An Approach to Super High-Speed Ring Spinning Frame
An Approach to Super High-speed Ring Spinning Frame By Keishi Fujisawa, Member, TMSJ Nihon Spindle Mfg. Ca., Ltd., Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture Basedon the Journalof the TextileMachinery Society of Japan,Proceedings, Vol. 23, No. 11, P773-781(1970) Abstract This articlesummarizes our studymade to obtaina superhigh-speed of 20,000rpm in spindle revolutionsof a ring frame,by improvingthe mechanismsof rotation parts such as spindle and ring, and by developingan advancedspeed controllerand speed regulator. Our study for speedingup the spindlerevolutions up to 20,000rpm is as follows: 1) We havesucceeded in developinga newspindle for ringframe, whichcan attain a speed of 20,000rpm, puttingthe spindlevibration underrestrain of the same level as in the con- ventionaloperation at 15 000 rpm. 2) All the bottlenecksof the ringsand travellersusually encountered during the high-speed operation of spindle have been broken by imporvingtheir mechanisms. 3) We have developeda speedregulators provided with wider rangesof speedand also a speedcontroller with lemientpitches to causeno suddenchanges in speed. The new equip- ment thus developedincreases the efficiencyof spindleand is effectivein eliminatingyarn ends-down. KEY WORDS: RINGFRAMES, OPEN-END SPINNING, SPINDLES, SPINNING RINGS, SPINNING TRAVELERS,SPINDLE VIBRATION, HIGH SPEED, SPINDLE SPEED, TENSION CON- TROL,SPEED CONTROL 1. Introduction (1) The spindle vibration taken place atthe speed of 20,000 Many trials have been carried out in many countries to rpm can be lowered down to that at the speed of 15,000 rpm increase the spindle speed (spindle revolutions) during by aid of the spindles trially developed by us. spinning without increasing ends-down. Now the spindle (2) Though the rings have been supposed to be the most speeds up to 17,000 rpm are available on the ring spinning obstinate opposition to high speed, the spindle speed of system.
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