2019 Crime & Safety Report:

This is an annual report produced in conjunction with the Regional Security Office at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication assesses Indonesia at Level 2, indicating travelers should exercise increased caution due to terrorism and natural disasters. Reconsider travel to Central and Papua due to civil unrest.

Overall Crime and Safety Situation

The U.S. Embassy in Jakarta does not assume responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms appearing in this report. The American Citizen Services (ACS) unit cannot recommend a particular individual or establishment, and assumes no responsibility for the quality of services provided.

Please review OSAC’s Indonesia page for original OSAC reporting, consular messages, and contact information, some of which may be available only to private-sector representatives with an OSAC password.

Jakarta is one of the largest, most densely populated cities on earth, with a population of over ten million people inside the city limits. The greater Jakarta area is known locally as “Jabodetabek,” a name formed by combining the first letters of the districts that comprise it: Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Jabodetabek the second-largest urban area in the world (after greater Tokyo), home to more than 30 million residents.

Considering the size of the official and private U.S. citizens (estimates reflect roughly 15,000 U.S. citizen residents and visitors in Jakarta at any given time), crime appears to have had a relatively modest impact on the U.S. community in 2018. This may be in part due to elevated security awareness. Many U.S. private-sector organizations have dedicated security professionals who are familiar with the latest crime trends and provide active security briefings to their employees and staff.

Crime Threats

There is considerable risk from crime in Jakarta, Surabaya, and Medan. Through several sources, the Regional Security Office (RSO) has gathered statistics regarding criminal activities and trends in Jakarta. Due to the reluctance of many and expatriates to report crimes, these statistics may reflect a degree of under-reporting. The rate of crime in Indonesia may should be viewed on a per capita basis, as the relative rate is much lower than that of many other overseas destinations.

For 2018, the Jakarta Metropolitan Police Chief reported the following crimes by category: 50 murders; 31 rapes; 801 aggravated assaults; 1,584 robberies; and 1,226 vehicle thefts. Each of these reflected a statistically significant decrease from 2017 reported totals. Collectively, the Jakarta Metropolitan Police reported 5.62% fewer crimes in 2018 (32,301) compared to 2017 (34,227). Additionally, 4.54% more cases were resolved in 2018 (28,316) than in 2017 (27,084).


Employ a guard at your residence if possible. Keep windows and doors locked. Invest in a residential alarm system. Rent houses with window grilles and substantial doors. Train household staff to be aware of security issues. Household staff should not allow anyone in without your permission.

Indonesian criminals are normally reluctant to use force and usually do not harm their victims unless confronted with violence. Personal and snatch-and-grab robberies are the most common types of crime. One common form of semi-confrontational robbery involves two perpetrators on a passing motorcycle or moped attempting to grab backpacks, handbags, or jewelry from individuals walking along or waiting near the edge of the sidewalk. In some cases, these robbers work as part of large criminal syndicates.

Pickpocketing regularly affects both local residents and visitors, with most incidents occurring in crowded areas like the mass transit system, markets, and/or pedestrian bridges. In 2018, a small number of Embassy-affiliated personnel were the victims of residential burglaries or had wallets stolen from larger bags in crowded areas, such as mall restaurants.

Violent crime does occur and sometimes attracts significant media attention. In the first half of 2018, there was a perception among some Jakarta residents, including some expatriates, that either crime was increasing or that criminals were becoming more violent, especially motorcycle- borne criminals. A CCTV video from went viral after it showed a thief on a motorcycle snatching a cell phone or bag from a female motorcycle taxi passenger. Both vehicles were moving quickly and the victim died from head trauma suffered when her head hit the road and her helmet flew off.

Shortly before that incident, motorcycle-borne criminals robbed an Indonesian official bicycling in Kota Tua, an area that is the former heart of Dutch colonial Batavia and is frequented by domestic and foreign tourists. Whether real or anecdotal, this perception led to police aggressively cracking down on crime, especially in the weeks before the Asian Games held in Jakarta in August. According to reports, police arrested more than 300 criminals, and shot dozens of suspects. The Asian Games proceeded without any significant crime or security-related incidents, and were widely assessed to have been successful.

