of the College and the the janitor failed to remove them im- of 1897 are: the Reverend W. B. Jones, poor participation of Wofford alumni. mediately, and a visiting minister re- Nashville, Tennesse, BA; and Paul D. He decided to do something about it. For ported to the president that someone Ratliff, Jackson, Mississippi, BL. There each percentage point increase recorded was running a Blind Tiger in the Mill- were twenty-one members originally. in 1956 over the 129'p level, Mr. Milliken saps chapel!" Surviving Green in the class of 1898 offered a gift of $1,000. Although he has spent much of his are the following: Percy Clifton, Jack- Wofford alumni responded dramatic- spare time directing extracurricular ac- son; Garner Green, Jackson; and Alex- ally. From 12Cr to 74.4% — 3 out of tivities. Dr. White feels that they can ander Harvey Shannon, address un- every 4 alumni — was enough to lead play too large a part in a student's life. known, all Bachelor of Arts; and Lemuel the nation in performance. "Important as they are, they should re- H. Doty, Biloxi, and John Prince Ed- Millsaps alumni have achieved a parti- main secondary rather than primary. wards, Mendenhall, Bachelor of Law. cipation figure of 14.4 Cr in the first year The student's first concern should be his Twenty-four members received degrees of the Fund with $16,261.81 contributed. education." in 1898. The final figure will be some better. He believes that the prime purpose of Could such a miracle happen at Mill- education is the development of the MAJOR NOTIONS — saps It could if we could find a personality. "We can only acquaint potential Roger Milliken in our ranks (Continued from Page 22) students with the facts and help them and if the same spark could ignite bluntly. "What happens to American learn where to find our alumni. an education." education will eventually happen to America," he says. Active in civic affairs, he has been a member of the Lions Club, a member FUTURE ALUMNI — of the Board of Stewards and a teacher The Ford Foundation continues to at Galloway Memorial Church, and has (Continued from Page 24) strengthen institutions of higher learn- served in Community Chest drives. ing and agencies for the relief of human Mr. Gaby is a '53 graduate and Mrs. Dr. White is married to the former suffering through its virtually unre- Gaby (Carolyn Hudspeth) attended from stricted grants. A total of 81 appropria- 1951-53. Bessie Linn Bilbro. They have one son, tions Milton Robert, a 1941 graduate of Mill- by the Foundation of more than Elizabeth Lynn Izard, born July 4 to saps, who resides in Marianna, Florida. $40 million was announced for the period Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Izard (Betty Klumb, of January through March. '47). The Izards, who live in Columbia, Most encouraging to higher education South Carolina, have another daughter, and vitally important to the future of the Mary Kathryn, 5. nation is the grant of $25 million to the Deborah Dawn Jones, born January 15 Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Corporation to the Reverend and Mrs. William Bur- to support effort 29 to Dr. and Mrs. Walter Ridgway in a nationwide to meet well Jones (Carol Dean) in Santiago, the rising shortage Jackson, Mississippi. Dr. Ridgway is a of teachers in col- Chile. The Reverend Jones in a 1950 '43 graduate. John Gregory has a leges. Through the program graduate graduate. fellowships will be provided to some brother, Walter Stevens, Jr., 2^2. William Perry Martin, Jr., born Nov- 5,100 potential college teachers over the ember 8 to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Martin, John Hubbard Smylie, born November next five years. Able college students of Brookhaven, Mississippi. Mrs. Martin 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Melville will be actively recruited for academic is the former Milly East, '51. Smylie in Baton Rouge. Louisiana. Mrs. careers. Jeffrey Glenn I'arish, born in February Smylie is the former Patricia O'Brien, Few people realize the seriousness of wel- to ]\Ir. and Mrs. Ted Parish. Mrs. Parish class of 1940. John Hubbard was the loss of college faculty members to is the former Joanna Clayton, '55. They comed by two and one half year old higher paying jobs in business, industry live in Vernon, Florida. Clare. and government. By 1970 three times as many students will be seeking admission Michael Henry Posey, born February Susan Elizabeth Young, born April 2 to the nation's colleges and universities. 22 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to Dr. and to Lt. and Mrs. James L. Young (Joan It doesn't take an Einstein to recognize Mrs. Franz Posey (Linda Lou Langdon), Wignall), '52 and '51-'52, in Sasebo, the crisis which seems certain to develop both '51. Japan. The Youngs also have two sons, unless the loss of teachers is stopped John Gregory Ridgway, born March David and Frank.


Early Days (1892-1907) former Gladys Howie, Mrs. Gill is a aeology at the American Museum of 1926 graduate. Natural History. A drugstore which he describes as Joseph Hart, '96- "most unusual" keeps The Allison Art Colony held an exhi- The Carlsbad, New Mexico, city days. His son is '98, quite busy these bition of paintings by Helen Jay Lotter- schools are the chief concern of the Joe with him in operating the associated hos, '27, last fall. An art teacher in Stroud family. Mr. Stroud is director is located in Seattle, Wash- store, which Jackson, she is included in "Who's Who of guidance for the schools, Mrs. Stroud celebrated his 76th ington. Mr. Hart in American Art." Among other honors, (Mary Humes, '35) teaches a special birthday this year. she has received the Gold Medal in the class for handicapped children, and son National Water Color and National Oil Al is a member of the seventh grade. distinction J. M. Kennedy, '04, has the Exhibitions of the Mississippi Art As- only graduate to complete of being the sociation and the Edward S. Shorter Mrs. S. L. Moorhead (Mabel Martin, the work for three degrees at Millsaps. Prize in the Southern States Art League. Grenada '34-'36) is teaching music in his home in Bay Springs, He makes Holcomb High School. Holcomb is lo- Mississippi. Dr. A. V. Beacham, '28, has been elect- cated near Grenada, Mississippi. 1908-1919 ed president of the General Practice As- sembly for the state of Mississippi for The weather man was already putting College of the Bible Centen- At the the coming year. He is a resident of on a show in New York last November in Lex- nial Development Convocation Magnolia, Mississippi. when Paul Sheffield gave us a report, McCarty, '05-'09, received ington, W. B. but it was only a preview of things to citation honoring him for a special Teaching in the American Dependent come. Even the fact that they were as demonstrat- "Christian statesmanship Schools for the Air Force for the past living in South Brooklyn failed to help faith, wisdom, love ed by your vision, two years has provided Mrs. Keener them. Mrs. Sheffield is the former willingness thus for the Brotherhood and Lawson Bowden the opportunity of tour- Carolyn Buck, '36-'39, and Mr. Sheffield life to the Kingdom of to dedicate your ing 16 European countries. She was a is a 1939 graduate. They have two McO^rty is a God on earth." Mr. member of Grenada College's class of children, Sandra and Paul, Jr. Jackson, Mississippi, resident. 1928. Ross Shelton, '39, was named Man of Tay- Mrs. A. M. Kirkpatrick (Leota 1930-1939 the Year of the Mississippi agency of the lor), '18, has the distinction of being the Benefit A new record of flight over the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company youngest (18) and first woman in Mis- was established by Captain Ben Harrell, recently. He was also featured in the sissippi to pass the Bar examination, February '31, son of emeritus professor G. L. Har- issue of "Insurance Field," also winning the Mortimer Law Medal. one of the country's leading insurance rell. He piloted a Pan-American Air- She attributes her success to her law ways Strato-clipper DC-7C from Tokyo magazines. course at Millsaps. to San Francisco via Seattle in 19 hours 1920-1929 and 48 minutes. A resident of Palo Alto, 1940-1949 California, Mr. Harrell is administrative Grenada graduate Mrs. L. J. Page, '21, Kate Wells, '40, made a tour of check pilot of all incoming new pilots is teaching in the Grenada City Schools. eleven European countries last summer, in the Pacific and Alaskan area for Pan She is the former Thelma Home. Her a member of a party of 45. She is a American. son, Leslie, Jr., a '54 graduate, is doing junior statistician with the Tennessee graduate work in religious education at Department of Public Health. Bank examiner W. J. Tremaine makes Emory. his home in Jackson, but his job takes A promotion to manager of Manu- him all over the state. Mr. Tremaine, After leaving Millsaps in 1925, Mrs. facturing Department Coordination for who attended from 1930-32, has two Ralph H. Read (Mary Lorene Hill, '23- Ethyl Corporation took Mr. and Mrs. children, a boy and a girl. '25) received her degree from Columbia Thomas M. Smylie (Patricia O'Brien, '40) University, taught school, married, and away from Dixie to Greenwich, Con- have been hon- now has two children in college. She Three Millsaps alumni necticut. They were welcomed by Mr. the Boy Scouts of America. is a special education teacher and her ored by and Mrs. Richard Lauderdale (Mary Eddie Khayat, '32, and Joe Hinds, '30-'32, '42, husband is a pastor of the North Con- Elizabeth Nordin), both and Mrs. Silver Beaver awards, '41-'42. gregational Church in Detroit, Michigan. were awarded Betty Adams Chitwood, highest honor in Scouting. B. M. Stevens, honorary degree Mrs. Lucie Mae (McMuUan) Bishop, Sr., who received an Richard Dorman has been named as- from Millsaps in 1952, was elected pres- '26, is planning to attend the American sistant manager for the Bastian-Bless- Pine Area Scout Library Association Conference in Kan- ident of the Burr ing Company in Chicago. He is a mem- sas City, Missouri, in June. She serves Council. ber of the class of 1941. as librarian of Southwestern Louisiana College in Hammond. Mrs. James A. Ford (Ethel Campbell, Serving as organist and choir director '29-'33) and her husband are living in at the Senatobia Methodist Church, in Mrs. Nelson Gill has two additional New York City. Mr. Ford is recognized addition to her duties as mother and reasons for attending all alumni func- as the leading authority on the arch- homemaker, keeps Mrs. Magee Gabbert tions—her daughters. Lady Nelson, who aeology of the Southeastern United (Kathryn DeCelle), '41, quite busy. Her is oil jobber. is a senior, and Mabel, a junior. The States and is associate curator of arch- husband an and gas Kay,

Page Twenty-Six MAJOR NOTES S, Pattie, 5, and Scott, 3, complete the oming he worked as assistant auditor candidate for a Ph.D. degree at the uni- family. for a major oil company. versity. He and his wife have one son, Tommy, who is two and one half years The University of Mississippi has an- Thomas T. Boswell, '46-'48, is in his old. nounced that Margaret Aronelle Lofton, third year as math teacher at Hernando, '42, was awarded a Master of Education Mississippi, Hig'h School. In addition Temco Aircraft has Mrs. B. H. Reed degree in secondary education last sum- to his teaching duties he directs a (Amelia Ann Pendergraft, '51-'53) and mer. Miss Lofton makes her home in twenty-voice glee club. her family living in Dallas, Texas. Mr. Brookhaven, Mississippi. Reed is an engineer for the company. The Reverend Everette R. Watts, '49, They have two children, Kenneth and Albert G. Sanders, Jr., '42, has been is the newly appointed Director of Youth Susan. named executive director of the North Work for the Mississippi Conference Mississippi Industrial Development As- Board of Education of the Methodist sociation. Formerly a member of the Church. Before assuming this position Class of 1954 Agricultural and Industrial Board in he served as the pastor of the Bucka- Hugh Burford was awarded his Jackson, he assumed his new duties in tunna-State Line Charge. Master of Science degree in pharma- September. ceutical chemistry by the University of Class of 1950 Mississippi last summer. Now serving A student in the School of Social James Bennett Lewis received his in the Army at Fort Jackson, South Welfare at Louisiana State University, Master of Arts degree in mathe- Carolina, he plans to enter graduate Mrs. H. N. Minnis, Jr. (Mary Emma matics from the University of Mississippi school to work for his Ph.D. after his Ervin) holds a scholarship from the at the summer commencement exercises discharge. Jlississippi Department of Public Wel- held August 19. He is married to the fare in Public Assistance. A 1943 grad- former Doris Ann Barlow, '51. Mrs. Louie C. Short (Frances Jo Pea- uate of Millsaps, she plans to return to cock) is employed as the physical the field of public assistance when she B. Q. James' Air Force stint took him therapist at the San Diego County Hos- completes her training. from Colorado to Florida to Oklahoma, pital while her husband, who attended but now he and his wife, the former from 1950-1953, serves two years in the A Danforth Campus Christian Worker Glenna Goodwin, '53, have settled in Navy. Dr. Short recently received his Grant has been awarded to the Reverend Jackson, Mississippi, with their son, D.D.S. degree. Sam Barefield, '46. He and his wife Benjamin Quitman, III. Mr. James, an (Mary Nell Sells, '46) are living in agent with Pilot Life Insurance Com- Daniel Talmadge Keel, Jr., is interning Hattiesburg, where he is director of the pany, attended from 1948-1950. at the Baroness Erlanger Hospital in Wesley Foundation on the Mississippi Chattanooga, Tennessee. He attended Class of 1951 Southern College campus. the University of Tennessee Medical June of this year will mark the School. Mrs. Charles E. Salter, Jr. (Marjorie first anniversary of residency in Jackson Burdsal) and her engineer husband are for Mr. and Mrs. James Watts Clark. Audrey Jennings reports that she Mr. Clark is associated with Overstreet, the parents of three girls—Barbara, 7; has "finally begun honest labor." and Architects. couple Beverly, 4; and Lynette, 2. Mrs. Salter Ware, Ware, The (She's been in graduate school at Tulane the parents of son, James Watts, is a member of the class of 1946. are a since graduation). With her thesis Hear- II, 15 months. Mrs. Clark is the former ing completion and as a candidate for Mrs. George C. Curtis (Lois Ann Fritz, .Mary Alice Moss. her MA in sociology in June, she has '46) responded to our request for news accepted a position with the Milne Boys but reported that there was nothing A Ph.D. degree in psychology has been Home in New Orleans. exciting except her four children: Gary, awarded to David Leigh Easley by Vanderbilt University. dissertation 7%; Wayne, 5%; Cathy 4; and Greg, 1. His of Mrs. Curtis and her family are living in title was "Associative Inhibition as a Class 1955 Smyrna, Georgia. Function of Temporal Interval and Roy Acton Parker is an Atomic En- Warm-up." ergy Commission fellow at Vanderbilt A trip back to Mississippi was on the University. He received the Theta Nu Class of 1952 spring schedule of Mrs. Edward M. An- Sigma science award on his graduation derson (Flora Giardina, '47) and her Gaston Hall has been elected president from Millsaps. family. It will be a long one—she, her of the Graduate Students Association of husband, and the children, Kristy, 4, Yale University. He is studying French Three 1955 graduates have received and Mike, 2, live in Eugene, Oregon. and Italian literature. advanced degrees from the University of Mississippi. They are Eugene B. Clarence H. Denser, Jr., '47, has Peter J. Costas is proud of the fact Antley, Master's in social science; Low- changed his title from captain to doctor that his brother, Anthony, recently ar- ell Jones, Master's in social science; and and his location from the sunny state rived from Greece and is a student at Charles Thomas Ellington, Master's in of California to the sunny state of Millsaps now. Mr. Costas, who attended business administration. Florida. He is now employed by the from 1949-1952, owns a business enter- Florida State Hospital in Chattahoochee, prise in Jackson, Mississippi. A LT.S.-2 under the Woman's Division Florida. of the Board of Missions of the Meth- Class of 1953 odist Church, Teresa Terry is working After several years in Wyoming, The Boston University Philosophical at the Wesley Community Center in James Hoggs, '48, has moved back to Club has elected Allie M. Frazier pres- Chattanooga, Tennessee, as a group his hometown, Meridian. While in Wy- ident for the coming year. He is a worker.

SPRING, 1957 Page Twenty-Seven COULD YOU DO IT NOW?

The week of May 25-June 1 is Exam Week at Millsaps. Students have been studying, organizing notes, and getting ready for the big event which can mean the difference between an A and a B or, in a few cases, passing and faihng.

Alumni are often amazed to find how much they've forgotten or how much they never knew. Look over the questions below, which were part of the actual exams given in recent years in the subjects, and see how well you do.

In Philosophy (DR. N. bond Fleming) :

What is meant by saying that 'deduction's poison is induction's meat?' What is the basis for reasoning by analogy? Which of Mill's) methods is most scientific? What is meant by the coefficient of correlation ? Name two criteria for a good hypothesis. What failure of Bacon's really kept him from being the founder of induction?

In EngHsh (MRS. marguerite goodman) :

This is what it says; in your words, briefly, what does it mean:

(1) Fairy tales are made out of the dreams of the poor.

(2) Nothing is more natural for people whose education has been neglected than to spell evolution with an initial r.

(3) I have no right to tamper with your flute and then criticize your music.

In History (DR- ROSS h. moore) :

This was the question for the History 11 examination in 1956: Outline and discuss the power of the rulers of France 800-1500.

In Psychology (DR- Russell levanway) :

What attitudes, values and personality characteristics should the home provide the child in preparation for his coming into contact with a larger environment? - Develop a comprehensive approach to the problem of discipline.

In Biology (professor r. p. ward) :

Classify the following glands as to whether they are:

a. exocrine Liver Thyroid

, . b. endocrine pancreas Gastric glands c. mixed Sublingual

d. none of these .


Continuing education should be an aim of every college graduate and is one of the objectives of the

Alumni Association. It is one of the purposes of the annual seminars held on Alumni Day. Plan to attend next year—you'll enjoy it and learn a great deal, too. MILLSAPS COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS

Summer. 1957 Alumni Fund Issue Alumni Returned To Classes

oA cMessage . . .

From the President

April 9, 1957, may well be considered one of the significant dates in the his- tory of Millsaps College. On that Tues- day the first group of "Millsaps College Associates" joined the Trustees at the College for an initial meeting.

So enthusiastic was this group from the outset that we might say the Trus- tees) joined them. The morning program had three constituent parts. (1) Statements by two students con- cerning what Millsaps College had meant to them. (2) Statements by an Alumnus and a Trustee about the future opportunities of the College. (3) k presentation by the Administration outlining- some of the areas in which the Associates can substantially assist the College.

It was unanimously agreed that the statements by the two students were the most impressive. From the point of view of the Administration the effect could not have been better planned.

Forty-two persons have accepted our invitation to become Millsaps College Associates. The Associates and Trustees will name appropriate officers and in- vite additional members. It is contem- plated that 100 persons will eventually be named. The group includes men and women, alumni and other than alumni, Methodist and non-Methodist. The poten- tial effectiveness of such a group in the strengthening of the College is exciting and reassuring.

An increasingly popular and successful feature of Alumni Day each spring is the seminar session conducted by Millsaps College professors. The 1957 series is pic- tured above. In the top picture Dr. M. C. \Ahite speaks on "What's Wrong with Modern Poetry." The middle photograph shows Dr. J. E. McCracken lecturing on "The Birth of an Adult." Dr. J. S. Ferguson presents the subject "The Middle East and the Future" in the third picture.. The purpose of the seminars is to promote a continuing interest in education on the part of alumni.



MAJOR NOTES The brilliantly lighted Union Build- ing stands out in dramatic relief against the gathering darkness of the evening. The newest addition to to the campus will house student offices, the cafeteria, grill and book- store. Most exciting for members of the campus community is the provi- sion made for student social life in the new building.


^^><:z>< >c::>; >c:>; >c>; >< >; xc:>< >; xc>< >cr^ f IN THIS ISSUE

Union Building 4 New Faculty _ 8

Alumni Election 5 Your Homecoming .. _ 9

Building Program _; 6 Pickett Heads Fund 10

Graduation, '57 7 Alumni Fund Report .17

Alumnus of the Year How Do You Read? Campus News Personals Students Witness Conference Pageant Alumni Day Scenes Students Give Sports Summary

Enrollment Data 5 Success Story — 10 (j

Mrs. Cobb Dies _... _... 5 Millsaps Writers

Vy^ ><:>{ >c> >«c^ >: >>^:x >cz>< >< >c^ >crx >ox >^:>< >c>: >< ><^

Editor -. James J. Livesay Assistant Editor Shirley Caldwell



1 1«

mm m^mm 'rfil! ii¥f *

Campus life will center around the beautiful Union Building. Students will find a greater unity within its walls.

^\*'^ftm .

Official Opening of Union Building

Is September 26

The Union Building, the second the Board of Directors of the Alumni .'symbol of the Millsaps Way in education, continue tc major construction project of the Million Association, members of the Commission the Christian Center will call students to worship and study. for Millsaps campaign, will be officially on Christian Higher Education of the opened on Thursday, September 26. two conferences of Mississippi Metho- dism, and their wives. The ceremonies will also signal the formal opening of the sixty-sixth ses- Thursday's ceremonies will begin at sion of Millsaps College and the annual 10 a.m. with an academic procession observance of Founders Day. which will include faculty members, platform guests, and members of the Dr. Theodore A. Distler, of Washing- class of 1958. ton, D. C, executive director of the Am- erican Association of Colleges and one of The Union Building, which fills the America's most distinguished educators, area between Sullivan-Harrell Hall and will speak at opening ceremonies. His Buie Gymnasium, will house student subject will be "Christian Higher Educa- offices, the bookstore, grill and cafe- tion and Liberal Arts Education." teria. Two private dining rooms will be available for use by members of the The program will be held out of doors College community and related organiza- to accommodate the hundreds of Missis- tions. A large area has been provided sippians and out-of-state guests expect- for student social activities. It is com- ed to attend. pletely air conditioned.

On Wednesday, September 25, a dinner The first objective of the Million for will be held in the new cafeteria as a Millsaps campaign was reached in Sep- part of the celebration of the attainment tember, 1955, when the library was re- of the campaign's second objective. In 'modeled and greatly enlarged. It was

attendance will be the faculty, trustees, the first building on the campus to be Millsaps College Associates, members of air conditioned.

Page Four MAJOR note; Forest Attorney Named Alumni President

A lawyer, a minister, a doctor and two homemakers have been elected to top Alumni Association offices for the year 1957-58. In an election which set a new record for alumni participation in a College event, 0. B. Triplett, Jr., '25, Forest at- torney, was named president of the As- sociation. More than 1,100 cast their votes in the "ballot-by-mail'' primary. Triplett won over George Pickett, '27- '30, in one of the closest races on record in Association files. Alumni elected the Reverend Roy C. Clark, '41, pastor of Capitol Street Jlethodist Church, Dr. Charles Wright, '4S, physician, and Mrs. Ross Barnett, '28, wife of attorney Ross Barnett, to serve as vice presidents. All are residents of Jackson. Others in the race were Reynolds Cheney, Jackson attorney; Dr. Turner Morgan, Jackson dentist; and G. C. Clark, Jackson businessman. Mrs. T. H. Naylor, '28, Jackson house- wife, defeated Shirley Norwood Jones, '50, for the office of recording secretary. More than 1,100 alumni cast their ballots in the 19,')7-.">8 election of Alumni Associa- B'Irs. Jones is a Jackson attorney. tion officers, breaking all records for participation in the annual event. The new of- Officers who headed the work of the ficers pictured above are, left to right, O. I!. Triplett, Forest, president; Mrs. T. Association during 195G-57 were Craig H. Naylor, Jackson, secretary; Mrs. Ross Barnett. Jackson, vice-president; and Castle, Jackson, president; W. L. Cara- the Reverend Roy C. Clark, Jackson, vice-president. Not shown is Dr. Charles Wright, Jackson, vice-president. way, Leland, Fred Ezelle and Martha Gerald, Jackson, vice presidents; and Mrs. T. F. Larche, Jackson, recording secretary. NOW AVAILABLE Enrollment Nears 900 limited number of 33 1/3 long A For the second consecutive year Mill- play RCA-Victor recordings of the saps College officials were expecting en- .Millsaps Singers in sacred concert. Mrs. Cobb Dies Suddenly rollment to edge near the 900 mark when The record contains nine selec- the fall session opened on September 9. Members of the Millsaps College tions and features a sixty-voice a Dean James S. Ferguson said that family were saddened to learn of the eappella choir under the direction of death a higher percentage of returning form- on May 20 of Mrs. H. W. Cobb, Dr. Alvin Jon King, emeritus direc- retired er students and fewer cancellations professor of Spanish. tor anil founder of the Millsaps Sing- among new students was limiting sharp- Mrs. Cobb, who lived in Claremont, ers. California, was stricken with a heart at- ly the number of late summer accept- Records sell for $3.95 including tack and succumbed after hospitaliza- ances. mailing charges. Address your order tion. She and her husband were planning Applications for admission during the to Director, Department of Public Re- a trip through the southern portions of month of August closely paralleled last lations, Millsaps College, Jackson, the nation at the time of her death. year's figure but rejections for the 1957- Mississippi. Letters to friends at Millsaps revealed 58 session were running' higher. A MUST FOR YOUR COLLECTION that they planned to visit the campus Most of the applicants are from the during the trip. RTou|) born in 1939 and 1940 before In 1931, Mrs. Cobb joined the Millsaps the birth rate began to rise sharply. faculty as professor of Spanish and sorority. During her student days she Millsaps, along with other colleges and taught continuously until her retirement was selected for membership in Phi universities, will feel the first effects at the close of the 1951-52 session. Her Beta Kappa. of the much heralded "tidal wave of en- educational preparation included a Bache- Mrs. Cobb is survived by her husband, rollment" by 1960. A policy of "con- lor of Arts degi-ee from St. Lawrence Henry W. Cobb, of Claremont, California, trolled gTOwth" is expected to allow for University and a Master of Arts degree for many years a professor and business gradual increases in enrollment while from the University of North Carolina. manager at Tougaloo College: and a assuring the maintenance of the char- Active in civic affairs as well as edu- daughter, Eleanor Cobb, '41, of San acter of a small college. cational endeavors, Mrs. Cobb was a F'l-ancisco, an employee of the U. S. State Dr. Ferguson pointed out that an in- member of the League of Women Voters, Department. crease in the percentage of men among the American Association of University Interment took place in Claremont, new students enrolled will be recorded Women, and Kappa Kappa Gamma social California. over last year's student body.

SUMMER, 1957 Page Five Building Program Continues


The building program at Millsaps Col- faculty members, seven classrooms, a been readying College facilities for the lege, inaugurated in 1954 to provide facil- faculty lounge, and restrooms. The en- fall session. ities for housing and academic needs, tire area will be air conditioned for year- Business Manager J. W. Wood an- continues at a steady pace as the new round comfort. The project will en- nounced at press time the employment school year begins. able every instructor to have a private of an additional staff member to super- office and will provide, by use of space Contracts have been awarded to a vise air conditioning and electrical en- in the Library and Union Building, air Jackson, Mississippi, firm for the con- gineering for the new buildings on the conditioned classrooms for most of the struction of two dormitories and work- campus. summer session classes. men are applying the finishing touches Included on the list of projects com- faculty offices and class- to the new The cost of the Murrah Chapel re- pleted "behind the scene" are the con- rooms in Murrah Hall. conditioning, will $130,000, be met by version of the old cafeteria to recreation applying the accomplishment grant of The Union Building has been com- area for men; installation of new plumb- the Ford Foundation gift and budgeting pleted and will be officially opened on ing in Founders Hall, including tile the remaining $28,500 over a period of September 2(;. A story in this issue baths and showers; construction of a several years. gives details of this project. service drive and parking lot to serve the Union Building and Buie A project smaller in size, but of real Gymna- The two dormitories, one for men and significance to the campus community, sium; revision of the electrical distri- one for women, will be financed through increased voltage is the relocation of the Infirmary. Di- bution system which the Home and Housing Finance Agency rected by maintenance supervisor Carl from 2,300 to 13,000 volts; renovation of of the Federal government. Phillips, the job was scheduled for com- the band hall and the construction of a office for the director; the Scheduled for occupancy by Septem- pletion by the beginning of the session new and construction of laboratory ber, 1958, the two housing units will in September. an additional eliminate the necessity of placing three for the geology department and rewiring The new facilities are located in two of the biology laboratory. students in each room. The women's of the former veteran apartments, which dormitory will house 96 students and To enable custodial staff members to the men's unit will accommodate 136 have been moved to the eastern edge of maintain grounds more efficiently a new students on the basis of two assig^^ed to the campus and immediately south of tractor and a mowing machine have been each room. Faculty Row. The Infirmary was form- purchased. Golfers will be interested to learn that Number 7 green has been Auxiliary houses on Park Avenue and erly located in the green "temporary moved to make way for the construction Adelle Street will be closed when the World War I" barracks near the Christ- of the women's dormitory. new dormitories are opened, allowing ian Center. for an increase in enrollment of not The usual painting and repairing has Ill addition to construction more than 75 students. major pro- been in progress throughout the summer, jects, the A location near North State Street campus maintenance force has Mr. Wood said. immediately north of Sanders Hall has been selected for the women's dormi- tory. The southwestern portion of the campus on the site of the veterans apartments will be the location of the new unit for men. It will be joined to Galloway Hall and will complete the final portion of the "H" made by Bur- ton Hall and Galloway Hall.

