The Croydon Plan Page 2 Page 3
The Croydon Plan Page 2 Page 3 Chapter One Introduction to The Croydon Plan Crystal Palace This document describes our plans to address describe what we want to achieve, and how & Upper Croydon’s needs for the next 20 years we will achieve it by stating Our Ambitions, Norwood and beyond. By setting out proposals for Our Targets and Our Main Actions. These are Norbury new homes, jobs and infrastructure, whilst organised by Chapters, each covering a key respecting Croydon’s sense of place, we can theme. Thornton South Heath plan for a positive future. The following pages Norwood & Woodside Croydon Today Croydon Tomorrow Broad Green Croydon in 2013 is a borough with many strengths and We want Croydon to be London’s most Enterprising & Selhurst opportunities. Of course, there are also challenges to be Borough. Excellent transport connections to Central faced, which this Plan aims to address. London, Gatwick and Brighton mean that the borough is Addiscombe well placed to achieve this. Croydon • Croydon is made of a series of distinct places Opportunity from Victorian railway suburbs in the north, to 20th Following a consultation with over 20,000 people, we Area Shirley century suburbs on wooded hillsides in the south have developed a number of over-arching ambitions for and developments away from the railway line in the the Borough, all of which inform the Ambitions, Targets east. and Actions in this document: Waddon • Croydon’s population is due to increase by 3,500 • Create a premier business centre, where creative South Croydon over the next 20 years.
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