Credit and debit fraud crime remains a concern. The bulk of this type of crime involves dishonest employees of smaller businesses and restaurants copying details of a card or swiping it through a skimmer. This enables them to copy credit card information and make fraudulent cards with valid credit card numbers. Limit credit card use to major hotel chains, higher-end restaurants, and well-known businesses.

Police continue to break up organized crime rings – including some operated by Eastern European nationals – that have installed skimmers on ATMs in tourist-friendly areas like . For more information, please review OSAC’s Report, The Overseas Traveler’s Guide to ATM Skimmers & Fraud.

Drink-spiking and subsequent robberies – often conducted either by females in hotel rooms or male companions en route to hotels – are also occasionally reported, though there were no such reports involving U.S. Embassy personnel in 2018.

2 Organized crime remains a problem that police have not effectively addressed, though it tends not to affect expatriates. Illegal logging/fishing, human trafficking/, the sale of illicit/counterfeit drugs, and extensive corruption continue as well. In some instances, the prosecution of individuals accused of these crimes is unsuccessful because of payoffs and/or bribes to corrupt government officials, including judges.

Crime throughout Indonesia predictably increases before and during Ramadan, reportedly due in part to the pressure of providing gifts for family members and obtaining money for the Eid Al-Fitri holiday.

Cybersecurity Issues

As the number of internet and social media users continues to grow, so does the volume of crime committed online. Hoax news stories are an increasing problem, and the extremely high use of social media exacerbate the spread of misinformation and intentional falsehoods. Current, accurate statistics are hard to obtain, but Jakarta ranks at or among the cities in the world with the highest total number of posts generated each day on platforms like Twitter and Instagram. In 2018, Indonesia’s President elevated the rank of the Head of National Cyber and Cryptography Agency (BSSN) to Minister-level, though it remains unclear the extent to which BSSN will focus on hoax news, if at all, or only on more traditional cybersecurity issues.

Other Areas of Concern

No areas of Jakarta or other major metropolitan areas are officially off-limits to U.S. Embassy personnel, but there are areas in which the chances of becoming a victim of a crime are greater.

Block M in is associated with bars and nightclubs of dubious reputation at which prostitutes, drugs, and criminal activity are present. Some expatriates visit Block M, but those who do so should remain extra vigilant. Police also reported in early 2018 that South Jakarta (e.g., Kemang), a largely affluent area with international schools and multinational corporations in which a large number of expatriates reside, had become an increasingly attractive target for criminals.

The Ancol Port area and other areas, such as Glodok, in , are also well-known for bars, nightclubs, and a higher crime rate than other areas of the city. Several establishments in North Jakarta are off-limits for U.S. Embassy personnel due to high rates of crime, drugs, and prostitution (and thus frequent police raids). These include Colosseum, Crown, Illigals (aka 108 the New Atmosphere), Malioboro, Paragon Club, Stadium Lounge, Sun City, and V2 Karaoke. Authorities closed a well-known hotel and massage parlor called Alexis on suspicion of prostitution, and subsequently passed a decree making it easier for the provincial government to close venues suspected of hosting drug or prostitution activity. On multiple occasions in 2018, police and counter-narcotics investigators raided nightclubs and tested all staff and customers for evidence of drug use, arresting patrons and staff who tested positive. These raids often resulted in temporary venue closure.

Consult the Consular Affairs Country Specific Information for Indonesia before traveling to Central Sulawesi and Papua (the two provinces to which the U.S. government restricts personnel travel). These areas have the potential for increased crime, civil disturbance, and political violence due to ethnic, religious, and/or separatist tensions.

Sharia law is enforced for all Muslims in Aceh province.

