INT 120 Modern Architecture and Furniture Style Comparison Assignment - 75 Points

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INT 120 Modern Architecture and Furniture Style Comparison Assignment - 75 Points GENERAL STUDIES COURSE PROPOSAL COVER FORM (ONE COURSE PER FORM) 1.) DATE: 11/30/17 2.) COMMUNITY COLLEGE: Maricopa Co. Comm. College District 3.) COURSE PROPOSED: Prefix: INT Number: 120 Title: Modern Architecture and Furniture Credits: 3 CROSS LISTED WITH: Prefix: Number: ; Prefix: Number: ; Prefix: Number: ; Prefix: Number: ; Prefix: Number: ; Prefix: Number: 4.) COMMUNITY COLLEGE INITIATOR: CYNTHIA PARKER PHONE: 602-285-7608 FAX: Email: [email protected] ELIGIBILITY: Courses must have a current Course Equivalency Guide (CEG) evaluation. Courses evaluated as NT (non-transferable are not eligible for the General Studies Program. MANDATORY REVIEW: The above specified course is undergoing Mandatory Review for the following Core or Awareness Area (only one area is permitted; if a course meets more than one Core or Awareness Area, please submit a separate Mandatory Review Cover Form for each Area). POLICY: The General Studies Council (GSC) Policies and Procedures requires the review of previously approved community college courses every five years, to verify that they continue to meet the requirements of Core or Awareness Areas already assigned to these courses. This review is also necessary as the General Studies program evolves. AREA(S) PROPOSED COURSE WILL SERVE: A course may be proposed for more than one core or awareness area. Although a course may satisfy a core area requirement and an awareness area requirement concurrently, a course may not be used to satisfy requirements in two core or awareness areas simultaneously, even if approved for those areas. With departmental consent, an approved General Studies course may be counted toward both the General Studies requirements and the major program of study. 5.) PLEASE SELECT EITHER A CORE AREA OR AN AWARENESS AREA: Core Areas: Humanities, Arts and Design (HU) Awareness Areas: Select awareness area... 6.) On a separate sheet, please provide a description of how the course meets the specific criteria in the area for which the course is being proposed. 7.) DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED Course Description Course Syllabus Criteria Checklist for the area Table of Contents from the textbook required and list of required readings/books Description of how course meets criteria as stated in item 6. 8.) THIS COURSE CURRENTLY TRANSFERS TO ASU AS: DEC prefix Elective Current General Studies designation(s): HU, H Effective date: 2017 Spring Course Equivalency Guide Is this a multi-section course? yes no Is it governed by a common syllabus? yes no Chair/Director: CHERISE ROBB, IC CHAIR Chair/Director Signature: AGSC Action: Date action taken: Approved Disapproved Effective Date: Arizona State University Criteria Checklist for HUMANITIES, ARTS AND DESIGN [HU] Rationale and Objectives The humanities disciplines are concerned with questions of human existence and meaning, the nature of thinking and knowing, with moral and aesthetic experience. The humanities develop values of all kinds by making the human mind more supple, critical, and expansive. They are concerned with the study of the textual and artistic traditions of diverse cultures, including traditions in literature, philosophy, religion, ethics, history, and aesthetics. In sum, these disciplines explore the range of human thought and its application to the past and present human environment. They deepen awareness of the diversity of the human heritage and its traditions and histories and they may also promote the application of this knowledge to contemporary societies. The study of the arts and design, like the humanities, deepens the student’s awareness of the diversity of human societies and cultures. The arts have as their primary purpose the creation and study of objects, installations, performances and other means of expressing or conveying aesthetic concepts and ideas. Design study concerns itself with material objects, images and spaces, their historical development, and their significance in society and culture. Disciplines in the arts and design employ modes of thought and communication that are often nonverbal, which means that courses in these areas tend to focus on objects, images, and structures and/or on the practical techniques and historical development of artistic and design traditions. The past and present accomplishments of artists and designers help form the student’s ability to perceive aesthetic qualities of art work and design. The Humanities, Arts and Design are an important part of the General Studies Program, for they provide an opportunity for students to study intellectual and imaginative traditions and to observe and/or learn the production of art work and design. The knowledge acquired in courses fulfilling the Humanities, Arts and Design requirement may