Originally scheduled to house only 100 men, the new dormitory will be built to accommodate 136 students. The ex- pansion in capacity is subject to the approval of the lending agency.

Another project of great importance, iMurrah Hall Chapel, for generations of Millsaps the conversion of Murrah Hall auditor- alumni a place of inspiration and entertainment, ium to faculty offices and classrooms, « ill fill a new role in College life this fall. It will house faculty offices and classrooms and will be completed by October 1. will be ready for occupancy by October 1. The pictures The new three-story space will pro- show the south windows being walled n and the new entrance replacing the familiar vide facilities for private offices for 24 old doors by the water fountain.

Page Six MAJOR NOTES tendent of schools of Greenwood, Mis- STUDENTS sissippi, were awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws.

Speakers for commencement weekend BECOME were Dr. Ernest C. Colwell, former vice president and dean of tlie faculties of Emory University, and Dr. H. E. Finger, ALUMNI Jr., president of Millsaps College.

By special request of the members Four Receive of the graduating class, Dr. Finger de- Honorary Degrees livered the baccalaureate sermon on June 2 in Galloway Memorial Methodist At Commencement Church. Dr. Colwell brought the bac- STENNIS

calaureate address Monday night in the Qne hundred and seventy members of Christian Center Auditorium. 1957 joined thousands of the class of Dr. A. P. Hamilton once ag-ain pre- 3 when tliey men and women on June sided during the presentation of medals alumni of received degrees and became and prizes to the students. Samuel L. Millsaps College. Jones, Jr., of Jackson, received the Founders Medal, awarded annually to the The graduation exercises officially senior with the highest quality index for closed the sixty-fifth session of the his entire college career and a grade of College. excellent on his comprehensive. Before the awarding of diplomas, four Other honors conferred upon students outstanding- Mississippians were recog- included the Bourgeois Medal awarded nized by the College when honorary de- this year to Margaret Yarbrough, of grees were bestowed upon them in tra- Indianola, sister of Robert M. Yar- GUNN ditional ceremonies. Receiving the degree brough, '47. Eight other awards were of Doctor of Divinity were the Reverend given to students for superior perform- Clyde L. Gunn, pastor of the First ance in their respective fields. Methodist Church, Gulfport; and the Reverend Felix Sutphin, former pastor Tlie graduation of the class of 1957 of Grenada Methodist Church and presi- brought to 4214 the number of men dent-elect of Wood Junior College. John and women who have received degrees L. Stennis, United States senator from from Millsaps College since the first Mississippi, and W. B. Dribben, superin- commencement in 1895.



SUMMER, 1957 Page Seven Alumna Returns to Teach

New Faculty Members Announced

The Millsaps College faculty was economics. He is a graduate of the strengthened by the addition of eight University of Texas and received his new members when the 1957-58 session Master of Arts degree from that insti- convened on September 9. tution. He has done additional graduate work in his field at the University of professors and their fields are New Texas. Dr. Donald Caplenor, biology; Dr. John W. Stevenson, English; Dr. John L. Fairbanks will join the faculty as in- Guest, German; Thurston Walls, eco- structor in the department of music. nomics; Richard Fairbanks and Glenn A graduate of the Westminster Choir F. Welsh, music; Audrey Jennings, so- College of Princeton, New Jersey, he re- ciology; and Mrs. Robert ceived his Master of Music degree from Anding, educa- FAIRBANKS tion. that institution in 1955. He will teach voice and theory and will direct the Dr. Caplenor, who will head the de- chapel choir and the Millsaps Madrigal of biology, is a of partment graduate Singers. Peabody College. He received his Mas- ter of Science and Doctor of Philosophy A graduate of Duke University, Welsh degrees from Vanderbilt University. He received his Bachelor of Music and comes to Millsaps from the Peabody Master of Music degrees from Yale College faculty. Other teaching posi- University. As assistant professor in tions held by Dr. Caplenor include an the Millsaps music department, he will instructorship at Vanderbilt and the teach piano and theory. He came to chairmanship of the department of bio- Millsaps from Bradford Junior College logy at Georgia Teachers College. in Bradford, Massachusetts, where he was director A graduate of Wofford College, STEVENSON GUEST of music. Stevenson received his MA and Ph. D. Miss Jennings, a 1954 graduate of degrees from Vanderbilt. He has serv- Millsaps College, will serve as instruc- ed on the faculty of Presbyterian Col- tor in the department of sociology. Af- lege in the department of English for ter receiving her Master of Arts de- seven years. Dr. Stevenson will hold gree from Tulane, she entered the field the rank of associate professor of Eng- of social work in New Orleans. lish at Millsaps. Mrs. Anding, wife of religion profess- Dr. Guest will serve as associate pro- or Robert Anding, will be a part-time fessor in the department of German at 1 instructor in the department of educa- Millsaps. He received his Bachelor of tion. A graduate of Millsaps College, Arts degree from the University of she received her Master of Education WALLS ANDING Texas and completed his graduate study degree from the University of Mississip- at Columbia University and New York pi. University, where he received the Mas- Faculty members who will not return ter of Arts and Ph.D. degrees. He has for the 1957-58 session include James served as instructor of German at P. Barker, instructor of economics; Dr. New York University and more recent- Roy Prince, professor of romance lang- ly at Rutgers University. uages; Charles J. Watson, assistant pro-

Walls, who has been ;a member of the fessor of music; Miller AVilliams, in- Mississippi State College faculty since structor of biology; and John Zumbro, 1938, holding the rank of acting chair- associate professor of economics, who man of the department of economics, resigned following the completion of a will serve as associate professor of WELSH JENNINGS leave of absence.

Page Eight MAJOR NOTES 1908. They will be holding official reunions during the day. The class of 1933 will have its 25-year reunion, and the class of 1908 will be honored as the 50-year group.

Don't underestimate reunions. They provide a common meeting ground for friends and classmates. Tlieir success depends upon the members of the classes and that extra effort they put out (or fail to put out) to attend.

Homecoming events will get underway at 10 a.m. Satur- day with reg-istration. Reunions will begin at 10:30 and last until 12 noon, when alumni will have a Dutch luncheon in the new cafeteria and participate in a student-alumni rally which will build "beat M. C." spirit. The parade will

form at 1 :30 p.m. on the campus drive and move to Capitol Street to begin at 2 p. m. At 3:30 p. ni. students will present


Reunions Call Twelve Classes and Early Days Club Members

Back to Campus—Majors'Choctaws Meet Following Annual Banquet

Alumni from across the nation will converge on the Mill- saps campus on October 19 for that big day, Homecoming.

Last year's Homecoming has taken its place with other The football teams of 1927. 1928, 1929 and 1930 got to- gether in 1956. events as one of the greatest in College history. One alumnus wrote, "I don't recall ever having enjoyed a day as a much as I did the Homecoming this year at Millsaps." There variety program in the Christian Center auditorium, and were many other letters praising the day and naming features at 4:30 p.m. alumni will be taken on a tour to inspect the which made it unforgettable. new buildings. The annual Homecoming Banfjuet, with its Alumnus-of-the-Year Award presentation, will be held at Again this year, the opportunity presents itself for all 5:30 in the new cafeteria. And, of course, at 8 p.m. the Millsaps alumni to share in the program which is planned annual football game with JHssissippi College will require especially for them. The events will begin Friday evening, the presence of ALL alumni. October 18, at (i:30 p.m. when the Early Days Club members hold their annual banquet. The Early Days Club is made Make plans to attend Homecoming. There's something up of alumni who attended Millsaps fifty years ago or special about the day over and above all the activities. more. You can't possibly know what it is until you set aside the Tliis will be a special Homecoming for the classes of routine and devote a few hours to Jlillsaps College and the 1946, 1945, 1944, 1943, 1933, 1927, 192(3, 1925, 1924, and men and women who are such an important part of your Street to begin at 2 p.m. At 3:30 p.m. students will present past.

. . First Alumni Function in New Cafeteria . .

SUMMER, 1957 Page Nine Alumni Make History Outstanding Alumnus During Year 1956-57 To Be Selected Soon

The story of alumni activity during the Do you know of a Millsaps College year 1956-57 is a story of achievement. graduate or former student whose con-

The leadership furnished by President > t tributions and achievement, particularly Craig Castle and the devoted sei'vice those of the past 12 months, have been given by the officers and members of outstanding? the Board of Directors, the class man- If so, perhaps you should nominate agers of the Alumni Fund, and many that person for the Alumnus-of-the-Year others history. made Awai'd.

It was indeed a great year. The suc- Now in its sixth consecutive year, th? cess realized by those who worked hard annual award program honors a Mill- through the twelve-month period can saps alumnus as the highlight of the big partly be attributed to efforts made in Homecoming weekend program. previous years. We build on the founda- Last year Mississippi Public Service tions laid by others. Commissioner Rubel Phillips was chosen It is now appropriate for Major Notes to receive the Alumnus-of-the-Year to extend for the administration and Award, the highest honor given by the faculty of the College, the students, and College exclusively to its alumni. Other many others who are devoted to Mill- recipients are W. J. Caraway, 1955; Gil- saps College and its ideals, congratula- Heads Alumni Fund bert Cook, Sr., 1954; E. A. Khayat, 1953; tions and sincere thanks to those who Dr. Charles L. Neill, 1952; and James made the 1956-57 alumni year a year for J. Livesay, 1950. George Pickett, Jackson insurance exec- remembering. utive and civic leader, has been named A committee composed of three alumni, Listed below, in capsule form, are a chairman of the 1957-58 Alumni Fund three faculty members, and three stu- few of the activities of the Alumni As- campaign. He succeeds Nat Rogers, '41, dents make the final and often difficult its firvt decision sociation since July 1, 1956: who guided the Fund through regarding the year's honoree. year to a successful conclusion. Nominations must be made in writing by to sell (1) Sponsored a campaign sea- The announcement of Pickett's ap- October 9, fully describing the qualifica- son tickets to Millsaps football g-ames. pointment was made at press time by tions and activities of the nominee. Alumni Association president 0. B. Trip- (2) Held the annual outing which Read These Rules lett, '24, of Forest. brings together alumni and members Pickett, who attended Millsaps from Factors considered in the selection of of the football team for an evening of 1927 through 1930, is a member of the the award winner include character and food and fellowship. Board of Directors of the Alumni As- contributions in the fields of service to (3) Staged what observers called the sociation and has long been actively en- Millsaps College, service to the church, largest and most successful Homecoming gaged in volunteer work for the College. and service to community and the public. in College history. A member of Galloway Memorial Service in any of the fields designated Methodist Church, he has served in (4) Sponsored the annual Alumnus-of- above will entitle any alumnus to be leadership positions in many Jackson the-Year program which honored Rubel considered by the committee for the church, civic, and fraternal organiza- Phillips as the most outstanding alumnus award, but sei-vice by nominees in all tions. for 1956. three fields are considered by the award The Finance Committee of the Alumni committee in making the selection. (5) Established the first annual Alum- Association Board of Directors, advisory Although primary consideration is ni Fund campaign, which brought ap- group to the fund chairman, has set given to the service performed during proximately $16,500 to the College for $17,500 as the minimum goal for the the year immediately preceding the unrestricted use, exceeding its goal by 1957-58 Fund. award, the committee also considers the $6,500. Last year's goal of $10,000 was ex- ceeded by $6,500 under Rogers' leader- service rendered in these fields by (6) Obtained the largest participation ship, and College and Alumni Associa- nominees during all previous years. by alumni in a college event in the me- tion officials are confident that Chair- Both men and women are eligible to mory of officials when more than 1,100 man Pickett, known for his ability as a receive the citation. Nominations are voted in the election of Alumni Associa- fund raiser for worthy causes, will go welcomed from anyone, regardless of col- tion officers. over the top on the quota for the cur- lege affiliation. rent year. (7) Carried on the work of the As- Results of the judging will be reveal- Unrestricted giving on the part of sociation through six committees, four ed at the annual Homecoming Dinner, alumni and friends to the Fund will be meetings of the Board of Dii-ectors and Saturday. October 19, when the award emphasized this year, Pickett said, but of the many more meetings alumni of- recipient is honored and the citation of gifts for specific projects will be ac- ficers. merit is read. cepted. (8) Increased interest and participa- Seven hundred and eighty-three per- Follow that impulse. Address your tion of alumni in College affairs through sons gave a total of $16,483.81 to the letter to Alumnus-of-the-Year Commit- organized programs and individual ef- Fund last year. Total giving through the tee, Millsaps College, Jackson 10, Mis- fort. old dues program in 1955-56 was $2,900. sissippi, today!


Here a camera's eye view of Alumni Days held on May 11, for Homecoming functions. One of the first to register for reveals only a few of the many high moments. In picture the gathering was (). B. Triplett .Ir. (picture number 4), number 1, faculty and alumni enjoy rare fellowship as they who later in the day was announced as the new Association gather for the Alumni Day banquet. A scene from the Mill- president. In picture number 5, W. F. Murrah. of .>Iem- saps Players' production, "The Inverted Year," is shown in phis. son of former President William I?elton Murrah, picture number 2. Alumni saw the three-act play following registers. IMcture number 6 shows outgoing .Association the banquet to climax a day of actitivties. The last alumni president Craig Castle and Dr. H. E. Finger, Jr., going over function Triplett. To really experi- ever to be held in old Galloway Hall cafeteria is plans for the new year with Mr.— shown in picture number 3. The new cafeteria will be ready ence the thrill of coming back "do it yourself." SUMMER, 1957 Page Eleven Events of Note From Town and Gown

Parents are Briefed cAlumni Pioneers

students composed the Parents of students entering Millsaps Twenty-four of from the Uni- College for the first time this fall were first class graduates Medicine "one jump ahead" of their sons and versity of Mississippi School of exercises this year. daughters for once in their lives, thanks at its commencement six were Millsaps grad- to a program inaugurated in August by Of that numbsr, the administration of the College. uates. Blillsaps alumni who received M. D. It was the new parent orientation pro- degrees in June were John Campbell Gil- gram held on August 10, 17, and 26 and liland, '.54; John Milton Giordano, Jr., planned to acquaint parents with the '50; Warren Woodrow Johnson '50; purposes, program, and services offered Henry I ipes Mills, Jr., '53; Steven La- by the College. Similar in purpose to the velle Moore, '53; and Nell Ryan, '50. annual students' orientation it came sev- Miss Ryan, who served as secretary- eral weeks in advance of tlie opening of treasurer of the class, is the only woman the fall session and prepared parents for known to graduate from a four-year the experiences which lie ahead for their medical school in Mississippi. She is children. the second Millsaps alumna to gi-adu.ate from medical school. Dr. J. E. McCracken, dean of students, Other schools represented in the grad- directed the parent orientation program \ii indii ilton of need and desire of uating class were Mississippi College, which made use of panel presentations the Millsaps students for the new Union 4; University of Mississippi, 10; Mis- and question and answer sessions. A Building is the check presented by the sissippi State, 2; Delta State, 1; and Mis- lecture, "The Birth of an Adult," was Majorette (Tub for use in equipping the sissippi Southern, 1. given by Dr. McCracken. recreation room. Dr. H. E. Finger, .Jr., accepts the check from the president of The Millsaps graduates will intern in According to President Finger, the the organization, Edna Wixon, Cruger. the following hospitals: Gilliland, Uni- .Members of the group raised purposes of the new program are to the money versity Hospital, Jackson; Giordano, Mo- provide parents with general informa- through special projects. bile, Alabama, County Hospital; John- tion about the College, to secure inform- son, John Gaston Hospital, Memphis; ation about students new which will as- Mills, Orange Memorial Hospital, Or- sist the College in providing for them the Students Faith lando, Florida; Moore, Arkansas Baptist best program of studies Show and develop- Hospital, Little Rock; and Bliss Ryan, ment possible, to provide parents with Vanderbilt Hospital, Nashville. assistance in planning and preparation One of the most inspiring incidents for college life, and to provide a more of the past school year came to light at intimate fellowship between parents and the final chapel session. Beg Your Pardon the College faculty and staff. Club, or- Members of the Majorette We knew it would happen. We knew Response to the program from parents ganization for women students inter- that we would miss many alumni who was encouraging, officials said. ested in athletics, presented the College are serving in the field of hig-her educa- with a check for $350 to be used in tion in our article on the subject in the a, ^' equipping the Union Building. Edna spring' issue of Major Notes. Collegians Needed Wixon, president of the club, made No one can say we were partial, the presentation to Dr. Finger, express- however. We omitted the name of the An appeal for issues of The Collegian, ing for the group their interest in their professor who suggested the story and early publication of the Millsaps College Alma Mater and its future. did much of the research—and he's a student body, has been issued by Librar- Millsaps faculty member, at that. He's The money donated by the club was ian Bethany Swearingen and Emeritus Dr. Ross H. Moore, chairman of the Professor raised in special projects to help pro- G. L. Harrell. histoi-y department. vide equipment for the recreation room Also omitted from our list were Tom Inaugurated in November, 1898, by the in the Union Building. The gift was un- Robertson, '41, Anderson College; George class of 1899, The Collegian was publish- solicited and came from the desire of E. Reves, '29, the Citadel; Francis Bal- ed monthly during the college year until the Majorette Club members to have lard, '24, Southern Methodist University; it was merged with the Purple and White a part in undeinvriting the current Iniild- M. Calloway, '44, Carleton College. in 1909. ing program. Jean In addition, two recent graduates, Keith If you have issues of this publication Often those closest to an event or an Dix, '54, and Audrey Jennings, '54, have and would be willing to donate or sell institution are unable to appraise its im- accepted positions in the field. Dix will them to the College, please write Miss portance or its true significance. It is to teach at Hampdon-Sydney College, and Swearingen or Dr. Harrell. Much of the the everlasting credit of those students Miss Jennings will join the Millsaps early history of Millsaps College is con- that they have "eyes to see" and see. faculty. tained in its pages and persons furnish- They point the way that those of us We're sorry for the oversight. We will ing these missing copies would be doing who really care about Christian higher appreciate receiving the names of other the College a great service. education must go. alumni we've overlooked.

Page Twelve MAJOR NOTES A high moment in the history of the unit>. I'ictured loft to right, first lack row—J. L. Gunn, mechanical con-

College is captured by the cameraman. row are R. W. Naef architect; .1. tractor; W. L. Gill, designer, of R. W. It is the ground-breaking ceremony for W. Wood, business manager; R. L. Xaef; R. C. Hawkins, Power Electric two dormitories planned for occupancy Ezelle, board member; V. D. Youngblood, Company; Colvin Reid, structural de- signer, of R. W. Naef; Leigh Watkins. by September. 19.i8. Construction was board member; Bishop Marvin A. Frank- 111. electrical engineer; D. V. Denny, Jr., scheduled to begin following the govern- lin, chairman of the Board of Trustees; contractor; M. H. .Minks, Jordan Con- ment lending agency's approval of the H. E. Finger. ,Ir., president; A. Boyd struction Company; and Forrest North, firms engaged to build the housing Campbell treasurer of the College; and consultant. Lomax Mechanical Engineers.

Summer Reviewed Alumni Serve South YOUR HELP, PLEASE Fifty-two colleges and universities Three Millsaps alumni took part in the Here is another request for copies in the 1957 Millsaps southwide conference on post high school of the BOBASHELA, Millsaps College were represented education of the Southern Regional yearbook. College Summer School student body. Education Board in Louisville, Kentucky, Four hundred forty-eight students were Ira Travis, '30, needs a copy of the in April. The sponsored enrolled for courses in the summer ses- conference was 1929 and 1930 BOBSASHELAS and by the President's Committee on Edu- sion. would appreciate the assistance of his cation Beyond the High School. fellow alumni who might have extra The University of Mississippi led in Boyd Campbell, '10, delivered one of copies. representatives from other schools with the keynote speeches at the opening gen- A resident of San Antonio, Travis 4.5 students enrolled, followed by Missis- eral session. James E. Baxter, '26, Meri- is a certified life underwriter and is sippi State College for Women with 33. dian, was one of the state delegates ap- most successful in his own agency. He The first term of the summer session pointed by the governor, and Fred B. was a very welcome guest on the 10. The session closed Au- Smith, '12, Ripley, was invited by the campus last October for the Home- began on June President's Committee to participate. coming weekend. gust 17. More than 60 courses were of- If you have an extra BOBASHELA fered, and students enrolled in both Three hundred educational, profes- for 1929 or 1930 write the .Mumni terms were able to earn a maximum of sional, and lay leaders from the South Office or send card direct to Mr. a 14 semester hours. attemped to find answers to some of the Travis at 2314 West Huisache, San pressing problems facing education in Antonio, Texas. During the regular session 892 stu- the region today. dents were enrolled for credit.

SUMMER, 1957 Page Thirteen National Winner

Millsaps College, long a name respect- ed in forensic circles, has again achiev- ed recognition because of the perform- ance of one of its student orators. Keith Tonkel, of Clermont, Florida, placed second in the national finals of the eighty-third annual Interstate Ora- torical Contest held in May in Lansing, Michigan. Tonkel, a 1958 senior, won in the men's division of the state contest earlier to qualify for the na- t'onal finals at Michigan State Col- lege. The Millsaps Col- lege orator spoke on the subject "Today ami Tomorrow," in which he defended the present genera- Commencement 1957 was something of a family festival for the Armstrong family, III, received diploma, leaving tion of young people and challenged of Coffeeville, Mississippi. George W. Armstrong, his brothers them to accept the responsibility which two remaining in Millsaps. During the past academic year the Armstrongs may have set a record with three members of their immediate family enrolled at the is theirs to build a better world. same time. Pictured with their father, G. W. Armstrong, are Joe, George, and Ralph. First place winner was Jim Johnson, Joe is a junior and Ralph is a sophomore. of Augustan College, whose subject was "Why Elvis Presley?" The six speakers sui-viving elimina- tion rounds in the national contest re- presented the following colleges and uni- versities: Millsaps, Augustan, Nebraska State Teachers College, University of Dubuque, Central State College, and Hope College. Tonkel also received the John R. Mason scholarship in speech for the year. This is the second time he has won the award.

Could Concern You

A new policy regarding former stu- dents of Millsaps College was inaugurat- ed by the alumni office when the new year began on July 1. Prior to this year former students were listed according to the last year in which they attended Millsaps. A student who attended during the 1951-52 session only, for example, was considered a member of the class of 1952. Under the new plan he will be listed with the stu- dents he would have graduated witli if he had continued—the class of 1955.

There will be some former students, A picture which sjmbolizes will undoubtedly bring a touch of sadness of course, who did not enter as fresh- to many of our post-war alumni. Here the last of the Veteran's .\partments stands men. They will be listed with the classes forlorn and deserted, waiting its turn to be moved or torn down to make way for of four later years until the alumni the men's dormitory which will be constructed next to Galloway Hall. The telephone records clerk is notified by individual booth standing to the right brings to mind a portion of a popular song of a few years students of the proper class or until time ago—"A telephone that rings, but who's to answer." Ground will be broken soon permits her to check transcripts. on the new dormitory which is scheduled for September, 1958, opening.

Page Fourteen MAJOR NOTES —

the pulpit of Capitol Street Methodist Church in Jackson College History Depicted for six months as a supply pastor in 1953. Captain Jones led men into some of the fiercest fighting of the World War II European campaign. Today he leads A pageant depicting the founding and growth and the soldiers in prayers for peace. He told reporters of his de- contribution of Millsaps College to the welfare of the state cision to become a minister: "I saw so much destruction and the nation was presented to the two conferences of Mis- during the war that I decided I had to do something about sissippi Methodism in June as a supplement to President it. I felt that through the ministry I might be able to help Fing-er's annual report. stop another war before it began." Called "The Millsaps Charge," the pageant portrayed the Captain Jones was a reconnaissance battalion platoon three periods in the history of the College. It was written leader in 1944-45. His small unit had the job of "clearing and directed by Mrs. Ross H. Moore. the road" for the Seventh Armored Division in its battles The 20-year period from 1892 to 1912 was piesented as throug'h France, Belgium, and Germany. "Years of Crusade," followed by the 1912-1932 era, called "Years of Conquest." The twenty years from the depression He was wounded twice in the fighting, was captured by the Silver Star for gallantry in to the present were depicted as "Years of Confirmation." the enemy, and was awarded for meritorius serv- 1 he voice of Bishop Charles B. Galloway, who has been call- action and the Commendation Ribbon ed the spiritual founder of the College, was featured through- ice. out the presentation. Admiral Thomas and his wife now live at Lake Juna- Action in the pageant centered around two students, luska, North Carolina. Captain and Mrs. Jones and their rooniniates. who symbolized every student of every era. The two sons live in Augusta, Georgia. Millfaps Madrigal Singers, a 16-voice choir, provided the choral background for the pag-eant. The final scene featured the contributions of Millsaps College alumni to business and the professions. Craig Castle, 1956-57 Association president, spoke for all alumni. Millsaps Student Is He introduced Albert Sanders, Jr., '42; Dr. James S. Fer- guson, '37; Robert Ezelle, '35; and Dr. J. R. Cavett, '41; who repesented alumni in the various specialized fields. Dr. Outstanding Poet Finger, a 1937 graduate himself, spoke at the climax of the scene. Millsaps senior John Stone, of Jackson, has been At the Mississippi Conference presentation of the pag- named Mississippi's Outstanding Young Poet of 1957. eant in Jackson's Galloway Memorial Church, the W. B. His poem was selected from among 2,000 entries in the Jones family, with graduates in each of the three periods of Poetry Parade of 1957. College history, was honored by delegates and visitors Stone also received the State Times Poetry Cup present. Representing the family were W. B. Jones, Sr., '97; for 1957 and the Buena Vista Hotel award, a vacation George H. Jones '25; and George K. Jones, '55. for two people. The Reverend 0. S. Lewis, '03, Dr. G. L. Harrell, '99, is given below: the Reverend L. P. Wasson, '04, and Dr. B. E. Mitchell ap- The poem which won the award peared on the program as voices of the the two Methodist THE REST IS SILENCE conferences. By John H. .Stone Dr. Frank Laney, professor of history at Millsaps, was the narrator, and Holmes Ambrose, chairman of the depart- Still she watched the summer sun ment of music, directed the Madrigal Singers and spoke as Faile, sink, and the skies run the voice of Bishop Galloway. To a golden hush at the earth's end. The chair that he was "going to mend," Mis pipe, unemptied, on the chair,

.A. g-host of autumn in the air. They Ministered to Men The walnut tree, the silent squirrel, Tlie swallows which began to swirl Tlie lives of two Millsaps College alumni who are Around the liill's dissolving rim serving their fellowmen as chaplains were the subjects of .\\\ these spoke to her of him. recent feature stories in Jackson newspapers. For they had loved, and he had died. They are Rear Admiral William Thomas, '12, now re- .A. star fell, and burned like pride, tired, and Captain Joseph W. Jones, '49, stationed at Fort .And left a brief line on the sky. Gordon, Georgia. She heard the distant nig-iit-bird cry.