3 Transportation-Safety Situation

Road Safety and Road Conditions

Visitors will find traffic conditions in Jakarta extremely difficult due to massive congestion, undisciplined drivers, and the presence of numerous motorcycles and mopeds. Additionally, traffic moves on the left side of the road, adding to initial frustration and confusion for Western visitors. The number of vehicles, estimated to increase by 10% per year, far exceeds the capacity of roadway infrastructure. Road safety awareness is very low, and many drivers, especially motorcycle/moped drivers, disregard most traffic laws. Accidents on rented motorcycles constitute the majority of expatriate injuries and deaths in Indonesia, especially on the island of Bali.

Road conditions vary from good to dangerously poor. Indonesian toll roads are modern, multi- lane, and well-maintained, but are usually over-crowded. Most roads outside of the major cities are single-lane and overly congested, with a variety of vehicles – from 18-wheeler trucks to small mopeds carrying entire families. It is common for vehicles to pass on either side, including on the shoulder, while driving at a high speed and swerving to avoid colliding with bicycles or horse/ox carts. Do not drive at night outside of major cities.

President Jokowi’s administration has prioritized road infrastructure and built many new roads. Due to the unique and dangerous driving conditions in Indonesia, however, the majority of U.S. government personnel, Western expatriates, and affluent Indonesians hire personal drivers. Most rental car companies offer drivers. Consider hiring a personal driver from a reputable company. Always ensure that your driver knows where they are going. Notify friends/family/employers if traveling outside of Jakarta.

Especially in rural/remote areas, exercise due diligence to confirm that travel agencies, tour companies, and rental drivers are legitimate. Serious vehicle accidents and injuries have occurred when U.S. passengers contracted services from unverified tour companies. Despite the appeal of Indonesia’s more remote and pristine locations, the risk of motor vehicle accidents may be higher in these areas due their relative isolation and the inability to obtain timely medical care.

In case of an accident involving personal injury, Indonesian law technically requires both drivers to wait for the arrival of police. Do not rely on ambulance services to transport injured persons to hospitals. Instead, injured motorists generally use taxis or private vehicles for transport to hospitals. Although Indonesian law requires third-party insurance, most drivers are uninsured; even if they are insured, it is common for insurance companies to refuse to pay damages. Often, authorities automatically consider the driver of the larger vehicle liable.

Public Transportation Conditions

Visitors are generally advised to avoid public transportation, including buses and trains, as well as bajaj (open-sided Indonesian tuk-tuks) and angkot (unmarked microbuses). These forms of public transportation may leave travelers more vulnerable to crime. Instead, use reputable, registered taxi companies (Bluebird Group, Express), which vet their drivers and are responsive to U.S. Embassy inquiries and requests.

4 The use of disreputable and freelance taxis occasionally results in crime. The most common scenario involves the driver taking the passenger (usually female) to a remote area where other males (who are occasionally armed) rob them of items of value. In some instances, criminals demand ATM PINs or drive the victim to an ATM and force him/her to withdraw cash. Though relatively uncommon, there have been reports of taxi or other car service drivers sexually assaulting U.S. citizens; in some cases, the victims were under the influence of alcohol before entering the vehicle. More frequently are reports of unwanted touching, groping, and/or males exposing themselves to women, often as they pass by on motorcycles.

Aviation/Airport Conditions

Indonesia experiences frequent transportation accidents, including plane crashes and non-fatal runway overruns. In 2016, however, Indonesia received a Category 1 rating from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, recognizing compliance by the country’s civil aviation authority with International Civil Aviation Office (ICAO) standards.

Other Travel Conditions

There continue to be serious accidents involving inter-island ferries, some of which are fatal. Overcrowding on these ferries is common, regulation is lax, safety equipment is often missing, and adherence to safety standards can be minimal.

Local, Regional, and International Terrorism Threats/Concerns

There is considerable risk from terrorism in Jakarta, Surabaya, and Medan. Several members of terrorist organizations in Indonesia, including (JI) and Jema'ah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), trained at al-Qai’da bases in Afghanistan and Pakistan in the 1980s and 1990s. Many individuals are either imprisoned or have been killed; nevertheless, JAD, JI, and other terrorist groups sympathetic to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), as well as lone-wolf individual extremists, continue to aspire to commit attacks against Indonesian police and security forces, facilities, and/or Western interests.