encourage students to investigate their own personal philosophies or beliefs and to understand better their own social experience. In sum, the Humanities, Arts and Design core area enables students to broaden and deepen their consideration of the variety of human experience. Revised April 2014 Course Prefix Number Title General Studies Designation INT 120 Modern Architecture and HU Furniture Explain in detail which student activities correspond to the specific designation criteria. Please use the following organizer to explain how the criteria are being met. Criteria (from checksheet) How course meets spirit Please provide detailed evidence of how (contextualize specific examples in course meets criteria (i.e., where in next column) syllabus) 3. The course focuses on the The course focuses on comprehension Course Competencies: comprehension and and interpretation/analysis of material 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 interpretation/analysis of objects, images and spaces, and/or their material objects, images and historical development through the Syllabus and Course Schedule: quizzes, spaces, and/or their historical evolution of design in architecture and tests, research paper, extra credit projects development furniture from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. The progression is set Readings: Textbook Chapters 1-6, 9-15 and against philosophical movements Online/ Canvas. fundamental to their development such as: Arts and Crafts (late 19th century), Canvas Readings: Each style listed in the Art Nouveau (turn of the century), Frank Syllabus and Course Schedule has a module Lloyd Wright (late 19th - Mid-20th in Canvas that includes a web presentation Century) Art Deco (post WWI), Bauhaus developed using Softchalk LessonBuilder (Post WWII), Mid-Century Modernism, and a pdf Powerpoint presentation. Post Modernism (mid-to late 20th Century), Deconstructionism (late 20th Additional Readings: Modules have links to Century) and current trends. Ways in further information and/or videos. which new materials and advances in technology over this time period Compare and Contrast Project: influenced the work of architects and In order to challenge students to draw upon designers is also examined. their understanding of historic styles and think about them analytically, they are required to complete a compare and contrast project. For this project they choose two styles and describe their similarities and differences, adding images to illustrate their explanation. The paper must include the historical context of when and where the styles evolved, plus important social and/or economic influences or the time. Extra Credit Museum Project: Phoenix Art Museum Thorn Rooms Critique. 4.c. The course emphasizes In order to appreciate the significance of Course Competencies: aesthetic experience in ... the the varied styles of architecture and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 applied arts, including furniture that have evolved over time, it architecture and design. is vital to understand what its designers Syllabus and Course Schedule: quizzes, believed to be the core determinants of tests, research paper, extra credit projects aesthetic experience. The major philosophical movements discussed in Readings: Textbook Chapters 1 - 6, 9 - 15 this course arose from beliefs prevalent and Online/ Canvas during each era regarding qualities seen as essential to architecture and furniture Canvas Readings: Each style listed in the for them to be aesthetically pleasing. For Syllabus and Course Schedule has a module example, critics of the social and in Canvas that includes a web presentation environmental ills brought about by the developed using Softchalk LessonBuilder industrial Revolution campaigned for a and a pdf Powerpoint presentation. return to handcrafting, which resulted in the Arts and Crafts Movement. From this Additional Readings: Modules have links to came new architecture, interior design, further information and/or videos. furniture, and a myriad of accessories. As the aesthetic experience of architectural and furniture design depends upon ever-changing social and cultural circumstances, this course examines the evolution of design in terms of these ideals. Course Competencies: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1.In written oral, and visual presentation, analyze the stylistic influences on modern furniture, interiors, and architecture. (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII) 2. Explain the cultural, social, and technological influences on the evolution of modern design. (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII) 3. Identify and describe architecture, furniture pieces, materials, and construction methods of modern design. (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII) 4. Trace the chronological development of modern furniture, interiors, and architecture. (I, II, III, IV, V,
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