Dr. Thomas is the first Navy chaplain to attain the rank An outstanding student at Millsaps, Stone was of admiral. He has been in the service since 1917, reaching named to Who's Who Among Students in American the position of Chief of Navy Chaplains before his retire- Colleges and Universities. He has served as editor of ment in 1949. Stylus, campus literary magazine, president of the

From 1917 until 1933 Admiral Thomas served actively in Christian Council, president of Westminister Fellow- the Navy. In 1933 he was appointed chaplain of the Naval ship, vice-president of Alpha Epsilon Delta, honorary Academy at Annapolis. In 1945 he moved to Washington pre-niedical fraternity, vice-president of Lambda Chi as Chief of Navy Chaplains. In recognition of his outstand- Alpha social fraternity. He is a member of Omicron ing service to his church, his college, and his nation, he was Delta Kappa, men's leadership honorary, Kit Kat, awarded the degree of Doctor of Divinity by Millsaps College men's creative writing- honorary, and the Lambda Chi in 1935. Since his retirement he has served as dean of Me- combo. morial Chapel at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. He filled

SUMMER, 1957 Page Fifteen Where Do Great Ideas Come From?

From its beginnings this nation has been American. These institutions are doing their guided by great ideas. utmost to raise their teaching standards, to meet the steadily rising pressure for enroll- The men who hammered out the Constitution ment, and provide the healthy educational and the Bill of Rights were thinkers—men of climate in which great ideas flourish. vision — the best educated men of their day. may And every major advance in our civilization They need the help of all who love freedom, all since that time has come from minds equipped who hope for continued progress in science, by education to create great ideas and put in statesmanship, in the better things of life. them into action. And they need it noiv!

So, at the very core of our progress is the college classroom. It is there that the imagina-

tion of young men and women gains the in- If you want to know what the college crisis tellectual discipline that turns it to useful means to you, write for a free ^K thinking. It is there that the great ideas of booklet to: HIGHER EDUCA- - HIGHER EDUCATION the future will be born. TION, Box 36, Times Square Station, New York 36, N.Y. That is why the present tasks of our colleges KEEP IT BRIGHT and universities are of vital concern to every MILLSAPS COLLEGE

Sponsored as a public service, in cooperation with the Council for Financial Aid to Education

Page Sixteen MAJOR NOTES '• *^'^-' .\.

ii -/- «Sfi:


EPORT for 1956-57 f Official Report of The 1956-57 Alumni Fund

The First in MiBlsaps College History

NAT ROGERS CRAIG CASTLE, President, 1956-57 Chairman, 1956-57 Fund Millsaps College Alumni Association

The first Alumni Fund in the history of the College has been oversubscribed by more than $6,000. A goal of $10,000 was set by officials and it was felt that the drive could be considered a success if this figure were reached. When the campaign closed a total of $16,483.81 had been subscribed. Since 1952-53, the Alumni Association had utilized a dues payment system. In 1955-56, approximately $2,90U was received through this program. This year's results represent an increase in giving on the part of alumni of more than 40U';. Leadership during the past year was of outstanding ciuality. Nat Rogers, Fund chairman, Craig Castle, Associa- tion president, and others worked tirelessly to spark the drive. Cooperation from hundreds of others enabled the Fund officials to record "Mission More Than Accomplished."


General Contributions No. Amount Total Subscribed 416,483.81 (Less than $100) 713 $ 7,682.81 Number of Contributors 783 Major Investors 62 7,956.00 Friends 7 815.00 Percentage of Alumni Giving 15% Corporate Alumnus Program 1 30.00

Averag'e Gift $21.05 783 $16,483.81

Percentage Giving Number Giving Total Contributed 1900 50% 1953 49 1935 $1,368.50 1892-99 47 1941 34 1915 37 1917 1,338.00 1947 34 1910 33

1929 . 584.00 1904 31 1949 32 1918 31 1950 31 1937 507.00

Page Eighteen MAJOR NOTES Report of Giving By Classes

Class No. in class* No. giving I'ercentage giving Amount 1892-1S99 17 8 47% !f 300.(10 1900 10 5 50 110.00 1901 13 1 8 300.00 1902 15 1 7 .5.00 1903 22 6 27 87.50 1901 13 4 31 170.00 1905 20 1 5 25.00 1906 19 2 11 42.50 1907 20 7 35 335.00 1903 25 5 20 1909 22 6 ^J7_ 147.50 1910 18 b 33 180.00 1911 33 4 12 60.00 1912 29 4 14 360.00 1913 33 7 21 200.00 1914 26 4 15 90.00 1915 19 7 37 182.00 1916 36 4 11 75.00 1917 43 8 19 1,338.00 1918 36 11 31 170.00 1919 31 2 6 55.00 1920 38 7 18 110.00 1921 34 6 18 137.50 1922 40 3 8 135.00 1923 45 8 18 160.00 1924 61 12 20 207.00 1925 63 12 19 260.00 1926 77 9 12 157.00 1927 91 13 14 305.00 1928 84 21 25 502.50 1929 102 18 18 584.00 1930 124 13 10 412.00 1931 92 6 7 60.00 1932 97 9 9 80.00 1933 99 13 13 250.00 1934 80 8 10 89.50 1935 108 18 17 1,368.50 1936 114 23 20 436.00 1937 86 20 23 507.00 1938 100 18 18 418.00 1939 116 15 13 177.50 1940 137 25 18 373.50 1941 144 34 23 493.00 1942 141 26 18 500.50 1943 134 16 12 255.00 1944 96 19 20 296.50 1945 65 7 11 48.50 1946 76 8 11 29.00 1947 218 34 16 480.31 1948 171 25 15 245.00 1949 232 32 14 194.50 1950 224 31 14 285.00 1951 212 27 13 206.00 1952 181 22 12 422.50 1953 184 49 27 310..50 1954 224 27 12 209.00 1955 145 19 13 221.50 1956 154 18 12 147.00 *Includes those who enrolled with class but did not gr aduate.

SUMMER, 1957 Page Nineteen — CLASS MANAGERS

for the year ending June 30, 1957

alumni willing to give unselfishly of time, effort, and were of vital importance to the success of the Alumni Fund. Loyal system of private education in America. The financial support to their colleges may yet be the salavation of the har




1900— Morris A. Chambers; 189':-99— Wharton Green, Joseph Hart; 1915—C. C. Clark, R. T. Henry, J. H. Sasser; 1910— A. Boyd Campbell, Charles R. Rew; 1918—Julian B. Feibelnian, Mrs. A. M. Kirkpatrick (Leota Taylor).


1953—J. E. Benson, Charles H. Boyles, Mildred Carpenter, Pat Curtis, Margueritte Denny, Allie Mitchell Frazier, Roger F. Hester, Bryant Home, Josephine Lampton, Robert Lee Hunt, Irby Turner, Jr., Ewin Gaby, Charles Sommers, and Steven L. Moore; 1941—J. R. Cavett, Roy C. Clai'k, Thomas G. Hamby, Joel McDavid, Charles Murry, Jr., Nat Rogers, Louis Wilson, Thomas Robertson, and Martha Gerald; 1947 Robert T. Hollingworth, Jr., Mike McLaurin, Inman Moore, Jr., L. L. Brantley, Jr., J. H. Cameron, Sarah Frances Clark, Mrs. W. H. Izard (Betty Klunib), Otis Single- tary, Jr., Mirl Whitaker, Dan Wright, R. M. Yarbrough, Jr., Nat Hovious, Otho Keith Pigott, and James T. McCafferty; 1949— Rowland B. Kennedy, R. H. Conerly, Hiarold James, Claude Johnson, Jr., Ralha Doyle McGee, Robert Nay, Mrs. J. D. Powell (Elizabeth Lampton), Everett Watts, Raymond Wesson, J. W. Youngblood, Philip Irby, Jr., W. F. Goodman, Jr., James Howard Jenkins, Gene T. Fleming, Leonard Metts, John A. Neill, Marion Parker, Julian Prince, Floyd Heard, and Edsel Cook; 1950 Moran Berbett, Henry Blount, Jr., Campbell Cauthen, Mrs. Tom Crosby (Wilma Faye Dyess), Royce Dawkins, Jr., Edward Majure, F. M. Martinson, Jr., J.

G. Millsaps, Jr., Mrs. Dean Jones (Shirley Norwood), Mrs. Dewey Sanderson ( Fannie Buck Leonard), Parks Stewart, Robert Lee Walton, Jr., T. B. Abernathy, Richard Harris, Joseph R. Huggins, J. E. Johnson, Jr., Earl T. Lewis, A. P. White, and Johnnie Jabour.


1935—William J. Caraway, Charles Robert Ridgway, Jr., Floyd Lewis, Charles Edwin Brown, B. T. Akers, T. A. Baines, Otho Monroe, and Paul Ramsey; 1917—R. G. Moore, Otie Branstetter; 1929^Mrs. Evon Ford (Elizabeth Heidelberg), Theordore K. Scott, W. B. Dribben, Robert C. Embry, Albert K. Stackhouse, and Heber Ladner; 1937— Mendell M. Davis, Fred Ezelle, and A. T. Tatum.

Page Twenty MAJOR NOTES Major IrIV(istors Club

Alumni who contributed SI 00 oi more lo the Millsaps College Alumni Fund during the year 1956-57 are listed below They are charter year members of the Major Investors Club. Those giving so generous ly of their means to support their Al iia

Mater have indeed invested in the future of Christian higher education in America. 1 They are shown on the general list alphabetically under the year of graduation.


Applewhite, Dr. C. C ..BA 07 Kimball. Mrs. J. T.

'--. ' - 41 ^" (I.,^,.;.-.- BA J '*' ^^9jilln\jLA'^limove^^ Dr-i-^ Ji * Sanit^ *^ m E—i • — f JIcManus, John S. BS 29 Eornctt, iNlrs. Ross (Pearl Crawford) BS 26 McX'air, Dr. S. S. 21 23

Beacham, Dr. A. V. BA 28 Moore, R. G . BA 17 Blount, James A. BS 08 Murry, Dr. C. M BA 41 Dranton, Rev. R. R. BA 27 Neill, C. L. DA 0,"

Branton :\Irs. R. R. NeiU, Mrs. C. L. (Doris Alford) BA 29 (Susie Ridgway) BA 07 Campbell, A. B. BS 10 Pickett, George B. 27 -30

Caraway, Mayor W. J. BS 35 Pi-opst, Rev. Paul -.24 -8

Caraway, ilrs. W. J. Rhea, Mrs. J. Earl (Catherine Ross) BA 35 (Mildred Clegg) BA 35 Castle, Craig BA 47 Ridgway, C. R. Jr. BA 35 Churchwell, W. C. 06-09 Riley, Solon F. BA 28

Collins, W. Harris BA 36 Rogers, A. L...... _... ..BA 07

Cook, Gilbert, Sr. BA 08 Rogers, Nat „ ._...BA 41 Costas, Peter 49-52 Rogers, Mrs. Nat

Countiss, Dr. Eugene H BS 30 (Helen Ricks) .._... BA 42 52 Crawford, Robert L BA Ross, Dr. Thomas G BS 36 Crawford, Mrs. Robert L.

Sasser, Joseph Harry .. . LLB 15 (Mabel C. Buckley) 49-52

Egger, John F. . „ BA 27 Schimmel, Mrs. Brevik 40-42 Ezelle, Fred ..BS 37 (Edith Cort\\Tight)

Ezelle, Mrs. Fred Smith, Fred B. - - -. BS 12 (Katherine Ann Grimes) BA 42 Spiva Walter .. BA 25

Finger, Dr. H. E., Jr. .. BA 37 Spiva, Jlrs. Walter Ford, Mrs. Evon (Jlary Davenport) BA 25 (Elizabeth Heidelberg) ^ BA 29 Stevens Dr. B. M. ... LLD 55 Franklin, Marvin A. LLD 52 Trimble. Airs. Celia Brevard BA 40 Golding, Dr. N. J. -BA 17 Green, Wharton BS 98 Trimble, Janice BA 43

Holloman, Thomas Wynn „. BA 01 Triplett, Oliver B B-A 24 Hunt, B. M BA 21 White, D. M BA 17 99 Jones, Harris A. -BA Womack, Dr. Noel C. BS 44

Jovner, Dr. Austin .- 19-22 Womack, Mrs. Noel C.

Kees, Mrs. Wylie V. (Flora Mae Arant) . BA 44 Sue Burnham) ... BS 33 (Mary Wroten, Dr. J. D., Sr. BA 13

J. BA 04 Kennedy, M Wroten, INIrs. J. D., Sr.

Kimball, J. T. BS 34 (Birdie Gray Steen) BA 14

SUMMER, 1957 Page Twenty-One ) ) )


Sheffield Clark Mrs. Cynthia Shamel D. P. Cuughlin. Jr. Mrs. Webb Buie Mrs. Paul R. 1892-1899 (47%) C. C. Buck) Robert T. Henry (Cynthia Thompson) Eu'^ene H. Countiss (Ora Lee Graves) (Carolyn Harris A. Jon?s Dudley Stewart E. L. Hillman Mrs. V. K. Smith Mildred Horne Hubert M. Carmichael Mrs. Percy L. Clifton Chadwick (Jane Hyde West) Green, Sr. Rams y W. Roberts (Rosalie Lowe) Mrs. Philip Kolb Mrs. C. W. Garner W. A. T. Tucker Wharton Green* Joseph Harry Sasser Walter Spiva (Warr ne Ramsey) (Elizabeth Clark) Murry H. Wyatt Clowe Robert Wingate Joseph Hart* William E. Toles Bethany Swearingen Marv Miller 1916 (.'%) Alberta C. Taylor Robert P. Nc-blett. Jr. Harris Collins Mrs. J. W. Wood William B. Jones (Grace Cunningham) Spragins Mrs. P. M. Hollis Lucie Watkins Mrs. Ralph T. Phillips Mrs. H. C. Dodge Hal S. Hinds) 1940 (18%) ( Mildred Williams) (Annie Frances Mrs. G. C. Swearingen (Nelle York) 1926 (12^;>) Askew Annie Lester Mrs. Ross Barnett George P. Pickett Caxton Doggett Mary K. (Anne Buckley) B. Bartsch William M. O'Donneli (P arl Crawford) Carlisle Touchstone Robert L. Ezelle, Jr. Mrs. Ralph T» ..,.„. A900 ^50%) James E. Baxter Ira A. Travis Mrs. Ransom Gary Jones (Martha Faust Connor) Morris Chambers 1917 (19%,) .^shmore Mrs. Morgan Bishop 1931 (7%) (Jessie Vic Russell) L. Lamar Beacham W. T. Clark OtierZ'" ^ G. Bran^LtLLcr (Lucie Mae McMullanl Elsie Abney Aubrey C. Maxted Mrs. Gilbert Cook. Jr. Norman C. Guice Clarence BulIocK ynolds Cheney Alton F. Minor (Virginia Wilson) N. ^';'i...C-^ M. Chapman R Thomas M. Lemly J. o^id;a,s- M^iiouoii ntsier 31 Ion Morehead Mrs. Felix Daniels 1901 (8'/f) Mrs. E. A. Harwell Mrs. Joe W. crawiuiu Margaret Mycn^ (Ruth Corley) Thomas Wynn Holloman (Mary Shurlds) (Martha Bell Marshall) (Winifred Scott) Charles i.. Weill Mrs. J. f. r icia, j^ 1902 (7%) Howard B. McG.?hee Junes S. Hamilton Philip Kolb Joseph C. Pickett (Elizabeth Durley) Mrs. Mary H. Scott R. G. Moore Isuar A. Newton Martell H. TVitihell Thomas G. Ross Mrs. Alvin Flaunes (Marv Holloman) J. C. Wasson F. W. Vaughan 1932 (9^,;,) Mrs. E. L. Smart (Sara Nell Rhymes) 1903 (27%) D. M. White H. W. F. Vaughan Mildred Cagle (Virginia MeCullar) G raid P. Gable Allen S. Cameron* 1918 (31%,) 1927 (14%) Mrs. J. H. Cameron George Stephenson Annie Mae Gunn Felix Grant* S Iwyn Boatner R. R. Branton (Burnell Gillaspy) Mrs. Gyrelle Tynes Dr. J. Manning Hudson H. B. Heidelberg C. H. Everett Joe W. Coker Edward A. Khayat (Dorothy Cowen) Samuel T. Lloyd Feibelman Aimee Hemingway Julian B. John F. Egger W. L. Rigby 1937 (23%) Clavton Morgan Pate O. S. Lewis* W. B. Gates Ard n O. French Arthur L. Rogers, Jr. Mrs. Paul Brandes Mrs. Henry P. Frederick D. Mellen Hill Hodges Mrs. Leon Hall William Tremaine. Jr. (Melba Sherman) (Isab 11a Glenn Phifer) 1904 (31%) Mrs. A. M. Kirkpatrick (Cynthia Penn) Mrs. H. E. Watson B. B. Breland Lem Phillips C. A. Bowen ( Leota Taylor) L. S. Kendrick (Ruth Mann) Mendell M. Davis Mrs. G. O. Sanford Lotterhos McCafferty) S. C. Hart J. L. Lancaster Helen Mrs. Kathryn H. Weir Mrs. E. D. Eaton (Bess J. M. Kennedy Mrs. Howard B. McGehee Amanda Lane Lowther (Kathryn Herbert) (Fanni? Humphreys) John L. Sigman Smylie Dr. Benton Z. Welch (Fannie VirdenI Orrin H. Swayze Mrs. Burt Williams Fred Ezelle Mrs. Thomas H. Elise Moore Orrin H. Swayze (Mildred Clark) (Patricia O'Brien) 1905 (5%) Mrs. Dr. James S. Ferguson Power) Snelgrove Aubrey C. Griffin J. S. Shipman (Catherine 1933 (13%) Dr. H. E. Finger. Jr. Mrs. A. G. Ogden) 1906 (16%) Aimee Wilcox Ruth Tucker Norman U. Boone Julian Hendrick (Frances 1919 Louise Wilkinson Mrs. Reynolds Elton L. Sumrall Mrs. O. S. Lewis (6%) Cheney Hugh B. Landrum

Stevens Cook) Edith Wilson I Celia B. Trimble (Evelyn Mrs. B. Hays Mrs. Wilfred Winifred Green) Mrs. James C. Leak Mrs. John L. Neill (Edith Brown) (Ida Lee Austin) Mrs. T. D. Faust. Jr. (Mildred Breland) (Celia Brevard) Vandiver 1907 (35%,) J. J. Valentine 1928 (25%) (Louise Colbert) Robert M. Mayo Joseph S. Applewhite Anderson Walters Dr. C. C. 1920 (18%) Mrs. A. K. Harriet Heidelberg Mrs. William P. Miller Terry H. John William Loch J. A. Bostick (Elizabeth S^tzler) Mrs. R. P. Henderson (Elizabeth Pickett) Kate Wells V. Beacham ( Partin) R. Wilson J. A. McKee Dan Brewer Dr. A. Adomae George E. Patton James C. L. Neill Charles W. Brooks R. E. Blount May Tatum Hull Mrs. Erwin Peyton Jennie Youngblood Mrs. C. L. Neill Alexander P. Harmon Mrs. Keener L. Bowden Mrs. H. B. Kavelin (Opal Brumfield) 1941 (23%) (Susie Ridgway) C. G. Howorth (Keener Lawson) (Martha Hamilton) Wealtha Suydam L. M. Addison Pullen, Jr. L. Clements Joseph H. Brooks William B. L. Kearney Cecil Mrs. Wylie V. Kees A. T. Tatum Paul Brown A. L. Rogers R. Bays Lamb Mrs. Walter Ely (Mary Sue Burnham) Mrs. Leora Thompson John 1908 (20%,) 1921 (1H%) (Ruby Blackwell) Floyd O. Lewis Jack L. Caldwell ( Leora White) Lenoir Cavin James A. Blount E. B. Boatner Roy Grisham J. Allen Lindsey Mrs. W. W. Turnbull Elizabeth Gilbert Cook, Sr. Dr. Boyd C. Edwards William T. Hankins Haden E. McKay (Sue Cunningham) Roy C. Clark Grady Heidelberg Joseph M. Gary Jones David Donald Henry Howorth Ransom Mrs. Paul Meacham Mrs. G. C. Turner W. F. Murrah B. M. Hunt Mrs. T. F. Larche (Jessie McDaniel (Margaret Bryan) J. P. Field. Jr. Mrs. Bert W. Stiles Mrs. Walter R. Lee (Mary Ellen Wilcox) Gvcelle Tynes Mrs. J. Magee Gabbert Fred J. Weston (Bessie Huddleston) (Helen Balli Dwyn M. Mounger 1934 (lOc;,) (Kathryn DeCelle) 1909 (27%) Mrs. L. J. Page Mrs. T. H. Naylor D. C. Brumfield 1938 (18%) Samuel B. Galloway Jason A. Alford (Thelma Horn) (Martha Watkins) Joe Guess M. J. Bullock Martha Gerald W. R. Applewhite 1922 (8%) M. A. Peevy Garland Holloman O. C. Clark Thomas G. Haniby Clark J. H. Brooks Charles Carr Mrs. M. A. Peevy Mrs. R. C. Hubbard Leonard E. Mrs. Thomas G. Hamby Mrs. Allen H. Craft W. C. Churchwell Burton Clark Ford (Lucile Hutson ( Daree Winstead i (Rosa Eudyl James Franklin Noble Austin Joyner Paul Propst J. T. Kimball (Madeline Morrow) Thomas K. Holyfield Mrs. G. W. Curtis Basil F. Witt 1923 (18%) Solon F. Riley Mrs. Edith C. Maxwell Joseph T. Humphries Robinson (Sara Gordon) Jacobs 1910 (33%) J. B. Abney George Oscar (Edith Crawford) Harry A. Boyd Campbell Marjorie Smith Mrs. James Peet Mrs. R. T. Edgar Mrs. Jack Kent, Jr. W. E. Addkison (Katherine Dement) Henry Marvin Frizell Gladys Cagle Dr. V. L. Wharton (Dorothy Broadfoot) (Mary Alyce Moore) Mrs. Lewis R. Freeman Kolb J. Gann Johnson Dr. S. S. McNair E. B. Whitten 1935 <17%) Gwin Charles R. Rew Roy Wolfe Buren T. Akers (Lucille Strahan) James J. Livesay Daniel F. McNeil Josephine Lewis Charles G. Terrell Virginia Thomas 1929 (18%) Thomas A. Baines Joel D. McDavid Frank Starr Williams Ruth Alford Charles E. Brown Mrs. Harry S. McGehee Marjorie Miller Leigh Watkins (Marguerite Coltharp) 1911 (12%) Mrs. Leigh Watkins Goorge R. Armistead Mrs. Frank Cabell C. M. Murry Mrs. Forrest G. Cooper Mrs. R. E. Blount (Helen Hargrave) Mrs. Edward S. Powell Nelson R. Nail (Henrietta Skinner) Hollingsworth) (Mai'guerite Park) (Alice Ridgway) W. J. Caraway (Hazel Eugene Peacock Edgar Dade Gunning 1924 (20%.) Mrs. R. R. Branton Marvin A. Cohen Mrs. Paul Ramsey Mrs. Lem Phillips Francis E. Ballard T. H. Phillips {Doris Alford) Albert Collins (Effie Register) (Ruth Blanche Borum) Eckford L. Summer Jeptha, S. Barbour Dr. W. B. Dribben Mrs. Hertha Fowler Mrs. J. Earl Rhea Thomas Robertson, Jr. 1912 (14%) Mrs. E. B. Boatner Robert Embry (Hertha McCormick) (Mildred Clegg) Nat Rogers M. W. Cooper (Maxine Tull) Mrs. Evon Ford Mrs. Joe Guess W. B. Ridgway Willard R. Samuels R. B. Randolph Peets, Sr. Booth (Elizabeth Heidelberg (India Sykes) Vic Roby James Prentiss Scott William Fred B. Smith G. Cook Bessie Will Gilliland Paul D. Hardin Mrs. L. H. Ross. Jr. Paul T. Scott Mrs. Coullet William N. Thomas Armand Mrs. Roy Grisham Mrs. Tom Hederman (Maude Lyle Golden) James B. Sumrall 1913 (21%,) (Magnolia Simpson) (Irene York) (Bernice Flowers) Carroll H. Varner W. O. Tynes Caroline Howie James A. Biount Charles Frank Lacey W. C. Jones Mrs. S. M. Vauclain Mrs. Terry Walters Hermes J. E. Honeycutt H. Knoblock Heber Ladner Mrs. Charles Kemmer (Edwina Flowers) (Virginia James) Lotterhos Sam B. Lampton Ary Mrs. J. H. Maw (Mary Norton) Mrs. James R. Wilson Louis H. Wilson Mrs. Joe ( R. E. Nason Pugh (Gladys Jones) Dr. Dewitt T. Lewis Ava Sanders) 1942 (18%) (Eva Clower) Logan Scarborough S _'xton McManus Thomas F. McDonnell 1939 (13%) Mrs. J. W. Alexander Oliver Frank T. Scott B. Triplett Theodore K. Scott Paul Ramsey Wirt Adams Beard (Corrine Ball) Jesse Dr. J. D. Wroten. Sr. Watson Collins G. Shows Charles Robert Ridgway William H. Bizzell W. B. Bell 1914 (15%) 1925 (19%) A. K. Stackhouse Mrs. Joe Stroud Fred J. Bush Mrs. W. B. Bell

Mrs. W '. R. Applewhite Mrs. J. C. Burrow R. E. Wasson (Mary Humes) Foster Collins (Eva DeCell) (Ruth Mitchell) (Maggie May Jones) Mrs. W. O. Weathersby 1936 (20%) Gilbert Cook. Jr. B. C. Blount J. B. Cain Walter M. Galloway (Claire Sistrunk) Mrs. Richard Aubert Blanton Doggett Mrs. B- E. Eurris T. M. Cooper Dr. George H. Jones 1930 (10%) (Vivian Ramsey) Donald O'Connor (Eva Tynes) Mrs. J. D. Wroten. Sr. William W. Lester William D. Carmichael Dorothy Boyles Mrs. Donald O'Connor Clements B. Crook (Birdie Gray Steen) T. H. Naylor Davie Catron Mrs. Charles E. Brown (OUie Mae Gray) Edwin C. Daniels 1915 (37%) Mrs. Glenn Roll Mrs. Harry Cavalier (Mary Rebecca Taylor) Milton E. Price Mrs. Fred Ezelle

Sallie W. Baley (Ethel Marley) (Helen Grace Welch) Webb Buie Paul R. Sheffield ( Katherine Grimes)

Page Twenty-Two MAJOR -NOTES ) ) » I ) ) ) )

Williams B. Fazakerly Mrs. George C. Curtiss John F. Egger James W. Ridgway Bennie Youngblood Charles R. Sommers Mrs. J. Stanley Gresley (Lois Ann Fritz) Edward L. Gibson Mrs. Louise Robbins Mrs. Herman Yueh Irby Turner, Jr.