JAD network members carried out multiple attacks, including suicide bombings and ambushes, against police in 2018. From May 8-10, terrorist prisoners linked to JAD killed five police officers during a riot and subsequent hostage standoff at a police pre-trial detention facility just south of Jakarta. From May 13-14, a JAD cell in Surabaya consisting of three families, including children, committed coordinated suicide bombings targeting three churches and local police headquarters. The bombings killed in 15 civilians and injured 54 others. These bombings marked the first time entire nuclear families had conducted coordinated suicide bombings in Indonesia.

In response to these events, on May 25 Indonesian lawmakers passed an amended counterterrorism law. Law 5/2018 targets foreign terrorist fighters by criminalizing extraterritorial fighting, preparatory acts, and material support for terrorism. It also extends the detention period for police to gather evidence and build a case. Although Law 5/2018 states that the Indonesian military (TNI) will have a role in domestic counterterrorism operations, their precise role remains unclear pending a presidential regulation.

5 On July 24, the South Jakarta District Court used Law 5/2018 to indict JAD as a terrorist organization, officially banning it on July 31. Police and prosecutors can now arrest and try extremists for any links with, or support to, JAD. Police arrested more than 375 terrorist suspects and convicted around 150 individuals in 2018. Corrections officials took steps to improve terrorist prisoner management in 2018, but the passage of Law 5/2018 will create more pressure on already overcrowded prisons due an expected increase in arrests and convictions.

In late December, suspected members of the Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT) terror group, which is active in the mountains outside Poso, Central Sulawesi, beheaded a local man. Later, shots were fired at two police officers who went to recover the body in the Salubose hamlet of Central Sulawesi’s Parigi Moutong district. This predictably reinvigorated the joint police-military task effort in Central Sulawesi at the end of 2018, which continues its search for the remaining 14 or so MIT members.

Despite these successes, violent extremist networks and terrorist cells remain intact and have the capacity to become operational and to conduct attacks with little or no warning. The same is true of individual or unaffiliated ISIS sympathizers. The Indonesian National Police (INP) have limited resources in terms of their ability to monitor extremists, including returned foreign fighters and former convicted extremists released from prison.

Anti-U.S./Anti-Western Sentiment

Most Indonesians view U.S. citizens and other expatriates in positive terms, though there are isolated pockets of anti-Western sentiment. Anti-Chinese prejudice is relatively more common. Regardless, do not advertise that you are from the United States; avoid wearing clothing with identifying insignia.

In 2018, 13 protests directly targeted the U.S. Embassy (down slightly from 15 in 2017). Protests were related to issues such as the rights of Palestinians, U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, and the rights of workers in the broader global context. Although most of the anti-U.S. demonstrations tend to attract fewer than 100 participants, some can be quite large. The largest anti-U.S. protest in 2018 occured on May 11, when an estimated 20,000 participants demonstrated against the decision to move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Political, Economic, Religious, and Ethnic Violence

Civil Unrest

There is considerable risk from civil unrest in Jakarta, Surabaya, and Medan. Multiple demonstrations typically occur in Jakarta each day. According to Jakarta Metropolitan Police statistics, the greater Jakarta area experienced 2,672 demonstrations in 2018. This is the number that organizers notified to police as required; there were an additional 206 demonstrations not reported, according to police statistics obtained by the RSO.

The majority of protests have a nexus to labor/wage disputes or corruption. Common areas for protest activity include National Monument (MONAS) Square, City Hall, the Presidential Palace, various Ministries or the headquarters of other government organizations such as the police (INP) or anti-corruption commission (KPK), the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle, and the U.S. Embassy. By default, as protesters frequently pass the Embassy compound en route City Hall and/or the Palace.


While the vast majority of these demonstrations are peaceful, and police presence is normally sufficient to maintain order, protests have occasionally become violent, particularly when involving issues at the confluence of religion and politics. Avoid demonstrations and protests, since even those intended to be peaceful can become violent. Participation in political activities violates the terms of Indonesian visas issued to foreigners.

