Nourishing Diets MEETS MODERN SCIENCE How Paleo, Ancestral and NOVEMBER 15-17, 2019 • ALLEN, TEXAS Traditional Peoples Really Ate
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® THE WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDatION Non Profit Org. Wise Traditions for WiseTraditions U.S. Postage IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS PAID $12 US Education Research Activism Suburban, MD PMB 106-380, 4200 WISCONSIN AVENUE, NW Permit 4889 WASHINGTON, DC 20016 Wise Traditions IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS A PUBLICatION OF THE WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDatION® Education Research Activism Volume 21 Number 2 Summer 2020 FEATURES IS CORONAVIRUS CONTAGIOUS? Page 15 Sally Fallon Morell deconstructs the contagion model for coronavirus Summer 2020 AIR POLLUTION, BIODIESEL, GLYPHOSATE AND COVID-19 Page 26 Stephanie Seneff looks into factors behind Covid-19 hot spots ® THE CURRENT HEALTH CRISIS Page 41 THE WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDatION Tom Cowan considers various layers to the Covid-19 story, with an addendum for WiseTraditions DEPARTMENTS IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS Education Research Activism PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Page 2 TIM’S DVD REVIEWS Page 80 LETTERS Page 3 VACCINATION UPDATES Page 83 CAUSTIC COMMENTARY Page 8 LEGISLATIVE UPDATES Page 95 NUTRIENT-DENSE FOODS TRADITIONAL FATS LACTO-FERMENTATION WISE TRADITIONS 2020 Page 11 RAW MILK UPDATES Page 100 BROTH IS BEAUTIFUL A CAMPAIGN FOR REAL MILK TRUTH IN LABELING 21 Number 2 Volume READING BETWEEN THE LINES Page 50 HEALTHY BABY GALLERY Page 102 PREPARED PARENTING SOY ALERT! LIFE-GIVING WATER NON-TOXIC FARMING PASTURE-FED LIVESTOCK THE WISE TRADITIONS PANTRY Page 57 LOCAL CHAPTERS Page 103 NURTURING THERAPIES COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE HOMEOPATHY JOURNAL Page 61 SHOP HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD Page 113 TECHNOLOGY AS SERVANT Page 66 MEMBERSHIP Page 132 WAPF PODCAST INTERVIEW Page 69 UPCOMING EVENTS Page 133 ALL THUMBS BOOK REVIEWS Page 76 You teach, you teach, you teach! Last words of Dr. Weston A. Price, January 23, 1948 Printed on Recycled Offset Printed with soy ink - an appropriate use of soy WiseTraditions THE WESTON A. PRICE Upcoming Events IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS OUNDatION ® Volume 21 Number 2 F 2020 Summer 2020 Education Research Activism Aug 29 Loveland, CO: Seminar on Nourishing Traditional Diets with Sally Fallon Morell, at Sun- rise Ranch and Retreat Center. Contact:, info@westonaprice. EDITORS The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, org. Sally Fallon Morell, MA tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the Merinda Teller Aug 31 Lincoln, NE: Free evening seminar on Nourishing Traditional Diets with Sally Fallon Mo- research of nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, whose rell. 6:30-8:30 PM. Contact: Gus Ponstingl (402) 770-2272, [email protected]. ARTISTIC EDITOR studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established Lynda Smith Cowan the parameters of human health and determined the Oct 2-4 San Marcos, TX: Farm & Food Leadership Conference. Contact: http://farmandranch- COVER DESIGN optimum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price’s, [email protected]. Angela Eisenbart research demonstrated that men and women achieve perfect physical form and perfect health, generation Oct 10-11 Front Royal, VA: Homesteader Conference featuring Joel Salatin and Sally Fallon Morell. Contact: COPY EDITORS after generation, only when they consume nutrient-dense Kathy Kramer Kirk Kramer whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found Anita Schubert exclusively in animal fats. The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient- LAYOUT & DESIGN dense foods to the American diet through education, Michelle Bielovitz research and activism and supports a number of move- WiseTraditions is mailed ments that contribute to this objective, including accurate quarterly to members of the nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming, Weston A. Price Foundation pasture-feeding of livestock, community-supported farms, PMB 106-380 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and Washington, DC 20016 nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment Wise Traditions 2020 Phone: (703) 820-3333 of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban MARK YOUR Fax: (571) 777-8932 on the use of soy-based infant formula. CALENDARS! Email: [email protected] st Website: The Foundation seeks to establish a laboratory to test 21 Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation nutrient content of foods, particularly butter produced November 13-15, 2020 DISCLAIMER under various conditions; to conduct research into the The information published herein X Factor, discovered by Dr. Price; and to determine Atlanta, Georgia is not intended to be used as a “ ” substitute for appropriate care of a the effects of traditional preparation methods on nutrient qualified health practitioner. content and availability in whole foods. The board and membership of the Weston A. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE Price Foundation stand united in the belief that modern We encourage the reproduction and FEATURING: Del Bigtree, Jeffrey Smith, dissemination of the information technology should be harnessed as a servant to the wise Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Beverly Rubik, PhD, Tom Cowan, MD, published in WiseTraditions and nurturing traditions of our ancestors rather than used with credit to the as a force destructive to the environment and human Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, Timothy Weeks, DC, Weston A. Price Foundation, health; and that science and knowledge can validate as long as it is solely used and many other fine speakers. to educate others. those traditions. Permission in writing is required The Weston A. Price Foundation is supported by if you intend to make money membership dues and private donations and receives no using the material herein. DETAILS on page 11 or at funding from the meat or dairy industries. Recordings of Wise Traditions 2019: Wise Traditions IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS A PUBLICATION OF THE WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDATION® Volume 21 Number 2 Summer 2020 CONTENTS FEATURES Homeopathy Journal Page 61 Is Coronavirus Contagious? Page 15 Anke Zimmermann discusses homeopathic Sally Fallon Morell deconstructs responses to vaccine injuries the contagion model for coronavirus Technology as Servant Page 66 Air Pollution, Biodiesel, James Kirkpatrick provides facts and fiction Glyphosate and Covid-19 Page 26 about the electric car Stephanie Seneff looks into factors behind Covid-19 hot spots Wise Traditions Podcast Interview Page 69 Leslie Manookian lifts the coronavirus veil The Current Health Crisis Page 41 All Thumbs Book Reviews Page 76 Tom Cowan considers various layers The Poison Squad to the Covid-19 story, with an addendum Hands Off My Food! Dr. Paul Dettloff’s Complete Guide DEPARTMENTS Tim’s DVD Reviews Page 80 President’s Message Page 2 Focusing on Covid-19 Vaccination Updates Page 83 Kendall Nelson analyzes the coronavirus Letters Page 3 situation Caustic Commentary Page 8 Legislative Updates Page 95 Sally Fallon Morell challenges the Judith McGeary on the broken food chain Diet Dictocrats Raw Milk Updates Wise Traditions Conference 2020 Page 11 Page 100 Our 21st annual international conference Healthy Baby Gallery Page 102 will be in Atlanta, Georgia Reading Between the Lines Page 50 Local Chapters Page 103 Merinda Teller examines four Covid-19 rogues Shop Heard ’Round the World Page 113 The Wise Traditions Pantry Page 57 Membership Page 132 Will Winter shares how to gain more liver eaters Upcoming Events Page 133 SUMMER 2020 Wise Traditions 1 THE WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDATION® Education Research Activism President’s Message BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sally Fallon Morell, MA, President Tom Cowan, MD, Vice President Carolyn Biggerstaff, Secretary Valerie Cury, Treasurer Who would have guessed when we finished up last quarter’s Pam Schoenfeld, MS, RD, Government Relations journal that we’d soon find ourselves in lockdown because of some- Pete Kennedy, A Campaign for Real Milk thing called coronavirus? For the first time in history, we’ve seen a BOARD MEMBERS IN MEMORIAM Mary Enig, PhD, FACN, CNS worldwide quarantine of healthy people. We’ve dedicated this issue Jerry Brunetti Fred Kummerow, PhD to the subject in the hope that by the time this journal reaches you, Kim Schuette, CN our lives and the economy will be getting back to normal. Cherie Calvert You will find differing opinions in these pages, the main one GENERAL COUNSEL James Turner, Esq. being whether the current outbreak of respiratory illness is actually caused by a virus—even whether there are such things as viruses at HONORARY BOARD Jen Allbritton, BS, CN all. We’ll be looking at the assumptions behind face masks, social Naomi Baumslag, MD, MPH Marie A. Bishop, CDC distancing, contact tracing and mandatory vaccinations. Rest as- Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(NA) Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD sured, what you will be reading here is not what you will find in the Lee Clifford, MS, CCN newspapers! Christapher Cogswell, MA Monica Corrado Whatever is causing the illness—whether 5G, air pollution from Janice Curtin Eric Davis, BDSc, DAc, DCN biodiesel, vaccinations or a wily virus—the Wise Traditions diet can Maureen Diaz help minimize the effects. From saturated fats that strengthen the Sara Bachman Ducey, MS, CNS Mike Fitzpatrick, PhD structures in your cells and help protect your lungs, to raw milk for Ruth Ann Foster, MA Donna Gates, BS, Med readily available calcium, to bone broth, to fermented foods—these Joann