( (Elizabeth Landstreet> Mrs. Wayne Derrington W. F. Goodman. Jr. Louise Harris) ( Grace Chang) Emilia Weber Eu:.rene Russell Edgar B. Horn ( Annie Clara Foy) William A. Harris Paul Lamar Weems Mrs. Henry Kluttz Frances Galloway Shin Hayao Mrs. Dewy R. Sanderson Mrs. William D. Wright (Frances Peveyl Mrs. Randolph Peets. Jr. Mrs. Nat Hovious (Fannie B. Leonard i 1952 (12^'^) (Jo Anne Bratton)

Mrs. Gwin Kolb (Charlotte Gulledge) ( Lucy Robnson Mrs. Carlos Reid Smith Mrs. Roy Wolfe Jr. (Doris Chester Bolton James H. Jenkins. Liming! Mrs. ( HiUman) I Ruth Godbold) Mrs. C. E. Salter, Jr. Jimmie

i J. Jenkins, Jr. Parks C. Stewart Ruth Harrelli V.'. Ba'dwin Lloyd ( Marjorie Burdsal Mrs. H. (Norma Mrs. W. Baldwin Lloyd W. E. Shanks (Marianne Chunn) Mrs. Richard Swink Duncan A. Clark (Anna Rao Wolfel Claude W. Johnson (Thelma Borden) Peter Costas 1954 (12^f) Raymond Martin Rowland B. Kennedy A. Patton White Ella Virginia Courtney Dr. W..fford Mrs. Robert Revere 1947 (leTc) R. D. McGee John D. Robert L. Crawford W. E. Ayres (Annie L. Galloway) David Mrlntosh Mrs. John D. Wofford Mrs. Robert L. Crawford Jack Roy Birchum !Mrs. Nat Rogers Mrs. E. M. Anderson Mrs. David M' Intosh ( Elizabeth Ridgway i (Mabel Clair Buck! > I Lois Ann Boackle (Helen Ricks) (Flora Giardina) (Rosemary Thigpen) Thomas L. Wright Anne Elizabeth Dunii Mrs. George V. Bokas Rosen L. L. Brantley. Jr. Leonard Metts Marvin Franklin Mrs. R. H. ( Aspasia Athas) Carolyn Bufkin Turner Gaston Hall (Marjorie Hammer I Morgan Hugh Mrs. T. H. Boone Ross. Jr. Mrs. Neal Calhoun John A. Neill Mrs. W. W. Holmes William D. ( Edna KhavatI 1951 (13Tc) Mrs. William D. Ross, Jr. (Mary Wharton i Marion P. Parker ( Anne Sisson) Hu'^h Burford (Nell Trirlettt J. H. Cameron Mrs. James D. Powell Elbert C. Jenkins Jo Anne Cooper Mrs. M. C. Adams Lillv. Albert C. Sanders. Jr. Craig Castle (Elizabeth Lamptoni S^le Jr. M. S. Corban T. Reaves (Doris Puckett Noeli Lilly. Mrs. Brevik Sohimm 1 Sarah Frances Clark Mrs. George Mrs. Sah Jr. Bernice Edgar Beverly Vii j I Barstow (Edith Cortwriirhti tor S. Coleman ( Kathryn Rung (Evelyn Lee Hawkins) Minni^ Farlow es J. B. Wtlborn Wallace L. Cook Carlos Reid Smith Fram Eeacham L. E. Norton Mrs. Richard Feltus. Jr. Blakewood Mrs. V. L. Wharton James D. Cox Everette R. Watts Mrs. Charles William Riecken. Jr. (Jeanette Sanders! ( Marilvn Jenkins) (Beverlv Dickerson) Clarenre H. Denser Ravmond Wesson Mrs. William Riecken R. Malcolm Guess Burt Mrs. Louis H. Wilson Mrs. Roger Elgert William D. Wright William R. I Jeanenne Pridgen i Sidney Alexander Head (Jane Clark) ( Laura Mae Godbold) J. W. Youngblood Jim Campbell Roy H. Ryan Mrs. James D. Holden Mrs. Kenneth I. Franks Mrs. J. W. Youngblood Mrs. Sid Champion Edward H. Sherrod (Joan Wilsoni (Ann Marie Hubhs (Nora Louise Harvard) (Mary Lipsey J. P. Stafford Yeager Hudson 1943 a2^c) Robert Holiingsworth Mrs. L. S. Chatham Giyn O. Wiygul Mrs. Yeager Hudson Nat Hovious (B*:tty Sue Wren) James Leon Youmr I Louise Hight i Mrs. Sam Baldwin Mrs. W. H. Izard 1950 (14^,) Mrs. Duu'^an Clark Mrs. James Leon Young Mrs. R. Huggins Stanley) (Betty Klumb) I Patri" ia Busby i (Joan Wignall (Kaihleen I Barbara Walker) Watts Clark Otho M. Brantley Daisv Lester Thomas B. Abernathy Mrs. James Mrs. George L. Hunt Vfilliam F. ( Alice Dolores Craft Mrs. R. S. Lindsey Appleby Mary Moss) (Jo Glyn Hughes* Moran R. Berbett George T. Currey Mrs. Brookes Davis (Catherine Herring) 1953 (2'^c) Mrs. William J. James Rebecca Ricei John Earl Lowther Walter Berryhill Ed Deweese (Dannie (Sybil Foy I Jr. Henry C. Blount Carolyn Estes Mrs, Flavins Alford Alan R. Holm?s M. L. McCormick. Norma L. Norton Mrs. Tom Crosby, Jr. Mrs. Peyton H. Gardner (Mary Ann O'Neill Mrs. James J. Livesay Dan McCulIen Leslie J. Page, Jr. ( Dyess) (Betty Ann Po:^ey) Mrs. (Mary L«e Busby) Mike McLaurin Wilma W. E. Ayr-s Thomas E. Parker Mrs. Sutton Marks Royce H. Dawk ins Wavorly B. Hall. Jr. (Diane Brown) Mrs. D. L. Mumpower William S. Romey ( Helen Murphv I S. Richard Harris Dot Hubbard Lynn Bacot ( Louise Lam-aster) Dennis Edward Salley Miirff Joseph R. Huggins Cecil Jenkins David Balius Walter R. Neiil Rex Mrs. Louie C. Short James Ogden James D. Powell B. Q. James Mrs. Raymond King Mrs. David Balius (Frances Jo Peacock)

Cecil ( Yvonne Mclnturff I I Robert D. Pearson Katherine Riddell Mrs. G. Jenkins Virginia Kelly Mrs. Lamar Weems D. Pearson Mrs. W. G. Riley (Patsy Abernathy) Mrs. Earl T. Lewis James E. Benson Mrs. Robert ( Nanette Weever) (Elizabeth Welsh) Edmund Johnston Jr. I Mary Sue Enochs' Chester Bolton (Svlvia Roberts I Frederick Whitam Charles L. Scott Mrs. H. L. Rush Jr. Earl T. Lewis Mrs. William P. Martin Charles Boyles Janice Trimble (Bettv McLemcroi W. C. M-Daniel (Milly East) Lelia June Bruce Mrs. M. W. Whitaker Mrs. W. E. Shanks John H. Millsaps Jr. Franz Posey Mrs. George Cain 1955 (13<"c) ( Alice Crisler) Mrs. D. D. Jones Mrs. Franz Posey ( Karolyn Doggett) ( Jerrv McCormack) Or. J. L. Wofford M. W. Whitaker (Shirlev Norwood) ( Linda Lou Langdon) Mildred Carpenter Joe Mrs. Fulton Barksdale .A.. Zimmerman Mrs. J. L. Wofford W. OXallaghan James W. Ridgway Mrs. H. Van Andrew Cavett Mrs. Howard Burch (Ellenita Sells) (Mary Ridgway) Dick T. Patterson (Betty .lean Langstoni Black I Daniel Andrews Wright Ken Patterson lionise Sharp Mrs. M. S. Corban (Clarice Burch, Jr. Robert M. Yarbrough Jr. Charles L. Randle David H. Shclton (Margaret Hat horn) William E. 1944 (20^f) H. H. Youngblood Mrs. George Currev Sybil Casbeer (Mary Nell Wiliams) Mrs. Joe B. Chapman Jim C. Barnett (Dixie Lee Winborn Mrs. Wallace W. Bass Pat Curtis 1948 (Margaret Gaskin i (15^r) Mrs. Walter L. Dean Mrs. Viola Sly Hall Mrs. Jack L. Caldwell tAnne Roberts) George Lewis Hunt. Jr. J. W. Bishop (Marjorie Murphy i Marguerite Denny William J. James James E. Calloway I\Irs. J. W. Bishop Graves) G. C. Dean. Jr. (Truly Mrs. Ross K. Dunton Mrs. John T. Lewis Avlene Hurst James F. Boggs (Bessie Mae Haney) (Helen Fay H ad) Thomas T. Boswell Mrs. J. T. Kimball Mrs. Rome Emmons Roy Acton Parker Elmer Dean Calloway i ( Louise Day (Cola O'Neal) Jerrv Harold G. Peden Mrs. E. D. Lavend ^r Mrs. Chang J. n. Eskridge (Virtrinia Sherman) (Ruth Chang I Toxey Puckett Bowman L. Clark Mrs. Keith Murray Mrs. J. B. Eskridge Lucy Robinson (Martha Porter Bogen Cecil L. Conerly .Tr. (Marianne McCormack) Mrs. James Delmas Jeaneanne Sharp Mrs. Gordon L. Nazor Mrs. Charles H. Foster iFrant is Pittman) Alice Shields i Mary (Jean Morris ( Elizabeth Lester) J. A. Fortenberrv Mrs. William S. Neal Kenneth W. Simon Mrs. H. G. Ha^e Allie M. Frazier ( Patricia Morson B. M. Stevens Waudine Nelson I Ethel Nola Eastman ) Ewin D. Gaby, Jr. Mrs. Thomas E. Mrs. J. T. Oxner Hearon Mrs. Ewin D. Gaby, Jr. Theresa T.?rry (Margene Summers! (Jane Stebbinsi (Carolyn Hudspeth) Katherine Webb James S. Holmes. Jr. Randolph Peets. Jr. John E. Griffin Mrs. David Richardson William A. l.ampton Suttnn Marks Roger F. Hester (Alma Carl I 1956 (12^r) R. H. Smith Mrs. Turner T. Morgan Byron T. Hetrick (Lee Berrvhilll Zach Tavlor. -Jr. Rubel Phillips Robert Hunt n. L. Ammons Noel C. Woma^k H. L. Rush. Jr. James W. Irby Emma Atkinson Mrs. No 1 C. V/omark Charles (Flora Mae Arant) Sours Mrs. B. Q. James Betty Barfield John E. Sutphin (Glenna Gail Goodwin) Blaloek Mrs. C. M. Tolar Merle Jos phine Lampton ) T. 1945 (11':/) (Ada Mae Bain H. Boono Alanson V. Turnbough John T. Lewis. HI Mrs. James L. Boyd Charles Mrs. W. W. Barnard N. Wright T. W. Lewis. Ill (Charlotte Elliott) (Frances Herring) W. H. Youngbood Mrs. T. W. Lewis. Ill John B. Campbell Harry Mrs. W. H. Youngblood Helman (Julia Aust) Mrs. Harry Helman (Frances Gray) Joseph Conti (Louise Blumer) David McFarland Zorah Curry Nina H. Reeves Mrs. R. N. McKinley Walter Ely Clifton H. Shrader 1949 ili^c) ( Linda Wasson i Mrs. Harrison Eth ridge Trent Stout Henry Pipes Mills. Jr. (Cornelia Hegman) Mrs. W. N. Bogan. Jr. One of the many alumni visitors to the Albert Felsher. Jr. Mrs. B. H. Reed Mrs. Zach Taylor, Jr. (Ann Lomax Creswell) campus this summer was AUie Frazier. Richard Fleming. Jr. ( Ann Ponde»'-,'nft i (Dot Jones) H. F. Boswell. Jr. *53, a candidate for the Vh, D. degree Mrs. R. C. Brinson Mrs. Georce Reid Stearns L. Hay ward at Boston I'niversity. Here he is shown ( Catherine Shumaker (Nona Wayne Ewinp) Walton Lipscomb, 111 1946 Bruce C. Carruth the beautiful I'nion Building Dr. (11%) by Louis C. Short Mrs. Ken Patterson Robert H. Conerly Bond Fleming, chairman of the depart- (Marlene Brantley) Sam Barefield O. W. Conner Mrs. R. G. Sibhald Mrs. Sam Barefield Mrs. Henry Dupree ment of philosophy and Frazier's major (Mary Ann Derrick) Albert N. Williamson (Mary Nell Sells) (Mary Ruth Hicks) professor. Claude J. Smith J. W. Wood

SUMMER, 1957 Page Twenty -Three MILLSAPS COLLEGE

expiesses its srratitude to all alumni and friends whose contributions and efforts made possible the magnificent

results obtained through the 1956-57 Alumni Fund pro-

gram reported on the preceding pages.

Reproduced below are excerpts from letters written by two class man-

agers. They indicate the measure of devotion given by many to the cam-

paign just ended. They express the feelings of a host of Millsaps alumni

who are responding to the challenge to uphold their College in its deter-

mined struggle to maintain standards of excellence and integrity.

"I will contribute the difference between what you are able to give

and the $10 minimum which I am requesting. If Millsaps has meant as

much to you as it has to me, I am sure that this opportunity will be ac-

." cepted. . .

"A Yale alumnus told me years ago that they not only contributed to

endowment, and so on, but often went into their own pockets to pay annual

deficits of the college. Our church colleges have never asked us to do this

but they have had to practice the strictest economy to keep going.

"It is little short of a miracle they have made such a deep impression

upon society.

I'm proud of what Millsaps stands for. May she know increasing true " greatness and possess an increasing loyalty from us ...


The 1957-58 Alumni Fund

Goal $17,500—Campaign Dates: July 1, 1957-June 30, 1958 Alumni Participation Objective — 1,000

You may have heard that a college is made of three essential ing-redients

faculty, students, and a physical plant. Omitted from this list of essentials

is one enormously important aspect of every college — the alumni. And this

importance is growing rapidly 1

As the student depends upon and requires the college, the faculty and the campus, so the college depends upon and requires the support of alumni. When a student realizes the friendship and contributions of the faculty, when

he receives the benefits of a campus, he prospers and lives. Likewise when alumni show friendship for the college where they studied and express that

g'ood will in gifts, the college c?,n grow and survive.


It is hoped that every alumnus will realize that every gift to Millsaps

College will be multiplied many times over in the usefulness it supports.

We are grateful for your generous gifts in the past. We confidently anticipate your continuing faithfulness.

H. E. Finger, Jr., President Blillsaps College

"It is, of course, largely by the extent of the support accorded a college by its own graduates that the world judges of the right of that college to seek cooperation of others in planning for the future. An institution that cannot rally to its financial assistance the men and women who have taken its degrees and whose diploma is their passport into the world is in a poor position to ask assistance from others. It is not merely what the alumni give; it is the fact that they do give that is of supreme importance."

Charles William Eliot, President (1869-1909) Hai-v'ard University

SUMMER, 1957 Page Twenty-Five WHY THE ALUMNI FUND?

Alumni giving is both a necessity and a privilege. It implements the Christian beliefs and principles upon which we base our lives. It is the life- blood of church and private schools, and economics has caused it to spread to the public-supported institutions as well. While changes in the tax structure have reduced and almost eliminated the very large gifts, rising costs have made education and all other things more costly. You and I must fill the ranks. Our dollars, while small in the individual contribution, can be sur- prisingly large in the aggregate. You would give a little time, an hour or perhaps a day during' the year, to help Jiillsaps. You and I can think then of giving a little time and effort for our school, and the most practical way you can give that time is by giving as many of your dollars as you can afford.

George Pickett, Chairman iVIillsaps College Alumni Fund


To me, iVIillsaps College is the heir of Whitworth. Not only does she hold

aloft the same ideals and purposes; she is the expression of Blississippi Methodism's concern for Christian education in our state; she is the proof of Mississippi Methodism's willingness to assume its share of the responsibility for such education. Now that my Alma Mater has become Millsaps, I think

of her as an enlarged Whitworth. I feel a pride in her unique position and

rejoice in her triumphs. Since she has inherited me, I am sure that my best loyalty and support are not too much to give. I am confident that in making

this statement I have spoken for those who owed their allegiance to Wliitworth and Grenada Colleges in earlier days.

Ann B. Swearingen Whitworth 'OO

The importance of giving to Millsaps College through the Alumni Fund is threefold:

First, it keeps us conscious of our relationship to the College and to each other. Millsaps, as a college devoted to Christian higher education, has given a heritage of which we should be justly proud.

Second, it offers to us an opportunity to express our gratitude to the College. We are the beneficiaries of cultural gains and a spiritual inheritance developed and enriched at Millsaps, and the privilege of giving to the Alumni Fund is a means of saying "thank you."

Third, it develops a fellowship among the former students and graduates of the College. We are drawn together in working for a common cause. Our interest thus stimulated draws us back to the College campus to witness the growth which our gifts are, in part, making possible. A well informed, gi'ateful, enthusiastic, and closely knit body of alumni is vital to the life of Millsaps College.

O. B. Triplett, Jr., President Millsaps College Alumni Association

Page Twenty-Six MAJOR NOTES —


By Marguerite Watkins Goodman Associate Professor of English

Back there wlien I was in college as a — they can read and hence tliink along

student, I thought that those of us who with the greatest minds of time. were born without the photographic mind Let's consider several passages, the might as well pack up and go home. careful study of which demands in vary- 1 here were no A's for us and not too ing combinations those traits mentioned many B's. There seemed to be, however, above in our definition of real reading. a few other students who enjoyed faculty From a letter by William Cowper to commendation because of a stupendous Joseph Hill, we borrow the following "background" mysteriously gained in sentences: high school or at the fireside at home . . . When we circumscribe our esti- a "background" intangible and undefin- mate of all that is clever within the able. The rest of us seemed destined to limits of our own acquaintance . . . wear for life the brand of mediocre. we are guilty of a very uncharitable censure the rest of world, If I could have known then what I upon the and of a narrowness of thinking dis- now know, I might have set my "sights" graceful to ourselves. higher. For I now know that, though my Wapping and mediocre mind has developed no photo- Redriff [sic] may contain some of the graphic memory, there is within my most amiable persons living, and such brain a higher plateau— one on which as one would go to Wapping and Red- discernment and judgment dwell—which, riff to make acquaintance with. once invaded and disciplined, can serve If we know what Wapping connotes, me even better for real thinking than we are probably blessed in the literary sheer memory can. background which is ours; but if we I have come to know, moreover, that simply dismiss that word as a place- sing psalms" march forth as a serious tliat mysterious tapestry of mind known name unimportant, we miss Cowper's edict pronounced by a theocratic minis- as background can be "shaded in" when idea: we refuse to read. We see no ax, ter-ruler upon the "merry" culprit. Such and if the student is willing to read in no block, no reluctant culprit condemned reading weaves an innuendo into plain the full sense of the word. Real reading- perhaps unjustly, perhaps by a world words which, on untrained lips, might may be defined as an intelligent con- afraid of new light on "settled" issues; slip by in the guise of innocent inanity. sideration often — word by word consider- we hear no sigh or groan from that Moreover, it is the privilege of the ation until some momentum is earned "tenant" of Wapping who Cowper says English teacher to round out what of material at hand in the light of may be well worth knowing. In brief, might have been and what must have the pupil's former experience and with if we ignore Wapping, Wapping becomes been within the implication of an au- the help of whatever curiosity, imagina- too good for us! And, ironically enough, thor's words. For instance, he who tion, and discernment can bring forth. we never know that Cowper's commen- reads "Alexander's Feast" with no hint By former experience we should mean dation of certain ones of Wapping would of nemesis wrought by him of Miletus what Henry James defined as "that not include readers like us. bred, though he may be able to recite immense sensibility, a kind of huge every of the ode, without dis- In some reading, of course, there is word reads spiderweb of the finest silken threads interpretation which leans heavily for cernment and misses a thrill in Timu- suspended in the chamber of conscious- theus's "floor-showing" its meaning upon background knowledge which Dryden ness and catching every air-borne par- of which we spoke above. Let's look at planted ever so subtly. He who reads ticle in its tissue." We limit our ac- unsuspectingly, the motto printed on the title page of reads not; for he misses ceptance of James's definition for the The Bay Psalm Book, America's first often basic ideas. simple reason that some of us have re- home-published manuscript: "If any be We who live in the classrooms know tained fewer than every air-borne par- merry let him sing the psalms." If we that there are students (so called) who, ticle within our consciousness, and for are not mistaken, that motto—as inno- though mechanically perfect or nearly that reason we are handicapped as we cent as it looks—refuses, at the insist- so, rebel against thought questions. set out for the "wealth of the Indies." ence of Calvinistic doctrines, to endorse Those classroom "squatters" betray Now that for years I have sat fac- the singing of psalms as a natural and their own shallowness by condemnation ing young college students, I find an approved adjunct of being merry. It of questions for which "we (the stu- increasing' desire to prove to those young demands rather that the merry one dents) can not prepare ourselves in ad- persons that—given average Intelligence, should sing psalms as a sobering dis- vance; questions which would never have a willingness to investigate the uncer- cipline for the sin of his trivial soul, occurred to us." The kindest estimate of tain and the unknown, and an eagerness which sin has condoned his "being- such students is that they do not seek to match wits with the author assigned merry"! In that vein the words "let liim (Continued on Pag-e 32)

SUMMER, 1957 Page Twenty-Seven ABOUT THE CAMPUS

Students^ Professors Make Millsaps News

• Seven Millsaps College students pre-eng'ineering training at an outstand- Ann Myers, Greenwood, secretary; and maintained A averages for the second se- ing liberal arts college and transfer at Billy Mullins, Prairie Point, treasurer. mester. Two hundred forty-four students the end of his junior year to Columbia, Waits defeated John Stone, of Jack- were named on the Dean's List of stu- where he will complete the additional son, in the election. Over 85 per cent of dents making- the letter grade B or above. two years. At the end of the five-year the student body voted in the first pri- study period he receives a Bachelor of mary. • Year-long- secrets were revealed in Science degree from the liberal arts May when the Bobashela, campus year- This year's election proved to be one college and a Bachelor of Engineering of the most colorful and enthusiastic in book, was released for distribution by degree from Columbia. editor Hal Miller, Jackson, and business the history of the College. Almost all manag-er Graham Hales, Jackson. available space was used to display in- • Top acting awards for the 195G-57 genious posters designed by backers of The annual was dedicated to Dr. A. P. year at Millsaps were won by Mary the candidates. A special feature was Hamilton, chairman of the classical Ruth Smith, Vicksburg, and Dick Blount, a giant campaign rally and pancake sup- languages department, and rededicated Jackson, according to Lance Goss, direc- per at which candidates for the four of- to Dr. Alvin Jon King and Dr. Albert tor of the Players. The two were honor- fices spoke. G. Sanders, who retired at the close of ed for their roles as Desdemona and Waits' platform was centered around the 1955-56 session. Othello in the fall production of plans for the new Union Building and Betty Garrison, Jackson sophomore, "Othello." campus activities. Stone promised bet- was chosen top beauty by Lucile Ball and Shirley Brown, a senior from Belzoni, ter Student Executive Board representa- Desi Arnez. Runners-up were Regina was awarded the highest honor given tion and increased use of campus facili- Harlan, Jackson; Marilyn Wood, Tupe- to a member of the Players, the Alpha ties for social and cultural purposes. lo; Sandra Stanton, Leland; and Peggy Psi Omega award, which is presented to The new officers were chosen from Perry, Louin. the student who has made the greatest a slate of 12 candidates, eight nomi- The student body selected as favor- contribution over a four-year period. nated by SEB and four petitioned by the ites Nancy Neynian, Greenville; Graham "South Pacific" was named the best student body. Hales, Jackson; Jeanette Wilkins, Yazoo production of the year. The March City; Robert Minis, Jackson; Marilyn • Millsaps has established a new honor presentation attracted over-flow crowds Wood, Tupelo; Hugh Johnston, Vicks- society on the campus. Eta Sigma, which each of the three nights it was given. burg; Alice Starnes, Utica; Howard recognizes superior academic achieve- Jones, Jackson; Hazel Truluck, Port ment. • Jim Waits, Hattiesburg senior, was Gibson; and Keith Tonkel, Clermont, First tappees in the new organization Florida. named president of the Millsaps College were Don Taft and John Stone, both of student body for the 1957-58 school year. Jackson, juniors; and Elwyn Addkison, Chosen to serve with Waits were Tom- Louisville, Reynolds Cheney, Jackson, • Juniors Eddie Williams, of Belzoni, my Fanning, Hickory, vice-president; Sam Jones, Jackson, John Morgan, Sum- and Billy Graham, of Macon, were rail, Jeanette Pullen, Kosciusko, Martina chosen to sei-ve as editor and business Riley, Jackson, Lawrence Shepherd, Co- manager of the 1958 Bobashela. They lumbia, and Jeanette Wilkins, Yazoo were selected by a special committee City, all seniors. composed of the Publications Committee To be eligible for membership in Eta from the faculty, the current editor and Sigma a student must have completed business manager of the yearbook, and 80 semester hours of work, have an one other staff member. Other members overall quality index of 2.6, and have of the staff will be named at the begin- attended Millsaps for two semesters. ning of the 1957-58 session. Professor Lance Goss, chairman of • A former Millsaps coed was chosen the speech department, is faculty advis- to represent the state as Miss Hospital- er. ity. She is Jane Fatherree, West Point, now a student at Ole Miss. Miss Fath- • Columbia University has awarded a erree attended Millsaps during her fresh- full tuition scholarship to Tommy Nay- man year in 1955-56. first copy of the l!).".? lor, Jackson junior, for advanced study The BOBASHELA Second alternate in the contest was is presented to Dr. A. P. Hamilton, in the field of engineering. Margaret Ewing, Millsaps senior from chairman of fhe classical languages de- Millsaps is one of six colleges in the partment, by editor Hal Miller and Cleveland. South invited to participate in a special business manager Graham Hales. The Also representing their home towns combined plan of engineering study in- annual was dedicated to Dr. Hamilton were Millsaps students Nancy Craw- as one who "has poured into Millsaps augurated at Columbia three years ago. ford, Laurel, and Shirley Habeeb, Vicks- College the wealth of his experience and The student must take three years of his spirit." burg.

Page Twenty-Eight MAJOR NOTES Although the Richard R. Priddys have no children of their own, they have come to mean a great deal to hundreds of children and young people. Dr. Priddy, chairman of the geology department at Millsaps, is one of the most popular teachers on the campus and is often call- ed on as a special speaker. Mrs. Priddy was unanimously elected president of the Mississippi Congress of Parents and Teachers by its Board of Managers at its June meeting. Miss Mississippi for 1956, Annette Tisdale, ponders a big decision—which of the two young- men slie should support for president of the Millsaps student body. She was saved from nial

The couple embarked from New York • « • • SPORTS SUMMARY July 16 on the Ryndam of the Holland American lines. They arranged their tour to include such literary shrines as I'or the tiiird consecutive year Dr. Milton C. White's classy tennis team estab- Stratford; Haworth, the home of the lished itself as a power in interc-ollegiate tennis by its performance in the state Brontes; Newstead Abbey, Bryon's tournament at Battlefield Park in Jackson. home; Bedford, the location of John The Majors applied the pressure on opening day to lead the field compiling Bunyan's home; and the Wordsworth thirteen points, four up over the University of Mississippi and Mississippi State. Lake Country. Although dark horse Mississippi Southern finished strong to edge the Millsaps net- ter for the tennis crown, they finished the season again as the non-subsidized won- They visited in England, France, Switzerland, and Italy. In London they ders in the midst of competition known for its perennial subsidization. paid a visit to Gwin Kolb, '41, who was A season record of seven wins and five losses fell short of last year's regular engaged in research in Europe season performance. Will to win and superior tennis in the clutch enabled the Majors work as a Guggenheim fellow. to come close to their third state championship in a row. Teams from the University of Mississippi, Mississippi State, Mississippi Dr. and Mrs. White reached New Southern, Mississippi College for the and Delta State were vying with Millsaps York on September 4 aboard the Staten- coveted tennis crown. Roster of the 1957 tennis team was as follows: Max McDaniel, dam. James Vaughan, Fred Abraham, Jimmy IMcCormick, Wayne Sherman, Charles Hon- son, and Floyd Jones. Next year Dr. White is faced with a problem of staggering proportions, with McDaniels, Abraham, McCormick and Jones, all lost veteran performers, through Dr. J. B. Price, chairman of the Mill- graduation. The non-subsidized Majors have done well within recent years and saps chemistry department, has been the pressure will be on, with every team in the state desiring a win over the named president-elect of the Jlississip- "trouble-makers" of the last three years. pi Academy of Sciences, Inc. He will have charge of the 1958 State Science Slowly but surely the Millsaps Majors are coming hack in intercollegiate Fair and serve as president of the basketball. The 1956-57 season was the best in three years of being- outmanned Academy during 1959. and outscored—occasionally by only one point. A won-lost record of 3 and 14 doesn't look particularly impressive on paper, but the change for the better was evident to the on-the-scene observer. Team spirit was tops, causing local sports writers to praise the "hard-luck" quintet for its A former faculty member. Dr. George hustle and sportsmanship. W. Currie, is the author of two books Something closely akin to an atomic explosion shook Buie Gymnasium when just published. Romance in the Rockies the Majors downed William Carey to post its first win in forty-six games. A is a novel, and Sentiments, Sermons, and loyal and exuberant student body roared as the team lifted Coach Erm Smith aloft Songs is a book of collected poems. Dr. and paraded around the gymnasium. Currie taught at Millsaps from 1939 Members of the 1956-57 varsity cage squad included sophomore center Eddie through 1942. Now- a resident of Pine- Whaley; guard Bobby Ray, freshman; forward Ken Parks, freshman; guard ville, Louisiana, he retired in 1955 from (Continued on Page 32) Louisiana College.