On April 17, 2019 for the first time in Indonesian history, voters will elect a new president, vice president, and members of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) on the same day. Police and military leaders emphasized the neutrality of their institutions throughout 2018 and pledged to cooperate to ensure safe elections. The National Election Commission and INP typically publish lists of which Indonesian provinces are most prone to social conflict in the lead-up to significant elections. Consult such lists when planning travel.

Religious/Ethnic Violence

Localized political violence and civil unrest due to ethnic, sectarian, religious, and separatist causes remains a possibility throughout Indonesia. Papua has small but still active separatist groups, which include a small number of armed guerrillas. In 2018, there were periodic shooting incidents near Tembagapura in Mimika (where there are large-scale mining operations), which police attributed to armed separatists. In December, armed separatists executed 16 or more government contractors (road workers) whom they accused of being military personnel in disguise. This represented a significant escalation in the scale of deadly violence.

In Jakarta and other cities with sizeable ethnic-Chinese populations, there are occasional incidents related to latent anti-Chinese sentiment. Some of these incidents are reportedly motivated by economic jealousy or linked to the belief that Chinese nationals are entering the country and taking jobs from Indonesian citizens.

In late 2018, there were a number of highly publicized incidents of possible discrimination against Christian communities in different cities, including claimed interference with churches by neighboring Muslim communities, desecration of grave markers, etc. Human Rights Watch commented that such discrimination against religious minorities is sometimes facilitated by government officials or police who, for example, refuse to issue permits for Christian churches or decline to pursue charges against those who persecute religious minorities.

Post-specific Concerns

Environmental Hazards

According to Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Agency, there were 1,134 separate natural disaster events in Indonesia in 2018. Indonesia is located in an active seismic region known as the "Ring of Fire” and has the most volcanoes of any country in the world – including 76 that are considered to be active. Minor (and sometimes even major) volcanic eruptions are a weekly occurence. Significant volcanic activity occurs on , , Halmahera, Sulawesi, Sangihe, the Sunda Islands, and in the Banda Sea.

Indonesia has deployed an effective volcano monitoring system, which has enabled the government to inform the population of potential eruptions and to facilitate evacuations in order to prevent or minimize casualties.

7 Earthquakes are also a routine occurrence. In 2018, there were 297 earthquakes that registered greater than 5.0 on the Richter scale according to the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency. A series of earthquakes in July and August on Lombok Island killed approximately 600 people and displaced half a million others. The earthquakes reportedly damaged or destroyed an estimated 80% of the structures in the northern part of the island.

In September, an earthquake (including soil liquefaction) and subsequent tsunami in Central Sulawesi killed more than 2,100 people, injured more than 10,000 others, and caused widespread destruction. In December, a tsunami in the Sunda Strait caused by the eruption and partial collapse of the Anak Krakatau volcano killed approximately 450 people, injured over 14,000, and displaced approximately 34,000.

During the rainy season, floods and mudslides can wreak havoc in many areas, including Jakarta. In December, for example, landslides in Sukabumi, West Java (located approximately 100km south of Jakarta) killed over 30 people. In general, the rainiest season is December-March, though this can vary. Western and northern parts of Indonesia experience the most precipitation, since the north- and westward-moving monsoon clouds are heavy with moisture by the time they reach these more distant regions. Every year throughout Indonesia, significant numbers of Indonesians become displaced, injured, or killed due to extreme flooding and mudslides, especially in rural or remote regions.

Economic Espionage

Indonesia remained on the Special 301 priority watch list for intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in 2018. Indonesia’s failure to protect intellectual property and enforce IPR laws has resulted in high levels of physical and online counterfeiting and piracy and a lack of enforcement against dangerous counterfeit goods. U.S. rights holders also face unfair and inequitable market access in Indonesia. Positive steps included Indonesia’s support of industry-led efforts to develop an Infringing Website List to help advertising brokers and networks avoid placing ads on such websites, and Indonesia becoming party to the Madrid Protocol for the international registration of trademarks. The Indonesian Government has signed and ratified the World Intellectual Property Organization internet treaties, but further clarifications of its Copyright Law is needed in order to fully implement these treaties.

