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Courier Gazette T iie Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAND GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1H4U. ( I TWO DOLLARS A TEAR ,N ADTANCBt ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1874. | QlItc $Jrtss is tljc ^rtbintfbtan £cbcr t^at |$obcs Worlb at &too dollars a fkar {SINGLE COI-1K8 PRICK FIVK CKNTG. V o l . 7.—N ew Se r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1888. N umber 12. n o n MAIN STREETOqq LITTLE LOCALS. FORMER PASTORS The Courier-Gazette NEW ENGLAND B y P O R T E R 5r JONES. LAND! FARMS! JL u u is the place Zuv Sctli B. Spear 1ms added another nice driver Who Have Preached ip Our Methodist —TO BUY LADIES* ASD GENTS*— to his livery stock. Church—Where They Will Go. HERBERT II. LORD, E d it o r . A number of the former pastors of our M. CLOTHING HOUSE, Alonzo Merrill has bought a carriage horse A MODERN PAPER. $8.00 TO $10.00 PER ACRE . —AGENTS FOR— E. church are now in the Maine Conference. of Charles A Keene. — W ILE BUT BOMB OP TTIB— WATCHES! Isaac Norwood of this city, a Mexican war Rev. G R. Palmer is located in Augnsta, and Forty-firat y e a r.............of th e ... .Rockland Gazette Z.V COLD, GOLD FILLED, SILVER AMD veteran, has been granted n pension. although other societies want him he will prob­ Fourteenth year............. of the .. .Rockland Courier FINEST IANDS IN TIOEST. FICKLE CASES. H A T H A W A Y ’S Another false alarm of lire Tuesday evening ably remain there another yen'-. Rev. C. Two dollars a year In advance—$2.60 if paid at Stone has served the Kent’s Hill church for end of year; $1 for six months; 60 cents for three ADDREAR, CELEBRATED brought out the department. That fire alarm months* trial trip. CLOCKS! is needed. three years snd must retire by pastoral limita­ OF ALL KIFDS FROM FIFTY CEFTS TO tion. I)r. Stone in case be takes work will Entered ns second class mail matter. C. H. STAR RETT, The new house on Park street, built by probably go to Skowhegan. FIFTY DOLLARS. White & Fancy Shirts. Florence Donahue, Is being put In line shape Real Estate Agent and Notary Public, for the occupancy of Dr. D. C. Perkins. located at Orono,will CHECKERS. Those who bare worn H a t h a w a y S h ir t s are take the Biddeford church. Rev. Ezra Tinker, LENORA, NORTON 0 0 , KANSAS. JEWELRY! not satisfied with any other make. When made Some of our young men arc talking up a who has servcdCongress Street Church Portland “ Thfl anoftten teflon* grime o f draught*."—Po*. of all styles In Gold, Gold Plate and Silver. The from measure it linn been found difficult to get a “ Poverty Ball,” where no one can attend with­ faithfully two years,is compelled liy the health SURE- "AND PAY IN G Largest Assortment of shirt that fits ns well. The sizes are so graded out n pateh on some portion of their apparel. of his family to seek a milder climate, and has .♦.Good games and original problems solicited. that large men ns well as small can get shirt s to fit C. M. Walker, esq., Is having his law oiflee Solutions desired. All communications to this them . been transferred to the Philadelphia Confer, column should be addressed to G. W. B row n, SILVER WARE! fitted up very neatly. New book-esses, inside ence. The names of G. R. Palmer, Rev. L. L. Warren, Maine. INVESTMENTS. EVERY HATHAWAY SHIRT IS WAR­ shutters and other luxuries are on the program. Hanscotn and Rev. .1. M. Frost have been men­ in Knox County, which will be sold at Prices which The black men always occupy squares 1 to 21 cannot be duplicated, The Thomaston Post voted unanimously to tioned as possible successors to Mr. Tinker. Inclusive, and the white men 21 to 32 inclusive. --------THE CREAM ia IN -------- RANTED PERFECTLY MADE. The player having black men always moves first, Invite Col. Carver to orate before them Memor­ Rev. C. S. Gummings is closing what, per­ the players alternating in using those men. Denver, Colorado. -A LARGK LINE OP— Wo have lately opened an immense stock of ial Day, which must tie gratifying to the old haps, lias been the most prosperous three years %'IlATtiAWAY S h ir t s ***, much larger than we vet. for the Bridgton church of any in its history. P r o b l e m N o . 