SUMMER, 1957 Page Twenty-Nine Historian Singletary witli Professors Ferguson, Fleming and Moore

MiUsaps Produces Scholarly Writers

Last spring the Millsaps Players pre- Militia and Reconstruction, by Otis Herndon and Inside Lincoln's Cabinet; sented a play written by a Millsaps Singletary, '47. Before publication it was Gwin Kolb, '41, co-author of Dr. John- alumnus, a first in many ways. It was awarded the Moncado Prize, a cash son's Dictionary ; Robert D. Moreton, an historic moment for Millsaps. award made biennally by tlie American '35, editor of English edition of foreign Military Institute for "the best original treatise; Ruth Greer Clark, '26-'28, It also pointed up the fact that many book-length manuscript in any field of Echos from the Hills (poetry); J. B. Millsaps alumni have distinguished them- U. S. military history." Cain, '14, Tents and Tabernacles; W. B. selves in the field of creative writing. Jones, '97, History of Methodism in Mis- Major Notes, through faculty recollec- Another recent publication is The sissippi; John Aubrey Wooten, '29, For tions and recent reviews, came up with Changing South, by John M. Machlach- One Tomorrow (poetry) ; William D. a list of twenty-four alumni who have lan, '30, and Joe S. Floyd, Jr. The Sat- Ross, co-author of Berlin Reparations one or more books to their credit. urday Review of Literature calls it a Assignment; George 0. Robinson, '28, The play mentioned above was "The "statistical survey of profound social And AVhat of Tomorrow?; Maxine Tull Inverted Year," by Turner Cassity, '49. significance." Boatner '24, who is writing a history of Mr. Cassity is also well known as a Writers now included on the list are Gallaudet College; Mack Swearingen, poet and is at work at present on a the following: Paul Ramsey, '35, Basic series of sketches on the Caribbean. '22; George Robinson, '28 and Lanier Christian Ethics; Nolan Harmon, '14, Hunt, '24. Cid Ricketts Sumner, '09, is perhaps The Famous Case of Myra Clark Gaines; the most widely known of Millsaps Vernon Wharton, '28, Negro Mississippi Roy DeLamotte, '39, has been asked writers. Her novels include Tammy Out 1865-1900; John Bettersworth, '29, Con- to write a novel about the ministry for of Time, Sudden Glory, The Hornbeam federate Mississippi; Rufus Terral, '22- Doubleday. He is at work on the book Tree, and Quality, from which the movie '25, The Missouri Valley; Larston Farrar, at present. "Pinky" was made. She recently publish- '40, How to Make $18,000 a Year Free ed her first non-fiction work. Traveler Lance Writing and Washington Low- •Major Notes invites corrections and in the Wilderness. down; Tom Robertson '41, The Leather additions. It is hoped that a complete list

One of the most recent books is Negro Greatcoat; David Donald, '41, Lincoln's can be published in a future issue.

Page Thirty MAJOR NOTES ^UTU^t ^L'^'^H'


We welcome the following into the Carolyn Allen, '57, to the Reverend Future Alumni Club of the Millsaps Col- Thomas Hillman Wolfe, '53. Living in lege Alumni Association: Jackson, Mississippi. Betty Jo Atwood, '46-'4S, to Edwin Jan AUyn Blakeney, born to Mr. and Curry Boynton. Living in Houston, Mrs. Joe Frank Blakeney on June 1. Both Texas. 3Ir. and Mrs. Blakeney (Virginia Pee- Elizabeth Anne Barfield, '56, to Sum- bles) graduated in 1952. Jan Allyn was also 2. mer Lewis Walters. ,Ir., '57. Living in welcomed by Jody Ann, >,'ew Haven, Connecticut. Richard L. Berry, Jr., born i\Iay 13 to Betty Glyn Barksdale to Lloyd Allen Dr. and Mrs. Richard Berry. Dr. Berry

Poyle, Jr., ',")?. Living in Atlanta, is a 1951 gaduate. Georgia. Jocelyn Chastain, born to Mr. and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Brandon to Edwin James G. Chastain, IH, on April 14 in Elliott Flournoy, '5G. Living in Jackson, Jackson. She has two sisters, Claire, 4, J. M. Kennedy. '04, has written a history Mississippi. and Jamie. 3. Mr. Chastain attended of Jasper County, Mississippi, which will Virginia Breazeale, '53, to Frank Ray 1940-42. be published soon. Pictured above in his from Wheat. \\'orld War II Military Academy uni- Stephanie Ann Collins, born June 16 iMargaret Ann Brown, '46-'t7, to Cle- form, Kennedy has long been a loyal to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Collins. Mr. ments B. Crook, '42. Living in Dallas. alumnus and staunch supporter of Mill- Collins is a 1955 graduate. Mrs. Collins Texas. saps College. His book, entitled JASPER HISTORY EXCELS, lists a surprising is the former Mary Vaughan, '54. Betty Anne Buchanan to Joseph Ed- number of firsts for the southeast Mis- James Paul Comola, Jr., born in Jack- mund Johnston Jr., '50. Living in Jack- sissippi county. son on April 15 to Mr. and Mrs. James son, Mississippi. Paul Comola, '57 and '55-'56. Mrs. Co- Patricia Ann Carley to Wade James Patricia Jane Hillman, '56, to Dan '51-'52. mola is the former Jacqueline Peternian. Patrick, Living in Jackson, Mis- Stewart jMurrell. Living in Harrisburg, ("Bart") Haddad, born sissippi. Pennsylvania. Jon Bartlett to Dr. and Mrs. Ray J. Haddad, Jr., on Lodusca Catledge, '55-'56, to Norris C. Dorothy Earle Huddleston, '5fi-'57, to June 10 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Dr. Knight, Jr. Living in Jackson, Missis- Harold Dewey Miller, Jr., '57. Living at Haddad is a member of the class of 1952. sippi. L'niversity, Mississippi. '49-'52, Terri Ann King, born April 30 to Mr. Eva Jo Chambers, '55, to Hans J. Han- Retha Marion Kazar, to Steve and Mrs. Raymond King, of Hesston, sen, Jr. Living in New Orleans, Louis- Short. Living in Crenshaw, Mississippi. Kansas. Mrs. King, the former Yvonne iana. Alillicent Corean King, '57, to Milton Olin Cook, '57. Living in Avondalc Jlclnturff, is a member of the class of Patricia Louise Chunn, '57, to James Estates, Georgia. 1951. Ray McCormick, '57. Living at Emory Joyce Lee to John Henry Carney, '57. Allan Lossing, born June 19 to L^niversity, Georgia. James Living in Crystal Springs, Mississippi. Lt. and Mrs. Fay Allan Lossing in New- Gladys Aden Coleman, current student, I\Iary Ann Lindsey to Clyde Virgil port, Rhode Island. Lt. Lossing attended to David Evans Pryor, '55. Living in Williams, '51-'53. Living in Jackson. during- the 1947-194S session. Jackson, Mississippi. Mississippi. Bruce Morson Neal, born January 29 Vivian Cone. '34, to John Nolan Harp- Catherine Gordon Lotterhos to Henry in New Orleans, Louisiana, to Dr. and er. Living in Jackson, Mississippi. Pipes MWU, Jr., '53. Living in Orlando, Jlrs. William S. Neal (Patricia Morson, Sue Anne Courson to James Harlan Florida. '44). He joins Dianne, 12, Susan, 2, and Durrett, '55-'56. Living in Jackson, Mis- Draper Francine Lowe to Billy Calvin Stuart 5. sissippi. Greenlee. '57. Living in Jackson, Missis- Joy Fonda Poston, born April 14 to Carol Culley, '55, to Frank Edward sippi. the Reverend and Jlrs. Samuel H. Poston Rives. Living in Memphis, Tennessee. Barbara Jean McClenahan, '53-'55, to (Bobbie Gillis, '4S) in Charleston, South James Watford Rice, Jr. Elizabeth Cunningham, '52-54, to Roy Carolina. Roma Martin to John Phil Taylor. Jr., Newman. Living in Gulfport, Mississippi. Virginia Davis Walker, born Decem- '57. Living in Jackson, Mississippi. ber 3, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker. Carleen Durham, '52-'54, to Donald Danye '57, Carol Miller, to David Mr. Walker is a member of the class of Brewer Gooding. Living in Bakersfield, (iarvin Chaffin. Living in San Diego, California. 1949, and Mrs. Walker (Barbara Atkin- California. son) is a '50 graduate. Janis Edgar, '57, to Powers Moore, '56. Helen AHnyard. '47, to George Paul Kay Hall Welch, born July 12 to Mr. Living in Dallas, Texas. Koribanic. Living in Levittown, Pennsyl- and Jlrs. Carl Welch in Hattiesburg. Mr. Barbara Lynne Gainey to Dan Raney vania. Welch attended Jlillsaps from 1952-1956 Anders, '54. Living in Oxford, Missis- Barbara Layne Myers, '54, to Dr. Wil- and Mrs. Welch, the former Glenda sippi. (Continued on Page 32) Glenn, graduated in 1955.

SUMMER, 1957 Page Thirty-One :

and other surface data, thereby relegat- ing genuine thought to the realm of the optional. So long as discernment and judgement are discounted in the school- room, nothing can be done for the aver- age mind; impoverishment of superior minds likewise may bs a by-product of graduates former students who This column is dedicated to the memory of and "puffing'' mediocrity in those who are compile an ac- have passed away in recent months. Every effort has been made to capable of more. curate list, but there will be unintentional omissions. Your help is soliciated in order that we may make the column as complete as possible. Those whose memory we honor are as follows — Alan C. Cameron, '03, died June 2 in Wagoner, Oklahoma. Eighty-two years of FROM THIS DAY 31) ag-e, he had served in the ministry in Oklahoma since 1906. (Continued from Page Mrs. Henry W. Cobb, retired professor of Spanish, died in Claremont, California, liam H. Jacobs, '50. Living in Jackson, following- a brief illness. Blississippi. Felix W. Grant, '03, died July 17 in Jackson, Mississippi. Hah Mae Nicholas. '57, to Jack B. '57. Georgia. Dr. R. W. Griffith, Jr., '47, was killed in an automobile accident May 9. He King, Living in Atlanta, had just returned from a tour of duty overseas, and was on his way to his home in Shirley Jean Norwood, '50, to Darrcll Jackson. Dean Jones. Living in Jackson, Missis- Joseph Hart, '96-'98, died May 17. He had lived in Seattle, Washington. sippi. Oliver, '56-'57, to W. E. Oswalt, '0S-'09, died August 14. He was a resident of Jackson, Mississippi. Nell Carolyn Ray Jackson, Missis- William Rawls Owens, '14-'15, died in June in Columbia, Mississippi. Joseph Millet. Living in Thomas Edward Pegram, '05, died July 28. He had lived in Ripley, Mississippi. sippi. Lynda Corine Payne to Kenneth Ray Dew, '57. Living in Jackson, Mississippi. SPORTS SUMMARY (Continued from Fage 29) Betty Margaret Pepper to Dr. John Tilden Grantham, Jr. '47-'48. Living in Smiley Ratcliff, sophomore; Don Williamson, forward, freshman; Bob Weems, Yazoo City, Mississippi. guard, sophomore; and Charles Henson, forward, freshman. Joy Anne Phelan to Lowell Lovett Lack of height and limited experience in college competition hurt the squad Jones, '53-'55. this year. Next year, with losses by graduation nonexistent and with one or two Carolyn Ramsey to Ralph Hutto, '49. rangy newcomers on the squad, the story could be quite different. Living in Washington, D. C. Riley, '57, to Baseball experienced another "lean year" at Millsaps College during 1957. Martina Kathryn Edward Uni- Major trouble was in the offense department, with a team batting slump hanging Whitmer McRae. Living at Emory on most of the season. Coach Sammy Bartling could have used one more good versity, Georgia. Fraiser, '57. Liv- infielder and a first-line catcher, as well as ton notch outfielder. With these Jane Riser to Lacy P. Rock, Arkansas. positions filled the season's won-lost record would have looked more favorable. ing in Little Peggy Jo Sanford, '57, to Tex Sher- Spring Hill and Brookley Air Force Base fell before the steady first-line wood Sample, '57. Living in Boston, pitching- of the purple and white nuie. In otlier outings, including several con- tests with Mississippi College, the final score went against the home team. Massachusetts. Eulyss Ed- Personnel of the 1957 squad was a follows: Perrin Smith, sophomore, Mary Elizabeth Smith to '57. Living in Jackson, second base; Richard Smith, freshman, second base; Cliff Rushing, junior, center- ward Stewart, field; Billy Livingston, junior, centerfield; Eddie Whaley, sophomore, first base; Mississippi. Stallings, '54-'55, to Stan Hathorn, sophomore, right field; Smiley Ratcliff, sophomore, catcher; Bobby Nancy Eleanor Living in Triangle, Vir- Ray, freshman, shortstop; Roger Kinnard, freshman, third base, Harvey Ray, John Roach. ginia. freshman, third base; Robert Gentry, sophomore, left field; Bob Fortune, freshman, '55-'57, to Wil- pitcher: and Tex Sample, senior, pitcher. Lillian Ann Starnes, liam Otis Thomas, Jr. Living in Hat- Here's a direct appeal to you, the Millsaps alumnus. You undoubtedly know tiesburg, Mississippi. high school seniors who are good students and interested in the best in education June Claire Stellwagon, '57, to Charles who are also good athletes. Newton Catledge, '56. Living in Jack- Perhaps these boys would prefer not to play subsidized ball, with its demands son, Mississippi. on the time and personal lives of the students. A word from you about the Mary Sue Stump to Grover Upton Millsaps way in athletics and the school's reputation could have great influence. Berry, '55-'56. Living in State College, Although no athletic scholarships are given, boys with a bona fide financial Mississippi. '52-'53, need can apply to the Awards Committee for help. They will be given the same Lillie Felicia Thibodeaux, to consideration other students receive. David Patenotte. Mary Emilia Weber, '53, to Myron William Yonker, Jr. Living in Dallas, ON DISCERNMENT — As I see it, rebellion against thought Texas. (Continued from Page 27) questions is enemy number one in the Edith 'Whitley to James S. Minnis, Jr.. acquisition education; rather they seek approval of of reading skill. Those alone '50. Living in Monroe, Georgia. can be dared to use their '57, their minds as of status quo. New innate powers IMartha Ann Wolford, to Thomas thoughts might embarrass their ready- of discernment who are willing to think Lee Willetts, '54-'57. Living in Colum- made answers, might warp the A which —not for but along with the great minds bus, Mississippi. for them signifies "approved in person of literature. A large part of the blame Marilyn AVood, 56, to Harry Rinklin as of now!" The grade is the thing; lies, of course, with those teachers who Blair, '56. Li\'ing in Newport, Rhode thought can wait! commend the parrot memory of dates Island.

Page Thirty-Two MAJOR NOTES Faith in God and faith in their fellow- have trouble getting rides since there man has taken three Millsaps College were three of them. They arrived in students on a mission to England and four days, spending far less than they brought them back with a message to had expected because of the generosity America. and interest of people along the way. John Sharp Gatewood Lacy Causey, Upon arrival in England the group Tonkel, pre-ministerial and Keith stu- contacted officials of the Methodist dents who allowed the germ of an idea Church with whom they had correspond- to into a never-to-be-forgotten gTow ed. Surprised to discover that the ad- summer of "witnessing for Christ," are venturing American Christians had eager to deliver that message. made it, the British Methodists were Financed donations by from interested warm in their welcome and immediately Mississippians and their own money, the outlined a schedule of church visitations trio left Jackson June 19 to begin the and contacts which kept the young Mis- first lap of a tour which would take them sissippians busy until the day of their to England and to many unusual and departure. inspiring experiences. "Everywhere we went we were receiv- Tlie three students hitchhiked to ed with warmth." Causey said, speaking Montreal, Canada, where they boarded for the group. "AVe found British Meth- the SS Seven Seas for Southampton, odists 'on fire' in the best sense of the England. They had allowed themselves phrase." ten days to reach Montreal, expecting to Gatewood wrote, "The response to our team has been most humbling. Wherever we have stopped the people have taken us into their hearts and homes. It is a blessing to see Christianity really at work and the Spirit of God so evident in the lives of men and women. We shall Mission to Mankind cherish this opportunity for service all our days." Among the many experiences which the three will long remember are their days at the general conference of Brit- ish Methodism, their talks with Leslie Weatherhead and other leaders of the Church in England, visits to the shrines of ^Methodism where John and Charles Wesley worked and lived and, most of all, the fellowship and worship experiences shared with British young people and adults.

They said the two issues most fre- quently mentioned in serious discussion were the revival of interest in religion in America and the question of segregation.

Although they didn't seek it, publicity seemed to follow them during their mis- sion. Papers in the United States and Canada ran feature stories on them. In England, every town they visited boast- ing a local paper gave them a writeup. The British Broadcasting Company men- tioned their visit in a nationwide broad- cast. A tape recording of "Do, Lord" they "tossed off" was such a success

that it received radio time.

They returned home early in August feeling that their Christian Witness i\Tission is only half over. They will visit churches in Mississippi sharing their ex- periences and bringing to the home folks the same message of the universality of Christ and the one-ness of all mankind.

As one member of the team expressed it, they'll never again be as small as they were (in spirit) when they left.


Early Days (1892-1908) American University and has been ad- ference meets in Miami Beach, Florida. which is also educational opportunities Fifty-two years of service in the politi- mitted to candidacy for his Ph.D., He he. hopes to receive on his return to the chairman for the state association. cal field were behind him when J. D. Fatherree, '02, retired as county at- States in 1959. Mr. Stoaks expressed a desire torney of Clarke County, Mississippi, in to see any alumni passing through 1940-1949 Pakistan. 1954. He had served as representative, Clayton A. Morgan, '40, is serving as senator, circuit judge, and mayor of counselor for the Vocational Rehabilita- Quitman, Mississippi. Richard F. Kinnaird has been appoint- tion section of the Texas Education ed Chief Engineer of Optical Research Agency, having received his doctorate in May 11 was an important day for Dr. and Development for the Engineering educational psychology from the Univer- and Mrs. Benton Z. Welch. The couple and Optical Division of Perkin-Elmer sity of Texas a few years ago. He and celebrated their Golden Wedding anni- Corporation. He graduated from Mill- Mrs. Morgan, who live in Corpus Christi, versary. Dr. Welch is a member of the saps in 1934 and received his MS degree Texas, have two children, Jane Eleanor, class of 1904. from the University of Chicago in 1936. 3, and Clayton, Jr., 2.

After serving 34 years with the U. An interesting position as an associate David Donald, associate professor of S. Public Health Service, Dr. C. C. Apple- director of the Field Services Division of history at Columbia University, has been white, '07, retired and accepted the the Public Administration Service has granted a leave of absence from the position of director of the Division of taken E. F. Ricketts, •31-'34, all over the LTniversity and will be a member of the Local Health in North Carolina, a posi- States and to such foreign countries as Institute of Advanced Studies at Prince- tion he hasi filled since 1949. Thailand, Greece, Brazil, and Mexico. ton diu'ing the 1957-58 session. The The PAS program consists of activities following year he will be a fellow in 1909-1929 concerned directly or indirectly with the the Institute of Bchaviorial Sciences at Featured speaker at the Satartia High improvement of governmental opera- Stanford. The author of Lincoln's Hern- School commencement exercises this year tions. Its Field Services Division pro- don, Ijincoln Reconsidered, and Inside was Miss Bell Lindsey, '23. She chose as vides a full range of consulting services Lincoln's Cabinet, he has also written her topic "Retrogression and Education." to governments. Mrs. Ricketts is the a biography on Senator Charles Sumner former Berkley Muh, '38. which will be published soon. He is a Wishes for a successful Alumni Day member of the Class of '41. were sent by I. H. Hollingsworth, MA An enviable record has been com- '24, to attend. field of engi- although he was unable piled by the Reverend .J. Noel Hinson, A decision to enter the Mr. Hollingsworth, who now lives in '30, superintendent of the Sardis District neering after several years of service as Biloxi, Mississippi, expressed a deeply of the Methodist Church. Dui-ing the a missionary has brought Haniel Jones, appreciated sentiment: "Always the best past four years he has had a part in the '42, and his family back to the States, for Millsaps is my profound wish." construction of 8 churches, 15 education- where Mr. Jones will be in school in Au- al buildings, and one parsonage; was in- burn, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Jones (Sue 1930-1939 strumental in increasing pastors' sal- Springer, '42-'43) have four children, Sylvia, Joye, Win, and Tate. The firm of Rohrer, Hibler, and Re- aries; has helped 10 circuits to become autonomous; and has influenced the lives plogle. Psychologists to Management, A Shell Merit Fellowship to Stanford of thousands. has announced the appointment of Dr. University was awarded to Adene Hurst, Alvan L. Chapman, '31, to partnership '44, one of 90 high school mathematics status. Dr. Chapman taught at the Uni- Moss Point citizens selected Rames and science instructors from the United versity of Texas for sixteen years be- Khayat, '33-'34, mayor in the recent States and Canada selected to receive fore joining the staff of the firm. election. Mr. Khayat defeated his oppon- the award. Miss Hurst teaches math at ent by a wide margin. the Lake Charles, Louisiana, High twin daughters of Mrs. Paul The School. Meacham, Patsy and Peggy, 19, are en- A career in government administra- rolled at Lindenwood College for Women tion has taken John and Marguerite Carleton College in Northfield, Min- in St. Charles, Missouri, but her sons, (Darden) Godbold to St. Louis, Missouri, nesota, has announced the promotion of

Paul , 17, and Britt, 7, are Millsaps pros- where he is Director of the Ninth U. S. Dr. Jean M. Calloway, '44, to the rank pects. Mrs. Meacham, the former Jessie Civil Service Region. Mrs. Godbold is of associate professor of mathematics. McDaniel, is a '33 graduate. a member of the class of 1940, and Mr. Dr. Calloway is vice-president of the Godbold graduated in 1939. The God- of Sigma Xi, national Now Chief Public Administration Ad- Carleton chapter bolds have three children, Walter, 13; science honorary, and is a member of viser to the U. S. Operations Mission to Tommy, 9; and Marguerite, 3. Mathematical Society and Pakistan, DuVal Steaks, '34, has had the American Mathematical Association of Ameri- an interesting and varied career. Prior the to accepting his present position, he was Robert A. Ivy, '39, administrator of Assistant Mission Director for Helmand the Doster Hospital and Clinic in Co- Valley Projects in Afghanistan, going lumbus, Mississippi, was named presi- Robert M. Yarbrough, '41-'43, has been there from the Atomic Energy Commis- dent-elect of the Southeastern Hospital made headmaster of Christ Church sion in Washington. He received his Mas- Conference in May. He will assume the School for Boys in Christ Church, Vir- ter's degree in public administration at presidency in May, 1958, when the con- ginia. He also serves as assistant or-

Page Thirty-Four MAJOR NOTES ganist at the Christ Church Episcopal to the former Mary Louise Flowers, '55, Batesville, Arkansas, preached the ordi- Church. and Mr. Massey's wife is the former nation sermon. FYank is now Deacon- Mary Lynn Graves, '55. in-charge of St. Luke's Mission in North Little Rock. Bowman L. Clarke, "47, has resigned director of the Wesley his position as The Reverend Harold L. Fair, '49-'50, University of Missis- Foundation at the was named assistant editor of the Meth- A draftsman with the 11th Armored sippi to accept a Danforth Foundation odist adult church-school publications in Cavalry Regiment's Tank doctoral studies at Emory Medium Com- grant for July. Immediately prior to his appoint- pany, Charles H. Williams, '55, is serv- University. He received his Master's ment, Mr. Fair worked with The New- ing in Germany as part of "Operation degree in philosophy at Ole Miss in Christian Advocate in Chicago. Gyroscope," August. the Army's unit rotation plan. He was employed as a geologist Graduation from the University of with the Lion Oil Company in Roswell, After a summer's visit in Europe, Ann Mississippi Medical School and his mar- New Mexico, prior to entering the serv- Ammons Howard, '48, will return to Mis- riage to Catherine Gordon Lotterhos ice. sissippi this fall to teach art. She re- made June a busy month for Henry Pipes ceived her Master's degree in history Mills, Jr., '53. Dr. and Mrs. Mills are from Memphis State College in 19.5fi. living in Orlando. Florida, where Dr. A 1955 graduate returned to his Alma

Mills is interning at Orange Memorial Mater to serve on its faculty during the At least one Millsaps alumnus has Hospital. 1957 summer session. John Lott, who re- no trouble seeing Fair Lady." is "My He reived his MA in English from Vander- Gene Tally Nettles, '49, vi^ho is a member bilt in 1956, had a chance to find out of the cast. A Jackson columnist recently featured what it is like on the other side of the Dr. & Mrs. Loyal Durand (Wesley Ann desk. Travis '49-'51), listing the achievements 1949-1957 which have brought them distinction. Dr. Durand received his Ph.D. degree in Peggy Billings, '50, delivered the "mes- Following his graduation from the theoretical physics from Yale University sage of welcome" to SO young men and Washintgon University Medical School, in June, and Mrs. Durand has completed women who were commissioned deacon- A. W. Ferris, '51-'53, accepted a com- the required work for her Ph.D. degi'ee esses and missionaries of the Methodist mission as a first lieutenant in the Air in romance languages. Their honors are Church at the annual meeting of the Force. He is on duty for his internship too numerous to mention here. Methodist Board of Missions at Buck at Tripler General Hospital in Honolulu, Hills Falls, Pennsylvania. Miss Billings Hawaii. is a missionary to Korea. The CIBA Pharmaceutical Products Inc. has appointed Jesse 0. Reed, '53, professional service representative in the An LL.B. degree was awarded to Rob- Jerry Trigg, '56, is serving as associ- Jackson territory. Mr. Reed is married ert J. Yohannan, '50, by Rutgers Uni- ate pastor of the Belmont Methodist and has three children. versity at its 191st commencement in Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Mrs. June. Trigg (Rose Cunningham, '57) has ac- Jack Dunbar, '54, has accepted a posi- cepted a position in the Intermediate tion with the law firm of Talbot and Division of the Methodist Publishing Lt. Fay Allan Lossing, .Jr., '47-'48, Sullivan in Clarksdale, Mississippi. He House in that citv. was recently appointed to the executive is married to the former Ann Hand, '54. staff of the Naval Academy at Annap- olis, Maryland. The John Q. Schisler graduate award Keith Dix, '54, received his doctorate has been granted to Edwin P. Upton, in economics from Duke University in Dr. Cleveland Turner, '52, has begun '56, for the 1957-58 session. He will at- June. He will teach at Hampden-Syd- his specialty training in general surg- tend the Duke University Divinity School ney College in Virginia this fall. Mrs. ery at the Ochsner Medical Foundation and will receive his Master's degree in Dix is the former Winnie Hargrove, '53- in New Orleans. He is married to the religious education next spring. The fol- '54. former Dorothy Jernigan, '52, and has lowing year he plans to work toward his three children, Cleveland, III, 6, Diana Bachelor of Divinity degree. Elizabeth, 4, and Linda Gail, 7 months. A teacher in Denver, Colorado, during the 195f>-57 session, Jo Anne Cooper, '54, has accepted an appointment to teach The University of Arkansas named After 2% years of service vnth the in Japan next year. Mrs. Charles McSwain (Mary Warren Navy, Mr. and Mrs. James Leon Young Huntley, '53-'55) the recipient of the Jo (Joan Wignall, '51-'52) have returned to Belle Holcombe award given annually to Jackson to make their home. Mr. Young, Two Millsaps alumni were chosen to the woman student in the senior class a member of the class of '52, will prac- receive F\ilbright Scholarships this year. who has done superior work in the field tice law with his father's firm, Young .Sandra Miller, '57, will study in France of English. She was recogrnized for her and Daniel. and William Eugene Wright, '54, will work while at Millsaps, too, receiving the study in Germany. Clarke Essay Medal. Four Millsaps alumni have received M. D. degrees from the University of On July 3 Frank Mangum, '54, was or- Tennessee in recent exercises. They are dained Deacon in Trinity Cathedral Par- .Vlice Starnes, '57, graduated from John Sandefur, '53; Durward Harrison, ish in Little Rock, Arkansas. Another Delta Air Lines' Stewardess School at '53; John Neil Turnage, '50; and Samuel Millsaps alumnus, the Reverend David the Atlanta Airport in the spring. She is 0. Massey, '53. Mr. Sandefur is married Watts, '42, rector of St. Paul's Parish in now based in Memphis, Tennessee.

