Annual Report of the Officers of the Town Of
Annual Report HOLDERNESS New Hampshire imQiiiiiiimiiaiiiiiiMiiiinimiiiiiiiiuiiiiinmii[]iiiiiiiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiiiiic3iiiiiiiniiiE]iiiiiiiiiiiiC]iiiiiiiiiiiiniimiin^^^^ YEAR ENDING January 31, 1936 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OFFICERS OF THE Town of Holderness, N. H YEAR ENDING January, 31, 1 936 THE RECORD PRINT Plymouth, N. H. 1936 TOWN OFFICERS 1935 Moderator—Charles A. Haskell Town Clerk—Ethel J. Piper Selectmen—Norman P. Smith, Charles A. Haskell, Guy S. Davison Treasurer—Harry E. Leavitt Overseer of Poor—Mildred F. Craig Library Trustees—L. J. Webster, Catherine Pratt, Ernest Gay Board of Health—R. W. Smith Tax Collector—Howard Pease Superintendent of Cemeteries—L. B. Shaw Special Police—Ralph W. Smith, Howard L. Moore, L. B. Shaw, Lester Temple Road Agents—George G. Avery, Lloyd D. Perkins, A. W. Forbes Supervisors—Howard Pease, Ralph Smith, Arah Huckins Trustees of Trust Funds—Ernest R. Taylor, Susie P. Batchelder, J. W. Pulsifer Fire Warden—C. A. Haskell Deputy Wardens—0. M. Pratt, N. P. Smith, F. L. Piper Auditors—0. M. Pratt, Lester M. Avery Janitor—Rodney M. Evans THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE To the Inhabitants of the Town of Holderness in the County of Grafton in said State, quahfied to vote in Town Aft airs: You are hereby notified to meet at Town Hall in said Holderness on Tuesday, the tenth day of March next, at nine of the clock in the forenoon, to act upon the following subjects: 1. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing. 2. To raise such sums of money as may be neces- sary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriation of the same.
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