Drug-related Crimes

INP and the national anti-narcotics agency (BNN) maintained aggressive rhetoric against drug criminals and continued to target them very intensively in 2018. Authorities reported seizing significantly more illegal drugs in 2018 than 2017. Police killed 47 suspected drug dealers or smugglers who either resisted arrest or tried to escape custody during drug raids in 2018, raising objections from some human rights groups.

Indonesian Customs, INP, and BNN stationed at the air and seaports of major cities (e.g. Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, and Medan) continued to arrest drug smugglers and couriers, and coordinate with other foreign and domestic law enforcement agencies in an effort to stem the steady flow of illegal drugs. According to Indonesian authorities, the country has become a primary destination for drug smuggling operations controlled by Chinese, Taiwanese, Iranian, and West African drug trafficking organizations.

8 In December, BNN stated publicly that there were currently 76 drug cartels in Indonesia. In addition to an increase in methamphetamine seizures, law enforcement officials have identified and seized large volumes of synthetic drugs (e.g., ecstasy and ketamine) and organic and synthetic marijuana. The demand for illegal drugs remains high.

Penalties for the possession, use, or trafficking illegal drugs in Indonesia are severe, including use of the death sentence. Multiple convicted traffickers have been executed in recent years, including foreign nationals.

Kidnapping Threat

There were isolated cases of kidnapping in Jakarta in 2018, but these had little impact on the expatriate community. These kidnappings were typically financially-motivated, and the perpetrators were typically known to the victim and victim's family.


According to the International Maritime Bureau, 36 pirate attacks occurred in Indonesian waters in 2018. This total was lower than previous years (43 in 2017, 49 in 2016, and 108 in 2015). Most piracy incidents in Indonesian waters are opportunistic, such as attempts against isolated fishermen or anchored ships, as opposed to larger-scale attacks against oil tankers.

Police Response

Police have limited capability to respond quickly to criminal acts and other emergencies on a consistent basis. Limited training and investigative ability challenge investigations to solve complex and complicated crimes. Skills are improving, however, due to programs offered by the U.S. International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP), Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program (ATA), the Bangkok-based International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA), and others.

Corruption remains a problem; some officers augment low salaries by accepting payments from motorists who violate traffic laws. Police sometimes charge victims to investigate crimes or to return recovered stolen property.

Indonesia may expel, arrest, or imprison persons violating its laws, even unknowingly. Criminal cases can take months or even years to resolve. Authorities may hold suspects without charges for up to 60 days (or longer in some cases). Conditions in Indonesian jails and prisons are harsh and do not meet Western standards.

The sex industry, including the commercial exploitation of children, is widespread and is a key focus of law enforcement efforts. Engaging in sexual conduct with a minor or using/disseminating child pornography in a foreign country, including Indonesia, constitute crimes prosecutable in the U.S.

How to Handle Incidents of Police Detention or Harassment

If a U.S. citizen is arrested, s/he should call the Embassy at 62-21-5083-1000, hit ext. 0 for the operator, and ask for the Duty Officer. S/he should remain calm and consider the advice, assistance, and information provided by the Embassy Consular Officer. Consular Officers are often able to visit detainees/arrestees expeditiously.


Crime Victim Assistance

Within Jakarta, obtain police assistance by dialing 110 or 112. In many cases, the volume of calls may result in the line being busy, or the person answering the call will have limited English- language ability. Visitors, especially those who are going to remain in Indonesia for an extended period of time, should identify the mobile and land-line phone numbers for the nearest police station in case they are needed in an emergency.

Police/Security Agencies

Indonesian National Police (INP/POLRI) is headquartered in South Jakarta and handles day-to- day traffic operations, criminal investigations, and protection of vital property and personnel. INP’s Mobile Brigade performs SWAT-like and riot or crowd control functions; and its Special Detachment 88 (Densus or Det 88) is the country’s elite counterterrorism force. With approximately 450,000 personnel, INP is the second-largest civilian police force in the world.