SUMMER, 1957 Page Thirty-Five OCTOBER

Is The Month For Coming Home and for The Warmth Of Reunion

A 1956 reunion of the Early Days Club was a wonderful experience.

Homecoming — 1957

SPECIAL REUNION CLASSES TENTATIVE AGENDA October 18th, 1957 Early Days Club (1908 and before) Freshman Day—All Day and Eai-ly Day's Club Banquet the classes of October 19th, 1957 Registration 10 a.m. 1924, 1925, 1926 and 1927 Reunions 10 a.m.-12 noon 1943, 1944, 1945 and 1946 Informal Lunch —12 noon For 1933-the 25th Pep Rally (cafeteria) 12 noon Parade 2 p.m. For 1908-the 50th Variety Show 3:30 p.m. Campus Tour — 4.30 p.m. DON'T MISS YOUR REUNION Banquet ___5:30 p.m. Plan Something Special Mississippi College Game —.8 p.m.

Saturday, October 19th, is the Date—Your Classmates Will be There We'll Be Expecting You MILLSAPS COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS


Ti- * -ft-

Inside . . .

Alumni and Development

if -tz ir


From the President

The successful launching of an earth satellite by the Soviet Union may ap- propriately be compared to the shock of F'earl Harbor. If Sput- nik has shocked us into a re-evaluation of our entire educational program and into a re-examination of our sense of what is im- portant, then we might well thank God

for it. When, some one asks, "What can I do?" a part of the

answer is: "Inquire seriously about what education is for and how brains can be better rewarded." We can expect our nation now to con- centrate intensely on science and en- gineering. This is as it should be. If we have been passed by the competitor, we want to catch up as rapidly as possible.

It will be fatal, however, if our con- centration is limited to mathematics, physics and chemistry. The real battle

is still for the minds and the loyalties of men. Russia's jump on us may make this battle more difficult than it has ever been. It has not changed the fact itself. The most demanding areas of study and for study are not the natural sciences demanding as they are—but the social sciences and the humanities. The latter is the study of how human conduct and behaviour can be understood and im- proved. Though we may have fallen behind Russia in some scientific develop- ments, we can still point to marked ad- vances—more advances in the areas of science than in the area of human rela- tions.

The task we confront is that of achiev- ing stability and stamina for a heritage of freedom. And having achieved it, the further task is to learn better how to

share it and commend it.

Millsaps College expects to make its contribution to an intensified training of scientists. It is imperative that this be done so that our scientific leaders can have the essential balance of the liberal arts and of a Christian philos- ophy. We need brilliant scientists who are also human beings, responsible citi- enlightened Christian church- zens and Homecoming gets better every year, and returning alumni become more enthusiastic men. Better to need enlightened say—we In the top picture, members of the Early Days Club, one of the most loyal groups Christian Churchmen who are also bril- pose in the Union Building. The Club includes alumni who attended Millsaps fift; scientists. liant years ago or more. Picture 2 shows some of the members of the class of '33 wh( '2' returned for the 25-year reunion. Members of the classes of '24. '25, '26, and '44 gathered in front of the Christian Center for picture 3, and the classes of '43, '45, and '46 posed at the side entrance of the "CC".

MAJOR note: Page Two 2J



Dr. A. P. Hamilton, "the noblest Roman of them all." appears in the Homecoming parade. Members of Eta Sigma Phi provide the trans- portation.


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Development Program __ 4 Alumn; Day Set , 10

Outstanding Alumnus .... 6 Esse Contribution 10

Alumni Role 7 Oil In Mississippi 1

Homecoming Experience ...... 8 Memorial Gift Plan 1

'99 Singers' Reunion . . Clubs Active .... Class of .... New Staff Member

Wroten Featured . . Births, Deaths .... Story From Korea .... Marriages Sports Summary Faculty Facts

Special Issue Coming .10 Gift From Friend -10

High School Day .10 Alumni Fund Report -11

^ >c:> >«=x x:zx xc>< >o>; ><=>; >< >crx >; ><:zx >c=x xzx >c=K >c::x >^^ -%

Editor James J. Live.«ay Assistant Editor Shirley Caldwell MILLSAPS COLLEGE BULLETIN

Volume 42 December, 1957 Number 4

Published by Millsaps College monthly during the College year. Entered as second class matter November 21, 1917 at the Post Office in Jackson, Mississippi, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

WINTER Page Three Sound Development Program Is Feature of Sixty -Sixth Year

It's been another exciting and signif- industry and the foundations added to During the day Wednesday the fol- icant fall at Millsaps Colleg-e. the feeling of optimism. lowing organizations met to plan pro-

The $500,000 Union Building has been Highlight of the early weeks of the grams in support of Millsaps College: ofricially opened and dedicated. fall session was the ceremony on Sep- the Board of Directors of the Alumni The faculty offices and classrcoms in tember 26, marking the formal opening Association, the Commission on Higher of the Union Building and the sixty- Murrah Hall are in use, serving 34 in- Education of the Methodist Church, and structors and administrators. sixth session of the College, and the the Millsaps Associates. observance of Founders Day. Ground has been broken and construc- Guests for the Union Building opening tion is well along on two doiniitories Dr. Theodore Distler, executive secre- which will cost in excess of 8800,000 and tary of the American Association of and those attending Homecoming and house 236 students. Colleges, spoke to friends and alumni of other events on campus have been shown the College on the subject "Craftsmen "the miracle of Murrah Hall chapel." Ten capable instructors have been of Liberty" at the opening ceremonies Alumni and friends who remember with added to the faculty and a number of Thursday. Officials of the church, the warm feeling's the old chapel will find important changes and additions have trustees, the College, and the student it hard to believe that three floors of been made to the curriculum. body took part in the brief but impres- offices, lounges, and classrooms and Alumni, trustees, faculty members, and sive program. seminar rooms are in use daily in con- the newly-formed Associates groups be- trast to the meetings held occasionally One of the year's most delightful gan new and important committee work in the space in years past. designed to strengthen the College. events was the dinner held the night before in the Union Building and at- Not since the spring of 1955 has the Among the projects initiated or con- tended by 300 membes of the Alumni campus been free of the noises of con- tinued with new enthusiasm this fall is Board of Directors, the Board of struction as the College moves toward the faculty's development committee, Trustees, the faculty, the Commission more adequate facilities for students and charged with the responsibility of long- on Higher Education of the Methodist staff. Contractors Denny and Jordan range planning. The alumni launched Church, and the Millsaps Associates. are on schedule in their efforts to finish the second annual Alumni Fund cam- the men's and women's dormitories by paign, gave attention to implementing Five speakers told their listeners what the opening of the 1958-59 session. Men the Advertising Council's national cam- Millsaps meant to them personally and will enjoy 136 additional spaces and paign behalf of higher education, and described importance to the city, in its women will have 100 new spaces. All began a program to interest Mississippi's state, and nation. They were Allen dormitories will house students on a best students in attending Millsaps. Re- Thompson, Jackson mayor; Dr. Kirby two-to-a-room basis. cruitment of college teachers from the Walker, superintendent of schools; 0. B. Millsaps student body received the serious Triplett, Forest attorney and Alumni It has been an exciting fall and one study of faculty and trustee committees. Association president; Bishop Marvin which reflects the tempo of life at Franklin, and James L. Waits, president Millsaps today and its hopes and plans September's air of expectancy was of the student body. for the future. supercharged with the encouraging news that church support and alumni giving had reached new highs. The probability Dormitories Under Construction of increased support from business and New


Page Four Dr. Theodore Distler, executive director of the Association of American Colleges, delivered the main address at the dedica- tion of the Union Huildinjj on September 26. Adequate facilities for students and faculty members is one of the goals of the development program of the College.

Foundation support of colleges and universities is becoming a major factor in the strengthening of higher education in the United States. The bonus grant of the Ford Foundation given to one college in each state was used by Millsaps College to provide new faculty offices and classrooms in Murrah Hall. The center photograph shows crowded conditions before the project was completed on October 1. Pictures of each professor in his new private office gives an idea of the importance of the construction.

WINTER Page Five Cdngratulations are extended following the presentation.

Clark Named Outstanding Alumnus

A Jackson minister has been named the outstanding self unselfishly in response to these calls, although his own Millsaps College alumnus foz- 1957. He is the Reverend responsibilities as a minister require and receive many Roy C. Clark, pastor of Capitol Street Methodist Church exti'a hours of his time each day. and a niemher of the class of 1941.

Clark was honored on October 19 at the climax of the "His interest in his fellow man manifests itself in his annual Homecoming Banquet. Student body president Jim willingness to accept civic assignments. In his community he Hattiesburg, presented behalf of Waits, of the award on is a member of the local Executive Committee of the Appeals the alumni, faculty, and students of the College. Review Board, a member of the Policy Committee of the Now in its seventh year, the Millsaps Alumnus of the Family Service Organization, a member of the State Depart- Year program recognizes alumni whose contributions in the ment of Public Welfare's Advisory Committee on Standards areas of service to church, college, and community have for Licensing Maternity Homes, a member of the Universitj'' been outstanding. Nominations are made by the general of Mississippi's Advisory Council on Continuing Education, public and the award recipient is selected by a committee composed of alumni, faculty members, and students. a member of the Board of Directors of the Symphony Orchestra, and an active worker in numerous other fund Clark came to Capitol Street Methodist Church in 1953 drives and community betterment projects. He is immediate from a successful pastorate in Forest, Mississippi. Follow- ing his graduation from Millsaps College he entered Yale past president of his city's Ministerial Association.

School oi' Divinity, where he received the Bachelor of "Since his first days on the campus, the award recipient Divinity degree. has felt and demonstrated a deep loyalty to his Alma Mater. He is the son of the Reverend and Mrs. C. C. Clark, of Through the years this interest has continued. Within recent Jackson, and is married to the former Esther Mae Maddox, months he has served as chairman of the Board of Directors of McComb. The Clarks have two children, Lynn, 10, and of the Alumni Association Projects Committee, devoting Susan, 5. His father and two sisters are Millsaps alumni. carerul thought and leadership to its activities. When the advisability of the recent building program to undenvrite The citation described the Jackson minister's activities two vitally needed dormitories was being debated at the in part as follows: histoi-ic joint session of the two Conferences of Methodism "Since his appointment to his current pastorate in 1953, last year, he rose to his feet at a crucial time in the debate he has inaugurated and carried on a program which has and spoke logically, and at the same time persuasively, of been recognized as truly outstanding. This year, the first the vital need for the project." project of an ambitious expansion program, a magnificent The Alumnus-of-the-Year Award is the only honor given $300,000 educational building and a new chapel, has been by the College exclusively to its alumni. Recipients of the completed, and a second project, the remodeling and air award since its inception in 1950 have been Rubel Phillips, conditioning of an older educational building, has been inaugurated. Jackson, 1956; W. J. Caraway, Leland, 1955; Gilbert Cook, Sr., Canton, 1954; E. A. Khayat, Moss Point, 1953; Dr. "In demand as a speaker before church and college Charles Neill, Jackson, 1952; and James J. Livesay, groups and civic and fraternal organizations, he gives him- Jackson, 1950.


In Answer to a Frequently Asked Question

oAlumni Are Filling Crucial Role

Current international tensions have dependently they are making their in- seriousness of purpose to be found impressed upon the minds of millions fluence count through an increasing in alumni and in those who furnish the vital importance of the educated number of projects and programs. Build- alumni leadership. man. Suddenly the "egghead" has been ing- on good foundations laid in previous Dr. Finger, in sharing with alumni elevated to the annointed position of a years, they are well on their way toward the plans for the years ahead, said, modern day Moses. With the new reali- making the year 1957-58 a truly signi- "Our primary concern is not with zation of the crucial role higher educa- ficant year in College history. brick and mortar but with brains and tion plays in society our has come new Specificially, the following activity is character. If we go all out for the its institutions. demands on undergirding the College in its deter- sciences without equal attention to the These demands reach every area oT mination to meet the challenges of the humanities, we will again have sold America's diversified system of colleges years ahead: our souls for a mess of materialistic and universities. Millsaps College, al- porridge." He named as Fund Drive Launched uppermost ways dedicated to the highest standards in importance on the list of the needs The 1957-58 Alumni Fund, v.ith a of excellence, is now exp-ected to prepare of the College the maintenance of a goal of $17,500 from 1,000 alumni, has an even higher percentage of superior superior faculty. graduates reached a total of more than $7,000. in greater numbers for even Rubel Phillips, Alumnus of the Year greater Under the direction of Fund Chairman responsibility. in 1956, spoke of the College as a George Pickett, the campaign to ob- For the privately supported small symbol of sanity, leadership, and tain alumni financial support is being liberal arts college these demands as- vision. "If I started now and worked strengthened by the personal efforts sume gigantic proportions. The best the rest of my life I could not repay of .340 class managers. teachers, more adequate facilities, more Millsaps for what she has done for On November 19, the first annual effective curriculum, the best equipment, me," he said. Alumni Fund dinner was held in the and the best students must be obtained Union Building. The meeting featured Sincere and moving appeals for en- and they cannot be obtained without fi- a film, "Endowing Our Future," and thusiastic support of the College were nancial resources beyond those currently talks by Alumni Association President presented by Messrs. Triplett, Pickett, available. Before money comes there and Castle. It 0. B. Triplett, Jr., Campaign Chair- was a great evening must be the loyalty, interest and public man George Pickett, Rubel Phillips, for the Association and the College. opinion-molding activity of all of its and President Finger. The needs of constituency. Groundwork Laid the College and higher education in In the midst In of these serious demands general, its mission, and the import- the spring of 1957, the founda- the following report is encouraging and ance of the Alumni Fund were pre- tion was laid for alumni effort in be- reassuring to every person who appre- sented with frankness and sincerity. half of the College. Forest attorney ciates and respects Millsaps College. Craig Castle, immediate past presi- 0. B. Triplett, Jr., was elected presi- Millsaps alumni are accepting their dent of the Association, w^as master dent. Named to serve with him were responsibility as a vital segment of the of ceremonies. the following loyal and capable alum- constituency of the College. Working Statements made during the eve- ni: Mrs. Ross Barnett, the Reverend through the Alumni Association and in- ning reflected the enthusiasm and the Roy Clark, and Dr. Charles N. Wright, vice presidents; and Mrs. T. H. Naylor, recording secretary. Alumni support is a key factor in the long range development program of the College. The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association, Under Triplett's leadership, alumni pictured activity has included below in session, is the official voice of Millsaps alumni. the following: (1) A ticket sales campaign and an alumni-student outing in support of the football team;

(2) Planning and staging a success- ful and well-attended Homecoming weekend program;

(3) Sponsorship, with the adminis- tion of the College, of the alumnus-of- the-Year progrram bringing honor to an outstanding graduate;

(4) Design and production of of- ficial Alumni Association stationery;

(5) As described above, the launch- ing of the second annual Alumni Fund campaign; (Continued on Page 14)

WINTER Page Seven Alumni Day — Homecoming Are They Really Worth Your Time? MILLSAPS COLLEGE REVLSLTED

Homecoming 1957 has gone into the of judging the 1957 edition of the student becoming increasingly difficult to retain record boolc. By all standards of judg- body in regard to its individualism and facult,y members, had provided for its

ment, it was a meaningful and successful its academic discipline, he was over- own. whelmed by the vocal demonstration of weekend. The Union Building, almost as new as school spirit at the noon pep rally in the They came from Washington, D. C, the Murrah offices, seemed a dream Union Building cafeteria. and St. Louis, Missouri, and scores of come true to the touring alumnus. Beau- towns and cities in several states. The finest contribution by students to tiful and commodious, the building pro- the day was, as always, their personal They came representing the first class vides completely for the students' social thoughtfulness and cordiality extended to enroll at Millsaps College. Answering and recreational needs. As groups of in both formal and informal contacts. the roll call in October, 1957, were the alumni walked through the grill, book Reverend H. A. Gatlin and Simon W. The returning alumnus was impressed store, cafeteria, social hall, lounges, Dismukes, who registered in 1892. They by the student participation in Home- student offices, and private dining rooms, came in larger numbers representing coming. they saw "a home away from home." the class of 1957. If the weekend was his first Home- The most frequent comment made during the Union Building tour was "How I By the hundreds they came, to take coming since leaving the campus he was wish they'd had this when I was here." part in one or more of the ten functions amazed and delighted to see the additions planned for the weekend. There were and improvements made to the physical A visit to the Music Hall, oldest of those present who remembered the plant. the "new" buildings on the campus, add- sparse Homecoming crowds of the not- Two separate tours of the campus ed to the amazement of the alumnus who too-distant past. began in the Christian Center, stately hadn't been on campus recently. Old For those who attended for the first building which houses the religion, phi- Elsinore Hall, tastefully furnished and time, Homecoming was an amazing ex- losophy, education, speech and drama, completely equipped as a Music Depart- perience. and ancient languages departments. If ment, housed a recital hall, private he had received his degree before 1950 studios for four full-time professors, Early arrivals who reached the cam- this was and impressive. classrooms, and individual pus Friday were entertained by the new practice rooms. Freshman Day festivities which featured Old Murrah Hall was next, and every "artistically" garbed freshmen enjoying alumnus who hadn't visited the campus Student guides made the Library the a 24-hour period of fun-filled subservi- since September found what he saw hard final stop on the Homecoming weekend to believe. ence to upperclassmen. Hazing, fast Murrah Chapel had been tours because it remains for many the disappearing from the American college converted to three floors of air condi- "pride of the campus." Greatly enlarged, scene, was absent from the Freshman tioned faculty offices and lounges, class- air conditioned, and beautifully decorat- Day activities. rooms and seminar rooms attractively ed, the Library is serving Millsaps in decorated and equipped with modern An eye-opener was the parade with many ways. Touring alumni viewed the furniture. He left happy to know that its magnificent floats. Campus organi- large general reading rooms, faculty his Alma Mater, in a day zations, including lionoraries as well as when it is lounges, departmental reading rooms, social groups, created truly professional and the study carrels with deep satisfac- entries in the Homecoming parade com- tion. They understood why the point petition. A spellbound graduate express- index of the student body was higher ed the feelings of all alumni when she last year than in previous years. best said, "We thought we had the very The tour was a rewarding and satis- in our day, but these floats look like fying experience for returning alumni. entries in the Tournament of Roses If alumni reaction is an accurate parade." barometer the events planned for Home- Campus decorations, which have come coming were worthwhile, even in the to be a highlight of the Homecoming judgment of the busiest executive. weekend, this year featured a nursery social hour which rhyme theme. Receiving the worst end Registration and the followed in the Christian Center Build- of the deal in every scene was the much- maligned "Choctaw." ing lasted well beyond the time alloted for the two functions. "Socializing" Because of the traditional individual- alumni gave as their reasons for linger- ism and academic disciplining espoused ing- in the halls and lounges—"we're and absorbed by its members, the Mill- enjoying ourselves." saps College student body has often been Reunions were late in starting because accused of lacking in school spirit. Al- though the alumnus observer had no way (Continued on Page 17)

Page Eight MAJOR NOTES For Some-Their First Visit To The Campus In Years

The Homecominij banquet climaxed a great day. A portion of the cro»d is seen in picture Number 1. Some of the Early Days Club members who came back enjoy food and fellowship in Number 2 at the Club"s annual dinner Friday night. The camera records a significant moment in the weekend's activities in Number 3. W. F. Murrah. of .Memphis, views the portrait of his father. Bishop William B. Murrah. the first president of Millsaps College. One of the many excellent floats in the parade is shown in Number 4. The class of 1899 presented to tie Librarian Bethany Swearingen a rebound copy of the first edition of the COLLEGIAN. Surviving members Harrell and Jones make the presentation in Number 5. Fellowship at its best is pictured in Number 6 during the social hour following registration in the Christian Center. Cheerleaders "warm up" for the pep rally preceding the game with MC in Number 7. Freshman Day on Friday featured competition for King and Queen. A few of the contestants are "captured"' by the cameraman in Number 8.

WINTER Page Nine —

Events of Note From Town and Gown

There's plenty of time for you to make Esso Grant Received YOU'RE ESPECIALLY INVITED plans to be on hand for this wonderful reunion and to take part in the rest of "Kismet", the fabulous musical, a the day's features. the second consecutive year Mill- For reunion of the Millsaps Singers, semi- It's May 10. Don't miss it! been selected as one saps College has nars featuring Millsaps College number of liberal arts colleges to of a faculty members, and a dinner honor- receive an unrestricted grant from the ing members of the class of 1958 Education Foundation. Esso these are events which will make Big Issue Coming for remem- The grant, totaling $2,000, is one of Saturday, May 10, a day several received by Millsaps College bering for all Millsaps alumni. Just why do we need institutions of annual spring from business and industry over the past It's Alumni Day, the hig-her education in the United States? graduates few years. The Ford Foundation de- in-gathering of Millsaps Millsaps College alumni will have an signated funds for the Jackson institu- and former students. opportunity to study some of the an- about the tion, including an extra "accomplish- You'll be hearing more swers to that question when the spring ment" grant for unrestricted use. Other details. Meanwhile, circle the date on edition of MAJOR NOTES reaches them. organizations making direct grants to the calendar — May 10. Compiled by editors of some of the should miss. Millsaps include the General Education This is a day none of us very finest alumni magazines in the Board, the Texas Company, United nation, the story of higher education will States Steel Foundation, General Motors be presented in a 32-page summary com- Corporation, and the Lyle Cashion plete with features and pictures, which Company. Bring A Senior we feel will be intensely interesting and of vital importance to all of us. is received annually Additional support The regular columns will held annually to ac- be on hand Millsaps business and industry High School Day, by from to keep up date fellow with Millsaps you to on alumni the Mississippi Foundation of quaint graduating seniors through and a story or two of importance about March 15. Colleges, an organization College, has been set for Independent the Millsaps scene will appear, but the A High School Day Committee, com- formed to give friends of independent rest students, 01 the magazine wil be devoted to single source the posed of faculty members and higher education a for telling the big story higher on plans for of education. receipt gifts to colleges and univer- has already begun work of We felt that you as intelligent and of the committee is sities. Belhaven and Blue Mountain Col- the day. Chairman responsible citizens should know what associate professor leges are cooperating in the Foundation Mrs. W. F. Goodman, that story is. of English. program. Gifts made by business and Save reading state will some time — it will be industry are divided on an enrollment Seniors from all over the worth it! which will include and pro-rata basis between the three meet for a program the campus, a reception, schools Membership is open to members guided tours of exhibits, faculty consulta- of the Mississippi Association of Colleges departmental program, and the which are privately supported. tion period, a variety Jones Helps College Players' presentation of "Teahouse of the August Moon." Alumni are urged to have a part in A prominent Jackson businessman has the day by encouraging seniors in their presented Millsaps College with a gift areas to attend the event. Some alumni to cover the cost of furnishing one of the Alumna Joins Stajf bring carloads of students to the College Union Building lounges. for High School Day. Any effort is ap- He is Thomas D. Jones, a representa- preciated by officials. tive of Scott-Foresman and Company. the good things which Among many Jones recently presented officials with have happened this fall at Millsaps is a check for more than SIOOO to pay for the addition of Mrs. Hem-y Pate to the lounge furniture. staff. Mrs. Pate will be remembered as Attention Ex'Singers The Union Building was opened in the former Glenn Phifer, graduated who September. It houses two lounges, stu- in 1940. Are you a former member of that far- dent offices, a bookstore, a grill, a group, the Millsaps Singers? If cafeteria, and a recreation room. Space does not permit the listing of all famed The of the honors and achievements which so, Saturday, May 10, is a most im- lounge which Mr. Jones' grant furnished were hers during her student days, but portant date for you. is located on the second floor. among the more prominent were her That's Alumni Day and the date set As a textbook salesman with Scott- editorship of the BOBASHELA, mem- for the national reunion of all ex-Singers. Foresman, Mr. Jones has visited college It's the first of an annual spring re- campuses across the nation. bership in Sigma Lambda, and her selec- According union series Millsaps extracurricular to officials, interest in tion by her fellow students as one of for his young people the top campus beauties. organizations. led him to make the gift. Alvin Jon ("Pop") King, emeritus In making the contribution Jones said, Mrs. Pate will be in charge of alumni director of the Singers, will be on hand "I have never seen a student body or records and research, and we're con- as guest of honor. faculty that impressed me as much as gratulating ourselves and being con- The reunion will include an afternoon those at Millsaps have. Dr. Finger and gratulated on our good fortune in secur- performance of familiar numbers by the everyone connected with your college ing her services. Singers of the 1934 through 1956 era. are an inspiration to me."


>9 Memorial to Mrs. J. E. J. Ferguson: Wanted-''P&Ws Mrs. Frank Cabell, '35 (nee: Helen Hargrave)

search is being conducted by the A Richard I. Jolly, '13 library staff i'or alumni or relatives and friends of alumni who have in their Gifts from Friends possession some long-sought issues of Scott Arnold, Jr. the Purple and White, weekly journal- Sterling Seabrook istic voice of the student body. Mrs. Z. A. Wasson You are requested to look through There may have been other omissions your Millsaps mementos for copies of from our final report on the 1956-57 P & W issues published during the fol- .A.lumni Fund campaign. If you know lowing- years: 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, of any please let us know. 1919-20, 1926-27, 1927-28, 1928-29, 1937- 38. If yuu have any of the above issues to spare and would part with them please mail them to Miss Bethany Swearingen, Do You Have Them? Millsaps College Library, Jackson, Mis- sissippi. Dr. Harry S. ilanley, professor of social science, has asked the help of Millsaps alumni in obtaining for the Col- lege a complete set of the United States Top Clubs Named Supreme Court Records. Dr. Manley says that students in the Millsaps College alumni in the Mc- The President's reception at the beginning social science division need the reports and Memphis areas continue to Comb of the fall session provides a chance for for reference work. Alumni who could their fellow alumni across the nation faculty members. lead new students to meet obtain a set of the law reports are asked in roots activity on behalf of their Here Ann Sturdivant, from Tupelo, is grass to consider Millsaps as a recipient. and Airs. Frank Laney. Dr. Alma Mater. greeted by Dr. Laney is associate professor of history. The volumes w-ill be kept in the Mill- the area On November 21, McComb saps-Wilson Library. They should be sponsored a recruitment program alumni mailed to Miss Bethany Swearingen, Southwest Junior College in Summit, at First Report librarian. Mississippi. Led by the Reverend Ray- Fund mond Wesson, president, the club invited At press time Alumni Fund Chairman members of the sophomore class at George Pickett issued his first report Southwest to attend a combination social The Spirit '99 of the 1957-58 campaign. of and recruitment program held on the A total of $7,457.00 had been received Junior College campus. from 264 graduates and former students. For the second time in fifty-eight Dr. Donald Caplenor, professor of The classes of 1941. 1954 and 1956 had years Millsaps College has received a biology, spoke to an intei-ested group of forged ahead in total number of members gift from the graduating class of 1899. prospective transfers on the opportu- responding to the Fund appeal. The two surviving members of the nities and hazards American youth will Leading in total given was the class fourth class to graduate from Millsaps, find in the new emphasis on science. of 1917. Dr. George L. Harrell, Jackson, and Public Relations Director James J. Live- The goal is 817,500 from 1,000 alumni Harris A. Jones, Elkins, West Mrginia, say spoke to the group concerning edu- by June 30. made the presentation in person as a cation in general and the Millsaps way Send your contribution today. feature of the Homecoming weekend in particular. program. In Memphis, President J. J. Valentine, The gift was a bound and inscribed Memphis attorney, announced the annual copy of the Collegian, the first student club dinner for January at the Knicker- Sorry- Mistake -Our publication on the campus, which was bocker Hotel. founded by the members of the class A program which will featui'e the Information which should have ap- of 1899. minimum of speech making and the peared in the Alumni Fund issue of Librarian Bethany Swearingen accept- maximum of good fellowship is being MAJOR NOTES is listed below. ed the volume for the College from planned. Ralph McCool is serving as These gifts to the 1956-57 Fund were chairman of the Arrangements Commit- gratefully received and sincerely ap- Harrell and Jones. It w-ill be displayed tee for the Memphis area club meeting. preciated. in the Millsaps-Wilson Library and added A business item of importance will Omissions included the following: to the College's collection of important include the election of officers for the Contributions from Alumni items from the early years of the in- new yeai\ Memorial to Billy Gulledge: stitution's history. Is your area organized? Is your club, Mr. and Mrs. Zach Taylor, Jr., '44 and Members of the Millsaps College gra- if organized, an active group? If not, '45 (nee: Dot Jones) duating class of 1899 were William be the spark which ignites the enthu- Memorial to Mrs. J. W. Deyton tnee: Edward Mabry Brogan, Henry Thompson siasm of Millsaps men and women in Gayle Doggett) Carley, Ashbel Webster Dobyns, George your area. A card or letter to the Alumni Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster. '4S-'50 Lott Harrell, Harris A. Jones, John Director, Millsaps College, suggesting a and '53 (nee: Elizabeth Lester) Tillei-y Lewis, Edward Leonard Wall, time for a planning meeting will draw- ilr. and Mrs. George Reid, '57 and '53 James Percy Wall, and Herbert Brown immediate response. (nee: Nona Ewing) Watkins.