249. (P O P U L A T IO N , KA.OOO.) have before carried in order to meet the demands Selected and contributed by Mr. E. I.. Lovejoy, SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES Francis Tighe is doing a nice job upholster­ He has received a unanimous invitation Io be­ Rockland, Me. Send any amount immediately. Big Profit be­ of our constantly increasing trade in these goods. tween now and Mummer for my Knox County from 25 cents to 12 dollars per pair. Special atten­ ing the Masonic furniture iu Masonic Block. come the pastor of the Pratt Memorial Church, b l a c k . friends. Say how much you want. Also a very lnrgc and handsome assortment of tion given to the fitting of Glasses to al, kinds of Crushed plush of a mahogany hue is the mater­ this city, and will probably accept. Mr. eyes. Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. Cnmtnings Is also wanted nt Hallowell. All kinds of ial used. IIENRY TROWBRIDGE, Watch, Clock, Jewelry and Spectacle Hathaway Shirt Waists S. II. Arnold at Farranil, Spear St Co’s, has ATTORNEY AT LAW, DOWN THE VALLEY. Repairing one of the finest shaggy cats in the country. For Boys, that are Perfectly Made and Nice Fitting. He answers to the nnmc of Jaek, and is u fa­ No. 910 16th St., Denver, Colorado. done in a thorough, workmanlike manuer and ♦J-Refers to Editor of Oils paper. 8-15 WARRANTED. mous ratter. She Starts, She Moves, Etc.—The Geor­ My prices on everything will be found as low as Edwin Llhbv Relief Corps reports a roval ge’s Valley Road. the lowest. Remember that goods bought of me — WE ALSO CARRY A STOCK OF— are engraved in an artistic manner wi hout extra good time at Thomaston, Monday ever.lng of £33a~S~g£] We have received the following charge. Give me a call before buying elsewhere. '‘MBf “TWliL'characterlstic letter from J. O. last week, the Thomaston ladies and Post boys Johnson, esq., of Liberty: No trouble to show goods. doing their happiest to entertain them. Fancy Shirts and Shirt Waists “The first public meeting in relation to the Of other makers, which we are selling Dr. F. E. Hitchcock and 0. II. Tripp, C. E„ Georges Valley railroad was held at Hall St. THOS. DERMOT, of our Board of Health, went to Portland last George, this village, Monday evening, March AT VERY LOW PRICES. week to look into the sewerage question. One 26th. A permanent organization was effected FzzWhat doyou Say?—i; 239 Main Street, Rockland, Me. of our city’s crying needs is better sewerage. with Counselor W.II. Hunt as president and L. Rockland men are proverbially fortunate. C. II. Hurd, secretary. Remarks were made by jK6r*Special inducem ents to out o f town patties W HITE. Particular attention given to the repair and adjust­ --------------- T H A T I CAN BUY---------------- U. Keene of this city on a recent trip to North­ Messrs. W. II. Hunt, J. 0. Johnson, Dr. A. White to play and win. ment of Chronometers and Compasses. west Harbor, Deer Isle, attended a supper and Porter, Dr. J. W. Clough. All present ap­ fl&F’P. S. I have secured the services of M R . G. ------ A BETTER SPECTACLE --------- K .N O L IN , formerly with SHREVE, CRUMP & 280 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND. entertainment of the Parsonage and Vestry peared to enter fully into the spirit of the thing P r o blem N o. 260. LOW, Boston. Mr. Nolln is an experienced jew­ 11-14 ’ eler, in every line, and has given special attention Society and wns the lucky holder of the ticket with but few exceptions. They see that this By John T. Hcnnigan. -------------FOR LESS M O N E Y --------------- to engraving and fitting of eye k lasses. 8 thnt drew a very beuutifu 1 silk quilt. village can make no further progress without BLAt’K . the aid of a railroad, and it was the opinion o o o © © o Extensive preparations nre being made fo --------------- AT CENTHNER’S --------------- entertain the clergymen and lay delegates to present that this town would loan her credit to the E. SI. Conference, which mccls in this city the full limit to aid in constructing a railroad. -------THAN ANY OTHER PLACE ------- commencing the 18th inst. About 300 guests The meeting broke up at a late hour amid ---------- IN ROCKLAND.------------------ arc expected. Rockland is showing its usual much enthusiasm to meet again April 24th. CHEESE! hospitality. Those who will entertain should Let other towns start, and let us all pull to- c O C_____ O O - o " leave their names with Rev. L. L. Ilanscom. gclhcr and we shall have n railroad from here to Rockland inside of two years.” Quarterly meeting in the Methodist church Very Nice Plain Cheese, Fancy Sage Sunday of last week. Rev. C. A. Plummer, Presiding Elder, preached an able sermon in BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. Cheese, N eufchalel Cheese. the morning to a good congregation.
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