National Anti-Narcotics Agency (Badan Narkotika Nasional, BNN) deals with nationwide narcotics issues and is commanded by a two-star police general. BNN is Indonesia’s equivalent to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

National Counter-Terrorism Agency (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme, BNPT) is a national level civilian counterterrorism agency under the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs. BNPT coordinates interagency efforts and international programs to eradicate terrorism, and works closely with Detachment 88 in its counterterrorism efforts. It manages the nation’s counter- and de-radicalization programs, both of which are whole-of- government efforts.

Medical Emergencies

Sanitation and health care conditions in Indonesia are far below U.S. standards. Routine medical care is available in most major cities, although most expatriates leave the country for all but basic medical procedures. Psychological and psychiatric services are limited throughout Indonesia.

Contact Information for Available Medical Services

 SOS International – Cipete, +62-21-723-750-5980, Jalan Puri Sakti 10, Cipete, South Jakarta  SOS International – Kuningan, +62-21-5794-8600, Menara Prima, 2nd Fl , Jl. DR Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Blok 6.2 Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta  Siloam Hospital Lippo Village JI. Siloam No. 6, Lippo Karawaci 1600, Tangerang 15811 Tel: +62-21-8064-6900 Emergency: +62-21-5460-066  Pondok Indah Hospital Jl. Duta Kav. UE, Pondok Indah, Jakarta 12310 Tel: +62- 21-765-7525

For a complete list of available medical facilities, please refer to the U.S. Embassy’s Medical Assistance page.

10 Available Air Ambulance Services

For a complete list of available air ambulance services, please refer to the U.S. Embassy’s Medical Assistance page.

Many Embassy employees and private U.S. citizens travel to Singapore for treatment of serious medical conditions.

Insurance Guidance

Physicians and hospitals often expect payment or sizable deposits before providing medical care. Most care providers only accept cash payments. U.S. Medicare does not apply overseas. Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Consider supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation (medevac).

Country-specific Vaccination and Health Guidance

Malaria, dengue, Japanese encephalitis, and Zika virus are prevalent mosquito-borne diseases in Indonesia. Prevention of mosquito bites is strongly encouraged; some areas require malaria prophylaxis. Pregnant women should be aware that Indonesia is a CDC Zika risk area; Zika can be spread by mosquitos, as well as through sexual intercourse.

Diarrheal diseases are very common throughout Indonesia; take proper food and water precautions. Rabies is prevalent in animals; avoid contact with animals.

The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for Indonesia.

OSAC Country Council Information

The OSAC Jakarta Country Council is active and meets multiple times each year. OSAC constituents who are interested in participating in the Country Council or would like to contact the Regional Security Officer (RSO) should reach out to OSAC’s East Asia Pacific team.

11 U.S. Embassy Location and Contact Information

Embassy Address and Hours of Operation

U.S. Embassy Jakarta, Medan Merdeka Selatan 3-5, Jakarta 10110

Hours: Monday-Friday, 0730-1600 (except U.S. and Indonesian holidays)

Embassy Contact Numbers

 Switchboard: 62-21-5083-1000  Marine Post One: 62-21-5083-1755  Regional Security Office: 62-21-5083-1836  Consular Section: 62-21-5083-2268  Medical Unit: 62-21-5083-1215  Political Section: 62-21-5083-1008  Economic Section: 62-21-5083-2039  Public Affairs Section: 62-21-5083-1080  Website: http://jakarta.usembassy.gov/

Nearby Posts

Consulate Surabaya: http://surabaya.usconsulate.gov/ Consulate Medan: http://medan.usconsulate.gov/ Consular Agency Bali: https://id.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulates/consular-agency-bali/

Embassy Guidance

U.S. citizens traveling to Indonesia should register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to ensure they receive pertinent security updates and notices.

Additional Resources

Indonesia Country Information Sheet