WINTER Page Eleven By RICHARD R. PRIDDY Chairman, Department of Geology Millsaps College

Academic Aspects of Mississippi's OIL INDUSTRY

In many resjaects Mississippi oil and sippi were dry; so refined surface and Millsaps College are closely related. near-surface geophysical methods were Jackson has been the center of the in- used in locating salt dome structures in dustry during the eighteen years of its South Mississippi. existence, and in that interval the col- The results were quickly apparent, for lege has furnished more than its share in rapid succession Eucutta, Heidelberg, of the geological, geophysical, and steno- Cranfield, Baxterville, Gwinnville, graphic personnel. and other fields in South Mississippi were It was in August and September, 1939, discovered to help the late war needs. that Mississippi's first commercial oil But with peace the demand diminished production began in what is now Tinsley and exploration slowed as few additional Field, Yazoo County. By Thanksgiving fields were found. v/ith deep pay sands excludes most small the boom was on, and the middle of the operators, and development has proved By 1953, deeper drilling and better state swarmed with lease men, geolo- expensive for a few of the major oil techniques in searching for yet deeper gists, geophysicists, and drilling crews, companies. Only five or ten have actu-

structures paid off . In rapid succession all trying to cash in on the shallow ally made money on Mississippi oil. For 29 fields were discovered. In some there (5,000 foot) production. The next fields many of the major companies, Missis- is still but one well, but in others, such —Cary, Shai'key County, and Flora, sippi is now a training ground for new as Maxie-Pistol Ridge, south of Hatties- Madison County—were disappointments, geologists, with a few of the old timers burg, there are more than hundred. but in April, 1940, the discovery of a retained as teachers. Finds in Northeast Mississippi are chief- Pickens field, 50 miles north of Jackson, ly of gas and are as yet incompletely Still, the industry is lively enough to revived hopes. It was then that Millsaps developed. have had a profund effect on Millsaps College became the meeting place for Just now the trend is for exploration at depths College. The student body is "oil con- geological study groups endeavoring to of 9,000 to 15,000 feet, as in the Bolton Field, scious," and many students already know find other oil structures. west of Jackson, and the deeper Soso sands enough about the industry to choose Despite the demand for more and near Laurel. geology for their science requirement. more oil, the early years of World War This interest helped build a geology de- Although it has 135 fields, Mississippi II were relatively unproductive in Mis- partment much larger than a liberal arts sissippi. The shallow structures of the ranks but tenth as a producer. A wise school such as Millsaps would normally central and northern sections of Missis- state conservation program combined have. True, few Millsaps graduates are qualified to go directly into the industry as geologists without having had gra- duate training. However, the College does furnish the basic courses for petro- leum geology, which our majors can pursue in graduate school. It also pro- vides from three to eight men every year who help in a part-time capacity as file clerks, draftsmen, and in caring for cuttings and cores of oil wells. It like- wise furnishes some women students who combine their training in English, steno- graphy, and a little geology to become better than average geological secre- taries.

Several carloads of trainee geologists accompany Millsaps advanced geology majors on their longer field trips in the central and northeastern sections of Mississippi to share in the study of the exposed beds which, in places, contain oil down the dip in South Mississippi.


Students^ Professors Make Millsaps News

• The Student Executive Board presi- members, facilities, and general program, dent, Jim Waits, was elected vice-presi- was held on October 5. dent of the national Methodist Youth College officials have called the oc- Fellowship i'or a two-year term at its r. casion one of the most significant of the ' " f^"^^ national conference in Denver. **V * ber," "In April Once," and Act II of credited colleges throughout the United

ai III MIMMMIM IIi'mMIIII "The Torchbearers." States by which honor students are en- "Tiger at the Gates," a satirical abled to spend a semester in Washington comedy by Jean Giraudoux, starred Mary observing the processes of law and poli- Master Major and Miss Millsaps for Ruth Smith, Vicksburg, as Helen tical activity. 19.)7-.")8 are Jim Waits, Hattiesburg, and of Troy. Critics Miss Adcock and Cowart will return Betty Gail Trapp, Tupelo. The two called Miss Smith an ex- seniors were chosen to receive the honors, traordinarily talented Millsaps for the spring semester. young actress. to the highest Millsaps students can attain, Other lead roles included Don Lisle, because of their contributions to the Greenwood, as Hector; Max Miller, Kos- • Seventy-three Millsaps College stu- college community. ciusko, as Paris; Bunny Cowan, Jackson, dents will serve as departmental assist- as Andromache; and Melanie i\Iatthews, ants during- the 1957-58 session, accord- • Millsaps College faculty members are Raymond, as Cassandra. ing- to Dr. Frank Laney, chairman of the holding faculty conversations this year. Awards Committee. The Players presented another first They are designed to give the faculty when gave Mississippian Student assistants are appointed by they William members a chance to get together on an Alexander Percy's "In department chairmen to help with the April Once." As iirformal basis to discuss topics of in- far as officials could determine, it was work of the department. Service scholar- terest. The first conversation was led the only production of the ships are also awarded by the library play other by Karl Wolfe, instructor of art and and dormitories. than an off-Broadway presentation dur- nationally known artist. His topic was ing the 1955-56 season. the possibilities of developing intei'est in The success of the rest of the season • A Millsaps history major is spending the arts in the college community. is guaranteed, too, with "Teahouse his junior year at Trinity College of the of the August Moon" scheduled for March 12- University of Dublin. James Rush, Lake, 15 and "Kismet" for :\Iav 7-10. reports that he is taking Political His- • Seventeen Millsaps College students toi'y of Europe, History of England, and have been named to "Who's Who in Shakespeare. He will attend for three • "Christ Produces Crises" was the American Colleges and Universities." terms of seven weeks of lectures and theme of Dr. W. C. Newman's Days of seven weeks of research, with a test at Students selected for the honor are Spiritual Emphasis lectures. the end of the term. John Baxter, Marion; Richard Lamar Dr. Newman, pastor of the Tupelo, Blount, Jackson; Tommy Fanning, Hick- Mississippi, First Jlethodist Church, told • Publications plans are underway, with ory; Aubrey Jerome Ford, Magnolia; members of the college community that the editors of the various journalistic James Hood, Marks; Betty Miller, Jack- a Christ-like life could not be one of and literary enterprises hard at work. son; Ann Myers, Greenwood; Cliff Rush- peace and serenity. He reminded his Serving as editor of the Purple and ing, Cleveland; Keith Tonkel, Clermont. audiences that Jesus' own life was filled White, campus newspaper, is Betty Florida; Betty Gail Trapp, Tupelo; Hazel with conflicts and that he taught prac- Miller, Jackson junior. Dick Blount, Truluck, Port Gibson; James Vaughan, tices considered unorthodox in the society Jackson, is business manager. Stylus, Amory; Glenda Wadsworth, Jackson; of that day. literary magazine, heads are Ronald Jim Waits, Hattiesburg; Bert Ward, Dr. Newman's appearance on the cam- Willoughby, Columbia, editor, Glenda Jackson; Eddie Williams, Belzoni, and pus w-as made possible through the J. Wadsworth, Jackson, assistant editor, Edna Wixon, Cruger. Lloyd Decell Lectureship Fund. Other and Bei't Wai-d, Jackson, business man- religious leaders who have appeared on ager. Eddie Williams, Belzoni, and Billy the campus in recent years include Graham, Macon, are editor and business • Parents Day, a program designed to Bishop John Wesley Lord, Dr. George manager of the Bobashela, yearbook. acquaint parents with Millsaps faculty Buttrick, and Dr. Peter Bertocci.

WINTER Page Thirteen :

ALUMNI ROLE— (Continued from Page 7)

Gift in Memory of Friemdl or Relative (6) In cooperation with the admini- stration of the College, the inaugura- Will Help Library Ueder Nem^ Plan tion of the Memorial Book Fund de- scribed in detail in this issue.

(7) Through the medium of Major In response to numerous requests, the College has inaugurated a new Notes, the press, radio and television, program which will give alumni and friends an opportunity to make memorial and individual efforts, placing suppoi't gifts to the Millsaps College Library. One of the most critical needs facing behind the Advertising Council's Millsaps today is the need for funds to purchase "the best and latest books "Help Higher Education" campaign. in the various fields which are included in the curriculum. The new plan Projects planned to be launched in will enable persons who desire to participate to memorialize a friend or the future include the loved one and materially assist the College at the same time. immediate following:

New volumes are needed immediately in order that the College may (1) Mobilizing alumni effort to as- be equipped to serve the students who have a right to expect the latest sist the College in recruitng and en- and best in their fields. rolling- students whose scholastic ability, leadership potential, and Even more vital is the absolute necessity that faculty members have character will enable them to profit access the finest in areas of specialization and able turn to their be to to from the Millsaps way in education; the library for help in other fields of study as they endeavor to keep (2) Promoting attendance at Alum- informed in the best traditions of the liberal arts institution. ni Day, May 10, and assisting in pro- planning for the occasion; On December 1st, Librarian Bethany Swearingen reported that a total gram of 41,000 books were available to students enrolled during the current (3) Stimulating alumni club activity

session. The total capacity o;' the library is 85,000 volumes. by revitalizing inactive clubs and organizing new clubs whose members Here is an opportunity for a person to honor the memory of someone would be "grass roots" boosters in who has meant much to him in life by giving of his means to enable their own communities. the search for truth to continue. Realizing- that loyalty and nostalgic reminiscing alone could not furnish the A check made to Millsaps College and designated Library Memorial power to undergird a vigorous alumni Gift will be used to purchase vitally needed books. An appropriate book plate program, President Triplett's first of- bearing- the name of the person memorialized and the name of the donor or ficial act was to name men and women donors will be placed in each book. to a working Board of Directors. It is through the Board and its six commit- Memorial gifts will be listed regularly in MAJOR NOTES. No set tees, representing every section of the amount is asked and donors may be the judge of the appropriateness of state, that the program of the Associa- the size of their gifts. tion receives forward motion. Regular Meetings Donors of money for books since September, 1955, appear below: Before the year has ended on June Gift in memory of Richard Maley Mrs. C. P. Southall in memory of 30, these men and women will have met Mrs. H. P. Noland Mrs. Mary B. Stone four times in official session and will Dr. Myron F. Wicke have held many committee meetings to plan and implement an increasingly vital Y.W.C.A. at Millsaps President and Mrs. H. E. Finger, Jr. and significant program in support of in memory of Conti'ibutions to James Lovick Wasson College. Dr. M. Sullivan the M'emorial J. Mr. C. R. Grimes Those giving unselfishly of their time Professor and Mrs. Charles Burleson through the Alumni Association Board Kosciusko Friends of Directors are: T. A. Baines, Jackson; Mrs. Ellis Kelly Misses Stella, Josephine and Frances Howard Boone, Jackson; W. J. Cara-way, Millsaps Faculty Club Loeb in memory of Leland; Reynolds Cheney, Jackson; G. Philosophy Majors of 1956 Mr. Joseph Hart C. Clark, Jackson; Percy L. Clifton, Pi Kappa Alpha Jackson; Gilbert Cook, Sr., Canton; Dr. B. Price Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Green Bennett J. James D. Cox, Jackson; Robert L. Craw- Bethany C. Swearingen in memory of Mrs. Walter Spiva ford, Houston; W. B. Dribben, Green- Theta Sigma Nu wood; Fred Ezelle, Jackson; E-win Gaby, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Jackson in honor Jr., Jackson; Garner Green, Jackson; A. Gift in memory of the Reverend of Mrs. and Mrs. R. L. Ezelle C. Griffin, Jackson; William T. Hankins, Casper W. Avery Jackson; Leon F. Hendrick, Jackson; W. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ezelle in memory Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ezelle in memory S. Henley, Hazlehurst; Garland Hollo- of Mrs. Mary B. Stone of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Calhoun man, Clarksdale; Claude W. Johnson, Jr., Mrs. Bernice Bush Coffeeville; Shirley Norwood Jones, The Reverend Luke Alford Mr. John K. Foster (Independent Jackson; James Kennedy, Bay Springs; O. S. Lewis, Mrs. J. E. J. Ferguson Linen Service) Heber Ladner, Jackson; Hattiesburg; T. W. Lewis, III, Macon; (Continued on Page 18)

Poge Fourteen MAJOR NOTES Mississippi Junior College officials re- elected Coach Sammy Bartling president of the Association at its meeting in Jackson in August.

The career of a Turmer Jlillsaps coach, Herman Zimoski, was the subject of a feature story in a local paper in Sep- tember. Mr. Zimoski, who saved Estes Kefauver from drowning when Mr. Kefauver was nine years old, became coach at MiUsaps in 1922, one year after football was inaugurated here. Mr. Zimoski is now employed at Mississippi Southern.

Although there was a .'57-year interval. Dr. B. E. Mitchell, center, ate in the

Galloway Hall cafeteria on the day it opened and the day it closed. Dr. Mitchell, Wood Junior College has engaged the who is emeritus professor of mathematics at -MiUsaps, was among the last to go services Dr. Alvin Jon King as head of through the line in the old cafeteria. The new cafeteria in the Union Buildin;; of the music department. While his was opened September 9. Appearing in the picture are Anne Marler, Forest, friends at MiUsaps were reluctant to cashier; M. J. Marley, former director of food service: Dr. Mitchell; Julia Anne see him leave Jackson, they were glad Beckes, Susan Wheeless, and Judy Harris, all of Jackson. that his skill and ability were being utilized, and that the students at Wood may benefit from knowing him. They work. His study is done in connection appear in the Journal of Southern His- look forward to his weekend visits with the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory tory, which has been called "the most to the camptis. at Ocean Springs, a center which doubles scholarly medium for the publication of as a summer school for science students research in Southern history." and a place for year-round research by Other publications by Dr. Stevenson Dr. E. S. Wallace, chairman of the scientists. include "Pastoral Background in the department of economics and business Poetry of A. E. Housman," South .-Vt- administration, has been appointed to lantic Quarterly; "Literary Reputation of educational Dr. A. P. Hamilton, chairman of the serve as an counsellor for Stephen Crane," South Atlantic Quarter- the Southern Institute of Management classical languages department, has been ly; "Bibliography of the Published and the American Institute of Manage- awarded life membership by the Mis- Works of Walter Clyde Curry," Essays ment. He is one of fifteen Southern sissippi Modern Languages Association. in Honor of Walter Clyde Curry. educators who qualified last year at The honor was conferred as an ex- the Administrative Staff College at pression of the MMLA's appreciation of MeWliiney is the co-author of a book Princeton, New Jersey, to teach "The his outstanding service to the cause of which has been termed "one of the most Executive Course" of SIM and AIM. foreign languages in Mississippi, accord- important and revealing of all Civil War ing to officials. volumes." The book is Lee's Dispatches Dr. Wallace's duties as counsellor will to Jefferson Davis, 1862-6,5. It was include the handling of arrangements selected by the Civil War Book Club as and details for establishing and instruct- T~vvo Millsaps professors have had the Book of the ^Month for December. ing "The Executive Course'' among man- articles accepted for publication by agement groups. He will be responsible scholarly journals in recent months. for conducting the course within his Dr. X. Bond Fleming, chairman the geographic area. The Journal of Southern History pub- of philosophy department, has been named lished "Were the Whigs A Class Party to serve as the liaison officer to nomi- in Alabama?", by Grady McWhiney, in nate candidates for Danforth Foundation Still another MiUsaps professor has its November issue. Mr. McWhiney is scholarships. been the subject of a feature story in associate professor of history. recent months. In a story titled "Sweep- The Danforth Foundation invites Dr. John W. Stevenson, associate pro- ap- ing the Floor of the Gulf", in the Dixie plications fioni college senior men and fessor of English, is the author of "The Sunday magazine. Dr. R. R. Priddy is recent graduates Martyr As Innocent: Housman's Lonely who are preparing described as "a sort of Rube Goldberg of themselves for a career of college teach- Lad." The article will be published in the Gulf." The story describes his work ing and who are planning to enter the South .Atlantic Quarterly in January. in studying the Mississippi Sound and graduate school in September of 1958 for the tools he has invented to carry on the McWhiney's article is his second to their first year of graduate study.


About a Career

And a


"No person can consider himself educated until he knows of the Mississippi student YMCA; and president of his social as much about religion as he does about other subjects." group, Kap:pa Sigma. Such is the belief of Dr. J. D. Wroten, Jr., head of the After receiving his BD degree from SMU, he returned religion department at Millsaps College. It is that belief to Mississippi and was appointed by Bishop J. Lloyd Decell which has caused him, in the six years he has served as to build a church in Jackson. Now called West Park the department head, to expand and improve the curriculum Methodist Church, it is one of the area's outstanding of the division. churches. In 1950 he was asked to organize another church, Broadmeadow, also a prominent Methodist institution. A tall, easy-going gentleman with kind eyes and a ready smile, Dr. Wroten, usually calm and unexcited, almost The Navy claimed his services as a member of the chaplaincy during- II. discharge he reaches the stage of exasperation when he speaks of the World War Upon his indifference with which people usually think of religion. was appointed pastor of the Bolton-Raymond charge, and it this Dr. then "A student should know the Bible as well as he does was during period that M. L. Smith, president of Millsaps, engaged him as a teacher of religion at the Shakespeare. What we would like to have is more religion College. majors who are laymen -— premed and prelaw students. In 1948 leave his A doctor should have as broad a personality as a preacher. he obtained a of absence to continue study. He received his Master of Arts and Doctor of Educa- You can imagine a situation in which a wife is dying, and tion degrees from Columbia University in York. In the husband needs comfort. There is no one to help him but New 1951 he became head of the religion department at Millsaps. the doctor, and how is he to do it if he knows only medical terms?" Dr. Wroten defines education as a means of creating a situation in which teachers and students can come together The son of a Methodist minister. Dr. Wroten has through in a democratic and cooperative fashion to develop a process and devoted to ministry. the years been associated with the in which growth and maturity can be achieved, both through Millsaps in 1941 with in religion He graduated from a major the learning of facts and the exercise of personality. and received his Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1944 from In this connection he has worked to improve the cur- Southern Methodist University. riculum of the religion department. He was active in the Although he has changed his profession from preaching creation of a Town and Country program at the College. The

to teaching-, he is still ministering. During the past thirteen director, the Reverend Robert Anding, teaches courses in years he has built two churches, served as chaplain in the the religion department concerning the opportunities and Navy, pastor of a local charge, directed leadership training responsibilities of the parish ministry and helps preminister- schools, and trained numerous students in the work of the ial students set up adequate programs for their parishes. church. In addition to his regular teaching and counseling Dr. Wroten's aim, however, is to help students who do duties, he teaches a Sunday School class and fills frequent not plan to enter the field of religious activity to have a engagements as guest speaker in churches. better understanding of all phases of religious life. He points out that this should be a goal of every course. "Thei-e On the civic side, he has been an active member of the is a place for formal religion, and we try to supply plenty of Kiwanis Club for two and one half years — and a perfect that in our department, but there is the essence of religion attendance member, at that, which is no small feat for a in every course, and it should be pointed out. It has to do busy college professor. Last year he served as editor of the with a person's sensitivity to values. Wherever value is club's weekly bulletin, and is now a member of the Board of found in education it should relate to man's religious Directors. He is Pack Master of Cub Scout Troop No. 16. experiences." A campus leader while at Millsaps, Dr. Wroten was a He is married to the former Paola Lowe, of Laurel, an member of Omicron Delta Kappa, men's leadership honorary; alumna of Millsaps. They have two children, Fae Carole, a member of Pi Kappa Delta, debate honorary; president 13, and James D., Ill, 10.

Page Sixteen MAJOR NOTES '55, living at the University of Mis- sissippi. Mary Edith Yarbro to William Emory Rose, Jr., '57, living in Jackson. *mA ^oTu^t ALO^^N' COLLECxE REVISITED— (Continued from Page 8)

of the interminable afterglow sessions. When they began they continued in We welcome the following into the Julia Mae Allen, '54, to the Reverend happy session through the lunch hour. Future Alumni Club of the Millsaps James Palmer Burnett, '55, living; in The classes of 1924, 1925, 1926 and 1927 College Alumni Association: Burlington, North Carolina. turned out in the largest numbers, close- Jere Lynne Andrews, born October 2 to ly followed by the Early Days Club Joan Bartlett to Thomas Phillips Car- Mr. and ;Mrs. Jere Andrews in West (1908 and before). raway, '47, living- in New York. Point, Mississippi. Mrs. Andrews is the Photographers taking "memento'' pic- former Gail Fielder, '56. Marjorie Boleware. '56, to John J. tures of the four reunion groups had a Cordelia Mary Hall, born September Albrycht, living in Biloxi, Mississippi. hard time halting the conversations, 13 in England. Her parents are Mr. and Lois Charmaine Bosarge to Edwin yearbook inspections, and visiting back Mrs. H. Gaston Hall. Mr. Hall is a '52 Coleman Sturdivant, III, '55, living in and forth to pose their subjects. The graduate. Jackson. classes of 1908 and 1925, celebrating Catherine Anne Haynes, born to Mr. Brenke, '55-'57, to Jo Ann Marie their fiftieth and twenty-fifth, were the and ilrs. R. V. HajTies on October 24 current student, Phillip Eldridge Patton, center of attention. in Houston, Texas. Mr. Haynes is a living in Jackson. The largest crowd in history attended member of the class of '52. Mary Ruth Coleman to Billy Ray the noon informal lunch to view the Joseph Clifton Huggins, born October Sandeford, '5G-'57, living in Houma, newly-opened cafeteria, observe (and 14 to Blr. and Mrs. Joe Hug-gins. 'Sir. Louisiana. occasionally help) the big pep rally Huggins graduated in 1950, and Mrs. Carolyn Cox to John Lamar Copeland, which burst forth, and to enjoy through- Huggins, the former Barbara Walker, '56, living in Terry, Mississippi. the-line-style food. is a '54 graduate. Kevin Barry Kimbrough, bo;n to the Martha Elizabetli Dees, '36-'39, to After watching- the parade form on Reverend and Mrs. Barry Kimbrough on Major Stuart Edward Witty, living in the campus drive, alumni followed the August 30. The Reverend Kimbrough Panama. students to the downtown area where the is a '52 g-raduate of Millsaps. Joy Hardy to Terry Moore, '57, living big show was staged. Alumni applause mingled with Sheri Massey, born December 1. Her in New Orleans. that of admiring Jack- sonians when the Majors moved down parents are Dr. and Mrs. Samuel 0. Josephine Holloman Holland, '48-'50, Capitol Street. Massey, of Picayune, Mississippi. Dr. '39-'40, to Joseph Creath Odom, living in Massey attended during the summer of Vicksburg-, Mississippi. The first alumni banquet in the new '55. Mrs. Massey is the former IMary cafeteria was a memorable one, with the Frances Fitz-Hugh, '54-'55, to Thomas Lynn Graves, '55. Alumnus-of-the-Year award and the re- Hyde Powers, living in Columbus, Mis- Joseph Reed Millsaps, born November port of the presidents of the College and sissippi. 6 to the Reverend and Mrs. John Jlill- the Alumni Association providing inspira- Jerre Lynn Gee, '57, to Jack Barrett saps. The Reverend Millsaps is a '50 tion and information of great interest Stewart, Jr., '54-'5G, living in Memphis, graduate. to Millsaps alumni. A standing ovation Tennessee. Kenneth Neal Nay, born to the Rev- was given 1941 graduate Roy C. Clark, Merchant, '55-'56, erend and Mrs. Robert F. Nay on Sep- Rose Marie to who was honored as 1957's outstanding tember 11 in Vicksburg. The Reverend Charles Mitchell Nowell, living in Mem- alumnus. '49 phis, Tennessee. Nay is a graduate, and Mrs. Nay The game, with all of its color and ex- Ethel IMize) is '46 graduate. Ora Elizabeth O'Xeil, '57, to Joe Miller (Mary a citement, closed the week- Homecoming Barbara Ueid, born November 1 Hinds, Jr., current student, living in Lynn end. The loss to ilississippi College was Jackson. to Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, '57, and taken philosophically and as another '53. i\Irs. Reid is the former Nona Ewing. Dorothy Jean Richardson to William alumnus put it — "After such a wonder- Sheri Roebuck, three-month-old daugh- Eugene Loper, Jr., '53, living in Jackson. ful day and a real effort the team, by ter of Dr. and Mi-s. Jerry Roebuck, both Janice Russell to Dr. Evan James who's downhearted ? And there's always '50-'52. Roebuck is the former Kurts, '50-'52, living in McDowell, Ken- Mi-s. next year!" tucky, Jessie Wynn Morgan. Perhaps what impressed the erstwhile Jeffrey Seymore, born April Sara Prances Simmons to the Rev- Russell stay-at-home alumnus the most, however, and Mrs. S. D. Seymore. Mrs. erend Adam Byrd Hillman, '57, living 28 to Mr. was the spirit and attitude of the alum- is former Bettye Jean near Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Seymore the nus who returned to the campus for '54. Sandra Jo Watson, '56-'57, to the Russell, Homecoming 1957. Sigman, born October 13 Reverend W^illiam Edward Lampton, '56, Andrea Kate iMrs. John Sigman. Mr. Sig- living at Emory University. Although he enjoyed the entertainment to Mr. and Millsaps from 1938-1940. Frances Elizabeth White to Patrick and the fellowship to the fullest, his man attended Sigman, the former Jlary George Allen, '56, living in Memphis, deepest satisfaction came when he talked and Mrs. organ at Mill- Tennessee. with the professors about the future of Taylor Sandefur, taught Carolyn Joyce Williams, '53-'55, to the College or listened as Presidents saps. Shelley Lockwood White, III, born Samuel Ray Pate, Jr., living in Jackson. Finger and Triplett spoke of the oppor- Irene Wood to Daniel Lowell Jones, (Continued on Page 18) (Continued on Page 19)

WINTER Page Seventeen ALUMNI ROLE— (Continued from Page 14)

Turner T. Morgan, Jackson; W. F. Murrah, Memphis; Waudine Nelson, Biloxi; Thomas E. Parker, McComb; Rubel Phillips, Jackson; George Pickett, Jackson; W. L. Rigby, Gulfport; Albert G. Sanders, Jr., West Point; Frank T. Scott, Jackson; Troy Watkins, Natchez; and Dan Wright, Jackson.

