Using Long Volatility Exposure to Hedge a Portfolio

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Using Long Volatility Exposure to Hedge a Portfolio Rational Funds Using Long Volatility Exposure to Hedge a Portfolio Investors need to understand that the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) is not the same as VIX futures, and this has important implications when it comes to trying to hedge a portfolio with a long volatility approach. The VIX index itself is a fantastic indicator of 30-day implied volatility. VIX futures are simply the market’s best guess CASE STUDY where the VIX index will be on settlement at that point in time. VIX FUTURES & CONTANGO Typically, VIX futures trade on over time. This is not structur- an upward slope with the clos- ally a problem and can even est to expiration being the low- be taken advantage of, but it is est and the furthest from ex- a major problem for the tradi- piration being the highest. The tional method of holding a long VIX cash below the front month VIX futures position. In fact, this contract, the front month con- explains why many products tract below the second month, that simply seek to provide and so on. This brings us to the long VIX exposure lose a sig- JOE TIGAY contango problem in the VIX nificant amount of their value Joe Tigay is Managing futures term structure. most years even though the Partner at Equity Armor price of the VIX index did not Investments, sub- advisor to a volatility- Contango is when the futures change meaningfully. hedged equity strategy price is above the expected at Rational Funds. future spot price. Because the The traditional method of hold- futures price must converge ing a VIX future position is a downward to the expected consistent roll from the front spot price, contango implies month to the second month that futures prices are falling as the front month expires to 01 01 Using Long Volatility Exposure to Hedge a Portfolio always maintain a long posi- on to become one of the larg- the VIX. The decay they saw tion. Another method could est electronic market makers was so dramatic that the cost be simply holding front month trading the VIX. The firm had of the insurance was more until expiration and then rolling hands on every order that than the coverage laid out. to the previous second month came through the pit, saw contract. Systematically, both all the flow and gained true It was this experience which led programs in a normal VIX fu- knowledge and insight into us to develop our proprietary tures curve have a built-in buy how the VIX trades; who the key EAVOL Index, a program high sell low strategy. As you players are and how the VIX designed to closely resemble can see from the exhibit below, reacts to seasonality. being long a front month VIX this creates a dramatic decay futures contract but without over time. Over long periods It was in this capacity that we the dramatic decay. The of time, the decay is so much noticed two key insights about EAVOL Index selects VIX futures that when you are looking for how the individual investor positions that present the your protection from the long was trading the VIX. First, the least potential for time decay VIX position, your insurance has VIX is extremely popular to while maintaining the highest decayed away to almost zero. trade because it is very highly correlation to VIX Index price negatively correlated with the movement each day. This contango problem was market. Typically, when the not lost on us at Equity Armor market goes down 1%, the VIX This distinct approach has as VIX market makers. In 2006, goes up 7%, allowing the VIX to allowed EAVOL Index to deliver when the VIX pit was launched, be used as an effective hedge when investors needed it most Brian Stutland entered the if traded correctly. Second, (Q4 2018 and Q1 2020), while trading pit and formed Stut- we noticed how poorly the avoiding the long-term decay land Equities, which would go average investor was trading of generic long VIX products. CONTANGO MEANS THAT VIX FUTURES WILL LIKELY LOSE VALUE EVEN IF THE VIX INDEX DOES NOT. 20% 18.80% 19% 18.50% 18.20% 17.80% 18% 17.40% 17% 20% 15.80% 16% 15% 14% 13.30% 13.30% 13.30% 13.30% 13.30% 13.30% 13% March April May L June July August CBOE VIX Futures VIX Index 02 Rational Funds IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET LONG VOLATILITY EXPOSURE WITHOUT YOUR INVESTMENT GOING TO ZERO OVER TIME. 250% 200% 150% 100% 205.15% -100% 148.52% 111.01% 50% 75.98% 42.02% 0% -50% -99.54% -100% Q4 2018 Q1 2020L 7/31/2011 to 7/31/2020 EAVOL Index Long VIX ETF ABOUT JOE TIGAY ABOUT EQUITY ARMOR Joe began his career with Stut land Equities LLC. in 2005, working INVESTMENTS, LLC on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange and specializing in Established in 2011, Equity electronic market making. In 2008, Tigay became a member Armor helps clients trader of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE). As a understand risk and attempt member trader, Joe was a very active market maker in both SPX to make money in all markets and VIX options from 2008 to 2012. – we manage assets under Joe utilizes this unique understanding of S&P, VIX options and the Equity Armor Investments futures to manage a volatility arbitrage fund. Discussing options, LLC umbrella. We also created volatility, and market insight, Joe has appeared on Bloomberg, the EAVOL index, a rules based, BNN, and has a regular segment on dynamic VIX futures strategy. Important Risk Considerations The material provided herein has been provided by Rational Advisors, Inc and is for informational pur- poses only. Rational Advisors, Inc. serves as investment adviser to one or more Rational mutual funds distributed through Northern Lights Distributors, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. Northern Lights Distributors, LLC and Rational Advisors and Rational mutual funds are not affiliated entities. Investors should careful- ly consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Rational Funds. This and other important information about the Fund is contained in the prospectus, which can be obtained by calling (800) 253-0412 or at The prospectus should be read carefully before investing. There is no guarantee that investment in any program or strategy discussed herein will be profitable will not incur loss. Security values may fluctuate, causing the price of such security to rise or fall and, as a result, inves- tors may receive back less than originally invested. This material does not constitute any representation as to the suitability or appropriateness of any security, financial product, or instrument. Investments in alternative securities by themselves or within a Mutual Fund may not be suitable for all investors. The trade outcome ex- ample above is for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered indicative of future performance of any strategy account or Fund. 4938-NLD-9/8/2020 03.
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