As [Millsaps College joins other pri- vately supported colleges and univei'sities in tui ning to its constituents for coopera- tion in these crucial days, the adminis- tration and the Board of Trustees are realizing that its alumni are accepting

this responsibility and counting it a privilege. Without the understanding, interest, and support of their alumni, no college can hope to attract the understanding, interest, and support of other groups. Millsaps College can look to the future with confidence because those who have been a part of her past are her partners The five most beautiful coeds on the Millsaps campus, according to judges, are in that future. Lillian Presley, Natchez; Betty Garrison, Jackson; Frances Bryan, AVest Point;

Shirley Habeeb, Vicksburg ; and Mary Lynelle Reid, Lexington. They were selected from a field of more than 20 at the Major Showboat, a presentation pageant. Photo- ACTIVITIES CALENDAR graphs of the beauties will be sent to a nationally known personality for ranking. Second Semester, 1957-58

January 28-29—Registration for sec- ond semester February 14—Stunt Night February 27—Mid-season band concert • • • • March 12-15 — "Teahouse of the SPORTS SUMMARY August Moon" March 15—High School Day March 18—Faculty Waiter Night March 20—Song Fest Four returning- lettermen — Bobby Ray, Smiley Ratclii'f, and Bob Weems, .4pril 3-9—Spring holidays Jackson, and Don Williamson, Meridian are the mainstays this year's — of April 3-13—Singers tour edition of the Millsaps College basketball team. May 7-10—"Kismet" May 10 Alumni Ray, a sophomore from Jackson, was the leading scorer on the team last year — Day May 15 Spring band concert with a 15.6 average. Ratcliff compiled a brilliant 13.6 mark per game before being — J'une 1 Commencement Sunday injured in midseason, and Williamson posted a 9.9 mark as a freshman. Weems — June 2 Commencement Day contributed 6.2 points per game to the attack. — June 7—Registration for summer Bob Millsap, a sophomore transfer from Oklahoma A & M, is a starter at the school pivot position. Clinton freshman Pewee Lane is an alternate starter at either forward or g-uard. COLLEGE REVISITED— (Continued from Page Charles Wallace, Jackson, and Charles Francis, Gunnison, are two other 17) freshmen who are putting in plenty of playing time. tunities, the needs, and the goals of their Alma Mater. Ed Whaley, last year's center with a 13.0 scoring average, went into the He came not in search of halcyon days service this year, but will return second semester. The 6-3 Tupelo native will be long past or a gay old good time with a welcome addition to the Majors' attack. the gang, but because he believed in the value of Christian higher education and the importance of Millsaps College to The Millsaps Majors compiled a record of two wins and five losses for the the state and the nation. 1957 football season. It was the first losing season since Coach Sammy Bartling These alumni were "back home" be- took over in 1951. cause they believed in Millsaps College and were happy to have an opportunity After losses to Ouachita (7-0), Sewanee (14-0), and Howard (33-20) and a to be purposefully engaged in using their 12-7 win over Livingston State, the Majors put on a very good show for three influence for her in their own com- before to heavily favored Mississippi quarters bowing College 19-0. It was Home- munities. for schools, and Nancy Neyman, coming both Greenville, was crowned 1957 And suddenly he realized that that (Continued on Page 19) was why he finally came back, too.

Page Eighteen MAJOR NOTES SPORTS SU!M!\IARY — (Continued from Page 18)

Homecoming Queen. The next weekend Millsaps dropped a 29-7 decision to Southwestern in Memphis. The last game of the season was perhaps the best of the campaign, as the Majors downed a tough, highly regarded Henderson State team 19-13. The Millsaps offense came to life and moved the ball both on the ground and through the air. A 42-yard pa.'-s play from quarterback Fred Belk to end Smiley Ratcliff got the Purple and White off to a 7-0 lead in the second period. Pete Tate and Max Miller broke through to block a Henderson punt and set up the second TD. Buck .Aitken plunged into the end zone four plays later. Fullback Brent Johnson, playing with a broken hand, raced 15 yards in the fourth period to give the Majors their final six-pointer. Twenty of twenty-six lettermen are slated to return for the JIajors next season. Those graduating will be: Cliff Rushing, Cleveland; Kennard Wellons, Jackson; James Hood, Lambert; Hanip Miller, Jackson; .A.lex .Alston, Hollandale; and Ted Alexander, Jackson.

Honored at the annual rootball banquet were James Hood, center and captain of the 1957 squad, and John Sharp Gatewood, sophomore halfback. Hood, a native of Lambert, received the Harvey Newell trophy, awarded annually to the most outstanding Major both on and off the field. Gatewood was voted the player A career as a stewardess for Delta Air- showing the most improvement during the season. He hails from Mount Olive. lines was chosen by this 19.")7 graduate, Alice Starnes. She completed her train- .A-thletic committee chairman Sam Knox told the football banquet audience ing last spring and is now based in Mem- that Millsaps was concerned with strengthening its program of intercollegiate phis. athletics within the framework of amateurism. "We have what I sincerely believe is the finest football program in the nation. We are definitely not plannng to de-emphasize football at Millsaps. We are going to work to build better teams and a healthier program of athletics for all."

He expressed the belief that subsidized athletics, if allowed to continue in the Alumni at Work direction it is headed, will ruin the colleges and universities because of its demand for more and more monev. Among the many opportunities alumni have to serve their Alma Mater, one of Perhaps there are those among our alumni and friends who would prefer that the most impressive is the task of rep- Millsaps athletic teams return to subsidization. With all of the publicity media resenting the institution at college in- and millions of fans glamourizing big time athletics, it's not hard to understand augural functions. this attitude. Do you know how wo fared under subsidization when compared with the In the past two years eight Millsaps years since "de-emphasis'' began? alumni have acted as representatives of During the seven year period from 19o(i through 1942. the subsidized Majors inaugurations of the College at newly won 23 while losing 35 and tieing 7. We spent somewhat more than we took in, elected presidents. They have presented too, to put it mildly. greetings of Dr. Finger and Millsaps to There was no intercollegiate football from 1942 through 1946. the new officials and have participated The "Simon pure" program began in 1947 and the first season under the as honored in the inaugural guests new system resulted in 5 wins, 1 loss, and 1 tie. Since 1947 the record has been functions. 44 wins, 24 losses, and 3 ties.

Surprised ? were Alumni who have attended inaugura- So we. tions as Millsaps representatives are For the third consecutive year the alumni rolled out the red carpet for the Harris A. Jones, '99, Elkins, West Vir- football team and the gentlemen of the press. The Mississippi Valley Gas Lodge ginia; Dr. Maxine T. Boatner, '24, West of was location, fried Hartford, Connecticut; Professor Harold east Jackson the chicken and all the trimmings was the bill of fare, and Craig Castle, Jackson attorney, was the master ceremonies. Jackson Douglas, '42, Lexington, Ken- of .A.dd two dozen alumni, a sprinkling of sports writers, pinch of faculty members, tucky; S. P. Gaskin, '32, Pittsburg, a and you have the mixture which made the thirty ^lajors and two coaches again Pennsylvania; Carroll Varner, '38, Mor- feel appreciated and important. It the .•\lumni .-Association's saying. ristown, Tennessee; Charles E. Brown, was way of "We're behind you, boys." The date September just before the first '34, Shaker Heights, Ohio; Thomas C. was 24, game. Cooper, '50, Conestoga, Pennsylvania; home and Dr. E. L. Hillman, '15, Silver City, North Carolina. and Mrs. \\Tiite (Mary Alberta Gran- er Mary LeGrande Tennent. graduated

tham) is a member of the class of '54. in 1949. FUTURE ALUMNI— Jeffrey Lynn Woodard. born to Jlr. LeGrande Wiggers, born to the Rev- and Mrs. Woodard on October 6. (Continued from Page 17) Tommy erend and Mrs. Charles C. Wiggers on Mr. Woodard is a '54 graduate. Mrs. September 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Shelley October 23. The Reverend Wiggers is Woodard (Frances Moore) graduated in White, Jr. Mr. White is a '55 graduate a '50 graduate. Mrs. Wiggers, the form- 1955.

WINTER Page Nineteen — —

This is a true story of life in present day Korea. It was written by Dot Hubbard, a 1951 graduate of Millsaps College, who has been serving as a Methodist missionary at Ewha University in Seoul, Korea. It tells of the tragic need in Korea and of the power of Christian love. The manner in which the story is told reveals also the character of the writer. iVIiss Hubbard is engaged in graduate study at Scarritt College. She will return to Korea.

broken through to them. Now they could shining shoes. After a few weeks, their Yes, no doubt about it O tolen! speak. all people. One night they helped each his chickens had been stolen. some of The oldest boy began to tell all: Yes, boy to make a shoeshine box and provid- Christian University student The Chosen they were brothers—at least, they ed the simple materials necessary for quite bewildered, for raising looked called themselves brothers, for none of begging had stopped. Their stealing had project to help pay his chickens was his them had homes of their own. They lived stopped. All the boys were working hard could not gradu- college fees. Perhaps he under the Hahn River bridge now but shining shoes during the day and study- continued to steal his ate if someone must find another place when winter ing diligently at night. chickens! set in. They lived with a gang of other After several months, the tent was That night the student's ears were boys. Their work was begging on the moved to a spot near the campus of particularly alert. Sure enough, in the city streets during the day and stealing Chosen Christian University. Then after early morning a strange noise was heard at night. his graduation from college Mr. Kim in his yard. He leaped from his bed and "Will you stay in my home tonight, (the youth whose chickens had been was soon standing at the gate of his and then let me go with you to your stolen) moved into the tent to live with chicken yard. Tonight he would certainly place tomorrow?" the student asked with "his" boys. Now the family of boys felt catch the daring thief! "Wliere is he?" persuasive gentleness. No need to re- they had a real home; they began call- and his flashlight surveyed the yard in peat the invitation; the four lads were ing their tent "the Tent of Love." a quick, inquisitive way. Then he found indeed eager to stay the rest of the Recently Mr. Kim has been able to them. The daring thieves—four little night with their new "friend." get help from the Korean government boys huddled in a corner, shaking with All for running his orphanage. The govern- fear. during the night the student ment has now provided two more tents "Are you the ones stealing my chic- thought about the four little "thieves" for their use. One is used for a kitchen kens?" And his sharp question cut fast asleep on his floor. These young and the other is used for the school through the stillness of the night. boys should be in school. They should have a of love. room and chapel. Pour dirt-smeared faces looked up. No home But what could he a college youth do about it ? Then word could come from them, but their — he prayerfully decided frightened eyes revealed their guilt. his plan. I visited the "Tent of Love" a feM "But you're such small boys. Are you The next day he accompanied the weeks ago and was impressed as Mr. Kim told me this story. I was also im- about seven years old?" . . . But no four lads to their tent home under the answer. Hahn River bridge. There he found about pressed by the weekly schedule which hung on the tent wall with a picture of "Are all of you brothers?" . . . Still no 10 boys living together in fear and answer. filth. There were several more boys, Christ above it. The weekly schedule in- "Were you the ones who stole my they said, but they were already in the cluded such as the following: family chickens last night, too?'' ... No answer. streets begging. The student stayed all school, family council, family recrea- Seeing that he was getting no response morning talking with these boys. Would tion, family chapel. by standing over them shining the light they like to learn to read and write ? If As I was walking home from my visit in their stunned faces, the student sat so, he and some of his college friends that day, I met several boys carrying down beside them and placed his flash- would come to their tent each night and shoeshine boxes. "Where do you live?" light on the ground. Then with a ges- teach them. At first the boys were I asked them. "We live in the Tent of ture of friendliness he reached out to skeptical but later they all agreed that Love," they said with smiles. hold their tightly closed hands. they would like to be "students," and "Look now, I won't hurt you. I'd really they promised that they would welcome Centuries ago, St. Paul gave the im- like to be your friend. Would you like a school in their tent. mortal words, "Do not be overcome by to tell me about yourselves?" The college student and his friends evil, but overcome evil with good." Gradually two little tight fists began came faithfully each night to teach the In the experience of a young Korean to loosen inside the student's hands, and gang of homeless boys to read and write. college student, this verse reads: "Do the icy fear in the eyes of the lads be- In addition to these subjects they also not be overcome by chicken thieves, but gan slowly to melt into tears. Love had taught them about God and His love for overcome chicken thieves with love!'

LOVE and Chicken Thieves By DOROTHY HUBBARD

Page Twenty MAJOR NOTES :

Players Honored CONSIDER THESE BOOK STORE BUYS Mainly because of the superb direction SWEAT SHIRT in white with "Millsaps Majors" in of Lance Goss, Millsaps College has purple letters. Full cut, washable, in sizes small, again received national recognition for medium, and large. Only $2.00 including mailing the activities of the Millsaps Players. costs. A scene from "The Inverted Year," by alumnus Turner Cassity, was featui-ed on the 1957 cover of the national mag- azine for Alpha Psi Omega, dramatics honorary. The magazine carried two other Play- decoration A PERFECT TOY for the children or room ers pictures. They were full-page shots, for your coed. This IT inch "Glamour Boy" pup two of three in the magazine. One was makes an ideal gift. He's yours for $4.00 including a picture of Peggy Sanford Sample, '57, mailing costs. in the "Honey Bun" scene from "South Pacific." The other was a portrait of Dick Blount, Jackson, as Othello. Clip and Mail The honor is only one of many Mill- Please send me the following items saps, the Players, and Goss have received. .Shirts at .$2.00 each. Sizes Pups at $4.00 each. Leadership Mailin"' add Alumni to Mnil Alumni of Millsaps College are having Addi'p«« a prominent part in the organization and

Make check ? payab e to Millsaps College Book Store. development of the First Mississippi Corporation, which is being established MILLSAPS COLLEGE BOOK STORE to promote the industrial and business development of Mississippi and this area on a profit-making basis.

The company is organized to provide a large reservoir of equity capital and will offer an opportunity for Missis- Sn Mtinttvinm sippians and others to invest in the business and industrial development of the area. Included among the officers and directors of the corporation are the This column is dedicated to the memory of graduates and former student;; following graduates of ]\Iillsaps: Alf who have passed away in recent months. Every effort has been made to compile Dantzler, Jr., Pascagoula, Mississippi, an accurate list, but there will be unintentional omissions. Your help is solicited director; Emniitte W. Haining, '31, in order that we may make the column as complete as possible. Those whose Vicksburg, director; Nat S. Rogers, '41, memoy we honor are as follows: Jackson, director; John C. Satterfield, '26, Yazoo City, director and general Robert Magee Bass, '06-'07, who died November 11 in Moselle, Mississippi. counsel; W. E. Barksdale, '30, Yazoo Fred M. Bush, LLB "07, who died in October. His home was in New Hebron, City, secretary-treasurer. Mississippi.

Mrs. J. T. Calhoun, who died on September G in a Jackson hospital. She was the wife of alumnus and former trustee J. T. Calhoun. For a time she served Referees Recognized as a member of the Millsaps College faculty. While working at Bowling Green, Edward Currie, who died October 1 in Jackson. He attended Millsaps Ohio, Larry Newman, later a famed war from 1946-47. correspondent for INS, wrote a poem which has a familiar meter. While we Daisy Lester, '47, who died November 7, 1957. She had recently moved to Pontotoc from Jackson. don't entirely agree with the opinion expressed by Mr. Newman, we did like William Henry Livingston, LLB 1899, who died April M), 1957. He had lived the way he slipped the Alma Mater into in Prentiss, Mississippi. the poem. If you care to sing it, try the tune of the musical setting for Joyce Robert E. Nason, LLB '13, who died January 6, 1957. He had resided in Kilmer's "Trees." Ackerman, Mississippi. REFEREES Wiley Harris Virden, '02-'0;l, who passed away on Novembei- 15. 1957. His home I think that I shall never see was in Jackson. A satisfactory referee Adolph Ed Weinstein, '11, who died September 15, 1957. He had lived in About whose head a halo shines;

Memphis. (Continued on Page 2.3)


1892-1919 built by the company at Redwood, Mis- exchange at the University of Munich. sissippi. His work in Germany will be a continua- After half a century in the teaching- tion of that begun at the University of profession, Charles L. Hayman, '04-'06, Robert Mayo, '37, was elected president South Carolina, where he is professor retired recently and was honored with of the Mississippi Association of School of chemistry. Dr. and Mrs. Bonner and a supper and program by the Amite Administrators in October. He is super- their two sons sailed in September. County Teachers Association. In more intendent of the Clarksdale City Schools. than 402 months of teaching he missed New York television audiences hear Wirt Turner Harvey, '39, has accepted only four days. Mr. and Mrs. Hayman Vic Roby, '38, regularly as he announces a position as engineer with a research reside at Gloster, Mississippi. for the Clairol Theater and other NBC firm in Phoenix, Arizona. of radio and television shows. Mr. Roby, A little the history of the College A Certificate of Achievement has been Clifton '0.5-'07, now in his eighth year with NBC, has was recalled by L. Dees, presented to Lt. Col. Paul R. Sheffield, announced "The Price is Right," a na- when he wrote to officials. He roomed '39, in recognition of outstanding and tional show, as a vacation substitute. A on the second floor of Founders Hall efficient performance of his duties as En- native of Tylertown, Mississippi, he was while he was in school. Founders now gineer Officer last summer at Water- serves described in a recent article as "the as a dormitory for freshmen town, New York. Lt. Col. and Mrs. Millsaps alumnus who does most in New women. Sheffield (Carolyn Buck, '36-'39) have York to introduce other alumni to one three children, Sandra, 14, Paul, Jr., 11, Forty-five years have passed since R. another." and Carolyn, 1 year. Burdette Craig, '12-'17, attended Mill- Millsaps is seeking a mimimum of saps, but his interest in and love for the 1940-1949 $17,500 in its Alumni Fund campaign, College are as strong as ever. Now a but the Reverend Paul Carruth, '39, has Before his death in November, Major resident of Tinimann, Arkansas, he has the assignment of leading a $5,000,000 Frederick Sullens appointed Jimmy Ward, been active as a preacher, teacher, choir fund-raising drive as the Executive '37-'41, take over his duties as editor member and choir director, and steward. to Director of the North Carolina Confer- of the Jackson Daily News. Officials 1920-1929 ence Commission on Christian Higher followed his wishes in naming Mr. Ward Education. editor later that month. Ward began A '23 graduate has been named to one his career with the Daily News while of the top offices in Masonry in Mis- A third Fulbright scholarship for the at Millsaps, writing stories and taking sissippi. He is the Reverend Horace L. 1957-58 year has been awarded a Mill- pictures in his free time. Mr. and Mrs. Villee, who was elevated to the office saps graduate. Dr. Oscar Davis Bonner, Ward have three children. Patsy, 15, of Grand High Priest of the Grand '39, will do advanced research in ion Chapter of Mississippi, Royal Arch Jimmie, 12, and Myra, 9. Masons, at the one hundred and ninth Belhaven College has secured the convention of the group in Jackson last services of Harry C. Raymond as a part- summer. is pastor He of the First time insti-uctor of general psychology. Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Mis- A '43 graduate of Millsaps, Mr. Ray- sissippi. mond is director of Christian education at Pondren Presbyterian Church in Jack- General Electric's general manager of son. The Raymonds (Sara Dewees, '42- the western United States, Hillman O. '43) have a five-year-old daughter. McKenzie, '24-'25, has been named in Who's Who in the Business World. Mr. The agenda D. A. Reily, '44, has plan- McKenzie is an X-ray specialist. ned for his family during their furlough the mission field in Brazil reads As chairman of the English depart- from a work schedule. Part of the ment for the Jackson public schools, more like time will be spent under medical care, Amanda Lowther, '27, attended the Na- part in study, and then deputations are tional Council of Teachers of English lined up. The Reilys have been in Brazil in Minneapolis, Minnesota, this fall. since 1948, where Mr. Reily has served 1930-19,39 as General Secretary of Missions and Evangelism. They have three daughters, Spurgeon P. Gaskin, '32, has accepted Celia, Suzel, and Lucia. a position as Scout Executive for the Allegheny Council, with headquarters in A former Little All-American football Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He had pre- player returned to his hometown, Mc- viously served as Scout Executive for the Comb, in September to speak to the local Occoneechee Council in North Carolina. touchdown club. is the Reverend Two members of Millsaps' first class He Mrs. Gaskin is the former Carl Lee were back on the campus for Home- David Mcintosh, '48, who is now pastor Swayze, '32. coming activities on October 19. Mrs. of the Ridgeland Methodist Church near Henry Pate (Glenn Phifer), '40, adminis- Jackson. He was welcomed by another Henry V. Allen, .Jr., '36, has been trative staff member, welcomes the Millsaps alumnus. Tommy Parker, '54, named executive vice-i^resident of the Reverend H. A. Gatlin, Jackson, and S. president Mississippi Valley Portland Cement Com- W. Dismukes, Kilmichael. Gatlin was of the club. the first man to register when the Col- pany. He will take over the management Less than ten years after her gradua- lege opened for its first session in 1892. and operation of the cement plant being Dismukes attend from 1892 to 189.5. tion from Millsaps, Francis Aline Neal,

Page Twenty-Two MAJOR NOTES '48, has become supervisor of elementary A degree in electrical engineering public schools in Rankin County. She from the University of Houston is the has also received her MA degree from goal her husband has set, and Ruth Mississippi College. Ann Pearson Denley, '56, hopes to do some graduate work in music theory. 1950-1957 At present she is working in Houston. Following his graduation from the Eddie Khayat, '53-'54, who played University of Tennessee School of Den- an end position with the Majors, was switch- tistry, J. Julius Ratliff, Jr., '50, accepted to by Washington a position with the North Carolina State ed tackle the Red- skins this fall. Professional football fans Board of Health. He and Mrs. Ratliff, had opportunities to see in action the former Joan Sylvester, are at present him several times during the season when living in Rocky IMount, North Carolina. the Redskin games were telecast over a Mr. and Mrs. James Bennett Lewis, national network. '50, have joined the faculty of McXeese In training to a naval aviator, State College in Lake Charles, Louisiana, be John B. Campbell, '56, was recently where Mr. Lewis is teaching in the commissioned ensign. is stationed mathematics department. ^Irs. Lewis an He at Soufley Field, near Pensacola. is the former Doris Ann Barlow, '51. The Medical Sei'^'ice School at Army Johnnie ^larie Swindull. '57, is serving Fort Sam Houston, Texas, graduated as director of religious education at the Captain Cecil G. Jenkins, '51, following Toulminville Methodist Church in her his completion of the military medical home to'W'n, Mobile, Alabama. She had orientation course. He has been assigned It was a long trip from Eugene, Oregon, already begun her alumna responsibility to North Fort Bragg, Carolina. He is to Jackson, but Mrs. Edward M. Ander- of recruiting for Millsaps when she son and children, Kristy, married to the former Patsy .\bernathy. her 4, and wrote. '50. -Mike, 2. stood it well. J. W. Wood, busi- ness manager, shows them a report of Wave Ensign Kathryn Bufkin, "57. has Peggy Parrish, '52, is teaching the progress for the College. Mrs. .Vnderson is the former Flora Giardina, '47. reported for duty at the Naval Com- fifth grade at Alexander Elementary munication Station in San Diego, Cali- School in Jackson, Tennessee, this year. fornia. She completed the 16-week train- She was formerly director of Children's of the Coopei- Road Christian Church ing program for Wave officers in Octo- Work for the Memphis Conference of the in Jackson. ber at the Newport, Rhode Island, Naval Methodist Church. Dunbar Babbit, '54, departed in Sep- Station. Three academic years of study were tember for Japan, where she is teaching '56 "57 climaxed for Barry Kimbrough, '52, in with the United States Air Force De- A and a graduate. Tom Pre- witt -August when he received a Master of pendent School Program for the 1957-58 and Paul Comola, are enrolled in the Theology degree from the Iliff School of term. Her previous teaching experience graduate program of education and Theology in Denver, Colorado. He has has been in the Pensacola, Florida, and training in social work in the School of accepted an appointment as minister of Bakersfield, California, schools. Social Welfare at Florida State Univer- the Lovell-Deaven Methodist Churches sity. Both have received scholarships Internship at the City of Memphis in Wyoming. from the university, and both are re- Hospital is next on schedule for Levi B. ported by the dean to be making good McCarty, Jr., '54. He received his M.D. Since his graduation from Duke Uni- records. Mrs. Comola is the former degree versity Divinity School, Jim Eskridge, from the University of Tennessee Jackie Peterman, '55-'56. and Mrs. Pre- in September. '53, has been serving as associate min- witt is the former Pat Morgan. '53-'54. ister Highlands at Methodist Church in Both Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Graves Bii-mingham, Three Millsaps pre-medical students Alabama. Mrs. Eskridge (.Vnne Carol Finger, '55) are teaching is the former Marianne '52- have been elected officei-s of the 80- McCormaek, biology at Flint Community College in student freshman class at the University '54. There is one little Eskridge, Jean Flint, Michigan. Dr. Graves completed Carol, one year old. I\Iedical Center this year. Glen Warren, requirements for his Ph.D. at North- 56-'57, was named president. George western in 1956 and Mrs. Graves received At the National Conference of Meth- Truett, '56-'57, vice-president, and Ben her JIS degree at the same time. odist Youth in Denver. Charles Boyles, Box, '57, honor council representative. '53, was elected to serve as one of two The Coral Ridge Country Club's new project secretaries of the organization. golf pro is Jerry R. Boykin, '56. The His office is in Nashville, Tennessee, club is located in Fort Lauderdale. where the national headquarters of the Florida, and Jerry reports that he is REFEREES RECOGNIZED— agency is located. enjoying the work very much. He will (Continued from Page 21) be remembered as a mainstay on the '53, merits rate Van Cavett, has left his post with Millsaps golf team. Whose reporters' lines; the Roanoke, Virginia, World News to One who calls them as they are accept a position with the Chattanooga After attending a basic chaplains' And not as I should wish, by far. Times. The Times' editor is Norman course at Fort Slocum, New York, 1st A gent who leans not either way. Bradley, '34. Lt. Wilton D. Pigott, '54, has been as- But lets the boys decide the play; signed to the U. S. Army Infantry A guy wholl sting the coach who yaps Recently graduated from the College Center Chaplains Section at Fort Ben- From Siwash Hi to Old Millsaps. of the Bible in Lexington, Kentucky, ning, Georgia. The Pigotts have a one- Poems are made by fools like me Morris E. White, '54, is serving as pastor year-old daughter, Kathy Ann. But only God could referee.

WINTER Page Twent>'-Three ''He might have inspired i Unfortunately for America, this same /' scene is being repeated all over the coun- ; another Pasteur , . try. Men and women whose talents as teachers could bring great things to pass "You sliouM ham watched him in the classroom. Any col- are leaving academic life for other fields. This incredible waste hurts all of us. lege president would have been as proud of him as I was. For we may well be losing the inspiration "It was almost magic the way he created a love for learning that could lead some young mind to dis- coveries benefiting the whole human his students. You could see it in their eyes . . . in in and race.

' ' • ;._:•._.•..••.: their work. ; : ; : As a nation whose very destiny de- pends on the development of brain- "He looked worn out the day he finally made up his ynind. power, can we afford to let this situation Told me there wasn't anything in the world he'd rather do continue?

Heln the colleges or universities of_ than teach . . . hardest decisioyi he'd ever made to give it up. your choice7Help them plan for strong-' " 'But how can I provide the kind, of life I want for my er, beLLyi'-paid faculties. The returns can family on my college teacher's pay?' he asked. be greater than you think. * * * ^; * "I didn't have an answer that one. So, he's leaving for for If you want to know more about what the a new kind of job at twice the salary. college crisis means to you, send for the free booklet "The Closing College Door" to: Box 36,

"But . . . who knows what a world of good he might have Times Square Station, New York 36, N. Y. inspired as a teacher!"

Sponsored as a public service, in cooperation with the Council for Financial Aid to Education, by MILLSAPS COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION